Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 04, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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of ihe
Air Lanes
y t
Herbert Quick
Cctrafcfct 1909. by tfca Bekfct
Mwrtll Compmjr
CHAPTER I Tbeodoro Carsou,
inventor of on airship, rescues from
a fugitive flying mnchino called a
kelicopter, a beautiful youiiR Rirl.
II and III Carson is infatuated
iy her and takes her whore she cau
onununioat with her friends.
IV Carson visits tho Roc, a pant
airship owned by Shayno, uncle of
"Virginia Suarez, the pirl ho rescued,
and, baing coldly received, leaps
from tho Roc, at a preat heiRht, in a
V, VI and VII Ho lands "in the
grounds of tho Slnttory Institute for
Inebriates, -where ho makes a friend
ef one Craighead, who plans to raise
capital to manufacture tha new style
airship Carson has invented. Thus
tkey hope to rival Shnyne, who con
trols the airship industry.
VIH Mr. Waddy decides condi
tionally to capitalize the Carson
Craighead project.
Tsyche, said he, "when you s3y
you aro glad"
"Oh, I'm so glad you aren't dashed
to pieces!" she cried. "I've seen you
Jailing, falling, falling. In my dreams
and never Alighting! But evidently
you dldr
Tea." said he, "quite safe. But how
came you here'-"
"Oh, I live here," said she. "But
kow did you know? Or did you Just
happen? Shall I hide you? I'll never
betray you.Tiever, no matter what they
aay you've done!" '
You belong here?" repeated The
doro wonderlngly. "Here? i'ou you
live here?"
"Yes," said she hurriedly "with
aay uncle. I couldn't endure the
Snaynes and Sllberbergs any longer.
"Why, the way they did Just drives
people to crime! And If you did any
thing It was in open war with the of
fleers and not by stealth as the
Shaynes and Sllberbergs do. I told
them so to their teeth only you ought
to reform and all that, you know.
tAnd I couldn't bear Aunt Marie any
jre,H here the voice trembled, "though
everybody will say I'm ungrateful and
all that And General Carson's family
are all my relatives In the world, ex
xept the Shaynes. And this Is their
plantation my uncle that I never saw
lives here and I came to him. I hope
1b -won't bate me. I'd rather not have
to ask him to shelter a robber the very
.flrst thing, and so I hope j-ou aren't
pursued. But if you arc I'll hide you
before I'll see you caught. There!"
Sir. Carson reeled back against the
-wall, drew his hands across his eyes
and looked again. She seemed to bo
there still, rather nearer than before,
bunds clasped in adorable anxiety, dl
Tinest pity In her eyes.
"Of course it's a shock," said Miss
Bearer, "to And you"
"I am sorry," said Theodore, "to have
shocked you by being visible. I"
"Oh, now," said Miss Suarez. "Try
to supply ellipses and and those
things. I meant to And you so"
"So incapable of so lacking in the
qualities of of of
"You're gradually getting closer to
M," commented Virginia. "Our danger,
where there Is nobody hanging about
to Bort of mitigate no, not that to
"To absorb and diffuse the 'shock "
suggested tho engineer.
"The very word." said Bbe. "Why,
uncle, you're clever once In awhile"
"Thank you. Miss Virginia. I"
"Don't Interrupt, please. Our dan
ger here In the wilderness Is that of
not catching the shades of expres
sion. The nuances one has to have
ground Into one's system with regard
to one's friends If nuances can bo
(round Into anything and that we'll
misunderstand and light and pull hair
aeedlessly doesn't that cover the
"I don't think It does quite. But
you were saying I lack some quality.
Please go on."
The quality of unclehood," said she.
"You don't create tho role. I suppose
aay Image of a charming young rob
ber, for you'ro not bad looking, uncle,
you know."
Theodore blushed.
"Piracy and yegglsm and those
things aro so Incompatible with one's
only surviving Hvo llve-wlth-able un
cle," said Virginia.
