Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 09, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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    9-nnrj , - t' s ' j5 r j.- pJ$pf,.W T KT" T'JTOSS
Conflnurntlons of Past Month Out
an Earnest of Whnt Is to Como If
Moro Caro Is Not Taken to Guard
Afjalnst Them.
POHTLANJ),' Ann., I). That the
furoHt fires for tlio pant month aru
hut an earnest of tlio worst lo como
uiilcHH people kIvo moro r.ctivo hcud
to warnings, i thu tenor of a re
view of tlio flro Hitiialion by tho
Wontorn Foicstry and Conservation
association, based upon tlio advice
from private ami offioial firo fiKlit
itiK neticlcs throughout tlio Pilclfio
northwest. August has commenced
with conditions infinitely dniiKCioiiH,
for besides iiicroiiMi:l dryness of thu
forests duo to prolong absence of
rain, almoKt oontinniiH firo fightim:
has only kept in chuck iunumoruhh)
firon which still smolder to ho fanned
lioyond control should strong winds
Throughout moot of Oregon and
Washington, up to thu present time,
moro extensive nrnuir.atioiiH hy titn
liut owners nnd tlio Forest service
than over linn existed boforo has fair
ly well couutorlinlaui'cd tlio uniisunl
Kroat nuinhor of fires. Most of thuiii
linvo been controlled promptly.
NovrlholeH tho nt'kTCK'ito of hiouII
outbreaks in valuable timbor repre
sents heavy Iohh. Tho Saiitiam,
Klamath, Wallowa mid Hood River
diHtrietH of Oregon, and tho Oravu
Harbor and Colvillo diHtrietH in
WaHhiiiKtou liuvo suffered surioiibly.
Thruo men and four women hnvo been
burned to death in theso two states
alror.dy, and tho season in not vet
half over.
Since nil forces arc fighting day
and uik'ht, with no titno to maku ie
portH, it Ik impossible to estimate tho
dnmntro douo in Idaho, especially,
where timber owner' firo iiaocia
lions nre highly efficient, what
seems on iihiinM hopeless situation
has been cotton pretty well in cheek.
In western Montana tin situation U
about uk bad ns it can be, all avail
able help bcinu inlistcd without any
certainty of tho outcomo if rain docs
no, soon iuturvono.
Thu nssoeinlion emphasizes that
thu moM dnnjroroiiB pc vtiou of thu
Hciuion is yot to como. There arc
fires everywhere that aro haruly be
in t; hold in lonsh. New ouch will ov
ertax all exihtinu orKauir.atioux.Siuco
eonditioiiH threaten midet which fires
may travel lonjr distance, timber
owners are uracil to ext Mid patrol bis
yotid their own tracts to nil danger
points. r'stiihliHliiuent of citizens
Tiro brigades is advised, organising in
advance for having belt), lfadership
and cMuiptucut avnilablo without 1oh
of lime. Cities and towns aru asked
to taks riimilitr stops to supply men
when called upon, with urraiigementh
for transportation, Kvcrv is
mged to apnro neitlnr friend nor foe
in reporting violations of the fuo
l:iwf, espceir.lly by campers, land
elcarci'H and spnrk-umitting loeomo
tivos It is pointed out by thu asso
ciation that if the w.tming widly
circulated earlier in iho season hud
rusultud i.i Kiieh Mop, loss nf lijs
and property would hnvo been large
ly avoided. Thcv Mill apply with
even m,enl,r force.
SOLD; $25,000 PAID
Tho famoiiH Iteveuuo miiio on
Knno'tf crook, which has been owned
for some years by purlieu in Marion,
Intl., has been purchased by II, A.
Moms, a well-known milling mail of
this district, says thu News. Tlio
property consists of 120 acres of
deeded laud and Huvenil chums, 'Iho
consideration was $25,000, which is
considered very cheap for a property
which Iiiih the remarkable record and
rich prospects of thu Revenue, it i.i
claimed that one pouket taken out on
this property was worth $85,000. Mr.
Mears is now at work on tho prop
erty, . Uxtcnsivo development work
will he douo mid needed equipment
installed, The Kiiiiuh creel; lino of
the Gold Hill railroad, when complet
ed, will run only a short distance
from tho Hovonuo. Tho how owner
is confident that the Itovcnuo is du
pable of boing made a great initio,
MOULIN, Aug. (. Crown Prim-o
Frodoricdc William will leave for an
extended tour of India and the far
oast in November, probably roturniiig
1.V way of San Francisco and tho Pacific-
No polilioal hignifioaneo is nttacli
ed lo tho trip, according to high au
ARMY IS 87,000 MEN
WAHIMN'flTON, I). C, Aug. II.
I'udor esliuiates made by Major 0i
dial Leonard Wood, chief of staff,
and approved by I'residenl Tnl'l, tho
enlisted streugfli of the army for tho
coining year will be placed' at 87,000,
This is an Increase over last year
and is in accordance with Oonoral
Wood's polioy of using tho appropri
ations for moro men, reductions be
ing mndo in other directions.
