Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 07, 1910, SECOND SECTION, Image 10

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Newsy Notes from Rogue River Valley Towns
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Butte Falls Items
Will Chntubors nnd family will
soon lenvc for nn extended trip to
ibc upper hill country, where fmnio is
abundant nnd bcrrios aro plentiful.
Tliero is much activity in and
Around Dorby and the "Schweihouse"
storo is doing R very pood business.
John Allen has been harvcstinR his
erops on his Gcpport ranch, nnd the
yield has been Reed, while on his
Dorby much ho has garnered n very
Reed crop. Mr. Allen is another one
of our rustling ranchmen nnd is al
ways abundantly furnished with
home-grown products for field and
Ben Frcdcnburg, II. D. Mills and
Morchnnt Hughes have been elected
as trustees for tho Presbyterian
church of Butte Falls.
Professor Johnson, the Crater
.Lake school teacher, hns been away
on quite an extended visititng out
ing, lie is expected back uclorc long
and will tench school another year.
Mrs. Wana Parker and daughter,
Miss Dollie, arc still satisfactorily
catering to tho public wants at the
Valley Slow hotel.
Mr. Turner of Medford has been
interviewing our people on some im
portant business matters. Mr. Tur
ner was formerly engaged in the
mining business in Siskiyou count.
It is about time that our musically
inclined young people were organiz
ing n musical club nnd practicing, as
their services will bo much in de
mand, for we are not going to remain
in our primitive condition, but will
soon take a place among the nd
Tanced, progressive towns and the
conditions of our community change
for the better.
Mr. Nelson, the millwright, has
keen to Eagle Point, superintending
Abe freighting into Butte Falls of the
mill machinery.
George Brown of Eagle Point, who
las been ailing, is somowhat improv
ed and ablo to be around among his
juany friends. Mrs. O'Brien, his
daughter, of Medford, has been vis
iting him during tho past week.
Misses Kader and Jackson of
Eagle Point, were welcome visitors
to our town recently. What a dif
ference home life and congenial en
vironments make in the deportment
of young men nnd women.
Monroe Baldwin, who has been
working for the P. & E. road, has re
turned to his homestead and was
visiting among his Butte Falls
friends last week.
Viola Hughes is the youngest en
tomologist that we know. She Js
only 5 yenrs or so of age and de
lights in catching, taaming and play
ing with bugs that most of us would
detest and trample beneath our feet,
yet she appears to be fearless and
never more happy than when she has
caught some specimen of the in
sectivorous kingdom. .
George Warner of Obcnchnin,
came to town during the week from
his homestead and laid in a supply
of good things and departed for his
home the sonio day.
Mr. Peeler, who came hore from
Missouri last fall, has become infnt
Eagle Point Eaglets
A. O. Hewlett
Professor A. L. llascltou, who
has been teaching at Antiooh, is tak
ing a layoff and is at home with his
J. F. Young was out Wednesday
talking to tho people about brushes.
J. K. Neal of Buena Vista, Cal.,
stopped with us Tuesday night and
uated with our country nnd is soek-fstPP-' w
ine a small ranch. Ho hns an intor- Wednesday morning took the Pros
peot stage for Elk creek to visit his
son, who is ono of the forest rang-
ostiug family of well-brod children
nnd will mako a desirable citizen
wherever ho may eventually locate.
R. Hcberling, who hns been assess
ing for Assessor Grieves in the
Falls, and afterward in tho valley,
has returned to his homestead nnd
says that he could not endure the
hot weather of the valley and was
compelled to come to the mountains
for fresh air and wholesome water,
and that already ho feels liko an
other man and will not go again lo
the valley uutil fruit picking season
is on.
There is a fine buy for someone
who has nbout $1500 to invest hore
in property thnt will double itself
within n yenr, nnd if it does not, is
ono of the most desirnble locutions
nnd sites for a hotel or large busi
ness house. Information can ho se
cured from Attorney Pcntz as to this
and other excellent opportunities by
addressing with stamp, tho Peutz
Law & Land Co., Butte Falls, Or.
