MEDFORD AIAIL TRIBUNE, JMJSDITORD, OREGON, T1IURSPAY, AUGUST 4, 1910. Medford Mail Tribune Cemploto ficrlea: Thirty-ninth Year Dally, Vltlh Year. AM INDEPENDENT tfBWSrAFEB ntUURD SAX&Y EXCEPT BATOTfc- 2AT BT THE MEDrORD printing oo. A consolidation of tlio Medford Mali, MUtbllnhcd 1889: tha Southern Orc- fonlan, entnbllhcd 1902: tho Democratic 1riml nntnbllshpd 1872: tho Ashtnml Tribune, established 1S96. and the Mod Cera TriDuno, csiaunsnou ivus. BOnOE PUTNAM. Editor and Manago Intiu-1 nn npcond-clnsa matter No TBibr 1. 1909. at tho post-office at Mtdfortl. Orccon. under tho net or March 3, 1879. OMlolal Taper of tho City of Medford UBSC&XPTXOX BATES. On year by mall... One month by mall .15.00 .60 pr month, delivered by carrier. In TAinnt. l'tionnir. uenirni roinL Gold 11111 and Woodvlllo 50 unday only, my mall, per year.... 2.00 WmUIv. Dor ycar. 1.60 Tmll Z.aicd Wire United Frtm Els- patches. The Mall Tribune Is on sale at the Ferry News Stand, san i-Tancisco, Portland Hotel News Stand, Portland. lownan News ecu poriiano, urc 5'. O. Whitney, Seattle, Wash, otd Spokane News Stand. SpoVane. Postage Bates. I to 12-page paper lc 11 to 24-poro paper.. ...2c It to 38-Daco paper...... ....So IWOX5 CZBOTTbATZOK. Average Dally for November, 1909 KHcotnber, 1909 January, 1910 February, 1910 , BfArch, 1910 .................... AjmII. 1910 ..................... Jwie, 1910 TUTUS CZBCTTZVATIOIT. 1 2,500 1 2.600 a 2,500 .,........ 2,550 .. it , 2,600 2,500 Z.6Z5 2,525 2,625 2,675 2,525 2,525 2.525 16.. 17.. 19.. 20.. 31.. 22.. 23.. 24.. 26.. 27.. 28.. 29.. 30.. 1,700 1.812 1,925 .2.122 2,203 2,301 3,460 2,525 2,625 2.576 2,526 2,525 S.525 2.526 2,525 2.675 2.525 2,525 2.52a 2.525 Uotal for month Cess deductions . . . ..66,700 .. 660 65,050 race net dally. 2.502. TATE OP OREQON, County of Jack- Average net dally on, ss: On this 1st day of July, 1910, per sonally appeared oerore me, u. rut Bam, manager of the Medford Mall Trl kune, who, upon oath, acknowledged that the above figures are true and correct. (Seal) H. N. YOCKEY. Notary Public for Oregon. MAJORITY ARE INSURGENTS. Hotel Arrivals. Tlio XimH A. H. llrown, Ashliuul; 1). ( Hojjni-t, Pertlmitl: 11. .1. Shnw, Scnttle; K. 11, folm, Hukimio; 0. A. Drysihilo. St. Louis j W. H. Oillior;, 1C. S. Hull, l'ortlniuli 0. 11. Mntliow. son, Now lliweu: A. J. Voivot, Falls City; Mii Garrett. 0. 0. Snrkoy, Portland : K. V. Snoihly mul wil'e, Alva; W. .Morse, l.s AiikoIos; John JuluiMUi, Seattle; 1 1, Pease, .lofl'or son; V. Mantt, Grmnell; I-'. l- Glass brook, Pertland: V. 1. Krar.iei Seat Ho; P. O. Kimlov. Portland; Dr. ,1. O. Waddle. Stockton; K. S. Wright, IN IOWA, in Kansas anil in other direct primary states, whore there has been an expression of opinion from the rank and file, insurgents have been endorsed. In Ohio and other states, where the convention sys tem rules, the regulars, through their control of the ma chines, have won, insurgency standing no chance with the politicians. There is no question but that a majority of republicans arc at heart insurgents. Whether they will get a hearing or not denends solelv iinoii how much thov frighten the machino in control, is a n.lo, however, ngalan will ""Sl'c.HSft- trol and the people will have to vote lor stand-put candi dates. As a result the masses, being denied a voice in the se lection of candidates, and having their protests ignored, will elect a considerable number of democrats simply as a means of voicing their protest. This has already been done in some republican strongholds. There is a larger independent and thinking vote in America than ever before. The time-worn dodges to per petuate legislation for special interests through partisan appeals falls on an increasing number of deaf cars. At the best, party organizations are simply to secure offices, and enact legislation. When the office-seekers ov York; If, IJryon, Portland; J. 11. Money ami i'amtl.v, Devil's Lake, X. I). Tho MooroW. L. Uootnor, C. W. Kikemnn. Omaha; 0. H. Kielinuui ami wife, Seattle; J. P. Donovan, Al-i Imny; K. t Crews. Portland; WooU' roiit'l. vt. ll. AicDotiaiii. mii ! ran oisco; u. !;. Mil laity, Keno; K. S. Stiles, l.os Angles; t- W. Hold, (I rants Pass; Mr. mid Mrs. K. A. An derson, Cuntrnlin; M. Cluistio, 0. A. Webster, HohoIiui'k; W. II. Caliwin, San KranoNoo. Mnrrlnno Llconsos Issued. .lohn .1. Pottynrovo and llaltlo I), lohnsou. Phillip II. Uolnios and Blanche 11. Oswald. A kuoiI otoro location la nrivarttn 1R! kooiI Btoro Horvlco Is iitlvortln Ihk hut both of those are Biinplu inonttiry to tho ronl lulvoitlnliiK that Ib dono la tho nownimpor. MEDPOBD, OBSQOIT. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California and fastcst-erow-taux city In Oregon. Imputation, 1910, 9,000. Bank deposits, $2,760,000. Banner fruit city of Oreiron Itocuo Xlver apples won sweepstakes prize and mie oi "Apple Xlnffs of the World" at National Apple Show. Spokane, 1909. Xorue Itlver pears brought highest rices In all markets of the world dur tox the post five years. Write Commercial Club, enclosing 6 swats for postage on finest community pamphlet ever written. are financed by interests desiring special legislation, we have the political machine. The exposures of the past few vears, (be insurance scandals, the sugar trust scandal, the railroad rebate scan dals, the Standard Oil scandals, the Payne-Aldrich tariff scandals, whereby duties were increased on certain arti cles controlled by certain senators, and trust profits fur ther increased, the cost of living sent skyward through the policy of taxing poverty instead of wealth, and the consequent creation of a get-rich-quick plutocracy, have opened the eyes of the people as never before. Insurgency represents protest, and if the protest is not heeded, the politicians face disaster. HIS OBJECTION. I always felt a sort of doubt, I cquld not "ish!" or "pooh!" For quite a while I huiiR about To hear her softly coo; But, when I came to try her out, I found she wouldn t do. Her hair was like fine Rolden thread, Her throat was like tho swan; Her skin was white, her lips were red And fair to look upon; But she could never make a bed Or sew a button on. Her voice was ever soft and low, Her smile was very sweet; From certain points of view I knew That jrirl was hard to beat; But I'd have had the slimmest show To get Reed prub to eat. She warbled like a mockingbird Upon a budding haw; Her playing was, upon my word, Without a single flaw; But I believe, from what I heard, She cooked her beefsteak raw. I mean no sort of slight or slur, However it may look; I knew I could not marry her She'd never suit my book; I know it 'twas certain to occur I'd have to hire a cook. Kennett Hams. UNCLE JOE REFUSES TO TALK OF KANSAS -MACKINAC ISLAND, Mich., Aug. 4. Speaker Joseph G. Cannon re fused today to .discuss the results of the Kansas primary or the Iowa Re publican convention, but casually pointed out that there were primaries also in Oklahoma and Missouri. "I have nothing to say during my vacation concerning the Kansas primaries or the Iowa convention," WILL ASK MEXICAN CONGRESS TO OUST DIAZ Prevention OF FIRES ! LOS ANOELKS. Cnl., Aug. 4. The anti-re-election clubs of Mexico, whoso membership includes practi cally all of President Diaz' most bit ter enemies, will on September 1" petition the Mexican congress to de clare Diaz' recent election Nvoid on tho ground that tho whole election was farcical and a disgrace to the standing of Mexico among the nn- Any man who makes up his mind to fight for his rights will have a fight on his hands until the under taker is summoned by his sorrowing relatives. You can novor tell how a summer girl looked at the breakfast table by the way she looks when she occu pies a hammock Into in the afternoon. Chief Hornn very properly objects to tho secondary fireworks, consist ing of blazing houses, which tho fire crackers and skyrockets touch off. Day by day more banks are get ting into tho mood to pose as tho original littlo advocatos of the pos tal savings system. If a girl with a dimple still re tains it fivo years after marriage it's proof positive that hor marriage wasn't a failure Whilo u woman with nine children would bo justifiod in having an oc casional fit of the