MJQUFOIU) MATh TRiTONE, MflDFORD, ORISCION, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1930. BUFFALO BILL'S FAREWELL TOUR Colonel Cody's and Pawnee Dill's Wild West mid Far East Combined Shows to Come to Mcdford This Fall Of World Interest. After nearly luilf a century of pub llo service, first In tho actual Hcnnoit of frontier llfo In wlilcli IiIh tlimli mill daring gained IiIiii fnmu and after ltn pntmlng depleting tho heroic nrnicH now rologntod to history and collecting a congro.ia of rough rldora of tlio world, Colonol Cody on IiIh farewell vliilt r.ddii to IiIh ontorluln nioiit nconon from tlio orient by add ing l'nwnoo Mll'n Far K.ist. It Im trim tltnt tlio American Indlnn'H hlnlory nnil origin Im Bbroudod In tlio rnldnt of iinri'conluil pngcit, but It Ih a Bad ly recorded fact that nn a raco ho wnu dlHitppe: ring In nn oqually u mis ty futnro until Colonol Cody decid ed to make IiIh poiHonnllty and chnr nntorlHtlni known not only to IiIh nn tlvo land but lo tint mottt dlstii'it purtii of Kuropo. In doing tit l ho linn nuHluto.l tlio lilHtorlitu, tlio writ er, tlio pnlntor, tlio sculptor, tlio ro mance'., and tlio world ig pooplo of tlio world tlio Htory of tlio coiujucnt of n people In tlio wlilto mnn'n absorp tion of a continent. In thin bo linn contribute! to nil tlio nrta prcsorvn tlvo. Wore It not for Colonol Cody'H repented toum tblH would not havo boon pottslhlo tliroui;li any otl.ar mo dliiiii, and for tbtn bo nhould bo gront ly roniornborod nnd propor trlbuto paid to blin on bin fnrowoll. lloyond tlio American Indian bo made uh ncqur.lt tod with Hint groat t'Ht of liornomon, tlio Amorfcnn cow boy nnd bin equina nntngonlnt, tlio wild boriio of tlio plalnn. Extending bin school to cover tbu liornomon of tlio world bo l.nn broiiKbt to tlio tin traveled tipcctntnr spoclinonn of every known raco and nntlon who bad apo clnl cxportn In tbo lino of hontonien, notably tbo Huaetnn Cocuack, tbo South Am'erlcnn flnuchos, tbo Ilun garhn C Iko, cnvnlry of our own nnd other n"tlonn to add to tbo ln toroHt of tbo ntory of Amorlcan llfo which ho produced In effective dy ratnln form. Ilia nitnifl will bo long roinombored, but It Ih n happy Incident Hint only lately ono monument, to which will floor bo ndded another, will be con nected with IiIh memory f?.r Into tbo distant future. Ono Ih bin IntorcHt In tbo development of the weHt, ro aultlug lt bin bolng a factor In tho erection of tbo highest dam lit tbo world, tho BboHhono dam In tbo IMk Horrj hnsln. nonr Cody, Wyo and wan Inntrumontnl In launching tho movement Initiated by tho Hon. Hod man Wnnar. "kor to build a compan ion monumental Htntuo to tbo Goddess of Liberty In Now York harbor to typify tbo porHonnllty of tho American Indian. TblH work hns lately boon ondorned by tho congress of tho Unit ed Btnto, TIiIh final npiienranco of Colonol Cody nniKtho grand program of hu man Intorcnt an regards tbo world'a congress of peopleH, tho nconoB of wentorn nnd cantem llfo, and tbo magnificent exhibition of horHomnn nhlp Incidental to tho ntorleti deplet ed olovntcH tho occasion to an ovont that nhould Interest both old nnd young. On mnklng IiIh regretful bow It gooB without naylng that IiIh pntronn will wIhIi him long llfo aril prospnr Ity In IiIh retlroniout. FAMILY'S ADVANCE AGENT PICKS ROGUE II. .S. I'oppollmum of Now York Ih in .Mcdforil looking out i'oi' n loca tion for n number of liin. relutivcH, Home living in New York, othorn in Oklahoma. .Mr. l'lippelbuum in en tluitiiuHtio over the Koguo Uiver val ley, lie Iiiih visited Jlooil Kivur, Vonulelieo anil other fruitgrowing HtiotioiiH, but ih more imprcHsetl with Medford anil the valloy thnu nny otiier place ho lint! seen. "I waa adviBotl," lio Haiti, "lo go h( might to Medford, nnd my inclina tion was that way, for uiuco nrriving in America from flonunny a year ngo I lmvo road ho mtitili of thin val loy ami thin oily, but I stopped, nt ovory town along tho lino Ijotwcmn I'ortlaiitl anil Meilfortl, autl 1 found nolliiiig in nil Uioho plnoon to com pare with Huh little uity. I urn only ono tiny liuro, hut nlrontly I have fallen in lovo with tho city ami tlio country, and boliovo that my pooplo will i'oci tlio Hiiino iih I, Ono regret 1 lmvo ami tlmt Ih that T did pot eomo to tlio United StatoH when my IirothorH did, Bovornl yours ago," Unaklna for houltu. CITY NOTICES. OltDI.VANOK NO. IWK. An ordlnanco umiowtliig tbo prop erty ndjaeeut to and beuofllod by tbo