Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 08, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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To Want-Advertise Is to Make a Sale a Certainty -If It's Saleable
1 v
On H. B. Nye's Rivetdale Farm Near
Gold Hill Arc Grown Many Boxes
of Peaches on Two-Ycar-Old Trees
Is Good Soil.
One hundred young peach trees
planted two years ago Fchruary
have yielded 80 hoses of fine peaches
this season, says the News. The
trees are on II. IJ. Nye's Riverdnle
fann, three miles west of Gold Hill,
on Roguo river. The stock was
planted for lato Crawfords, hut has
turned out to he Halo's Earlios. No
finer peaches have over been offer
ed in tho local mark'-, which has
taken them all. Tho only box to bo
shipped was ono that C. A. Peterson
sent to Minneapolis to his uncle, E.
C. Rocnisch, who recently visited
hitn in Gold Hill. The trees are
about 12 feet tall, hut tho fruit may
all be picked from tho ground. Some
of them arc ten feet across tho top,
and since they woro pruned last
spring many of them have mado .1
six-foot growth. While Mr. Nye Is
pleased with his Halo Enrlies, ho
wonted and thought ho was planting
late Crawfords, and will probably
call on tho nurseryman who sold him
the stock to make good his mistake,
as required by law.
Shoots Rattler From His Bed.
J. A. Harvey of Gold Hill killed a
rattlcsnnko under somewhat peculiar
conditions on Thursday night of last
week, says tho News. Ho is working
nt the Grey Eagle mine on Sardine
creek, and ho and his family are
camping out near the mine. Some
time in the night ho heard one of
the children cry out thnt there was .1
rnttlcsiinko near by. Mr. Harvey
could xheur the reptile sounding his
warning, and located him about ten
feet from tho bed. A riflo was hnudy
and the first shot took effect, but
it was necessary for Mr. Harvey to
leave his couch and finish tho .job
with n shovel. The snake was a
large one, with 12 rattles and a but
ton. Frank Avery killed one near
tho Oxley-Harbor mine, three mile-,
north of town, Monday, that had ex
netly the same musical equipment.
NEW YORK. Aug. 1. Thoro woro
143 cars sold on this market this
week as follews:
Monday- 32 cars.
Wick-sons $0.75 1.C5
T3gg Plums 90 1.35
Diamond l.OOtfTl.65
Other varieties G081.75
Crawford Peaches 50. 75
Foster 85 .05
Bartlett poars 1.50 3.75
Malaga Grapos 2.12 2.37
Tuesday 2C cars. ,
Wickson Plums S5 1.C5
Diamond 1.15 1.50
Other variotiofl 60 2.00
Sugars S5 1.25
Elbertas Poachos 70 .80
Fosters 60 1.15
Bartlett poars 1.75 3.50
Tokay Grapos, bunch pk 2.75 3.00
Malaga grapos . . .$ 1.50 2.25
Wednesday 26 cars.
Wickson Plums 80 2.00
Diamond 1.10 1.45
"Egg plums 90 1.30
Other variotlos 65 2.15
Slborta Poaches 75 1.00
Crawford Cling 60 1.15
Bartlett poars 1.623.50
Malaga grapes 95 1.75
Thursday 2S cars.
Wickson Plume 75 1. 85
Diamond 1.20 1.C2
Grand Rapids 1.05 1.62
German poars 751.40
Other variotlos 60 2.25
Elberta poachos 90 1.40
Crawfords 75 .90
Bartlett pears 1.50 4.62
Malaga grapos 1.25 2.25
Friday 31 cars,
Wickson plums ! .80 2.25
Diamond 1.05 1.50
Grand Dukes 1.10 1.60
Other variotlea 902.12
Elberta poaches l.OOtfl.SO
Tuscan Clings 86 1.20
Fortors 85 1.46
Bartlett peart !.753.16
Malaga grapos SO 1.87
Could you conceive of a store NOT
persistently advertised?
NEW YORK, Aug. 2. Bartlotts
Notwithstanding very heavy offerings
the market Is very firm. Now Eng
land orchard extra fancy pears $2.50,
others $2.25Sf 1.S7, but at $2 there
is an Immense demand for all good
Qartletts. Those soiling below aro
rusty and not so flno. Reports say
thnt the hot weather In California
caused them to hurry forward their
Dartletts and that tho end Is not far
off. Tho reports of shipments from
California for tho last week In July
show a material reduction in tho
number of cars forwarded. Receipts
all this week will doubtless bo heavy
but much lighter next week.
