Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 01, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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of the
Air Lanes
Herbert Quick
CfffUht ISQ9. by th Bobte
Marrill Company
CHAPTER I Theodora Carson,
inventor of an airship, rescues from
it. fugitive flj-inR machiuo called a
helicopter, a beautiful younj; pir!.
II and III Carson is infatuated
5y her and takes her whero she can
communicate with her frionds.
IV Carson visits tho Roc, a Riant
airship owned by Shayne, undo of
VirRinia Suarez, tho fiirl lio rescued,
and, bcinf coldly received, leaps
from tho Roe, at a great hcifiht, in a
. What nucer ucaven had suddenly
rained the expelled Craighead from bis
despised position In the Institute to a
-thing to Inspire terror and panic Tbeo
Aore could not Imagine nor guess the
Tcnson for Craighead's sardonic laugh
ter as be sat in their room drawing In
eictuicnts against O'Grady and Wltb
crspoon. lie saw, bowever, tbat these
irerc awesome documents, which set
forth In a large, round hand that these
gentlemen bad been guilty of obtain
teg money under false pretenses, false
Imprisonment, malicious assault and
tho like, all done "feloniously, of mal
ice prepense and aforethought, not
taring the fear of God before their
jcs, but Instigated thereunto by the
Aevll," and "against the peace and dlg
alty of tho state of Illinois and con
trary to the statutes In such cases
Biade and provided."
Theodore, when we return." said
Craighead, "this room will be full of
corpses knocked stiff by these im
peachments of O'Grady and Wither
apoon. Take the spoor of the billion
aire Hike oh, hike with me!" They
crossed a dim field, followed a farm
read and came back Into the village
Irom the opposite side. Craighead
harried Carson to a broad porch under
tall elms and maples knobby with
-swelling buds. He pushed a button,
aad they waited.
At slow steps In the hall Craighead
squeezed Carson's arm spasmodically.
The door opened, and n low figure
stood before them In which Theodore
aotcd something familiar, and n volec
sot altogether strange, he thought. In
vited tliem Into the "other room."
"Mr. Carson," said Mr. Craighead.
1docs not recognize In our host the
erstwhile guide of my wandering and
'wabbly feet Mr. Carson, in your new
aad fully established capacity as n re
spectable citizen let me present you to
air. Waddy, to whose counsel, precept
and example while acting as my at
tendant I feel myself indebted for my
complete restoration to Phillstlnebood.
Mr. Carson, Mr. Waddy!"
Mr, Waddy, ignoring this reintroduce
Hon, led them silently down the hall,
past a door, which gave forth scuffling
Bounds, female voices and the peeping
of young chickens, and took them Into
a snug den, the shelves of which were
covered with books tall, Imposing.
.learned looking tomes in time durk
oed bindings where they sat down in
leather covered chairs gray with dust.
"So you did reely drop into the gar
en7" their host finally asked.
"Yes," answered Carson. "I think It
was foolish to take the risk, but I did."
"Why?" queried Waddy, nnd Carson
"Boy foolishness," said Mr. Waddy.
and silence fell again, broken at last
Ty Theodore's Inquiry as to whether
"Mr. Waddy was active In eight bank3
and if bo did not find bis duties irk- )
"No," replied Waddy. "The things
.growed up on me. I never "wanted to
be a, banker, but my rents kep' li-sulln'
xae up with deposits, an' I sort of got
ne bank after another darn It! coun
try banks the boys run 'em. I vuuiu
hero to havo a quiet time in my own
way, an' see how I make out They
wanted me to put on style. They reck
oned I was going to when I bought
this place. I could slick up nn' go to
stockholders' meetln's. an' the boys
never knowed. An Jest ns I got tilings
right Caroline's man dies, nil' lien xbe
comes to 'take care' of me! I shuu't bo
allowed to earn a cent by workln fur
"Wltherspoon, un' it brought me Into
such society. Them Jags Is mighty ul.
fellers, somo of 'em."
"I thank you," said Craighead, with
an excess of manner. "And as for your
being condemned by family prlJo to
sterllo uselcssuess, It Is truly a Muim.
"But is Carolluo a relative;-"
"Unly daughter," answered Mr. Wad
dy. "Come to live with iuc S.'ttla'
things to rights."
"Mr. Waddy," snld Craighead. "boar
aip under this. It tuny be for tu be'.
