IUUHI lUtNIIIY CRIPPEN CORPSE Miami Yard Officials and Well- Known Barrister at Outs De mands Proof That Body Is That f Belle Ellmorc. .LONDON, Auk. 3. Scotlmul Yard Eficials nnd Arthur Newton, n bnr slcr, nowly retained by friends of r. 1L H. Criupcu, todny becniuo in- )lvcd in n vrrnnrio over the idontity tlio body found in the Crippen uso nt Islington, believed by the Hpo to bo that of Bello Elmore irippen, wife of the doctor, who amis accused of her nmrdnr. Tho polico dotectivos declare there no doubt of the identity of tho idy found in the Crippen house at Huston, believed by tho pohco to i that of Belle Elmore Crippen, who tho doctor, who stands nccussd of hr murder. The polico detectives declare thero no doubt of the identity of the dy and assert they havo gathered c evidence "which makes their oof positive. They refuse to re ul tho nature of this proof, and iwton, who is a noted lawyer in ',uiinology, demands either the oof or tho releaso of his client. Newton has been working quietly ,the interests of Dr. Crippen and is id to havo secured information it promises startling developments. , would not discuss this report jl would neither affirm nor deny it it goes to prove thnt Jfrs. Crip- i is alive. I JVA LEADER WANTS REFORM. rllREST FIRES AGAIN RAGING Destructive Blazes Again Sweeping Many Parts of British Columbia Rain Alone Can Prevent Enor mous Loss New Fires. VICTORIA, B. C, Aug. 3. A re crudescence of forest fires is re ported from various parts of tho province and again hundreds are looking to the skies for rain, which alone caii assure tho safety of their property. Fresh fires of threaten ing proportions aro reported from the vicinity of Saudon, from tho Big Bend district, from Comox, Salt Spring Island nnd from Cobblo Hill, wliile tho followiug telegram froui tho government agent at Nelson in dicates tho seriousness of tho situ ation in that district: "Forest fires raging throughout this district. I havo so far answered all calls for assistance nnd done ev erything possible to check, but the demands are increasing and ex penses also. New fires are breaking out in every direction, and I find it very difficult to copo with tho situ ation. The Ilnll's Siding fire has extended to tho Silver King mino nnd burned out a number of mine build ings and is spreading rapidly. Bad fires nro reported from many points and small ones arc numerous. If rain docs not come soon the situation will be exceedingly serious." INONIINATI ONS S4TH DIES FROM ST. LOUIS,' Mo., Aug. 3. Only one congressman in Missouri, Coud-J rey of St. Louis, who was not a can didate to succeed himself failed of renominntiou nt tho primaries yes terday. All tho regular Republican congressmen who wero renominated nro "regulars." No Republican was a candidate in tho eighth district, which is overwhelmingly Democratic. In the twelfth ditrict, which hns been represented by Coudroy, Re publican, tho Democratic candidate. Thomas Kinney, is very popular, nnd Republican leaders admit that Kin ney will likelv carry tho district. In St. Louis county, where the only contest between tho regulars and insurgents were fought, tho reg ulars!, backed by Oovornor Hndlev, succeeded in capturing tho central committee. Former Chief of Police Creech, who was deposed following a shake-up in tho department, was nominated for recorder of deeds by the Democrats. KING'S OATH AMENDED BY VOTE OF LORDS SAN DIEGO, Cnl., Aug. 3. Cap tain Fetor Sampscll of tho five de partment, who was shot by Bert Durham, a former membor of his company, early Monday morning, died this morning. Sampsell is tho fourth victim to dio of those shot bv Durham, tho others being Engin eer Donald Grant, Mrs. Durham nnd tho Durham baby. Driver Elliott of tho hoso com pany, wounded by Durham, is recov ering. Funeral services for Mrs. Durham, tho baby and Durham, who committed suicide, were hold today. It is now declare that Durham's feeling ngaiust Sampsell, against whom ho had made many threats, was due to tho fact that Sampsell was mado captain of tho company over Durham. SCHOONER JAMES ROLPH ASHORE NEAR FRISCO (Continued from Page 1.) Iioto in a speech in which ho $sed tho progressives and