olgl.t-lnch lulonil iiowor constructed along .Inrkfion nlroot for tlio rout of conntriictlng tbo naino and provid ing tho manner of carrying Haiti 1111 HeHiiiuentii Into fi.ll effect, Tlio city of Medford doth ordain UK follOWH! Hectlon I. Whoronit, Ho council did boretofoto provide by ordinance for tho Horvlng of tbo ownorn of property adjacent to and bonoflted by tbo coniitructlon of tbo lrteral mwer hereinafter dencrlbed lo appear before mild council nnd Hhow catiHO, If any, why ald property Hbould not bo fiHHOBHod for tbo conntructlou of Haiti Howor, anil tlld fix a time for bearing nny ntich proteHtH, which no Hco wan given In accordance with mild ordlnimco more than ton dnyn before tbo beginning of tbo coimtrut tlon of an Id newer,- but no protest ngalnHt Bftlil construction or iibiiobh nient of tbo emit thereof wan made by nnyono, ami snlil Hewer waH, by until council, ordered connt-uctodj audi Wbeioao. Hio cont of tho cotiBtruc - Hon of wild Hewer ban been unci bore- by M determined lo bo Mo aunt oi $577.01t: Now, tbereforo, Hitld city doth or dain nnd declnro that each parcel of property described below Ih adjacent to and benefited by that cortaln lat eral Bower eight Inchon li nlr.e, con- Htrncted on JackHon wtreet, from UnrHett ntreet to C'oltimbtiH nvenuo, ami that tho proportion of Ho coBt of Haiti Bower wjilch each of nam par - I ceht of land if oi'ltl beau baned on dm lionofllH derived respectively by Hitld Kovoral tractn of laid Is tbo amount set opposite tho description of each Httcb parcel below, that each of itald parcoln Ih actually benefited In H'o amount Hot oppoIto llfl des cription below by the coirlrucllon of uiil. I Hounr. and Hint llitld BCVfral nmoiintB reprenont tho proportional benefltB of said Hovornl parcoln from Hnld Hewer And enct of iinltl !. - coIh lit boreby assosHed fio amount set opposite Itn description below for the construction or Haiti r.ovor, NUB. AttHOiiHtncnt No. 1 William o. ABHHBSMHNT vim liiuti -' Assessment No. 20 Fred E. Gere. LATHItAL BBWKH ON JACKSON ! Lot u ,,,ock lt PnK0 nddltlon to the BTUKKT FItOM llAHTLhTT . cUy of jjP(iford. Oregon; frontago 52 HTItBKT TO COLUMIIU8 AVh- fc.ot on tJl0 0iatla aldo of Jnckson IlurrougbB. Lot 2, bkelc R. original ljncBon county, Oregon; 52 foot; rnto townsllo of H.o city of Medford, Oro-1 ,,r root gj; CO!1tH; amount $44.20. gon; frontage 130 feet on tho outh ! Assessme: t No. 21 Huber U. Ity Bldo of Jnckcon Btroot, n:i,l described in jt 31 nocjc i pnB0 adt'ltion to In Vol. 40. pago 404, county record- ,ll0 rlty of Medford, Ororon; front er'A tocords of Jnckson ceu: ty, Ore-1 n C2 foot on ti)0 south Bldo of Jack- ft t . --. a.yv.. ti Cf. ntifu I . t II I I ir.i ft Kou; rw ifiiu-, i. iw jv iww. m vvi ninonnt SG8 AHsessmen No. 2 Kngl nh & Campbell. I-ot 4, block 2G, original townslto of tlio c'.ty of Modfonl, Oro gon; frontngo 121.7 feet on tho aoutli side of JnckHon atreet. aid describ ed In Vol. 77, pac 135, county rc rordor'H records of Jnckntm county. Oregen: 70 feel; rato por foot 85 renin; amount $59.50. Assessment No. 3 August Law reiitis. Lot 5. block 2fi, original towriRlto of tbo city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 121.7 feet on tho south sldo of J ckson Htreet, nnd des cribed In Vcl. 53. pago 333, county i recorder'H rocordH of JnckEO'i county, Oregon; 70 foet: rato por foot 85 coiUb; nmourt $59.50. AsseHHineiit No. 4 Oregon & Cal ifornia Uind Co. Lot 7, block 27, original townslto of tho city of Med ford, Orogon; frontngo 86.2 foot on tbo south sldo of Jnckson ntreot, nnd described In Vol. 07, pngo 229, coun ty recorder's rocordH of Jnckson coun ty, Oregon; 85.2 foet: rnto por foot 85 centH: amount $72.42. Asneasmeit No. 5 Krnnilskn Oluck. Lot 3, block 37, original towiiHlto of tho city of Medford, Ore gon; frontago 103.5 foot on H.o south Bldo of Jackson streot, and described In Vol. 80, pago 302, county lecnrd er'H rocordH of Jnckson county, Oro gon; 100 foot; rata por foot S5 cents; amount $85. Assessment No. 0 Franzlska Oluck. Lot 4, block 37, orlglnnl townslto of tho city of Medford, Oro gon; frtnttgo 103.5 foot on tbo boiiHi sldo of JnckHon utreot, nnd describ ed In Vol. 80, pngo 302, county re cordor'a rocordH of Jnckcon county, Oregon; 100 feet; rato per foot 85 contH; amount $85. AssoRHmont No. 7 C. C. Ileok mnn. Lot 0. block 38. original town. slto of tbo city of Medfoid, Oregon; fron'ngo 121.7 foot on tbo couth aldo of JnckHon street, and