MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 10.10. Virginia of the Air Lanes ROMANCE OF FLYING y Herbert Quick ltt. fer Km MotUI CompMr SYNOPSIS. CHAPTER I Theodore Carson, wrentor of an airship, rescues from fugitive flyinjj machine called a idicopter, a beautiful young girl. II aai m Carson is infatuated fcy her and takes her -whero sho can cemmuaicata 'with her friends. TV Carson visits the Roc, a giant airship owned by Shnyne, uncle of ."Virginia Su'arer, tho girl he rescued, ad, being coldly recolved, leaps from the Roo, at a great height, in u parachute. V, VI and VII Ho lands in the grounds of the Slattcry Institute for inebriates, -where he makes a friend f one Craighead, "who plans to raise eapital to manufacture the new style airship Carson has invented. Thus tkey hope to rival Shayne, Avho con trols the airship industry. V1H Mr. Waddy decides condi jtienally to capitalize the Carson Craighead project IX7 Carson goes to Florida to semplcto a sample airship to exhibit :to Mr. Waddy, and ho finds Virginia Ifeerc. X Ho is in lovo with Virginia. JWIxner, a rival inventor, conspires to till Carson. "Can't you go a little faster?" said fee, laying down the binoculars. "Aftah we clear "Week's hay." Ud the captain. Once clear of tho channel, thoy rooi for r!i( south sharp. t!'f fi-i-j - In ifintlntion ,.-,..- -..., to iook upward past the awnlrg. 3 tho water. Instead of bird or sail or aloud, she had seen, coming up from tie depths under their rail, th Roc. aader full speed, her great engines jarring like tiger cats, her screws almmerlng, her giant hull a resplend ent bubble of steel. Looking up, Vir ginia saw her overhead and cowered keck Into the boat, for peering over the rail and calling like an evil bird .-was Sllberberg. "Shall Ah answer the hall, mlsa?" asked the captain. "No!" whispered Virginia. "Take Be notice, I beg of you, captainf The Doc swept on like a meteor. leaving the launch behind. Virginia I vxaauoA studied ncn absoubkdly with UEU field OLABSES. I asked tho captain if he supposed she bad been recognized. "Ah reckon not, miss," Bald he. "Jlst 1 chance meetln', Ah reckon. She's Ieeme to, ragbt ove' tho inn," said tho captain. Virginia sat under tho middle of tho awning, quite in a tremble. Tho boat Islewly threaded the shelly entrance to I the bayou and passed tho wharf of tho The people on tho quay wcro leraalng their necks at tho descent of passengers from tho Roc. "Hurry, captain, hurry!" urged Vlr- Iglnla. "Ah cain't, ma'am," said ho. "Ah'll tr to He to a mlnuto fob that boat Ceve fear, miss; yo all ragbt with 1!" "Here you see," said a voice from wharf, "two soon to be discarded lea of navigation tho boot dlspluc- water and the aerostat floating In 1 air upheld by gas, Tho hydroplane ust replace tho boat; tho neronef. aerostat I bavo made a special- of this, I know, Tho value of it cigar shaped craft up thcro as ink, deducted from her present value. the measure of Mr, Finloy Suayno's whaour big show opens its ket wagon. Seest thou?" iLLLvLLbbbK nBMLr bbbv sventfef, Martlwt to hear her uncle's nanio mentioned almost In tils pres ence. She saw n youngish man of medium height, thin habit of body and long, thick hair, who was gazing, with every nppearancc of Interest, not nt tho airship, but at n lady of perhaps twenty-seven years, short, plump, ad mirably gowned In a sort of reduced half mourning, with her Jolly llttlo face turned toward the Roc, her brown hair tousled about her face, her prom inent little chin carrying the facial an gle forward and downward. "That talk will do with me," said she, "but you've got to show papa something besides oratory pretty soon or there'll be trouble. Ho tells mo that you and Mr. Carson nro tho flrst ever to sell him a gold brick, and ho proposes to make an oxamplo of you. You're supposed, to be in custody now. Why, here's papa!" Mr. Waddy came down tho wharf, combing his whiskers and mustacho out in front of his noso with his An gers. As llarrod'8 boat glided within arm's length of tho wharf the lift de scended from tho airship, tilling Vir ginia with terror. "I don't think I'll get you another posy, Caroline," said the old man, "picking it to bits Uko that" "I'm trying my fortune," said she, with a little embarrassed laugh. "Humph!" said her father. The younger man, seemingly recov ered from his perplexity, was touching the row of buttons one by one, and as the launch gathered way Virginia heard him say to button after butten: "She lores me! She loves mo notl Sho loves me! Hooray !" The shout greeted the favorable an swer of the oracle. The lady, as