de- (nced the tariff. U tho district caucuses today six gressives and five regulars were mu iur iuu cuuiiuuieu uu icauiu- s. It is expected that the plat ii submitted will bo strongly in dent, but there may be a minority rt from tho committee. , enator Dolliver, who probably be permanent chairman of the rcntion, commenting on the news ;ho insurgent victory in Kansas, iVo expected the insurgents to Jin Kansas. I havo no doubt that jnons visit there increased the ament against the "interests." r tho leadership of Murdock and Jmius, Kansas and Iowa will take ading part in national life. LOCAL LODGE ELKS NOW HAS CHARTER LONDON, Aug. 3. On tho third reading the house of lords passed, without amendment, tho accession declaration bill, which eliminates a phraso objectionable to Catholics from tho king's oath. Tho bill al ready has passed tho houso of commons. SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Aug. 3. Tho four-masted schooner James Rolph, bound from Sun Francisco for liana, Hawaii, went ashore today in the fog near Point San Pedro, 13 miles south of here. Tho schooner was commanded by Captain Olson and carried a crew of eight men. Tho vessel is reported in no immi nent dangor. Captain Olson sent for nssistanco nnd the tuir Defiance tins left here. ALFONSO SEEKS ADVICE FROM ENGLISH MONARCH Cuinniins' Keynote Speech. ES MOINES, la., Aug. 3. Sen- A. B. Cummins, temporary rman of the Republican state 'cntion, today in his keynote ch, scored the tariff, declared stand-patism means monopoly mado a general plea for insur , ideas. understand perfectly that there somo shortsighted men who will tnuo to bewail or denounce indi hl independence and who will de- ) free criticism of party leaders jirty acts," said Senator Cum . "Such men disparage the in- renco of tho people. Tho voters i thero is moro hope of making I; Republican party progressive thero is of efficient and com 'nsive legislation by the Deino- will admit that the differences l?en Republicans are mnny and L but any Republican who, by 'hi of these differences, votes . .Democrat will find thnt he has cd from tho frying pan into the, t' mmina then tumed to the tariff, ring of tho pledge of tho party iviso the schedules, ho said: ro aro many gratifying reduc in the Payne-Aldrich act, but i !not as a whole a fair cxempli ' on of the protective pqlicy, nor an honest performance of our rm promise. The only thing can bo said in favor of our t revision is that it is vastly than any tariff the Democrats . enuct founded on the explod ctrino of levying duties for rev only. Correct All Mistakes. (ie only logical thing to do now i correct our mistake none but Silicans can correct it." Mmins spoke of the achieve- of tho insurgents in congress ng to tho railroad regulation id the postal savings bank law imples of legislation m which togrcssives had fought in the it of the people. After working under a dispensation for less than a year, Medford lodge, No. 116S, B. P. O. E., nx.de such a showing that the grand lodge of the order in session at Detroit last week granted tho lodge a permanent char ter. The news came in a card from T. E. Daniels, representative at the grand lodge. No. 1168 W3s Instituted September 23, 1909, and has mado a big growth, now having 125 members against less than 50 at tho beginning. ' I ell It cheaper than any one elso ortant store advlco. If you people know about it, you'll ,)m interested in your storo I" of thorn, who only "know" It is now. Pawnshop Robbed. LOS ANGELES, CaL, Aug. 3. Two highwaymen entered tho pawn shop of L. Shnpiro hero today and after gagging and binding R. I. Penrlson, son-in-law of the propri etor, robbed tho safe of $2500 in jewelry and diamonds. Tho robbers escaped. ffiUJRi Wanted All-round horse, not over 10 years. 2 single wagons. Sawmill men. Girl for general houso work. 10 laborers. Loggers. Laborers, $2.75. Ranch hands. Light wagon. 10,000 acres or more stumpage. FOR SALE. Span mules and fine work team. 2 lots near West Main, snap price. Young work team. Long-term lease, very desirable. Lot on paved street, $575. Business, nets $4000 yearly. Lots, $150 up, easy terms. 40 to 80 acres red foothill soil, near Jacksonville, for sale cheap. 