MiaPlfOIlD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 1, 1910. -------- -- --i To Want-Advertise Under "For Sale" Is to Turn It Into Money . - -.-- --- --. -- V 1 . W ,- t LITHE CHANGE LOCAL Homo-Grown Produce Is Supplyinn the Market, But Prices Still Ro mnln Stronu Cantnloupcs and Watermelons Comlnn In. The prices for "nnhin suss" hIHI hold up, and I hero Iiiim boon liltlu i' no change in tliu innikol for local lllllllC0. Ciintnloupos l 50 lo 75ii per do n, wntornioloiiH nt 15 to 40u, Hiring llUIIIIK lit ! till) polllld, tollllltOOS lit lo urn showing in fair quantities, and a change In llio prims may lio expected before llio end of the week, especially an rogiirds tliu inoloiin. Apricots am practically out of the market. Creamery butter Iiiim gone up & WIFE SHOOTS HUSBAND. THEN SHOOTS HERSELF SAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. Auk. 1. Mrs. Ottilia I-'rasor in dying today mill her husband. Joseph FriiHor, ho severely wounded that ho may not tuenvur iim a result of a nunrrcl in r. downtown hotel. Mrs. Frnsor hliot her liiiHhanil. inflicting two wounds. She then tried to end her own life. A threat mi the part of her litis build to bring a divorce Htiit in Haiti to have heon the eanxe of the shoot iitr.. Physicians totlav snv tho wo man eannol reeoer. SHIPMENT BARTLETTS SHOW SLIGHT DROP Tho following giu-s niiuiher of yarn of deciduous fruit shipped from nil points in California for tho week (fluvoit days) ending Friday morn ing, duly -I', 11H0, us compiled by the California Fruit Distributers: Pouches, II ll:H " Anothur heavy gain in the shipment of peauhes i shown this wouk. Lurgo quantities have lieiiu sold in the f. o. It, territory and the demand contin mw all that oould he desired, Auu tioii marketH also are doing oiy nuieh better. Heavy shipment has now been made and it is expected that receipts will drop off ipiito rap idly front this time on until Snlwny season opens about the middle of August. We are now bundling some of the largest and finest Clings pro duced in the state, and wo wish to lireel special attention to them, hh nothing finer can be had. Try some of them and see if you have not boon missing one of tho host products of the state. Plums, PJOtyi cars As expected, movement of this fruit has fallen off materially and will continue to do cline for the next week or ton days, (limit, (IroH, Hungarian, Kelsey and flrand Duke are practically the only Miriolies now uvailahlo. Pears, IIHD cars Shipment of this vjtiiety shows a slight fulling off, but not nearly so much as was ex pected. It limy be stated that the Saoramonto river section is now dono and by far the gronlor portion of the shipments are coming from outside points, where the crop is rapidly Hearing its close. The ("iiulity of the fruit was never finer. (Trapes, 57-Vi car Thompson noodles grapes are now guing for ward in considerable tiunutitics ami there hao been a few cars of Wine of Peru sent out. Some Malaga I'l'oiii the eiulies sections have also Koi i (i forwitid. iMoNciiienl of all Hiimc varieties will show considerable in oi'oiiho during the coming week. Weather - W'oalher condition luive lonmiiied very favorable since our last report. All fruits nre de veloping finely and Km pes in par ticular promise lo be of unusually good ipialily. There is no iuestion hut that the crop of Tokays has been shortened materially by llio very hot weather that wev had earlier in the season. It is impossible at this lime to luicitrntely estimate the amount of damage, hut it will certainly have its effect on the output. Medford, Oregen: This certifies that wo have sold HiiU'h Toxiih Won der for the euro of all kidney, blad der and rhoumntio troubles for ton yours, and have itover had a com plaint, Tt given quick mill pornmnont rollef. Sixty diiYH' treatment in oneh bottle JLdford Phiirninoy. tf Hankins for ILalth. MARKETS QUIET REST ORED BY TEXAS Banners Patrollnn Sccno of