"In 'The Babes In the Wood,' " said
Theodore, "the undo was quite that
Tho odd thing with us I like living
with you immensely is that you seem
a babe In tho woods more than an un
cle, and I tho other,"
"What I wish you to understand is
bow honored I am to bo your guardian,
even though I don't deserve It."
"Oh, but you do!" suid sho. "And
-there's tho Carson blood, Isn't there?"
There's tho Carson blood." assented
Ilieodore uneasily, "and tho trust that
Wood alone cquldu't confer."
"And tho relationship must stand in
f can'gobacTT to tho sTmyues. I'm
afraid they'll find mo and make me"
"You shall not go back!" said Theo
dore. "Xcvcr!"
"My, my!" said Virginia. "How
fierce, uncle! And now let's go fish
Yes, Theodore had fallen. Fleeing
the best bedroom, in which Aunt Chloo
bad established Miss Suarez, he had
unmoored his launch for flight, but,
reconsidering, had demanded of Chloe
an explanation of the incomprehensible
mystery of tho presence, under a state
ment that she lived there, of Shayne's
"She's come to live with we all."
said Aunt Chloe. "She's kin o' ou'u."
Theodore gasped.
'There must be some mistake," said
he. "How can she be related to me.
"W'y, yo' some klne o uncle to huh,"
replied Chloe. "Huh mothab was a
daughtah to ole GIn'rel Cahson. She
married Lee Suarez and died. Miss
Glnnle knowed about us, an' when huh
aunt throwed huh oITn the alahshlp
fob stan'uln' up foh you she come
hyah. ez she had a right to, suh."
"But she dldu't know I was here?"
Theodore suggested.
"Oh, law, no," replied Aunt Chloe.
"She don't know yo' Mlstah Carson ylt
onless yo' tole huh."
"But, Aunt Chloe, we aren't any kin
to old General Carson, are we? And
I'm no uncle to this young lady, am
Aunt Chloe was indignant.
"Ilev Ah been wuckin' foh po' whites
all these yeahs?" said she. "Yo sho
as clus as uncle. Yo paw knowed be
was a Cahson."
"What have you told her about this
relationship?" said Theodore.
"She knowed all crbout It."
"Did she know how father how no
body thinks we are any kin to the gen
eral and"
"Who you mean by nobody?" que
ried Chloe. "Ah reckon we some kin
o' on' name wouldn't be Cahson, would
It? Ah tuk huh lu as a Cahson. If
you tuk huh In yo' ahms an' squench
ed huh teahs I reckou you wouldn't bo
brlngin' up these heavy arguments."
TJucIe Theodore was stately, cere
monious and. with due allowance for
sundry blushes when Miss Virginia
emitted a little giggle, promptly
smothered in her napkin, quite grand
In his demeanor at luncheon. He
formally kissed Virginia's hand, and
when she told of her need, of her re
liance on the Carson fidelity, he yield
ed to the temptation without a mo
ment's hesitation. He became her un
cle, entered calmly upon the deception,
oblivious of the vast consequences In
volved. "I have the honah." said he, "to
drink your health the health of the
Jewel and tho hope of the Carson
She rose as If at a formal signal for
withdrawal, took both his hands and
kissed him on the forehead. There
were tears lu her eyes.
(To Be ContinuerY;
Such Is Rumor From Grants Pass,
Whcro Suicide Theory Is Stronn
Buys Revolver and Has Been
Missing Since.
.Portland, Orecon S mmm
T22r VIi!Ant &nl T)ar School forGlrlimiderXr
front of BUUn of fct. John UpUt ( Kpltcopl H
CoWrxintr, Aruiitxmo ana r.ieuieiiiarr
IteuU. Mulc. Art. Klocutlon. Ojmniulujn.
(ilrddrnt pupils uatt ha otcr It imk of exs ajtil
wnll recommended, 11m number U limited to
fit . a nnlirAtlan hould bo xnftdo rarlr.l Adilrtn
nSl!irSotrior,Olflc23, St.HlMHill,Portlnd.Or.
ujrfcjJHHHBHM?"a n -
With n Kodak Film Tank you
can develop films for 5c per
dozen nnywhoro clear water
can be had tho dark room and
tho experience are in the tank.