described In Vol. 11, pago 41, county rocordor'u j rocordH or Jackson county, uroron; 120 feet: rato por foot 85 contH; amount $102. Assessment No. S Chas. C. Crouch. Lot 7, block 38. orlglnnl townalto of tbo city of Modrord, Oro gon; frontngo 19 foot on tho south sldo of Jnckson Htreet, and described In Vol. 70, pago 021, county record er'H recordn of JackHon county, Ore gon; 49 feet; rato por foot 85 coats; amount $41.05. AsHossmoot No. 9 Isaa.i J. Stacey. Lot 7, block 2, Page addllton to tbo city of Moo tord, Oregon; rrontago 51 foot on tbo Boutb Bldo of Jr ckson street, nnd described In Vol, 71, pngo 201, county recordor'a records of Jnckson county, Orogon; 51 foot; rnto per foot 85 contH; amount $43.35, AsBosHiiiont No. 10 J. A. Perry. Lot 0, block 2. i'ago nddltlo to tbo city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 52 font on tho south Hide, or .incitson street, nnd doscrlbed In Vol. 78, pngo 19, county recordor'a records of Jnckson county, Oregon; 52 foot; rnto por foot 85 conto; amount $44.20. Assessment No. 11 Uort Andor son. Lot 5, block 2, Page nddltlon to tho city 6f Medford, Orogon; frontago 52 feet on Ho south flldo of Jackson stroot, and doccrlbod In Vol. 71, pngo 418, county recordor'a records of JacltBon county, Orogon; 52 foot; rato per foot 85 conta; amount $44.20 AHBossmont No. 12 llort Ander son, Lot 4, block 2, Pngo addition to tho city of Medfoid, Oroson; front ago 52 foot on .J o aoitth aldo of Jack son atroot, Mid dC3cibod In Vol, 71, pago 418, county recordor'a i-oi-orda of Jackson county, Oro inn; 62 foet: rato por foot 85 cents; amount $44.20. Aeaeaamont No, 13 J. A. Lyon ot ux, Lot 3, block 2, Page addition to tbo city of Medford, Orogon; front- CITY NOTICES. ngo 52 foot on tbo tiotidi Hide of .InekHon ntroet, and doMori!,o,: In Vol, 72, page 533, county rocc 'dt,r'ii rec ord of .Incknon county, Oregon; 52 fool; rate per foot 85 conUi; amount $41.20. AitBoflHinent No. 14 .IncItBon Co. Loan AHKOclallon. I)t 2, block 2, Page addition lo tbo city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 52 foot on tbo Boutb nldo of Jackson ntroet, aril doncrlbod In Vol. 78, pngo 4 8, county rccord or'n records of Jr.ckmni county, Ore gon; 52 feet; rato per foot 85 contH; amount 4-1.20. AHHoitHiiicnt No. 15 J. H. Lydlnrd. Lot 1, block 2, I'ago addltlo? to tho city of Modforii, Oregon; frontage 52 feet on Hi" ooiith hIiJo of .Incknon utrent, and doKcrlbod In Vol. 72, pngo :tl7, county recorder's rocordH of JnckHon county, Oregon; 152 foot; rate per foot 85 contH; amount 111.20. Assessment No. 10 Hert Andor hou, Lot 8, block 1, Page addition to the city of Medford, Oregon; front ago 52 feet on tbo nouth Hldo of Jnek hoii Htreet, and doBcrlbod In Vol. 71. pago 418, county recorder h roronlH ,of JnckHon county. Orcron; 52 foo; . ratn por foot 85 contn; amount 114.20. AHHeKHtnent No. 17 Ida Getcboll. Ixi t 7. block 1, Pngo nddlt'on to tbo city of .Medford, Oregon; frontngo 52 feet on the boiiHi Bldo of JcckHon Htiecl, and described la Vol. .. pago , , county recorder b rocordH of Jnck- 'Hon county, Oregon; 52 foot; ".vto per i foot 85 coiiIb; amount $44.20. Assessment No. 18 Jckcon Coun- , ty i.oan wsBociauon. t.oi o, diock i, . Prge addition to tbo city of Medford. Oregon; frontngo 52 feet m the Botitb Hide of JaekBon Rcet, and described In Vol. 78, pngo 4 8, cotin.y reconl or'H rccortlH of Jackflou county, Ore gon; 62 foot; rato por fool 85 contB; amount $4 1.20. Assessment No. 1 0 J. E. Tort. iOi i r. lt,iotr 1 Pnfn mll.Ttlnn tn hn cltv J Medford. Oregon; fron'ago 52 foot on tio nouth aldo of Jackroi. atreot, ; ,.,j ,iCBC,ibcd in Vol. 72, pngo 11, cotinly recordor'a recordn of Jackson county. Orogon; 52 foot; rato por foot 85 cents; amount 44.20. ntreet, and described In Vol. 72. pngo ,oio munlv rornriler'H rerorda of i won HinHU, aim ucscriuuu 111 yui. -. page 6S3, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 52 feet; rnto per foot 85 cents; amount $44.20. Assessment No. 22 Fred 13. Goro. Lot 21, block 1, Pngo nddltlon to tho city of Medford. Oregon; frontngo 52 foot on tho south Bldo of Jnckson street, nnd described in Vol... pngo . ., county recorder'H recordB of Jnck son county, Oregen: 52 foot; rnto por foot 85 cents; an)ount $14.20. Assessment No. 23 Froderlck Fredlger, Lot 1, block 1, Page nddl tlon to tho city of Medford. Oregen: frontago 52 foot on tbo couU' sldo of Jackson stroot. an 1 desc-ILed In Vol. . ., pngo ... county recordor'n roc ortlB of Jackson county, Orogon; 52 feet: rato por fooi. 85 conts; amount $44.20. Assessment No. 24 N. J. & M. M. Wlloy. Lot 3, block 1. Anderson-Toft addition to tbo city of Medford, Ore gon; frontngo 50 fojt on tho south side of Jnckson atreot. nn-I described In Vol. 75. p;.go 72, county record er rerords of Jnckson county. Ore gon; 50 foot; rnto por foot 85 conts; nmount $42.50. Assessment No. 25 C. A. Mookor. Lot 21, block 1. Anderson-Toft ad dition to tbo city of Medford, Oro Ore Oro eon: frontngo 50 foot on tho south Bldo of Jackson street, nnd described In Vol.. ., paco . ., county recordor'a records of Jackson county. Orogon; 50 foot; rate por foot 85 cents; nmount $42.50. Assessment No. 20 Clnrn Mookor. Lot 1, block 1, Andorson-Toft addi tion to tbo city of Medford, Orogen: frontngo 60 feet on tbo south aldo of JaekBon street, and described in Vol. ... pago ... county rocordcr'a rec ords of Jnckson county, Oregon; 50 foet: rnto por foot S5 conts; amount $42.50. AEsossnient No. 27 W, S. King. Lot 4, block 1, Klng'a ndditloi. to tho city of Medford, Oregon; froitngo 5S.43 feet on tho south aldo of Jack son stroot, pud described In Vol. . ., pngo.., county recordor'a records of Jackson county. Oregon; ds.-i.t reoi; rnto por foot 85 cents; amount $49.07. Assessment No. 2S V. S. King. Iit 3, block 1, Klng'a addition to tho city of ft.odford, Oregon ; frontngo 58.43 foot on tho Boutb aldo of Jnck son stroot, nnd doscrlbed in Vol... pago . ., county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Orogen: uh.ixi roet: rato por foot 85 conts; amount $49.07. Assessment No., 29 Hundlott Sis tors. Lot 2, block 1, King's addition to tlio city of Medford, Oregon; front ago 5S.43 foot on tbo south aldo of Jackson Btroot, and deao.'lbod In Vol. ... pngo ... county recorder's rec ord) of Jnckcon county, Orogon ; 58,43 foef; rnto por foot 85 conts; amount $49.07. Assesmont No. 30 Hurdlolt Sls toi'3, Lot 1, block 1, King's addition to tbo city ot Medford, Orogon; Frontago 58.43 foot on tbo Bouth aldo of Jackson atroot, and dozcrlbod In Vol Page. , , . county recordor'a records of Jcckson county, Orogon; 68,43 foot; Hato por foot, 85 conts; Amount, $49,07 ABBossmont No. 31 Martin 11. Mill er. Lot 1, niock 1, Falrmouut Ad dition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 53 feot on tbo south sldo of Jnckson stroot, and doscrlbed In Vol. . , ., pngo. . . ., county recordor'a rocorda of Jnokson county, Orogon; 53 feet; Rnto por foot, 85 conts; Amount, $45.05 Assoasmont No. 32. Martin II. Min or. Lot 2, niock 1, Falrmouut Addi tion to tho city of ModtOHl, Orogen: Frontngo 53 foot) on tho south sldo of Jackson atroot, and doae-lbod In Vol. ,..,,Pngo county recordor'a rocorda of Jackson county, Orogon; 53 foot; Rnto por foot 85 conta CITY NOTICES. Amount, $45.06 Assessment No. 33, Alborl Andor Hon. Lot 3 and east 3 feot of lot 4, Hlock 1, Falrmount AddlMon to tho city of Medford, Orogo.i; frontngo 60 feet on south side of Jackson utreot, nnd described In Vol.., jmuo . ., county recorder'H rocords of Jack won county, Orogpn; 50 fret; rato per foot 85 cants; nmount $47.00. ABacfiflme.nt No. 34. J. h. Dominor west 50 root lot 4, block l, Fair mount Addiflon to tho dty of Med ford, Oregon; Frontngo 50 feet, on tbo nouth alilo of Jackan street, and described n Vol Pngo.. county recorder'H records of JnrkBon county, Oregon; 50 feel; Rates u0r foot 85 centft; Amount $12.50 ' Assessment No. 35. J. L. Demmcr. Lot 6. liloek 1. TiVilrmniinf a.i.iki ' fO HlO flllv nt VnAtnrA fl-n...... t-..-. ago 63 feet on tbo south nUls of Jack- Hon stroot, and doscrlbed In Vol.. . . l)nRo county recordor'a mnrZ of Jackson county, Oregon; 53 feet; niwi per toot 85 contj; amount 345.05 Assessment. .Vn. Zfi 1 T. n, 'Lot 0, Illock 1, Fairmont Addition "m.' "' ,,ouo,ro "resort; Front ago 63 feot on Hio eouU. alda of Jack son street, md doscrlbed In Vol.. . p"KO county recorder's records of JaekBon county, Oregon; 53 feet; ?Jr,M,r fcot 8C ccnt: Amount fiu, 05 ABSCBBme .t N'n. fl7 I t. r. Ifi7, f,,oc,: ' Fn'rmomt Addition i tiiu cnj oi .ncuioru. urogon; Front ago 53 feet on tho sorilh sldo of Jack- nn unvui, una ticscrino in Vol... . PnKo county recordo-'s rcco.