nace niots Eliihtccn Dead Nejirocs Burled, Many More Slain No Whites Have Been Killed. PAEHTINE, Toxiih, Aug, 1. TIioiikIi unlet 1ih benn nmtorod at Ellilinrt and Hlociim, where rnco riot ing occurretl Saturday, troops nre today patrolling tliu miction to pre vent a recurrence of dlHorder. Eighteen uogrooH, shot down by whltcM, wore burled yesterday, ac cording to reports received hero to day, and It Is believed that many othorH woro klllod. Home estimates pluco the number of blarl's shot to dentil as high as forty. Twenty others, It Ih said, woro fatally wound ed. No whltcM wero hilled, accord ing to Ititottt reportn. Tho section where the ilotlng oc curretl In being patrolled dby rnngorfl and by n company of cavalry sont from AiiHtln, Tliu blacks nro pnnlc ntrlclcon and aro In hiding, whllo tho wlilten aro Inflamed and It Is fonrod that the raco war may break out again. Tho Andorhon County grand Jury bnH boon summoned and will begin today an Investigation of tho wholo affair. Four wbltou bavo boon ar rested In connection with tho Bhoot Iiik, nml this lias further IncoiiHod tho white population. CITY ELECTION T Flvo Amendments to the Charter Will Bo Considered by Voters New Measures Will Simplify Improve ment Work by Council. Plve nmoudmontH to tho city char tor will bo cotiHlderod by tho voters of the city at a special election to bo hold' tomorrow. The nmoudmontH for tho most part simplify work on the part of the council In regard to city Improvement work. The titles of tho amendments nre: An amendment to tho charter of tho city of Mcdfnrd authorizing tho ro-nHHossmont of property spoclally benefited by street Improvements, nownrs or water mnliiH, for tho coat thereof In cases where tho original nsHOHBinontu levied for the cost there of aro for nny roamm void or defec tive An amendment to tho chnrtor of tho city of Mod ford providing for tho iiBHOBHtnont on property spoclally bon efltod of tho cost of oponlag or wldon Ing streets In tho city of Medford, and providing the manner of opening or widening streets and the lovylng of such nssci-Hnicnts, An amendment to the chnrtor of tho city of Medford providing for an annual tax levy for tho nialntenaiice of a free public library In the city of Medford. An aniondinont to tho chnrtor of tho city of Medford, amending flec tion 100 thereof, providing for tho IsHiianco of bonds othonvlso author ized by tho chnrtor of said city for a period not exceeding thirty years. An ainonduiont to tho charter of tho city of Medford providing for tho aHHOHBinont of property abutting on trunk water mains and trunk sowora heretofore or hereafter eoiutructod by said city for a portion of tho coat thereof, not ONceodlnic tho cost of a suitable lateral wator main or sewer for wild property, and authorli'lng tho Hsu of said trunk wator mains and trunk Hewers by tho owners of said abutting proporty for latoral pur poses. MAY GO TO PRISON FOR STEALING TWO APPLES WHNO. Am.'. 1. For the theft of two upplos, William Wnnuer will luno to stitud trial on u ehnruo (' petty larceny and peihap-i bo-c.ir robbery, which iH u felony. Wanner wns urrohtod hv Southern Paeifie de toclivoi while in n car ol nierchuii dihc. lie claim llmt he went into the ear to sleep, and that it was looked while he was asleep. On nwnkoniiu,' lie wns both thirst , nml hiiuurv, uud for that reason took tho two apples i'n m tho box. ROOPS 01 W ------' If You Have Business Tact SHOW IT IN YOUR ADS If you sock employment In any kind of business cfltablliihmoat.make your "situation wanted" ad vertising campaign so persistent, dentlal for you, of Itself. To claim business ability, and fall to shov. It In your want advertising, to absud. (Sood advertising w'll got you a good Job. Want Ads One Cent a Word BUTTE FALLS TO Petitions Arc Now Bcinu Circulated Will Be Considered at Scptcm hcr Term of County Court Many Towns Incorporating Tho residents of Hutto Falls nro now circulating