MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOON, WEDNESDAY. JULY 27, 3910. A INTEREST RATES STEADILY RAISING Cities Pay More on Improvement nntl Municipal Bonds Than Ever Before Hlnhcst Bates Aro Paid In Western Cities. WA811IN0T0N, I). C, .Inly 27. Thu rutoH ol' iuturoHt citiuH uro pay ing on (hulr oututuiuliiiK dulil ol)llu tluiiH uro Htundily riHinj, il u pointed out in tliu ciuiHUH biireuu'8 annual re port for 11)08 on thu HtuttHtluu ol' tliu .IHH diticH in thu United Stilton, which had each an cHtiiniiloil population ol' 30.000 and mora in-1008. Thu report ptatuH that thu rata for all tliu uitiuH ooinhinud wan Il.Hfi pur cent in MOO, 3.81) pur cunt in 1U07, mid U.UU por cunt in 11)08. For ell Sim of 1100,000 population and over thu rato for 11)0(1 was lM por cunt, for 11)07 it wiih :.7fi pur cunt, and for 11)08 it wan 3.70 pur cunt. Tlio hmhuHt average rtoH f ntor eHt for citiuH of difforunt h'izch wore: 300,000 population and over, Ban FranciKuo, 4.0 pur cont; 100,000 to 300,000, Denver, fi.G por cunt; .10,000 to 100,000, Tacoma, fi.II por cent; 30,000 to 00,000, ltimiitiKliuiii, 0.0 lur cunt. Thu corresponding lowest rntoH wern: 300,000 population and over, Wiiwhtiigton. 1). C, 3.2 pur cunt; 100, 000 to 300,000. Providence, RocIich tur and Hartford, 3.(1 pur cunt; 00,000 to 100,000, Springfield, Miihh., Ilnr riHbtirg and Holyoku, 3.8 por cunt, and 30,000 to 00,000, Klniirn, 3.0 pur cunt. Tlio preceding raloH nro paid by thu cities on tliu facu vnluu of thuir oiit Btutidiiig dolit obligations, and do not in any accurato maunor incnHtiru tlio actual ratun of iutoroHt that citiuH havu to pay on their Ioiiiih at thu parent titnu. A nuw fuaturu of tlio report ih a talilo showing tlio not or aotunl rales of intcruHt that citicn had to pay for tlio iihu of nioiioy ou their funded deht or long-term IioihIh iHHiied during thu fwenl yuar 11)08. TIipho ratuH havu been computed from bond ta bles in a method familiar to all bank rH, coiiHiduration being takun of thu pruiniiiuiH or diHCoiintH received or paid by thu citiott and of thu length of timo that thu boiidH havu to run. During thu .year 127 of thu 108 citioH of ovur 30,000 population Hold to tlio public $187,083,'28(1 IioikIh, on which thoy recuivud $0,3120,001 in prolin uria and paid $-181,-IOO in diKcouutrt. Only 11 citiuH nru ruportud na hav inL' Hold IioihIh itt a discount, most of (bono boing in thu fioiilhorn Hlnten. Thu nut rates, an determined fnim thu bond tabloH, diffur materially for many cities from thu average niton boruu by thu total amount of funded debt outstanding at thu clone of thu .year for Hiomo cities. Thus thu av erage rato borno by thu outstanding bonds of Scuttle is -1.0 pur coat, but during thu yuar 11)08 that city sold to thu public $1,000,000 bonds to run for 20 years at a not rato of 3.87 pur cunt. Thu average ratu borno by tlio outstanding IioihIh of tlio city of Nuw York iu 3.0 per cent, hut during the year Nuw York City sold to thu pub lic (10,000,000 bonds on which it will pay until maturity u nut ratu of 4.11) por cunt. FIRE ENGINE COLLIDES WITH BURNJMG COTTAGE LONG IIKACH, Oil. July 27. JIociiubo a score, of husky young Japanese, trotting down Atluntio nvmuiu with J. O. Hashimoto's blaz ing homo on thuir shoulders, woro so careless as to got in the wuy of n firo engine, all that is left of tlio two room cottago is Bcyittrod about tlio street today, while several of thu Japunoso aro recovering from burns and bruises in local hospitals. ' When tlio firo