As we sit nearby our window nnd
breathe in the sweet, balmy breezes
and inhale the fragrant air of the
hills we think of tho sun-baked dani
zens of other places aud wish that
they could enjoy our refreshing cli
mate nud that the poor, little wizen
ed, fretful babies were here and their
E. G. Uiggs of McConunck,
Wash., also tarried with us Tuesday
night aud took tho same stago for
Prospect, he was going up there lo
look over some of the prospects there
with a view of going into some kind
of business.
George F. King of Medford, who
has been outing out in the mountains
also was hore Tuesday night, as also
was C. W. Austin of Dudley. Thoy
both took the P. & E. and went lo
Medford Wednesday morning.
Mrs. J. F. King of Corvnllis, On,
a sister of the Spencer Bros, of Dud
ley, also stopped with us Tuesday
night and the next morning took the
Butte Falls stage for that place,
where she was met by one of her
brothers. She is recently from tho
stnto of Pennsylvania, and regrets
that sho did not come out to this fa
vored land with her brothers, who
have all secured good claims on
what has been known as "tho unsur
veyed" country.
0. E. Stinson of Medford drove in
Wednesday morning with a load of
household goods belonging to his
brother-in-luw, Professor P. H. Da
ley. Mrs. Daley and the children
tired mothers to drink in tho invigor- accompauied him, also his wife, but
ntintr sweetness of our olimo and rest -ur. Daley remained on hlk creek n
their wearied bodies during our de
licious nights.
Wo understand that Dr. Bundy and
family nnd others from Medford nre
on their way to Butte Falls to spend
some time in the hills. The doctor
will find himself growing fat and
spreading all over after a few days
of sojourn amidst the pines and ced
ars and balsamic trees.
Mr. Ayers and family, together
with Mrs. Perry, have gone lo
Frank Neil of Derby has been iu
attendance upon tho special grand
jury lately in session and has re
turned to his home.
A Mr. Allen, contractor of the P.
& E. railway, has opened a butcher
shop here and is doing exceedingly
well and he will continue to prosper
if he will keep the market supplied
with wholesome fresh meats.
The mountnin streams are lower
than they have been for years, and
little longer to, arrange business aud
bring in the rest of the things iu hU
buirsy. Mrs. Daley reports that they
hnd a very pleasant time while
camped there, that there was a
spring of nice, cold water rieht by
the camp aud that they all had good
Mrs. Elizabeth Albert of Payette,
Idaho, who has been visiting her son,
George, iu Butte Falls, came out on
the Wednesday's stage, rested at the
Sunnyside until train time nnd start
ed via Medford for her home in
Idnho. She is perfectly delighted
with our climate and our country in
general, and especially with the big
timber around Butte Falls.
W. L. Childreth, our blacksmith,
took his family and started Tuesday
for Crater Lake and the Fort Klam
ath country, to be gone n week or
more. He hns had so much work -to
do this summer thnt he has hnd to
havo two journeymen to help him nnd
it has been tho dryest and yet 'tis 'became so run down thnt he wa
remarkable that vegetation does not
appear to have suffered more thnn is
usual during such seasons
Water Tower Which for Years Has
Stood in Center of Medford Soon
to Be Done Away WithOnly
Grief Will Be to Rodents.
compelled to take n rest. He hns
jleft his brother Honry nnd George
bishor to run tho shop, aud they
scorn to bo able to fill tho hill.
The Misses Anna aud Lorence Ul
rich have boon visiting bouio of their
old schoolmates during tho past few
days. They wore principally tho
guests of Miss Cornell Jnoksou while
Miss Dotinie Kader, tho accom
plished nnd accommodating saleslady
iu Von dor Helton's hardware and
drug store, has been absent from her
post for a fo wdays, while, she help
ed her mother in (ho house during
threshing season on tho farm.
A. J. Daley, his grandson, Henry,
nud Mr. Deter, our transfer man,
took a trip to Cralor Lake annd Peli
can Bay Mondav and Wednesday re
turned. Mr. Daley has boon living
here for over 30 years nud this is the
first time thnt ho has over been out
in thnt country. Thoy took iu all
tho plnccs of interest, including tho
gorge, natural bridge, Anna Crook
canyon, etc., and fool well paid for
tho trouble of going. Mr. Daley fell
in lovo with tho Klamath country,
thinks it n grand place to live iu iu
tho summer, but thinks thnt there is
too much snow in the winter, as ho
says that Mr. Arrant told him that
the snow falls 23 feet deep at his
headquarters on Anna oreek.