PltOVKMKNT. Ho It resolved, by tlio city council
of tho city of Modferd:
Whereas, tlio council hnn duly de
clared Its Intention to Improve tlio
followInK street, to-wlt; North Ilart
lolt streot from Hlxth nt-eol to Jack
son, by placing concroto curbs and
gutters on both sides tl oreof and
paving tho mi mo with anphnlt pavo
moM, consisting of n f-lne.b concroto
base, n 1-Inch nnpbnltlc binder, and it
2-Inch wearing stirfnco; and,
Whoronn,, notice thereof wan duly
given ns requlrod by tho chrrtor of
mild city; and,
Whereas, no protests woro recelvod
against tho same, tho council orderii
tlio Improvements to bo made, an des
cribed In mid resolution, and tlio
amount of tho cost thereof nsxoascd
upon tlio property esnoclnlly benefited
Tho forofllnK resolution was pass
ed by tho city council of fho city of
Medford thin 2d day of Auuuct, 1010,
by tlio following vete:
Welch aye, Morrlelc nyo, Emorlck
absent, Wormian aye, Klfcrt nyo and
Dommor nyo.
Approved August 3d, 1010.
W. 11. CANON, Mayor.
City llecorder.
Ilo It resolved by tho .! council
of tho city of Medferd:
Whereas, tho council hnB duly de
clared Its Intention to Improvo tho
following street, to-wlt: South D'An
Jou street from Eighth street to
Twelfth Btreot, by placing concroto
curLu and gutters on both sides there
of nnd paving tlio snmo with asphalt
pnvomuut, courlHtlng of C-lnch con
crete baso, r, 1-Inch nsphsltlc binder,
nnd n 2-Inch "enrlnc Burffre: nnd.
Whereas, notico thereof wns duly I
given ns requliod oy tlio c' nrtor oi
snid city; and,
Whereas, jo protects woro received
against tho same, tho council ordorB
tho Improvements to bo mndo, ns des
cribed In snid resolution, nnd tho
amount of tbo cost thereof assessed
upon tho property especially bei eflt
ed thoroliy.
Tho foregoing resolution was pnsB
ed by tho city council of tho city of
Medford. this 2d dny of August, 1910,
by Iho following vete:
Welch yo, Merrick nyo, Emerlclc
nbsent, Wortmnn nyo, Elfert nyo nnd
Demuor nyo.
Approved August 3d, 1910.
W. II. CANON, Mayor.
City Ro order.
lie It resolved liy tho rlly council
of tho city of Medferil:
Tbnt It Is tho Intention of tho coun
cil to cniiHO Ross court from West
Main street to West Fourth street
In said city to bo Improved by plac
ing on both sides of said stieo a con
crete curb and nutter nad by pnvlng
tho snmo for a width of 2C foot from
curb to curb with asphalt pavement,
consisting of a 4-Inch concroto base,
r 1 1-2-inch rtHphaltlc blador, nnd a
1 1-2-lnch wearing surfneo, nil In ac
cordance with tho gonornl specifica
tions prepared by tho city cnclreor of
snid city, and will, addttlonnl specifi
cations submitted by ,ho Clark &
Honery Count ruction Company, both
of which genornl nnd additional spec
ifications aro on fllo In tlio orflro or
tho city recorder of said city, and ns
sess tho cost tboreof ou tho proporty
adjacent to said Improvement.
Tho council will meet nt tho council
chamber In tho city hnll In said city
on tho 16th dry of August, 1910, nt
7:30 p. m,, rt which tlmo all pro
tests against tho making of said Im
provement nnd tho assessing tho cost
thereof as aforcsnld will bo Vcard,
Tho city recorder Is horoby ordored
to publish this resolution ouco In tho
Dally Mall Tribune, a newspaper of
general circulation In said city, nnd to
post tho samo ns reaulied by tbo
charter nt least ten days boforo tho
date of said meeting.
Tbo foregoing resoluUor wns pass
ed by tho city council of tbo city of
Medford, Orogon, on tho 2d day of
August, 1910, by tho following "ote:
Welch nyo, Morrlck nyo, Emorlck
absent, Wortmnn nyo, Elfort ayo and
Doiniuer nyo.
Approved August 3d, 1910,
W. II. CANON, Mnyor.
City Roooruor.
Robert F Maguire
Lnto Bpocml agout U. S.
Glonornl Land Office,
announces that ho has
opened law offices in
tho Medford National
I Bank Building, for gen
eral practice boforo
stato and fedoral courts
X and tho Department of j
mo .interior.
i, rortUuil, Oregon X - , j
3T"ll4t!nt ! I'r Ufiiool for (JlrUunJeTC
fcir ot tfi.lur.tit tV..lohullitUl(Kil.H'llA
coiitKiaio, ACiNioimu uiiu i.iomeiuurj
(UifMont i
tiuulli lilu.l 1; uvor II )Mt
uul over tl smtra ir ho huu
well rpcoimuuntloil. luf ouuiliur ! UomM lo
lift. iDDllcfttlou hoal J l mails hii, AdJreu
Tin SUt.r 6uprior,0mc 2.1, lltll.Portland.Cr.
An ordinauco asiiossing tho prop
erty ndiite'jut to and benefited bv tho
eight-inch lateral sowor constmetcd
alone Kourteenth street, for tho cost
of constructing the hiiuio nnd provid
ing the manner of carrying said as
sessmentH into full effect.
