MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OftfiCJON, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1910, lilif. . A w As si Central Point Items MrH. 1. 1. .JoIToih it) having (ho water iniitii tapped unil Iiiih tint wa ter ooininlHiiioiior lnmy pulling In plpuH for irrigation purpoHOH, nt her proparty on Miiiir.anltn fltrcoi, whore hIio Iiiih two i'ino loin unil a cottage. Hov. M. K. Coon ontno up from Wooilvillo WodnoBilny uflornoon on liuslnoRH. Ho will occupy lliu Pich liytorinit pulpit lit this plnco next Sunday. I'iiiiI l'otorHcn of South Ilond, W'iihIi., wiih u jjiiohI of lYicndu near horn on TliurNilny morning. Tlio town .j hero in a conceded niilniuico, ill-Hinolling, diHeitHo-brood-lug and filled with filthy vuriniu. Worno yot, It la within a fow yarJa of tlio dwelling of Mr. ami MrH. V. A. Hawk, who huvo toilotd faithfully to improve and beautify their place, and yet arc foraod to put up with thin rotten, rooking and rueful nau tili', a thing which would not ho tol erated for a day in iiiobI towiiH. No citizen wantH bin family brought up in tlio hIiihIow of a iHhpiihi1 jail and tlio city council Hhould tear the thine away. Some of the membere of the city council are endeavoring to revert to inethodH of pionoor daynf or oven farther hack than that, and go about nnionir the tenmntern nuking them to donate work to fix up tlio city NlreetH, which aro badly in uocd of it. One councilman declared that ho will never voto for a loan with which to improve tlio HtrootH, while a ma jority of the laxpayenj nro in favor of bonding for that purpoHe. The matter will probably bo threshed out at the next meeting of the council. P. V. Hawk now uarricH the belt hh the early morning firthormnn. lie aro8o at ! o'clock Thtirnday morn ink', took hifl automobilo and a party of friends and bended for Hogno river. The pnrty fiHhed until noon and returned with the Kami) iiumbor of Huekern they Htarted with. If koiiio of tlio back alloyH of thin town nro not cleaned up before the beginning of tlio rainy Honnon we need not bo at all Hurprined nIioiiM Miko Itihu and Jmo Teria select Central Point an u location for an nngel factory. The Y. M. C. A. has progreHbed mi far that 380 members aro now en rolled and the organirntion aHBUred. Immediato uteps will bo taken toward the erection of a modern home for the JiHHoeiution upon the fine Pinc Htreet Hlte donated by William A. Cowlov of the Central Point Town hite oompnny. Thin is declared by (ddtime S. M. C. A. worker to be lliu moHt Hpuedily promoted organ ization in a (own of thifi wize of any known in tint fulled KlatoK. The promoter! are receiving eongratiila tioiiH from ovorywlioro Y. M. C. A. orgaiiir.atioim aro in exigence, Home-grown cnntaloupcH and uiiiNkmeloiiH aro beginning to come upon the market and are of good quality. W. II. Harvoy, a recent arrival here, Iiiih entered the real entuto biiH iiieHH, having located in the Nnoh rcHtaurant building, on Pine Htreet. 'J'li ore !h a movement on foot here and it in meeting with a reasonable Ntipport, to change the name of Cen tral Point. Central Point Ik about oiiphoiicoiiH of any name in the vo cabulary of the Kiigliidi-spciiking race and in not in keeping with the development of the country. There lire many differenced of opinion an to what the name tdiould be. but moot all ngroo that it tdiould not bo Central Point. JiiHt to Htart the hall rolling, your correMpondent would Hiiggoul the nnme of "HiHca dia," a compoHito of SiHkiyou and Cascade. J. V. Lnrkin of Concrete, WiihIi., an old friend of your corroHxndent, who In touring Oregon, dropped, into our Himctum for a nocial vimt on Thnrmlny afternoon. While resting ho waH handed a copy of the Mail Tribune, and after reading it, care fully remarked: "Old man, that is the best dnily paper I have ever Keen to he piihliHhcd in a city of 0000." .Mr. I.arkin goon on to Klamath Pnllx tonight. .