was discovered neighbors lifted thu house from its foundation and carried it into tho street to prevent tho flames spread ing. Tho firo engine, hurrying around a corner, met the fire a block from where it was supposed to he, and scattered it in all directions without tho formality of hitching to n hydrant. IRON MOUNTAIN FIRE DESTROYING ALL TIMBER MISSOULA, Mont., July 27. Hu yond control, tho big forust fire at Iron Mountain is converting the tim ber of tho district into ashes. It threatens to bo one of the most dam aging of tho pinny fires which have cast their blight on Montana forests this Miinuior, According to roports early today from liibby the situation there is still critical. Another firo which has devastated n large aroa of timber in this dis trict is burning in tho foothills of the Hitter Hoot mountains, Haalclna for health. VOLCANO WIPES OUT VILLAGES Ahscnco of Reports From Usa, In Japan, Leads to Convulsion Much More Than First Reported. Mount Bcllof Severe TOKIO, July 27. AbBunco of re ports' from tlio prefecture of Hok kaido concerning thu prolonged uartluiuaku nliocks ami violent erup tion of Mount Uhii, accompanied by an upheaval of Uhii bay and tho flight of tboiinandH of natlvon from tho vi cinity of thu mountain In panic, loads today to tlio fear horo that tho con vulsion may provo more sovoro than was at flmt reported. Thu nbaonco of further dotalls re garding oondltlonn In nouthorn Yozo following tho eruption cnuneu appro hoiinlon that thu authorities of Hak odate and other cities In tho Houth urn part of tho iHland aro unable to cope with tho situation mid rollove the homoloHH and starving refugees. Thu first advices received from Yozo Indicated that tho villages on tho mountainsides woro destroyed; that tho volcano crumbled under tho mighty pressure exerted by forces within Its cavernous depths, and that tho floor of tho bay of Uou roso sud denly, driving tlio waters of tho bay Inland and carrying vchhuIb to des truction. It In bollovod that tho ships referred to woro fishing craft and It Is hoped that tho crows escaped death. Tho naval admiralty Is awaiting word by wireless from tho warships which have boon sent northward and which uro due off Yezo tonight. Word was rocolved that a supply ship loaded with food and medical sup plies left Awonorl this afternoon. The ship should arrive at llakodato tonight. Tho last roport recolvod from tho Northern Island was that 9000 refu gees from tho mountain district aro homeless and thnt many aru Injured mid starving. No deaths aro roportcd. No sort of sorvlco hi surer, quick er, choapor or more widely adapta ble than want ad Borvlco. MANY BOATS WRECKED STORM ON LAKE COMO MILAN, Italy, July 27. Scores of fishing boats and n, number of large craft wore wrocked recently on Lake Como in a storm. It is feared that many ivcrsons have been drown ed. Telegraph wires were blown down by the gale and details cniiuot ho obtained. Reports hnve been received' here today of terrific storms in Ilungnry. Thirty persons are reported killed in Budapest. HANGED HIMSELF TO ESCAPE TONG WAR PORTLAND. Or., July 27. Fear ful est members of n rival tong mur der him in thu darkness and murmur ing hints of a war with highbinder., Lee Wing Nam, a wealthy Chinaman and member of tho prosperous On Lee company of Second and Oak streets, hanged himself until dead in nu old church which had been converted in to a livory ham at 100 North Twelfth street. Hotel Arrivals. At the Nash II. D. Norton, Grants