-js of Jf ckson county, Oregon; 53 foot; t iiVJ"1' f00t 85 ccntj,i Amount , In. 05 Assessment No. 38 J. J. Scale. JLot S, Block l.Fnlrmoiint Addltllna I to tho city of Medford, Oregen: i Frontngo 53 feot on the to- fj duo of Jnckson street, nnd doscrlbo.l In Vol. ' InKo county recorder's recordB of Jr ckson cotn'y, Oregen: 53 fett: Rnfo per Foot 85 cents Amount t4r. nr, "" "-"l" ABressmont No. 39. -I. j. stace7 Lot 9, niock 1. Falrmount Addltloa to H.o city of Medford. Oregon; Front ago 53 feot on the south sldo of .Tn.-v. I son stroet, and dcscilbed in Vol. . . I IWK county recorder's records of JaekBon county, Oregon; 53 feot; t r n ,cot 8J' ce,:,s: Amount Acsesnionf No. 410. I. J. Stacey 'OtH0''.oc,: l- P'rr.ount Addition to the Clfy of .Medford, Orogon frontago 55.98 feot on the south sldo of Jackson stroet, and decMbed in oi. ., pago ... county recorder's nr"n'fi,9f f JncJu" county, Oregon; 50.9S feet; rate per foot 85 contB I amount $47.58. j Assessment No. 41 Medford Ilrlck Co.. i.nt u nin.i, 1 c .. Avonuo HelgbtB addition to tho city of Medford, Oregonjfrontago 50 foot on Hie mnlh ai.in i , : street, and described In Vol. 1 1 ago . . . ., county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; I H"oCu,cr f00t S' conta'- Amount I Assessment No. 42. Medford Brick Co. it i5 m-i: or.'""." A'cuciegi Addition to tbo City of Medford, Oregon; Frontago 50 feet on :ho south slJo o' Jackson Htreet, nnd described In Vol. . . . . I ago ..... county recorder's record's of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; $42?50POr S5 Cent8: Amoilt Aasossemnt No. 43. Lot 13 niock l, Summit Avonuo HelRlita nddltlon to the City of Medford, Oregen: FrontnKo 50 feet on tho s6uth h!o of Jackson street, nnd described In ' P"B county record or'a records of Jnckson county, Ore gon; 50 feot; Rate por foot. 85 cents: Amount $42.50 "ia. AssesMiient No. -11 Medford Hriek Co Lot 11. block 1. SiimiiM aivmic iiciclif .uliliuii Jo tin. eit of -Medfoid. Or . irtntliieo. r0 feel on the s(m tli snUi nl Jaekson s'reet. , ; iK-..-1-l od in Vol. - . jiairo . r.01mtv recorders records of Jnckson eoun lv. Ore-ou: ."50 fiet: rate per foot. .)(: amount. $-12..'i. . Assessment No. 45 .Medford Hriek Co Lot 10. block 1. Summit Ayeiiuo Heidits addition to the eitv ot Medford. Or.: frmititiru 50 feet on (he .south side of Jaekson street, and described in Vol. -. iiaire . fount. recorder's records of Jaekson coun ty. Orotren: DO iVct: rnto pr foot, e.ie: nmount. $12.10. Assessment No. -1C Metlford Hriek Co 1 t 0. block 1. Summit Ayeiiiio lleidits uildition to tlio eitv ot Medford. Or.: frontaire. 50 feet on the south side of Jaekson street nnil ueserioeti ill vol. , pnj0 ... county recorder's records of Jack son count v. Oregen: 80 feet: rate nor loot. 8.ie : amount $ 12.50. Assessment No. d7Medford Hriek Co. l.nt fi. hlnni. i o :. Avonuo Hoiehts addition to tho eitv of Medford. Or.: frontneo. 50 feet on Urn south side of Jaekson street and described in Vol. . pneo . eoun tv recorder's records of Jnckson count v. Oroiren: 50 foet: 'rnto ner foot. S5e: nmount. $12.50. Assessment No. -18 Medford Hriek Co, Lot 7. block 1, Summit Avenue lloidits addition to the eitv of Metlford. Or.: frontline, 50 feet on tho south side of Jaekson street and doseribod in Vol. . pauo eountv recorder's records of Jnck son count v. Oreiron; 50 feot; rate per foot. 8.r)o: amount, $12.50. Assessment No. -It) Medford Hriek Co. Lot U. hlook 1, Summit avonuo lloiirhts addition to tho eitv of Medford. Or.: frontneo, 50 feot on tlio south ido of Jaekson street, and doseribod in Vol. , patre --. eountv recorder', records of Jack sou oountv. Orotron; 50 feet: rnto per foot, 85e: amount. $12.50. Assessment No. 50 Medford Hriek Co. Lot 5. block 1, Summit Avnmwt TTnitvlitu Addttimi tn tli,, itv of Medford. Or.: frontneo, 50 foot CITY NOTICES. on tho Month ido of Jncluton street and dcBcribcd in Vol. . pace eountv recorder's records of Jack- koii eountv. Orciren: 50 feet: rale oer foot. 85c: amount. $42.50. Assessment No. 51 Medford Hriek Co. Lot 4. block 1, Summit Avonuo HeitrlitM Addition to the eitv of Medford. Or.: frontneo. 50 feet on tho south side of Jnckson street and described in Vol. . pace eountv recorder's records of Jnok son eountv. Oregen: 50 feet: rate per foot. 85c: amount. $42.50. Assessment No. 52 Medford Hriek Co. Lot .'1. block 1. Summit Avenue JIciL'htrt Addition to tbo eitv of Medford. Or.: fronlntrc. 50 feet on the south side of Jackson street, and described in Vol. . pace eountv recorder's records of Jack son eountv. Oregen: 50 feet: rnto per foot. 85c: amount. $42.50. Assessment No. 53 Medford JJrick Co. Lot 2, block 1. Summit Avenue Hciirhts Addition to the eitv of Medford. Or.: frontnire. 