Tho city of Medford doth ordain
uh follews:
Bcclion 1. Whereas, tho council
did heretofore provide bv ordinnuco
for tho serving of tho ownors of feet: rnto ncr foot. 00c: amount. $4C.
property ndiucont to nnd bonofitoi! Assessment No. 13John Griovc
bv tho construction of tho lateral et nl. Lot 0. Pnrkor I'lnce addition
sewer hereinafter described to an- to tho city of Medford, Or.: front
noar before said council nnd show nee. CO feet on tho south side of
cause, if nnv. why snid proportv Fourteenth Htrcct. nnd described in
should not he assessed for tho con-
structiou of said sower, and did fi.
a time for hearing nnv such pro-
tests, which notico was given in nc-
eordanco with said ordinance more! Assessment No. 14 John Grieve
than ten davs boforo tho beginning ct nl. Lot 8. Parker I'laco addi
of tho construction of said sower, tion to the citv of Medford. Or.:
but no protests ngninst snid con-1 frontago. CO feet on tho south Bido of
structiou or assessment of tho cost Fourteenth strcot nnd described in
thereof was rnado bv nnv ono nnd
said sewer was, bv said council, or
dered constructed.
And wherens. tho cost of the con
struction of snid sower has been and
hereby in dctonnincd to bo the sum
of $081.
Now therefore snid citv doth or
dniti nnd declare that each parcel of
nronertv described below is adjacent
to mid benefited bv that certain lat
eral sowor eight inches in size, con
structed on Fourteenth, strcot. from
Newtown street to Pencil street, and
that tho nronortion of tho cost of
said sower, which each of said nnr
cols of land should bear, based on
Iho benefits derived roBnoctivclv bv
said several tracts of land, is tbo
amount set onnosito tlio description
of each such narccl below. Hint ench
of snid nnrcols in actually benefited
in (ho amount set onnosito its de
scription below bv the construction
of said sewer, nnd thnt snid several
amounts represent tho proportional
benefits of snid scvernl nnrcels from
snid sewer. And ench of said nar
Ceis is hereby assessed tho amount
set opposite its description below
for the construction of snid sewer.
Assessment No. 1 Win. II. Ilnm
lin. A narccl of land on thu north
west corner of Fourteenth nnd New
town streets: frontngo. 200 feet on
the north sido of Fourteenth btreot
nuil described in Vol. , pngc ,
countv recorder's records of Jnck
son countv. Oregen: 200 feet: rnto
ner foot. 00c: amount. $180.
Assessment No. 2 C. M. Wnko
man. Lot 10. Sutherlnn Tcrrnco ad
dition to tho citv of Medrord.- Or.:
frontngc. 50 feet on tho north sido
of Fourteenth street, and described
in Vol. 81. nneo 07. countv record
er's records of Jnckson countv. Or Or
eeon: 50 feet: rnto nor foot. 00c:
amount. $45.
Assessment No. 3 C. M. Wake
mnn. Lot 15, Suthcrlan Tcr
raco nddition to tho city of
Medford. Or.: frontage. CO feet on
tho north sido of Fourteenth street,
and dcscrilnHl in Vol. 81. nngo 05.
countv recorders records of Jack
son countv; 50 feet: rnto per foot.
00c: ninnunt. $45.
Assessment No. 4 C. M. Wnke-
mnn. Liot j-l. biitlierlnu Torrnco ad
dition to the citv of Medford. Or.:
frontage. 50 feet on tlio north sido
of Fourteenth strcot nnd described
in Vol. SI. nn"o OH. countv record
er's records of Jackson countv. Or-
. . r.n r..t. ....... ...... r....t on...
vi-iiii. ,i icui. .iu .n. ii.ui, ,
illUOIim. 3"0.
v.. r. n r v-.
.iiwr.Miii'iii ". " v.. in. wi-r
man. Lot 13. Suthorlnu Torrnco ad-'tho six-Inch li.tornl sowor construct
dition to tlio citv of Medford. Or.J.ed nlgng Ivy street for tho cost of
frontage. 50 feet on Iho north sido of j constructing tho same sd providing
Fourteenth street, and described in
Vol. SI, nneo 00. countv recorder's
records, of Jackson countv. Oreiren:
.")0 feet: rato nor foot, OOo; amount.
Assessment No. 0 C. M. Wnko
muii, Lot 12. Suthorlnu Torrnco nd
dition to tho citv of Medford. Or.:
front nue. f0 feet on tho north sido
of Fourteenth street, nnd described
in Vol. 78. nneo f.r;i. countv record
er's records of Jnckson countv. Or
I'con: flO feet:rnto nor foot. OOo;
amount. $45.
AswHPinoitt No. 7 C. M. Wtikc-
inaii. Lot 11. hutnerlnn lermco nd
dition to the citv of Medford. Or.:
frontnuM'. 50 feot on tho north sido
of Fourteenth strcot, and described
in Vol. 78. inure 55!1. oouutv record
er's records of Jaokson county. Or Or
eeon: 50 feet: rnto nor foot. OOe:
amount. $45,
Assessment No. 8 C. M. Wnko-
uiaii. lot u). butlierlau lorrnco nd
dition to the iitv of Medford. Or.;
froiitiiL'o, 50 feet on tho north side
of Fourteenth strcot. nnd desorihod
in Vol, 78. pacts 55!1. county record
er's records of Jnckson countv. Or Or
eieon: 50 feet; rato no.' foot. OOe:
amount. $45.
