Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 05, 1910, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Full Leased Wire Report,
Tonllit iwhI tomorrow-Knlr
nml warm,
Tho only pnpor In tho world
published In n city tho nlzo of
Medford having a leased wire.
jottit yeah.
No. 118.
Vlcc-Prcslilcnt Says Gore Clinrues
Aro Absolutely Without tho Sllght
est Shallow of Foundation Ha
iiioii, on Stand, Denies That He
Has Ever Offered Senator Money.
ll(l MOOHU, X. Y Auk.
fi. Vleo-l'roHldont Jnuifu H.
Sherman today Hunt tho fol
lowing from IiIh summer homo
to tho United Pnw:
"Thu Htory coming from lo
mo of tho (lore chnrgoB In
Munkogco In ntmolutoly with
out tho Hllghtotit ehndow of
-f Tim vIci'Mirvaldonl'H tole-
4- gram wan wont In answer to
iiii'HiinROH sent to him detail-
lug tho charges made ly Son
f ntor Goro boforo tho congres
sional InvuflllKiitltiK committee
f In Muskogee, Okln., yoBtor-
f-f 4-t f
MUSKOOICK, Okla., Auk. C Ja
cob . llnmnn, charged hy Sonator
Goro with offering him n brlbo In
connection with thu. McMurrny Indian
In ml contract, took tho Htnnd today
and donli'd nbiiolutoly that ho hnd
ovor offered niont'y to Senator Ooro.
"Thoru In nbuotutoly no foundation
for Gore's-Htory," llanion declared
when ho look (ho Htand. "I did not
suggest to Goro on May C or at any
other time thr.t ho could got 125,000
or nny other hiiih out of tho Mc.Mur
rny contrnctB."
ilamon said ho hnd made, no Im
proper offor In regard to tho con
tractu and that ho had not endeav
ored to bribe thu blind nonntor from
IiIh own Htnto. Ho denied Bpeclflcnl
ly partH of tho conversation which
Ooro, on tho Htnnd, attributed to him
In n co nfe run co between himself mid
Goro In tho lnttor's office In Wash
ington. Charge Made In Congromi. "
Tho nllogntlonn of brlbory In con
nection with tho Indian contrnctB
wore find made on tho floor of tho
Hounto by Sonntor Goro nonr tho clone
of tho liiHt hchhIoii of congrocfl. Tho
chnrgn wuh mndo In connection with
lobulation then before tho Hcunto
which gnvo certain offlcorH of tho
government power to vnlldato con
tradK with 1 milium In soiling IiiiuIh,
IJndor tho prt'Hunt BBtom tho con
trnctH nro valldntod by tho govorn-
ment nftor recommondntlon by tho
commissioner of Indian affairs
Seven Dead, Two Dying as Rosult of
Fire Barklnn of Dons Arouses
Neighborhood and Those Asleep In
Dtirniiiii Hotel.
JAMAICA, Auk. B. FIvo men and
two woiuon wore burned to dentil,
two persons dying and u hcoio
nro hurt In tho doHtriictlou of an old
wooden hotel nud employment agen
cy hero. Thnt tho death lint In not
grontor la duo to tho frantic barkliiK
of iIokb attracted by tho clsro of tho
flro, Tho dogn roused porHOiiH In tho
neighborhood, vho Hpread tho alarm
and awakonod thoso Hlooplng in tho
Tho flro broko out beforo dnyllKht
nud wiib not discovered by niiynno
around tho hotel. It was not until
' persons nwnkonod by tho dogs mndo
tholr wny to tho lodging houso nml
nlarmotl thoao slooplng within that
thoy know of tholr dnngor.
Twenty Miles of Streets Turned Into
Shower Bath For Sweltering Children.
The deiith diwilliik' Win that yearly Ntrlktti doun Hi-onit of peojile In .Sew York In being fought thin year by tliu
water department. Throughout the crowded eaxt Hide ilUtrd-t the police are taking chargi of the water plugs, and
when n Heore or more children collect the policeman (itnn on the water. The ihjIIco estimate that 50,000 children
take a biith In the public utreotN each day, and u good half triplicate the liiilh. following the olllccw to other water
pliig. The Htrei-lH that have laun turned Into a public bath for children aro twenty inlles long. Tho police make
three rounds a day, and to hcu a hundred children Ntnudlng In the Hired while the water Ik spruyrd over them
attrneU crowd of vhdtor
Manarjcr Malboeuf of Commercial
Club Wants All Dirt-Sellers to
Meet at Club Rooms to Discuss
Subjects of Interest to Medford.
