MTSDFOBD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. ORACION. MIDDAY. AUGUST 5, 1910. 9 jj ' A, V SOCIAL AND PERSONAL John II. Ciirkin, ntloinuy-nt-law, over Juakiioii Coiintvl Hunk. A liuppy family eompiiuy, oompoH od nl' Mr. mill Mi-h. TIiouiiih Turpin, iMi'8. Mury Milligan, Mr. nud Mm. Muiiiioy, loll Wednesday evening ! enjoy their iiioiiIIi'h iiiiiiiiiiI online in Hid hunting mill fUliing ground of Doiul Imlimi country. A change 1 '""I"' uuuli ilny nml viiliiulili) liiHtrtKilioiiii on cooking given frcu by ProfoiiHor Hooker on tlio Majestic) range at tliu Medford Hardware Htoro. W. ,1. Scott, llio Jloguti i Ivor f ar mor nml stock-raiser, is passing tho week very plommnlly in tlio oily v!h iting tlio ninny plai'OH of amusement, while Mrs. Scott in drinking cold ice water anil enjoying Hi" beautiful NiMinory at tlio l, shady homo of Mr. Sherman on north Hoguo livor. Ladles, iln not fall to attend tlio oookiug ilcmoiiHlratioiiH of tlm Ma .ioHlio range hy I'rofoHHor Hooker of Jlorlin, Germany, at tlm Mcilfonl Uanlwaro Htoro each day HiIh week. .. M. l'ryor ami family of North HtiatlY Htniot, loft Monday by team for an indefinite outing to Crater Lake and vicinity. Cooking doiuoiiHtration uaoh day of tlio MnjoHtio range by Professor .looi-ph Hooker of Horlin, Ooniiany, at tho Mod ford hardware Htoro. Mr. and Mrs, II. 11. Mot have rented their residence property on North Heatty to Mr. and Mi-h. Ilar Kravv, lately from California, and have moved into Mr. Smith's resi dence on North Grape filreet for the summer. Ladles, do yon know how to brown your eakoH porfcatly? I'rofeHHor JoKoph Hooker of Berlin will hIiow you. Cooking dcinonntrntloiiH on tnu MajuHtio range every day HiIh week at tho Medford Hardware Co. Mrs. Luoy Davis and family, who have occupied the old shuck of J. A. Perry's, on North Central, for the piiHt nix moutliH a h a laundry, move lo their new residence on South Cen tral today. Your usefulness ends when your yiadght failH. Sue Dr. Itiekort, over Kontnor's. 110 Kililor !;. .). KiuHnr of Ashland drove to Medford with bin mother and sister Thursday. The Kimplo oases require skill. Dr. Itiokort, Medford. 110- Mr. Harmon of Wcuutohoo is a recent arrival who comes with the iow of locating. OhiHuoA that fit your eyes are worth all that they cost. Dr. Itiokcit fit you light and his prices aro right. 110 MrH. K. II. Whitehead ami her daughter, Mih. (trace Norman, are off for a vacation to be tpoiit in San Francisco and other California polntH. Mr. Whitehead leaven Satur day for Fort Klamath, where he will enjoy himxclf limiting and fishing. MrH. Pot or M. Kershaw and hoii left ThurHilay evening for Alameilii, Cab, where they will upend a month. Mrs. Minnie ICelly and babe, of .Jacksonville isitcd relatives and friends on North Central Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Khner Dawson of Peyton, North Itogue river, came down WedneHilay to enjoy a brief honeymoon in (lie city and a social visit with Mr. Dawson's mother, Mr. Laura Dawwon, of North Central. William Sharrard and Mr. Doming of North Hoguo river came over 'WedneHilay Hhopping and noting the eoiiHtant ehnngoH and were kept busy reading new Imihhu-mh signs- and dodging travel and automobiles on Medford'H biiH.y streets. Mr. ami Mrs. It. M. Cuthbeit have returned from Crater Lake. , . C. C. MeCleuilon of Cold Hill was a Medford visitor Friday. "Me" is one of the original Hcttlcrs in South ern Oregon "came here when Table Hock wiiHii'l knee high lo a duck and Hoguo river was just a spring branch." He has watched the coun try progrcHH for fifty yearn and has done Home of the progressing himself. Miss Viola ICassafer of Jackson ville visited friends in Medford one day tliiH weok. Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Wilson and J, H. McAhron aro camping at Kings bury Springs. Dr. C. H. Hay loft for (ho north ThurHilay evening. T. 10. Hamilton, traveling auditor for tho Southern Pacific Hiioh in Or egon, wur in Medford Friday on of ficial husiuosH, A. 10. Hebo of Phoenix was a Med ford visitor on Thursday. n. F. fluorin has roturnod from a buBiuoHH trip to Roattlo. Dr. J. V, noddy roturnod Thurs day from a business trip to Port land. Colonol V, IT. Hay has roturnod from a trip to Portland and north ern points on a business visit. Fix-County Jndgo O. W, Dunn and family of Ashland aro enjoying tho soa breezes at Crosoont City, Cnl, .1. K. Fieklo of Dorena, Or., was in Medford on business Thursday. I lulu's piano house tepoilH a very large Hale of pianos for tlio past week. IIiiIo'h gives values no other Iioiiho can or will duplicate. 8. A. Rollins ( (JrautH I'iihs wils in Medford ThurHilay on InisinoHS. Miss Catherine Lofoimuu of Jr KoohcvcII avenue, Medford, Or., won second prize in Hie munufnolurors' contest held by Idlers piano Iioiiho. .1, It, llaiher and H. (I. Burgess 'of Welleu were Medford visitors Thinn ilny. F. W. Dodge of Gold Hill wuh the lucky winner of tho Bungalow piano in the recent munufuolurors' contest held by F.ilorM piano Iioiiho. Mr. Dodge 1h away on a vacation and will not doubt bo greatly surprised to learn that ho won out over the entire Htato. I. C. Turpln, who livoH in the Hoxy district, is erecting a splendid new home and large barn. Woods Lum ber Co. of thlH city aro furnishing the lumber. Have you visited the Merrivold Shop lately? 118' Pug Isaacs is engaged in rounding up his crew of expert pickers and packers, preparatory to Blurting work Monday harvesting the large crop of poars at Ilillcrest. Don't fail to take a Hiipply of sta tionery with you on your trip. New line just in. The Merrivold Shop. 118 Dr. .1. M. Koenc, Kcpiihlicau stule central committeeman for Jackson county, has recoived for circulation the nominating petitions of Jay Bow ermau, the assembly nominee, for governor, and Frank Benson, nom inee for Hoerotary of Htato. Nicholas Jerry, tho well-known mining operator, left Friday ovnaiiig for Spokane to. bo gono a week or more. W. T. Griovc, county assessor, was at Grants Pass Friday on a business trip. W. G. Myors, county fruit inspect or, was in Medford on officinl busi ness Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hoosey of Jacksonville were in Medford Friday looking after the mutter of market ing their pear crop. II. I.. Slattcry and party passed through Medford Friday en route to Crater Lake and other points. Mr. Slattcry is a prominent lumber dealer of the northwest and one object of his trip is said to be to look over the timber bolts of Southern Oregon. Hotel Arrivals. The Nash H. C. McMillan, T. K. Hamilton, A. A. Reunion, oPrllaud; T. Slater, San FianciHco; G. Fisher, Porllaud; J, J. Crydermann, Belliug liuin; O. It. Goiham, Spokane; O. II. Gilchrist, It. H. 10. Comuit, B. A. Sif ford, Portland; Mr. ami Mrs, It. M. Cuthberl, (Valor Lake; W. Morse, Los Angeles; W. Cole, Grass Valley; S. J. Sllgh, Tampa; D. W. .ims, G. Lulentlial, Milwaukee; ('. Krickner, Lawrence ; W. Percy, Portland; S. K. Flowers, Hustings; K. Wakasuge, Poitlanilf J. I1', Muriay, San Fran cisco; J. Moss, New York; B. P. Mulkcy, Jacksonville; J. S. Benllc, Portland; It. MoManus, San Fran cisco; J, II. Lowell, Minneapolis; J. K. Fickle, Dorena; S. W. Dwinnell, .Minneapolis. The Mooro It. D. Walker, F. K. Robinson, Sail Francisco; A. Ilad del, O. A. Peel, Portland; J. Wclcn, Buffalo; 0. D. Jones, Portland; T. J. Kelly, Minneapolis; 8. A. Hob ins, Grunts Pass; J. B. Harbor, 10. G. BurgcHB, Wellen; II. II. Ford and family, Itedlatids; F. M. Kcwcrt, Minneapolis; A. II. Wilson, Portland; W. II. Cohwin, San Francisco; C. A. Wester, Koschtirg; M. Christie. - - -"-- St. Paul Is Quite a Village. Too Late to Classify wSKSoX ..HMiiiiiHittiu I ,K1, ''""'' i""' ''H population of ---.. WANTED A ludy lnclior"l0 teach tlireo boys In their ,iorno In city; miiBt ho qualified to (each nil branches tauyht In public nohool, and capable of govoriiltiB, Call on or addresfl 810 Oakdttlo avenue, 8 city. t " i ,...