MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST U010. HILL'S OFFER OF CORNELL SAYS OWA PLATFORM WILL PROBE WHEAT CORNER Federal Grand Jury to Detcrmlnu Whother July Deal Was in Viola tion of Sherman Anti-Trust Law Many Wltuosscs Summoned. nviiiMJ hkin gricKiA' criiiiii. that cooled, rofiimliluif iioiiimtlnu, Try a UK eoiit bottle of tide lotion, I). 1). I), l'roiri'lrtlon, It vlll it tup tho Itch, not In half an hour, not In ton mlinitt'H, but In flvo uoeomlit. If you will onll at our itloto wo will toll you moro of thin I). 1). I), compound. .Medford I'lm.Miuiey, near poittof t"v. ' Itching oklu troubles miiuo peoplo as hdoii uh h hot wtml''or comes. Tluuo m'oniH to bo no piovonllvo; but when tho trouble does bro'U out, It In a vory slmp'o maltor to ntop that Itch, and to ntop It Inutantly. J nut a ru" dropH of go-itlo vlnlor groou lotion mixed with tl ymol and wiiHhud over the eruption will mmtho and smooth tho skin luutnutb, giving CAR WELCOMED. JEFF WAS DOPED IS Interesting Session of Commercial Club Many New Members Man ufacturing Concerns Aro Endorsed by Organization. Veteran Trainer Thinks Somo East Indian Drug Was Used Says the Big Fellow Acted Like Child on Fatal Monday. Docs Not Rccognizo Payne-Aldrlch Tariff Law as Revision In Accord With Pledge Made at Chicago Praises Dollivcr and Cummins. Kills Woman and Fatally Wounds Her Husband When Ho Rushes to Her Assistance No Motive Other Than Insanity. Could you conceive of n utoro NOT porslBtently advorlliiodT 8 BOARDER SHOOTS TWO AND HIMSELF N 111 ! I IfrlllTVtt fi SAX FKAXCISCO, Cnl., Aur. 4. Thnt James J. Jeffries was "doped" probably with nn East Indian drup, The regular monthly meeting of tho Medford Commercial club was hold at Its rooms Wednesday evening, President Cnl vie m-esldlnsr. A larco number of memborswero present and is the opinion of Roper Cornell, the much Interest was shown In tho va- veteran trainer, who had cknrgo of rlous subjects that wore brought up. the rublunjj room at tho ex-chnm-Forteen applicants for membership U'ion's camp. wore elected, namely: Messrs. S. VI- ' F one, think that Jeffries las Beckwlth, C. W. Lake, George piven an East Indian dniR," Henry, A. W Clark, J. R. Brevard, said Cornell. discussinR Jeffries' .H. H. Dodge, C. G. Sueysmlth. H. D. sudden reversal of form just before Ppwell. D. S. Clark, J. R. Tomllnjtlio bic battle. "And I think it was S. S. Smith, L. G. Branson, and H. P. Cvcn to him on tho Saturday night Houston and L. V. Houston. (All before the fifiht. On Satunlny nft of theso are nowcomers and repre- cnioon Jeffries went fishinR and did sent different lines of business lnt return until 10 o'clock. He Medford and the Rogue River valley, would not take any of his trainers the orchard line covering the ma- jwith him, but always took a lot of jorjtv 'friends, and you know what that Interesting discussions followed , means. tho offer of the Great Northern rail-! "Jeffries was not doped eipht days -way. who aro fitting up an exhibit .before the firht, as ho says, for I car of strictly Oregon products, which wou' "nvc noncca u, as i waieneu It Is proposed to display through most him very closely. I will say that I of the eastern states this fall and noticed the chanpo Sunday inormne, winter upon oven moro extended nm more so Mouthy noon, when I lines than was the Washington ex- became absolutely convinced that lilblt car sent out by the Hill people 'Jeffries was a wreck, no , noted like last year and which was confined chdd, douiR everything I told him, to products from points originating 'soraothinjr he would never do before on their own lines In that state. The W,1'out, nn Kmcnt. arrangement Is conceded to bo one! , "Corbett, Choynski and the rest of of the most far reaching over arrang-j1!10111 would have been ot great us ed for by the Commercial club and sistnncc to Jeffries, but they seemed Is looked upon as possessing quail- atra,d that lf the-v snid