And let us take up Mr. Carson's gn-aC
.project for monopolising nvlntlon I
havo long believed that some uiu
would turn up with the matlslue to
subordinate all othei-3. but since tin
tlmo of Snntos-Dumont, I'miimu at I
tho Wrights aerial navigation lias
inado no real progress. Ms. C:iiwi l
the genius. Wo offer you tin- unl-pio
chance to bo with us coni.iKter nf tin
world. Mr, Carson will be glad tu ix
plain his ucronef."
"I wun't put a cent in It;" r.:M :'.r
Carson's heart sank.
"Certainly not." replied Craighead,
as If Mr Wnc'-V refusal were the
most natural thing In the world, "until
you have ciphered tho thing down to
brass nails. And then nut toll Mr.
Waddy about It. Mr. Carson. You need
not enter Into the offers of millions we
have lind and spurned. Just describe
tho machine."
Carson switched on the lights, and
they gathered about tho table.
THE young man tnlked slowly.
Once In awhile Mr. Waddy In
terjected a question which
e Ineed Intelligent comprehen
sion of tin- heart of Carson's explana
tion. Cainn explained that Ills aero
nef differed froiu nil others In having
wings like u bird's, which did not Hap,
like those of the absurd orthoptcrs and
yet used half their Mirfuce In beating
the air with a straight thrust like that
of an oar In water.
"Don't yeh use screws?" asked Wad-
"Not at all." answered Carson. "The
screw can never be effective, because
it strikes with a slant. It will do in
water, but air requires a more effec
tive thrust. When your propeller
blade moves at a hundred miles an
hour, say. you have a lift of thirty
pounds to the square foot of surface
with the direct stroke. Hut tho surface
of the screw"
"Now. how d'ye flgger that?"
Carsou repeated laboriously.
"Why." said Carson. "I can lift
weights that none of the other airships
can stir and tly off like an eagle with a
The farmer-banker and the Inventor
were so absorbed that they scarcely
noticed the entrance of n messenger
from tho Institute with n message
from Mr. O'Grady asking If Mr. Craig
head would step outside for n moment
nor Craighead's withdrawal and re
turn. "The direction of the blow of the
propeller." said Carson, "Is under per
fect control. A bird's wing Isn't. This
is a better wing than an eagle's."
"Kin you raise right straight up,"
asked Waddy, "without running along
like a buzzard?"
"I sure can," replied Carson, falling
Into dialect "No bird can do tbat no
big bird. It's a better, stronger flier
than any bird. The best any other ma
chine can do is to support four pounds
to the square foot of surface. With
my new motors I can fly off with Ave
times that, and I've got four times
their bearing surface. I can carry
mall and express at a profit or passen
gers that can afford it. I can hover
over a ship with good heavy torpedoes
and sink her and overtake any vessel
that floats. I can"
"What kind of motors you got?" In
terrupted Waddy.
Carson went Into details. The old
man looked through his eyebrows,
whiskers and mustaches at Carson and
the drawings.
"What If your ei,, 'nes stop," he
asked, "when you're mile high and
over water mebbe?'
"I can soar." answered Carson. "I
can make headway and gain height
with no power if there's a wind, nnd
I can stay up for hours with tho pro
pellers set for aeroplanes. But the
best thing I haven't mentioned the
gyroscopic balancing device."
"What's thatr asked Mr. Waddy.
"Why, It's the successful application
of the gyroscope to aviation."
"They used to talk about that," ob
served Mr. Waddy, "long ago the
Brennan single rail roads. I thought
It turned out that the gyroscopes was
too heavy fr air work."
"They are too heavy," cried Theo
dore, "if you use them to do the bal
ancing. That's sure. And so wo have
had to balance by feeling, Just as we
do a bicycle. Thought Isn't quick
enough, so you havo to rely on feeling,
as a bird does. But I use little gyro
scopes not to control by their weight
and stress, but to distribute power to
tho wings nnd rudders positive, auto
matic distribution of power. Why, If
tho engineer of my machine should
fall dead It would fly on Just ns be set
It until tho fuel was exhausted. It
feels and thinks."
They did not notice the opening of
tho door nor sec tho woman who en
tered. (To Be-Continue!5.
