Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 01, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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Newsy Notes from Rogue River Valley Towns
4 --- -- ----- 4 4 ---- --,
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Eagle Point Eaglets
Eden Precinct Items
Central Point Items
T -.. a.AA..AA. ai a. A. A. A & AA aaaaaaAA A.A AAaaaa ' " M V'V'V W'W 9 9
, , , , I I I I I I I I -- -
. -, .'l
A. C. Hewlett.
I. Whitley, who hns been engaged
running n ilonkcy engine nt Butte
Palls, was doing bitbincss Eagle
Point recently.
Ira J. Dodge, George Trace ami P.
Morals were hero last Thursday
looking for hogs and chickens.
Frank E. Carpenter, a concrete
contractor of Ashland, who has been
stopping at tho Snnnysido for sev
eral days, with his wife, started for
homo Thursday morning. He is so
favorably impressed with Eagle
Point that ho says he is coming
Benton Bowers and two brothers
by the name of Farmer, one from
Iowa and tho other from Oklahomu,
with the wife and little ton of one,
called Thursday for dinner and re
turned for supper. Mr. Bowers was
taking them over a tract of land ne
bought recently of C. C. Beekman,
also showing them some of tho at
tractive features of the Butte creek
country. They seemed to be very
much pleased with our rittlo valley
along the banks of Little Butte creek.
The P. & E. Railroad company are
patting a force of men on now and
have commenced to lay the track.
They also have a gang of bridge car
penters at work on the desert north
of Eagle Point, where thev have un
loaded the timbers to be framed
ready to bo put together as they are
needed for bridges. They are also
establishing two camps along the
route, and from nil appearances are
going to have the cars running into
the big timber this fall.
Elder J. P. Moomaw. who moved
to Josephine county a short time ago,
was smiling on his friends here again
the past week. He came after a load
of household goods.
Geonre W. Dalev. Sr.. is taking his
Indictments Against a Number of
Members- of State Legislature Arc
Sure to Follow Session of Grand
Jury Which Meets This Week.
SPRINGFIELD, Ills., Aug. 1. In
dictments against a number of mem
bers Of the Btato legislature, It has
been Jearned, nro sure to follow 'the
session of tho Sangamon County
grand Jury, which will moot for de
liberation this week. A Republican
member of t 6 Illinois legislature is
said to have confessed to State At
torney Edmund Burke all tho details
in connection with tho big "Jack-pot"
which tho Republican members are
alleged to hnvo dlvidedd last session.
Both lczlclntors and business moi,
some of the latter Chicagoans, are
named din tho confession and at least
a dozen subpoenas have beor. issued
for thom to appear before tho Jury.
Burke 'ofuooa to givo out any of
the details but it is learned that the
member confessing Is from tho farm
ing district and dthat his act In ac
cepting money haB so preyed upon his
conscience that lio was forced to talk.
It is declared that eight separate and
distinct bills have been named as paid
for, together with the amounts, tho
amounts, tho persons who puj. up tho
money, those who collected it and
those who received it.
A few of tho legislators named aro
Democrats, but the majority are Re
GDGEWOOD, Cnl., Aug. 1. Tho
homo of Jack Scott, about two miles
south of this city, was entered and
robbed some time during the past
week while tho Scott family was, uu
sent on a visit. About $50 woith of
silverwnro was (lie principal loss.
When Mr. Scott returned home he
found that tho interior of the homo
had been thoroughly ransacked. Tho
thieves had guined entrance by
bronking a pane of glass from n roar
window, undoing the window fasten
ing and raising tho sash
Mrs. Wooloy's homo was also en
tored nnd articlos of smull vnluo
wore taken, It ia presumed that tho
same parties are guilty in each in
stance. Instend ot making an occasional
ale of a particular artlclo carried
In stock, do somo special advortlslng
sd make a run ou It,
annual outing and hunt in the Ump
uua hills.