100 acres, CV miles Medford, $3000. 1 brood maro, cheap. Fine business at invoice. 7 horses, harness and hack. Lots $10 down, easy payments. Alfalfa tracts, under ditch, $100 per acre. 40 acres and improvements, $800. Close-in fruit land, under ditch, $200 per acre. 3 room modorn house, $250 down, $1800. 80 acre3, incorao $2500, tools and teams, $0500. 90 acres creek bottom, $125 per acre Boarding house, snap price. For Trade. Lots for span horses, weigh 2500. 2,000,000 feet timber for Medford or Portland property. RELINQUISHMENTS. 100 acres dceD red soil, 60 acres of fruit land, 200,000 feet of timber 4 miles from Jacksonville, $200. 100 aoreo, 40 acres rod fruit soil, 750,000 feet of timbor, 3 miles from Jacksonville. $100, E. F. A. BITTNER Room 207 Tavler & Phlpps lldf. Phone 4141 Maic. AUCTION SALEl FURNITURE AND FARM MACHINERY AT 402 S. NEWTOWN ST. Hnving decided to move nt last, Iwill sell at public auction on Satur day, August 0, beginning at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, tho following described preperty: HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 1 Sideboard. 1 Table, nearly new. 1 China Closet. 2 Library Tables. 1 Leather Couch. 1 Secretary. Bookcase. Sets Dining Chairs. Rockers. Rattan Corner Chair. 1 Music Cabinet. , 1 Pnrlor Mirror. 3 Iron Bedsteads. 3 Bed Springs. 2 Mattresses. 3 Dressers. 3 Commodes. 1 Stond. 2 Clocks. 1 set 30 volumes Encyclopedia Britannicn, bound in leather. 1 set Messages of the Presidents, 31 volumes. 1 set Dumns' Works. 1 set Cooper's Works. 1 set, 3 volumes, Unabridged Dic tionary. Other Books in lots to suit. 1 Monarch Steel Range. 1 Kitchen Cabinet. 1 Sewing Mnchinc. I 1 Perfection Bluo Flame Oil Stove. FARM IMPLEMENTS. 1 Champion Mower. 1 Chnmpion Rake. 1 Three-Section Harrow. 1 Corn Planter. 1 Plow. 1 Double Harness. Remember the time nnd place 2 p. m., nt 402 South Newtown street, 3 blocks south on Laurel street, ojie block west nnd one block south. TERMS CASH Col. G. P. LAMPKINS, Auctioneer G. M. ANDERSON, Owner Buy Your Blue Ribbon Flour and. Chase 6 Sanborn Coffee Used in Demonstrations Of The Majestic Range from Warner, Wortman 6 Gore GROCERY PHONE 286. MARKET PHONE 281. LONDON', Aug. !l. Although King Alfonso of Spain loft his oab iuot imniHtoi's a I'roo hand in settling tho problems confronting tho mon archy when ho loft Spanish soil, tho young king is not planning to visit Kngland for a pleasure trip. It was officially admitted today that tho king comes spoking ndvico in tho present crisis in Spanish af fairs and tho open break with tho Vatican. PRICES RANGE FROM $4000 UP. (Continued from Page 1. ) Martha M. Johnson, North Holly and West Fouith stroots, t000. Mrs. It. M. Whltoaldo, North Orapo nnd West Sixth etroot, $12,000. Anderson &. Orcen, Sixth and Hol ly Htroots, fSOOO. C. 13. Kirk, North Apple nnd East Third streets, Irregular, JG000. 13dtth O. llradhury, North Applo and Fourth streets, $7700. Alouzo Slovor, Fifth nnd Holly stroots, JSG00. Thomas 1 Kahlor nnd OoorRO Por ter, East Main and Almond Btreotn, $10,000. L. 0. I'ortor, East Main nnd Al mond strveto, 18000. J. 10, Enyart, Ulvoral.lo avonuo, North and East Sixth, $20,000. J. 13. Enyart, West Sixth and North Fir streets, $10,000. M. h. Alford.'WeBt Eighth and South Ivy, $18,000. Frnncoa It. Hnaklnn, North llart lott avonuo and East Fifth atrcot, $10,000. O. D. Naglo, Ninth nnd Qrapo Htroots, ftO.BOO. D. O'Toolo nnd J. M. KIIkomt, Ninth nlrcot nnd Central avonuo, $10,000. J, A. 1'orry, Jackson atroot ami Contral avonuo, Irregular, $ttr00. William Anglo, Eaat Main and pro. poaod Btrcot, $11,000, William 11. Wolln nnd 10. E. Minor, Fifth Htroot nnd Central avonuo, $21, 000, II. U. Lumndon, Sixth and Bart er lott at root H, $30000, C 11. Rimtol, Third tilroot and Contral nvonuo, $10,000. T. E. PottciiRor, Fourth ntroot and North Central avonuo, $1.1,000. Natatorlum & Amunoinont com pany, Hunt Hldo UlvoiBldo drlvo, $12, 000. 11, II. Whitehead, Twolfth ntroot and South Contral avonuo, $12,000. J. Collin, Front nnd Fourth ntrootn, $15,000. 