GUTIIKIE. Oklu., Aur. 1. Owiiifc
to tho extended hent and drouth, cit
ies of Western Oklahoma are facing
n water famine. Oklahoma City,
Guthrie, Enid and other largo cities
hnvo been utterly forbidden tho use
of the city water, except for domes
tic purposes, while Stillwater, u col
lege town, lias been prohibited from
mii:R water except for drinking pUr
PO&OS. Aside from the scarcity of walnr,
tho agricultural board saya that tho
Ktnto crops will not ho moro than 2"
per tout of normal. Hoppers, cinch
hugn and continued drouth havo
damaged the crops to Mich an 6xtcnt
Hint the farmers expect vory little
Tho pencil crop is said to ho prac
tically destroyed.
A good store location Is advertis
ing! good storo sorvlco Is advertis
ing but both of these are supple
mentary to tho real advertising that
la dono In tho newspaper.
Product of Four Northwest States
Will Soon Total Vast Amount In
Fruit Fast Becoming World's
Fruit Basket.
CHICAGO, 111., Aug. 1. "Whllo
apples aro not yot the principle pro
duct of Washington, Oregon, Idaho
and Montana, thoso who aro familiar
with tho unrivalled climatic, soil nnd
other conditions believe that tho tlmo
is near when tho apple yields of tho
four states will bo worth $100,000,
000 nnd the culture ot tho king of
fruit will bo the chief Industry."
11. L. Moody ot Spokano, whero ho
Is a member of tho chamber of com
merco and other organizations, snld
this In an address on "Applo Culture
and Irrigation In tho Northwest" at
tho first meeting of tho Chicago Irrl
gatlon Association In tho La Snllo
hotel hero the evening of July 28.
Judgo Charles F. Flshbnck was
tonstmnster. Mr. Moody addod
nmong other things:
Ktent of Arabia Iinnd.
"Federal and stato onglneors say
ronorts to tholr respectlvo depart
ments there are approximately 200.-
000,000 acres of undeveloped araoio
lands In tho United States west of
tho ninety-eighth meridian, and men
versed In ncrlculturo assort that un
der proper cultivation this nrea could
be made to produce botwecn 4,000,-
000.000 and 4.500.000,000 bushels
of wheat yearly, or other crops In
nronortlon. The settlement of theso
lands would mean homes for not less
than 20,000,000 population nnd a
Mt. Angel College
In charge of the Benedictine Fathers. For young
men and boys. Term opens September 6th. Pre
paratory, commercial, scientific and classical courses.
"Write for catalogue.
For Sale-Land Near Centra Point
65-acre ranch adjoining city, 52 acres in alfalfa, balance in pears 1 and
2 years old; good house, large barn, 2 wells; prico .$20,000, half cash;
a snap.
43-acre alfalfa ranch, 1 mile out, new 8-roorn house, largo barn, thrco
good wells; prico $21,500, half cash; will pay 8 por cent on investment.
20 acres alfalfa land, fine land, no buildings; prico $7500, $2000 cash.
30 acres, 1 mile out, 0 acres in 2-ycnr-old apples, balanco in pears 1
year old; now 5-room house and large h,um, good well nnd outbuildings;
price $12,600, half cash; a good buy.
31 acres, 1 mile out, 27 acres set to apples and penrs 1 year old; 7-rooin
house, barn and outbuildings, 2 good wells; fine building site; price
$15,000, half cash.
20 acres, 1 mile out, 1G ncres in trees 1 year old; no buildings; good
well; prico $7000, $2500 ensh.
14 acres, 1 mile out, 10 acres in trees, balance in alfalfa; price $-1200,
$2500 cash.
G acres, 1 mile out, sot to trees, fino building site, good irrigation well;
prico $2400, $1000 cash.
20 ncres, half mile out, set to pears 1 and 2 years old; price $10,000, half
2 acres in town, smnll house, good well, n fine garden tract; prico $1300.
W. J. Harvey
We make any kind and style of Windows.
t We carry Glass of any size on hand.
j MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO., Medford, Oregon.
Fine Printing
Wo make a specialty of fino
printing, carry tho necessary
itoclc to cnublo us to fill 11
orders promptly, nnd guaran
tee satisfaction.
Host equipped job office in
Oregon south of Portland;
host expert printers.
Ileforo sending your orders
out of town, call nnd figure
with us if wc enn serve you
for tho same price ns nn out-of-town
concern you will wish
to patronize home industry.