blues, she hasn't the time to indulge Set all tho thiovos to catching thieyoa and ubout one-half tho wofjd would bo continually chasing tho tker. said Cannon. "Perhaps when nil the it ions of the world. returns are in I will make a state-. l. Guiterrez do Lara, an officer of ment. There is ono thing you might the Mexican Liberty league, today remember primaries were held also said the central board of anti-rein Missouri and Oklahoma." election clubs decided to nrospnt mli a petition to the Mexican congress on July 25. The petition i now be ing prepared. CRANE IN WEST TO INVESTIGATE LORIMER? CHICAGO, 111., Aug. 4. Setintjr Murray Crane of Massachusetts, who appeared silently in Chicago and gave out tho information that he had nothing to say regarding his west ern mission, is said by the Chicago Tribune today to have come here to BALDWIN PROVES VICTOR IN SWIMMING RACES puny's Baldwin, of tho Valley Auto com- nggrcgntion of swimmer?, cleaned up tho race.-. Wednesday evening easily by winning over Ilen selman and Cain after the latterliad defeated St. James. Then, to top this off, Bnldwiu climbedxto the roof of the building and gave a very pretty exhibition drop. In this he was accompanied bv Professor investigate the personal and political Brans and Billy Hiechert. Ilieuhert status of Senator William Lorimer.was the only one of the three to dive. of Illinois. A number of the members of the Illinois assembly are now under in dictment for bribery in connection with tho eloction of Lorimer. Lori mer replied to tho charges of bribery before the sqnato and his election is to be investigated by a senate com mittee. The Tribune todny says Crane was sent by President Taft to investigate the Lorimer case. According to tho Tribune, the report will bo unfavor able to Lorimer. Crane refused to discuss his meet ing with Ballinger in Minneapolis. "I have nothing to say," said Crane, when asked whether ho was sent to Minneapolis to ask Ballinger to resign from tho cabinet. "I came west on a mission, have been in Minneapolis, and am now going east. I did not see Ballinger by appoint ment. Wo discussed matters in gen oral that is all." BRIEF SESSION COUNTY COURT (Continued from Page 1.) of tho county road in section 2'J, township 37, petitioned for by M. M. Hoard and othors, was referred to a board of viewers to bo appointed at tho September term of tho court. The same order was made in ref erence to tho road petitioned for by E. C. Pomeroy et al. Thoreupon tho court adjourned sine die. Evoa If your store wore, actually, more Important that your advertis ing would I nd Idea to, tho public would not believe It. which i n miiieuii lent, owing o the starting place nnd rafter. This youngster also swam the length of the tank under wator and was warm ly applauded. J. W. Keycs, of the Valley Auto company, snys ho has a water polo team which will play any ngtrregn tion in the city. On and after October first I will bo prepared I to deliver 'Tyrone," the only known sub stance that will extin guish gasoline and ii electric arc fires; weighs onlv five peunds: cannot freeze; t will not injure most delicate fabrics; used at all small fires by X. Y. fire department; passed and approved by V. S. federal steamboat in spection department; invaluable for extin- l guishing automobile tires. Address F. H. Cowles Agent, "Westaway Orchard Medford. i: mHMHIMHMHH I Jufft Published Mining Maps of Southwest ern Oregon and Northwestern California, showing the forest reserves, Minoycd and unsur veyed land. Sold by W.P. Wright Grants Pass. Or. Price of Wall Maps, $2; Pocket Maps, .