8oeUUi: m "sa Medford Mail Tribune UNITKI) PRBSg AftSOOIATIOR Vail LeMcd Wire Keporu 'K TIIIC WICATIIICII. The only paper Jn thu wnrLI I published In a olt7 the lcn of Medford having u loaned wit.. Tonight mill tomorrow Fair it ml wit rm MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1910. No. 112. fifth year. torlcal V K OVERLORD NEUTRAL IN CAMPAIGN Roosevelt Denies That Ho Is Bncklnil Hiram Johnson In Gubernatorial Contest In California Takes No Part In Nominations of Candidates Anywhere. NBW YORK, July 29. Thoodoro ItooBovolt today declared l.o Is tnklnu no purl In t'tu gubernatorial contest hi California. Ho donlod that ho 1b '' backing Hlrnm Johnson , Insurgont candidate, against the othor nomlnoo. The stntomont was Issued In con nection with tho candidacy of Philip A. Blnnton and Hlrnm Johnson. Clifford Plnchot'a support of John non caused tho report to bo circulat ed that Koosovolt favored tho avow ed cnndldnto of the Ltncoln-Roosovolt league. B. D. Stanton, brother of Philip Stnnton, called on ItooBovolt today at his office at the Outlook. After a lone conference. Btnnton depnrtcd. Then Koosovolt gave out a statement to tho nowspapors. Refused Indorsement. "I told Stanton thnt I had refused to pnrtlclpnto In this matter or similar matters concerning nominations," tltooftovull said. "I wish to stnte In tho most omphatlo manner that I have not taken part one way or tho other In any similar contest. "I would like to add, too, that It uuKht to bo unnecessary for mo to repeat thU stntoment over and over again. If I participated In any con test over n nomination I would bo expected to tnko part In hundreds of similar contests." Pluchot went to California aftor a conference with Hoosovelt. Plnchot campaigned for nearly n week, spenk ing f'rnt In Ban Kranclsco, for Hlrnm Johnson nnd then touring tho Sec ond congrowilonnl district for Wil liam Kent, Insurant candldnto for the nomination nKnlnst Duncan Mc Klnlny. It wan declared thnt Plnchot hnd been sont to California to stump the state for Johnson. Plnchot n Volunteer. Roosovolt nt tho time mndo a statement thnt ho had taken no sldi'B In tho gubernatorial nomination. Closo frlondB denied thnt tho former ' president had Hont Plnchot to Cali fornia. Plnchot, It wnB said by tho friends of both, wont to tho western (Continued on I'ngo 8.) STRIKE ACTION IS POSTPONED Conservatives Win Out in All-Nlflht Labor Conference at Portland Employers Will Do Asked to Meet Workmen Half Way. PORTLAND, Or., July 20. It was nearly daylight today whon tho oxo cutlvo hoardH of tho Portland Build ing TrndoH imlonfl ended n lout; dis cussion on tho strlko situation, hav ing argued out whothor to call out every union man In Portland, Tho situation la ncuto, It Ih ad mitted thnt a gonornl strlko may bo cnllod. The Immodlnto cnuso of tho dis satisfaction la tho in minor In which n numbor of big business men Jolnod the Employers' association In an of fort to bent tho striking tonniRtors. Tli ore Is said to bo n schomo nniong certain hustnocii Interests to drlvo unloiiH from Portland. Moro than 11,000 union mon tiro employed In this city. It was finally docldod to postpone radical action until later, with tho vlow of nscortnlrlng whether the om ployors would moot tho unloiiB half way and eottlo tho dlfforoncos by arbitration, 10 OEPORI DR.CRIPPEN ON ARRIVAL Suspects to Bo Sent Back to Eng land by Dominion Government as "Undesirable Aliens," Thus Simpli fying. Extradltlon-Watch Kept to Prevent Suicide. ON IIOARD STBAMER MONT ROBB, via Wireless to tho United Press, Montreal Que., July 20. " 'Robinson nnd son' nro assuredly Dr. Hnwloy H. Crlppcn nnd Mile. Bthel Claire Leneve. Crlppcn at tempted to dligulsa himself by snnv Ing his mustnche; his companion tried to hide hor Identity In tho garb of a boy. Captain Kondnll." "I first suspected tho couple when the Montrose was two hours from Antwerp," continues tho cnplnln'B message "I wntched them and con cluded thnt tho man, registered as a merchant, was Crlppcn