MIDDFOTID MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. JULfr 27, 1910. 5 A V I v social m mm Lou ii i lo Hiiy 101 Ituyo. 110 Mr, iiml Mrs. CIiiikI Miles return t!il TiiOHila.v ovoiiIiik from tlio Miles iiiucli, In tliu HIk Millie Hoi'tion, on' inir to "HhortyV iicoiiiimliitliii; a ho von; iittni'k of noiiritlniii. "Ah hooii iih I Kit rbl of tluit iimiiiilniA il'n iitu for tin) lull timber iikiiIii," bo (loisliiriiH, John II. Carklii, allot nuy-itt-luw, ovur Jiiokiion Countvl Hank. MIhm Myrtle Lour, who Kfadiiatud with IiIkIi honors at tlio Polytechnic muIiooI at Oakland, Cul u short tlinu wince, has ruttirnud homo. If you ro looking for u first-class 3'i Shutter wagon with wood tank call nt Woodii Luinhor Co. tf Sam Itouurn haw rottmioii to Kiloon after Hpontliiij? a few dayn with Mod ford friondH. The Morrlvold Shop Ih pIoiihimI t nnnoiinci) the arrival of now hulk Htationery. 110 II. II. Croft, who recently pnrch iihimI n ranch two inilew below KiikIo l'oint, wan in Medford Tuesday af ternoon exhibiting a Hix-ioiiiid sugar licol grown on his place, proving that the migitr beet indiiHlrv may Home lav become prominent in the valley. Watch for tlio liluo mark. fleorgo J. StenniH, of tlio firm of K. 0. Younir & Co. of Oakland, Or., is HiKUiriiiig a fow duys in Sfedford on business. Drop in at the Merrivold Shop for late luitgiiziiion, papers, books, etc., etc. 310 Watch for the blue mark. A. F. Ilapp, route agent of the Wells-Fnrgo Express company, is in Med ford on company matters. Watch for the bluo yurlr. Frank O. AudrnwH rcporlH condi tioiiH at Los MoliuoH, Cal., an very tilonsttig. Tlio river is now about at its highest, providing an abundance of water for irrigating. Watch for the blue mark. A. V. Daunt, gonorn! mnungnr of the WoHtorn Union, with headnuar tors in Now York City, panned through Med fori! Tuesday nml ex pressed himself nR greatly surprised at tho Hire of Arodftinl and the vol ume of business heiuir traiiRitcled hero. Watch for tho bluo mark. F.eo Ferguson of Portland, expert winlow trimmer and decorator, will have full ohnrgo In displaying tho liaker-IIutchnKou stock during' the .fuming nale. Watch for'tho blue mark. --- 4 l I TOU id iH 41 iiiH iiiiH H , "" -- IiiH ... -- H H , , LiHHHiMiiiiillkikiklilllliiskiilikiBklliiiiliii M H H H IiiH IiiH IiiH H liH H iiiH H IiiH IiiH H H iiiH H H H - H IiiiH ' ' iiiiH IiiH liH liH IiiH H H iiH H liH IiiH iiH iiiiH H iiiH IiiH IiiH H IiiH iiiH IiiH H IiH iiiH iiiH H LH H IiiH IiH H Kllflit experienced drygoodn huIoh men from I'orllnnd are busy getting Hid Mnlfei'-IliilchaHou slock ready for a big hiiIo. After AiigiiHt IhI, tlio Collage iTiir lier iihop will ho located In tho Wu iiioiiiI hotel building on Hlxth iitroot, County .Judge Nell and Commis sioner FatteiHou woro Mudford vis itors TiieHday. FiiNt-claHH toaiiiHterH familiar with town can procure poriuauent em ployment at Hig 1'inoH liiimber Co. If FiiHt-elaHH loumslorH familiar with town can procure permanent employ ment at Hie Fines Lumber Co. tf W. C. T. U. will meet Tliiii-Hiliiy nt II p. m. in thn Haptlut church to majco arrangements for Mrs. Shep herd, who will bo hero Monday, Au gust 1, Fvcry member Ih naked to be prcHout. Mrn, Shopherd of Salt Lake, Utah, will Hpeak August 1 in tho tabor uaclo. She in a tciuporaiiue speaker of wide experience. Leo Ferguson, C. A. Miller, Q. A. O. Miller, W. S. I'arkor, S. I. (luiss, W. I). I'lutlny and S. L. Coibitt, all of l'ortlaud, are recent arrivalH in Medford, Walter Fruiter Hrown of Chicago, who Iiuh recently bought a tract in the Hurrell orchards, ban taken a leaHo of a hoiiHo at (IIU South Cen tral avenue until ho can erect u'ih own home on Ii'ih newly acipiirod property. He will meet bin family in Portland in a cotiplo of weoka and aecompany them to Medford. Loo JacoltH and F. E. Martin aro Hpendimr tho week at Astoria, at tending tho Htato loilgo of tho Hod Men, of which order Leo is a big chief. Mrn. T. O. Koiuiioh, a pioneer of JackHou county, who has been ro Hidlnir in Berkeley for Home lime pant, is now spending a few weoks at Colestiu with her daughter. Many friendH from thiH city are calling on her. Among those to go up recently wan Mrn. Wilbur .Joiioh of Jackson ville. Mr. L. L. Jacobs litis returned from a visit in I'ortlaiul. where hIio went as a delegate to the Degree of Honor. Captain Kggloston of Ashland spent Wednesday in Medford. He expects to attend the funeral of Judge Hnuiia this afternoon and states that a large delegation of Ashland residents aro coming down for that punxse. Miss Kthel Crossmau of Ashland is Hpending a fow days with friendH in this city. Wilsoiv, C. Hrown of Taeoma ar rived Wednesday morning from Cra ter