nnythuiR the io of th hlehcst benefit as a. nrac- fellow would do exactly the op- ti,i ndvrtisomont of onr resources .positc. If they had been allowed to to people In tho east. Last year over ! handle his training outside tho rub- DES .MOINES. In., Aur. !. The Iowa Republican platform, as sub mitted by tho commit too on resolu tions, indorses the tariff plank of tho Republican national platform adopted at CIuchro. It does not lecoRniru the Pnyne-Aldrich tariff law as n revision in accord with Iho pledge made nl ChieaRo. The platform does not approve of another revision at once, but in dorses tho revision of the tariff on separate artieles from time to time. The platform indorses "such efforts as President Tnft and hi ndvNors have mndo toward fulfilling the promises of tho national platform which have been in harmony with the declarations of this convention." The plntform also commends Sen ators Dollivcr and Cummins "for their attitude on the tariff, railroad and postal savings bnnk bills and their patriotic efforts to protect the public rishl" from the greed of spe cial interests in the interest of na tional legislation.'' The plntform nlo enll the at tempts of DolHver and Cummins lo "secure tho Inrgest mensure of equitable revision" of the tariff n OAKLAND, Cl.i Aug. !. William Cooper, u boarder at the. homo of Mr. and Mrs. Hurley lluss, without warniiiR shot and killed Mrs. Buss today. When her husband rushed into tho room Cooper turned and drew n rovolvor, shootiiiR through the nook. Ho then put n bullet into his body, inflicting a fatal wound. Russ has a fighting chutico for life. Cooper cumo to Oakland several months ago from Auburn, N. Y., where ho had worked for tho llius family on their farm. According to statements made by ltuss at tho roi'oiviiig hospital (his morning, there had always been thu closest friendship between his wife and Cooper. He denied that (here was any jealousy between himself and Cooper. Up to tho tinio of thu shooting Coopur had exhibited no signs of insanity. Cooper entered (ho room where Mrs. Russ was preparing breakfast. Without a word ho drow n revolver and shot the woman down. Tho re port of the gun brought Russ run ning to the room. As he opened the door Cooper shoved tho pistol into his face and fired. Russ fell (o tho CHICAGO, Aug. (.With a vlow to determining whether tho recent corner la July wliont wao In viola tion of tho Shermnu nutl-triiBt laws, an Investigation by tho fodural grand Jury will bo Htarted within tho next fow days, Preliminary examination of wit nesses will ho mndo beforo tho pres ent grand Jury, according to W. 8. ICoayon, assistant to Attorney Gen eral Wlckorsknm. Whnt vfacts aro disclosed at tho prollmlmvry examin ation will bo turned over to tho suc ceeding Jury for complete rctlon. 'Republican defence of the people's welfare." It declares "their insist-1 floor, but retained consciousness, enee largely determined the bcnefi-'Hc saw Cooper look down at tho cial features of the railroad bill."jdead body of Mrs. Russ, then place The platform commends the house, his revolver to his temple nnd pull for revisinc the rule nnd nys: "Re publicans in Iowa are the best judge of what constitutes Republicanism in her chosen representatives." Governor Carroll was indorsed ns nn able Republican 100,000 people visited .tfce Washing-11 ro,ou!,h,0 wouId ,havo "l been ton car. In addition to. exhibits a Sieged, if he was drugged." large supply of Medfoft literature Cornc snid " ? truth m is to be carried and wllTbe dlstrlb- .statements made by Bob Armstrong, tiled In all of the sections vtalted. " 0I Jelt "? I0, "',,. .,.Mr .