Let us demonstrate.
Book Store
(Grants Pass Obsorvor.)
J. R. Robertson, orstwhllo a real
estato operator of Medford, but who
endeavored to oporato in this city,
has lett, and his present residence Is
unkuown, and there Is rv suspicion
that ho may 1-r.vo committed sulcldo
In tho mountains south of this city.
Robertson camo hero about two
wcoks ago and operated under tho
name of tl.o Medford Orchard and
Trust company, and was going to
havo offices In this city and Medford.
Ho got out somo ndvertlsl-ig matter
here that wna somewhat elaborate
advertising lots near tho depot for
sale. Ho did not soil tho lots nor
did ho pay his printing and adver
tising bill.
Ono day last week ho wont Into
Lloyd's second hand storo and plckod
out a. revolver and ammunition and
said that ho would go out nud try tho
gun, and It It was all right ho would
buy It. Ho then went to Lowls &.
Hnnna's livery stnblo and hired a
horse. Later In tho day tho horso
camo back without a rider or sad
dle. Mr. Lowls bad toll tho help In
tho barn not to let Robertson havo
another horse, that Is, ho told all
but one, ami that was tho ono that
Robertson Lappened to see when ho
came to tho stable. In tolling of his
mishap with the other horso ho said
that ho was at tho White Rocks fish
ing and had takeu tho saJdle off and
tied to horso to It, and that tho whis
tle at tho rock crusher had blown,
scaring tho horse, which mado for
tho river and lost the saddlo In tho
river whllo folding. Ho socured tho
samo horso and started south on tho
stago road to Kerby.
When Mr. Lewis heard that ho had
again secured tho horso ho telephoned
to C. E, Hnrmon nt Love's Station
to take the horse away from him If
Robertson camo along. Tho horso
camo into Lovo's Station following a
wagon, which it started to follow In
the neighborhood of Wonder. Lator
Robertson camo along on foot and
wanted tho horse, claiming at first
that ho had bought It, but Mr. Har
mon would not glvo It up. Ho stayed
all night with Mr. Harmon and the
next morning asked for somo soap
to go to a creek to wash somo clothes
and that Is the last time that ho was
seen as far as anyone known here.
Robertso 's financial career In
southern Oregon has not been as rosy
as It might havo been. Tho first of
last Juno ho went to Medford and
opened elaborate offices, with elabo
rate fixtures. He has paid no rent,
nor did he pay for tho furniture. Ho
had ascocicted with him somo real
estato men who havo been prominent
In Portland, Seattle and other largo
cities In floating additions, but they
deserted him towards tho last of tho
month. Since then Robertson has
been going It alone. Ho advertised
big, claiming that ho had $500,000
to loan on real estate, but ho stated
that ho did that merely I. order to
havo his business sound big. Ho
gave soveral checks In Medford on
banks wheio ho had no money, and
at once time camo near being arrest
ed for It, and when ho loft Medford
gave n check for his ticket. It Is
said that ho gavo somo checks in this
city, which, of course, havo not boon
Ho did not pay his stenographer
and his wlfo was left without funds.
Sho went to work In a storo after his
disappearance from Medford, but last
week came hero to meet him, but ho
waB gone bb stated above. It Is
thought or feared that, being unsuc
cessful In business and being In a
poor way financially, that ho was not
In his right mind and that ho may
have committed sulcldo, as ho has
not been seen or heard of since leav
ing Lovo's Station.
Mt. Angel College
In charge of tho Boncdictino Fathers. For young
men and boys. Term opens Soptoniber Cth. Pre
paratory, commercial, scientific and classical courses.
Write i'or catalogue.
Medford Iron WorKs
B. G. Trowbridgdo, Prop.
All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps,
Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for
Tho best resolution for yon
to make is to como to ui for
your next suit, if you want
Bomothiug out of tho ordinary.