Plums and prunes Market Is very
strong Indeed. Good strong market
ahead. Small shipments leaving Cal
ifornia. Peaches Georgia almost finished.
15 to 20 cars dally and selling $2
$3 per carrier. California Elbertas
doing well. Thoy may j.ll higher
next week.
Grapes Some of tho Malagas ar
riving aro beauties and sell around
$2. A fow Tokays from Vacavllle
sold around $3. Strong market ahead
on grapes.
SACRAMENTO, Cnl., Aug. 8.
The-following gives number of cars
of deciduous fruit shipped from all
points in California for the week
(seven days) ending Friday morning,
August 5:
Peaches, 20S1-: cars As predicted
last week, there has been 11 consider
able falling off in the shipment op
this variety of fruit during the past
week and thoro will be a further de
cline in the coming week. There will
be a reasonable quantity of fruit
available, but the largo supplies for
the season have been exhausted.
Thore will he ample supplies of our
finest Yellow Clings available during
tho next two or three weeks. It will
pay the trade to keep this in mind
and order of them liberally, as they
are sure to give satisfaction.
Plums, 110:V, oars A slight de
cline in the shipment of this variety
is to bo noted, but not as great as
was expected. Tho same varieties
are going forward as woro being
shipped last week. It is not expected
that plum shipments will keep up tj
this olume for more than u few
Poors, 271 cars Over 100 cars
loss of pears went out this last week
than the preceding ono. Thoro will
bo n further decline dining tho com
ing week. Full and winter poars-aro
reportod as being n light crop.
Grapes, 101 car Nearly three
timos as many grapes wont forwaid
this last week a.s d'iring tho preced
ing seven days. Varieties continue
tho same nt last weok. Increased
quantities of Malagas are now going
forward and beginning the latter part
of the week some fine Black Prince
will be ouilnble in car lots. Grape-,
have been of unusiiallv good qiiahti'
so far and this is expected to prme
true throughout the season.
Tho city council of tho city of Med
forJ, Oregon, will rocolvo soalod pro
posals for $24,000.00 six per cont,
ton-year Improvement bonds. Bids
to be filed wltk the city recorder ue
foro 4:30 o'clo-.k p. m., 19th,
1910, and to bo accompanied by a
certlfiod chock equal to five por cont
of the amount bid for, and mado
pay: bio to bo city treasurer of said
Tho council reserves the right to
roject any r.nd all bids.
City Reeordor.
The city louncll of the city of Med
ford, Orejon, will receive sealed pro
posals for tho $3600.00 clx per cent
tea-year water bonds. Bids to bo
filed with the city reeordor before
4:30 o'clock p. m., August 19th,
1910, and to be accompanied by a
certified chick equal to five per cent
of tho amount bid for, and mado pay
able to tho city treasurer ot aaid city.
The council reserve the right to
reject any and all bids.
City Recorder.
Are You a Good
Tho difference between what you can sell proporty for to a BUYER WHO NEEDS IT, and to ono
I who buys meroly becauso you NE
you'll need to do in a lifotlmo!
Want Ads One Cent
Ketchel Recovers Belt.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Aug. 8.
Hidden for six months in nn out-of-tho-wny
corner of tho bnggoge
room of the St. Francis hotel, while
a score of sleuths searched vainly
for it, the diamond studded middle
weight championship belt belonging
to Stanley Ketchel has been found
by a bellboy.
Tho Michigan pugilist is onco moro
officially tugged as tho world's
champion of his class.
(Prices paid by Medford merchants.)
Potatoes, new, $1.40(5)1.50 por
cwt.; cabbage, 26.
Green onions, 40o dozen bunches-;
radishes, 40c dozen bunches; string
beans, 4c lb.; lettuce, 40c dozen;
turnips, V2C lb.; beets, 40c dozen
bunches; enrrots, 40a dozen bunches.
Pencils, 50(5)85c box.
Cucumbers, 15c to 20o doz. '
Squash, 3550c dozon.
Corn, 15o dozen.
Cantaloupes, 5075c dozen.
Watermelons' 1530c.
Tomatoes, 3c.
Butter, Eggs and Poultry.
(Prices paid by Medford merchants.)
Ranch butter. 2527y2c; fancy
creamery, 35c.
Frosh ranch eggs, 30c.
Mixed poultry, 1014c; spring
chickens, 1820c; turkoys, 17c.