-.r- The Great Northern has also agreed !" s cord in h rubb,n:! PUIUCQC fiCAC U TC Q to provide monthly space In their roon, because there were too many, UnlllLOL VLhl IflUlLlO publication, called "The Homeseek bosses. Cornell said he was boss of the rubbing room after he went to Rowardennnn. ' CLIFF BECKETT SPRINGS SURPRISE ON HIS FRIENDS shoeing up the next morning as a married man. er," which Is sent out broadcast to all of their agencies. The exhibit committee of the club Is working hard to get the very best varieties of fruit, vegetables and products ot all kinds for the car and a very gen-1 ,- nnnpijirc t, tt. erous collection from the Rogue river ' C1?' J"C valley Is anticipated. All orchardlsts ""e' "!? 10' bf ,J R and farmers will be specially Invited T", V' if,' T) C' Beckett ana to provide everything they can of ,M, Rth, L; Roberts, their highest grade products. , r' ?"kctt " one, f delivery mu ,. . , , n. , -clerks in the jledford postoffice and The Medford Cement and Paving i, . , ., , , , ..... ii 'his bndc is n young lady of much company submitted a proposition . . , J H .., ... . ,, , , ... lk i beauty and cbnnn. Cliff put one whlch was heartily endorsed by he i J . . . ,. , ' , . , , . .. .. . , l over oil his fellow-workers by not club, being to the particular benefit . . A, .... , . i of Medford, viewed from the stand- r. - '. . """"h A " " .. ,, ... ,. ... , (ion, simply slipping nwny and tho payroll which It will produce as . ,. . . well as the lessened cost of sswei j pipe, drain tllo and other cement ar ticles which they will manufacture. ' the plant to be located at Medford. , Proposal from the Excelsior Fence Works of Spokane to oTj?. . . .obtas Works of Spokane to estab'U'n a branch plant at Medford for lb man ufacture of wire fencing was also read and taken under consideration. Manager MalboeUf outlined some Ideas 03 to certain courses in public ity work, particularly in the distribu tion of booklets and the adoption of a new folder to cover the latest and most Interesting facts In detail cov ering Medford and the valley to be U6ed In harmony with the present booklet, but with tho aim of reach ing a much larger number of people 'without additional expense to the club than the Illustrated book now serves. This matter was referred to tho special booklet committee, en larged in number and will be brought up for definite action at the next meeting. Wanted MAN BORROWS RIG, LICKED, ARRESTED, FREE Three appearances and three dis charges with advice to be good wao tho record in tho police court Thurs day morning. Two plain drunks were allowed to Ko with the promise to sin no more until the next time. On telephone information from Central Point u man was arrested charged wi(h having taken n livery ' rig without permission. lie hnd ask ed for the rig at the stable, but was refused, owing to his inebriated con dition. Later, while iho employes of tho burn were at supper, ho liitchec. up and camo to Medford. After ho "was located here the liverymun ask ed that tho price of tho rig be col lected, which was done. Thu livery man camo after his learn and evi dently found (he man who hud taken it, for the latter was picked up by tho .uolice a couple of hours after ward with n badly bruised head. Af ter viewing (ho exhibit Thursday morning and in consideration of the fact that livorv nnd phone bills hnd been paid, Judge Canon allowed thu prisonor to go, believing he hnd been punished enough. All-round horse, not over 10 years. 2 single wagons. Sawmill men. Girl for general houaj work. 10 laborers. Loggers. Laborers, $2.75. Ranch hands. Light wagon. 10,000 acres or more stumpage. FOR SALE. Span mules a"nd fine work team. 2 lots near West Main, snap price. Young work team. Long-term lease, very desirable. Lot on paved street, $575. Business, nets $4000 yearly. Lots, $150 up, easy torms. 40 to 80 acres red foothill soil, near Jacksonville, for sale cheap. 100 acres, 0YS miles Medford, $3000. 1 brood mare, cheap. Fine business at invoice. 7 horses, harness and hack. Lots $10 down, easy payments. Alfalfa tracts, under ditch, $100 per ucre. 40 acres and improvements, $800. Close-in fruit land, under ditch, $200 per ncre. 3 room modorn bouse, $250 down, $1800. 