asar"-" r..r- MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE UNITKD PRESS A8H00IATI0K Full Leased Wire Report. Til 10 WHATIIKIU Tonight mill tomorrow Fair itiid wnnn The only papor la tho world published In n city tho ilia ef Med ford h&Tlnjt u loaied wlr. MEDFORD, ORKOON, MONDAY, AUGUST 1, 1910, No. 114. MJjTil YI5A.R. CRIPPEN ARRAIGNED, ADMITS IDENITY A ED DENTIST CALM AND UNMOVED HUE. LENEVE HAS NE TO GO BACK TO STAND TRIAL Proceeding's in Arralnnmcnt Aro Brief Crlppcn Admits Identity ami Has No Objection to Return Inn to Ennland. QUEHEC, Auk. 1 Dr. II. II. Crippcu wyiH arraigned before Iiilit Judge I 'nut.' t Angers at noon toiluy. Tim proceedings wore liriuf. Crip pen admitted his identity and said tliat ho had mi objection to return ing to Euglniid for trial. ilu was re manded to jail for JT da.VH. Ml In. Ethel Leneve was not aide to appear at the prclmiinnry hearing. Physicians informed tho court that h!io had broken down and was in a Htato of nervous collapse. Tho courtroom was crowded to the doors with spectators anxious to catch a ulimpxo of tint noted dcfcinl antM. Detective Mitchell of tho Uintloa liollco will Hnll tomorrow for Can uilii, currying papers deemed neces wiry for tho traniifor of Dr. Crlppon and Mile. I.onuvo to London Jurlsdlc tlon. Although extradition Ih not ncri'HHiiry hutween England nnd Iht colonies, tho pollco aro not overlook ing any precaution In their fight to convict tho Auiorlcnu dentist and his companion. InHpcctor How, who Ih now at Quo lice, originally planned to return to Loudon Inunudlntoly with IiIh prison cm. Tho chntiKO of plant inalccH It Impossible for him to lenvo for homo within a fortnight. In tho meantlmo, tho local authnrltlcH will aln additional time for establishing tho Identity of tho body found In Dr. Crlppen's Iiouho nt Llsltngton. Crlppcn appeared Indlffnront to IiIh surroundlngn wlion nrralgnod, ex cept when confronted by Mm. Prod (llnnott of ItoHollo, N. .!., a former friend of Hello Elmore. Ecclng her, ho paled and shuffled nervously. I Inspector Dow tostlflod that ho know tho defendant and that Crlp pcn wuh an American graduate cof tho UnlvcrHlty of Mlchlann and want ed In 0 rent llrltaln for murder. KANGAROOS FOR mm PARK Orcbardlsl Buys Two, But Finds Ho Has Four on Arrival Finds Two Llttlo Ones Peeping Out of Moth ers' Pocket Quite a Menagerie. It in not often that when one bin wild uiiiiuuls that lie receives more than he bnrguins for in the way ol numbers but A. ('. Allen, of the Hollywood orchards hits hud that ex perience Sunday Mr, Alien received two young Australian kuiigntous I nun California. The fomtilo is a few mouths over u year of ago, while tho male is only a few months old. When Mr. Allen went out to loot; ut his new pels Monday morning he thought he "had 'em" for a few mo ments, for, peeping out of the "pocket" of the female was the head of a hnhv kangaroo. In a few see onils another one bobbed up. Instead of two of the marsupialH ho hns now four, which, with his dour, elk and othur animals, makes quite a menagerie, KG COMPANION ITRAHSFERRED BREAKS DOWN UPON ARREST Mile. Lenovc Probably Ignorant That Crime Was Committed Urn eo to Turn Klnn's Evidence Against Crlppcn Comiilctcly Unnerved. QCEHEC, Aug. J. Mile. Lencvc, the young woman, Crippcn's com panion on one of tho most sensution ul flights in the history of the yard, i it pitiful nervouH wreck. Every effort in being made by the police to Itcrcuudc her to givo evidence that might tend to iucriminutu the man. After the steamer MontroKo berth ed today, Crippon nnd Mllo. Lcncvo wore hurried to the city prison. In Hpcctor Dew of Scotland Yard, who identified the couplo to tho Canadian arresting officers, wan not satisfied with the security of the cells, and the aceiiHcd were transferred to the dungeons of the Parliament building. Crippeu, calm'and tnlkntive during the river journey from Father Point to Quebec with his captors, became (Continued on Page Pour.) KILLSJX-WIFE Weapon Knocked Off Table by Slx-Ycar-Old Son-Dldn't Know It Was Loaded Victim Dies While Surgeons Aro Extracting Bullet. SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 1. An inipiest will he