8 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 29. .1910. BANNER FEAT OF DETECTIVIES Arrest of Dr. H. H. Crlppcn and His Typist Redeem Scotland Yard From Charncs of Incompetency Only Slight Clews to Work Upon. LONDON, July 20. The appre hension of Dr. II. II. Crippcn and Ids typist, Mile. Ethel Clniro Lenovc, will brine to a closo one of the most spectacular dotectivc feats in the history of Scotland Yard. The yard received but the slight est tip that tho suspects were aboard tbo liner Montrose when that vessel cleared from Antworp. Ordinarily the clow would havo been discount ed, or, nt best, the officials would have left matters in the hands of the Dominion police. Tho honor and prcstigo of the great London detective bureau, how ever, wns at stake. The police had been caustically criticised for hav ing allowed Dr. Crippen to slip through their hands once, and there fore when word came from tho Mon trose by wireless of the suspicions ef the captain of the ship regarding a man and a "boy" among tho pas sengers, Inspector Dew of Scotland Yard hurriedly left England on the steamer Lauren tic in an effort to overtake the couplo and assist the Canadian police in their capture. Should the suspects prove to be Crippcn and Mile. Lcncve, as every indication shows, Scotland Yard will havo redeemed itself by unnsual ag gressiveness. Again tho fnr-reachin wireless has been brought into piny success fully in a enso where time was the principal factor. According to yard efficinls, the Montrose wns GO miles eff the English const, bound for YOUNG PEOPLE ASK BLOODED STOCK LAW BE ENFORCED FARM PLANNED Young Men and Women of Klamath Falls Circulate Petitions Asking. That Present Conditions Be Abol ishedMenace to Town. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., July 29. Two petitions aro botng circulated and extensively signed by the young people and iltitons of this city with tho objoit tj lavo tho local option laws enforced. Thcso petitions fol fel fol eow: "We, tho ui.derslgnod young mon and women f tho city rf Klamath Falls, afCIrn' that, conditions exist In our city that contribute to tho delin quency of tho young boys and girls and are prejudicial to tho moral and social uplt't of tho young mon and women, and In fact to ovcry resident of this municipality. Wo further af firm that we believe that theso con ditions exist with tho knowledge of tho mayor, city council and ovory member of tho city police force. We, H. C. & P. A. Bouncy Purchaso From Joseph Randall Threo Hundred Acres on South Fork of Little Butte for $16,000. II. C. and P. A. Bouncy have pur chased the Charles and Joseph Kan dall place of 320 acres on the south fork of Little Butte, paying $10,000. The Bonney brothers will immedi ately start a stock ranch, raising onlv blooded animals. Tho place consists of meadow land and alfalfa. There is tin abundance of water. Tho place is ideal for tho purposes for which it was purchased. Jackson county has loner needed tho introduction of blooded stock. Probably there is no better stock man in Southern Oregon than II. C. Bonney, and in his hands tho ven ture is certain to bo a success. Hors, cattle and horses will be raised. Mr. Bonney now has an im ported German conch horse and in tends to send at once to Germany for three mares. Hereford cattle aro all being brought from some of the best known stock ranches. Blooded Pol-and-Chinn hogs will nlso be raised. P. A. Bonney will reside on the ranch. Allen Accepts Franchise. John K. Alton was in the city yes terday mid filed his noeoptuueo of the street railway franchise which wns granted him tit the special elec tion on the 2'M iust. Having gone through with this for mality, it is taken for granted that such notion implies that something will soon ho done along active con struction lines, and that this much-talked-of improvement will in due time become an accomplished fact. -Ashland Tiding. July 28. therefore, feel that wo havo tho right to demail ttt tho laws tho state 1 10 ue raised, tho stock over which tho city has any