Assessment No. 0 C. II. II. Par
ker, Lot .in, Parker Plnco addition
to tho citv of Medford. Or.: front
ace. 50 feot on tho south Bido of
Fourteenth strcot and described in
Vol. , nnn-o , countv rocordor's
records of Jackson countv, Oreiron;
50 feet: rato nor foot, OOo; amount,
Assessment No, 100. II. H. Pnr
kor. Lot 12, Pnrkor Placo addition
to the citv of Medford. Or.: frontniro,
50 feot on tho south sido of Four
teenth street, and dosoribod in Vol,
, nneo , countv roeordor'H rec
ords of Jaokson oouutv. Oregon; 50
foet: rato nr foot. 00e: amount, $45.
Assessment No, 11 C, II. II. Par
ker, Lot 11, Pnrkor Plnco addition
to tho citv of Medford. Or. : frontniro.
CO feet on tho south mdo of Four
teenth street, and described in Vol
. witro . county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county. Oregen: 00
feet: rate per foot. OOe: amount, $15.
Assessment No. 12 (', II. H, I'nr
ker. Lot 10. I'nrkcr I'laco addition
to tho city of Medford. Or.: frontage.
50 feet on tho south side of Four
teenth strcot. nnd described in Vol.
. nngo . county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregen: CO
Vol. 70. nngo 405. county recorder's
records of Jnckson county. Orccen:
.If) feet: rntc nor foot. 00c: amount,
i Vol. 70. nneo 405. countv recorder's
records of Jackson conntv, Oregen:
CO feet: rnto nor foot. 00c: amount.
Assessment No. 15 John Grieve
ct nl. Lot 7. I'nrkcr Place addition
to the citv of Hertford. Or.: front-,
nee. 50 feet on tho south side of
I Fourteenth street, nnd described in
Vol. 70. pngo 405. countv recorder's
records of Jnckson countv. Oregen:
60 feet; rntc per foot. 00c: amount.
Assessment No. 10 John Grieve
et nl. Lot 0. Purkcr Place addition.
to tho citv of Medford. Or.: fronlneo.
CO feet on the south sido of Four
teenth street, nnd described in Vol.
70. imeo 405. countv recorder's rec
ords of Jnckson countv. Oregon; 50
feet: rntc ncr foot. 00c: amount. $45.
Assessment No. 17 C. H. II. Par
ker. Lot 5. Pnrker Place addition
to the citv of Medford. Or.: front
ngc. 50 feet on tho south side of
Fourteenth Etrcct. nnd described in
Vol . nneo . countv recorder's
records of JnckBon countv. Oregen:
50 feet: rnto ncr foot. 00c: amount.
Assessment No. 18 C. II. II. Par
ker. Lot 4. Pnrker Plnce addition
to the citv of Medford. Or.: front
ngc. 140 feet on tho south side of
Fourteenth street, nnd described in
Vol. . nneo . countv recorder's
records of Jnckson countv. Oregen:
00 feet: rntc ner foot. 00c: amount.
Section 2. And it is hercbv or
dered nnd ordnined thnt snid 6cvcrnl
assessments nnd liens thereof he en
tered in tho lien docket of snid citv.
nnd thnt thereupon notice bo given
the owners or ronutcd owners of snid
nronertv. nnd thnt the-snmo bo en
forced nnd collected in the mnnner
nrovided bv th chnrtor of snid citvi Section 2. And It Is hereby order- (Jackson county, OreSon;35 feet,
lor the collections ot nssessmentsied ancj ordained that srld several' rate per foot 77 cents; amount
for the improvements of streets assessments and Hens thereof bo en-I $26.95.
Section 3. It is further ordered
thnt the notico nbovo nrovided for
bo published three times in the Dnilv
Mnil Tribune, n newspaper publish
ed nnd of general circulation in snid
citv. in the mnnner provided bv or
dinance No. 250 of said citv.
Tho foroioint ordinance was nass
ed bv the citv council of the citv of
Medford. Or., on tho 10th dnv of
Julv. 3010. bv the following vete:
Emcrick. nve: Welch, nve: Eifert.
nve: MerricV nve: Dommor. nbsent:
Wortman. alisont.
Annroved Julv 20. 1010.
Attest : Mavor.
Citv Recorder.
nrHlnnMrn .ncspsalnr- Mi -nrnn-
i -. " .--... ...v, ,..,.-
ortv nillnroi.t to nnil ns;vlhnrt liv
tbo manner of carrying nald txssoss-
monts inio full orrect.
