UllY nun tiii: wi:atiii:u Tonight and tomorrow Knlr Medford Mail Tribune UNITKI) PltluSS ASSOCIATION Full Leased Wire Report. Vr- The only papor In tlio world published In a city tlio slao o Medford having a loosed wire. i nil warm, MF.LTI YEAR. MEDFORD, OJtEQON, WEDNESDAY, AUG UST 3, 1930. NO. 116. I OFFERS OF SUES F FEDERAL BUILDING W OR II -I X forty? SITES ARE OFFERED IN ALl PARTS OF CITY TO UNCLE SAM PRICES RANGE FROM $4000 OP TO 30000 Every kind of n Proposition Put Up to Government Prices of Some ftro Extremely Low In Order to occuro uuiMiinii in Locnmy. Thoro watt no dlrtli of offers Tucs- dny when Undo 8am oponod bids for tlio purchase of n fodon 1 building site In Medford. Twenty-eight IiIiIh wcro opened nnil Undo 8a tn can pay nny where from $4000 to $30,000. al though tlio majority of prices run from $10,000 to $20,000. Hero In tl o list: Kllrn nnd Ltlllnn Woodford, Sixth mid Ornpo ntroets, $10,400. Kdgnr Hater, Fourth K nnd F streets, $20,000. C. C. Ileelcmnn, Wont First nnd North Ornpo streets, $0000. C. C. Ilcokmnn. WmI First nnd North Holly stroot. $7700. C. ('. Ilcffkinnn. Went First nnd North Ornpo streets, Irrcaulnr, $10, 000. jfjdy l ( j n i ted on Page 8.) TEDDY PROBES COAL MINES WILKHBHAKUK. Pa., Aug. 3. Colonel Thoodoro Hooijovelt today In vestigated tlio Hoclnl nnd living con dltlonH of tlio fnrolgn populntlon In tlio conl mlnlrg dlstrlctn of north onstoni Pennsylvania. Ho pnrtlculnrly Inquired Into tlio conditions under which tl'o Itnllnn minors wcro working nnd asked countless questions concerning tlio hlnckhund nnd othor organizations of "undoslirhlo cltlrotiB." In moBt cases Italians of whom ho asked questions refused to gtvo liln: Infor mation, fearing reprisals of tlio so cieties, Whon asked If ho Intended don- lilnir .ivj.rnlltl nttd milnrltir Mm mliinn JllOOSOVolt anld: N'o; this Ir not, n spectacular trip. I liuo no desire to descend In tlio m I no ngoH; that Is no novelty for mo. I inado this trip to obtain first hand knowledge ot tho living nnd soclnl conditions of tho minors. I do not Intond studying tho lneldn workings of a mlno. Tho huninn sldo upiieals more strongly to mo." ANIENT CASE IS Expert Accountant Will Go on Stand Report, Which Shows That Much Monoy Is Left Unaccounted For. After two months' work on tho books of tho Golden Drift Mining company nnd tho personal accounts of O. W. Anient, Oeorgo W. Soronson, expert accountant will tnko tho stnnd In tho caso of tho Golden Drift Min ing company vs. O. W. Amont, this afternoon and will offer his report. This report slows various sums ot monoy rocolvod from stock sales un accounted for. With tho tender of this roport tho stockholdorfl, who are roprosontod by A. H. Rcamos, will ;iolr oubo, and tho hearing bo- i roforw, which Btnrtod In Juno, bo at an end, Tho caso will bo rost tl wl FOREST FIRES SWEEP HILLS ATWOODVILLE Many Men Fight Flames on Both Sides of Rofiuo River Burnlnu Over Vast Acrcano Much Cord wood Is Burned. Forest fires nro raging on both sides of Itoguo river nenr Woodvlllo and n lnrgo number ot men nro fight ing tho flames. So dense is tho Hiiioko down Rojiuo rlvor thnt It Is difficult to bco for n greater distance than n tnllo. No great amount of damage lins been dono nH yet by tho fires with tho exception ot tho burning of 250 cordfl of wod owned by I. J. Williams on Evans creek. Tho fires nro Bprend ovor nn Im meniio ncrengo nnd It will bo several dnys beforo It can be brought under control. PORTLAND TO HAVE NEW THEATER TRUST PLAYHOUSE PORTLAND. Or., Aug. .'I. That Portland will Imvo another new the liter reidv for oecupnnoy by August t, 1111, is nn nurtured fact today. The theater will lie controlled by Klnw & Erlungor and will lie con structed in the block bounded by Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Morrison nnd Yiimliill streets. Beyond specifying that the build ing r-liatl be fireproof throughout, with vitrified brick exterior, nothing is known ns to the style of archi tecture or height of tho building. The hlo"k on which the thenler will be located is owned by Charles Swecnoy, Ihu Spoknue capitalist, and the building will be constructed by nn investment company, of which he is the head. PRICES OF FOODSTUFF ARE AGAIN BOOMING CHICAGO. III.. Aug. :i.