Wo do tho best work anil oharg
tho lowest prices.
the rsoaKKssrva tahoh
Excursion Ratesto the East
Southern Pacific
Chicago $72.50
Council Bluffs $60.00
Omaha ...-...... $60.00
Kansas City $60.00
St. Joseph $60.00
St. Paul via Council Bluffs $63.90
'Minneapolis direct $60.00
Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs $63.90
Dulutli, direct $66.90
Duluth, via Council Bluffs $67.50
St. Louis $67.50
Tickets will be en sale May 2d and 9th; June 2d, 17th
and 24th; July 5th and 22d; August 3d; September 8th.
The above rates apply froM Portland only. From pointa
south of Portland, add ONE WAY local rate to Port
land, to make through rate via Portland. One way
through California; add $15.00 to above rates. Except
that fares to St. Paul and Minneapolis one way via Cal
ifornia will he $2175 higher, and fare to Duluth $24.75
higher than fares via direct routes.
Ten days provided for the going trip.
Stop-overs within limits in either direc
tion. Final return limit three moths
from date of sale, but not later than Oc
tober 3l8t.
Inquire of any S. P. Agent for complete information, or
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon
If the furnished room ad "looks
good", run around to tho address
given and take a look at It.
Model A67
is a new one.
Office: 209 West Main St., Medford, Ore.
Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon
- - For Sale - -
- - 4
-- - -.- -----
428 ACRES .Rogue ttivor bottom land, atiiinblo
for fruit and general fanning purposes.
300 ACRES Alfalfa land, covered with irrigation
ditch and perpetual water right. Has coal outcrop
ping. At a bargain on long time, easy payments.
----------- --- - - - - - -
- ------- im ---
Gold Ray Realty Comp'y.
----- -
J. E. KNYAKT, President. J. A. PEKItY, Vice.I'roHi.loiit.
JOHN S. OltTll, Cnnhior. W. H. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier.
CAPITAL $100,000.00
SURPLUS 20,000.00
Crater Lake Route
The cars of tho Crater Lake Company will leave
Hotel Nash on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
at 8 a. m.
Round Trip $25.00
Children under 12 years, half fare.
Secure your tickets at the hotel.
J. O. NEFF, Manager.
Medford Address: Nash Ilotcl.
Single rooms or en suite
also rooms with bath
Che finest
Sample Rooms
in the city.
Fire Proof
Rau-Mohr Company
European Plan
Big machinery is now excavating tho ground,
northwest corner Main and Ivy streets, for the new
Watch the dirt fly and hurrah for Medford.
Newport, Yaquina Bay
The Only Beach in the Pacific Northwest
Whtiro tho protty Wotor AgatcH, Mom Agatoa, Moonstones
Cornollnna nnd Hock Oyutoru enn bo found.
Outdoors iSport of all Hinds
Including Hunting, Fluhln , dlsglng Kck OyutorH, Hontlng,
Surf Duthlng, Riding, Autolng, Cnnoolns and Dnnclng. 1'uro
mountain water nnd tho boat of food nt low prlcoH. Kroah
Grabs, ClnmB, Oyatora, FlBh nnd Vogotnbloa of all kinds dnl
ly. IDHAIi OAMPINO GROUNDS, with atrlct imnltnry rog
ulntlona, nt nominal cost.
Low Round-Trip Season
from all points In Oregon,
Washington and Idaho on alo
Three DaySaturday to
Monday Rate
from S. P, points, Portland to
Oottago Grove IncliiHlvo, Includ
ing branch lines; nlso from all
O. & E. atatlona Albany and
wost. Good going on Saturday
or Sunday, and for roturn Sun
day ur Monday,
A Sunday Excursion Rate of $ 1 .50
from Albauy, Corvallla and Philomath, with corresponding low rates
from points west, In effect all summor, Call on any S. P, or O, & E.
Agent for full particular no to rates, train schedules, oto.; also for
copy of our boautlful Illustrated booklot, "Outlnga lu Oregon," or
writo 10 WM. McMUIUtAY,
General PnnHOiigor Agont,
Portland, Oregon?
11 ptoe of, years," said Virginia, "for