Lake. Mrs. Hrown and two BUICKS All Models, Including the New No. 19 in Stock There May be Cars Just as Good. But they Cost $1000 More. MEDFORD BUICK VELLE, Manager - daughters accompanied him, They are driving a huge Maxwell. Henry W. ToIIhoii of Grunts I'uhk is iniliug friendH in Medford, W. I). Johnson, who bus been a ! conductor on tho Pacific & Kustern during the past year, has resumed his duties In n local barber shop, W. L. King of Klamath Falls is visiting friends in Medford. (Joorgo F. Donne of Talent is vis iting friends in Medford. The paving of South Riverside Iiiih been completed and the com pany is now laying the top on South Holly Htroot. Miss May Buchanan of thin city is Hpending a fow weekn at Crntor Lake. Manager Noff of the Crater Lake Transportntion company says thnt the next car to leavo for the lako will do ho on next Saturday. The condemnation suit brought by tho Pacific & Eastern railway com pany against I. J. I'hlpp.s will bo re sumed in tho circuit court on Thurs day morning. (.'. C. Bcokman, tho pionoor bnnkor of Jacksonville, notified the Mail Tribune today that his illness is not of a serious nature and that bo has Ho far recovered that ho is able to attend to bis businoHH in tho bank. Ho states that bis friends groallv exaggerated tho scriouflnoBS of a slight indisposition. .Mrs. Porter J. Noff hns returned from an outing in Ashland canyon. Mrs. Hubert W. Teller, assistant city recorder, has returned from an outing at Butte Falls. Mr. mid Mrs. Claud Miles have re turned from an outing at Butte Falls. SOUTHERN STATES LINE UP FOR NEW ORLEANS FAIR WASHINGTON. I). C, July 27. Iteports in Wnshingtotu indicate that at least three southern states out sidu of Louisiana uro preparing to swing tho Panama Pacific exposi tion in 1012 for Now Orlcnns. With this end in view, it is said Toxns, Mississippi and Alabama may get legislative appropriations which will assist New Orlcnns in raising tho .j7,ri00,000 necessary to cinch the exposition, IOWA DEMOCRATS IN STATE CONVENTION OTTUMWA, In., July 27. The Democratic state convention meets today to adopt a platform and choose a now stnto committee. The nominations woro made nt the Juno primaries. Tho platform, it is pre dieted, will denounce the Taft ad- ministration. BUILDING STRIKE CHICAGO Trades Council Orders Walkout of Workmen on Bulldlnus in Which Otis Elevator Company Is Install Inn Elevators. CHICAGO, 111., July 27. The Building Trados council today order ed a genoral striko of nil workmen employed in tho construction of buildings in which tho Otis Elevator company is installing elevators. Fully J 8,000 men will be affected and practically every large building in courso of construction in this city will como under the striko order. Tho striko follows failure on tho part of tho nationnl officers of the American Federation of Labor to effect a compromise. Tho strike order is tho result of disagreement between tho eloyntor constructors and tho machinists' union on mat ters of jurisdiction. The Otis Ele vator company backed the machin ists and the Building Trades coun cil tho elevator constructors. LEAVES BILLS UNPAID. (Continued from Pngc 1.) ot ago, smooth sliavon, and usually woro a khaki outing suit with leg gings. His wlfo has secured employ ment with a local firm, though dally expecting his return. Ho loft for Portland two weeks ago, leaving a stenographer in chargo of tho office, and stating that ho would return In a fow days. Ho bought a railroad ticket with a check on tho Security Trust and Sav ings bank of Portland, which has been roturned marked "no funds." Ho nover paid any ront, nor did ho pay for office furniture and fixtures. Medford, Oregen: This certifies that wo havo sold Unit's Toxas Won der for tho cure of all kidney, blad der and rhcumatio troubles for ten years, and havo nover had a com plaint.' It gives quick und permanent relief. Sixty days' treatment in onch bottlo. Mwdford Pharmacy. tf - 1 Make your store important .to ' renders of this p5vper and you'll nrouner. Fail in tho ono. fail in the Fill All Requirements for Automobiling in the Rogue River Valley a SECRATARY WILSON AT OLYMPIC FOREST 8I2ATTLR, Wash., July 27. James Wilson, secretary of agriculture, and his son Jasper, who acts no his fath er's private nec-ctary, are In Scattlo today. They will probably leavo to morrow for Port Angolo3 for a trip through tho Olympic forest reserve Wilson refused to talk further than to offer a roportcr a fow stereotyped pleasantries. "This west Is God's country, and as soon as I am through with my work In Washington," said his son. "I'm coming out here to live and got busy. Just 20 acres Is all I want; ten will kcop two men busy, and Pm