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jeffers haft returned to Uaglo Point. William A. Cowley and family are now enjoying the comforts of their new Pine-street residence, having moved in today. While the lower part of the house is still in the hands of the carpenter, tlio family is get ting along nicely with tlio upper story, which consists of several large rooms. John Griffiths' new residence will be rendy for occupancy in nbout two weeks. Mrs. I. C. Young is reported on the sick list today, hut it is retried that the trouble is nothing serious. That Central Point should bond for street improvements is admitted by more than half the property-owners. A voto to thnt effect would carry any day. Dave Grim is endeavoring to grow tho finest Inwn in town, nnd from tlio excellent manner in which he i beautifying his plnco he stands :i fair chance of success. NO NEED FOR ALIMONY FOR EITHER Jutlno Decides That Neither Party to Separation Should Demand Ali monyBoth Have Ample Means. SAN FRANCISCO, Oil., July 20. Judge Van Nostrand today has un der udvisement n uniipui situation, brought out in connection with tho divorce suit against Kdwin V. Smith, a wealthy manufacturer, by his wife, Mabel llnrdoll Colcmau-Smith. Yesterday Smith doelinod to pay his wife temporary alimony, ponding M'ltlement of tho suit. Ho contend ed Hint his wifo was wealthy and did not need alimony. Judge Van Nostrand said that Mneo both plaintiff nud defendant wore well to do, it would not hurt ono to do without alimony or tho other to give it. Tlio plaintiff tried to prove Smith guilty of contempt in refusing to pay tho alimony. Judgo Van Nostrand took tho case under ndvisemont. BOYCOTT BANNERS FORBIDDEN IN PORTLAND PORTLAND, Or., July 20. An ordinance forbidding tho carrying or 'displaying of banners was passed by the Portland city counoil today. La bor leaders doclaro that tlio ordi nance is in lino with tlio roeout cam paign inaugurated by certain big business interests to orush out un ionism in Portland. Tho ordinance, it is assorted, is aimed directly at the union boycott hauliers, several of which aro on display in front of certain department stores which unionists assort showod unfiiiinesb toward union labor, Tho ordluanco nocessarily ie swooping and is so constructed iih to include all banners, This will net against the display of advertising signs us woll as the boycott banners. Christian Science. Service Sunday at 11 a. in, Sub ject of Jesson-sennon, "Lovo." Sun day school at 10; tofitimoulul meet ing Wednesday, 8 p. m. All aro wel come, 128 North Grapo atroot, north Sherman-Clay music house. YBNN6W0MANHASFUN WITH TW PEOPLE Sends Telephonic Instructions for Taxlcabs, Expressmen and Mes sengers to Certain Address. TACOMA, Wash., July 28. Tho police aro today looking for a young woman who caused a procession of taxienbs, uowspapor reporters, mes senger boys and expressmen to call at the rosidoneo of L. 11. Stone on North Fife streot. Tho young wo man, who, it upponrs, had some grievance ngaiust tho Stone family, sent in telephone calls to ocry transfer company in town, to tho newspapers and messonger concerns, telling them to send n machine, a niossengor or a reporter, as the case might ho, witli nil haste to the Stone residouco. Shortly nftor noon the first au tomobilo appeared in front of tho Pife-stroot homo. The driver enter ed and asked what was wanted. Ho said a woman had telephoned for tho car. No sooner had ho left than another innchino appeared, then an army of messenger boys nud report ers, and thus tho procession kept up all yoatorday afternoon. Montana Fires Are Still Rafllnn.. KAL1SPELL, Mont., July 20. Tho forest firo situation is ngain sorious, with two now conflagrations west of Oluoy nud a numbor, of