50 feet on tho south side of Jackson street, nnd described in Vol. . pace eountv recorder's records of Jnck son eountv. Orceen: 50 feet: rate per foot. 85c: amount. $42.50. Assessment No. 54 Medford Hriek Co. Lot 1. block 1. Summit Avenue Hcicht.s Addition to the eitv of Medford. Or.: frontnec. 50 feet on the south side of Jnckson street, nnd described in Vol. . pace eountv recorder's records of Jack son eountv. Orciren: 50 feet: rato per foot. 85q: amount. $42.50. Assessment No. 55 J. E. Watt. Hlock 3. Mineus' subdivision to the eitv of Medford. Or.: frontaire. 759.00 feet on the north side of Jnckson street, nntl described in Vol. 74. pntrc 241. eountv recorder's rec ords of Jnckson eountv. Orecen: 150 feet: rate per foot. 85e: nmount. $127.50. Assessment No. 50 Medford Hriek Co. West half lot 7. in block 2 of the Minims subdivision in sec tion 24. township 37 south of ranee 2 west of the Willamette meridian, in Medford. Jnckson county. Orceon nnd marked P on the map of said eitv: frontnee. 482.79 feet on the north side of Jnckson street, nnd de scribed in Vol. 75. paee 327. eountv recorder's records of Jnckson eoun tv. Oreeen: 482.70 feet: rate per foot. 85c: amount. $410.37. Assessment No. 57 William II. Crawford. West part of the parcel of land marked E on the mnp of the eitv of Medford. Or.: frontnee. 114.75 feet on the north side of Jnckson street, and described in Vol. 00. pnee 521. eountv recorders rec ords of Jnckson county. Orecen: 1 114.75 feet: rate per foot. 85c: amount. $97.54. Assessment No. 58 Dnvitl W. Day. West one acre of the enst two acres of lot No. 7. in block No. 2. in the Mincus addition to the eitv of Medford. Or., nnd described nt pace 50. Vol. 52. deed records of Jackson eountv. Orceon. and marked D on the man of said eitv: frontnee. 90.09 feet on- tho north side of Jnckson street, nnd described in Vol. 73. pnee 431. eountv recorder's records of Jackson eountv. Orceen: 90.09 feet: rnto per foot. 85c: amount. $84.19. Assessment No. 59 L. D. Can field. Heine the west one ncre off of lot 1 nnd tho east one ncre off of lot 7, both in block 2, Mingus subdivision, in section 24. in town ship 37 south of ranee 2 west of the Willamette meridian, in the eitv of Medford. Or., nnd marked C on the man qf said eitv: frontnee. 90.09 feet on the north side of Jackon street, and described in Vol. 73. pace 12. eountv recorder's records of Jackson eountv. Orecen: 90.09 feet: rate per foot. 85c; nmount. $84.19. Assessment No. 00 L. D. Can field. West 00.38 feet of the parcel of land marked H on the map of the eitv of Medford. Or.; frontnee. C0.3S feet on the north side ot Jc-h-on street, and described in Vol. 73. pneo 12. eountv recorder's records of Jnckson eountv. Orceen: OO.JS feet: rato per foot. 85e: amount. $50.42. Assessment No. 01 Jumcs F Goodc. East 103.18 feet of tho par eel of land marked A on tlio map of the eitv of Medford. Or., and de scribed in Vol. 49. paee 170. eountv recorder's records of Jackson eoun tv. Orceen: 103.18 feet: rate per foot. 85c; amount. $138.70. Assessment No. 02 E. Do Honm. West half lot 1. block 3. Gruv's ad dition to the eitv of Medford. Or.; frontnee. 54 feot on the north sido of Jackson stroot. and described in Vol. . pneo .county recorder's records of Jnckson eountv. Orecen: 54 feet: rato nor foot. 85c: amount. .is nn r-tlfi'r. Assessment No. 03 II. II. Lori mer. East half lot 1, block 3. Gruv's addition to the eitv of Med ford. Or.: frontneo, 54 feet on tho north side ofJnekson street, nnd de scribed in Vol. . paeo . eountv recorder's records of Jaekson coun ty. Orecon; 54 feot; rnto por foot. 85e: nmount. $45.90. Assessment No. G4 Kundlett Sis ters. Lot 18. block 2. Orav's addi tion to tho eitv of Medford. Or,: froulace. 108 feot on tho north side of Jaekson street, and described in Vol. . rmeo . eountv recorder's records of Jackson eountv. Orecon; 108 feet: rato por foot, 85c; amount $91.80. Assessment No. 05 H. L. Hennett Lot 1, block 2, Grav'n addition to tho eitv of Medford. Or,: frontnee, 108 feet on the north sido of Jnckson stroot. and doseribod in Vol. 72. paao 507. eountv recorder's records ot Jaekson county, Oregon; 108 fcoi; into por foot. 85e: nmount, $91.80. Assessment No. (10 Marv H. Orr West half lot 13. blook 1, Gray's CITY NOTICES. nddition to the eitv of Medford. Or.: frontnee. 