MEDFOJW MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, .MONDAY. AUGUST .1, 1930. r SOCIAL AND PERSONAL John II, Curldn, iitloniu.v-nt-lnw, ovor Jnulciion Cnuut.vl Hutilc. It. (!. Miuiluiy Iiiih rohmiuil I'ioiii IiIh IiiihIikihh mill viu'iillwt trip In IWlluiiil, Wntoli for llio liluu mark. It. I ItdllllK Of KoOlH ClOllIc WIIH u Miiiironl visitor a low ilnyrt Him'u. Wnlcli for tliu bluo murk. Mm. I). W. Iliiolc mill MIhh Kfflo Hunk of Kiiiihiih City, Mo., nro in JMiulloril on a tour of iiiHimcllon. KoIh H00, JOO by 21fi fool, on North Control iivonuu, not far out. Boo Vim Dyko Kunlty Co. If Slihloy llnkor left Stiniliiy nf tor- noon for Han I'YiwicIhco for a vIhII of n fow ilayH. Wat h for tho liluo mark. I'Viuik Torroy ami W. ('. Murphy )('ul Hinnlay nuar (lolil Mill. Kit'lit-room hoiiHo ami lot in HouthwoHt Moilfonl, a liiiruuin at lfino (iiiHh. Van Dyko Itoitlty Co. tf Watch for tho bluo mark. II. ('. I.IikIhiiv of On! nil Point wan a mount Moilfonl visitor. $.r)00 buyfl 00 foot on North Hiv orHhlo uvoiiuo, wator, newer; ciibI front. Hoo Van Dyko Iloalty Co. tf Henry W. WiIhoii loft Sunday ovu niiiK for a viiiit with 1'riomlH In Siio rnnu'iito. Mm. II. E. Morrlnon roturnod Sat urday owning from a viwit in Oak laud, Cal. .1. II, Ilorrim; of Klamath Full i" Hpondinu a fow dayH with friotultf in thin I'itv. Watch for tho bluo murk. Crator l.uku car. No. 1, loft today for Crater l.uko with four iiiihhoii orn, all of whom arrived from tho north on Tniin IT). Kuiiioh' orchi'Htra yill play at the Louvro oafo. Itogulnr concerts ev ery weekday. 12 to 1:30, 0 to 8 p. m., and SuudiiyH, 10 to 12 a. in. to 0 to II p. m. n:r Mm. I.nlu Shorphord of Salt Lake City will Hpcnk at the tahornacle at 8 p. m. (Iiih evening; nlso tomorrow I'vonini; on the ntreit ut the Kxliiliit tniHilim.' ut 8 o'elock. Watch for tho bluo marl?. Mm. M. M. Ilosinur of Aslilnml wan u Mi'dford visitor Sunday. H. II. Trousou of Kaulo Point was in Moilfonl Saturday woning and Sunday. Coiiutv ComminMionor Patterson wis In Medford on u hinduc trip Moudiiy moruiuK I). .1. Hvlllllll lll'IIIIL'lll III .P 11111 HtmilhitiidH ('uukIiI by him on tho up por Hi'kiio rlvur Friday. Thoy mill ed from 2'i to 7 poumlH in woighl and were all oiiiikIiI with a fly. ('. II. WuIhoii of Ashland wiih hi Medford Moliiluy morning on IiIh way III .llH'llHOHVillo Oil bllHillDHH, It. C. F. AHlbuiy of Gold Hill spout Smidiiy in Medford. Mr. AHl buiy loft Monday uvuiiing for I'orl liiml on a short bimiuuHH trip, Wilson Walt wiih up from 'I'olo Sunday looking aftor bin viuioiis IiiihIiii'hh IntomslB. Iiuk'o J, It, Noil wiih at AhIiIiiihI over Sundiiy, visiting relntivoH and fricmlH. F. 0. Hutloilgo of Ashland, ohiof inouiiliiiiicor of tho SiHkiyoii olub, wiih in Medford Monday. Tho olub iri contemplating a trip to the sum uiit of Mount Mcl.otighlln in tho near future. Mrs. If. fi. Young anil son, Wil liam, of Hi'owiihhoro, are visiting in tho oily. Mm. J. W. Merrill of Central Point wan u Medford viHitor Mon day. S, A. PattiHon of Central Point wiih a Medford vihitor Monday, looking after 1'iininenH mutter. ,. Cameron of tho Applugiitu Hpent Monday in Medford transacting Iiiih hieas and visiting with frieuilH, K. A, Hicks spent Monday in Omuls PaHH on InislnesH connected with tho now Southern Paeifio de pot in that city. Harry Pellett of AhIiIiiihI spout Mondav in Medford on husiuoss. Tin residence of A. II. Cornell in (IrautH Puss was burglarized Sunday while Mr, Cornell was in this city. Little of value was scoured. Court Hall, who has been onojimp- ed ut the mouth of Dig Unite for some weeks, is upending u fow days in Medford, but will return to camp soon. ChnrlcH Clay Iiiih returned from several weeks in the hills looking af ter the enforcement of tho game law. Henry Wendt, Sr., of Jacksonville, wan in Medford on business Mondav. C. A. Malboouf has returned from a short biisiuesH trip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Harris loft Mondav morning for n visit to their old home in Missouri. While they de clare that thev have left Oregon for good, thev have lived here four yours mid it'H a safe