and thnt the 'son,' booked a studont, was the girl. I rend tho details of the case fully In Iondon and saw tho pictures of both printed In Loudon nnd In Ant werp. Thoro Ib no doubt of the Iden tity of tho pair. "Crlppon nnd Mile. Leneve do not know they are suspected and they nro allowed every liberty, A strict watch, however, Is being kept on them. Other passengers aboard do not know tho Identity of tho ccvple. "Crlppon roudo newspnpors, maga zines and novols coustnutly; appears very nervoun nnd does not sleep much The girl Is sometimes gay nnd some times appears worried. Sho watches Crlppon tearfully at times. There Is no doubt but that man Is really Crlp pon." FATHKK POINT, Que., July 20. The Cauudinii authorities have re solved today upon n pluu of notion fur Hie donortntion of Dr. II. II. Orippcn and Mile. Kthel Leneve, be hoved to be on the steamer Montrose, duo nt Montreal tomorrow. The hus- lieetn will bo sent hack to F.iiglnnd by the nonunion govt' rnment ns "un (Continuod on Page Kk'ht.l RAILROAD INCREASED LAND VALUE Witnesses for Plaintiff In Pacific &. I. J. Phlpps Et Al Hold Land an Acre, instead Tho coiidenination suit of tho Pa cific & Kntitoru Kailway company to secure n right of wny through tho I'liippH property, east of Hear creek, Iiiih occupied the attention of the oirouit court since Thursday morn ing. Thursday tho plaintiffs intro duced tho evidence of ten witnesses: Dr. J. l- Roddy, who testified from tho standpoint of n mini versed in ronl cntnto nnd rnilwny valuation; It. II. Whitehead, who knows prob ably ns much about hard cash valu ations ns any ono in Southern Ore gon; J. 1). Heard, J. K. Rarkdull, F. K. Merrick. II. O. Wortinnn, L. 0. Portor nnd William Anglo. Tho hit ter witneos was ono of tho host for tho plaintiff, as lu, had lived along PHYSICIANS ABANDON HOPE FOR GANS WHO IS DYING FROM TUBERCULOSIS I'RKSCOTT, Ariz., July 29. No clinngo In tho condition of Joo Gnus, formor lightweight champion, who lu Buffering from tuberculosis, was noted today, and tho physicians who nro attending him practically aban doned hopo of Having his llfo, Gnnfl' wlfo nnd sovoral of his most intimate frlondB hnvo not loft tho flghtor's bodsldo slnco yesterday, .. . -f 44- -f h-: DYNAMITE EXPLODES KILLING AND MAIMING MWANON, Or., July 20. .1. (latin wiih ItiHtnntly f killed iiml .linnet Johnson mid ClmrleH Hoiicke, u J'2-yeiir- 4 old hoy, were seriously injur- eil by flu premature explos- " ion of dyiinmite being Hcd i" deepen n well on Jolinson'rt fiinn lust night, uccordiiig to " iiiiirinntioii received hero to- day. f f WITH EXILES Scattered Conflicts Between Forces Slrivinn to Re-enter Spain and the Army Reported Today Pre tender Leading Forces. CERURBRB, Franco. Spanish Fron tier, July 20. Scnttorod conflicts bo tween tho forces of Spanish exiles planning to ro-cntcr Spain and tho Spanish troops nro reported today. No details arc obtalnablo hero except from censored dispatches from Mad rid, which aunounco tho usual gov ernment success. Don Jnlmo, the pretender to tho Spanish throne, Is loading tho move ments of tho exiles, and a serious clash Ih feared. Courier reports re ceived late this evening Indicate that tho exiles have camped on the battle field. MADRID, July 20. Thousands of Spnnlsh exiles gathered on the Frnn-co-Spanish frontier were provontcd from entering Spain today to tnko part In tho proposed demonstration at Darcelona against tho monarchy. Troops patrolling tho border turned bnck tho forces of tho exiles. No serious clashes were reported. This was tho official statement mr.do public hero this afternoon. No mention of conditions at Darcelonn, where a gcnoral Btrlko Is threatened, Is mado. When Is tho birthday of the man who Invented tho electric fan? Eastern Condemnation Suit Against Is Worth From $250 to $800 of $8000 Asked. Rear creek since before there was any town of Medford, nnd placed the valuation of the right of wny soinu whero on a menu between the two extremes. The witnesses estimated the value of the land sought nt from .