'fill 1 r Xf "CV lliMl JAW J I W- v THE DESK LIGHT homo This Is a dosk light. You nood ono In your booauso It throws tho light Just whoro you want It whon you rond-on your book. Just whoro you want It whon vou wrlto on your papor. It Is only ono of a variety of lighting fixtures you can have if you uao olootrlclty -tho light for tho homo. Sond for tho Man. Rogue River Electric , Vjumpauy j; tvVS rtr r ""Tt S9S TO OUR READERS! By special arrangement we offer you a great opportunity to read "Chantecler" E DMOND ROSTAND'S wonderful "Chanteclcr" is the dramatic sensation of the world. In it Rostand proves himself to be one of the greatest dram atists of all times. "Chantccler" is not only the greatest play of the cen tury, it is the one great play of the last hundred years. It is an exqui site story, palpitating with human sympathy and interest. It warms the blood stirs the emotions arouses every commendable senti ment. " Chantecler" sparkles with wit counsels with wise philoso phy entertains with fascinating idiom while the tones of the hour t bell of today, and today's problems, are heard through the medium of ' Chantecler's " dcliciously up-to-date slang. No language contains sufficient superlatives to describe it. Only reading and study will enable you to appreciate it. It has aroused all France London has gone mad over it. The Only English Translation Rostand has chosen Hampton's Magazine as the medium through which to present "Chantccler" to the English-reading world. The publication will he in four instal- ments, one act to each instalment, beginning in the June number. The translator is the same who helped to make "Cyrano de Bcrgcrac' so fascinating to American booklovcrs. We have made special arrangements with the publishers of HAMPTON'S by which our readers'may get "Chantecler" and the many other fine features published in HAMPTON'S in connection with our own paper, practically without cost. Read our offer below. OTHER EXPENSIVE FEATURES the werld: Arthur Stringer has a new scries called "The Adventures of an Insomniac;" Tames I). Connolly describes in several stories his Trip Around the World with the American Fleet; Frederick Palmer is contributing a scries of airship stories of which Danbury Rodd is the central character. The only new idea in detective fiction since Sherlock Holmes is provided in the second scries of stories about Luther Trant, the psychological detective, written by Edwin lJafmcr and William G. MacIIarg. Other Short Stories are by such favorites as O. Henry, Gouvcrncur Morris, Charles Belmont Davis, Rupert Hughes, Josephine Daskam Bacon, Harris Mcrton Lyon and many others. Hampton's Magazine every month con ' tains the most costly, most important, and most interesting contents ever put between the covers of a general magazine. "Peary's Own Story" of the discovery of the North Pole, a 25U,000 feature, is now in its most in teresting stage, giving the positive "proofs" that Commander Peary and no other man dis covered the North Pole. " The True History of the Southern Pacific Railroad " by Charles Edward Russell i3 one of the greatest mag azine serials ever published. Mrs. Rhcta Childc Dorr's articles on the "Power of the Women's Clubs" are without an equal in their appeal to women everywhere, luction con tributors include the foremost story-tellers of Special Offer to Readers of This Paper By special arrangement with Hampton's Magazine, we arc able to make the following remarkable offer to our readers. The publishers of Hampton's advise ub that the demand for "Chantccler" is tremendous. Wc therefore advise you to order on the attached coupon now. The only sure way of getting all of " Chantccler " is to send today. MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE Delivered to your home for six months $3.00 HAMPTON'S MAGAZINE, With Chantecler, Etc $1.50 Regular price $4.50 BOTH FOR ONLY $3.00. CLIP THIS COUPON NOW Medford Mail Tribune, Medford, Ore.: Enclosed $3.00 for which sond tho Mail Tribune for six months and ITamp ton's Mngazino for twelve months, in accordance with your special offor. Name Street. ""MrTcraTBlTend'B rnlml,nncl tho Inst i.,, swmoii to Imnlv Hint tliu Iju- colic financier had Ucon convinced. U's toruncea moiwooh moiuuvM. tholr oraployora. II MEDFORD.