Messrs. Wnmsloy and Smith have
about completed tho annex nnd
steoplo in tho church and as soon as
tho boll arrives and is put in posi
tion then tho good people- of Eagie
Point will not have to guess at tho
time to go to church or Sunday
Mndamcs J. J. Tryer and A. N.
Thomas have been spending a fow
days visiting friends and relatives in
Central Point nnd Mcdford.
E. Turner, one of Medford's car-
uenters, stopped hero Thursday night
on his way from Butte Falls. lie
had becu up to that place to look
for a location to open a restaurant,
but did not succeed, as he could not
secure a suitable house.
Messrs. Powers and Wheeler nnd
Mrs. Bnkcr and Mrs. Claspill, all uf
Butto Falls, stayed here Thursday
night and the next morning S. II.
Hnrnish, tho mail contractor, took
them up in au extra rig, as the regu
lar stage coach was full in fact, the
stages are all well patronized from
hero to the different points in the
Mr. Long of Peyton called for din
ner Friday and reports that he had
just sold a tract of laud on the
northwest side of Rogue river to n
Portland syndicate, and that they
are oing to take water out of the
Rogue river at that place for a large
irrigating ditch so that they can ir
rigate a large tract of land on that
side of the river.
Von der Ilcllcn Bros, are putting
an addition to their hardware and
drug store two stories high. The
upper story will be used for the fur
niture department, as they expect to
carry a line of furniture in connec
tion with their other business.
Aviator is Leading Feature at Sac
ramento Frontier Days Show and!
Annual Tournament of Pacific As
sociation of N. A. A. U.
SACRAMENTO, Cal., Aqg. 1 Au
aviation meet, with Charles K. Ham
ilton, who recently flew from New
York to Philadelphia and liack, as
tho leading feature; the big Frontier
Days show, with its wild horse rid
ers, champion steer ropers and
bucking horse experts; the annual
tournament of the Pacific Associa
tion of tho National Amateur Ath
letic Union, with probably 200 ath
letes competing for track honors;
and last, but not least, the magnifi
cent fireworks display by the Paine
Pyrotechnic company, the big pro
gram for tho fiostn of the Dawn of
Gold is at last complete in all its es
sential details.
Thousands will journey to Sacra
mento to seo Hamilton fly, nnd they
will be well repaid for their trouble.
Tho contract for his appearance was
closed after extended negotiations
following Cnrtias' telegram announc
ing that lie would not be able to keep
his engagement. Curtiss is known
the world over and has a reputation
as an aviator second to none, but
Hamilton is conceded to be a more
sensational performer, nnd ho rap
idly lias ho forged to tho front dur
ing tho last few months that hi, ser
vices uro in constant demand nt all
tho big meets in tho cast. Ho hri
nloo been honored by being selected
by the government to innko n wrp
of oxperimontnl flights for the win
Ono of tho conditions insisted mi
by Hamilton boforo agreeing to tly
for tho fiesta spoctntors, was
the fiostn committee should put m
$2000 to bo awarded itnv nwator
breaking world's records. Tin
money reward will undoubtedly at
tract other aviators to the ficstn,
and some interesting contests mnv
be expected.
Tho mombors of tho Oakdale Tennis
Club aro urgoj to bo present at a
mooting on the grounds of tho club
"Wednesday evening at 730 Im
portant. J. D BEISON,
114 President,
Ranch Owners, Notice.
Man with family wants position as
manager of ranch. Born and raised
on farm. J. 13, Hendricks, Ashland,
Or. 114
Rov. T. F. Raw Has an.l wlto wero
up from Phoenix catling on (Honda
In North Talent last Friday nttor
noon. J. E. Roberts was delivering hor
des and vcfjotobles In Sovth Phoe
nix Friday.
Mrs. F. E. Furry Is confined to
her bed tho last week, nervous
trouble being nor ailment.