held this afternoon over the body of Florence Strobe), HO, shot and killed last night while culling on her divorced husband, Charles Lyts, from whom she had been separated two years. The couple had become reconciled and were about to bo remarried. Lvts declares the shooting was an accident and the police, after hear ing his story, concluded not ot take him into custody. Lyts had been cleaning hi revolver and rifle, lie thought the rifle was not loaded and had left it on n table. The (t-yenr-old miii of Lyts and his former wife knocked the rifle from the table, dis charging it. ,Tho bullet struck Mrs. St rebel in the side as she stood in an adjoining room placing a disk on a phonograph. She died at u hospital later in the evening while surgeons were attempting to cut out the bul let. HARVESTING OF LOADED GUN Picking Crews at Work in Nearly All of tho Larger Orchards Crop of Fluo Quality and Large Quantity The Output Promisos to Break All Previous Records. The lutrvcMing of this season' pear crop in the Hogue Hivor valley wilLbo on in full blast before the end of the week. Most of tho larger or chard havo picking crews at work now, while the Humdl orchard 1ms shipped one ear of 1'niil, is loading a second one today and will load two additional curs Tuesday. Snowy RVOUS COLLAPSE F SHIP TO PRISON CELL Manacled and Closely Guarded, Crlppcn and Companion Arc Taken to Answer for Crime Crowd Sur rounds Dock to Sec Couple. QUEBEC, Aug. 1. Mnnnclod and cloudy guarded, Dr. llawley H. Crlppcn, RtiBpcctcd of tho murder of IiIh wife, Hello Hlinoro Crlppcn, In their London home, wan brought ashore today and taken to tho Que bec prison. Mllo. Ethol Claire Le novc, IiIb stenographer, charged an accessory In tho allogcd murder, also was taken off tho liner Montroao and placed In a coll In tho women's prison. Unusual precautions taken by tho police, tho widespread publicity given tho details ot tho murdor nnd tho chnne nftor Crlppcn and his com panion, caused thousands of persons to nHsomhlo on tho wator front for a gllmpso of tho prisoners nnd tho men responsible for their capture Ashore at Daybreak. Tin? vessel docked at 1 a. in., but tho suspects did not come ashore until after daybreak. A great crowd had gathered at an early lour. A detail of fifty policemen sur rounded tho Canadian Pacific wharves and kept a portion of tho street clear for automobile that car ried tho accused and their captors to tho jail. Although Inspector I ev Ih given credit for taking a clnnco on the pos sibility that Captain Kendall of the Montrose had mlstaUen tho couplo aboard his ship, ther Is a gonornl Impression that Scotia': 1 Yard has bungled In tho enso hv being billing to piny a minor rolo In tho capture. Kendall (Jlvea CieilH. Tho great credit Is given Captain Kendall and his chlal .iftlco-3 who are praised for hiving handle.! tho case so ast uely that nolther Dr Crlppon iiuv Mile. Lunnvo boiicvol themselves .uinpoctod until (ho hea hand of Inspector Dew fell on r.r'p- pon's shoulder and ( lilef McCartny of tho Quebec pollen department placed tho fral voting stenogruplioi under nrroit. Tho sorvlco rendered by tho nows papers of England, tho continent nnd of America In publishing lengthy ac counts of the dtsappearauco of Crlp pcn nnd his typist, togothor with de tailed descriptions of thorn, accom panied by many pictures cf tho miss lug couplo, Is recognlxod ih a prin cipal factor In tho detection, while tho usefulness of the wireless sorvlco Is not underestimated by thoso who havo followed tho dovolopinonta In one of the most exciting criminal pur- (Continued on Page Pour.) PEARS BEGINS Hut to is loading a ear mid has a second one ordered. The ovehardistrt aro dolayiue, tho harvesting us much as possible in or der to let the eastern market not t Wr of California fruit Never before has lite Hogue Hivor .ll lurvesled a luMter crop ol pt'u-s in point of ciunntity and final ity us" this year. ROM Bishops Doane and Greer For Unity of Churches. (Hishop Donne and Uishop Greer of the Protestant Episcopal church.) The Christian Unity foundation hns been incorporated with the avowed intention of welding nil Christian denominations into one or