other firos sweeping into tlio tim bered regions of Northwestern Mon tana. Several crows of firefighters were sent out to patrol tho Olney fires on late trains last night. Tlio men stnrlod for tho firo scone, 20 miles westward of Olney, by tonm today. The fires in tlio Hlnckt'oot and Flathead district aro not considered to ho dangerous. Deputy Supervisor Clark, of the forestry service, who has just re turnod after visiting a number of firos, said that tho big blaze on the border of the Lewis and Clark nnd Flathead resorvos is beyond control and is swooping everything boforo it on the onstoru slope of the mountains. BANKS SHOW LARGEJNCREASE Number of Banks and Amount of Deposits Increased Vastly Since March 29, Date of Last Call Seven State, Ono National. BAM0.M, Or., July 29. Largo In crease) In all departments of tho banking InalncHB In Oregon nro shown by a statomont Jtmt prepared by Stnto Ilnnk Kxamlnor Will Wright, following n call Inauod by tho con troller of tho curroncy Juno 30. This Ih tho first Rtntomont that line been Issued by tho prcnont bank examiner nlnco ho nonnmed bis position. Tho provloin; call was I us nod March 20. An Increase of novon iitnto banks nm of one national bank is shown since that tlmo, thoro now being 151 state banks nnd 75 national banks In Oregon, Tho totnl resources of tho 22G banks nro shown to bo $142,418,090. 30, an Incrcwo of $3,370,078.01. Tho totnl capital of tho banks Is $14,861, 094.50, an Increnno of $1,909,094.60. DopoHltn nro shown to bo $115, 19C.98C.4C, or nn Increnso of $1, 192, 705. 0C. Included In this nro sav- IriKU doposlto that totnl $11,925, 7114.91, or a handsomo Incrcnwo of $842,985.20. Total cnHh and duo from banks amounts to $43,490,430.62, which in a decrcaso of $1,770,476.04. Cash on hand and duo from bankg Is a per centage of 30.8 of tho totnl deposits, which la roajly tho rcecrvo In Oregon banks. f ti f 4-fl4'4- ! DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. " -f 44 -f -f 4 AUTOMOBILES Will Bo Good From Now On. .1. II. Btowart, nftor having been Indicted by tho grand Jury Thursday afternoon for non-fliipport of hlu wifo, promised to bo good hereafter pro viding tho full penalty vtut not on forced nt this tlmo. The Indlctmont Is not dlsmlBBod, howover. It Is sim ply hold up during tho good behavior of 8towart. NOTICE. Ahh I'KIIHOJS'B OWNING l'ROP KKTV ON GKNKHBKIJ HTREET WIHIIINO TO PAY THEIR PAVING A8SK88MBNT UNDER THE BAN CROFT HONIH.NO ACT (TEN-YEAR PLAN) MUST MAKE APPLICATION IJBFORE TOMORROW MGIIT, SAT JRDAY, JULY flO, 1010. POSITIVE LY NO ONE WILL HE ALLOWED TO PAY UNDER THE IJONDING ACT AFTER THIS DATE. ONE- TENTH PAYMENT REQUIRED WITH ALL APPLICATIONS. L. L. JACOIJ8, City Treasurer. Hosiery 25 cents a Pair Nothing unusual about the pricc,,the difference is in the quality. Our ladies' silk finish gauze lisle Hose and our men's dropstitch silk mercerized fancy Hose are the best 35c hose in the city, and here you get them every day and in any size at 25c pair. Ladids' Vests Ladies' Union 50 dozen ladies' Jersey Sllftq ribbed Vests; taped-neck and sleeve; here tomorrow 50c, 75c and $1.00; and 10c EACH. There is value in every one All our Laces and Insertions tomorrow, yard 5c 200 pieces corset cover Wash Ribbons, 5 yards to piece: colors pink, blue and white; in widths 1, l1 anl 2, piece 10 Bust Ruflfes, new line, each 35c and 50c Hair Kolls, each 25c Crepe "Wool for making your own hair rats, per yd....25c Invisible Hair Nets, all colors 10c and 25c 200 framed Pictures and Mottoes, with a 6x8 glass in frame; a 25c value; here, each 15c English Semi-Porcelain We have just received a now line of Gold Bend Eng lish Semi-Porcelain China. Come in and see it. The quality is fine; the stylo is good, and the price is right. HUSSEVS Fine Printing Wo mnko a spoeialty of fino printhiR, carry tho necessary