Tho city of Medford iloth ordain
ns rollews:
Section 1. Whereas, tto council
did lioretoforo provido by ordlnnnco
Tor tho serving of tho owners of
proporty ndincont to nnd bonefltod
by 1ho construction of tho latoral
sowor Hereinafter described to nr-
pear boforo said council nnd show
cause, R any, why said proporty
ftlimiltl nnt lm nHHoospil Tor- tlin nnn.
structlon or snid sowor, nnd did fix
n tlmo for hearing any such pro-
tests, which notico was given hi nc-
cordnnco with said ordlnnnco moro !
thnn ton days boforo tho beginning
ot tlio construction or said sewer,
but no protosts ngnlnst said construc
tion or assessment ot tho cost thoreor
wno mndo by anyone nnd said sewor
wns, by said council, ordered con
structed; nnd,
WhoreaB, tho cost of tho construc
tion of snid sower hns boon nnd horo
by Is determined to bo tho mini of
Now, thoreforo said city doth or
dnln and doclnro that each pnrcol of
proporty described bolow la adjacent
to nnd' benefited by tnat cortnln lat
eral sower six Inches in size, con-
oti-ni-tnil r.i iw otrrnl from Tlilr,! fn '
Fourth street, nnd thnt tho propor-J
tion of tho cost of said sowor which
onch or said parcols of land should
boar based on tho bonoflts derived
respectively by said sovornl tracts or
land Is tho amount sot opposite tho
description ot ench pnrcol bolow, that
onch ot said parcels Is actually bono
tltod In tho amount sot opposlto Its
description bolow by tlio construc
tion or said sowor, and thnt said
sovoral amounts roprosont tho pro
portional bonoflts of said covcrnl par
cols from said sowor; nnd oach of
said parcols Is hereby assossod tho
amount sot opposlto Its description
bolow for tho construction of said
Aesesoomont No. 1 Luclnda Sla
ver. Lot 5, block 81, original town-
slto of tho city of Medford, OrcRen:
frontage CO feet on tho west side of
Ivy street, and described In Vol. C2,
pages 70 and 71, county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon;
r0 rcct; rate per foot 80 cents;
amount $-10.
Arsessmont No. 2 Luclnda 81o
ver. Lot 4, block 81, ordinal town
site of tho city of Medford, Oregon;
frontago CO feet on tho west sldo of
Ivy street, end desqrlbed In Vol. 62,
pages 70 nnd 71, county recorder's
records of Jnckson county, Oregon;
CO foot; rnto per foot 80 cents;
amount $40.
Assessment No. 3 W. S. Clny. Lot
3. block 81, original tcvnolte of tho
city of Medford, Oregon; frontago
CO iect on tho west side of Ivy street,
nnd described In Vol. C8, pngo 311,
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per
foot 80 cents; amount $40.
Assessment No. 4 Anna Clay. Lot
2, block 81, original townzltc of tho
city of Medford, Oregon; frontago
50 feet on tho west side of Ivy street,
and described In Vol, 49, page 640,
county recorder's records of Jnckson
county, Orerjon; 50 feet; rate per
foot 80 cents; amount $40.
Assessment No. C. Anna. Clay. Lot
1, block 81, original town slto of tho
city of Medford, Oregon; frontage
CO feet on the west sldo of Ivy street,
nnd described In Vol. 49, page 640,
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; 50 "feet; rate per
foot 80 cents; amount $40.
Assessment No. 6 Oregon & Cal
ifornia Land Co. Lot 8, block 64,
original townslte of tho city of Med-
ford, Oregon; frontago 50 feet on tho
cast side of Ivy street, and deecrlb-
ed in Vol. 51, pago 348, county re-I
corder'e records of Jackson county,
Oregon; 50 feet; rato per foot 80
cents; amount $40. rate per foot 77 cents; .amount
Assessment No. 7 R. L. McBride. $38.50.
Lot 9, block 64, original townslte of Assessment No. 6 P. A. and Pru
the city of Medford, Oregon; front- 'denco Trana. Lot 2, block 1. Now
nge 50 feet on tho cast sldo of Ivy town addition to tho city of Med
atreet, and described in Vo). 82, page ' ford, Oregon; frontago 50 feet on
141, county recorder's records of 1 tho west side of King street, and des
Jnckson county, Oregon; 50 feot; ratejeribed in Vol.., pago .., county re
pcr foot 80 cents; amount $40. jcorder's records of Jackson county.
Assessment No. 8 Oris Crawford. Oregon; 50 feet; rato per foof 77
Lot 10, block 64. original townslto ' cents; amount $38.50.
of tho city of Medford, Oregon; Assessment No. 7 P, A. & Prud
frontage 50 feet on tho east side of I enceTrana. Lot 1, block 1, Newtown
Ivy street, and described In Vol. 80, 'addition to tho city of Medford, Ore
page 578, county recorder's records '-gon; frontago 50 feet on tho West
of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; side of King street, and described in
rato per foot 80 cents; amount $40. JVol. .., page ... county recorder's
Assessment No. 9 Emll and Rosa . records of Jackson county, Oregon;
DeRoboam. Lot 11, block 64, orlg-'50 feet; rate per foot 77 cents;
Innl townslto of tho city of Medford, (amount $38.50.
Oregon; frontago 50 feet on the east, Assessment No.. 8 W. C. Dudley,
side of Ivy street, and described in ) Lot 1, block 3, Sunnyslde addition to
Vol. 65, page 43, county recoider's tho city of Medford, Oregon; front-
records of Jackson county, Oregon;
50 feet; rato per foot 80 cents;
nmount $40.