Jurisdic tion bo enfirced. Wo further de mand that 'H drinking emporiums, near-beer Joints, saloons or othor places whero intoxicating liquors aro sold bo closed up. Wo further de mand that all pollco officers who lo not seem to ho ablo to cope with con ditions bo relieved from duty for' I Kh. and men put In tfcolr places vlio will giro tho sorvlco for which tho taxpayers of this city aro paying. "We, tho undersigned cltlzons of Klamath Falls, heartily Indorso the efforts of tho young men and wom en to Improve tho morals of our city and Join with them In demanding the DEAN'S BEAUTY PARLORS Ilnir Dressing a specialty; shampooing, scalp troatmout, facial and hand massage, man icuring, dyeing and bleaching. KENTNER DLDG. Phono Main 311. MEDFOKD. m II 1 v f The OnlrWoman'a Collect on tha I V A" rsclfle Coaal Kirlo.lYtly I AtTM for Youw; Women I mlWioiai Located amonf tot beeutSful I (8, j bill near Oakland, California, I B VT",M"' do" 1 San FtaneiKo and the I vj Yia ' Untvereitiee uf the Writ. I JH run courctaie court Retfina Bucks Will be Ripe Monday. Are You Ready? 1 "Whether you mutch your cunning against that of the wily old huek or sit on a scaffold and pour a charge of buckshot down on a two-pointer, wo can sup ply you with tho guns, ammunition and outfit. NATIONAL GOOD ROADS CONVENTION IN SESSION Canada, when the nuthorities here strIct enforcement of local option and -?;? tim f.v nod. e i... an omer laws. ........ .v.U ..w J...OI. ilUOU Ui IUU U(l- tain's suspicions. A series of com mnications followed until the Mon trose was 100 miles on her way. Tien the wireless fell silent, for the Vontrose carries only secondary ap paratus. Dow just managed to catch ike Laurentio before she sailed and the race to Canada was on. The wireless messages that were transmitted between tho Montrose and Scotland Yard were not made public in England. The first au thentic news London had of the presence of the suspects aboard the essel wns contained in United Press ables yesterday, which told Europe and America of tho approaching cap ture of the man by the London po- Kee. Following this news, search for Crippen and Mile. Leneve on the eontinent and in England ended. The police hero began again to bend ev ry effort toward identifying the smtilated body whoso fragments, excised of bones, were found in the eellar of No. 39 Hilldrop Crescent, North London, two weeks ago. Bello Elmore Crippen disappeared last February. The police of America and Europe have been seeking her and no trace has been found. Tho detectives hero have received minute descriptions of physical characteristics of the supposedly murdered woman, including certain ltirtnmarks, and they express hope mat theso will load to the identificn tion of the body. Meanwhile the arrival of the Mon trose at Father Point and word of the couple's arrest is awaited here anxiously. - Portland, Orrron X THMtientaDdDarSrhooltorairttandrrMZ r fto Sl,urof Kl.JolinltrU,ttKplxrll collegiate, .rniiemic una upmrnua IXrtx. Music. AM, lUoruUnn. flinmuluni. (lbxldMit puplle moat ho or It loan of. as anil nil rtwrnmrndeJ. Th number la limited to tSlJ. Application, ehoul J h maJo earl?.) Aildma Tk S'tefSarer'f,0Hite2i.SI.HalniHI.Pftlniil.0f. to Jegre. Entrance and graduation requirement equivalent to thoM ot atanlord and Umvereity of California. Traiaiof n't tuJent (or teaching regular line ot ac,J'mc work, and offer pecial Jvantafet (or muiic. art, library tudy and bom economic. Well equipped laocratories for I cienc. Special attention to health ol atuilent. Modern gymnaiiun thorouhly equipped. Out door life and amuteoenl in the ideal California cli mate. Alumnae in every city on the Pacific Coaet. fan tMTALoaut Aconiia t President LuclCa Clay Carson. Ll d. MILUS COLLCQC P. O , CALIFORNIA Humphrey's Gun Store 112 WEST MAIN STREET PHONE 4351 NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y., July 29. With delegates from all parts of the country attending, the national good roads convention opened its sessions here today. The convention was presided over