$2o0 to $800 mi uurc. nnd were of thu opin ion that tho railroad increased tho value of tho property. W. W. Harmon and William Gong were examined as witnesses merely on technical points covering thu en gineering problems presented by tho building of thu road. Tho dofonso will probably conclude their uvideneo this afternoon uud tho ease will bo submitted to tho jury Saturday. Thoy fear tho end Is noar. Mru. Gnns nppoara to bo tho only ono of tho llttlo party who hnB not glvon up hopo. "Wo hnvon't stoppod hoping yot," sho declared brnvoly today, "al though tho chances soom against us. You never can toll what may happon. Joo Is fighting for his llfo nnd ho will got woll yot.M TROOPS FIGHT JOHN LIND WON'T TAKE NOMINATION Named for Governor of Minnesota liy Democrats. Declines the Honor Says He Is Out 0f Politics for Good Is En Route for Alaska on Pleasure Trip. 1 BVBRETT, Wash., -July 20. "I will not accept tho democratic nomin ation for rjovcrnor under any circum stances. I am out of politics for good nnd my friends know it. I lcavo Ev erett In a few days for Alaska on a pleasure trip and expect to return to Minnesota early In September." This was tho emphatic (statement mado to the United Press todr.y by John Llnd, nominated for governor lato yesterday afternoon by tho Min nesota state democratic, convention. "I wrote tho chairman of tho state contrnl commlttco four weeks ago that my decision to quit politics was final, and I fall to understand my nomination." "That's an impossible situation," Llnd replied. "What I hi-.ve already told you covers that," ho added rath er testily. "Will you! stay away from Minne sota until after election?" "I havo already said that I expect to be back In Minneapolis early in September," said Llnd. "My state ment cannot bo misunderstood." MINNEAPOLIS, IInjj.. July 29. Minnesota democrats are expecting to elect John Llnd governor of this Btato. LInd'B statement' today from Everett, Wash., that bo will not ac cept tho nomination has not changed tho situation here. Tho democrats aro for Llnd. They say thoy are go ing to voto for him whether ho ac cepts tho nomination or not, nnd they believe they will have a majority of tho votes, nnd tho situation, which Llnd says Is Impossible his elec tion against his will is very likely to come about. ROCKEFELLER IS SUED FOR HALF A MILLION F1XDLAY, O., July 20. George I'Jielps, an attorney and well-known Socialist, today filed suit against John D. Kockofcller for $350,000 damages, alleging that A. ,1. Steele, Terrenco McMauus and Thomas Kel loy, his clients, had been damaged by the oil combination. KING'S TROUBLE MULTIPLYING Introduction of Church Question Into Industrial Situation Compli cates Spanish Situation Alfonso Fighting for His Political Life. MADRID, July 29. Tho troubles of King Alfonso and his cabinet mul tiplied today with the Introduction of tho church question Into tho Indus trial situation throughout Spain. Promlor Cannjales waB In confer ence with his majesty during tho day and urged upon him tho cabinet's demand for drastic opposition to tho demands of the Vatican, which nro that tho ministry sholl withdraw ob jectionable church legislation. It Is no secret horo that tho king and hla ministers are fighting for tholr political lives, Tho Insurrec tionists throughout Spain aro grow ing In power and in opou denuncia tion of tho present reglmo. Tho vat lean unquestionably velloa upon an overthrown! or tho ministry to win its point. It Ubolloved that tho conforonco of tho king and Canalejns foreshadows a complete- disruption ot relations with tho vatlcan. I 4- -f HARMON TO ORDER TROOPS SENT HOME i 4- 4- f rOLUMHl'S, 0.. July 20. Governor Harmon nrrived here today nnd will order the Htntc troops out of Colum bus. Ho will iiiftif-f thnt Sher iff Snrtain copo with the Ktltiatioti. The governor in iimntcd that lie snw absolute ly no reason why state troops should he needed. 