petitions, which wlwll be presented to tho county court In Septombr, iiRklng that that placo bo Incorporated. NofX & Nenloy aro now at work drawing tho necessary papors. Hutto Pnlls follows n number of other towns In tho county which have rocontly boon Incorporated. At tho September term tho application of Tnlont will also bo consldcrodd.d EXPECT m CROWD AT CHICAGO, UlH., Aug. 1. Tho po lice and local hotel men aro complet ing arrangements for tho accommo dation of at least 300,000 visitors duo In tho Knights Tomplara conclave which begins August S. Chief of I'ollco Stuart has Invited tho police departments of nearly every largo c'ty to send details of de tectives to aid in protecting tho vis itors from robbery. Tho liotols niinounco Unit thoy can easily accommodnto 300,000 visitors and will bo prepared for that num ber. To sell It chenpor than nny ono olso is Imporlnnt storo advlco. If you let tho people know about It, you'll get thorn Intorosted In your storo scores of tbom, who only "know" whoro It la now. MEDF0RD MARKETS. (Pricos paid by Medford merchants.) Potatoes, new, $1.40 per owt.; cabbago, 2(i'2i,- Poaehes, $1. Hlackborrios, $lflit.25. Loganberries, $1(291.2.') crnto. Qroon onions, 40c dozen bunches-; radishes, lite dozen bunches; string beans, Icj lettuce, 10c dozen; peas, 4o lb.; turnips, lVfco lb.; beets', 40c dozen bunches; carrots, 40o dozen bunches. Peaches, fit) to Too box. Cucumbers, lfo to 20o doz. Si-iiiikIi, ".luC'oOo dozen. Corn, loo dozen. Cantaloupes, "i()((f7oo dozen. Waterinelon, ln(i lOe. Tomatoes, 4o, Hutter, ICggs and Poultry. Prices paid by .Medford merchants.) Hunch butler, ,jri(T-),J7,j; fancy creuinerv, Hoc. Prosh ranch egjjs, 510c. Mixed poultry, 10(Ji)l4i!; spriup; fhiekens, lKCOc; turkeys, 17c. (Pricos paid producers.) llnv Timolliv, $10; alfalfa, 12; jrrass, $14; Rrnin hay, $1(1. Grain Wliout, $l.l.r) bushel; oats, f:i2 Ion; barley. $110 ton. Hoof Cows, 4(294 Vj e; steers, f((9 "iVyo; pork, Do; mutton, foVi!0', Inmbs, (lo; veal, dressed, Bo. (Solliiitr pricos.) Rolled bnrloy, $1.00 ewt., $!13 ton; bran, $1.70; middlings, $1.8ri-(7)1.00; shorts. $1.80(791.8!). FOR EXCHANGE. Wlljh trade ICO-acro farn In Klaiii ath county for good vesldonco prop orty In Medford, or fruit jnnch In vnlloy; this placo is under irrigation ditch and nlao along rlvor with wa tor powor; Novnda-Northorn rail road runs along this place. If In terested, Address Ownor, P. O, Box No. 670, tt NCORPORATE so buslnoss-llko, that It will ltnpross FOR EXCHANGE. TO KXCIIANOE -Want to exchango , Oklahoma land for good fruit land , of equal valuo near Mcdford; 1G0 acres of chol.o all tlllablo land ad- joining town of 1500 Inhabitants; tbreo blocks oi high school; seven room lioutio; thrco acres Elborta peaches, flvo acres alfalfa; eighty In ( cultivation; balnnco pasture for town cows; abundance of good wa tor; land Hultublo to plat for ad dition to town; cholco 'oiatlon In best section of Oklahoma. Address C. George Apacho, Okla. 118 FOR SALE. Ranches. FOR SALE 113 1-2 acres, 100 acres i cows and thrco head of work horses good farm land; $4000; 4 homo-1 and ono rig. Address John V. Kelz- stcad relinquishment; 3 homo-' ur- o-do city limits, Rlvcrsldo av- . . , .., j a j nu. North. 118 steads novor been filed on. Ad- . . . nr t.i. , i VOll SALE Two showcases, reason dress 2C, euro of this office. l , . , 0 .