Tom Uockott, ono o( tho Phoenix
merchants, had some rntet melons
Thurbday that had been shipped (rom
Tho camp meeting ot tho Christian
Church has commenced at Phoenix
j nnd will continue (or sovornl weeks,
Many (rom Grants Pass and Mcdford
will camp on tho ground.
Mrs. William Fern o( Fern Valloy
was visiting Mrs. Forn'a parents, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Joshua Patterson last
John Friend of LouIsvi'Jc, Ky., ar
rived In Phrenlx ono day this wcok
to visit his old acquaintance, Mr. and
Mrs. John Qraffes, of North Phoenix.
A party of men from Phoenix, Mr.
Lloyd Colvor, C. Cato, Milt Andor
son, W. S. Str ncllff and Jim Smith,
have gone to Dead Indian for a camp
ing and hunting tilp.
Mr. and Mr9. C. Cato c Browns
Glendale 8, Mcdford 5.
It was terrific, that ball came Sun
day afternoon. Every man In both
teams scoccd to havo a tea-pound
weight on each foot and t'oy needed
glue on their gloves to hold the ball.
Both Burgees and Irvine wero hit
freely but nnny a ball fell safe which
should have been gathered In.
Although the game was tied up to
the seventh, It was slow and unin
teresting. TLere was un ginger in
any of tho players. Onco in a whllo
some one would temporarily wake up
but Invariably returned In a few sec
onds to a somnolent state. The
final score was: Glendale, 8; Mod
ford, 5.
The Mcdford team mis not tho
full team vhicl. won tho pennant, and
even the regulars woro not In form.
All Modern Woodman of Amprin.i
Will please Call at room 207, Taylor
e m ' i .... , ,
M'PhippS building, nnd Ieam Some-
thing to your itltorest. By order of
11.1 rnrUTTTl.'P
We have sold our business to the
iiogue mver run as rrouuee as
sociation and wish to close up our
books as soon as possible All par
ties knowing themselves indebted to
J. A. Perry will pleaso call at our
former offlco and settlo with mo,
Samuels, or mall check to J. A. Per
ry. 114
You can't afford to do without
this splendid, refreshing drink.
Call up and order a ense sent to
tho house. The purest, most
healthful drink known is
P. C. BIGHAM, Aflcnt.
A model
for every figure.
ville, Oro., arrived la Tl'oonlx Inst
Wednesdny, 7hcro Mrs. Cato will
visit with hor mother, Mre, L. A.
Rose, while Mr. Cato will Join In a
hunting trip with several other Phoo
nlx boyB.
Mrs. Q. A. Hover was up In North
Talent after vegetables (or tho camp
meeting boarding houso last Thurs
day morning. Mr. Hover lo tho llvo
wlro o( tho Christian Church at
Phoenix and no mtstnko.
A. Q. Croy and family, former
North Tnlont residents, loft for an
extended trip to Hiuidon bench last
Wednesdny. After this trip they ex
pect to go bnck East to resldo.
Dr. Frank Roberts, formorly of
Med ford, but now of Myrtle Point,
visited his father and brothor of
North Taloat last Wednesdndy.
Mrs. John Gratfcs of North Phoe
nix Informs your correspondent that
she gathered rlpo tomatoes on July
17. This Is quite early for tomatoes
In Roguo Rlvor valloy.
C. Caroy considers hlmcolf n lucky
man that ho has a water right upon
n living stream. Ho Is tho only gar
dener In Nortlr Talent, formerly
called String Town, who hns water
for his yard and berry vines Juot
now. His supply comes from Andor
son Creek.
Notice! s horoby given that the un
dorsignod will apply at tho next regu
lar meeting of tho city council to b
hold August 2, 1910, for a llconso to
sell malt, vinous and splrltous liquor
In quantities less than ono gallon
his place of business lu lot 30, bloc
11, In tho city of Medford.
Dated July 20. 1910.
Formerly HotoU Stanton and 9t. Pro I. Ponrl!