(Prices pnid producors.)
Hay Timothy, $10; alfalfa, $12;
grass, $14; grain liny, $10.
Grain Wheat, $1.15 bushel; oats,
$32 ton; barley, $30 ton.
Hoof Cows, 44V o; steers, 5(5)
5V&o; pork, 9c; mutton, 55Vfec;
lambs, Go; veal, dressed, 8c.
(Selling prices.)
Rolled barley, $1.90 cwt., $32 ton;
bran, $1.70: middlings, $1.85(5)1.90;
shorts. $1.80(5)1.85.
FOR EXCHANGE Forty acres, part
In orchard, to exchango for Improv
ed city property; your timo will not
bo wasted If you mean business. B.
F. Bonson, Hotel Mooro. tf
FOR SALE Or exchango, for city
proporty, ono of finest pour orchards
In .valloy, closo in, Improvements
very best, houso largo and modern;
Immodlnto possession. W. F. Rau,
ownor, Hotol Mooro. 119
WILL" frodo160-ncrofunnln Klam
ath county for good resldonro prop
orty In Medford, or fruit innch In
valloy; this place Is under Irrigation
ditch and also along river with wa
ter power; Nevada-Northern rail
road runs along this placo. If In
terested, Addross Ownor, P. O, Box
No. 570, tf
FOR SALE Fruit and atock ranch;
free rango for stock; near Medford;
good level road to railroad; cheap;
a anap. See E. B. Waterman, Med
ford, Or. Main 131. 119
FOR SALE Parties doalrlng home
steads or tlmbor claims, 1 untlng and
fishing, addross Lock Box 756. 121
FORSALE 1 lT 1-2 ncros, 00 acres
good farm land; $4000; 4 home
Rtead relinquishments; 3 home
stoads uovor beon filed on. Ad
dross 2C, euro of this offlco.
FOR"SALE Do" you want" a " flno
farm of 60 acre noar Anderson Co.,
Talent, Oregon, forll'o soil, heal
thy location, among tho hills, 20
acre under cultivation, a sovon
room house, outbuildings, etc., etc.,
a well of pure, sparkling water, sev
eral living spilngs of water on tho
place, a fine bearing family orchard
of threo r.cre, early and late apple,
also poaches, pear, plum, prunes,
cherries and aomo small, lovely view
f-om It of tho valley? Will make
somebody an Ideal home. Seven
thousand 'ollars (that la only a tri
fle over ($116) ono hundred and
sixteen dollar an acre. Take your
wife and coae on the cir to Talent
and I will take 1 rig and go out and
show you the place. L. N. Judd,
Robert building, near depot. 123
ED TO SELL, would bo groat enough
Business IroMrty.
FOR SALE Choice businosB prop
erty at a bargain, on long timo;
easy terms. Address Condor Wa
ter Power Co.
n-mnf oir.mnm i,mm
W auaa .. UWU .wUUU
and bath, furnlturo for sulo. 228
N. Control nvenuo. 124
FOR SALE House and two lots,
$2150. Inqutro Bob Taylor, 815
Myrtlo street. tf
FOR SALE New V-room modern
house on West Main, 50x118 foot
lot, corner, cheap, at $3750. In
quire of L. M. Lynns. 716 East
Main. 138
FOR SALE 7-room houso, with 2
lots, barn, etc., 3 1-2 blocks from
new depot; $2400. Address ownor,
P. O. Box 576.
Bushiest Opportunities.
FOR QUICK SALE A fow small
plr.ccs Improved with buildings, 1
trees and small fult, for less than
unimproved lond adjollng.
Othor .
bargains. Addross C. T.
Control Point, Or.
FOR SALE: Or trado, 320 acres good
avorogo land, well located; nil wild
land; about 30 acres non-tlllnblo;
no hills; two miles from railroad
station; corners In Roguo river;
100 acres of this Is worth price of
wholo tract; cheapest property In
same vicinity; good orchard district;
flno for promotion; will tako city or
rnnch proporty in part paymont,
horo or elsowhoro.
J. W.
DreBslor j
tf !
FOR SALE Ono of tho bout Lonr
ln? npple orchords In tho Roguo Riv
er valloy, situ: to near Ashlcnd, for
nartlculurs cull on or wrlto Frank
CalllBon, 95 Onk streot,
FOR SALE 120 acres, Evaus Creole
fruit; improvements; buy of ownor.
