Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 09, 1910, Image 2

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    Central Point Items
Perhnps no othor section of tho
tAte is onjoylns uioro rapid develop
cnt than la Ronuo Illvcr vnlloy, and
specially is this truo with tho Con
tral portion of tho valley, that which
immediately sut rounds Central Point.
No matter which way tho gaio of tho
fcsorvor Is turned, whethor toward
Jacksonville, Mcdford, Eaglo Point,
Ifcblo Rock, Tolo or Gold Hill, tho
MRio condition exists. Now build
rags, now fonccs, newly planted or
chards, now roads and bridges, now
Irrigating canals and Bcoros of now
things -which bespeak great activity
la tho development of this groat val
Notlceablo among valuablo Im-
yrovements near Central Point tho at
tention is first attracted by tho work
icing dono by tho county at tho Bear
reek bridge near this city. Tho old
covered span and tho wornout ap
proaches on cither ond have been torn
away to bo replaced by modern spans
and approaches, tho work now being
well under way and an improvement
which will bo highly appreciated by
ta traveling public. Further on wo
find now farms and orchards being
developed and conspicuous among
taeso will bo found tho largo Modoc
rchard and orchard tracts upon tho
ievelopment of which thousands of
dollars aro being expended and hun
dreds of acres turned from the virgin
itato into clean, carefully planted or
chards, and long stretching meadow
lands. Through tho center of this
great estate, which is practically in
tbe hands of tho developer, tho mag
alticent Roguo river winds and from
It clear mountain torrent Is taken
the water wl lch refreshes the broad
acres lying on either side. On the
aorth side of tho river tho develop
ment in the past few months has
been something wonderful. Great
stretches of newly planted apple or
chards, miles of new wire fencing
rabbit tight great barns and dwell
ings, and at present seven now tene-
Gold Hill Items
(By Spectator.)
Dr. C. H. Smith came up Monday
from Gallce to look after his min
is g Interests on Sardine creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cardwell, old
time residents of this place, now of
Klamath county, are here visiting
Dr. Browor of Ashlaud was a visi
tor here last Saturday.
J. E. Davidson and family are tak
ing their annual outing on the north
fork of Evans creek or at Willow
A. J. Olsen, who recently sold out
lis business at this place, is finish
ing a commodious and up-to-date
dwelling on C street, known as the
eld Galnard property. Mr. Olsen has
had a building fitted up for tho
steam laundry, which he will have
In operation In a short time, part of
the machinery having arrived. Ho
"kae made arrangements for machin
ery nnd location for an ice factory,
which be will Lavo in operation the
coming season.
St. Mary's Academy
Medford, Oregon,
A Private Resident and Day School for
Departments: Primary, Grammar, Academic, Commer
cial. Specially organized Department of Music and Art.
Bw fltffllflMH' 'LiB$nHMn '-Alitt2flLBflt
HBBaB 'B'hiB
Address SISTER SUPERIOR, St. Mary's Academy,
Mcdford, Oregon.
ment cottages facing tho public high
way aro Just bolng completed, nnd as
many mora aro apt to bo constructed,
judging by tho piles of matortnl now
upon tho ground. At Tolo thoro Is
also great development ',voik at hand
and all along the way from Central
Point to Gold Hill, from Gold Hill to
Sams Vnlloy, from tho vnlloy to Tablo
Hock and from Tnblo Hock to Eaglo
Point nnd many othor points in tho
valley, now buildings, now fences,
newly cleared farms and now high
way 11 greet tho oyo; in fact, Roguo
Rivor valloy in its entirety is under
going rapid development, and that
part of it immediately surrounding
Central Point In a radius of six miles
is a perfect beehive of industry, so
much so that tho vastness of, it can
only ho appreciated by a vi3lt of in
spection through the various sections
whore tho real handiwork of ontor
prislng husbandry may bo eeon.
