? ! Vi'Vf-fi. ,l- jy r MEOirpRD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEPITORD. OREGON, '.VUKKDAY, AUGUST 2, 19J0, w K SOCIAL AND PERSONAL John II, Garldn, uUoino.y-utlaw, over Judicium C'nunlvl Hank. I'nt Doiii'kiui of .IncliHiinvilli' loft Mommy 'vuiiinu lor ('iiliiiiliar SpriimH, via llnnilirook, lie will 10- Illll 111 tlllllll WlVl'llll ')I(H. .lurry McCoy of flohl Hill whh in Moill'onl for a IW Iumiih Monday jil'hmioon. ('Ill'lH Kl'OKHII "f JwIcmihivIIIo wiw it Mcill'oid vlHitor Moinlay ufloinnuu. M. , Alfonl Iihh talcou liiw family unit liiinl away lo tliti tall Humor for a I'ow clay'n. Ilo huj'h hit iutimiU to hat; tint limit. A la ruo numlior of local iioopltJ liunnl Mth. Lulu Shcimrd'H tuinpor aiH'o Itioturo Monday ovanini; l tli" talmriiac'la anil worn wll riipaiil. Mrs. Shfiian! provuil a ulninc Hpmikur. Mr. and Mih.M. K. Lciitliuiuiau of Wilbur aro vIhIUih: ( V.. Unllii'r ti tit 11 of tliix city. Mr. and Mth. Ihiiiic HarriH liaJ left for an n.vli'iiiluil imihUiiu trip, Mm. I). Ilatfiuld U Central Point vrt a rt'cwnt vinltor in Mcdford. 8. i, Irf'iuinrtl IniH ruliirni'd from! way to 'm Huttu, llio altrantlvi) Hoomiry iiIoiik tho hliady ImnlcH of Noilh Houo livur. William Davin, a prominent farmor of Moinilaln ilmlncl, remained in I lie oily Monday nlhl, the muml of Inn iiince, Mi'H. 1. 1 icy DuvIh, of Ninth Central. William Houston, a well-luiouii Mode and fniiliuUoi' of Trail, tar licd in tlm city Knmlay nilit, laying III MipplillH. Keillor K. A. I'uIIIhou of the Con. I nil Point 'llitiald left Monday eve nine on a ImihIu'chh trip to I'ortlaml, TeiinuHHcn Sniillt left Monday evu tiinir for a viml to miiiiiiK inopcrtioH in wliioli lie !h intereMlcil in WiimIi iiiKton. Ilo will ho uono Hovoral weekrt. W, .). KoIioiIh loft Monday ovenlnn for a IiuhIuchh viHil to Portland. Mr. and Mrn. Will Ktowail and Mih. .1. M. ICcutiii left TucHiIay on an aiilomohilo trip to Crater Lake. Ilraee Wilwiu and a party of Portland friiiiidH leave within a day or two on a liiintini,' and filming trip in the moiiiitaiuH. C, A. Malhoetif Ikih returned from a hhoit vinit in Portland. II. C. I)ode of Portland in v'w- ilinir frienilH in Medford, William lleiulriekH of Talent piihh- ed throiiuh Medford Tuumluy on liin wlioro Iiu will a IniHiiioMH trip to AhIiIiuiiI. I camp lor a lew woolen. Mr,. C. P. Taylor of .lackHonvillel II. X. Stead of Grants 1W in via lam leH for Newport for a few tlayn.j itintr in Medford. Mr. and Mm, K. H. Waterman Mih Clara Allen of Ashland U hayo returned from a init at Cole-j londiinr a few dnyx with friendH in htili with friumlH. ! -. Mr. and Mm. .1. T. WUhoii of Orif- V. C. Mrown of Knirene is in Med- fin ('reek wore recent Medford vis- illllH. M!hh Alma Oonld of North Jack hini Htreet altendod tho carnival at Gold Hill Tlmmday and Friday, hav ing had a iiiohi onjoyaldo time. ford eenferrini: with the, jjeneral of ficers of the Oregon flranito ooai pany. Mr. Itrown handloH the north ern hranch. C. II. WillianiH of Knelt preeiaet was in Medford Tuesday on a short Jesse Kichardrton Iiiih relumed j business trip. homo from a ton days' visit at his former homo in Antioeh district. Ho was the uttesl of K. I). Wilhitc and faiaity, prominent fruitgrowers of that distriot. Mrs. I lampion Tin pin of Koxy Ann was a visitor in tho city Saturday. Horn July HI, to the wife of Hert Mrs. (.. It. Hay anil Iniiniy are spendiin: a few weeks at the sea shore, Mrs. K. H. Dow has returned to Jacksonville after a week's visit in Ashland. The county treasurer, under dale of July '2'2, lias given official notice that there urn funds on linn for the Scrnnton. of North Jackson street, t , redemption of nil county warrants 5,011. protested from February 1, IflOi), to T. A. Glass caiuo over front March III. ll)Ol. Heaulo Saturday for a brief visit to' Mr. and Mrs. James Kock of his Hick wife in Medford hospital, Steamboat were recent visitors in the who is slowly recovering. ' Vnllov. Mr. Jcnniims and family, of the John Dtiircau has resigned as jatt Kux grocery, Mr. PedorHon and fain- ilor of Hie cointlioase and has boon ilv of Norih C street. Mrn. MeKce. ' succeeded by T. C. Clemens, accompanied bv J. J. Owi'iip. the P. H. Fallis of Grants Pass spent photographer of North C Htreet. Tuesday in Medford. Mr. Fallis is pitHm-d last Suiiilav cry jileasanllv a recent arrival from the east and iniMiicLiiiL' mill InkiiiL' card views of .Into, that while li lui. eltrmon (Inuits I'tiHH for llio purpoHo of looking over tho valley, thai ho will probably ot up into the foothill soe lions. Ilo sliiles thai ho is much pleased with tho piospeots near Hutte Falls. Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Owens and ilnuithlor, Marj;arol, loft Tuesday uioruiui; for Colestin, wlioro thoy will spend a i'uw days. C. II. Mouio of the WillianiH creek section, was a recent visitor in Mol ford. , Tho city council will moot in tegu lar session this ovcuint;. Principal business to bo trausacled is the passage of city bills. Henry II. Crane, a prosperous rancher of the Applccntc, spot Tuesday in Mcdfotd on business. ICIbert C. Wright and family of Hoston, Mass., have arrived in (he valley and will make their home on littlo Hutte, Mr, Wright buying a place there last fall. Harry K, Klysoii of San Francisco arrived in Medford Tuesday via Cra ter Lake. He is accompanied by a paity of friends. Fred N. CiiinmingH, mnnager, Kogito Kiver Valley Canal company, has rot a rued from a week's business trip to Portland. Wliilo in Portland ho purchased two 1011 Franklin au tomobiles. T. Cameron of Jacksonville and his son Don, lofl Tuesday morning for tho Siuimous-Cameroii mines r.t Waldo, whoro thoy will remain for several weeks. A marriage liccnHo linn been grant ed by tho county clork to Milo Fur- rey and Josephine M. Audorsou. Miss Mnrgnrot Younger of Snn' Francisco has returned home afton a visit of several weeks in this city with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Aiken. Harvey C. Stino of Sacramento Is visiting friends in Medford. Ho is pleased with tho valley nml may lo cate here. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. oott of Clin ton, la., arc Medford visitors look ing for a location. L. Gnrrott of Ashland was in Med ford on a business visit Tuesday. John II. KoIbIoii of Fargo, N. I)., is ouo of tho recent additions to the North Dakota colony in this'section of Oregon. Mr. and Mr. Kalph Hrowu of ICenuctt, Oil., aro here on a visit and tour of inspection. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Walker of Ce dar Kapids, la., are in Medford on . tour of investigation. Mr. and Mrs. W.. II. Meeker have returned from an outing at Cole stin. George 11. Durham of Grants Pus- war. in Medford on a Iiiimiio.- trip Tuesday Fancy Cooking Demonstration All This Week From 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Each Day PROF. JOSEPH BECKER OF BERLIN, GERMANY, IS NOW DEMONSTRATING TO THE LADIES MEDFORD WHAT CAN BE ACCOMPLISH -D WITH A PERFECT RANGE. PROF. BECKER'S DEMONSTRATIONS WILL, OF COURSE, BE MADE ON THE GREAT MAJESTIC RANGE THE ONLY RANGE IN THE WORLD THAT COOKS PERFECTLY EVEN THROUGHOUT. IS THE MOST WONDERFUL AND PERFECT COOKING APPARATUS IN THE WORLD TODAY ASDDE FROM ITS PERFECT AND UNIFORM COOKING QUALITIES (AND FOOD MUST BE PER FECTLY COOKED TO BE THOROUGHLY WHOLESOME), THE MAJESTIC LASTS MANY TIMES AS LONG AND CONSUMES LESS FUEL THAN ANY RANGE MADE. IT IS NOT A STEEL RANGE, AS YOU MAY SUPPOSE, BUT IS MADE OF CHARCOAL AND MALLEABLE IRON. (CHARCOAL HION RESISTS HEAT, RUST AND CRYSTAL IZATION 300 PER CENT LONGER THAN STEEL. THE TOP PARTS ARE MADE OF MALLEABLE IRON, WHICH CANNOT BE BROKEN AND WILL AST A LIFETIME. . JSSSmt&X - LMM.9 ---.i. 1 111 llUIIlWIirSLLclLU L1HJ M . - tverybody Welcome Every lady within easy reach of Med ford should attend every one of Prof. Becker's lectures. All are cordially in vited to come, whether you need a range or not. These lessons are most valuable to every lady who is interested in having her food properly compound ed and perfectly cooked. IM Everybody Come very Day the thorough and even baking of this range by putting cake, biscuit, pies, etc., in a pan that FILLS the oven and cook them and brown them perfectly uni form without turning the pan. If he can do this, you can do it, too, on a Majestic Range, but on no other. Prof. Becker lectures to his hearers while he prepares the food, explaining it in every detail and gives his recipes for all his dishes so that any lady who attends can prepare and cook every dish he makes. lie will gladly answer .any question asked b the ladies relative to tlie preparation and cooking of any dish. MENU FOR WEDNESDAY- Honey Cake " Spice Drops Moonlight Cake Counter Cake White Caks Devil's Cake And Lemon Chocolates and all kinds of Cookies. He will show how to make yeast and get the best results for bread, buns, rolls, etc. Watch MEDFORD HARDWARE CO. We Make a Specialty ef: FINE JOB PRINTING & ft-V - 1 .' Finest Job Printing Establishment in Southern Oregon. We Carry the Stock and Employ the Mot Skilled Printers, Enabling us to Furnish Perfect Printing on SHORT Notice Call and see samples of work and get our prices MEDFORD PRINTING GO. We Print That Universally Read Daily, The Medford Mail Tribune Goes to 2,600 Homes in Medford and the Valley. , . ' i j 'V tv - -4 ----- -