Wrlto S. F. Potter, R. F. D., Wood
villo, Or.
FOR SALE Four acres In tho city
of Ashland, Orogon, on cornor Boul
evard and Wnlker streot; flno 4
.Id orchard, berries and vego -
; city wntor piped to grounds;
good soil; nlco 6-room plastered
houso with bath, hot rnd cold wa
ter; baro; honhouso; prlco $1500
for quick anlo. Box 236 Ashland,
FOR SALE 60 acres, MnoBt build
ing site lb tho vnlloy, lnoludlng 30
acres good fruit land; cheap and
terms right. 11. C. Maltby, No. 7,
Postofflco Bldg. ,
FOR SALE 5 and 10-acrs tracts
just within and adjoining city lim
its, nt n bargain, on o annual pay
ments. Address Condor Wnter
Power Co.
FOR SALE I have n block of lot
cloae to paving that I will sell at
a figure to merit attention, I can
prove to you that It Is the beat buy
In Medford. W. J. Andrews. Tel.
M. 2174. 121
16R SalK-
-Mr. Suap'iunter, If you
want to pick up n good thing for
easy monoy, I will show you ten
rloKo-lnlot near paving nt acreage
price. II. F. Bonson, Moore Ho
tel, tf
FOR SALE City 1 oTsT $ 20TTor" a
small, safe Investment boo tho city
lotB I offor at $300 r.ud $250 per
lot; $20 cash payment; balance $10
per month; no Interest. II. C.
Maltby, No. 7 rostofflce Bldg.
FOR SALE Business lots on Main
street, Eagle Point; prlco reasonablo;
first come, first choice. D. B, Doe
tor & Co., Eagle Point. 126
FOR SALE Frosh cow. Phono 2 42.
Call 707 Oakdale ave., South. 123
FOR SALE Span brown mares, 8
and 9 year old, weigh 1200 lbs,
eaeh, and new harnoas and wag
on. Jno. H. Shepherd 128 East
Main utreet.
to pay for all tho want advertising
a Word
FOR SALE Mortgngo loan of $600,
drawing 10 por cont Intorost, for
ono year, on Medford city propor
ty; very good security. Inquire 334
W. 6th. 123
FOR SALE Now piano pmyor; bar-
i eain; Iuquiro at Ellora Music Co.,
I nt Wooks & McGownn Co.
FOR SALE A good movable Bhod,
sultablo for chicken houso. Addross
V, Mnll Tribune office. tf
FOR SALE Two cuowcasos, reason
able prices. Sco Calhoun Slstors, 8
So. Central nvo. tf
FOR SALE Shop for cleaning and
pressing cloUos. Apply room 15,
Postofflco bldg.
FOR SALE 1 horso, young and
sound, weight 1500 pounds. Inquire
of Mitchell & Bocck. tf
FOR SALE Steam wood saw. L. O.
Van Wegon, Medford, R, F. D.
No. 1. 144
FOR SALE Ono best business In
Medford. M. G. D., caro Mall Trl
buno. i20
I FOR SALE Two years' lease on 350
ncro ranch, together with 0 horses,
4 colts, 3 milk cows and nil ma
chinery nocossary for running ranch,
50 acres alfalfa; this year's crop Is
between 300 and 400 tons of tho
best hay; good markot; 3 milos
from Ashland on flno road. Address
A. S. Fllson, Ashland, Or.
, FOR SALE Legal clunks ot all
kinds trespass and othor norlcoa,
nt Mall Tribune offloe.
FOr SALE Chandler & Price Gor-
don Jobbor, 11x14 press; a bargain.
Inquire Mall Trlbuno offlco.
Over tho pos'.offlce, Seo A. A. Da
vis, tf
FurnlHlitM Rooms.
Furnished room with
lionnl. .125 IllmrHliln nvo.. S. 121
1 .
; FOR RENT 2 nicely furnl-hod
rooms, mndorn, bath, oxcollont
I rooms, reasonable prico; onBy walk;
j West Hamllion, Just off North Onk-
dolo nvonuo, at 209 Oknon st, tf
FOR RENT Furnished room.
Clyde Ilnzolrlgg at postofflco.
' F0K HKNT HubId. 100m stxHU,
. 8,lltabI for "Ulnn 'nfe. Seo
Kofoldt, Rog'to River Riffle Com
pany. If
FOR RENT- Modern furnUhod
rooms at 604 Wctt 10th or 124 King
Btreot. "'
FOR RENT Furnished- ivmfTtor
transients. No. 10 North Orapo
street, next to Karmum and Fruit
growers' bank.