RUrot, near Geary, adjoining IIu(l .Manx, Take
Ilotrl Manx ')'!, or JlirWt Strrrt Can. trnn.fcr
to Powell. Ideal Iioum and locntiou (or ladled
visiting tbo city alone.
-a-" X6OnlrWoiaa'Colloronthi
a I'acifle Coa.t
for Yonnff Womtn
Located amor.? the beautiful
Kills near OillinJ, California,
cloie to San Franciaco anil tn
grrat Univerailiea of the Writ.
it I Full collrtiate courae Ieadinl
lo . Entrance .nJjr.Ju.tlon requijern.nt.
i equivalent to thoe ot Stanford and Univcraity
' 0 California. Turning; fita atuJenta for teaching
regular linea ol academic worl. and offera apecial
advantagea for ramie, art, library atuJy anj
home economic. Well equippeJ laboratorie. for
' acienee. Special attention to health of atuJenta.
i Modern gymnaiiuia thoroughly equipped. Out-
, Joor I ife an J amuaementa in the ideal California ell-
"' Alumnae in every dtynii Pacific Coait.
Fob CUTALoauc Adodiio
President Luii la Clay Carson. Lt D.
"i ' iy
With a Kodak Film Tank you
can develop films for 5c per
dozen anywhere clear water
citii bo had tho dark loom and
tho experience nro in tho tnnk.
Let us demonstrate.
Book Store
To reenter with tho HBBocintion
for tli'w Henson's pack. Pnokinj,'
i.cIiooIk for pours nnd apples in Au-tfU'-t
and Soptcinbor. Paok changed
on apple1-. Everybody muut learn it.
-- - - - 4 !
-r nn nnni c5 flPTIPAl
r.. , MHwn. ',r ' . 1 T
- -
W. M, Pattorsou, special agent for
tho London and Ulono Iniuianeu
companies, was horo In tlto Interest
of lils companion Saturday,
W. 15, Jono and fatally, John F.
Williams nnd T, F, Noff havo gouo
(or au outing ot uovornl wcolcs In
tho const rango between horo and
Crescent City.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weston loft
Saturday morula; for Rivers id
In respoiiKo to a tologinm announc
ing tho serious Illness of Mrs. Woj
ton's aged mother.
Ell Pones, who hns tho contract
for tho ero.tlon of Frank Weston's
now dwelling, connnoncod worlc on
tho structure Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gant nro spend
ing Sunday at Gold Hill, Wuodvlllo
and Giants Pass. Mr. .Gant Is com
piling data for his social story,
Tho hours for Irrigating soom to
Excursion Ratesto the East
Southern Pacitic
Chicago $72.50
Council Bluffs $60.00
Omaha $60.00
Kansas City ...$G0a00
St. Joseph $60.00
ot. a. iiui M...iii..M...ti.nn.i.....t.i ... ...ipuv.vrxy
St. Paul via Council
Minneapolis direct - $60.00
Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs $63.90
Duluth, direct $66.90
Duluth, via Council Bluffs $67.50
St. Louis $67.50
Tickets will bo on sale May 2d and 9th; June 2d, 17th
and 24th; July 5th and 22d; August 3d; September 8th.
The abovo rates apply from Portland only. From points
south of Portland, add ONE WAY local rate to Port
land, to mako through rato via Portland. One way
through California, add $15.00 to above rates. Excopt
that fares to St. Paul and Minneapolis ono way via Cal
ifornia will be $2175 higher, and fare to Duluth $24.75
higher than fares via direct routes.
Ten days provided for the going trip.
Stop-overs within limits in either direc
tion. Final return limit three months
from date of sale, but not later than Oc
tober 31st.
Inquire of any S. P. Agent for complete Information, or
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon
Double Your Business
Le In The Sunlight
Suppose you knew a man who kopt liin fdiadcs drawn Ifcht
all day and hiirncd koroHcuo ttint'jnd of lotting in ihn Hiinlight.