AsBCsesmcnt No. 10 Emil and
Rosa DeRoboam. Lot 12, block 64,
original townslto of the city of Med
ford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet on
the east side of Ivy street, and des
cribed In Vol. 65, page 43, county re-
corder's records of Jackson county,
Oregon; ou ieei; raio per iooi au
I tered in the lien docket of said city,
nnd that thereupon notico be given
tho owners or reputed owners of
said property, and that the same be
enforced nnd collected In the man-
ner provided by tho charter of said
city for tho collection of assessments
for tho improvement or streets mere-
Section 3. It is further ordered
that tlio notice abovo provided for Lot 4, block 1, Sunnyslde addition to
bo published threo times in tho Dally J the city of Medford, OresOL, fron
Mall Tribune, ti newepnper published tage 55 feet on the west sldo of
nnd of ceneral Circulation In said Vine strnot t.nA ilnsrrlhed in Vol. 71.
, city, In the manner provided by or -
I ltnivir.ft Vrk R O tf C.lM rltv,Vt. ..v. mvv .t -..r.
Tho foregoing ordlnanco was pass-
ed by the city council of tho city of
Medrord, Oregon, on tho 19th day or,
July. 1910, by tho following vete: ,
Emerlc'K aye, Welch aye, Elfert '
! nyo, Merrick aye, uemmer ne-sent,
Wortman nbsent.
Approved July
W. H.
20th, 1910.
CANON, M?yor.
City Recorder.
An ordlnnrco assessing the iirop
orty ndjacent to nnd benefited "by the
su- anil eigut-incn lateral sewer con -
structed along King street for the
, coiit of constructins the same nnd
providing tho manner cf carrying
snd assessments Into full effect.
i The city ot Medford lotu ordnln
ns follews:
Section 1. Whereas, tho council
.ffill heretqforo provide by oratuanco
Ivor tlin Korvlnir nf tliti ownors of
I property adjacent to nnit benefited
by the construction oi too inierai
' sewor herelnatter described to ap-1
pwir before said council nnd show
cause, R nny, why said property
should not bo assessed tor tho con-,
structiou of said sewer, irad did fix ,
a flnio for hearing nny ouch protests, j
w'hiOh notice was glvim In nrcordnnco t
With said ordl'irnco moro than tfn ,
flays botore tho beg'timlng or tho
comitructlon ot said t)wor but no
protests ngnlnst said construction a? i
nssmsinont ot tho cost thoivor wai.
maflo by anyone, nnd satd sower wns, '
by said council, ordered constructed; ,
Whorens. tho cost of rhe construe-
tlon of said sewer lias tiera ana norc-
liy is iletermineii to ne ino snm oi
81 fifil if! :
Now, therefore, said clt dotli or-
dnln nnfl decinro tnni eacn parwi oi r
proporty described below lo ndjacont
to nnd benetltod by that certain Int-
oral sower six nnd eight Inches, in
slzo, constructo" on King street rrom '
Eloventh ttreot to Dakota avenuo,
nnd that tho proportion of tho nnt
of said sower which ench of said par-
cols of land should bear based on i
tho bonoflts derived respectively by
snid sovoral tracts ot land Is the
amount sot opposite tho description
or each such parcol bolovr, thnt oach
ot said parcols Is actually bonefltod
In tho amount sot opposlto Its ilos-
crlptlon bolow by tho construction or ' Oregon; 70 feot; rato per foot 77
snid sowor, nnd that said sovoral I conte; nmot $53.90.
amounts roprosont tho proportional Assessmen No. 17 John L. Thoru
bonotlts of said sovoral parcols from dyko. A pnrcol of land commencing
said sowo-, And each of said par-, at tbo northerat cornor of lot 1, block
cola Is horoby assossed tho amount . 2, Ban's nddition to tho. city of Mod-
sot opposlto Its description ueiow .
for tlio construction or enld sower.
Assessment No. 1 E. J. Runyard.
Tho cast 100 foot of lot 21, block 2,
Nowtown ndditloii to tho city of Mod
ford, Oregon; frontago CG.2C feet on
tho west Bldo of Kins street, and
described In Vol. 80, pngo 340, coun
ty recordor'c reccrdB of Jnckson
count7, Oregon; C6.2C feet; rate per
foot 77 cents; amount 143.31.
Assc8smoDt No. 2 E. J. Runyard.
East 100 feet of lot 20, block 2,
Nowtown addition to thn eltv of Med-
ford, Oregen: frcntaeo EG.2G fnot on
west sldo of King street, and describ-
cd In Vol. 80, pago 349, county re
corder a records of Jackson county,
Oregon; CG.25 feet; rnto per foot 77
cents; amount 143.31.
Assessment No. 3 Aron Wyland.
Lot 2, block 2, Nowtown nddition to
the city of Medford, Oregon; front
ago 5G.2C feet on tho west sldo of
King street, and describe 1 In Vol.
.., pago .., county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregon;
56.25 feet; rnto per foot 77 cents;
amount $43.31.
Assessment No. 4 Anron Wyland.