$1.50. Wanted To buy or can trade work horse for single driving mare; good for orchard work; not over 8 years eld: weight about 1200: if broken to saddle preferable. Wanted Someone to bale ha' at "Westaway Orchard; must furnish all machin ery for baling; quote price. For Sale Fine tealn, weighing about 12150 pounds each, (bay marc and roan horse), age 0 years and 8 ycifrs; price, including I harness, nearly new, Will sell roan horse sin gle for $150. F. H. COWLES TVcstaway Orchard, Eagle Point Hoad, near Yilas "Ranch. ouiuxanck no. mm. An orill.iruco uuthnrlxlni? tho Ikhu ihu'o of $21,000.00 of tho Improve numt lioudii or tho city of Medford, Hon county, Orouon, and dlieet lug tho udvortlnlnir of tho uuuio for Halo In nrcordnuco with Chapter V of Tltlo XXVII of IlolllitKur & Cottou'n Annotated Coilon and Htututcu of tho Stuto of Oreuon. that tho total amount of thin Inmio dooH not oxeoml tho limit puvterlliod by wild nut. Thin bond In rudeonmblb at tho of fice of Hiild troiimiror nt. tho option of tho olty of Medford upon tho my iiiont of tho faco valuo thoroof, with nceruud Intoront to tho dato of pay ment nt any Homlaunu:u coupon po- Tho city of Medford doth ordiiln ,.,i (lt yP ,vftor ono year from tho dato horoor, iin provided in mud an. Kor tho fulfillment of tho coiull tloiiH of thin nhllKtitlnu tho faith and credit or tho city of Medford aro : ore by plodded, In wit n ohm whoioof, thin bond linn boon hI;iioi1 by tlio mayo.' and ut touted by tho recorder of imld city of Medford and tho Heal of tlio city of Mvdfotd affixed thin t . . i i U(l) Oi ttiiiit A I). It) 10. ait ToIIewh: Suction 1, Whorniui, '.ho olty of Medford Iiuh herotoforo duly eaiiHod certain HtroetH of Hald city to bo Im proved, and lunt duly aiuuuuH'd tho coat thereof to tlio property benefit ed thereby In aeeoidnne. with the charter of wild city; ami, WhoroiiH, certain uwnorii of Hiindry plorcH of property each i khohhoiI for Hiteh Impi'oveiueutM In a mini exceed ing twonty-flvo dnlljii'H, have duly made and filed application to pay nald uovoral umiciiHiuoutH In liiHtall inentti, In nccovdnnco with nectlou 27'J7 of nald llotllngor .4 Cotton'a Annotated Cmlon and Statuten; and, Whereas, an niHcsHinont and bond lion docket Iuih been duly made up In accordance with the provlHlona of Hald Hcctlon nnd of Hoctb n l!Ti!S of nald cndoH and HtntutcH, and tho total amount of unpaid iinHOHMiiuuitn for mich Htreet ImprovetuoutH and for which application to pay aider tho provlHlotiH of mi Id HcctloiiH t'.liovo cit ed hnH been ilmdo and filed uh afore said, Ih the Hum of 12-1.000.00. an Hhowa by uald bond lien docket; Now, therefore. Bald city of Med ford doth o dr In as nfnnumld, that thoro Ih hereby authorized to bo tu nned the boiuln of Hald city In the total amount of 'J 1.000.00, In de uomluatlonH of two hundred and fif ty nnd five hundred dollnru each, an may bo convenient. Section '2. Srld lioudH nlinll bo made In tho following ferm: . ........ nlli.i ...,,, citv op MBm-'onn. JackHon County, Statu of Oregon. IMPUOVK.MI5NT UOND. Know nil men by theno proHontn, that the city of Medford In tho coun ty of JnckHon. Mate of Oregon, for valuo received, hereby agrees and prnmlHOH to pay tho bearer tho nutn of dollnrH In gold coin of tho United Statcn of America, on tho prcHimtntlon and Hurroudernf thin. obligation on tho day of In tho year of our Lord, Ono ThoiiHaud Nino Hundred nnd , without grace. with Intoront thereon from the dato hereof until redeemed, or until tho time of the Hciul-annunl lutorcHt pay ment next vmiiiluK tho publication of notlco by tho city of Medfor I that thin bond will ho taker, up nnd cancelled, and the IntoroHt thereon will cenHo at tho IntoroHt pnyment period next following Hiich publication, nt tho rate of hIx per cent per annum, pnya lile Hunil-nnnually, in like coin on tho dny of and year, on tho pre- Hontntloii and loirrondor of the prop er con point thereto nttnexed, principal nnd Intoront payable at tho offlro of tho tronHiiror of tlio city of Medford. Thin bond Ih one of a ftorlen author lr.ud by an act of the leglnlrtlvo an ftomhly of the Htnto of Oregon, enti tled "An ret to provide for tho Ihhu a n co of bondn for the linproven out of HtroetH and the laying of HeworH In Incorporated cltlen and for tho pay ment of the rout of hiicIi Improve ments and the laying of nowera by In Htnllmentn," tiled In tho office of tho Hecrotary of Htnto February 22d, 1803, an amended by an act entitled "An act to amend bcctioim 1, 2, 3, -I, 5, 0 and 7 of an act entitled 'An act to provide for tlio iHHiianco of bondH for the improvement of HtrootH and Iny Iiik of Howom In lucorporrtod