-. .u . . ; able prices. Sco Calhoun Sisters, 8 Ituslncss Property. . , w, TT. ! , rOR SALL-Choice business prop-. erty at a bargain, on long time; easy terras. Address Condor Wn-' tor Power Co. ' Houses. modern FOR SALE New 7-room houso on West Main, 50x118 foot lot. corner, cheaprat-'$3750. In- qulro of L. M. Lyons, 71 C East Main. 138 FOR SALE Two now houso tents, Bomo furniture It desired; shady camping ground. For particulars Mall Trlbuno office. FOR SALE 7-room houso, with 2 lot3, barn, etc., 3 1-2 blocks from now depot; $2400. Address owner, P. O. Box 576. Business Opportnnltles. ONE-HALF lutorest In good business. Address B, Mall Trlbuno offlco.114 FOR SALE Or trade, 320 acres good nvorago land, veil located; all wild land; about 30 acres non-tlllablo; no hills; two miles from railroad ' station; cornors in Roguo rlvor; 100 acres of this Is worth prlco of wholo tract; cheapest proporty In enmo vicinity; good orchard district; flno for promotion; will tako city or ranch proporty In part payment, horo or olsowl'oro. J. W. Dresslor Agency. tf Acreage. FOR SALE 120 acres, Evans Creole fruit; improvements; buy of ownor. Wrlto S. F. Potter, R. F. D., Wood vlllo, Or. FOR SALE Four acres In tho city of Anhlnud, Orogon, on cornor Boul ovard nnd WnlUor streot; flno 4-yoar-old orcbnrd, bfrrlos and vege tables; city 'water piped togrounds; good soil; nice 5-room plastored houso with bath, hot mi. cold wa tor; bnra; honhouso; prlco $1500 for quick salo. Box 23C ABh'r.nd, Orogon. FOR SALE 60 acres, tlnost build ing slto lu tho vnlloy, Including 30 acreo good fruit land; cheap and tonus right. 11. C. Maltby, No. 7, Postofflco Bldg. . ift,...., ...,., FOR SALE-ft and fc'-iUWJ iiiivin just within and "djuiiiii) city lim its, at a b'.runin, on a unnnnl pay ments. Address Condor Water Power Co. " Lots. FOU SALE Must bo sold; 2 lots 100x150. closo to Klngstroot. $700: hnlf cash, balnnco 1 yonr; single lots across tho stroot soiling for $500 oach. McArtliur & AJoxnn dor, room 3, P. O. bloclc. 114 FOR "SALE BiiHlnosa l6t86nMaln stroot, Eaalc Point; price roasonnblo; first como, first cholco, D. B. Doe tor & Co., Eaglo Point. 126 ' TOR SAIdC City lots, $20; for a smnll, sufo Invostmout soo tho city lots I o.ffor at $300 nnd $250 por lot; $20 cash payment; balnnco $10, por month; no lntorest, II, C. . Mnltby, No, 7 Postofflco Bldg. tho business man as a valuable ere- I FOR 8ALE. Mlsccliancoitt. FOR SALE ParrotTli years o6, talks, sings, whistles, cries and docs ovorythlng a No. 1 South American parrot can do except saying any thing naughty or swearing. Apply to ownor. Jos. D. Stevens, Tolo, Jackson county, Oregon. 115 F0R SALE A fall lino of Old Hamp- shlro and Oak Bonds, plain and cloth finish; letter heads and envelopes, Mll Tribune office. ECONOMY and Mason fruit Jars for sale. 228 N. Central avenuo. 118 vnn BAT.n..rf-. . wrlter desk. Vincent & Baker, Med ford Water Works Contractors. 118 . FOR SALI3 Seven head of dairy ! So. Central ave. tf FOR SALE Milch cow for salo cheap Address R. C, caro of Mall Tribune, ng FOR SALE Shop for cleaning and Passing clot-es. Apply room 15, , Postofflco bldg. i FOR SALE Single sceated buggy by ' C. H. Corey. Inquire at Garnett & Corey hardwaro store. 115 TOR sale A Studebakor spring I. wagon for ono horso; price ?30. Call I on or address J. S. Demmer, 617 West Jackson. 114 FOR SALE Camp horso and child's pony. Inquire at Russell's confec tionery. tf FOR SALE Two years' lea30 on 350 acre ranch, together with 6 horses, 4 colts, 3 milk cows and all ma chinery necessary for running ranch, 50 acres alfalfa; this year's crop Is between 300 and 400 tons of the best hay; good market; 3 miles from Ashland on fine road. Address A. S. Fllson, ABhland, Or. FOR SALE Legal clanks or all kinds trespass and other notices, at Mall Trlbuno office. FOR SALE Chandler & Price Gor don jobber, 11x14 press; a bargain. Inqulro Mall Tribune office. FOR RENT l'nrnlsliLHl Rooms. FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 128 South Holly street. 117 FOR RENT Ntcoly furnished room close In. 220 South Grape. 114 FOR RENT Nowly furnished rooms, ono block from postofflco nnd nata torlum. 20S North Central avo. tf FOR RENT .Modern furnished rooms at 604 West 10th or 124 King street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for transients, No. 10 North Grape streot, noxt to Fnrmors' and Fruit growers' bank. lliniM'UoepiiiK nooms fou RENT Furnlshod housokoop- lng and sleoplng rooms, at 125 So. Oakdale avo. 114 FOR RENT Two "suitos "of modern housekeeping rooms, vacant August 5. 