4 4 444 T State Railroad Commission of Ore gon Has Started Comprehensive Investigation Into Reasonableness of Tariffs on S. P. and 0. R. & N. SALEM, Or., July 23. Having de termined that thorel 9 ground for ac tion upon its own motion, the Oregon railroad commission has started a comprehensive investigation Inquir ing Into the reasonableness of all passenger r.-.tes on tho lino of tho Oregon Railroad & Navigation com pany. Tho matter has been set down for hearing at Salem Tuesday, Au gust 30. Tho Investigation will cm brace every passenger ta.'ff on the Oregon Railroad & Navigation sys tem, but will apply more especially to rates on some branch llnon. vhnm moro than three cents a mile Is charg-1 cd. An investigation of passenger tar-1 irrs on Southern Pacific lines. In Ore gon hns also been started by the com mission, but tho date for tho hear ing has not yet been fixed. Tho two Investigations will affect nearly every passenger tariff Jn the state. REAL NATURE BABY PRIDE OF ALAMEDA ALAMEDA. Cal., July 29. Tne wife of Attorney Charles C. Boynton Is today the mother of a real "na ture" baby. Sho is proud of tho fact and promises within six months to show neighbors and friends a young ster that will bo the living, kicking proof of hor theories regcrdlag sun shine, fresh nir and "tho open." PICK POCKET IS PASSENGER RATES NEX Weil-Known Commercial Traveler Is Robber of Timepiece, Which Is Af terwards Offered for a Drink Thief Disappears Three Suspects Arrested at Gold Hill, But Released. Three men were tnken off tho top of northbound No. 16 last night by MarsL.nl Hammersley of Gold Hill and held for a while on suspicion of boing tho men who relieved George Parker, a well known commercial travoler, of his watch last night. Tho first thnt anyono, oven tho traveling mnn himself, know that tho ticker had hewn "dipped' was when It wns offered for pawn at tho Oftlco saloon. Tho proprietor recognized I tho timepiece and before ho took a second thought, said: "Why, that's Parker's watch." Tho men, two of MOTHER AND DAUGHTER ARE KILIED AND TWO SONS INJURED IN AUTO ACCIDENT FltKSXO, Oil., July 21). Mrs. J. Kleiuaff nnd her daughter, Murv, aged 0, wore killed; hor mui, David, 11), fatally injured, and hor son, Jo seph, 12, noveiely hurt in an auto mobile accident near here today. The automobile wns struck by a passeuuer train at Kcedley, 20 mile Miuthoast of Fresno, The train cur ried Kleinsaffer, who expected i meet his family at Fresno. David Kleinsnffer was driving the mauhiuu when thu accident occurred. YTO E ILL HEALTH Still, Another Vacancy in Supreme Court, Caused by Resignation of Justice Special Act Enabling Him to Retire Was Passed at Last Ses sion of Congress. MAGNOLIA, Mass., July 20. Justice William H. Moody of the su preme court of tho United States to day announced his decision to retire from the bench. Justlco Moody Is convinced that his health makes it impossible for him to resume his du ties. A special act enabling him to retire was passed at the last session of con gress. KAISER'S AEROPLANES IN WAR MANEUVERS BERLIN, July 29. From Metz to Breslau the air today Is filled with the kaisers' aeroplanes and dirigibles in war maneuvers. For the last 36 hours tho air craft have been darting about, tho planes moving, birdlike, among the heavier dirigibles, carrying messages and or ders flashed by heliographs from the earth. Regular army divisions are assist ing In the manouvors and the ships have been manned by representatives of scores ot military divisions. The terminal aerodromes are light ed brilliantly at night. The maneu vers are pronounced very successful. ACCUSED OF SWINDLING WIDOW OF DR. BULL i sbiv Yuiui, Juiy -a. jonn a. Qualey, president, and W. H. Cor- bitt, treasurer of tho Magnesia & As bestos company of New York, were arrested on warrants from Rhode Is- I land. Tho prisoners aro charged with having defrauded Mrs. Mary Blaine, divorced wifo of James G. Blaine, Jr., and widow of Dr. Bull, tho cancer specialist, out of $35,000. Tho accused men wero arraigned today and aro