3Bw UN1TKI) PKKAS AHSOC1ATION Full Leased Wire Iteport. TIIIC WEATIIICIL Medford Mail Tribune Tonight and tomorrow---Knlr ami warm - The only paper In tho wotrU publlihod tn a city tho ilia e( Medford having u loaied wtr. xmmi year. AfEDFORD, OKECJON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1910. No. 115. BALLINGER ASKED TO LEAVE CABINET urouvw jhIi A ' A HINT SENT SECRETARY BY CRANE Massachusetts Senator, Actlnfi on Initiative of National Leaders, With Taft Acquiescing In Plan, a Breaks News to Bnlllnqcr Asked to Step Out by October First. IIKVKULY, Maa Auk. 2 II was learned today on tho highest aulhor It y t lut t Benutor Criiuo of Macmichu setts, acting on ttm Inltlutlvo of re publican national lenders, with Pres ident Taft tacitly ncqulcnciug In tho plan, conferred with Hocrotnry Bal linger at Minneapolis yesterday and suggested that Halllngcr Hhotild re linquish bin portfolio aH wcrotary of tho department of tho Interior before October 1, 1910. Thu Intimation of Hnlllngor'H rcs iKiiatlon Ih behoved to explain tho "accidental" meeting of Senator Crane nnd Hocrotnry Il.illlngcr at Mlnnenpolla. Senator Crane recently visited President Tpft hero nnd considerable mystery waH thrown around the causa of hlit vlHlt. The only light vouch safed wnu that the nonatni- wiih going westward "on n mlBHlon." That pressure wan brought to bear on tho president to give him the hint that Ilnlllngor Hhotild retire Ih the general InipreBtilon bore. It Ih be lieved that tho republican loaders elected Senator Crnne bh the spokos mnn and Hocured tho tacit agreement of Taft to tho plan of asking Ilallln ger to withdraw. It Ih reported that Senator Crane told Secretary Ballinger he mtiHt re sign nhortly after the report of the InveHtlgntlng commltteo In Minneap olis September 11. It Ih until that Ilallluger expectu to return to IiIh law prnctlce In Seattle boforo the con greHHlonal cntupalgnH end. The pros Ident, It Ih H?.ld, felt a delicacy about Informing Ilalllnger of tho prc-suro exerted on Mm. The executive offices hnve given out no Information rogarding tho purpoHeB of Senator Crnno'a Journoy, Ktntlng only that ho had no commis sion from tho proHldent, Secretary Norton rofiiHed to con firm or deny the reported approach- lug retirement of Ilalllnger, Haying that In many respects he knew more about Senntor Crano'H mlnHlon than tycH President Taft. TIiIh Ih takon to mean that the preHldont'ti Becrotijry Joined with the politicians In thu plan to remove Ilnlllngor. Taft played golf HiIh morning with Captain llutt, IiIh military aide. This afternoon he waH vlHlted by General Leonard Wood. ELECTION TODDY IS VERY QUIET Voto Polled Is Light Indications f Are That Amendments Will Carry by Large Majority Little Interest on Part of Mr. General Public. A very light vole is being polled at loduy's city eleetion, hh very little in terest is being taken in the matter. At 2 o'clock thin afternoon not over 100 votes liail lieen cast. Indications are that the amend jnents will carry by a lArgo major- i'V .1" Whon in doubt put a want nd in tho Mall Tribune WA 0 HANGS LOW O'ER SPAIN Clericals. However, Aro Endeavoring to Affect a Truce Until Such Time as They Can Muster Strength for Open Rebellion Pope Continues His Antagonistic Career. LISBON, .in Budjos, Aug. 2. -The clerical of .Spain, realizing their uiipropurcduesn for war. are endonv oring to nffect a linen with the up purterH of the policy of Premier CauulejuH in hi controversy with the vatieau until Hitch time us thoy can muster Hiifficicnt strength for open rebellion. The plans of the clericals nro convoyed in pnvnte dispatches to friends here. Although an overthrow of the cler icals N believed impossible at thu present time, it is certain n hitter po litical fight will be waged ngnnmt Cnnnlojas. The Carlist supporters of Don Jaime are allied with the independent clericals and they havu notified L'au alejas that "we are determined to use every means to effect your over throw without regard to oonse tlueuecH." Peaceful Means First. This is taken here to mean th.vt tlie clericals will first Jry to win hv peueeftil means, hut that in the event of defeat they will raise the stand ard of revolt, appeal to the