cltlen. ami for the payment of tho cent of hiicIi Imprnvotnentn and laying of Howora by InntnllmeutH,' file' In tho office of tho aocrotnry of utato Fob rurnry 22d, 1893," approved Febru ary 28tb, 1001, and In an obligation of tho city of Medford, nforccrld, nnd Ih not to bo doomed or tnkon to bo within or nay part of tho limitation by law an to tho ludobtodncnn of Hald city; and It In further certified that all ron.tilrouior.tH of law have been fully compiled with by tho propor of flcorn la tho IhhiiIur of thin bond, nnd At tent: Mayor. Recorder of the City of Medford. Section .1. Kaeh of mild bondn nhall hnvo attached Ihoroto twenty con ponn, euo'.i r.f which hIiiiII bo In tho following ferm: CITY OF MKOFOUI), State of Oreuon. Will pay to tho bearer dollnrH In gold coin of tho United Htnton of America, at tho office of tho treatiiirer of mild city, on the day of boliiK hIx inouthn' IntoroHt on Improvement bond No iiiiIohii nald bond In Hooner redeemed nn therein pro vided, which redumption will render thin coupon void. Attent: Mnyor. ...... ...... ltecordor of tho City of Medford. Hald roupoiiH nhall bo numbered from ono to twenty renpcctlvely. Section -I, The mayor ot nald city In hereby authorised and directed to Hlgn nald bondn and tho city recorder to couuterHlKH the iinuio by attaching thereto the aonl of nald city, all on behalf of nald city, Section G, The recorder of nnld city Ih hereby directed to roglHter nald bondn nnd number the" nnmu ou tho blank provided tlmrefor In tho foregoing form In nccorctnnco with Hoctlnn 273u of nald coden and Htnt uten of tho Htnto of Oregon. Section fi. Tho recorder of tho city of Mi'dford Ih hereby directed to ndvertlnu nald bondn for mile and that the mi too will lie Hold for tho hlgt.oHt prlro obtainable, not lemi than par ami accrued Intoront, nnd In nald adverttnemunt he Hlinll announce Hint ho will receive Healed proponalH for the puichnno of nald bondn or any portion thereof at bin office nt any time before 1:30 p. in, on the 10th day of AugiiHt, 1910. He nhall pub IIhIi mild udvortltiomonl throe tlinen In : dally newnpaper piilillnlied and printed In mild city, and hIiiiII nubmlt tho Healed propomilH received la ac cordance with nald udvortlHomont to tho council ut Itn next meeting there after. The foregoing ordlnnnco wan pann ed by tho city council of the city of Medford, Oregon, on tho 2d dny of AugiiHt, 1010, by tho following vote, to-wlt: Welch aye Merrick aye, Kmorlck nbHont, Wormian nye, Klfort aye and Oeuiiner nyo. Approved AugiiHt 3d. 1010. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attent: ItOHT. W. Ti:UKU. City ltecordor. YOUNG ROCKEFELLER IN A MONOPLANE COMPANY .STAMPOItl). Conn., Aug. !.- Bucked by .lohn l. ltockel'ollcr, dr., nnd organized under tho lawn of Illi- iio'ih, a company Iiub bueu formed hero to exploit a monoplane invented by William S, Kommo, a New York aviator, wIioru auroplanu models re cently took firt prize at the Aoro uatiticul HDcioty'H content. Kommo in the prenidcut of the new corporation. Little trouble to find (because classified) or to answer (because you can wrlto letters) or find your way" Is tho want ad that you're looking for. Hasklns for Health. ry imp rf " '0CSZ3x7Zr SEND YOUR DAUGHTER TO St. Mary's Academy Medford, Oregon, A Private Resident and Day School for GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN Departments: Primary, Grammar, Academic, Commer cial. Specially organized Department of Music and Art. mservx lVfttr YOUR SIGHT is your most precious posses sion. Defective sight can easily be cured by consulting Dr. Rickert OVER KENTNER'S. PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Pricon Rousonublo COFFEEN . PRICE 11 Nnrth D St.. Medford, Ore. l'hone 303 -------- --------- - - -- 4 -- -. SEND FOR CATALOCIE Address STSTBR SUPERIOR, St. Mary's Acadomy, Medford, Orogon. ' The Call for You may be in one of to day's help wanted ads. It may be the first un mistakable call for you that has appeared in the ads for days or weeks. But if it is there today, you must not miss it on any account & $ Watch the Want Ads Today ..-.-.------