WOULD FIX-UP STAGE ROAD Judnc Baldwin Heads Movement to Rebuild Ashland-Klamath Falls Wajjon Road Says It Would Bo a Scenic Route and Save Time. 10 HAVE WATER WASCAIIGHT Captain Kendall Tells of Identifying Passcnqcr With Photo of Missing Man Rccoanizcd Accused With out Ralslnq Lattcr's Suspicion. A JACKSONVILLE JEFF 10 KEEP MOUTH SHUT Champion Denies Statements Cred ited as Rcpmllatlun Interview In Which He Claimed to Have Boon Drugned. KOW CRIPPEN A NEW LINE OF REED AND RATTAN CHAIRS and ROCKERS u.i nmittc tnf "in nnn fnr Now Water System Will Be Splendid Supply Vote Practically Unanimous. VA QUE11KC, Can., Aug. 2. Tho Eng lish nowspapors nro given nearly all tho credit for tho capturo of Dr. Crlppen and Mile. Leneve by Captain Kendall of tho Canadian Pacific liner Montrose, who this afternoon gavo an Interview to the United Press, recounting his methods of identifying tho suspects. "For some unknown reason 1 read all tho newspaper accounts of tho Islington mystery," said Captain Kendall. "I bought all available papers In London and oven secured late ones Just as my ship cleared from Antwerp. These papers con tained pictures of Dr. Crlppcn. All of thorn represented him as a full bearded man. "When my suspicions became aroused by tho peculiar appearance of 'Robinson and his son,' I again studied the pictures, placing one of them on a table. I blocked out tho muBtacho and beard with white crayon and tho resemblance of tho photographic reproduction to my passenger was marvelous. "I then took another picture and in addition to blocking out the beard, I chalked out the eye-glances and tho likeness again proved striking. "After that I awaited my chance to tee Crlppen when he could not seo me. I studied his face carefully and became firmly convinced that he was tho fugitive. "Then I took a picture of Mile. Le- ucve. I eliminated the cluster of hair and the woman's hat and dress worn in tho picture. Awaiting a fa Torable opportunity, I studied tho face of tho 'boy' through a window where I would not bo distracted by the details of her male garb. I also studied her face through a telescope I made of paper and compared her face with my newspaper reproduc tion. They tallied exactly. "Then I cultivated the acquain tance of 'Robinson but was unable to become acquainted with his 'son.' U WV." ...- .ho stayed in their stateroom most of the time. While talking occa-, elonally with Crlppen, I studied his characteristics and compared them from time to time with tho news paper descriptions. I do not believe. however, that up to tho tlmo Inspec tor Dew boarded the vessel Crlppen had any idcr. that his Identity was known." POPULAR YOUNG COUPLEMARRIED David R. Wood and Miss Inez Alice McCray Are Wed Will Reside in This 'City Both Have Many Friends In Valley. DavidR. Wood and Miss lacz Alice McCray, both of this city, were quiet ly married in Ashland Sunday after noon, tho Rev. M. Van Fossen offi ciating. Miss McCray met Mr. Woods n Ashland, coming up from San Jose, whero she has been making her homo for some time. Tho young cou plo will bo at homo to their many friends on West Hamilton street aft er August 15, MrB. Woods as Miss McCray won a host of friends in Medford and has been very popular with the younger set. She is a daughter of V. C. Mc Cray, ono of Medford's most respect ed citizens. Mr. Woods has long been omployed at tho Hotel Nash and enjoys a wide acqualntainceship. A host of friends wish tho young cou ple a smooth voyago over tho matri monial soa. Wireless Service Stopped. ABERDEEN, Wash., Aug. 2. Today is the last day of tho wireless Bervico horo and at Wcstport. Or ders have boon received at the So attlo offico to dismantlo the stations and ship the instruments to Scuttle. Tho discontinuing of tho bar ser vice will be a serious inconvenience to tho shipping interests. It will bo impossible to keep truck of vessols passing in and out over tho bar, and in tho winter months when a storm is on ships nro often hold up inside the bar for days waiting for the weather to luodornto. Bo sure that the no-lougor-needcd nrtiolo is jimk-hofore sending for tho junkman. A "for salo" ad may bring its value in money to you. Judge George T. Rnldwin of Klam ath Falls is heading nn agitation in his homo city to fix up tho old Asli-lnnd-Klnmnth Falls stage rond o that it cau be used for traffic. In the Klamath Chronicle appears tho following interview: "If this old stage road was put in decent shape it would bo one of tho most traveled highways in the entire country for tourists nnd pleasure-seekers. Instead of the people who visit Crater lake going in from Medford in autos, they would come from Ashland via Klam ath Falls and return the sanio way, ns it would give the tourists a chance to seo Klamath Falls and the Klam ath country and enjoy one of the nicest kind of auto trips through a beautiful scenic country. Those coining to Crater Lake from Medfoid would come on here and to Ashland over this road, if they did not, make both trips this waj A Scenic Routcc. "Klamath Falls is becoming wide ly advertised as a scenic country and place for recreation of nil sorts. Thousands of travelers from all parts would come on tho train to Ashland and from there would make the rest of the journey via machine instead of coming on around on the train by Weed and laying over there for a day nnd night, as they do now, if the Klamath Falls-Ashland road was put in passable shnpe, and going out toward Portland thoy' would do the same thing. This would land them in Ashland in a few hours from here in fact, long before they could possibly reach Ashland via train. If this road was put in shape for autos a line of machines would bo put on the run by someone at once and you would bo surprised to sc the number of people who would take advantage of the ride both ways in getting in and out of KJnmnth Falls, instead of making that long and tedious trip over the Siskiyous . ---,- - land doubling back to get here, or vice versa. Only 04 Miles. "In view of these fucfsv which should bo apparent to everybody, it is indeed strange that something has never been dono toward making this rond reasonably decent by the peo ple of tho two counties which it runs through. It is 61 miles from here to Ashland via this route, and tho county lino is just about midway. While it vvuld cost something for tho two counties to put the lund in shape nnd keep it so, the good that would result nud the moncv that it would bring back to the people would more than re - for all the outlay. "And, as I stated while in Ashland somo days atro, I will be ono of any number of men in Klamath Falls who will put in $50 individually toward this work, and as several people in Ashland expressed themselves as be ing willing to aid such a move, I bcliovo if the matter was properly laid before the individuals wiio would bo benefited by such a high way they would come through with out much trouble for a large amount of tho money necessary to put this highway in shape and keep it. so. Court Should Start Work. "I also believe that if tho matter was tuken up with the county offi cials of Klumuth and Jackson coun ties these men would seo the benefit of such a highway and start the ball rolling by making a substantial do nation from the taxpayers. If the courts should do this I do not believe thoro is a taxpayer in tho county who would kick when they realized tho good tho couuty would get from such a road. "I am not making this plea for tho improvement of this highway be cause I nm in tho automobile busi ness and it would benefit me, but am looking to the whole county, us I nm honest in the statement that money could not bo expended to bet tor advantage by tho county or indi vidual business men of Klamath and Jackson than to put this old stage road in good ropair for auto travel." MADE MILLION, NOW IS AFTER AN EDUCATION BROCKTON, Mubs., Aug. 2. Paniel Waldo Field, who has made a million or more in the shoo busi ness, is preparing to enter Harvard university next fall. Ho sayb ho focls tho need of education us much us though ho wore penniless. Field's paronts wore poor and found it impossible to givo him much schooling, "AH tho money in tho world," said Field, "can't take tho placo of odu-oution." Uy tho