MEDffORP MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, SUNDAY. AUGUST 7, 1910. A V K SOCIAL AND PERSONAL John II, Curlcln, nttoruoy-nt-lnw, ovor Jauloinu Coiml.vl Dunk. " H, (I. Owuiih, u Hood lllver rancher, 1m picking up a fow pointut'H itt IIid lloguo Hlvor vnlloy. Mix. iMeCruy iH viHttiiiK frioiidH III Him I'Viinoimu), A change in iiiuiiu onoh ilny ft ml valuable iiiMtniotioiiH on cooking given froo by I'rofuHHor Hooker on tho MujoHtlu rnngo at llio Medford Hardware Htoro. W. V. Halo of Onmtri I'iihh Hpcul Friday night In Medford. Mr. and Mi-h. 10, A. Juglo and daughter of Kan I'ViinciHCo am UUchIh at tliu Ninth, IjadioH, do not fail to attond tliu cooking duinoiiHtratloiiH of tliu Ma jontio range by I'rofoaor Hooker of Hurliiit (lormnny, at tho Medford Ilardwaro atom onoh day tills wool;. Cooking dutnoiiHtrntion uauli day of tho Majimtio range hy l'rofomtor Jonoph Bookor of llorlln, Qormnuy, at tliu Medford hardwaro nloro. " Mr. and MrH. 1 I'olour.o of I'uglc I'olnl wcro Mudfonl virtitorH Stitur day. MHoh Cautrall of Union wnH in Mudford Saturday on a ImihIiichh trip, M. I j. I'ollott wait in Mudfoid from Talent on buHinoMH Saturday morn ing. LadiuH, do you know how to hrown your cakuM porfoctlyT I'rofoHHor JoHoph Hookor of Horlin will hIiow you. Cooking domonnirntloiiH on trio MnjoKtiu rnngo ovory day thin wook at tho Mcdford Ilardwnro Co. Minn I'onrl Potter, who Iiiih boon visiting her NtNtur, Mrs. Clinrk-n Niukoll, at tho ranch in l-torling, for tho paut Hovoral montliH, loft Satur day morning on hor rotuni homo lo Napa, Cal. Maritm Tryor, tho Talent hardwaro merchant, uat. in Mudford on hind ncHrt Saturday. Ilalo'n piano Iiouho roporU a very largo Halo of pianos for tho pant woolc. Ilalo'n gives values no other house can or will duplicate. Mr. and Mrn. A. flahriol and daughter, of Kogtio rivitr, spent Fri- duy in Medford. (loorgo Childroth wan tlimwn from liia wheel Friday afternoon whilo riding on W'ohI Tenth street and huh taiuod a fraoturo of liin forearm. Ho wiih currying a package homo, guid ing tho wheel with ouu hand, whoa a small oliHtruotion caused, the bioy- ulo to swerve, throwing him headlong to tho puvomoul. Ilouton Unworn and family of Ash land, passed through Medford Satur day morlSg, hound for Crntor Lnko via uutomohilo. Thin (Suinlay) morning .1. K. Ilnrkdtill. .Jamou Wright, Thomas Jackson,, W. V. l-Wort and It. It. Uow left on a trip hy nutomohilu t Weed, Cal. Thoy will lotum Mon day. Tho Medford Cleaning and Dye Works, PJO North Front Htreut, for fanny cleaning and pressing. Ladies' units a specialty, (loods called for and delivered. Plume Main 1701. Ill) I havo several Ihousaiid dollar of woll-soourod pnpor at 8 per eont; would tako some' Medford property and canh. Address C. P., euro Mail Trihuuo. A. S. Hilton left Friday evening for Newport to join his family, who aro rejourning at that place. flcorgo Iiyuch of Elk crook, ono of tho pionoorH of that Kootion, wan in A fed ford on businoss Saturday. Ooorgo brought with , him a sample of tho products of tho Klk orook couutry in tho shape of a hundlo of oiUh over hovoii foot in height) which ho HiiyH in hut little ovor tho average of hia -Ifl-aoro field. Miss Cathoriuo I.oformnn of Jr) ItooHovolt avenue, Medford, Or., won second prize in tho mauufaeture'rri' eoutoHt hold hy Filers piano house. F. W. Dodge of Gold Hill wiih tho luuky wiiiuor of tho Bungalow piano in tho roeont manufaoturorH' contest held hy Kilors piano Iiouho. Mr. Dodiro is away on a vacation and will not douht ho greatly HtirpriHdd to luarn (hat ho won out ovor tho entire iitato. MIhh Akmch Pltehforil, who Iiiih heuii a resident of Medford for llio piiHl Hoveral uiontliH, left