going to raiso fruit." Tho WilsonB will go south through Oregon and California after vlBltlng tho Olympics. IDENTIFY REMAINS FOUND IN GUNNY SACK NEWPORT, Or., July 27. It is believed today that the body of n woman found backed to bits in a gunnysnek on tho beach here yester day may possibly be that of Miss So phia Noise of Blodgctt, Or., who has been missing for some time. Until today it was believed that the young woman committed suicide on nccount of n note left at the Bay View hotel, in which it was stated that she intended to throw herself into Ynquina bay. Coroner Carter said today thnt he believed thnt the note wns u forgery and thnt the crushed and broken bones are the mute evidences of a terrible crime. An exnminntion of the skull today showed two frnctures. A sister of Miss Noise has been notified and she is expected to reach here tonight. Sheriff Ross and his deputies nro not sure that the body is thnt of the missing woman and is continuing an investigation 'on lines independent of those of Coroner Carter. Notice. All Modem Woodmen of America will please call at room 207, Taylor & Phipps building, nnd learn something- to your interest. By order of COMmTTEE. Garage on Riverside Near Main HOMESTEADERS BESEIGE CANON Office Crowded With Provers and Witnesses Sisters Making Com mutation Proof on Places Near Derby. Lnnd Commissioner Canon is again besieged by homesteaders making commutation proof on their homesteads. His offico is crowded today with homesteaders and their witnesses. Miss Christina Thordnrscn and her sister, Miss Lillian Thordnrscn, each of whom have homesteads near Derby, are making proof todny and will bo followed by Albort L. Cusick and O. V. Meyers, onch of whom have timber claims. END OF TRIAL OF CHICO'S HUGGING CASE CHICO, Cal., July 27. The sum ming up in the trial of Dr. C. C. Vanllow, principal of the state nor mal hero, charged with misconduct, began today, when the investigating board convened. Attorneys for Van Hew spent tho entire morning In an exhaustive resume of tho evidence they have produced to show that their client Is of irreproachablo character and that the charges have no foun dation. Attorney Seymour began the clos ing argument of tho defence. He as serted that the majority of witnesses for Vanllew were disinterested and the greater number of witnesses against the defendant bad ulterior motives for testifying as they did. HEINZE'S BROTHER IS UNDER ARREST NEW YOFK. July 27. Arthur P. Helnze, brother of F. Augustus Helnze, the copper magnate, was ar rested today when he appeared In tho federal court In connection with a motion for a stay of execution of a ten days' sentence Imposed on him by Judge Hough. The court also had sentenced Helnze for Interfering with the administration of Justice. Judge Hand released Helnze on $2500 bail until five days atter tho, federal court shall convene In Octo ber. CO. GOLDEN STATE PEOPLE TO BE ENTERTAINED This afternoon n Bpocial train loaded with Oolden Stnto oxcursum ists will nrrivo in Medford and will bo met by representatives of tho Medford Commorclal club. If i planned to show thorn as much of tho valley and city as possible dur ing their short stay in tho valloy. Advertised Letter List. Tho following letters remain un called for at tho Medford postotflca July 20, 1010. A chargoof one cont will be made upon tho delivery of any advertised letter. John It. Brown, M. B. Burnoy, Mrs. Irlno Butler, Edward A. Cnr borry, Mato Clemens, Harry Egbert, Loon Fisher, Carl Freorks, H, P. Frohback, Frank and McKnlght Evans, J. P. G-alllgher (2), C. F. Hanson, Geo. L. Ford, W. M. Meyer, H. Mcintosh, Carroll Mocker,, Ffanlc Moore, H. Morris, Mr. McDonough, O. C. Neal, James S. Nelson, Eugene Powers, N. Rogorway, Mike 8exton, Walter Splorling, Eabort Smith, J. E. Thompson, G. W. Toombs, J. T. Wil son, Lulu Wltsel, Mrs. G. A. Wlllson, J. Wians, Mrs. Al Toung. TAFT SPENDS DAY VISITING RELATIVES BIDDEFORD, Mo., July 27. Pres ident Taft spent the day here .qui etly visiting Professor Moore, hus band of Mrs. Taft's sister. In'' tho afternoon tho president addressed he villagers at the golf links. The May flower, with tho president and his party, is duo to start for Beverly to morrow. BULL RAID MADE ON COTTON MARKET NEW YORK, uly 2T. A bull raid on the cotton exchange caused the price ot cotton to soar 73 points to 16.10. A drouth in Texas, said to have ruined tho crop, is give, pk as the cause for the great advance. With your knowledge ot what things should cost, you'll often, find fomethlng advertised under the "For Sale" classification that will make you wonder "what's wrong with It?" And usually all that's wrong with It Is that the owner has ceased lo need 'it.