overwhelming vote of 66 to 1, Jacksonville voted Monday to bond for $30,000 for tho purpose of con structing a gravity water syatom. Work will start as soon na possible. Jacksonville under tho administra tion of the present city officials has been making a large number of Im provements. Tho water system when complete will give the county seat an added attracttveuoss, and make It Ufa home city of southern Oregon. STUBBS MAKES COMBINE WITH KANSAS REGULARS KANSAS CITY, Mo July 1. It Is rumored here today that Governor Stubbs of Kansas hna formed a coal ition with the regulars and has agreed to support them In tomorrow's primaries in return forf their support of the governor. Tho report has caused great surprise hero, as Stubbs was regarded as an out and out Insurgent. Stubba has aided tho insurgent candldntees for congress. It Is now reported that ho has agreed to help Anthony and the other reg ulars. Stubbs claims ho will carry the election by 20,000. To Wngstaff who is opposing Stubbs claims the victory by 15.000. It Is believed hero that at least three of the regulars will be defeat ed. The Insurgents predict victory in every district. SLOT MACHINE Illinois Grand Jury Busy With Al- leged Legislative Scandals Loan Shark. Child Lauor and Other Bills' Investigated. SPRINGFIELD, III., Aug. 2. A sudden activity on tho part of the Springfield grand Jury today Is be lieved to foreshadow sensational In vestigations of alleged legislative hrlhery In connection with tho child labor, "loan shark" and slot machine hills. Representatives Lederer and Leltz and Attorneys Adler and Hen Ilelsor wore subpenaed today to await tho convening of tho Jury. Prosecutor Burke three weeks ago announced that the Jury would not meet before October. It Is believed that he has Becured Importnnt evi dence that he wishes to present to the grand Jury. Its action today cornea as a complete surprise. AUTOMOBILES O. W. Murphy. O. M. Murphy AUTO LIVERY. MURPHY BROS. 1910 Chalmers Detroits. Phone 1801, Valley Auto Company. Medford, Or. Quick Service. Easy Riding Prices Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PHONE MAIN 3141. Agency for tho Parry Cars. Rogue River Auto Co.. Frank n. Hull, Prop.. Medford. Or. Pure Clear Sparkling You can't afford to do without this splendid, refreshing drink. Call up and order u case sent to tho houso, Tho purest, most healthful drink known is SISKIYOU MINERAL W ATER P. C. BIGHAM, Agent. BRIBERY PR LOS ANGKLKS, Aug. 2. James J. Jeffries today denied any stntomontB credited to him as repudiating an In terview given out by htm In which ho declared he was drugged boforo hla tight with Johnson and that he was forced to believe men who had posed as his friends wore responsible for tho drugging. "I cannot understand how tho statement that I had retracted tho In terview could bo printed," said Jof- frles this morning. "I saw no news papermen yesterday and I am quite sure I said nothing to anyone which could bo construed as a denial. I hnvo not rend tho original state ments credited to mo In which I said that I was drugged, and so I could not have made any denial. "Hereafter tho papers may say what they like about mo. I don't caro what they say. Out I'm not do ing any more talking take It from me." NEW MEMBER ANANIAS CLUB Roosevelt Elects Colonel Georqc Harvey to His Celebrated Ornanl zatlon Pronounces Statement He Minht Run Again a "Simple Lie." DEAL LAKE, X. J.. Aug. 2. Col onel George Harvey today stands In a position to learn tho answer to his question published recently in tho North American Review, of which ho Is tho editer: "Is Roosovclt nn asset or a liability?" In discussing tho Interesting ques tion, Harvey said that Roosovclt re cently declared ho might bo a repub lican candidate In Novomhor If cer tain events thrust tho nomination upon htm. RooBcrttideclnrcd that statement "a simple lie," thereby adding a now form of the "shorter and ugllor" to his ucgatlonnl vocabulary. Harvey today said that It "would bo unseemly to enter Into a contro versy with Roosovclt on a question of veracity," hut added, "that which I wrote, of course, Is true." Evon If