Lot 1, block 2, Nowtown addition to
tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
age CG.25 feet on tho west side of
King street, and described In Vol.. .,
pago . ., county recoder'd records of
Jnckson county, Oregon; 56.25 feet;
rate per foot 77 cents; amount
Assessment No. 5 G. H. Trana.
i Lot 3, block 1, Newtown addition to
I the city of Medford. Oregen: front-
age 50 feet tn the west s!.:o of King
street, and described In Vol. 77, pago
2, county recorder's records of
Jackson county. Oregon; 50 feet;
t age 120 feet on tho west side of
King street, and described in Vol . .,
pago .., county recorder's records
Jackson county. Oregon; 120 feet;
rate per foot 77 cents; amount
Assessment No. '9 N. D. Wells.
Lot 6, block 1, Sunnyslde ndidtlon to
. the city of Medford. Orercen: front
i age 35 feet on tho west sido of King
, street, and described in vol. ..,
, Assessment No. 10 N. D. Wells
Lot 5, block 1. Sunnyslde addition to
, the city of Medford, Oregon; frontage
55 feet on tho west side of King
street, nnd described in Vol. ...
j pago . ., couat7 recorder's records of
, Jackson county, Oregon; 55 feet;
rate per foot 77 cents; amount
Assessment No. 11-
-F. A. Glldden.
, pago 351, county recorde-'s records
T,.nA.. ,.....,. fnrrr ri r frnt
Jl Uili:iVDViU IJUUllkJ, U4JUW VV It--,
rat0 per foot 77 cents; rmount
Assessment No. 12 Anna Orr
rjotn. Lot 3, block 1, Sunnyslde ad-
dition to the city of Medford, Oro-
COn. frontage 55 feet on tho west
sldo of Klnc street, and described In
Vol. 73, pago 345, county recorder's
records of Jnckson county, Oregon;
r5 feot; rate per foot 77 cents;
nmount $42.35.
Assessment No. 13 Maud Mur
ray. Lot 2, block 1, Sunnysb'o addi
tion to tho city of Medford. Orogon;
fro:nago 55 feot on the west sldo of
, King strcot, and described In Vol. ..,
, pngo .., county recorucrs recorus
, of Jackson county, Oregon; 55 feet;
rato por fooc ll cents; amount;
i $42.35.
Assessment No. 14 Maud Murray.
Lot 1, block l,-SunnysIdo Midltlon
. to tne city or Aiourorn, Oregon; rront-
ago 55 rcct c tlio west sldo or King
i street, and coscrlbed In Vol. . ., page
I ... ponntv recorder's roi'.ords nf Jnck-
, son county, Oregon; 55 feet; rate
' per root a con's; amount
Assessment No. 15 O. II. P. Vor-
hels. A parcel or land comir.or.clng
nt a point ISO feet south ot tho
northeast ci rner ot lot 1, block 2,
Uarr's addition to Modfoid, Oregon,
on tho oast lino ot said lot; running
thonco south on tlio said rust lino or
saM lot I, blcck 2, Rarr'd nddition,
150 reet; t'-crco west along tho
south lino cr said lot 1 207 loot;
thenco north 55 tcot; thsn.o cast 104
root; thenco north 95 toot; thonco
103 reet to the ot beginning.
nnd markod CK oi tho nr.n ot saldl
city; rrontago 150 feot on tho west
sldo of Klnjr .jtieot, nnd described In j
wol. 57, paso -131,, vol. CO, pagoS
pia. vol. U2. pngo IBS, covnty ro-J
cordrr' i-omrda tt .Tnpli n pnnntv
Oregon; 150 feet; rato p a- feot 77
cents; amount $115.50.
Assessmen, No. 1 Danlo L. Mc-
Nary.. A paicel or land commencing
at n point c tho oast line or lot 1,
bleti: 2, Hair's addltlc
addition to tho city
of Medford. Oresion. 110 feet south
of tho northeast cornor or up Id lot;
rtin.ilng thonce vouth on tho said
east lino of B.ild lot 1, 70 foot; thonco
west 103 feot; thonco north 70 foot;
thenco east 103 feet to tho plceo or
beginning; roitayo 70 feot on tho
west sldo of King street, and des
cribed In Vol, 73, pngo 232, county
recorder's rcrordo of Jackson conuty,
rord, Oregor; running Moi-ro west
ma reot; tnonco south no foot
thenco east 103 foot; thonco nortk
110 foot to tho placo of commence
ment, nnd rnrrked CO on tho map of
said city; f-ontngo 1,10 f ut on th
west sldo of King streot, and describ
ed In Vol. 03, pngo 01, county re
corder's recortlo of Jnckson county.
Oregon; 60 foot; rato po- foot 77
cents; nmeu: t $4G.20.
Assessmcp No. 18 Susy O.
Streets. All of .bnt parcol of land
marked DC on tho map of tho city ot
Medford, Orcgtn, saving and except
ing n parcel 100 feet Riiaro off of
tho southwest cornor; frontngo 234
feet on tho cast sldo of King strcot,
nnd described In Vol. 61, pago 37,
coucty recordo, s records of Jnckson
county, Oregon; 180 feet; rnto por
foot 77 conta; amount $138.00.
Assessment No. 19 Sarah T. Wol
verton. A par-:ol of lnnd 100 feet
square off tho southwest corner ot
tne parcel of land marked DC oa.
tho map of tho city of Mo.iford. Ore
gon; frontaco 100 feet on tho east
sldo of Kins streot, and described la
Vol. 75, pego 48, county recorder's
rccoras or jnckson county, Orogon;
100 feet; r-to per foot 77 cents:
nmount $77.