--l'riecs of nient, milk, butter, canned goods, dried fruits nnd flour nro ballooning ngiiin nnd there is little clinnce of u drop this winter, say the dealers. Hv October it is predicted that ment will udvnncu from I to 2 cents per pound, milk will cost 2 cents more per quart nnd hulter will sell nt 3(1 cents a pound. No definite cause can bo assigned for tho increase. Some denlors at tribute it to tho ncarcitv of live hogs nnd cattle. SOON TO CLOSE This Afternoon nnd Tender His argued boforo Judgo Calkins In Sep tember. I During tho past fow dt-.ya tho ' stockholders havo been offorlng In ovldonco a l:rjjo number of canceled 'checks, memorandums, stock certif icates nnd tho like, which woro found In : barrel In tho loft of Amont'a barn by Georao 13. Handors, who rop resonts tho largo miintio:' of stock holders. Tlio plaintiffs stnto that thoy havo nocurod among theso pn porB n groat amount of ovldonco whih boara out their contentions. Tho caso will bo complotod for tho present by Saturday, WILL LEAD REVOLUTION MX 0 Aqitators Arrested After Three Years' Imorisonment in Arizona Will Continue Agitation Acjninst tho Tyrant Diaz. FLORENCE, Ariz., Aug. 3. De claring themselves still In favor ot n revolution against President Diaz, lllcnrdo Flores Mngon, Antonio I. Vlllnrenl nnd Iberndo Illvcrn, tho Mexican polltlcaj ngltatorB, today walked from tho territorial prison at Florcnco free men, after being con fined thoro three years. Ab soon as tho three- Mexicans wero released they received n dele gation of newspapermen nnd told them In tho strongest terms that whllo thoy hnd no Intention of break ing tho lawB of any land, thoy pro posed to keep up tholr fight against tho "tyrant Dlnz." They declared thoy hnd not wavered a hnlr's breadth In their bollcti and princi ples bo far as political conditions In Mexico woro concerned. Shortly after leaving their colls tho three liberals boarded n train for I.oa Angeles, whero they wcro ar rested, nnd from whoro thoy wero taken to Arizona to stnnd trial on. charges of violation of tho neutral ity laws. JOE GANS KEPT ALIVE BY BREATHING OXYGEN ALBUQUEHQFE. N. M., Aug. 3. Accompanied by u doctor who is ad ministering oxygen us a last icsnrt to keep tho "old muster" alive, Joo Gnus passed through hero last night en route to Baltimore TWO BIDS FOR ASHLAND BONDS ASHLAND. Or.. Aug. 3. Tho city council last night opened bids for tho purchnso of $25,000 five per cent electric light bonds. Two bids woro recelvod, one from. Nuvoon & Co. of Chicago and ono from S. A. Koan & Co., also ot Chicago. Tho bid of Koan & Co. offering par, but requir ing tho city to allow thorn $750 for printing bonds nnd lognl expenses, liolng tho lowest, wns accepted by tho council. Nuvcoti & Co. bid par, but asked to bo allowed $1500 for printing nnd lo gal oxponsoo. Tho balo of thoso bonds Ib oxpoct od to provldo monoy for tho comple tion of tho city's municipal powor plant. No bids woro received for tho $30, 000 utreot Improvement bonds. In writing uu ud about thnt furn ishod room you havo to rent say, in a convincing way, just what you'd say if someone asked you to tell him what it was like, "and all about it." f-f-ft-f-f-f-f-f - f 4- 4 4 4 4 4- COMMERCIAL CLUB MEETING TONIGHT Tho regular monthly meeting of tho Coniniorciiil club will ho held at its rooms Wednesday eve ning nt 8 o'clock. A nuinberjif important subjects nro to bo brought up for notion, tho matter of exhibits at Portland, Spoknuo nnd other places boing prominent publicity features in general will bo discussed anil uu outline of tho advertising campaign for the coming fall nnd winter will bo explain ed. A lnrgo ntlondnnco of niombors nnd visitors is earnestly requested. C. A, MALBOEUF, Mutineer.. -r44 44 444 4 444 4 '8 IN Refusal of Judge Lawlor to Dismiss Cases Against Street Railroad Magnate on Account of Locating of Gallagher, Calls Forth Roasts From Attorneys. SAN' FRANCISCO, Cnl., Aug. 3. Three attorneys in tho defense of Patrick Calhoun, charged with brib ery in connection with tho trolley permits grnntcd by tho Rucf-Schmitz board of supervisors in 1900, were sent to jail todav bv Judge. .William I'.' Lawlor of the superior court for contempt. The attorneys woro sen tenced to fivo dnys' imprisonment and wore remanded to the custody of the sheriff. The trouble started when Attorney Stanley Mooro objected to tho dec Inration of tho court thai the dis trict attorney wns following tho lead of tho attorneys for tho defense. When Stanley Moore refused to rc niain quiet Judgo Lawlor Stnposod sentences. A. A. Moore, father of Stanley Moore, sprnng to his feet to defend