exiles hovering on the l'Ynjico-Spauish frontier, ask the aid of Don Jaime (Continued on !Jaelo.H1 TO LOWER RATES EIRE INSURANCE State Board of Underwriters Have Had Official Hero Investigating New Water System, and Lower Rates Are Expected. For the pact few days tho Htato board of underwriters have had an official In this city Investigating Mod ford's water supply, and as a result local Insurance rates will soon bo considerably reduced. Tho official stated before returning to Portland that In IiIh estimation the H.vntein was second to nonce In thu Htato. In company with M. M Oault, su perintendent of thu water works, tho official mad - a caroful Inspection of the distributing system nnd tested thu preHsuro In many of tho mains. While tho official would not commit hlm oelf, he Intimated that a considera ble reduction would be made on nil flro rates in tho city, MOVING PICTURE FAKIRS FIND AN EASY MARK CIIICAaO, 111., Aug. 2. Fred Dt lios is today camping on the heels of the police, tearfully pleading with them to recover for him $12 and u gold watch. Dihos was walking home in the early morning when he met two swarthy Italians with stilettos between their teeth. "I ley, there 1" sang out the swar thy ones. 'Let us rob you. We're moving picture actors. Look out for the camera." "Sure," replied Dihos. The Italians took Dihos' watch and wallet and ran. Dihos followed at top speed in true cinematograph stylu. Tho fugitives disappeared in a blind alley, IIu searehod for six hours, thou notified tho police Work Started on $10,000,000 Bridge to Span Hudson River. New York uud New Jersey will be connected by one of the greatest bridges In the world. After long years of dlsousslou work bus at last been started on a $10,000,000 bridge that will reach from near Tort Lee, N. J., to Manhattan Inland at One Hundred and Seventy-ninth street. The new bridge will dwarf DrooMyu bridge In size. EIRE DESTROYS LUMBER TOWN Blaze That Breaks Out in Hoover1 Sawmill at Hoover, on Upper San-. tlam River, Destroys Every Build inn Loss Will Reach $150,000. ALDANY, Or., Aug. 2. Tho flro that broke out In the Hoovor saw mill at Hoover, Or., 1G miles cast of here, on tho Upper Santlam river, Inte yesterday, Is still burning, but Is under control Every building in tho Uttlo lumber town was comploto ly destroyed, oxcopt a few houses standing on a high bluff, qulto n dis tance from tho townslto. Flro fight ers dug trenches around tho town to prevent tho spreading of tho flames to tho standing timber. For a tlmo these offorta wore auccussful, but early today tho flro leaped tho ditches and did connldorablo damnco, A large force of mon from Mill City, 22 mllos away, havo gono to the Hceno and at last roport tho flamos wore prnctlcally undor con trol. Tho loss will probably reach $150,000, Tho town consisted of tho mtll, ono store and about 25 bunkhouses and dwellings. GIRLS TO SWIM TEN MILES IN OPEN SEA SANTA HAHIURA, Cal., Aug. 2. The nioro fact that ono can swim well in a bathing suit is no indica tion of ability to do the proper thing in enso of shipwreck, according to tho Missus Emily and Hannah Du bniho of Sail Hafael, who aro sunt niorinir hero. Heneo, in ordor to ho "on tho job" when a really and truly shipwreck occurs, (hoy proposo to hie Ihemsdlves ton milotf from shore, upset their boat and roach shore as best (hoy can, ASKS VAN LIEW TO QUIT OFFICE Governor Glllett Calls Upon Normal Board to Oust Principal Accused of Hugging Young Pupil or to Re sign Their Own Positions. SACRAMENTO, Cal., Aug. 2. In a lottor designed to urGO upon tho , trustees of the state normal school at 1 Chlco tho necessity of ousting Dr. C, C. Van Llcw, principal of the In stitution, on tho ground of his nl- , leged evil reputation, Hovoraor Gll- lett today practically called upon tho trustees to dismiss Van Llow or to , resign their offices. Vnn Llow wa recently acquitted of chnrges of misconduct. Tho voto of tho board stood 3 to 2. The governor chnrges In his lottor that reports doiogatory to Van LIow's ehnractor nro on file with tho board or examiners and that Detoctlyo Wil liam A. Plnkerton was Investigating Van LIow's roputr.tlon nt tho tlmo of tho San Francisco fire. LURE OF BIG CITIES