Francis M. Doughorty of Newton,
Kan., an export mining man, writes
C. L. Gant that ho will visit this lo
cality In a short tlmo and bring with
him a friend from Kansas, who Is an
up-to-date business man, with much
worldly goods, who Is seeking' a loca
tion farther west owing to Ills health,
which Is falling in tho Kansas cli
mate. Mr. Dougherty is one of the
most thorough mining men in tho
west, is a mineralogist of high reputo
and for niauy years occupied high po
sitions with the leading mlno oper
ators of Colorado. It is Mr. Dougher
ty's Intention to locate permanently
in Central Point, where he will con
duct an assay office, as well as other
mining lines. Wo shall welcomo Mr.
Dougherty to citizenship in the best j
country on earti..
MIhs Esther Merrltt visited in Ash
land Sunday with the Misses Hensley.
Then; is not an idle man in Central
Point. Carpenters, brick layers, con
crete men, plasterers, plumbers,
paintem and men of all vocations
have their shoulders at the wheel
and business is good.
J. H. Butler and Mr. Pearl of Med
ford were here Sunday.
J. H. Beeman and family left Sat
urday for Crater Lake for a month's
William Childers, Merle Bbtts.
John William. Edwin Olsen, W. L.
and James Childers and Fred Turner
left Monday morning for a month's
stay in the Umpqua mountains via
The Meadows.
Fred Eddings recently returned
from South Bend, Wash., where ho
has been employed the past summer.
HAMBURG, Aug. 9. Eight thou
sand stevedores, ship cleaners and
painters of the Hamburg-American
Steamship company, are on strike
today with 8000 shipbuilding me
The employers announce that on
August 11 they will voluntarily lock
out 15,000 additional workers.
Table Rock Items
Tho Tnblo Hock district is one of
tho most fertile and prosperous sec
tions of Jackson county and has
abundant wator furnished by tho Ta
blo Hock Ditch company, and In
era is about equal to tho Hood River
district, which has a world wldo rep
utation. Wo have one of tho largest
orchnrds in tho county, owned by 11.
C. Washburn, and tho Palmer Invest
ment company aro planning to set
ouo of tho largest orchards In tho
state. Land Is cheaper hero than In
many othor places. Uuyors aro get
ting their eyes on this section nnd
wo will aoon be one of tho sections
with an enviable reputation.
Last week W. R. Dyrum sold his
GO acres to Mr. Dunlap, latoly from
Oklahoma, for $18,000. Mr. Dunlap
expects to move his family horo this
Mr. Dodge, the popular civil en
gineer of Gold Hill, has been doing
somo surveying hero the past fow
Mr. Carlton nnd his two sisters ex
pect to make their homo horo soon.
W. A. Sumner received a telogram
that his only daughter had died at
Ms. Charles Mason will leave in
a few days for her old home in Kan
sas. Will Lewis transacted business in
Portland last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell left Saturday
for their homo at Koseburp, Or., after
spending several mouths here with
Ed Swindon of Mcdford was trans
acting business in this neighborhood
Harry Rose has returned homo
from Alaska after an absence of
seven mouths. He says there is quite
a difference in the climate.
Mr. McClellon of Gold Hill has be
come a resident of this place.
Work is progressing rapidly on the
Kanes creek rnilroad, which will be,
completed by September 1 of this
Forest fires have been raging for
the past week in the vicinity of the
Brnden mine. Very little damage
was done, however.
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald of Sar
dine creek spent several days recent
ly as guest of Mr. and. Mrs. Ross.
Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show on
Earth, to Visit Medford.