If feeling the fingers In her curls, turned and gently slapped the gentleman's ears. The launch shot Into the canal and out of sight. Tho ladles were made !e owners of Carson's cabin, and the men slept with the neronef by night tvMIh t- ilfur Pnntnln TTnrrrvl Rtruvl hr to aid Theodore, slipping away to tho top of the dunes at times to scan the ofllng for the slimy nosed Stickleback. I Inexplicably reappearing with her oval j deck Just awash, her thin, seml-lnvlsl- I ble periscope In air. Having arranged i with Reagan for n cessation of tho contraband business until the neronef was off the stocks, the captain was worried. He waved the Chautauqua salute one day, whereupon the subma rine sounded like a gallied rorqual. The captain's Ingenuity was not equal to the task of developing a theory to account for her presence or her alarm, j Carson suddenly became possessed of I an unremitting energy that command- ed Virginia's admiration. As he told her again of his struggles, his experi ments, his falling Into the garden of Dr. YVltberspoon, hU meeting with Craighead, the financial enlistment of Mr. Waddy and of the puzzling mes- I sages he had received she became an I enthusiast too. i "I'd like to meet Mr. CraJghead." I said she. "I'd like to feel sure that be can secure a monopoly 01 me naviga tion of the air." "You might form an opinion of him." said he. "by reading his telegrams." "Of whom?" Inquired Virginia, evl dently thinking of something else. "Craighead." replied Carson. "Here they are. What do you think of them?" The first was dated Charleston, W. Va. "Air products lncorporatei" It ran. "Immense sensation In trust Incubator and brooder. Why don't I hear from illustrious co-conspirator? Craighead, the Piute." "Tries to be humorous." said Vir ginia. "Let's fpf nexn." (To Be ContinucrY; WOMAN, AGED 60. TO SWIM MISSISSIPPI ST. LOUIS, ITo., Aug. 9. Though the is past GO. Mrs. Lena Branden- burger will in tho next few days at- j tempt to swim tho Mississippi river. I Mrs. Brandenburger proposes to J swim from near tho Ends bridge on i the Illinois side, across to a landing t nt Altenheiin, on the Misouri side in . South St. Louis. Hasklns for Health. 1- -r FORTY-NINTH ANNUAL 'OREGON STATE FAIR WILL BE HELD AT SALEM, SEPTEMBER 12 TO 17, $35,000.00 IN PREMIUMS AND PURSES. GRAND LIVE STOCK, AGRICUL- TURAL AND H0RTICUL- TURAL EXHIBITS. SPLEN- DID RACES, BAND CON- CERTS, FREE ATTRAC- TI0NS AND FIREWORKS. REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. FOR FURTHER INFOR- MATION ADDRESS FRANK MEREDITH, SECRETARY. DEAN'S BEAUTY PARLORS Hnir Dressing a specialty; filutmpooing, scalp troatmont, facial and hand massage, man icuring, dyeing and bleaching. KENTNER BLDG. Phone Main 311. MEDFORD. 14STUDENTS ARE BURIED ALIVE Dormitory Hurled Down Hillside by Landslide Caused by Heavy Rains Llttlo Aid Can Be Sent as the Tracks Are Washed Out. TOKIO, Aug. J. Fourteen stu dents of tho Sizouka commercial school were burled allvo today In tho collapso of their dormitory In a landslide caused by n heavy rain. Prefecture authorities nro handi capped by washed-out bridges and submerged railroad tracks In sending aid. Tho Tokaldo (government high way) railroad has been un table to move trains, owing to tho heaviest rains In many years. OLYMPIC CLUB ATHLETE TO REPRESENT FRANCE SAX FRANCISCO. Aug. 9. An drew Glarnes, formerly nn Olympic club athloto, who holds many dis tance records on tho Paclifc coast, will represent Franco nt tho Interna tional games to bo held at Stras burg, Germany, August 31. Agnlnst him, representing tho United States, will bo pitted J. B. LIghtbody, for mer University of Chicago middle dis tance runner. Frank Angold will wear British colors. Hasklns for health. Jusft Published Mining Mnps of Southwest ern Oregon and Northwestern California, showing the forest reserves, surveyed nnd unsur veyed land. Sold by W.P. Wright Grnnts Pass, Or. Price of Wall Maps, $2; Pocket Mnps, $1.50. Wanted To buy or can trade work horse for single driving mare; good for orchard work; not over 8 3Tears old; weight about 1200; if broken to saddle preferable. Wanted Someone to bale hay at Westaway Orchard; must furnish all machin ery for baling; quote, price. j For Sale Fine team, weighing about 1250 pounds each, (bay mare and roan horse), age 6 years and 8 years; price, including Jiarness, nearly new, $335. Will sell roan horse sin gle for $50. F. H. GOWLES Westaway Orchard, Eagle Point Road, near Vilas Ranch. Merchandising As wo understand it, consists simply in keeping nlwiiyo on hand a goodly supply of tho host staple and fnnoy groceries that tho local and wholesale markets aro eapahlu of furnishing scelliug thono irooils ttt reasonable prices and waiting on uvory single ciiRtomur or visitor in the most courteous nnd satisfactory limnuor. You are in vited to call nnd get acquainted with our muthods. To TSe Hills If you nro going on n trip or vacation, either to tho hills or else where, wo can fit you out in the most satisfactory innnuor. You will have more pleasure on your trip if you allow o.xport.i to suggest whnt to take along to cut. ALLEN 6 REAGAN CONNER MAIN AND OKNTRAL I O. HANSEN TOM MOFFAT We mnko any kind nnd style of Windows. We carry Glass of any size on hand. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR GO., Medford, Oregon. - - For 428 ACRES Rogue River bottom land, suitable for fruit and general farming purposes. 300 ACRES Alfalfa land, covered with irrigation ditch and perpetual water right. Has coal outcrop ping. At a bargain on long time, easy payments. Gold Ray Realty Comp'y. 209 WEST Crater Lake Route S9I0 LOCOMOBILES The cars of the Crater Lake Company will leave Hotel Nash on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a.m. ' Round Trip $25.00 Children under 12 years, half fare. Secure vour tickets at the hotel. ' ' CRATER LAKE TRANSPORTATION CO. J. C. NEFF, Manager. Medford Address: Nash Hotel. SPEND THE SUMMER AT Newport, Yaquina Bay The Only Beach in the Pacific Northwest Where the pretty Water Abates, Mobs Agates, Moonstones Cornelians and Rock Oysters can bo found. Outdoors Sport of all Kinds Including Hunting, Fishln , digging Rock OystorB, Booting, Surf Bathing, Riding, Autolng, Canoeing nnd Dancing. Pure mountain water end the best of food at low prices. Fresh Crabs, Clams, Oysters, Fish and Vogotablen of all kinds dal ly. IDEAL CAMPINO GROUNDS, with strict sanitary reg ulations, at nominal cost. Low Round-Trip Season Tickets from all points In Oregon, Washington sod Idaho on salo dally, A Sunday Excursion Rate ef $ 1 .50 from Albauy, Corvftllls and Philomath, with corresponding low rates from points west, In effect all aummor. Coll on any S. P. or O, & E. Agent for (nil particulara as to rates, train schedules, etc.; also for copy of our beautiful illustrated booklet, "Outings in Orogon," or wrlto vo WM. McJrURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. MKDFOIU) Sale - - MAIN ST. 1910 Three DaySaturday to Monday Rate from S. P, points, Port'.und to Cottago Grove inclusive, Includ ing branch lines; also from all O. & El. stations Albany and west. Good going oa Saturday or Sunday, and for roturn Sun day or Monday, Mt. Angel College MT. ANGEL, OR. In charge of tho Bonodictino Fathers. For young men and boys. Tonn opons Soptembor Gth. Pre paratory, commercial, scientific and classical courses. Write for catalogue. Medford Iron Works E. Q. Trowbridgdo, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agonts in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & GO. Excursion Ratesto the East DURDia 1910 Southern Pacific (LINES IN TO Chicago Council Bluffs Omaha Kansas City St. Joseph Wwi .L C4 til wtttttttmii St. Paul via Council Minneapolis direct $60.00 Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs $63.90 Bulutli, direct $66.90 Duluth, via Council Bluffs $67.50 St. Louis $67.50 Tickets will be on sale May 2d and 9th; Juno 2d, 17th and 24th; July 5th and 22d; August 3d; Soptembor 8th. The above rates apply from Portland only. From pointa south of Portland, add ONE WAY local rate to Port land, to make through rate via Portland. One way through California, add $15.00 to above rates. Except that faros to St. Paul and Minneapolis ono way via Cal ifornia will be $2175 higher, and fare to Duluth $24.75 higher than fares via direct routes. Ten days provided for the going trip. Stop-overs within limits in either direc tion. Final return limit three months from date of salo, but not later than Oc tober 31st. Inquire of any S. P. Agent for complete information, or WM. McMTJRRAY General Passenger Agent, Ptrtland, Oregon GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Office: 200 West Main St., Medford, Ore. Operating-Quarry at Geld Ray, Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE RESOLVE! Tho bout resolution for you to mnko in to coma to tm tor your noxt suit, if you want Komothiug out of the ordinary. Wo do tho host work and chargr the lowent prioes. W. W. EIFERT tub rxoamnaaivx tatxoi FROM ALL POINTS ON THE OREGON) RATES $72.50 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 ttmHXlf4llMM' $60.00 $60.00 Bluffs $63.90 t j r I s Virginia looked att&utivalv at '"