80 acres, incomo $2500, tools and teams, $0500. 90 aorcs creek bottom, $125 por acre Boarding house, soap price. For Trade. Lots for span horses, weigh 2500. 2,000,000 feet timber for Medford or Portland property. RELINQUISHMENTS. 100 acres dceD red soil, 00 ncros of fruit land, 200,000 foot of timber 4 miles from Jacksonville, $200. 100 acroo, 40 acres red fruit soil, 750,000 feet of timbor, 3 miles from Jacksonville. $100. ' E. F. A. BITTNER Room 207 Tavlor & Phlpps Bldf. Phone 4141 Maui. the trigger. Buss and his wife wore each 113 years of age. They havo two young daughters, who were not in tho house at the time of (he shooting. The police declare that Cooper, who is snid to be dying, is undoubt edly insniic. COMING; IS A PROBLEM WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. . Wanted At tho Chinese legation here, a bright young man who can translate the sign language ot a Chi nese deaf mute into ph. In English. Apjply to Yung Kwai. A delegate from Poking to tho In ternational congress for the deaf and dumb, to bo held at Colorado Springs next month, Is en routo from tho Flowery Kingdom. But the officials hero are at a loss to know how to provide a means of communication when their representative reaches this country. An attempt is being made to trr.ln one of tho young at taches of tho legation In tho art of band and finger expression. NO MORE SPOONING BY PHONE SAYS MAYOR Attention to Mining Investors. Geo. E. Brinker, M. K., mines ex amined and reports furnished. Sa( isfaction guaranteed. References given. 334 West 0th, tor. Ivy 121 PITTSBURG, Pa., Aug. 4. City employes who vant to hold their jobs must cut out spooning over the telephone. Mayor McGco has an uouiiced that violation of this rule- will result in the guilty one being sepnrated from (he city's service. An examination of recent ac counts, nccording to Mayor McGee, has shown (hat (ho city lost $12,000 on account of "spooning" by city employes over tho telephone. Instead of charging calls to sweethearts made from their offices to their personal acqiiuintunccs, the mayor says the employes charged them to the various municipal de partments. "For $12,000 wo can pny two fat salaries," said tho mayor. "This long-distance lovemnkiug at the ex pense of the city must end." Plain Sewing. " little storo that Is advortlsod ii i. . .. . I wnll nnrl In ,hn nlmnnr llmir nf 1,a AiiprniionK nnu rennirinf nnnuvi v w ... uv...u ...... . done. Call 401 South Central. Phone "sources, never will stay llttlo not 2P21. 118 ovon or ft "Wo while. INFORMATION by TELEPHONE People are not leaving so much to chance in these days of universal telephone service. Instead of risking disap pointment they telephone and get the facts. Will school be held on a stormy morning, will your friend be in if you call, what does the weather man pre dict and when does the train leave are samples of my riads of questions constantly passing over the wire, and being answered by the proper authorities. There are also questions to be asked about the telephone service, how somebody can be reachd ovr th Bell Long Distance Telephone and what it will cost, and similar ques tions, which are being answered by the information operators. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. Every Bell Telephone is tho Center of the System. m in Mrs. Astor May Re wed tho Colonel. NKW YOltK. Aug. I. limphutic ally denying the rumors that she is to wed hord Ciirzon, former Rritish viceroy of India, Mrs. Ava Willing Astor, divorced wife of Colonel John Jacob Astor, has intimated the possibility of a remarriage to her former husband,. She was met on her arrival on the steamer Oceanic from Loudon by her husband's secretary, who camo from Newport, where tho colonel is so- journiug on thu millionaire's private vaeht. VfR 1 llll w w THE DESK LIGHT This la n cloak light. You nooil ono In your homo bootuiBO It throws tho llRht Just whoro you wnnt It whon you rorul-on