for her linine in Koiioburg Satlirday evening. W. K. Newell of (IiihIoii, Or., In In Medford on a htiHinoHH v i h i t . A, ,1. Klum was in town from the Modoo orehardH, where ho Ih ciii ployud Saturday, Miha 0, II. HaHkliiN returned Sat urday moruiiiK from Newport. She will return there tho l'lrnt of next week. Mra. HaHkiiiH aayH that tho Medford contingent at tho KeiiHldo 1h onjoyiiiK UhuII' ItiiKoly and in not overlooking anything in the way of nmiiHumout. Mr. and Mrn. .1. Niinaii of Jack muivillo Hjmnt Saturday and Siiuduy at ColoHtiu with their daiiKhleri, Mi-h. JoHephiiH) Carroll and MinH Fannie. MrH. Mamie Dox of Jacksonville left Saturday for Klamath Hot SpriiigH to Hpeud a vacation of a eouplo of weekrt, Minn Fiiima AniiHtrong of Jack sonville wiih a Medford visitor Sat urday, doine; H.ome shopping, Miss Laura IteamcH returned Sat urday morning from a visit to rela tives and friends in (ho norllu II. I. Pollon of Sams Valloy wiih a Medford visitor Saturday. F. V Iteid of (IrantH Push wiih in Mudford Saturday on a hiiHiucHH trip. V. K. HiiiIko loft this week on a hiiHiuesH visit to Grand Forks, N. I)., and other familiar haunts in that section. Tho county clerk has granted li cense to wed to Martin Karl Iteal and Vera Anna I licks, hold of Ashland. County Clerk V. It. Coleman is very ill with a severe attack of chol era morbus, hut wiih hotter at last accounts. The Hie; Pines Lumber Co. wants several good carpontorH at once. Tho Hi Pines Lumber Co. wantH two first-nlnss beach men at once. 120 J. F. Hale, the hiiHtliiur piano man, Ih exhibiting tho pinna for a fiao now two-story residence to bo erected on the corner of Tenth and Oakdnlo. Hex II. Lampham, editor of tho (laid Hill News, was in Medford Sat urday on a biihiucsH trip. W, V. JohiiHou is in from tho Pa cific & Eastern extension. Hoiij. F. Heidcl, engineer in chargo of tho Hiirvey for the proposed Cra ter Lake automobile road, was in Medford Rnturdny on n business trip. S. W. MeClendon of Gold Hill was in Medford Saturday) having come in from a trip to tho hills on husi- IIOHS. Wanted Several good carpenter nt once. Hig Pines Lumhor Co. 120 Wanted- Twwo Hint-class licnchiiieu at once. Hie Pines Lumhor Co. V20 The cohIiuiiuh worn by Illo. Ito many, who is to ho hccii al the Isis llieiitor on Sunday night and this week in her strikingly beautiful Htory of "The Lost Jewel," aro expensive and extremely bountiful. Two French costumes aro said to havo cost up ward of $!)()() and will cause mii"h favorable comment by tho feminine hox dining Mllo. Itomany'H engage ment hero. A pink silk mull dross J. decorated by handpainlcd blue vio lets, which, together with a white lin gerie dresH of exquisite pattern, were built especially for her from hor own designs. HO Daniels for Duds is back from an extended trip to Detroit, whore ho enjoyed the special browsing indulg ed in by the antlured hord of H.. P. 0. K. From Detroit ho visited Huf falo, Niagara, Now York, Chicago and returned homo by way of Loh Angeles, Cal. lie reports a most en joyable trip. It in doubtful if ever in tho history of tho vaudeville slago that there Iiiih been a dramatic Hkotch more mag nificently staged than tho ono to bo presented by the Itoso Itomany com pany in her original production of "The T,ost Jewel" at tho Isis theater on Sunday night and for nightH this week. Tlio scenic olJcctH urn sensational from an nrtistic standpoint. Tho drop, portraying a woodland scone, ih startling lor its beaiitv of DcrHDCctivc. Tho gypsy camp scono is typical in character with' tjio old wandering tribes ot tlie oldon times. HO" Mro. W. H. Harris of 132 North Ivy street loft for Illinois last night to visit her mother and