Manager C. A, Malboeuf of tho
Medford Commercial club litis Issued
Invitations through tho press to nil
real oHtato dealers In Medford to bo
present In ' tho club's qmirtorB on
Tiiosday evonlng, August 0th, nt 8
o'clock, for tho purposo of discuss
ing a number of Biibjects of Impor
tance and vital to tho Interests of tho
city and Hoguo Ulvor valley. Tho"
prlnctpnl object of tho mooting Is to
bring about ub far ns poHHlblo the
close co-operation of. tho real cstato
Intercstfl in Medford with tho Com
mercial club, through the medium of
uniform advertising and other mat
tor, and It Is hoped Hint v. largo and
representative attendance will bo on
hand. Members of tho club nml vis
itors will also be welcome.
Harvesting. Will Bo On in Full Blast
at Opcnlnn of Week Several Cars
Have Been Shipped In Past Week
to Markets of East.
Tho Ilartlott pear harvest will bo
on In full swing noxt week. This
week tho Hoguo Itlvor Valley Fruit
& Produce nsBoclatlon Kent out a
number of cunt, six In all, but noxt
wool; thlncii will commouco to move
In tho pear lino, and three cars a
day will bo sent out from tho differ
ent shipping points of tho associa
tion, Tho market 1b still Htroat; on poara.
Tho California crop 1b ilono ami tho
markets nro now opou for lioguo
Itlvor Valley HnrtlottB.
Arcordlnc to tho offlcorH of tho
iiHBoolntlon, tho penra aro of good
bIzo and uuallty nnd bo far hp.vo boon
freo from dofectH of nny kind.
Thursday a car of poarB wiib ship
pod from Central Point, from tho,.,
DauKott orohard, and Friday ono wont
out from tl o Snowy liutto ami uag-
gott placoB,
MiMMm- asm
-jMii. ...
JtKSK.. :-
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I Photo.
- -.
FAIMIUKY, Nul.t Aug. 3.
Declurimr cignrotto Bniok
ing one oC the most degener
ate liabitH known to lnotlorn
life, Mr. Alice Longworth
wiih today nnkecl by t Chris
tian Kndenvor hoeietios meet
ing here to altain from
finoking. Tho KiuIcavorer
indited n long letter to .Mrs.
Longworth asking her, for
tho mike of her father, Tlio
odoro lioobovelt, to give up
the practice.
f f
f fi-fffi-f-f
Steamer Bound From Skagway to
Victoria Sends Out Wireless Re
port That Sho Is Sinking No De
tails Are Available.
SKATTLK, W'nsli., Aug. 3. A
wirelcKs dispnteli from .lunenii btntes
that the Cniiiidiiiu l'aeifie steiimor
Princess Mny is binking off Center
Island. The Prineesrt May is n pas
senger steamer bound from Skagway
to Victoria ami about duo in Juneau
today. Sho is carrying u passenger
list of about 100. No details of tho
trouble nro given.
VICTORIA, H. C, Aug. 3. Hoth
wiieless stations in Victoria piukod
up u message from tho stoamor Prin
cons -Muy (relayed through several
hind stations) saying the vessel was
nuking. Tho nonunion wireless is
iinnblo to verify the report or traco
its origin, but has instructed nil wire
less points between here nml Alaska
to keep it sharp lookout ami report
iiiinieiliutely any news that they may
be able to procure.
Tho Princess May is a singlo bot
tom bout on Iho regular service of
tho Onnndiiin Pneifio. railroad be
tween Victoria and Skiigwny. She
left here with 100 passengers nml is
on her return trip, heueo it is im
possible to proouro n list of passun
gors. It is more than likely sho Is
cnrryinn; nt least 100 on lior way
Tho Princess May is an 1800-ton
vessel, the smallest ot the lour mil
,....,,, 01M..ltl,.i : i.luri,i 80li
U1(1 c'anndian wntors. Sho is u twin
fi0rw VCS80, or)0 foot long, 94 foot
bourn nml 18 foot draft, built of stool.
,., , iZM
2 ,' S V
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ji: r wiv?, -wv (h i
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Ld- SeiMm
Iy .American PrcBAyBoclatlon.j.
Eight Battleships Thunder Out Pres
idential Saluto as Mayflower Ar
rives With President Monument
Is Erected to Pilgrims.
PHOVINCETOWN. Mass., Aug. 5.
Kight battleships and a great fleet
of smaller war vessels greeted the
Mayflower today with a presidential
salute of '21 guns, us tho vessel bear
ing President Tnft entered tho har
bor. Tho president comes to dedicate
tho Pilgrims' monument in u "so dif
ferent" Mayflower from the ono
that boro tho original Now Kugland
fathers to their new world destina
tion. As tho Mayflower steamed through
tho long lauo of warships President
Tnft hold his first naval roviow. The
president stood on tho bridge of the
little vessel and fractured rigid na
val etiquette by waving his baud to
tho thousands of bluejackets who
cheered as tho Mayflower passed.