bet that in a twelve month thev will be preparing to re turn. J. and family of Portland an visiting relatives and friends in Medford. F. It. Moore of Coldficld i here on a linsiiM'Kri isit. I. II. Cochran is on it short busi ness trip to ItoHoburg. Mrs. Charlos Davison and family of Davenport, la., Ih registered at the Nash, looking over Southern Or egon, W. K. Hummel of Knglo Point spent Sunday in Medford, II. K. KiiHtmaii of Itosoburg wiih a Medford visitor Monday. Charles J. Sadliu and wife of Iteuo, Nov., we io in Medford the first of the week. K. W. Huwes and A. U. Churchill, with their wives, are recent arrivnlH in Medford, Mrs. Marie K, Fish of Grants Piihh wiih a Medford visitor Monday. A. C. Wells of Mutto Falls was in Medford on a business trip on Mou day. .1. W. Wilson of Jacksonville made Medford friends a visit Sunday. II. II. Do Annond of Grants Puss was in Medford Monday looking af ter business interests. K. P. Nowtou mill G. II. Hrooktou of Ailstin, Tex,, are among the new arrivals in Medford. It. A. Nicholson and It, A, McDon ald of Fugle Point spent Sunday in this city. Joseph Cnskoy, who Iiiih been quite ill for some tuno with rhournntism, is able to bo about on the streets again and expects to bu pounding iron in a fow days. Mrs. I',. II. Itonison of Talent was a Medford visitor Monday. S. K. Kllery of Talent was in Med ford on a business trip a few days since. The city Jail is untenanted now at least by tho usual biped inhabi tuuts, and it bus been so long since tho police force has inndc a "pinch" that tho "come-alougs" are getting rusty mill the "billy's" nro losing their suppleness for want of use. Halo's piano bouso has purchased a new piano delivery wagon, the fin est in Southern Oregon, to bundle tho rapidly increasing business. George Iturrou of Ashland was in Medford Monday on a business trip, part of which was to nrrnnge for the transportation of a party to Cra ter Lake nud Velum. J. Court Hall ami Charles Young, who have been enjoying an outing on tin upper Itoguo, were in Medford Sunday and Monday replenishim; their Mipplics. If u merchrnt t realty selling somo iiBoful article lowor than any ono else In town, and Is not getting out of that fact Its full advertising valuo, lia was nover destined to bo a inor-rliant. NO CIVIL WAR URJHUFJ Spanish Statesman Declares Major Ity of People Side Wllh Crown With Government, Cortes and Army It Is Idle to Talk of Rijlit. MADRID, Aug. 1. In spite of alarming reports that the Carlist revolutionary movement is spreading in the Uisouyun provinces of Spain, Premier Cauujclas today announced that the talk of civil war raised by tho clerical press is absurd. "There is no question hut that the majority of tho Spanish coplo nro with tiH," said tho Premier, "With tho government, tho cortcs and tho army on our side it is idle to talk of wnr." Clerical newspapers today aro de manding tho dismissal of Caaajelas by tho king. They blame the premier and upbraid Alfonso for falling un der the baneful influence of corrupt and scheming advisors, and assert that unless tho government shows an early desire to conciliate tho Vatican tho monarchy will be overthrown by the loyal Catholics of Spain. It is officially announced that King Alfonso will continue his pres ent courso as outlined by Cajiajclas. Vigorous measures will be taken to prevent tho publication of inflamma tory newspaper ntlncks, which arc expected to follow the government's action. DOUBLE TRAGEDY FOLLOWS MOVING PICTURE MURDER Increase- your voliimo of sales tliroiiBh your IncroaBcd advertising and you'll bo able to noil mora cheap ly, And, also, you can make moro money. DENVER. Colo.. Aug. 1. Follow ing an evening spent at n moving picture show, ut which were displnv cd films depicting tho tragic murder of a sleeping girl, Mr. Margaret Evclnud today shot and killed her husband while he slept. She then shot mid killed herself. The double tragedy came utterly without warning. The couple had been married for several years and bad always been markedly happy. Within tjie Inst few months Airs. Evelund bus been a victim of ner vousness, t is believed that the pic tures which Mrs. Evelnnd saw lust night may have inflamed her mind mid siiiecsted the kilHi'tr. Prices havo an advertising valuo only If thoy aro genuinely low and readers, nowadays, know. Wanted Girl for general houaj work. Hotel cook. 10 laborers. Man and wife. Loggers. Laborers, $2.75. Itnncli hands. Cooks. Light wagon. 