your book. Juat whoro you wnnt It whon you wrlto-on your pnpor. It la only ono of a vnrloty of lighting flxturoa you onn have il you uao olootrlolty -tho light for tho homo. Sond for tho Man. Rogue River Electric Vjunipaiiy jj TO OUR READERS! By special arrangement we offer you a great opportunity to read "Chantecler" E kDMOND ROSTAND'S wonderful "Chanteclcr" is the dramatic sensation of the world. In it Rostand proves himself to be one of the greatest dram atists of all limes. "Chantecler" is not only the greatest play, of the cen tury, it is the one great play of the last hundred years. It is an exqui site story, palpitating with human sympathy and interest. It warms the blood stirs the emotions-carouses every commendable senti ment. "Chantccler" sparkles with wit counsels with wise philoso phy entertains with fascinating idiom while the tones of the hour t bell of today, and today's problems, are heard through the medium of Chanteclcr's " deliciously up-to-date slang. No language contains sufficient superlatives to describe it. Only reading and study will enable you to appreciate it. It has aroused all France London has gone mad over it. The Only English Translation Rostand has chosen Hampton's Magazine as the medium throturh which to present " Chantecler " to the English-reading world. The publication will be in four instal ments, one act to each instalment, beginning in the June number. The translator is the same who helped to make " Cyrano dc Bcrgcrac ,l so fascinating to American booklovcrs. We have made special arrangements with the publishers of HAMPTON'S by which our readers'may get "Chantccler" and the many other fine features published in HAMPTON'S in connection with our own paper, practically without cost. Read our offer below. OTHER EXPENSIVE FEATURES Hampton's Magazine every month con- the werld: Arthur Stringer has a new scries 'tains the most costly, most important, and called "The Adventures of an Insomniac;" most interesting contents cvpr put between Tames U. Connolly describes in several stories the covers of a general magazine. "Peary's his Trip Around the World with the American Own Story" of the discovery of the North Fleet; Frederick Palmer is contributing a Pole, a gGU.OOO feature, is now in its most in- scries of airship stories of which Danbury tcrcsting stage, giving" the positive "proofs" Rodd is the central character. The only new that Commander Peary and no other man dis- idea in detective fiction since Sherlock Holmes covered the North Pole. " The True History is provided in the second scries of stories about of the Southern Pacific Railroad " by Charles Luther Trant, the psychological detective, Edward Russell is one of the greatest mag- written by Edwin lJafmcr and William G. azine serials ever published. Mrs. Rhcta MacIIarg. Other Short Stories arc by such - Childe Dorr's articles on the "Power of the favorites as O. Henry, Gouvcrncur Morris, Women's Clubs" are without an ccjual in their Charles Belmont Davis, Rupert Hughes, appeal to women everywhere. Fiction con Josephine Daskam Bacon, Harris Merton tributors include the foremost story-tellers of Lyon and many others. Special Offer to Readers of This Paper ' By special arrangement with Hampton's Magazine, wc arc able to make the following remarkable offer to our readers. The publishers of Hampton's advise us that the demand for "Chantccler" is tremendous. Wc therefore advise you to order on the attached coupon The only sure way of getting all of " Chantccler " is to send today. now. MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE Delivered to your home for six months $3.00 HAMPTON'S MAGAZINE, With Chantecler, Etc $1.50 Regular price .$4.50 BOTH POR ONLY $3.00. CLIP THIS COUPON NOW Medford Mail Tribune, Medford, Ore.: Enclosed $3.00 for which send tho Mail Tribune for six months and Hamp ton's Magazine for twolvo months, in accordance with your special offer. Name , Street -?j