Medford j;
sourco ot nthlcd food supply, and,
ns a. consequence, porinutiont pros
perity. "Vlic four northwestern Hint on con
tain 253,S!)4,7t0 acres, as follews:
Montana, iKl.SOfi.OSO: Oregon, (11,
887,300 Idaho, 53,9(10,320; Wash
ington, 44,241,000. Less than f per
cent ot this laud la occupied by
farms nnd the total population Is
not moro than 3,000,000 In nn area
of 307,700 square miles. Moro than
50,000 ncres of this land Is adapted
to Irrigation. Planted to apples and
proporly watered tho minimum crop
at maturity would bo a matter of 20,
000,000,000 bushels, or about 40 por
cent of tho total crop ot tho United
States In 1909, whon less than 22,
000,000 barrel of apples wore harvested.
No Overproduction In Sight.
"Regarding possible ovor-produc-
tlon In tho Northwest, I mny say that I
tho demand Is growing grontor ovory '
day, not only throughout America,
but In Europe, Australln and tho
Orient, Although population nnd
tho domestic demand for theso fruits
has Increased and exports continually
augmented, strangely enough, tho
production of tho nppto has steadily
decreased. The applo crop for 1909,
reported to bo loss than 23,000,000
bnrrcls, for oxamplo, was only slight
ly In excess of one-third of that for
tho years 1S9G and 1900, and much
less than tho crop for 1905, whon
tho production reached a low figure.
The fnct that tho production In tho
United States has averaged below
30,000,000 barrels In four ot tho last
five years alono should dispel any
thought ot over-production."
--f ---
Granite City
Most inodornly equipped hospi
tal between Portland and Snc
rnmento. Shown each doctor
.ho finrno courtesy nnd gives
nil patients tho sarno enro. in
charge of Ostrom & Nelson,
.erndiinto nurses.
Props of Granite City Hospital,
Ashland, Oreijon.
Hair Drcssinc n specialty;
shampooinj;, scalp trcatmont,
facial and hand uiuhkuko, mnii-
icuritiK, dyeiue; and blenohine;.
Phono Main 311.
131 tl i i W T 1 TIT ifg L lllmillimlm,IIHIITTTna
i o,mmiiiii '.'.mil ill , , i j!JL rrt- i i in,
H Hl I - I
H llrmgfl - pfcoaij !1 11111 ilcllBl
H v EM ' JJ i inllllllH
H Srn? STarca'dianIMIB, I
is the woman that knows how reli
able, trustworthy and ohliuint; the
mniiiiKcmi'iit of the Farmers' &.
Fruitfirowers' Bank is. Wo loan
money on cood security and tiro al
ways rendv nnd willing to oblige de
positors. When you want your reln
tioiiK to ho perfectly satisfactory in
your haukint; accounts, try doing
htiHiuoHH with thu
will buy more goods tjian a warm one will in hot weather.
A eool customer will buy with less palaver.
He or she will be better natured, less cranky and
easier to sell to; and you know it.
Moreover, you yourself, and your employes, will be
in a better selling mood if your store is cool and pleasant
than if it is sticky and suffocating and savors of a boiler
room in its stiflingness.
The Electric Fan is a blessing and a cheer which you
can ill afford to ignore.
Life in tho dbg days is a question of degrees.
Make your place of business habitable and inviting to
the people, and the trend of trade will be in your direction.
It stands to reason it's logical it's apparent.
Why not invest a little mow in trade-winning cool
ness? Electric Fans will create a tempting and delightful
breeze, and in every breeze thore'll be dollars for you.
May our representative call and take i( up with you?
Don't wait until it's 90 in tho shade. Phono us today.
trie Comp'y
P. S. How about that Electric Sigh you've beon think
ing -about?
Tho builders of tho Arcadian
Itnnr." havo teaohod tho
of perfection. It contains all of
tho bent features of tho bout
font iii-en and a number that no
other raui;o can show.
'I'lio latent Improved, quick
hontliiK water frontn, wnrinliut
overs above and below, chmo
flltltiK, air tlitht doom and
wallH, mailo throughout or (ho
iiiosl durable mid buitliu; inuto
rials and iiiitdo by tho most
tilillloil workmen.
The Oven
Tho most vital orcnnlsm of
a rnnt;o, should command your
first counldorntlon. Arcadian
ovemi aro atiHolutely air tight,
Kim :lKht, dust Unlit and do not
penult heat to escape. ImpoHal
l)lo for HonuiH to opon, heats
uniformly, producing the IIkIU
ont, nweotcHt and tnont whole
sonio food. Much moro could bo
prtntod, but wo nslt you to call.
Gas Attachments
Thu Arcadian coinou with
gnu attachment and hi nllko
perfect for iihu nt all HeasoiiH of
tho year.
Call For 22 Pajjo Booklet