The billbonrds and dead walls
about the city are announcing in nli
the eloquence of pictorial art that
the Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show
on Earth is to visit Mcdford for one
performance only nt 10 a. m. on
Monday, August 29. Great interest
attaches to the event because it is
again the policy of this foremost cir
cus to present n street parade in the
forenoon. Their new open-air spec-'
tncle is the wonder of the age. It,
cost the management ovor $1,000,000, '
The history of the Barnum & Bai
ley show is part of the history of
All Work Guaranteed
plumbing 2jmm , V
11 North D St.. Medford, Ore.
lg m Children reqnlro tho purest of food. No mother would
i jiuiii(5ijr wttiutu mo jioauii oi nor cnutiron, if you A
; , ' -- ' " " m would ohooo dlHcrimlnatoly ho unro to auk your dottier for
8 1 Hi Inltte Ui m 0uinb Ham and " r
Mk v 5 jfiii I l fl V-rit) Bacon ($$$ m ::
u m rT-izstTl 1 rjvl 1 1 1 ML Vr-l I In You cau feed u your ohll,,ron " &t it i ViSS '
liSSVX I VVn yaSfca 1 lL m Porfoot that It had jinwwd tho rigid Kovornniant liiHjmotlon B
' 7nWmbl J 1--llflKlS' lr-. TTf L and bonro tho Bta,,,I, of approval. They'll like ft toot ME
T$ JmAwW IISSOI k. At Be8t Dealers, Hotels and Cafes M ::
lataSVjfex X IhPi ?V VSS ' . Vatan Meat Compny, Portland!, Oreicon sf!P
JBawsaSiihSJBWV: 3yU 1 IBBm 6 tnKttlMjW
smm L'! -gpBsss-
lilx THE DESK' W u
This Is a desk light.
You nood ono In your homo
AT You nood ono In your homo I
It throws tho light Just whoro you want It whon
you road on your book. Just whoro you want It
whon you writo on your papor.
It Is only ono of a variety of lighting
fixtures you can have it you use oloctrlclty
tho light for tho homo.
Send for tho Man.
Rogue River 'Electric
San Diego, Cal where ho has been
sick for Bomo tlmo. Mr. Sunnier left
on tho next train for that place and
has not roturnod.
Mrs. I. W. llronoll from Oulnnd,
Cnl., an old acquaintance of Mrs,
Frlorson, la visiting at tho Pondlo
tons this wcok,
Miss Haxol Fickes Is spending a
fow days with tho Fostors at Ayrcs
Jessie. Storm spent Sunday with
Stanley Lydlard.
Fred Hauptnian, our popular gro
cerymnn, has treated his storo to a
coat of paint.
E. O. Dtssoll and family spont Sun
day visiting friends horo.
D. Connor, one of our prominent
orchard men, and Miss Boesko Huh,
wero married Inst wook In Portland
at Trinity church. MIbs Huh is a
highly educated Hungarian lndy,
whom Mr. Conner mot somo months
ago In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Con
nor hnvo boon spending a Bhort hon
eymoon in tho northwest and aro ex
pected horo soon, whoro thoy will
mako their home. Mr. and Mrs. Con
nor havo tho congratulations and best
wishes of this community.
America. With the stalwart P. T.
Barnum as its originator and its
wonderful achievements perpetuated
by James A. Bailey, tho management
has ever maintained a standard ap
proached by no other show. Barnum
was tho pioneer of nil great arena
events. In his day his genius for big
things wns fur in advauco even of
tho present ago. He perfected tho
system which makes tho circus of
now a possibility.
This is tho only circus whose tours
cover tho entire world. Thoro is not
a land so remote, but (he manage
ment has an agent there. Thoro is
not a city of any size in any coun
try but this show at some time during
its oo years existence has spread its
14 acres of tents there. With the
advantage of this foroign prestige,
the entire world has become its
storehouse. Nothing is out of its
This year's program is ono of un
usual interest even for this circus. It
embraces all the European talent of
tho Inst winter season. Tho menng
erio has been increased and the now
narndo is nn exposition of the world'.-?
O. W. Murphy. O. M. Murphy.
1010 Ghalmors Detroits.
Phone 1801, Vnlloy Auto Company,
Medford. Or.
Quick Service. Easy Riding.
Prices Right.