father. She expects to bo gone about six wcekH, and will visit in Hock Jsland, III., and on her. way homo will slop to visit a brother at Plnhpshurg, Kan. Kvcry lady in Medford is invited to call and inspect our sanitary cold storage plant and meat market. No flies allowed. Kvcrything handled in most cleanly manner. Warner, Wort man & Qorc. 123 Tom SnaiiL'ler. Davo Pense, C. L. nml Charles ltcames hnvo returned from n trio to tho Umpciuas. Mr. Spanglor brought back the scalps of two panther. Clarence says ho got tired. H. F. Heidel of Trail wns trans acting business in Medford Satur Mr. and Mrs. Hiehnrd Caldor spent tho week end with friends in Med ford. F.lmcr A. Hicks has returned from a visit of sevcrol days in Grnnts I'llKS. A. E. Hcamcs, who hos been in Grants Pass tho past week on busi ness, is homo for a few days. Mrs, Eleanor Kuhli of Jackson ville was in Medford Saturday after nonn on business. ----- - --... - ., Clothes for Young Men "!5i iy Jd-- The First Showing for Fall We're showing some Smart and Snappy Clothes for Young Men. Clothes that are fairly bristling with new style kinks. The fall models are styled in an inimi able way and are made from many fas cinating fabrics. Clothes that are distinctly young for young fellows that fully ap preciate clothes cleverness $17.50, $20.00, $22.50 to $50 WE TAKE THE GREATEST PLEA8UHE IN SHOWING THESE SWELL CLOTHES TO ANY YOUNG MAX REGARDLESS OP WHETHER HE WISHES TO BUI" OR NOT. KNOX HATS $5.00 IJKACON HATS $.1.00 LOTH I NO WE.afox.3. Oox-ac-c Clokii STETSON HATS $3.00, $4.00 ( AND $5.00 Medford Lumber Comp'y Will Furnish You Good Stock at Low Prices& Give You CourteousTreatment TRY THEM THIRD AND EVERGREEN STREE TS MEDFORD, ORE. D I A M O N DIAMONDS Rings Bracelets Ear Rings Brooches Cuff Links Scarf Pins 115 East Main Medford -t- -- -i- -- Cold Hill., Or., Aug. 5, 1910. "" Filers Music House, Portland, ; n.- "" Gentlemen: Tho notifioa- J "" tion from you that I have J been so fortunate as to win tho piano in your recent J piu.7.1o contest comes as a J " most agreenblo surprise to me. "" It is cortainly a swect-tou- "" ed, beautiful instrumont and "" 1 assuro you tho good luck of being its possessor has fallen to ono who will fully nppreci- ate it. " In accepting this prize I "" " wish to offer to you my sin- oorest thanks and couple with them my best wishes for tho continued success which J your houso and your fino in- struments morit. Thanking you again, I am, 7 " very truly yours, (Signed.) V. W. DODQE. J. i 4. Try Our Home Cooking Try our home made Meat Pies, Potato Salad Dressing, Pies, Cakes and Bread. Everything first-class. Light lunches are served also. We try to please the public. Come and be convinced. Medford Bakery and Delicatessen 42 SOUTH CENTRAL AVENUE. MedforcTs Latest Men's and Womens Hose to Measure Guaranteed To Wear Medford's Latest Men's Shirts To Measure ... . Do It Now I'hono Main 1(173 or address 1'. (), llov 1105. UHlNWHIili'H QUALITY' 8IIOl for an export to call, Bhow j;oods and tako moaBitroa un til our Bhow room la cpmpletod. Do not wait until you need goods, Ordor now. Medford's Latest Women's Waists & Undeawear to Measure Medford's Latest Men's Underwear To Measure MR. MAN, "When you buy a 22 rifle for the boy, select this one. 4B0auuZ!2!ZiE2jHHIBHHflw It's accurate, handles three lengths of cartridges without any adjustment of carrier block, and is very durable, and WHEN YOU TAKE YOUR VACATION hero is the right gun: -MMwgBQMlHBB aMBBBBMBBMBBBBMBBB a 30-30 Carbine. It holds up well, is light to carry, is handy to' got through tho brush with and is a killer. liA&t Tho above can bo had at ' WMfflfi$fMl HUMPHREY'S GUNOl STORE 112 WEST MAIN PHONE 4351