Thoro was a innn here this Thurs
day morning by the name of Boomer
I did not meet him myself that
was talking with some of the busi
ness men ns to the advisability of
opening a bank here, and 1 am sorry
to say that some of our business men
gave him but little encouragement,
but many think that a bank would
be a good thing here and would soon
build up n good business.
Another gentleman. S. S. Stites,
was hero interviewing our orehard
ists with regard to tho shipment of
fruit and noting the amount aud kind
of fruit to be shipped. Ho is work
ing iu the interest of tho Southern
W. II. Saden of Guthrie, Okla.,
was here Thursday looking for land.
He procured a rig and driver at the
Sunnyside stable and went up on
Reese creek to look at a place, but
the man was not at home, but he
thinks that he will return, bring his
wife with him and look the situation
John A. Moore, Joseph Hendrix
nnd S. G. Thomson, the first two are
from Dudley, and Mr. Thomson N
from Lake Creek, thoy all camo in on
the Butto Falls stage, took dinner at
the Sunnyside and went on to Med
ford on the train Thursday eve.
Hon. E. E. Kelly, attorney of Med
ford, was oat Thursday on busi
ness and took dinner nt the Sunnyside.
Central Point Items
PARIS Aug. C Louis Paulhau
whooo conquests of the air havo as-
himself no longer an active partici- j the meeting being held in Garden City
NEW YORK, August 0. Plans for
the national aviation meeting to be
held in New York iu October nre to
day completely chnnged. Instead of
pant in all aviation meets. He feel-?
he has devoted sufficient time to the
oporation of aeroplanes.
Paulhan will henceforth probably
divide his time between tho work
which hus recently been allotted to
him by tho French War department
and designing nnd construction for
private aviators. He is working on
several now models, embodying many
improvements, which will bo seen
during tho coming winter nt the new
aerodrome nt Saint Cyr, a subcrb
of Pans.
park, the flights will be seen in Bel
mont park nnd thoro will probably
bo n general chango in tho program.
The subr.criotion committee in
charge of raioing $-30,000 for the
meet announced thnt Belmont park
would be more suitnblo in every wav.
The withdrnwnl of Gage E. Tarbell,
general manager of the meet, from
bin position is also announced.
According to ono of the experts
interested iu tho coining meeting tho
the change will mnko it impossible
to hold onl tho international roll
test on the program, tho raco for the
snepd prize. Tho size and shape of
a f
l V. Jottora and llttlo won or
, Duuomulr, Cal., aro vUltlng In Cen
tral Point, tho (,'uoata ot tholr undo
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Q. W, Jot
fora. Hubo Murray started a sprinkling
wagon Saturday and from now until
Octobor Pine street will bo sprinkled
trout tho depot to tho England drug
store, u dlutnnco of some hIx blocks.
A few ot tho buolnoBR men along tho
lino refused to "cough up," nnd tholr
trontnRO wl'l romnln In tho arid re
gions as will tho Htreot crossings.
Rube's Rtirlt lclor Is nutomatlo and
shuts Itself off when not In pay dirt.
William Ferguson of tho firm of
Murray & Ferguson Is having a now
resldonco erected. Hathaway &
Scott aro tho contractors.
Tho real eotato sales aro not vory
lively In this community at present,
but more people aro hero looking
over property with tho Intention ot
buying nt oomo point In tho viUIoy
than hns been tho cnBo In many
A, Conro Flcro Is still boautltylng
his grounds and buildings r.t Wood
lawn orchards. Evoiy passing day
makes tho plnco in or boiutlful nnd
photographers aio not a fow who
aro availing thomsolvcs of this beau
tiful picture. Evon Portland boost
ers photogrrph this handsomo Cen
tral Point orchnrd and publish It as
a "scono from tho Wlllnmotto val
ley." However, tho Portland boost
ers fnll to reckon wltii thdlr host,
for thoro nro two Identification
marks about Woodlawn orchard that
the camera never escapes. Thoy ap
pear In every picture of Woodlawn,
and Portland is using a numbor ot
them as real genuine scenes on tho
classic banks of tho beautiful stream
Immortalized In song by Sam Simp
son. Tho building fund committee of
the Y. M. C. A. Is tho busiest body of
men this cldo tho contlnontt dlvldo
and tholr success Is ns suro as death
and taxes.