54 fcot on tho north sido of Jnckson street, nnd dcscribotl in Vol. 05. pneo 148. eountv recorder'H records of Jackson eountv. Orceen: 54 feet: rate ncr foot. 85c: nmount, $45.00. Assessment No. 07 E. L. Unicom. East half lot 13. block 1. Orav's ad dition to tho eitv of Medford. Or.: frontnec. 54 feet on tho north side of Jnckson street, und dcscribotl in Vol. 71. paee 530. eountv rppordcr's records of Jnckson eountv. Orceon; 54 feet: rate nor foot, 85c: nmount. $45.90. Assessment No. (T8 E..W. Carder. Lot 1. block 1. Orav's addition to the eitv of Medford. Or.: frontnee. 118 feet on the north side of Jnckson strceL and described in Vol. . pace . eountv recorder records of Jnckson eountv. Orecen: 118 feet: rnto per foot. 85c: amount. $110.30. Assessment No. C9 Elmer Leslie. Lot 0. block 1. Nnrrcean nddition to the eitv of Medford. Or.: frontnec. 50 feet on tho north sido of Jackson street, and described in Vol. . paee . eountv recorder's records of Jackson eountv. Orceen: 50 feet: rale per foot. 85c: amount. $42.50. Assessment No. 70 Elmer Leslie. Lot 5. block 1. Nnrrcean nddition to tho eitv of Medford. Or.: frontnee. 50 feet on the north side of Jackson street, and described in Vol. . pace . eountv recorder's records of Jackson eountv. Orecen: 50 feet: rate per foot. 85c: amount. $42.50. Assessment No. 71 Amv C. Dow, Lot 4. block 1. Nnrrcean addition to the eitv of Medford. Or.: frontaee. 50 feet on the north side of Jackson street, and described in Vol. 70. pace 8. eountv recorder's records of Jackson eountv. Orecen: 50 feet: rate per foot. 85c: nmount. $42.50. Assessment No. 72 Warren L. Cassidv. Lot 3. block 1. Nnrrcean addition to the eitv of Medford. Or.: frontaee. 50 feet on the north side of Jackson street, nnd described in Vol. 71. pace 192. eountv recorder's records of Jnckson eountv. Orceen: 50 feet: rate Tier foot. 85c: amount. $42.50. Assessment No. 73 Warren L Cassidv. Lot 2. block 1. Nnrreeaii addition to the eitv of Medford. Or.: frontaee. 50 feet on the north side of Jnckson street nnd described in Vol. 71. naeo 192. eountv recorder's records of Jnckson conntv. Oreeen: 50 feet: rate per foot. 85c: amount. $42.50. Assessment No. 74 IT. II. Hicks. Lot 1. block 1. Nnrrcean addition to the eitv of Medford. Or.: frontnee. 50 feet on the north side of Jaekson street, nntl described in Vol. . pace . county recorder's records of Jaekson eountv. Oreeen: 50 feet: rate per foot. 85c: amount. $42.50. Assessment No. 75 William M. Smith. Lot 1. block 4. Nnrrcean ad dition to the eitv of Medford. OrJ: frontaee. 80.32 feet on tho north side of Jaekson street, and described in Vol. 74. pace 300. eountv recorder? records of Jnckson eoiuitv. Orecen: 80.32 feet: rato per foot. 95c: nmount. $08.27. Assessment No. 70. H. A. Fred enburg. Lot 12, Block 2, Oak Park Addition to tbo City of Medford, Ore gon; Frontage 100 feet on tho north side of Jacks .m street, and described In Vol. 72, Page 91, county recorder's of Jackson county, Oregon; 100 feet; Rate per fool S5 centB; Amount $85.00 Assessment No. 77 Ellas Turner. West part of tho parcel of land marked AI on tho map of tho City of Medford, Oregon ;Frontr.ge 70 feot on the north sldo of Jackson street, nnd described In Vol. 77, pago 451, county ro:ordcrs records of Jackson county, Oregon; 70 feet; Rate per foot 85 cents; Amount $59.50 Assessment No. 7S Julia B. Skeoters. Eact part of the parcel of land marked AI on tho np of tho City of Medford, Oregoa; Froatago 78.9 on the north sido of Jackson street, nnd described in Vol. 74, Page -4, county lecorderc recotds of Jnckson county, Oregon; 70 feet; Rato per foot S5 ceuts; Amount $07.07 Assessmer.t No. 79 . Charles F. Skeoters. A parcel of land commencing 12.59 cr-cins west and 40 links north of the southeast corner of Section 24 Township 37, South of Range 2, West of Wllllmotto meridian and running thenco West 125 feet; thonco north 70 feet; east 74 feet to tho Southern Pa cific's right-of-way; thonco south 35 degrees east rnd 75.7 feot along tho west boundary of tho Sor'lorn Pa cific's rlght-or-way to tho placo of bo- ginning, roservire unto eursGlves lisr.nc bkeeters and Grace J. Skeot ers) and each of us durln:; our natu ral llfo of onch tho right to occupy nntl possess said promises tho wholo thereof during fc period of our natu ral lives, or tho llfo of c"'l.er, and marked Jl on tbo mnp of tbo City of Mediord, Oregon; frontago 125 feot on the north sldo of Jackso- street, and described In Vol, 71, Pngo 155, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 125 feet; rnto per foot 85 conts; Amount $100.25 Assessment No. SO Walt M. Kennedy. Lot 4, Block 2, Whitney's addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; Frontage 150 feot on tho north sldo of Jackson stroot, nnd des cribed In Vol. G5, Pngo53, county recordors records of Jackson county, Oregon; 150 fcot; Rnto per foot 85 eonis; Amount $127.50 Assessment No, 81 Amy Calrnos. Lot 2, block 2, Whitney's nd dltlon to t'jo CKy of Mo'Tord, Oro gon; frontago 100 feot on tho north sldo of Jackson street, and doseribod In Vol. 73, Page 018. c inly re cordor'a rocorda of Jackson county, Orogon; 100 foet: Rato pel foot 85 cents; amount $85,00. Assessment No. 82 . Crmboll & Davis. Iot 2, Block a, Whitney's Ad. dltlon to tho City of MoOford, Ore gon; Frontage 150 foot, on tho north CITY NOTICES. aldo of Jaokcon atreot, evnd described In Vol. .... I'ago cottnty re corder's roco-ds of Jaokcon county, Oregon; 150 foot; Rnto por foot 85 conta; Amount $127.50 Asacsamout No. 83 J. A. Perry. Lot 2, Block 1, Wbltnoy'a AtMltlon to tho City of Medford, Orogon; Front ngo 140 fott on tbo nortl' sldb of. Jnckson ctreot, ard do3"rlbcd In Vol. 71 Prgo 507, county rccort"c' re cords of Jackson county, O, oeon; 140 feet; Rato pj foot 85 centa: Amount $119.00 A8BeB8mor.t No. 84 J. E. Watt Lt t 25, Highland Addl'.Ion to Mte- Ci ty of Mod'ord, Oregon; F-ot (ago 125 fcot on tbo north 8ldo ct Jaoksoj. ntreet, and described In Vol 07, Prgo 358, county recordor'a roceds of Jaskaon county, Orogon; 125 foot; Rato 85 cents pc foot; Amount $100.25 Assessment No. 85 Win. II. Crawford. EaBt part of -ih'j parcel oC land markce E on tbo man of tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontags 114.75 feet on tho north olio of Jack- son street, and described In Vol. 0(5, Page 521, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 114.75 foot; Rato per foot 85 cents; Amount $97.54 Assessment No. 86 Oregon & California R. R. Co. A parcol of laad known na tho Southern Peclflc rlght-of-way; Frontago 00 fco' on tho north side cf J.-irhcon stroot, and des cribed In Vol...., pago ..... coun ty recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 00 feet; Rato por foot 85 cents; Amount $51.00 Assessment No. 87 Oregon & California R. R. Co. A parcol of land known as tbo Southern Pas.flc Right-of-way; FronUco 60 feot on the south, side of Jackson sireot, and described In Vol.. . . ., Page. . . ., county re corder's records of Jackcon county, Oregon; CO feet; rato per foot 85 cents; Amot.nl $51.00 Section 2. And It Is boroby order ed and ord?Ined that a-ild covoral assessments and xi.e Houa thereof bo entered In t!o Lion Docket of tho said city, and thr.t thereupon Notlco bo given tho owners or reputed own ers of said property, and that tho samo bo e-jforced and collected In tho manner provided by tho chartor of said city for tho collection of assess ments for tho Improveomnts of tho steets therein. Section 3. It Is further ordained that tho notice nbovo provided bo published tbreo times In tho Dally Mall. Tribune, a nowsp-tpor published and of gencr-1 clrculatkn In said city, In tho manner provided by ordlnanco No. 250 of aad city. Tho foregoing ordinance vas pass el by the city Council o tbo City of Medford, Oroson on tho 19th. day of July, 1910, by iho following vetes: Emorlck, ayo; Wolch, uyo; Elfert, ayo; Merrick, ayo; Demmer absent; Wortman, r.bsent. Approved July 20 1910. W. H. CANON. Mayor. . Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. Sell it that property to a buyci who rends ads. For this will meat small delay, small sale cost and at ndeonate price. "-' - 4- DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. 4-44 44- tMtnmt i Granite City Hospital I Most modornly equipped hospi tal between Portland and Sac ramento. Shows each doctor .ho samo courtesy and Rives f all patients tho samo enro. In charge of Ostrom & Nelson, r ernduato nurses. OSTROM & NELSON, Props of Granite City Hospital, Ashland, Oregon. Fine Printing Wo mako a specialty of fino printing, carry tho necessary ',', itook to cnahlo ua to fill U ;; ordors promptly, and gimrnn- too satisfaction. ',' Host equipped job offico in ',', Orogon south of Portland; host export printers. Before ponding, your ordors I out of town, call and figure with us if wo can sorvo you for the snmo prico ns nn out-of-town coucorn you will wish to pntrontea homo industry, Medford PrintingCo-