TEMPTS YOUNG PEOPLE WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 2. Aecording to figures compiled by the census bureau, the lure of tho city for American youths incrensoh. De spite tho possibility of saving more money on tho farm and living better, the bureau of statistics shows that youuir mon prefer to put up with the hardships of the city f (lie sake of tho gayer life, Tho attraction of tho average wuso of $1.50 for an eight-hour day, tho figures indicate, is stronger than the drawing power of $20 n month and "keop" in tho country for 12 and 14 hours' work a day. RACE RIOTS ONLY PLAIN SLAUGHTER Texas Grand Jury Finds Negroes Were Shot Down in Cold Blood Hardly Any Disorders Preceded Killing of Fleeing Blacks Many Unexpected Victims Found. PALESTINE, Tex.. Auir. 2. "The killing of negroes at Elkhart and Slociun disgraces tho county and state. Every one connected with the riots should be indicted." This was tho message pent to the Anderson county grand jury today by Judge Gardner of the circuit court. "The shootings did not occur in a riot or n fight; they were a series of cold-blooded murders,' said Judge Gardner. "Hardly any disorder pre ceded the killing of the fleeing ne groes." Following the restoration of com parative quiet, the militia, which miicc the riots has been gunrding the towns nnd patrolling the county, has been withdrawn. Further investiga tion of the deaths brines to light many heretofore unsuspected victims in (he outlying portions. Three negroes were killed as they fled from the teles of the first killings. The following white men hnve been arrested in connection with riots nnd are being held without bail: James Spurgoi, John Bishop, Wal ter Forgut-on, Isnman Gamer, An drew Kirkwood. James Jenkins, F. Bailey and Morgan Henry. CUTTER PERRY TOTAL WRECK Revenue Ship Meets Disaster in Dense Fog and Swift Currents of Behrlng Sea Crew and Officers Rescued. WASHINGTON. D. C. Aug. 2. The revenue cutter I'crry is reported a complete wreck on Tonki Point reef. St. Pnul island, Behring Ken, July 2."), according to a cablegram received at the treasury department loduy. The Perry's crew, number ing .")0, including officers and men, reached shore after a hard battle with the surf. The wreck was duo to tho dense tot; and swift currents. Tho cutter was engaged in patrolling the Seal islands. IS OFF FOR TRIAL SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 1. With a rose tn his buttonhole nnd a smilo on his lips. Joseph Wondllng, accus ed of the brutal murder of Alma Koll nor, 8, In Loulsvlllo, Ky., left today In custody of Captain John Carney of Louisville. Wondllng still main tains his Innoccnco, assorting that ho will be acquitted as soon as ho is tried by tho Kentucky authorities. Tho prisonor Is duo to arrlvo in Loulsvlllo next Monday. At tho cost of n fow stamps and a Uttlo time, you may answer $omo want ads that will lead to unforeseen business and profits, WENDLING OBJECT TO OPEN DRAWS ON BRIDGES Army Engineers Up in Arms Over Orders From County Commission ers Regulating Bridges on Willam etteClaim County Has No Juris diction and Calls Federal Attorney PORTLAND, Or., Au&. 2. Major Mclndoe, United States engineering corps, Is up in arms today over an order Issued by tho county court regulating the opening nnd closing of the drawbridges spanning the WII lamctto river. Tho courty court Issued instruc tions to the bridge tenderB to refuso to open the drnws for tho pisago of any vessel, with the exception of tho flreboat, between the hours of C:)0 a. rn. to 7 a. m.; 5:30 a. m. to 8 a. m.; 5:15 to 5:45 p. m., and from 5:55 to 6:30 p. m. The order was Issued because of the clamor of thousands of working men and women who reside on tho east side of the river, who are often Inte to their work, and clso miss a nice hot dinner on account of being compelled to wait for vessels to pass through the bridges. Mclndoe stated today that the county cour.t has no Jrlsdlctlon over the regulations of river traffic, and that the United States district attor ney would be requested to prosecuto every case where tho draws fall to open upon the proper signal from any vessel. CALLS ENEMIES ALL DEMAGOGUES Ballinger Shows His Love for