Lining tho historic strcots with
thoir orderly ranks, 3000 bluejackets
formed about tho president, nnd us
an escort led tho way from the
doeks to tho town hull, where the
'230-foot shaft stands. Largo crowd
woro ranged about tho speakers'
After nn invocation by Rev. James
Do Normnndio of Huston, President
Kmcritus Charles W. Klliot of Har
vard, tho orator of tho day briefly
discussed tho history of tho Pilgrim
Fathers and tlio lumluhips endured
by them in their conquest of New
Following Dr. Flliott, John Van
Woedo, charge d'affaires of the
Netherlands legation at Washington,
Then Senator Henry C. Lodge of
Massachusetts, in a simple address,
transfered tho stone shaft from its
builders to tho people of tho nation.
Former OongrosMiiun MoClonry of
Minnesota followed Sonntor Lodge.
Governor Draper Hum introduced
President Tnft, who, on hehulf of the
nation, accepted the monument from
the descendants of tho Puritans. A
bamiuet, nt which tho speakers and
other distinguished guests woro pres
ent, closed Iho coremonios.
Tho nionuinont was begun on Au
gust 10, 1007, whon then Prosidont
Roosevelt dedicated tho oornorstono.
Its cost was slightly ovor .flOO.000.
Government Expects Great Demon
stration Sunday and Is Preparing
to Cope With It San Sebastian.
Summer Capital, Is Seething With
Discontent Revolt Discussed.
SAN SEBASTIAN, Spain, Aug. 3.
Anticipating a great demonstration
by tho clericals, revolutionists nnd
Cnrlists on Sunday, the government
today fcent reinforcements to Snn So-
lmstinn. The incoming troops nre
supplied with bull cartridges and i.
is snid that orders to their command
ers nre to shoot to kill nt the first
sign of disorder.
Snn Sebasiinn, the summer cnpi
tnl of the kingdom, is seething with
discontent nnd a revolt is discussed
openly. The temper of the populace
is aggravated by news from the Bis
cnynn provinces that clashes between
troops and revolutionists have oc
curred. The fnct that the dispatches
nro closely censored lends to the be
lief tlint the conflicts nre more se
rious than the dispatches relate.
Censorship Expected.
Newspaper correspondents here
are anticipating the adoption of u
M'rict censorship hero by arranging
for courier service to the French
border, where dispatches may be for
warded by telegraph.
It is believed here that wealthy
aristocrats, arc financing, the demon
stration planned for Sunday. They
are said to be employing automo
biles, hordes nnd wagons to bring
hundreds of persons from the coun
try districts into Snn Sebnstian.
The military governor hns issued n
proclamation forbidding nny gather
ings but those of regular Catholic
assemblages in the churches nnd pro
hibiting outsiders from entering tho
town. This latter precaution was
taken following reports thnt Biscay
n n priests nre arming their parish
ioners nnd urging them to enter Snn
The reports indicate that the
basques in Biscnyalavn, Cuipeur.cos
and Navarro hnve seized trains nnd
mnll river eraft and nro preparing
to fight troops sent to prevent their
Every Precaution Has Been Taken to
Protect Visitors While in England.
local police, augmented bv .-pccril
detective from Scotland Ynvd. nre
taking every precaution to protect
King Alfonso nnd Queen Victoria of
Spain from possible attack by
n gents of the Spanish revolutionist.
(Continued on Page 5.)
Dr. D. W. Dwinnell, Who Recently
Purchased Large Tract of Timber
on Rogue, Now Making Complete
Study of It To Buy More.
Dr. D. W. Dwinnell, who recently
purchased 5000 acres of timber from
tho Trail Lumber company on upper
Hokuo river, has arrived In Medford
with two full timber cruising crews
and will make a completo reconnals
sanco of his holdings, as well ns ex
amines sovornl othor bodies of timber
which ho may purchnso later. Ho
states thnt ho has no Immediate plans
for tho development of tho tlmbor,
ns tho transportation problem has
first to bo solved.
Mr. Dwinnell Is vory much pleased
with tho tlmbor In southern Oregon.
Ilo owns much timber land in north
oin California,
5, Armed with guns nnd
clubs, n mob is hunting n ne
gro in tho brush near Buck
ner, Mo. The negro is nc
cuscd of attacking Clnra.
Bnldtis, 13, the daughter of a
farmer. Tho mob threatens
to bum tho negro if ho is
en light.
4-4-4- 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4- 4- 4-
A. Coleman Plans Erection of New
Amusement House on Site Adjoin
ing Hotel Medford, But tf Knock
ers Check Him He Will Drop It.
A Coleman, who is Interested in
the building of the Hotel Medford,
which promises to be ono of the most
handsomo buildings In Medford when
completed, is now considering the
erection of r-.n opera house, modern
In every recpect, to stand adjoining
the new hotel, but he states that If
attempts arc made to check him In
tbls project as ho says were mad in
th financing of the new hotel, he
will drop tlte matter instanter.