--. ,. ; .. . .tL'i,u'if according 10 a miiietm is sued by tho cciihiih bureau todny. Plain Sewlnfl. Alterations and repairing neatly done. Call 401 South Central. Phone 221. 118 Attention to Mining Investors. Haflklns for Health, NIGHT RIDERS MAY AGAIN TERRORIZE KENTUCKY LKMNGTON. Ivy., Aug. B. Willi Lyou comity imideipmtely tiatrulled bv soldiers, who have enraged the night-riders by the arrest of six of their number, stispected of being im plicated in the murder of Captain Cooper, there is, constant dnuger of another outbieak. Those who are known to bo wit nesses in the Cooper murder cane are in fear for their lives and have asked for greater protection from both the civil and military authori ties. Threats have been made that all witnesses testifying will be slain from ambush. Could you concelvo of n atoro NOT persistently ndvortlsed? SHOOT TO KILL ORDER IN SPAIN (Continued from Page 1.) or anarchists, Scotland Yurd men will accompany their majesties to ('owes, whore the royal couple intend spending a few weoks. The king ami queen of Spain came ashore last night. A high tide and strong wind caused a collision of tenders on which they were being taken ashore. For a time there was considerable excitement, but no one was injured. Goo. 10. Drinker, M. 10., mines ex amined and reports furnished. Sat isfaction guaranteed. References given. ;i;h West Utli, cor. Ivy 1'Jl Wanted Lady clerk. 'J single wagons. Sawmill men. Girl for general houoj work. 10 laborers. Loggers. 10,000 acres or more Htumpagc. FOR SALE. Upright piano, cheap for cash. 10 acres, $1:1.00, fine home, wagon, harness and horses. 2 lots near West Main, snap price., Young work team. Long-term lense, very' desirable Business, nets .flOOO yearly. Lots, $150 up, easy tonus. 10 to 80 acres red foothill soil, near Jacksonville, for sale cheap. 100 acres, 0a miles Medford, $3000. 1 brood mare, cheap. Fine business at invoice. 7 horses, harness and hack. Lots $10 down, easy payments. Alfalfa tracts, under ditch, $100 per aero. 10 acres and improvements, $800. Close-in fruit land, undor ditch, $200 por acre. Jl room modem house, $2."0 down, $H300. 80 acros. iacomo $2500, tools and teams, $0500. 00 aoros creek bottom, $125 por aero Boarding house, snap price. For Trade. Lots for span horses, weigh 2500. 2,000,000 feet timbor for Medford or Portland proporty. RELINQUISHMENTS. 100 ueres dceu red soil, GO acres of fruit laud. 200,000 foot of timber 1 miles from Jacksonville, $200. 1(10 acrcu, 40 acres red fruit sod, 750.000 foot cf timber, 3 miles from Jacksonville. $100. E. F. A. BITTNER Room 207 Tavlor & Phipps Bids. Phono 4141 Mam An OXFORD Sale Now On We have n choice assortment of lace nml button Ox fords In iMidiiit, kid, or vlcl kid anil gunmetnl, which wo place on wile nt actual cost to uh. Tlicy aro this cur' gMMla anil not a lot of leftovers from past seasons. A look will convince you. You have seldom seen such l)arguln. yDdmeade4l& THE TEMPTATION TO BUY needlessly will be greatly reduced if you have to draw a check every time you make a purchase. Don't keep your cash in your pocket where it is likely to burn a hole. Open an ac count with the Farmers' & Fruit growers' Bank. Experience proes that a man thinks twice before he spends once when he has an account nt the bank. FARMERS' & FRUITGROWERS' BANK. DOLLS 5ct to $15 Each We have just received-a big eastern samplo line of Dolls, one of the finest lines ever shown in Medford j over 400 Dolls to select from I no two alike; sale pricji from 5c each to $15.00. Box Paper Woods&Son "Vc are