SuppoBo you knew a man toiling along n dusty road who would
not accept a lift whon thoro wan plenty of loom in tho wagon;
BuppoHo you know a miller with his mill huilt henido n wwil't
riiniiing stionm who insiutcd on turning tho machinery hy hniid.
All foolish, you say? And yot look mound you how, fow ie
tnilom tako ndvniitngo of tho groat advertising campaigns run
hy food, textile, cloth nnd ovor.v other mniiufiioliiriiig lino that you
can iijun'.
Think u moinont! What was tho last ndvorliMomoiit you toad
! wo.idored i"t which store in town would ho piogrosaivn
.-.iDtich to havo tho goods in mock so you could seo lliom und pur-
Horo goods nro sold under tho
dream of.
PrnttflEcnlly ovory live retailor
Hut how,
Put up your lightning-rod I Lot your customers know that you
fun doliver to thorn tho goods which great advertising, paid for
lv manufacturers, hns interested them in.
Tlmy will got the hnhit and von will got (ho husiiiosB.
Prnolically ovor.v iimniifnctuior stnudn loudy lo help .von help
yourself. Ask them for eloctiotypos siiitahlo to run in your own
advertising. Hook their trmlo murk to your storo.
Consumer demand for advertised goods is now dlvidod broad
cast among all the stores in town.
Uso your advei Using in local pupors to focus this domniid upon
vour stoie And don't forgot lo sond for IIiohm helpful oloolio
tpofl. '
Head llii'i again, for it mouus
cut no flguto with sou u Contra 1
Point citizens and tho faucotH are
kept going morning, noon nnd night.
In some caiioH tho hose are lined for
for plnytliliigH (or ItlUs and tho water
Is wasted on sidewalks and street,
doing no earthly good to anything.
This modo o( procedure will soon
lend to tho meter system nnd then
there will ho walling nnd gnashing
e: tooth.
A number of English sparrows, In
preparing for tho call crop, hnvo
built nests In tho gables of tho old
Jail. Central Point Is determined
to have "Jail blrdsd" of some va
riety rogardloss ot vigilant police nnd
n tight lid.
Tho most meager, uudorHizod nd
vertisomont you over print will Im
press some people, will remain in
Rome minds, as tho mcasuro of your
'tnro uh representing vour store
Bluffa $63.90
evening lamp at homo tlinn you
in his local pnporH.
inonoy to you.
t I ' '
9 9--
- IM,M
O. M. Murphy.
11)10 ChulmurH Dotroils.
Phono 18(11, Valloy Auto Company,
Mud ford, Or.
Quick Sorvioo. Many Hiding.
I'riooH ltluht.
P110NK MAIN 3111.
AKonoy for tho l'arry Cnro. Hono
Itivor Auto Co., Frank H. Hull, Prop.,
Medford, Or.
---- .-
Robert F Maguire
Late special agent U. S.
General Land Office, t
announces that lie has
opened law offices in
tho Medford National
Bank Building, for gen
eral practice before
state and federal courts
l and tho Department of
the interior.
4 4
Whilo it Ih cheap. Phono 1311.
Corner 11th nnd Laurel utrcotn. Yard
at 417 South Oakdale Avouuo.
No job too small, none too
large. Twenty-five years
practical experience.
Offlco 113 South Front Street.
Phono 2751.
--- -"---- ---"- -
I; Do You Enjoy
t Probably von didn't cro
well prepared last year
t iMf nnt f'.a .... :.. ::
ai .. - cj ii
umii v jjui, iiAuu up in
snen a manner that yon
conld live comfortably
for two weeks or a
month without having
to forage.
We make it our
to sco that you got sup
plied with tho right sup
plies and in sufficient
quantity. 1 f you want to
enjoy camp life (and
you will, too) just come i
to this storo and get
your supplies tho same
as hundreds of olhors
havo done and you will
dole on cam) lil'o.
Whether you aro go
ing camping or not, this
is a good placo to buy
your groceries.
O. W. Murphy.
, fi
44 UfHH t 4