his sou, nnd upon refusing to bo seated nlso was ndjudged guilty of contempt. '-$) Thereupon John J. Barrett dc iiounced Judgo Lawlor nnd wns sent to join the Moorcs. Deprived of his counsel, Patrick Cnlhoiin, president of the United Railways, chief figure in the recent grnft prosecutions, harangued the court. He refused to remain silent, and finally Judge Lnwlor left the bench and walked from the room. Cnlhoiin talked for several minutes and then took his sent. Thereupon Lnwlor re-entered tho courtroom nnd continued the case. When Judgo Lnwlor began rending his opinion on tho possible reason for (Continued on Page Four.) 20 EXTRA CARS NOW Jl VALLEY Southern Pacific Not Taking Any Chances of Car Shortage Six Cars of Pears Off to the Markets of the East. With tho shipment of three addi tional cars of ponra Wodncsdaj, mak ing a total of six shipped this aoa son from valloy points, tho pear Ben son will fairly hum for tho next fow weeks. In anticipation of tho do mnnd for fmlt cars, wlilch will soon bo heavy, tho Southern Pacific com pany has nt loast 20 cara In tho vnl loy now, A majority of theso nro sldo-trackod ot Tolo and to Pacific & EnBtorn Junction, whoro thoy can bo picked up at any tlmo by tho local switch cnglno, brought Into tho city, lcod nnd londod, Dangor of a car shot t ago Is tl.us mlntmlzod. Within tho noxt tvo wooks tho dally ship ments will rnnco botwoon eight and ten cars. M - CALHOUN LAWYERS PRSQN -f4 444 4 44 HI 444 444 44 44 4 444 444 CRIPPEN SAID TO HAVE MADE FULL CONFESSION OF CRIME IOWA LEADER WANTS REFORM WITHIN PARTY Progressive Platform Praising Taft's Intentions Expected Dolliver for Permanent Chairman Regulars in Minority, But May Make Report. DES MOINES, In., Aug. 3. The lown Republican state convention wns thrown into confusion this aft ernoon when Senator Cummins, de livering tho keynote speech, refused to nnine Tnft ns one of the "grand old lenders" of the Republican party. During his speech Cummins re ferred to "the partj1 of Lincoln, Mc Kinlcy nnd Roosevelt." "What's the matter with Tnft?" cried Ex-CongrcsPinnn Lncy, spring ing to his feet. Cummins shook his head. The stnnd-patters hissed and tho progressives cheered. "Xnme Tnft or sit down," yelled the stnnd-patters. Cummins shook his head firmly nnd the uproar continued. J The cheering of the insurgents j when he took this position wns vo-j ciferous nnd for five minutes the speaker could not mnke himself' heard. Finally the noise died down nnd Senator Cummins went on with his speech. DES MOINES, In., Aug. 3. With the main question before it whether it indorses Taft's administration or praises only his intention':, the Re publicans of lown met today in stnto convention. Senator Cummins was temporary chairman nnd sounded the (Continued on Page S.) STAY CLOSED PORTLAND, Or., Aug. 3. For tho first time In tho history of Portland tho drawbridges over tho Willamette river remained closed regardless of tho signals for passago by various boats. The old tlmo rule thnt tho bridges must open nt ci-11 without consideration for congestion of trans- rivor traffic was broken for tho first tlmo. County Judgo Cleoton stood on tho Morrison street brldgo draw nnd witnessed tho successful enforcement of tho bridge draw regulations which ho Issued Monday, Captain J. W. Shaver of tho Shav or Transportation company niado tho test of tho regulations. Tho towbont Shaver whistled for tho draw of tho Durnsldo street bridgo, but tho draw did not open. Tho boat waited in tho channel until tho expirntlon of tho closed period, when sho proceed ed up rlvor. Shnvor stated that ho would fllo charges of obstructing navigation in violation of tho federnl statuto boforo tho secretary of war. - 4- 4 4 - 4-4-4-4-4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 DRAWBRIDGES OKLAHOMA NEGROES KEPT FROM POLLS Fourteen Thousand Blacks Disfran chised by Constitutional Amend ment Adopted by Overwhelming Majority State Is Democratic. GUTHRIE, Okla., Aug. 3. Four teen thousand negroes will be kept from tho polls at the fall elections, it is estimated, ns n result of the rat ification at the primaries yesterday of the constitutional amendment lim iting the franchise. The amendment is similar to tho famous "grand father" clauses of the constitutions of many southern states. It is be lieved that thousands of negroes will bo unable to comply with its pro visions. The ratification of tho amendment was the biggest