FofT RENT H6iiHu",'"r, nTomsTbath
and pantry; city wnter and electric
lights. 513 W. Holly st. N. L. Town
send, 721 Bennett avenue. Phono
J o o
I'lirillhlK'll IIOIISCH,
Foit RfCNT Two light homiekeep-
lug room, clove In.
tral avenuo.
322 South Cen
120 MlhoellniH'OiiH.
FOR WALK Fliio large, gentlo'black
yearling mule at a reasornble price.
Farmer 7116. 120
FOR LEASE Fully equlrpod gold
nil no; ten-stamp mill and concen
trator, all oiorutod by eloctrlc pow
ei. Ownor will furnish freo oloo
trlc power for share In procoedB. 800
Smith, at Condor Wator & Power
FOR RENT Duslneia lot. Owner
will erect building for good tenant
Soe Kofoldt, Roguo Rive.- Electric
Company. tf
Help WnutiMl Kvinulc.
WANTKTJ-Anuri!o KlrlTApply M7sT
C. II. Glalze, 313 8. Orapo Bt. 121
WANTED A lady leacKer to teaeli
three boys In tholr orne In city;
must he qualified to teach all
branch taught In publlo school,
and capable of governing. Call on
or address 810 Oakdale avonue, 8.,
city. tf
Help Wanted Female
WANTED Experienced nurse for
two children; prefer woman over 35
years of ago; must havo good dis
position and como well recommend
ed. Apply room 6, upstairs, 232
Mala streot. 120
WANTED Lndy to act as cashlor
and stenographer. Address P, caro
of Mall Trlbuno office.
WANTED Cook and gonornl Iioubo
kcopcr; no children wnntod. Ad
dress Box IS, Phoenix, Or. 123
WANTED Girl for housowork; two
in family; will pay good wages. 219
North Oakdnlo nvonuo. tf
WANTED Woman to cook on rnnch.
Apply to Mrs. Frank McKco, R. F.
D. No. 1, Control Point, Or.
WANTED Girl for gonornl houso
work. Throo In family. 520 South
Holly St. 110
WXNTH D A waitress; must be ox
porloncod. Apply Louvro cafo. tf
WANTED At tho Ashland Hotol,
Ashland, a chambermaid and wait
ress; both muBt como well rocom
mondod and fully compotont; good
wages. Addross N. D. Hardy, prop.,
Ashland, Or.
Help Wnnted Male.
WANTED Two flrst-clacs bonch
mon nt onco. Big Pluos Lumber Co.
WANTED Sovoral good carpontors
nt onco. Big Pines Lumbor Co. 129
WANTED Exporlonced atono cutter
and quarry man. Call ot Condor
Wntor nnd Power Co'a. ottlco.
WANTED Salosmon In ovory local
lty ot tho northwest; monoy ad
vanced weekly; many mako over
$1000 month; choice of torrltory.
Yakima Valloy Nursory Co., Top
ponlBh, Wash.
WANTED Someono wnntod to shnro
car on housohold goods from Minne
apolis, Minn.; must ship at onco.
Phono Main 2791, 122
WANTED Party to do washing for
small family; will pay right prlco for
right work. Inquire 510 13, Main.
WAfFFED 5000 ladlos to call at
Wamor, Wortmna & Goro's and
oxnmlno tho porfoctly sanitary con
ditions prevailing In ovory Boctlon
nnd corner of tho markot ot cold
storngo rooms. 125
WANTED To17uy, pure" blooded
Whlto Loghorn chickons; good Iny
lng strain. Address G, ciro Mnll
Trlbuno. 122
WANTED All kinds of woll work
noatly dono. Lcavo orders West
Main, 1115. A. D. Walters. 122
WANTED To tnko camping parties
to tho mountains; have tood teams
and wagone. Phono or nddross II.
C. Messenger, Agnto, Or.
WANTED Medium weight horses,
marcs protorrod; must bo right
price. Bomon, Hotol Mooro. 120
UP?i'dDATEBiiorihatid and type
writing taught quickly and woll;
morning nnd ovonlng school; for
torms, addross Box 245, Medford,
POSITION All kinds of woll work
neatly done. Leave ordors at lll5
West Main. A. N. Walters. 120
Palm building.