by Congressman William Sulzer, who made a stirring speech after calling the delegates to order, urging especially tho need for big expenditures of money in 'the near future for the improvement of tho country's roads. The opening session of the con vention was devoted principalry to preliminary business. i Notice. All Modern Woodmen of America will please call at room 207, Taylor & Phipps building, and learn some- thine to your interest. By order of 114 COMMITTEE. St. Mark's Church. Sen-ices will be held nt St. Mark's Episcopal church Sunday morning. Hasklns for health. CLOSING OUT OXFORDS We are disposing of our Oxfords at very low prices. Tho sizes and styles to suit can bo found hero because we have a very largo stock from which to choose. If you want to savo on a fine pair of Oxfords for man or woman, call and examine our showings sad learn our prices. l. K II1 Hi IJ IWtLIIIU. Jineua . FORTY-TWO PROVINCES RAVAGED BY CHOLERA ST. PETERSBURG, July 29.-Forty-two provinces of Russia nro ravaged by Asiatio cholera, accord ing to official reports todny. A statement by the government com mission on health is to the effect that 10,051 deaths havo occurred in 37.052 cases since Inst Mnv. MUCH SMOKE AND EFFLUVIA; LITTLE FIRE Some hncou borne cured in the Warner, Wortumn & Qoro smoke house cnucht fire hursday evening and tho volumes of smoke pouring out led to tli belief that tlur was a real fire. A judicious application guished the flames and when the firo ing except homo black ntnoko and a smell of Hcorohcd hog. QOOPFRIENP HOTEL SAN MANCIiCO I. COOOWICND, Minipr rnmirrlv llntele S(infonl ntxl Hi. Ilervl. IWrll Htrrt, near tirniy, niitiilnliitf llMel Manx. Tkn tu I oxcll. Iilml lllMIN vieltiug tLo city nlouo. llnirl Jlanx Uii, or Market Mlrrvl tVr. tmii'fer Iilml Iumim ami location lor UUUej of n few pails of aqua pnra oxtin- bate, tt.oo rEE DAY ahd op dmeade4S4, ARMY ENGINEER PLANS RECLAMATION PROJECTS WASHINGTON, D. C, July 29. -Army engineers in charge of the work of apportioning tho $20,000, 00 recently voted by congress for the completion of pending federal reclamation projects, concluded their jsreliminary labors today and start ed for tho west. Thoy will visit the projects on tho Pacific coast, in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and tho Dakotns. Tho en gineers first will meet in Chicago and gather in Salt Lake City later to arrange for tho Pacific coast in spection tour. CHECK UP EARNINGS OF WESTERN RAILROADS WASHINGTON, D. O., July 29. Within n few days a corps of about 50 rato exports of tho interstate com merco commission will bo sent west to check up the Hill and Harrlman lines and ascertain tho earnings ot the roads on a business affected by the commltslon's tentative decisions In Spokane and affiliated cases, and In tho Pacific coast distributlvo rato Mses, both on tho basis of rates now m effect and roduced rates which tho ommtsslon suggests bo made opera tive this fall. Take a KODAK With You All sizes of Eastman's Ko daks in stock. Everything in supplies and paraphernalia. With a kodak everything be comes a pleasure and you can catch and hold the memory for a lifetime. Medford Book Store Iwish to announce that I havo purchased the Union Livery Stables and will conduct a general feed and boarding establishment. Horses boarded by the day, wook or month. I guarantee a square deal to all. I R. GDANYAW UNION LIVERY BARN. RIVERSIDE AVENUE. 4 DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. " l 4- - -f4 4 No sort of service la surer, quick w, cheaper or more widely adapta ble tboa want ad service. Men Wanted 100 men to cut wood; want ed at once; (jood wages; new camp. Apply Edgar Hafer, Medford, Or, For Sale-Land Near Centra' Point 05-acro ranch adjoining city, 52 acres in alfalfa, balance in penrs 1 and 2 years old; good house, largo barn, 2 wells; prico $20,000, half cush; a snup. 43-nero alfalfa ranch, 1 milo out, new 8-room house, largo barn, threo good wells; prico $21,500, half cash; will pay 8 por cent on investment. 