"Medford needs a modern opera
house," stated Mr. Coleman today,
"and 1 believe that I can seo my way
clear to erect one on the site adjoin
ing tho new hotel, but to do so I
want the support of Medford's peo
plo. I was checked in many ways
before tho Lotel was finally started,
nnd I do not care for the experience I cannot say that I intend to
build the opera house, although I
am conslJcrlng It, for If opposed
and battered from pillar to post I
will drop the affair, for life is too
short, to fool with it."
Motive Thought to Have Been Re
venge in Mysterious California
Triple Murder, But Robbery May
Also Have Been Motive.
SANTA ROSA, Cal An". 3. A
systemntio search of tho Starbuck
ranch, nenr Cnzadero, where it is be
lieved T. A. Kendall, his mother and
father woro killed, is oxpected today
to throw new light upon tlio motive
for the crime. Whilo it is the belief
of tho authorities that revenge was
the principal factor. District Attor
ney Lea admitted to the "United Press
today that $300 collected by Ken
dall is missing.
A woodman's ax, double-bitted and
with one of tho bitts blunted luun
niorlikc, was tho weapon with which
tho murder of T. A. Kendall, his
fnthor nud mother was committed.
Tho bloodstnined weapon was found
by ono of Sheriff Smith's deputies in
n canyon not far from the ranch
houso in which attempts were made
to ercmato tho bodies of tho Ken
dalls. Deputies today nre seeking
further traces of tho murderer.
An effort is being made to trace
the ownership of tho nx. lu this ef
fort tho sheriff interviewed u neigh
lior of tho Kendalls, with whom T,
A.1 Kendall ouco quarreled. Accord
ing to the authorities tho dispute was
a trivial ono and was not sufficient
to have furnished u motive for tho
terriblo crime.
Your wants will bo supplied if you
read tho want ad columns today.
: tILttN lu
I Hlifl
Forest Fire Surrounds Buildings in
Littlo Mining Town Seethins
Mass of Flames Telephone' CaK
Is Sent for Aid Every Available
Man Is Fighting Fire.
Forest Arcs nro threatening the
hotel buildings at Eileen, Cnl., and
also tho timber and buildings on tho
claims of the Bloomficld & Medford
Copper company, in tho Blue Ledge
Forest fires have boon raging ia
tho vicinity of Hutton postoffice, a
few miles away, but had been con
sidered nearly undor control.
Tho flames have broken out again
in the vicinity of Eileen and not nly
the hotel and other buildings, but the
timber and structures on the sur
rounding mining claims aro threat
ened with destruction. All the avail
able men in the vicinity are fighting
the flames and a call has been sent
out for more help.
Little Eleanor Nellor, Aged 4, Run
Over by Car Believed That She
Is Now Out of Danger, Although
She Suffered Internal Injuries.
Littio Eleanor Ncllnr, aged 4, tho
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Nel
Iar, recent arrivals in Medford, was
seriously injured Into Thursday aft
ernoon when sho was run over by an
automobile driven by Eddie Rcddy.
Tho child is resting easily and is
thought to bo out of danger by at
tending physicians, although at first
it was believed that sho could not
recover, being injured internally.
Tho accident occurred on South
Riverside avenue. The street at this
point was narrowed by n cut-out in
the pavement, standing wagons,
building material and tho like. Young
Rcddy was driving slowly. With
him in the front of the auto was Dr.
Rcddy, who has ovor been known as
a careful driver, never allowing nny
of his cars to ho drivou rapidly whilo
in them. Tho littlo girl suddenly ran
in front of the mnchino nnd before
a move could bo mndo had been run
over by tho front wheel.
Medical nssistanco was rendered
at once and today it is believed that
the child is out of dnngor. Tho
shoulder nnd mouth of tho littlo. one
were bruised and iutorunl injuria.?
sustained. No bones were broken.
NEW YORK, Aug. 5. Tho leaders
of tho stock market oxperlonccd an
upward flurry In the early dealings
today. Trading wns In light volume.
Amalgamated Copper, St. Paul, Am
erican Smolting, Chicago Groat West
ern, Southorn Pacific and American
Sugar advanced 1. Reading 1 3-8,
Union Pacific 1 1-2, Dolawaro nnd
Hudson 1 5-8, Amorlcan Sugar and
Union Pacific 2, Denver & UIo
Grnndo proforred X 5-8, United 8toel
1 1-2. Iowa Ceutral lost 1 1-4.
Iloiuls aro firm,
To soil it choapor thnn any ono oIko
Is Important storo ndvlco. It you
let tho peoplo know nbout It, you'll
got them lntorostod in your store
scoros of thorn, who only "know"
whore It la now,