your store woro, nctually, moro Importnnt that your advertis ing would Indldcnte, tho public would not believe It, GET YOUR WINTER WOOD While it is cheap. Phone 1341. E. R. TEDRICK, Corner 11th nnd Laurel streets. Yard at 417 South Oukdnlo Avonuo. A.L. VROMAN PLUMBING & HEATING! CONTRACTOR No job tod small, none too large. Twenty-five years' practical experience. Office 113 South Front Street. Phone 2751. Packers Wanted! To relator with tho association for this season's pack. Packing schools for pears and apples in Au gust and September. Pack chungod on apples. Everybody must learn it. It. R. FHUIT & PRODUCE ASS'N. " DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 4 E. MAIN STREET. OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. - t-1--t- Suitable for Living Room Bed Room or Porch ALSO A NILW LINE OF REED GO-CARTS AT VERY LOW PRICES We Also Save You Money j& ON ALL LINES OF j& HOUSE FURNISHINGS "OiitHldo the flro limit, but In.tldo'oii prlcon" FALLING OFF IN GOLD , PRODUCTION IN ALASKA! FAIRBANKS, Alaska, Aug. 2. Tho (.'old output of tho Fairbanks district wns less than .f 1,000,000 i. July, ami it in estimated that the total output of tho season of 11)10 will bo less thnn SO.OOO.OOO. La hi year tho output wns between $", 000,000 nud $8,000,000. This in a result of tho severe drought and n- f -t- -t- T " -t- -t- -t DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f---------- Double Your Business Le In The Sunlight Suppose you know a man who kopt his shadcH drawn tight ull day and humed kerosene instead of letting in thn sunlight. Supposo you know a man toiling alone n dusty road who would not accept a lift when there wan plenty of .room in thn wagon; Suppose you know a millor with IiIh mill built benido n swift running stream who insisted on turning thu mnchinory by hand. All foolish, yon say? And yet look around you how fow rc tnilors tnko ndvnntago of iho gront advertising campaigns run by food, textile, cloth nnd cvory other manufacturing lino that you cnn nnmo. Think a moment! What wub tho lent advertisement you read nd wo.idcri'd just which store in town would bo progressive enough to have the foods in mode bo you could soo them nnd pur- Moro goods nro sold undor tho ovening lump at homo than you dream of. Practically every live rotailor ndvortiseH in his loonl pnpors. Rut how. Put up your lightning-rod 1 Lot your customers know that you can deliver to thorn tho goods which groat ndvortising, paid for 1 by manufacturers, has intorostod Thoy will got tho habit and you will got tho business. Practically ovory inaniifucturor stands roady to help you help yourself. Ask thorn for electrotypes Hiiitnblo to run in yoipr own advertising. Hook their trudo mark to your storo. CoiiBiunor demand for ndvortisod goods is now dividod broad cast among all tho stores in town. Uso your ndvortising in local papors to foous thin demand upon your storo And don't forgot to send for tlionn holpfnl elootro typos. Rend this again, for it menus uionoy to yon. -"----- ------------- Weal Main tit. Cor. of Iniircl sultunt water shortage in sluicing opemtionri, nud tho labor shortage reiulting from n rush to tho ldita nul in June. Robert F Maguire Late special agent U. S. General Land Office, announces thai lie has opened law offices in the Medford National Bank Building, for gen eral practice beforo state and federal courts and tho Department of the Interior. J thorn in. --- -------- - , In Attractive Designs With Prices that Will Please Nrxt to Wellington School 'JTVli'phono Mnlu MM -- Do You Enjoy Camp Life? Probably you didn't go well prepared last year didn't get fixed up in such a manner that you could live comfortably for two weeks or a month without having to forage. We make it our Business to sco that you get sup plied with the right sup plies and in sufficient quantity. J f you want to enjoy camp lifo (and you will, too) just come to this storo and got your supplies the samo as hundreds of others havo dono and you will doto on camp life. Whether you arc- go ing camping or not, this is a good placo to buy your groceries. Allen AND Regan - --- -- Nr' kl