20 acres alfalfa land, fine land, no buildings; price $7500, $2000 cash. 30 acres, 1 mile out, 0 acres in 2-year-old apples, balanco in pears 1 year old; now 5-rooin house and largo barn, good well and outbuildings; prico $12,000, hulf cash; a good buy. 31 acres, 1 mile out, 27 acres sot to apples and pears 1 year old; 7-room house, burn and outbuildings, 2 good wells; fine building site; price $15,000, half cash, 20 acres, 1 milo out, 10 acres in trees 1 year old; no buildings; good well; prico $7000, $2500 cash. 14 acres, 1 milo out, 10 acres-in trees, balance in alfalfa; prico $4200, $2500 cash. 0 acres, 1 mile out, set to trees, fine building site, good irrigation well; prico $2400, $1000 cash. 20 acres, half milo put, set to pears 1 and 2 years old; prico $10,000, half cash. 2 acres in town, small house, good woll, a fine garden tract; prico $1300. W. J. Harvey R. F. D. NO. I, CENTRAL POINT, OR. -i P. O. HANSEN TOM MOFFAT We make any kind and style of Windows. We carry Glass of any size on hand. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO., Medford, Oregon, ----- .; - ' if ! S Where are you going? This Direct Question is Addressed to All Farmers. who have sold their ranches, and also applies particularly to (Iioho who expect to sell this fall. Do you intend to encage in tho buxiuoHH of alfalfa growing, dairying, cattle, hog or chicken raising? Or do you prefer tho orchard Industry, where vou can plant any variety of fruit you can think of- Figs, Oranges, Lemons, Olives, Peaches, Apricots, Prunes, Pears, Cherries, Apples, Walnuts, Almonds, Grapes, etc., etc., whore Ber ries and nil kinds of Garden Truck and Corn grow to perfection, where two crops of Potatoes can ho harvested each year, if you will take the trouble to plant themf If You are Interested in These Matters. Read On! AT THE UPPER END OF THE GREAT SACRAMENTO VALLEY, CALIFORNIA, thero is a tract of tho finest laud in tho world, all of which is now prepared for irrigation, and carries with it title to it per petual water right. THE SOILS aro from 15 to 30 feet in depth, nro of a dark sodi mentnry loam nnturo, studded all ovor with giguntiu oaks, park-lino in effect, and drained by several rapid st renins that flow into tho Sacra mento river. THE WATER SUPPLY is from tho Los Molinos rivor, which rises nt Mt. Lnsscn, 10,400 foot high, and in perpetually clad with snow. THIS RIVER carries tho most wator during tho summer months, whon tho snow is melting, and nt tho mo whon the Water Is most needed. Remember this Statement AboutWater Supply Transportation now hy railroad, main lino Southern Pacific, station on our Innds; by river steamers, from three landing places, and next year the ELECTRIC LINE will be completed mid running through our lauds, Ited liluff to Chieo to Sacramento, now oporatiug hutwuou Chico and Sacramento, which puts you in touch with cash markets for all and any thing you wish to produce nnd at highest prices. WHY ARE CALIFORNIA FRUITS AND VEGETABLES SHIPPED TO PORTLAND, SEATTLE AND THE NORTH? HocaiiHo wo enjoy a ton months' growing season and nan ship early and late. You can plow nnd plant ovory mouth in tho year, tluiH doubl ing your profits. AND ALFALFATHIS IS ITS NATURAL HOME. Six cultingH por neiiHoii, producing 10 to 12 toiiH per aaro, which sells for nn average prico of iiinu dollars por ton in tho Htack. To a practical farmer tho above conditions menu success and iudo pendonco. In seeking a now location you owo it to yoursolf and to your family to investignto this proposition. These lands, including a porpotual wator right, soil at $150.00 por acre, ono-fifth down and lmlnnco in four equal annual payuiouts. I mnko sovoral trips each month to show those lauds. Como in and mako arrangements to join our noxt party. The o.x ponso is small, nnd wo will bo gone only a fow days. If, after invoati gation, you find that a single misrepresentation has boon uiiido, 1 will willingly refund your oxponses. FRANK. G. ANDREWS RESIDENT AOENT, NO. 6 SO. FIR ST., MEDFORD, OREGON. Los Molinos Land Co. Los Molinos Cal. A H- A M