Gar field and PInchot Again Says They Are Trying to Make a Scape goat Out of Him. ST. PAUL. Minn.. Aug. 2 Sec retary Ballinger has "shown his love" tor his "demagogue enemies" again. In a statement given to the pros-, of St. Pnul he has blamed all hope of on eventual reconciliation with Garfield. Pinchot and others whom ho charges aie trying to muse a scapegoat of him. Ballinger declared that, despite the efforts of hi enemies to discredit him and his motive.., hi friend, in Scuttle are a, loyal u ever and that he can count c.u their unreerved support. "Pinchot, Garfield and that bunch," said Ballinger, "have boon after me. trying to make Mmpeeo.it of me. The president and I have done all wo could to make tins ad ministration a Miecos. Both tho prcsidont and I are heartily in fa vor of conservation. There are .1 lot of demagogue, who would like to see a breach between IJoosovelt and Taft, but thu president has been wise. He has taken a broad and lib eral stand for constructive, upbuild ing policies." GOOD SAMARITAN DIES FROM WOUND SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 2. Alex ander Smith, who played the role of tho good Samaritan Saturday uighl and was shut u. a iomiU, i dead to day at tho city hospital. J. II. Liggett, the genial day clerk f the Hotel Moore, ruturucd Tuos day from a vaoation of a gouplo of weeks spent nt northern points. MISS LENEVE HEARS ONLY KIND WORDS Police Hope to Induce Her to Tes tify Against Crlppers Man Ac cused of Wife Murder Is Confined in Dungeon and Allowed to See No One Praises Scotland Yard. QUBDEC, Quo., Aug. 2. Mla Eth el Claire Leneve today underwent the police "third degreo" of klndnesfl following her norvo wracking voyage across tho Atlantic In company with Dr. H. H. Crlppen, charged with the murder of his wife, Bollo Elmore Crip pen, In North London. The police hope that Miss Leneve will tell every thing she may know concerning Dr. Crippcn's flight, tho disappearance of Mrs. Crlppen and the details of her acquaintance with tho accused man. Count Ob Her Aid. Tho belief Is general hero that Miss Leneve will be the chief witness against Crlppen at tho inquest to be held In London. The detectives hope that sho will testify for the crown both at the inquest and at tho trial of Crippin, vhlch they predict will fol low shortly upon tho doctor's return to London. While showering Mlas Leneve with comforts, tho pollco arc trying to persm.de her to talk. She bas not been placed in solitary confinement, like Crlppen, but has been treated more as a guest In the home of Chief McCarthy. Sho has her own room and practically Is not under surveil lance. It is said that the kindness of tho pollco has made a deep impres sion on her. In addition to this she has recolved a number of cable granw from her parents urging her to tell all sho knows of tho case to the au thorities. Crlppen in Dungeon. Crlppen Is kept In a dungeon In parliament house and Is not permit ted to see visitors. No visitors aro allowod to see Miss Leneve. Chief McCarthy this after noon said her condition was so se rious that she might bo compelled to go to a hospital. Ho. declared am phatlcally that Mlsa Leneve has told (Continued on Page 8.) $3500 IS PAID TO HUNT AND FISH County Clerk on the Jump Issuing Permits to Those Who Would Ge in Search of Deer Amount In creases Over Last Year. County Clerk Coleman was more than httsy Tuesday morning issuing permits for peoplo to go out in the hills and take a chanco at killing something or of boing killed, which, nccording to tho chiof gnmo wiu-iUm, amounts to nocrly tho sanio thing. To dato tho county clerk has issued 1242 permissions to catch fish, If you (inn; also 318 lieensos to hunt havo been issued. As tho hulk of tho licenses are issued. put before the open soason for deor, the inference is that tho mnjority of them nro af tor tho big bucks liko tho fishing permits, tho hunting permits do not carry a gunranteo thai they will bring in tho game. Gamo Warden Gay has also sold perhaps 1100 copibincd licenses, and Mr. Coleman estimates that at Icnsl fliriOO will bo received front thorfp sources. Last year tho total wast liltlo less than $3000. All carpontcro aro requested to boU-H-r-H: -f '