A. E. REAMS -Lawyer, ovor Post
office. PORTER J. NKFF. WM. P. MEA
LEY Attornoys-ut-luw. No. 0 1)
streot, ground floor.
vig, C. L. Ilouinos. Luwyors. Of
fico Medford National Hunk build-
iiigKooond Hoot.
NORMAN WINDER, architectural
draftsman and builder Seo mo
about your new homo. I uau wave
you money by planning to your
own idea and figuring with you
right. Write Box 37, P. 0., Mcd
ford. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and
Builder. Offico 7-8, 325 Main.
IMajiio Main 3171. Rosidouoe phono
Tin flliopi
J. A. SMITH-Tin shop. Tin nnd
sheet iron waro on hand and mad
to order. 128 North G Kt
dortakor. Day phono 351. Night
phones, C. W. Conklin 3001, J. II.
Butler 3571.
Photogni pliers.
Muokey and die with joy." Over
Allen & Reagan's store; entruuoo
on Seventh street.
Steuugruphio work dotie quickly
and woll.
Printers nnd Publisher.
best equippod job offico in South
ern Oregon; Portland prices. 37
Sonth Contrnl avenuo.
Cement Sidewalk.
Btono mason, plastering and all
kinds of stucco work. Expert work
manship at reasonable charges y
tho day or contract. Address Ma
sons, 511 E. Main St., Medford, Or.
in room 200, Phipps bldg. Gas ad
ministered for extraction of teeth.
Tclcphono Mam 343. Night phone.
DR. W. M. VAN SCOTOC, Dentist
Office in rooms 203-204, Farmera'
& Fruitgrowers' bank building,
wost of the tracks.
nilllard ration.
S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards. Ci
gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs.
Young & Hall building. A nice,
cool placo to spend the hot after
noons. Hospitals.
344 South C st., Medford, Ore. E.
W. Hisoy, Matron. Official hospital
P. & E. R. B.
Ileal Estate.
EARLE C. SABIN Orchard track,
city proporty. List your holding
with mo. Only dosirablo property,
handlod. Room 202, Fruitgrowers'
Bank bldg.
Hill Footer.
Distributor. All ordors promptly
filled. Room 20, Jaokson County
Bank building, Medford, Ore.
Cigars nnd Tobacco.
IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse
Dealers in tobacco, cigars ana
Bcokoro' supplies. Exclusive agent
of Lewis Single Binder, El Merito
and El Pulcncia. 212 Weit Maim
Painters and Paperbjuiger.
Phono 3732. Dean & MoMullen,
contracting paintors, painting, pa
per hanging and tinting. Estimate
on all kinds of painting work.
Medford, Or.
H. F. WILSON & CO., dealer in
now and soaond-hand furniture
and hardware Agonts for Mound
Citv kitchen cnbinot. 323 E. 7th St.
Cornor 8th nnd Holly sts., Med
ford. Mission Furnituro made to
ordor. Cnbinot work of all kind.
A trial ordor solicited.
MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook stove
nnd raugos. Now arid sooond-hand
furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 W.
F st. South. Phono 01, Medford,
are budded, not grafted. Our stock
is not irrigated. Wo guarantee ev
erything put out. Wo aro not in th
trust. II. B. Puttorson, office re-
moved to 110 East Main at.
SERY CO.. Inc Growers of high
grade nursory stook. Offico 25
W. Main. Tel. 1201.
PliyHlcltiiiM ami Surgeons,
It. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite
Jaokson County bunk. Night call
promptly answered. Office and
rosidoncu phone Main 3432,
cians and Surgeons, Taylor and
Phipps bldg., rooms 210, 211, 21'2.
Office phono 501, rcsidonoe phon
012. Office hours 0 a. in. to 8 11. m.
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathie
Physicians. Mission block. Phon
202. Medford.
CINES Will euro rheumatism,
usthma, paralysis, sores and pri
vuto discuses. Those remedies
may bo prouurod nt tho Sing Lea
laundry, 123 S. Riverside avenue,
Medford, Ore., where thev will b
Bold by the proprietor.
Dr. Chow Young has treated
sovoral severe cases with his rem
edies since coming to Medford and
bus for reference some of the best
known and most intelligent citizens
in Southern Oregon, Call nn him.
Brick ComiMUilc.
Priddy, O. D. Nagle, Geo. T.
O'Brien Contractors and manu
facturers of brick; dealers ia
pressed brick and lime. Office la
Postofflco block, room 5. Pkoa
No. 3181.