fighting extradition. A WATCH AHEAD them, Immediately loft and havo not been seon since. Tho Information wns sent on ahead and tho train was thoroughly "frisk ed" at Gold Hill. Tho thrco men captured had money, but no watch. If thoy wero tho right peoplo, thoy had ovldontly thrown the Incriminat ing ovldonco away. Mr4 Parker never knew whon tho tlmopieco was taken off him, and Is incllued. to believe that tho bunch wero smooth ones, as it Ib tho first tlmo such ? thing has occurred to him In all his years of commercial traveling. Tho car was going rapidly over , railroad crossing, A freight had just piihsod, hiding from view an other train approaching from thu opposite direction, The little girl's body was hurled ninny yards. Mrs. Kleinsnffer at tempted to jump clear of the auto mobile as the pilot of the cngiuo Mniishud into tho mneliiue. She wiih caught in the splintering cur, lier sUu'tJ crushed nnd h?r buck uud both arms broken. Sho licd ten niiiiutea. NOD UP JURY EINDS RAWN DIED A SUICIDE Verdict is That Railroad President Killed Himself, But Whether Acci dentally or Not Is Not Determine! But Circumstances Make Suichlt Probable Theory. CHICAGO, July 29. Ira G. Rawa. president of tho Monon railroad, found shot to death In his heme at Winnctkn, died by his own hand. That is tho verdict returned today by the coroier'a Jhjjt. j "Wether de-.tlt was accidental or suicidal tho Jury Is unable to de termine," says verdict. "But the po sition of tho woun.l and the type of revolver found mako tho accidental theory tho less probable." Rawn was found in tf.o dining room of his home in tho fashionable North Shore suburb on tho night ot July 19. His family said he had beca shot by a burglar whom Rawn sur prised packing the silverware ready to leave tho house. Private deteo tivca employed advanced tho theory that tho ralircad president had btm. killed by an assassin. The Chlce detectives detailed on tho ctse de clared that ih ere was no evidence that a burslnr had been In the house. A negro chauffeur whom Rawn had discharged was arretted, but was freed a few hours later. Rawn's name was mentioned yes terday In connection with the IlllaoU Central car repair graft trial. Rawm was operating vice-president ot the Illinois Central at the time alleged graft occurred. The detectives point ed out this fact when thoy advanced the suicide theory In connection with the case. Tho sulcldo theories vrere based on the ground that Rarn fear er the result ot tho probe into the graft case. TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLAR DEAL IN REAL ESTATE C. W. Anderson of Seattlo has purchased 88 acres of G. M. Ander son, two miles northeast of Medford on the Eagle Point road, paying $20,000 and deeding certain Seuttle property over. A. L. Cusick of this city mado tho deal. Tho tract is a splendid huv. Oa it nro 30 acres of 5-year-old pears and 20 acres of 2-year-old trees. The remninder is to be planted this falL Tho merciful man hangs his ther mometer In tho shade. CROSS CONTINENT ROAD ASSURED Purchase of Pearson Syndicate by Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Said to Have Been to Further Plans for Ocean to Ocean Trunk Line. i NEW YORK. July 20. Financiers today declare that tho so-called Pear son syndicate, which has holdings la Rock Island, Missouri Pacific, Wa bash, Donvor & Rio Grnndo and Lo- ! high Valloy, wpb not forced to soil to tho banking firm ot Kuhn, Loob & Co. on account of financial pres sure, ns was rumorod. If tho Pearson holdings wore pur chased by Kuhn-Loob & Co. It Is said tho deal was consummated merely to further tho Byndlcato'B plan to con trol tho rnllroads neoded to bring about tho realization of a vast trans continental system which has long boon planned by tho syndicate. Though various opinions aro hold re garding yesterday's deal, It Ib report ed In Bomo qunrtors today that Kuhn, Loeb & Co. did not purchase their holdings directly from the Pearson syndicate, but bought thorn from someo thor sourco. . .t-