ganic rcliinoiiK body Jo promote Christian unity nt home nnd throughout the werld: to devise 1fird .ui:cM prnctical methods of co-operation, substituting comity for rivalry ill the propagation of the common fnith; to bring together all who are laboring in the snmo field. These bishops of New York are amonc the organize". RUNS AMUCK , KILLS 1, BEATS WIFE AND CHILD TO DEATH SAN DIEGO, Cal.. Aug. 1. Hert S. Durham, ex-fireman, who early today shot and killed Engineer Don Grant of company No. wounded Captain Sampscll of the snmo corn puny and Driver Gay Elliott, and then clubbed his wife nnd baby to death, died at noon today of a self inflicted wound. Durham shot him self in front of the Grant hotel at 7 a. m. Captain Sampscll was reported to be near death this afternoon. Phys icians hold out little luv:a for Elli ott, who, like Samp-ell, was shot in tho chest, after Durham had culled the firemen by sending in u false alarm. SAN DIEGO, Cal., Aug. 1.- Hcri S. Duthiiiu, fiiemau. who ran amuck hist niiiht, shot nnd killed one fire man, wounded two others and beat his wife and child to death, today made his way to the Plaza in the heart of the cit. anil shot himself through the head. Ho will probably die. Armed men searched for Durham throughout tho night. Early today Durham sent in a false iilartu of fire. Hiding near the fire-box, he opened fire when hose curt No. II drove up. Ho killed Firo iiinn Grant and wounded Captain Stemplo and Fitciiuui Elliott. He then fled, going to his own home, where he beat his wife and child to death. Durham then returned to the city on a streetcar. He was recog nized by a few persons. After alighting from Hie car he walked coolly to a corner and bought a pa per. Hurriedly scanning the head lines, telling of the shooting, ho en tered the plaza and walked out upon the lawn. Drawing his' revolver, he placed the muzzle just above the right ear and sent a hullot into his brain. Policeman Sees Shooting. Policeman Kirkhmd saw the limn, and before he drew his revolver, rushed toward him mid was only a tV feet nwav when the shot was fir ed. Durham w"s taken to the cmor i'iuv hospitil, 1k'v it was an uouueed that he mwhl recover. When it was learned that tho mur &YMOCKWQOB 2 derer had attempted to commit sui cide and almost succeeded, talk of violence died down. An effort was made to get a statement from Dur ham, who was still conscious at 10:30 this morning. Durham t ned in n false alarm at I o'clock this morning and opened HOOTS lire niMin the members of luxe com-lot pany No. ;t when they reached the' is the crack shot of his company and box at Spruce and Second streets. the claims he meant only to malm Later he beat his wife and b:y to tho officers. death. It is thought he was driven Ho served twolve years In tho ii-Mine by brooding over fancied British army nnd when the troops wrongs while employed at the fire- left this station ho remained and house. When he left the company j joined tho Canadian permanent he treasured a grudge against sev-lcorps. Ho and been drinking for einl other tiremen. He had throa; ."ed to "get them all." MANY DOT IN HILLS AFTER FLEET DEER I Captain Elllston was horn In Eng land 32 years ago and was a vory According to niuu of the old ', popular officer. mippors and hunters ol Southern, Oregon, there are more people out j woods there will probably bo a nuiu- this season after local deer than ever 'her of the yearly "shot b" mistake" before. The hills are full of them j tragedies reported. ami hundreds arose at daylight to- Door are reported plentiful and day and took to the trails. Owing to doubtless many good bags will bo the large number of uooule in the reported. SALINGER Secretary of Interior Will Sec Crater Lnko by Way of This City, Golnti Out by Klamath Falls Mrs. Balllnncr Will Accom pany Him on Trip. Secretary l'arkhurst of the Crater Lake company arrived fiom Port land Monday morning with tho good news that Secretary Hallingor of the department of the interior would isjt Crater Lake within the vct ,, weeks. Mrs. ROIinger w'l i company hnn. Mr. Halliugev's original plans we IMEDFORD i MANTAINS GAIN RATIO Postal Receipts for July Show In crease of