2 carpenters. 10,000 acres or more stumpagc. FOR SALE. 40 to 80 ncres red foothill Boil, near Jacksonville, for sale cheap. 100 acres, 0V mileB Medford, $3000. j 0 tents, cooking outfit. 1 brood maro, cheap. Fino business at invoice. I 7-room house, modem, fine furniture, J snap price. i 7 horses, harness and hack. Lots $10 down, easy payments. Alfalfa tracts, under ditch, $100 per acre. Medford, very cheap. 40 acres and improvements, $800. Close-in fruit land, under ditch, $200 per acre. 3 room modem house, $250 down, $1800. 80 ncre3, incomo $2500, tools and tonms, $0500. Ono aero for sub-division near So., Oakdalc. $2000. 00 acres creek bottom, $125 per ncre Hoarding house, snap price. For Trade. Lots for span horses, weigh 2500. 2,000,000 feet timber for Medford or Portland property. RELINQUISHMENTS. 100 acres deco red soil, 60 acres of fmit land. 200,000 feet of timber 4 miles from Jacksonville, $200. 100 acres, 40 acres red fmit soJ. 750.000 feet of timber, 3 miles from Jacksonville. $100. E. F. A. BITTNER Room 207 Tavlor & Phlpps Bids riion 1141 Mfiix Bows 6 Arrows For the Boys We will put on sale here tomorrow 200 Japanese bamboo bows and arrows. Five-feather tip arrows with each. Sale price, 10 and 15jcts each 200 Highly colored illus trated story or picture book, often a 25e seller, sale price, lOceach 200 Joke picture mot toes, etc., imitation oak, frame, with glass. Sale price, 1 5c each Transfer Pictures for tue kids atlc Box Paper 35c 50c, 75c and $1.00 values, "We will have over 300 boxes of the above quality. Fancy Box Paper on sale here tomorrow, at, your choice, 25 and 50c Box HUSSEY'S -- ---- - -4--- - Fancy Cooking Demonstration A LL THIS WEEK FROM 9 A.M. TO 6 P. M. DAILY PROF. JOSEPH BECKER, OF BERLIN, GERMANY, IS NOW DEMONSTRATING TO THE LADIES OF MEDFORD WHAT CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED WITH A PER FECT RANGE. PROF BECKER'S DEMONSTRATIONS WILL, OF COURSE, BE M ADE ON THE GREAT MAJESTIC RANGE THE ONLY RANGE IN THE WORLD THAT COOKS PERFECTLY EVEN THROUG HOUT. Prof. Becker will demonstrate the thorough and even baking of this rango by putting cake, biscuit, pics, etc., in a pan that FILLS tho oven and cook them and brown them perfectly uniform without turning the pan. If ho fan do this, you can do it, too, on n Majestic Range, but on no other. Prof. Hecker lectures to his hearers while he pre pares the food, explaining it in every detail and gives his recipes for all his dishes so that any lady who attends can prepare and cook every dish he' makes. Jle will gladly answer any question' asked by the ladies relative to the preparation and cooking of any dish. Everybody Welcome 18 very lady within easy reach of Medford should at tend every one of Prof. Becker's lectures. All are cordially invited to come, whether you need a range or not. These lessons are most valuable to every lady who is interested in having hor food properly compounded and perfectly cooked. Menu for Tuesday Lemon Cake Cocoanut Cake Sponge Drops & Yellow Rolls Layed Cake Honey Cake All the Different Kinds of Cookies V? vow. nwZHjH f " V Vs " 'j The Majestic Range IS THE MOST WONDERFUL AND PERFECT COOKING APPARATUS IN THE WORLD TODAY. ASIDE FROM ITS PERFECT AND UNIFORM COOKING QUALITIES (AND FOOD MUST BE PER FECTLY COOKED TO BE THOROUGHLY WHOLE SOME), THE MAJESTIC LASTS MANY TIMES AS LONG AND CONSUMES LESS FUEL THAN ANY RANGE MADE. IT IS NOT A STEEL RANGE, AS YOU MAY SUPPOSE, BUT IS MADE OF CHAR COAL AND MALLEABLE IRON. CHARCOAL IRON RESISTS HEAT, RUST AND CRYSTALIZA TION 300 PER CENT LONGER THAN STEEL. THE TOP PARTS ARE MADE OF MALLEABLE IRON, WHICH CANNOT BE BROKEN AND. WILL LAST A LIFETIME. Everybody Come Every Day MEDFORD HARDWARE - - -----.-.- . . ---. - ------. -4 - HIMMMtHMMM ---H EFZK