Assessment No. 20 R. H. Donn.
A parcel of land commencing at the
southwest corn' of lot 1, block 1,
of tho Barr addition to tho city of
Medford, Orogon, runnby thence
east along snid lot 358 feet; thence
south 132 feet; thenco went 358 feet;
thcrce north 132 feet to tl.o place of
beginning, :.nd marked DO en the
map of said city; frontage 132 feet
on tho east sldo of King street, an
described lc Vol. 60,' pago 542,
county rcjordo's records of Jacksoa
county, Oregon; 132 feet; rato per
root 77 cents; amount $101.64.
Assessment No. 21 M. W. Huson.
The north 44 feet of tho parcel of
land marked CX on tho rear' of the
city of Medford, Oregon; frontage
44 feet on tbo east slue of Klac
street, and described In Vol . . , page
county recorder's ronords of
Jackson county, Oregon; 44 feet; rate
per foot 77 conta; amount $33.88.
Assessment No, 22 Annr. Orr Co-
ta. South 88 feet on tho prrcol of
land marked CX on tho -itp ot the
city of Medford, Oregon; frontage
88 feet on t o east sido of King
street, and described In Vol. 75, page
61, county recorder's records of Jack
son county, Oregon; 88 feet; rate
per foot 77 cents; amount $67.65.
Assessment No. 23 Mel via Bank
er. A parcel ot land commencing at
a point on tho west lino of lot 2,
block 1, Barr'g nddition to the city
of Medford, Oregon, 66 feot north
of the southwest corner of said lot,
running thenco cast 358 feot; thence
south 132 feot; thenco 'vest 358 feet;
thenco north 132 feet to tbo place Ct
beginning, i.nd marked CW on the
map of said city; frontage 132 feet
on tho east sldo of Kin? ctreet, and
described iu R-267; 132 feet; rate
per foot 77 cents; amount $101:54.
Assessment No. 24 W. P. TJddge
et ux. A parcel or land fronting 132
feet on tho caat sldo of K'ij street,
and described In. R-267; 132 feet;
rato per foot 77 cents; amount
Assessmen' No. 25 J. M. Dodge.
A parcel of land fronting 132 feet
on the east sldo of King streot, and
marked CT on tho map of the city
of Medford, Oregon, and described
in R-266; 132 feet; rato por foot 77
cents; amount $101.64.
Assessment No. 26 M. Tattle. Lot
10, block 2, Tuttlo subdlvlslor to the
city of Medrord, Oregon; frontago
53 feet on tho cast sldo of King
street, and described in R-284; 53
reet; rate per toot 77 cents; amount
Assessment No. 27 M. Tuttlo. Lot
9. block 2, Tuttlo sudlvislon of the
c'ty of Me'lfori', Oregon; rrotuago 53
reet on tho oast fcldo of K'uj; streot,
and described in R-283; 53 feet;
rate per foot 77 cents; an.ount
Assessment No. 28 M. Tuttle. Lot
S, block 2, Tuttlo subdivision to the
city or Medrord, Oregon; Trontage
53 feot on tho east sldo of King
street, nnd described In R-282; 53
feet; rato per foot 77 cents; nmount
Assessment No. 29 Win. McNoa
ly. Lot 7. block 2, Tuttlo subdivision
to tho city or Medrord, Orocon;
rrontage 53 reet on tho erst 3ldo ot
King streot, nnd described In R-310;
53 feet; rtUe per foot 77 conts,;
amount $40.81.
Assessment No. 30 Wm. McNoa
ly. West part of lot 6, block 2, Tut
tle subdivision to tho city of Medford,
Oregon; frontneo 53 toot on Iho east
sldo or King ctreet, nnd doscrlbod In
R-310; 53 feot; rate per toot .77
cents; amount $40. SI.
Section 2. And It is noroc-y -or-
, dered and ordained that said several
assossmonts and tho lions thereof bo
onterod In tho Hon dockot ot-sald
city, and that thereupon notico be
given tho owners or roputod uwnars
ot said proporty, and thnt tho sami
bo enforced and collected in tho man
ner provided by tho chartor of said
city for tho collection ot assessments
Tor tho improvement ot tho atrootf
Section 3. It is further brderod
that the notico abovo providod tor be
published threo times In tho Dally
Mall Trlbuno, a nowspapor published
nnd or genoriil circulation In sail
city, In tho manner provMedi bywii1
dln:.nco No. 250 ot said city. t
The foregoing ordlnnnco wall pass
ed by tho city council of tho city of
Medford, Oiogon, on tho 19th day of
July, 1910, by tho followinc vete:
Emorlck ayo, Welch p.yo, Elicit
ayo, Merrick nyo. Dommor ahnnnt
Wortman aleent.
Approved July 20th. 1910.
W. 11. CANON, Mayor.
City Rocordor.
WINNIPEG, Man., Aug. 0 For
roruslng to tuko (ho oath of allogl
nnco to King George, 20 strikebreak
ers woro doportod to St. Paul today.
Thoy had been brought to work la
tho Canadian Northern carshops,