Twenty-nine Per Cent Over a Year Ago Money-Order Business Very Heavy Gain in July a Year Ago at Same Rate. Postal receipts for July, 1910, show an Increase of 29 per cent over July, 1909. Tho latter month In turn showed a gain of 28 per cent over July, 1908. During tho month just closed the postal receipts totaled $2197.80. One year ago for July they were $1707.93. The gain Is $489.87. or about 29 per cent. Tho money order business In the local office has been heavy during the month. Over $12,644 In orders were sent away while money orders totaling $7597 were received In the city. 1 CRACK SHOT KILLS OFFICER Canadian Paptain Is Killed by Gun ner of His Corps Shot From an Upper Window of the Barracks, a Hundred Yards Away. VICTo.UA, B. C. Aug. 1. Cap tain Perclval Elllston, Royal Cana dian Garrison Artilleryman, was shot through tho throat by Gunner Thom as Allen, R. C. A., this morning and died about fifteen minutes later. Mien shot from nu upper window the bnrrackB 300 feet awny. Ho I the past month. Allen was found not far from tho , barracks by a party of artillerymen land brought to pollco headquarters (aud lodged In jail. Ho admits that i revenge had something to do with his crime, and ho thought that ho had been punished too severely for breaches ot discipline. VISIT MEDFORD to go in by way of Weed and Klnm ath Falls, but it is thought that ho hns been induced to change his mind, going in by Medford and out by Klamath. M.- 1 aimist states that M' 1 i iu . t i. . 1 ii imiK U ,, ), 'cluMt to h- I.ilc MULKEY E HAWLEY District Attorney Will Contest Re publican Nomination for Congress Is Supporter of Direct Primary and a Progressive Republican Opposed to Machino Methods. District Attorney B. F. Mulkay Monday announced his candidacy for congress from tho first congres sional district. lie will contest with W. C. Ilawloy for the nomination at the primaries. Mr. MJulkoy is a progressive Re publican and a supporter of the di rect primary law and Statement i. Ho refused to go near tho assembly nnd will not countenance a return, to the old days of "machine!', politics. Mr. Mulkcy hns been in the public eye for a number of terms. He serv ed as state senator from Polk coun ty nnd for a number of years was the president of the state normal in Ashland. Two years ago he was elected district attorney for Jack sotr and Josephine comities, which position he is filling nt present. That Mr. Mulkcy will make a formidablo fight for the nomination is acknowledged by the friends of Mr. Ilnwicv. From all section of tho stnto has come assurances of assistance. F Mother, Demented Over Lonely Ranch Life, Slaughters Babes to Save Them From a Similar Mon otonous Career. MARTINEZ, Cal., Aug. 1. Hop ing that grief at tho sight of her four babies lying In tho county morguo will rcstoro hor to sanity, tho coroner today planned to per mit Mrs. Joseph M. Mollo, who drowned tho children nt hor Brent wood homo Saturday, to view the bodies. Sl'ould that fall, the woman will bo oxnmlned by a com mission to determine whothor she shall bo committed to a hospital for tho Insane. Chester -Mollo, tho only child who escaped death at tho hands of his mother, was Instructed to bo present nt the examination. Slnco tho woman wnB arrested after sho hr.d drowned her four chil dren In a wr.Bh tub, ho has displayed no remorso. On all othor subjects Mrs. Mollo appears porfoctly rational but discussing tho death of hor babies sho Is tearless and unmoved. Tho one thing thnt sho homoans Is tho llfo that sho led on tho isolat ed ranch near Brontwood. Mrs. Mollo declares this llfo would havo driven her Insane thoro was nothing to take her mind off hor colorless ex istence, nothing to look forward to but work. It was to provont hor children from sharing a fato Ilka hor's that Mrs. Mollo Bays alio ondod tholr Uvea. Tho coolness of tho woman as tounds tho medical mon at tho coun ty hospital. NINETY KILLED AND MANY ARE INJURED IN WRECK LONDON, Aug. 1.- Thirty no-sona woro killed and a. number injured In a railway accident todav near Oron, Algeria, according to a iHnnatoH to tho Exchange Tolograh No dnalN of tho accident havo bgoon received. T DROWNS R OUR CHLDREN