222 South Holly st. Houses. FnFlTENTHouse, '5 rooms, bath and pantry; city wator ami eloctrlc lights. 513 W. Holly st. N, L. Town send, 721 Bennott avonuo. Phono 1232. FOU RENT- (i-room houso, 1 blocks from passongor dopot, $20 por mo. Address Box 172. 117 FOR" SALE Or rent, six-room houso and bath, fumlturo for crdo, 22 S N. Contral avonuo. US iMlM'OlllllUHlllS, FOR RENT Barn, largo onough for 4 burses, Inqulro nt RussoTu con fectionery, tf FOR LEASE Furiy equipped gold initio; ton-stnmp mill and concen trator, all ororntod by oloctrlo pow oi. Ownor will furnish froo oloc- trio power for sharo In proceeds. Soo Smith, at Condor Wator & Powor Co. FOR RENT. .MJnccIIuiicoua. FOR RENT Business lot. Swnor will erect building for good tenant Sco Kofoldt, Roguo River Electric Company. tf lOR RENT Muslmse loom 2-ixi-JO, sultablo for firit-clnsi rafe. Sco Kofoldt, Roguo lttvcr Et-jctlc Com pany, jf WANTED. Help Wanted Fenialo. WANTED A waitress; must be ex perienced. Apply Louvre cafe, tf waivi-ed At the Ashland Hotol, Ashland, a chambermaid and wait ress; both must come well recom mended and fully competent; good wages. Address N. D. Hardy, prop., Ashland, Or. Help Wanted Male. WANTED Experienced stono cOttor and quarry man. Call at Condor Water and Powor Co's. office. WANTED I havo a first-cltca steady position for a good man who can furnish J 150 cash security. Call at room 1, Nash Hotel. 114 WANTED Four yonnn men to rent a larRe, well ventilated, nicely fur- nished room. Call 004 W. 10th St. tf WANTED Salesmen In every local ity of tho northwest; money ad vanced weekly; many make over 51000 month,'; choice of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top penlsh, Wash. Mlsceltaneona. UP-TO-DATE shorthand and type writing taught quickly and well; morning and evening school; for terms, address Box 245, Medford. WANTED $1000, two years, 10 per cent; $3000 ranch. Box 118, Med ford. H4 WANTED Thieo tresh milk cows, good milkers. Address A. S., care Tribune. 114 PARTNER WANTED Know oTa good business proposition and deslro partner. Must be young man will ing to work. Only snail capital re quired. Address Box 97. 114 LOST. LOST Near Valley Auto or on Main street, on Central Point road, key nng, holding about a dozen keys, including prestolite key. Suitable reward will bo given on return of same to Mail Tribune office, tf LOST A horse, weight 1000 lbs.; brand C on left hip; 15 hands high; strayed or stolen from Hubbard's pastnre on Big Butto. Reward for return. Address Information to Mrs. Rose Whetstone, R. F. D. No. 1, Medford, Or. 116 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Public Auditor. . R. WHEELER, Public Account ant and Auditor. Books opened for corporations, firms and indi viduals. Auditing, investigating and Systematizing. Address 707 Oakdale Ave. S. Phone Main 242. Medford. Ore. Attorneys. WITHINQTON & KELLY Lawyers, Palm building. A. E. REAMS offioo. -Lawyer, over Post- PORTER 0. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attornoys-nt-lnw. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Rcnmos. Lawyers. Of fice Mcdford National Bank build ing, second floor. Architects. NOR2LAN WINDER, architectural draftsman and builder Seo mo about your now homo. I can save you money by planning to your own ideas and figuring with you right. Writo Box 37, P. O., Med ford. JOnNS & TURNER, Architects and Builders. Office 7-S. 325 Main. Phono Mnin 3471. Residence phone 2471. Tin hliojM. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin an sheet iron waro on hand nud mnd to order. 128 North G St Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dortakors. Day phono 351. Night phones, C. W. Conklin 3G01, J. II. Butler 3571. Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Mnokoy nnd dio with joy." Over Alien & Reagan's storo; entrance on Sovonth street Stenographers, ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm Blook. Stouogrnphio work done quickly nnd woll. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tho host equipped job offico in South ern Oregon; Portlnnd pricos. 37 South Contrnl avenue. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Cement Sldonnlk. CEMENT SIDEWALKS. bnoamaaoB, stone mason, plastering and all kinds of stucco work. Expert work manship nt reasonable charges by tho day or contract. Address Ma sons, 511 E. Main st., Mcdford, Or. DcatlJU. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANB Offie in room 200, Phipps bldg. Can ad ministered for extraction of teetk. Telephone Mnin 343. Night phone. 4432. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC. Dentiat Office in rooms 203-204, Farmers & Fruitgrowers' bank TftRild'nff, west of the tracks. Messenger Etonrioe. MESSENGER SERVICE Mesea cers furnished at all hoaxa of day and till 0 p. m. to any part ef city, from 10c to 25o. Phone Haw 1812. UlUlard Parte. S. T. BROWN & CO. BilHarm. Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs. Tonne & Hall building. A nice, cool place to spend the hot after noons. Hospital. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPlTAIr 344 South C St., Medford. Or. EL W. ffisey, Matron. Official luMwita P. & E. R. B. Real Estate. EARLE C. SABIN Orchard tract, city property. List yonr hoIcKsa with me. Only desirable property handled. Room 202, Fruitgrower Bank bldg. BUI Poster. VERNE T. CANON Bill PoaUr &b4 Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29, Jackson Coaatj Bank bnilding, Medford, Or. Cigars and Tobacco. HIELAND & ANTLE, Smokekouse Dealers in tobacco, cigars nam. smokers' supplies. Exclusive areata of Lewis Single Binder, 1 Merita and El Palencia. 212 West Masa street. Painters and Paperhaagwra. H. G. DEAN, O. P. M'MULLEN--Phono 3732. Dean & MaMallee. contracting painters, painting, pa per banging and tinting. Estimata on all kinds of painting work. Medford, Or. Furniture. H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers ia new and second-hand furniture and hardware. Agents for Mound City kitchen cabinet. 323 E. 7th St, MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly fits., Med ford. Mission Furnitaro made ta order. Cabinet work of all Ionia. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook utovM and ranges. New and second-haai. furniture. Eads' old stand, 18 W. F st. South. Phone 01, Medfor-I Ore. Xartwries. QUAKER NURSERIES Oar tree are budded, not grafted. Our atoek is not irrigated. We guarantee r erything put out. We are not in tka trust. H. B. Patterson, otCoe re moved to 116 East Mnin sL ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., Inc. Growers of kijrk grade nursery stock. Office 25 W. Main. Tel. 1201. Pliyslcluus and Surgeon. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night esll promptly answered. Offioe asi residonco phone Main 3432. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY, Physi cians and Surgeons, Taylor an Phipps bldg., rooms 210, 211, 212. Offico phono 501, residonco phone 012. Office hours 0 n. m. to B q m. DR. F. G. CAR LOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians. Mission block. Phone 202. Medford. .Medicines. HOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will euro rheumatism asthma, paralysis, sores and pri vate diseases. These remediee may bo procurod at tho Sing Lee laundry, 123 S. Riverside avenue, Medford, Ore., whoro thev will be sold by tho proprietor. Dr. Chow Young has treat several sevore cases with his rem edies sinco coming to Medford aa4 has for roforouco somo of the beet known and most intelligent oitiiaae in Southern Oregon. Call on him Brick Companies, MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Priddy, O. D. Naglo, Geo. T. O'Brien Contrnotors and suutB facturors of brick; dealer k pressed brick and lime. Offiee k Postofflco block, room 5, Tknm No. 3181.