It Is rumored thnt Fahor & Mc
Donald ot tho Quality store mo to
occupy ono room of tho nev Cowley
block when that building In ready
for ocoupnnoy.
Thoro wan no Imnotmll gamo Sat
urday. and thuro will likely bo no
further effort nt baseball thin Rea
son, Tho faun hopo, however, to bo
near tho top of tho totom with u
good toam another yoar.
It la ropoitod thnt Harry Murray,
woll known old lino printer and
newspaper nimi, who a fow months
ligo sold a small Job office In Ash
land, bought two burron i.tul took
to tho hlllti, has struck It rich lit tho
coast range Ills many friends In
Jackson county hopo tho report amy
bo true and that hlti lead may never
Or, John McAulloy ofMlnrrltiburg,
Va., a roocnt grndunto of tho Amer
ican school of osteopathy, wan In
Central Point Friday looking for a
Dr. Wrny, accompanied hy a pnr
ty o' Medford business men, spent a
fow mluuten In Central Point Fri
day. S. S. Coraolt, Tolo'n nhootnnkor, Is
most dlHtlnculehod In n way. Ho
has patrons who oeud across tho con
tinent to havo him mnko tholr foot-
wear. Mr. cornutt In a shoemaker
of tho old school and his work out
wears tlmo.
If tho public pulso In Contrnl Point
Is not playing false with tho doctor,
It mny bo put down In unmlntnknblo
English thnt Hon. II. F. Mulkoy In
practically tho unanimous choice for
congress. I law toy will only voto
thofo who nro nourishing at his fod
oral pntronnge "imp" bottle.
Your representative In authorized
In behalf ot tho Contrnl Point baso
ball fans to Isnuo a challenge to any
"kid" team In Jackson county, tho
mombcra not to exceed 15 yonni ot
age, to play first at Contral Point
aud then nt nny point In tho county.
Hair Dressing a spoolulty
tdiainpooiug, sonlp treatment,
facial and hand muiimigo, man-
iouiing, dyeing nud blenching.
Phono Main 311.
O. W. Murphy. O. M. Murphy.
1010 ChalmorH Dolrolts.
Phono 1801, Valley Auto Company,
Medford, Or.
Quick Sorvioe. Easy Riding.
PrlooH Right.
Agenoy for tho Pnrry Care. Roguo
River Auto Co., Fratik II. Mull, Prop.,
Medford. Or.
If a morchnnt In really soiling somo
useful article lower th.-.n nay ono
olso In town, nnd Is not getting out
of thnt fact Its full ndvertlslng valuo,
ho wan never destined to bo a mor-chant.
All Work Gunnuiteod 1'ricos Koneonnblo
11 North D St . Modf ord, Oro. Mione 303
On and after Octobor
1 first T will bo propared
to deliver 'Tyrone,
the only known sub
stance that will extin
guish gasoline and
electric arc fires:
I weighs only five
pounds; cannot freeze;
will not injure most
delicate fabrics; used at
all small fires by N. Y.
fire department; passed
and apprqved by IT. S.
federal steamboat in
spection department;
invaluable for extin
guishing automobile
fires. Address
West away Orchard
Helmout park, it is said, will make it
impossible for tho avinton, to con
form with the international mien for
thin flight.
Attention to Mining Investors.
Geo. E. Drinker, M. E., mines ex
amined and reports furnished. Sat
isfaction guaranteed. Roforonco.s
given. 334 West 0th, cor. Ivy l'Jl
Hasklns for Health.
, r Portland. Orrton .
jfr Itotdont and Dar faehrol forCtlrlanodcr vC
r rare of bUttriof fct. Johnliu;.tithplcoiiili
The old water tower, almost as
old aud historic as the traditional
"moss covered buckot" is to be re
moved according to tho dictum of tho
city council, made nt its meeting
TueGday night.