closing out the well known QUALITY BRAND fancy Box Paper 24 sheets and 24 envelopes to match, in a fancy box; regular 50c, 75c and $1.00 values; at 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c. English Semi-Porcelain "Ware. If you want to see a real swell medium price Dinner Set, take a look at our east window tomorrow. Kf rJwwW ' Ifsyo ' V tW ,Vv w HOSIERY "We have just received another shipment of that la dies' popular selling silk lisle gauze Hose; double heel and toe; strictly fast black, and the best 35c hose in the city; any size; here tomorrow, pair 55c And Here's Another 15ct Pair 2 For 25ct Men's, ladies or boys' seamless, fast color Hose; black and tan: all sizes: trv them: best wearinrr hos in the city. HUSSEY'S THE DESK LIGHT This Is a dosk light. You nood ono In your homo because It throws tho light Just whoro you want It when you road on your book. Just whoro you want It whon you wrlto-on your paper. It Is only ono of a variety of lighting fixtures you can have if you uso oloctrlclty tho light for tho homo. Send for tho Man. Rogue River Electric vjuuipany t JA PORTUGAL TO FOLLOW SPAIN. Indications Aro That Porttinucso Will Scparato Church and State. ItOtMK, Aug. r. The rejection by I'opo Pius of two nominations to fill the poHt of tho late Scuor Autos, am baHKador to the Vatican, hy Portugal is believed bore to foreshadow a sev ering of diplomatic relations hctwoon tho holy kcu and the Portuguese court. That Portugal is propariug lo Ad low the lead of Spain in attempting to separate church and state was shown recently when a Portuguese newspaper, tho Video of St. Anthony, adopted u tone that displeased his holiness, who ordorod Cardinal Del Vat to direct (he bishop of It ruga to suspend publication of the periodical. The Portuguese government promptly issuod a royal deorco con Hiiring the whole proceeding, on tho ground that the Vatican had infring ed upon tho royal prerogative by failing to submit the papal order lo the King for his approval. The Hupmobile 4 Cylinder 47 CA Aft 20 horsepower P J v.lU In announcing tho Hupmobile for 1911, we offer you more car valuo than in tiny othor small machine on the market., This car has all the features of tho high priced cars. Multiiilc-disc clutch, sliding gear transmission, Bosch high tonsion magnoto. This car is in the hands of a thorough automobile man, who will gladly demonstrate it to prospective purchasers. W. A. CORNITIUS 116 EAST MAIN STREET MAIN 2381 plumbing! STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable 1 COFFERN . PRICE ! 11 North D St..Medlford, Ore. Phone 303 AUCTION SALE FURNITURE AND FARM MACHINERY AT 402 S. NEWTOWN ST. Having decided to inovo east, I will soil at publio auction on Satur day, August 0, beginning at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the following described preperty: . " HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 1 Sideboard. 1 Table, nonrly now. 1 China Closot. 2 Library Tables. 1 Leather Couch. 1 Socrotary. 1 Bookcase. 2 Sets Dining Chairs. 1 Uockors. 1 Iinttnn Corner Chair. 1 Music Cnbinot. 1 Parlor Mirror. 3 Iron Bedsteads. 3 Bed Springs. 2 Mattrossos. 3 Dressers. 3 Commodes. 1 Stand. 2 Clooks. 1 sot 30 volumes Encyclopedia Britannica, bound in leather. 1 sot Messages of the Presidents, 11 volumes. 1 sot Dumas' Works. 1 sot Cooper's Works. 1 sot, 3 volumes, Unabridgod Dic tionary. Othor Books in lots to suit. 1 Monnrch Stool Range. 1 Kitchon Cabinet. 1 Sowing Mnchino, 1 Perfection Bluo FJamo Oil Stove. FARM IMPLEMENTS. 1 Champion Mowor. 1 Champion Rake. 1 Three-Section Harrow. 1 Corn Planter. 1 Plow. 1 Double Ilamess. Romombor the timo nnd tilnno 2 tv m.. nf df9. Rnntli NVutnnr.. ofnnf 3 blocks south on Laurel streot, ono block west and ono block south. I V TERMS CASH y Col. C. B. LAMKIN, G. M. ANDERSON, OP ASHLAND, AUOTIONEEIt Owner