Agency for the Parry Cars. Rogue
River Auto Co., Frank n. Hull, Prop.,
Medford, Or.
Prices Reasonable
(Medford, Or. fffrW'lfrV A'ffV& 2B
Tn,s la a C,08k "Kht' I
.j& r;
We are Busy There's a Why!
Also Floor
'Outaldo Uw
flro limit, hut
In I do on price"
curios. Tho porfortnnuco is given un
der tho largest canvas ever erected.
Beneath it aro scats for 10,000 pur
sons, three rings, two singes, a vast
hippodromo track and an aerial en
clavo fillod with n bowildoring laby
rinth of nppnrati. Tho circus em
ploys 1500 pooplo, 1280 of whom
travel with tho organization. There
aro 700 horsos, 40 elephants and
1200 othor animals. The train uioii
which it trnvelB is more than a mile
long nnd is divided into five sections.
The regular performance is intro
duced this season by n speetnele more
gorgeous nnd interesting than those
of tho past. Tho long program ends
with a hair-raising act by a mad
Frenchman, known professionally in
Desperado. Ho leaps from the dome
of tho tent to the ground, lighting
upon his unprotected chest. No
thriller of tho past can be likened to
this rash spectacle. In ndditiou there
is Jupiter, a magnificent white horse,
which rides in n balloon and shoots
off rockots nnd othor firoworks. A
young woman sits upon his linok dur
ing his dangorouB rido.
Another sensation is found in the
performance of Charlie tho First. He
is a chimpanzco, yet ho is tho great
est bicyclo rider nnd ncrobnt in tho
world. Ho originated his act and
learned it without human iriiMnnefl. '
wWw ViTy Seeing
B JhB B Fm. m
B mK B y jr w0j) B
Phone 303 m me rure w none too lioodl m VJlclMUO
Try Our Home
Try our home made Meat Pies, Potato Salad Dressing, Pies, Cakes and
Bread. Everything iirst
please the public. Come
Sof "nr
i. mh k vio n
Uil1 fm
f'r -&
Covering, ' Draperies, Stoves, Etc.
Mnlu 14A1
He has learned what ho knows mere
ly by his dosiro to imitate. Of tho
400 other pcrformcra concerned in
tho giving of the 210 acts thoro aro
Uf0 foreigners, tho most of whom aro
making their first tour of America.
Aviator Falls.
BLACKPOOL, England, Aug. 0.
Flying at a great height in a triplano
of his own design, A. V. ltocs, an
inexperienced aviator, fell to tho
ground today but escaped serious in
jury. His mnchine onuuht firo while
J. E. ENYAKT. President. J. A. PKItKY, Vice-ProHidenl.
JOHN S. ORTH, Cashior. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cnnhior.
CAPITAL $100,000.00
SURPLUS 20,000.03
- class. Light lunches aro
and be convinced.
Bakery and Delicatessen
. 4
Wrt Miiln Nt.'
Cor. of Laurel
Next to Wellington Hdiool
high in the air and was almost con
sumed by the time the frnin'ovrork hit
tho earth.
Hundreds of persons saw Rook
mako tho iiHennt. Thoy wutohod him
circle mid glide for Hovoral minutes,
then noticed a puff of mnoku from
the center of the triplune. Roes kept
his wits and huadud tho mauhiuo for
tho earth. In doing so ho took
chances on tho triplano turning tur
tle. Hnnkln for Health.
- ----
of my HtipplyiiiK !h like having
a now pair of oyo. I hoII ik
kIuhhuh without n iiroHoriplioii,
o.YiiupL I Imvo jiihI dotoriiiiiiocl
My oxainiiiiilion in llioiouli
and noioutifio, compriHliiK lliroo
iliHtlnot iiioIIukIh, oaoli vtnil'y
iiii; (lio other, mill iiHHuriiiK you
correct ruBiillH. C'onfliiUiition
Dr. Rickert
served also.
Wo try to