At Unit meeting bids were ordered
for tho destruction nnd removnl of
of tho old tower from tho park QOODFRIEN D HOTEL
grounds. i " "
Ti , . ,, , . ,, , I JAM FRANCISCO I. COODFnlEND, Varacte
It was in the early stages of Med-, . t, . . ... , . ,..
lord's growth that tho water tower fitrwt, nir Geary, adjoining Hotel Manx. Take
Collrcln'o. Academic uutl IJi-menturr
uepu, Jliuir, Arc, i.iocuuon, UtuiuiuIuuj.
(liriltfont paplla nut ! ovt-r II tui of dki uui
well rKomuitadtKl, lb number U jlmltM to
llftr. Application hoalj le mala rarlr.) Addrwj
Th 5ij!r6ipriof,Olltt StHtleniHj'ljFerlliiid.Of.
was constructed and for several
years tho electric light and power
plant installed by E. R. Proudfoot
stood alongoido it. When Mr. Proud
foot sold tho electric lights aud
water to tho city in 1900, tho power
plant was removed to tho banks of
Boar crcok but tho old tower was
used as n baso of supply in case of
emergency. For many years tho two
lights on tho top of tho lovor acted
aB beacons to the bolatcd traveler
that was boforo tho days of acoty
Jeno lights, paved strcols and nil that
sort of luxury.
Now UiQ old building is to bo re
moved nnd porhnps tho only griof
ousod will bo to tho oquirrols which
haye for yenrs mndo it their home.
Hasklns for Health.
lffifl Uanv Ita.a rw M..L.. .. f .. ....
to l'owell. Ideal liouso and location for ladica
Visiting the city alone.
fir Tie OalyWoman'n College on the
" 1'aclOe Coaat Kxcluiirclr
for I ounjr Women
at Located amonj the beautiful
hilla near Oakland. California,
" dote to San Franci'aco and the
great Uoiveraitiei of tie Wed.
Full colletfiate courae lraJmd
lo degree. Entrance and graduation requirement
tquiralcnt to those ol Stanford and University
of California. Training Ctt students for teaching
regular lines of academic work, and oners special
advantoge for music, art, library study and
borne economics. Well equipped laboratories for
science. Specialsttentioa to health of students.
Modern gymnasium thoroughly equipped. Out
door life and amusements in the ideal California cli
mate. Alumnae in every city on the Padnc Coast.
Pan Cataloou adohiso Jt
The Hupmobile
4 Cylinder 7Cfl f(
20 horsepower plJv.vv
In announcing the Jlupmobile for 3911, wo offer you
more car value than in any other small machine on the
market. This car has all the features of the high priced
cars. Multiple-disc clutch, sliding gear transmission,
Bosch high tension magneto. This car is in the hands of
a thorough automobile man, who will gladly demonstrate
it to prospective purchasers.
MAIN 2381
This la n cloak light.
You nood ono In your homo
It throwa tho light Just whoro you want It whon
you road on your book. Just whoro you want it
whon you wrlto on your papor.
It la only ono of a varloty of lighting
flxturoa you can havo if you uao olootrlolty
-tho light for tho homo.
Sond for tho Man.
Rogue River Electric
A Wonderful Discovery
for Medford.
"CloiuilinoHa is noxt to QodlinoHH." Mr, AIIoii'h Portnblo Until Ap
pnrnttiB in u mnrvol. It eomhlnes in ono Hiinplo, inoxponnivo nppn
ruttiH nil the mlvnntUKOB known to modern bulliin. IloiitH Hiiffiuient
water within Hix minutes nt the cost of only 1 oont. A hath cun he
taken in nny room without tho possibility of soiling onrpotu or rugs.
Only ono ncn understand tho real morits of this bathing apparatus
hy having it demonstrated to you. Mr. II, Vox, who has tho exolusivo
Knoy for Tnokson county, will visit tho homos of Medford nud vi
cinity nnd domoustrnto it. When ho comes to your homo, invito him
in, nnd ho will show yon tho morits of this 20th contury invention,
it la on oxhlbltipn at Strang's drug store, QO AND BEE IT,
Ml fMifl .
Wvllif the desk
L Thin In n doak llcrht. I I
V You nood ono In your homo I I
.sa5- ''
s3 2s