question in the elections. Retums today from all Darts of Oklahoma are over whelmingly in favor of the amend ment. This is believed to indicate thnt the fall elections will be won by the Democrats. The Democrats fa vored tho disfranchisement clause and the Republicans opposed it. The result of the primnry, it is do clarcd, indicates thnt the Republi cans aro nlreadj' outnumbered by the Democrats and tho disfranchisement of the negroes will take away a great part of Republican strength, leav ing the state more of a Democratic stronghold than ever. PUGET SOUND STEAMER IS RAMMED; NONE HURT SEATTLE, Wnsh., Aug. 3. The steel steamship Chippowa crashed into the woodeu Sound steamer Al bion, carrying ten passenger, bound from Senttlo to Port Angeles, off estpomt lighthouse enrly today. The Chippewa's bow wn-. driven ten feet into the Albion nmidsdiips. The Albion wns benched nt daylight nnd is bndly damaged. No one was injured in the collision. Tho Chippowa wns steaming to Se nttle after discharging a party of ex cursionists taken from Everett to Vancouver nnd return. Tho Albion is ownod by the Port Angeles Brow ing company. Tho sound wns murky during tho night, with clouds of smoko from forest fires, and this is supposed to havo been responsible for the wreck. You can get a practical, useful "real estato education" by reading and investigating real ostato ads. I N VCTORY Regulars Concede Defeat in All But Two Congressional Districts Re sult Is Stunning Rebuke to Uncle Joe for "Butting in" and Championing the Stand-Patters. TOPEKA, Kan., Aug. 3. With tho regulars conceding tho defeat of four of six of their candidates for con gressional nominations; with tho in surgents unopposed in two dibtriuts and claiming tho victory in two oth ers, tho progressives today aro ju bilant over tho clean sweep they uiudo in yesterday's primnry elec tions. Todny's leturns show tho insurg ents victorious in tho second, fourth, fifth nnd sixth districts, where they wero opposed by regulars, and in tho seventh nnd eighth, whoro thoy wore uoifopposcd. uuuirns irom me iirsij INTIMATION OF CONFESSION MADE BY DEW Dentist Reported to Have Made a Clean Breast of Murder of His Wife, Belle Elmore Crippen, in Their Home at Islington. QUEBEC, Que., Aug. 3. That Dr. Hawley H. Crippen has confessed ful ly to tho police that ho murdered hla wife, Bollo Elmoro Crippen, In tholr homo at Islington, North Londoa. was tho Intimation today of Inspec tor Dow of Scotland Yard. Tho detectivo refused . to discus the details of tho alleged confession. MONTREAL, Quo., Aug. 4. A spe cial dispatch from Quebec recelvod here this afternoon states that Dr. Crippen has confessed fully to tha murder ot nis wife at No. 39 Hllldrop Crescent, North London. No details of tho alleged confession wore gtrca in tho message. IS NONSENSE SAYS BAILINGER MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Aug. 3. R. A. Bnllinger, secretary of tho in terior, red-faced and irate, today angrily denied the report that ho had been asked by leading Republicans, through Senator Murray Crane of Massachusetts, to resign from Pres ident Taft's cabinet. "It is all nonsense; you can deny tho story most emphatically. It's a menu, contemptible lie, without a grain of truth in it," he said. . "Bnllinger was found iu tho smok ing compartment of a Pullman car ns his train passed through hero en route to Seattle. Ho denied repeat edly that ho hud boon told that his resignation would bo acceptable to tho Republican leaders, and with ev ery deninl ho becamo nngrier. "It hus never been suggested to me that 1 should resign, and I havo not been asked to resign," he roared. "Furthermore, I bnvo no such inten tion. I want to say most emphatic ally that not a single word passed between Senntor Crane and myself rolativo to my personal affairs. We discussed tho politicnl situation in tho west and other affairs in gen eral." nnd third districts aro not yet com plete, nnd both sides nro claiming ' tho nomination. Stubbs Renominated. Governor W. It. Stubbs was ro iiominnted and incomplete retums to day indicate that It. J. Hopkins, in Mtrgvut, probnbly was nominated for lieutenant govornor, Tho regular admit the nomination of Aloxuiidor Mitchell, insurgent, ovor C, F. Scott, in tho second dU trict; Fred Jnokson, insurgent, over J. M. Miller in tho fourth; It. R. Kcos. iiiMireont. ovor W. A. Cnlder- (Continued on Page Four.) NA . v'-rjeiummtommmimm tii.