Jtook to onablo us to fill U ordora promptly, nnd Kiiaran too satisfaction. Ucst equipped job offieo in OrcKon south of Portland; host oxport printers. Hoforo aendiiiK your ordora out of town, call and figure with us if wo can sorvo you for tbo tmmo price iih nn olit-of-town concorn you will wish to pntronizo homo industry. Medford PrintingCo. Granite City Hospital ; : Moot modornly equipped boppi " tnl botwocn Portland nnd Snq ',', rnmontn. Shows each doctor ;; .ho Giimo courtesy and gives !. ;; nil pationts tho same care. In ;; chartro of Ostrom & Nelson, ;; . , eriulunto nurses. OSTROM & NELSON, Props of Granlto City Hospital, t Ashland, Oreten. GET YOUR WINTER WOOD While it i cheap. Phone 1341. E. R. TEDRICK, Corner 11th and Laurel streets. Yard nt 417 South Onkdale Avenue. A.L. VROMAN PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR No job too small, none too large. Twenty-five years' practical experience. Office 1 13 South Front Street. Phone 2751. Robert F Maguire Late special agent TJ. S. General Land Office, announces that he has opened law offices in the Medford National Bank Building, for gen eral practice before state and federal courts and the Department of t the Interior. Packers Wanted! To register with tho association for this season's pack. Packing schools for pears nnd apples in Au gust and September. Pack changed on apples. Everybody mnst learn it. R. R. FRUIT & PRODUCE ASS'N. O. W. Murphy. O. M. Murphy. MURPIIY BROS. AUTO LIVERY. 1010 Chalmers Detroits. Phono 1801, Vnlloy Auto Company, Medford, Or. Quick Service. Easy Riding. Prices Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PHONE MAIN 3141. Agency for the Parry Cars. Rogue River Auto Co., Frank H. Hull, Prop., Medford, Or. NOTICE. Noticol s horoby given thai the u dorslgnod will apply nt tho next re Itir mooting of tho city council to b held August 2, 1010, for a ItconM to soil malt, vinous and splrltoua Hqoerw Jn quantities lees thnn ono gallon hla plnco of business In lot 20, bloc 11, In tho city of Medford. W. M. KENNBDT. Dated July 20. 1910. Hnsklns for health. - 4-f DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. 4. Crater Lake Route 1910 LOCOMOBILES 1910 The cars of the Crater Lake Company will leave Hotel Nash on Mondays, Wednesdays and TJTidays at 8 a. m. Round Trip $25.00 Children under 12 years, half fare. Secure your tickets at the hotel. CRATER LAKE TRANSPORTATION CO. J. C. NEEF, Manager. Medford Address: Nash Hotel. Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath die finest Sample Rooms m the city. Hotel Moore Fire Proof Rau-Mohr Company Proprietors. European Plan Big machinery is now excavating the ground, northwest corner Main and Ivy streets, for the new HOTEL MEDFORD "Watch the dirt fly and hurrah for Medford. -i A COOL CUSTOMER will buy more goods than a warm one-will in hot weather. A cool customer will buy with less palaver. He or she will be better natured, less cranky and easier to sell to; and you know it. Moreover, you yourself, and your employes, will be in a better selling mood if your store is cool and pleasant than if it is sticky and suffocating and savors of a boiler room in its stiflingness. The Electric Fan is a blessing and a cheer which you can ill afford to ignore. Life in the dog days is a question of degrees. Make your place of business habitable and inviting to the people, and the trend of trade will be in your direction. It stands to reason it's logical it's apparent. Why not invest a little mow in trade-winning cool ness? Electric Fans will create a tempting and delightful breeze, and in overT breeze there'll be dollars for you. May our representative call and take it up with you? Don't wait until it's 90 in the shade. Phone us today. Rogue River Electric Comp'y P. S. How about that Electric Sign you've been think ing about? it,v . L