Pass; O. A. Qrenlos, Portland; II. W. Darker and wlfo, Chicago; Mrs. A. L. DLonox, Caldwoll; O. C. Strom and wlfo, Sun Francisco; Balz and wlfo, Eaglo Point; R. C. F. Astbury, Gold IIUl; L. F. Kennedy, Eaglo Point; I. Cohu, San Francisco; P. P. Page, Portland; Lulu Dyrno and mother, Grand Porks; C. It. Foster, Soattla; Alox McLoan, II, Holvors and wife, Chicago; E. M. Dowers and wlfo, Ilouoburg; W. S. Parker, G. O. Mlllor, W. D. Palsay, C. A. Miller, W. T. Williamson, Portland; E. A. McDonald, P. L. Hauer, Transfor; J. It. Ilarvoy, A. J. Houck and wife, E. P. Saylor, Eugene; George C. Car pontor nnd wlfo, Chicago; R. M. Whitman, Talent; N. W. Scliarf, Port land; E, J, Gozzott, San Francisco; II. L. Llvoly, Soattlo; T. W. Lino, Portland; N, D. Jouklnsou, C. II, Rlrdsoyo, Goshen; George It. Dtrds oyo and friend, Portland; W. K, Lil ly, Portland; Oswald Woat, Snlom; Earl Shoppard, A. R. Shoppard, Fres no; George Look, Soattlo, Tho Mooro-'-ll, I. Long, J. J. Tracy, F. H. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1 Hughes, Portland; W. 1 Smith, F. W. Kuiil, Grunts Pass; W, II, Ad ams, San Francisco; J, I), Cook, Throe Pines; Mrs. I. II. Clark, Mrs. Harriot Davis, Milwaukee; O, K. Howlaud, Thrco Pines; , Kstil, Chi niigo; F. Aguew, San Francisco; fluy Francis, San Francisco ; O. II, Cash, Ilnsehuixi Mrs, A, II. Donne,, Chey enne; Miss Lou Applolmkor and sis tor, city; II. L. Littsworth, Wood; II, Q. Wright, J. II. Ciuiohmi, Portland. KOREAN REVOLT AGAINST JAPAN Annexation Will Probably Be Accom panied by Great Uprising Seri ous trouble to Follow Loss of Identity by Hermit Klnrjdom. TOICIO, July 27. Thu annexation of Korea by Japan, which will prob ably bo accompanied by a great up rising of tho Koreans, according to predictions made horo, Is oxp&r.tod by tho middle of August. This Infor mation was obtalnod by tho United Press today from a most authorlta tho source Jnpanoso officials have been quietly proparlng for tho amal gamation of Korea as a prt of tho Japnncso omplro and, although thoy will not iIIbcuss tho Intondnd move, high officii Is admit prlvatoly that serious troublo wilt follow tho loss of Identity by ibo Hermit Kingdom. Accordlpc to dispatches from Ha waii, 300 Koreans, momlcro of tho Antl-Jnpaucso league, lnvo loft thoro for Korea to head a revolt. It Is re ported that tcorer. of Koroano In tho United Statu, nnd Mexico also aro planning to ro-ontor Korea, and havo mado arrangements to purchaso arms and supplier, and ship thorn to tho Korean coasts to aid tho robols. Koreans aro secretly arming to pre vent annexation, It Is roportcd, nnd 1 Is admitted that annexation ct-nnot be accomplished without blcodBhcd. ELEVEN KILLED BY POWDER EXPLOSION QUKISKC, Canada, July 27. As the result of a powder explosion 11 men are dend today at La Tuque find half n dozen others are thank ful that they escaped with their lives. Fine Printing Wo mako n specialty of fine printing, carry the necessary itock to cnnblo us to fill i orders promptly, and guaran tee satisfaction. Best equipped job office in Oregon south of Portland; Host expert printers. Boforo sending your ordors out of town, call and figuro with us if wo can sorvc you for tho same price as nu out-of-town concern you will wish to pntronize homo industry. Medford PrintingCo. Excursion Ratesto the East DURING 1910 Southern Pacitic (LINES IN OREGON) TO RATES Chicago $72.50 Council Bluffs . $60.00 Omaha . $60.00 Kansas City $60.00 St. Joseph .-. ...w.......... .. $60.00 ' St. Paul $60.00 St. Paul via Council Bluffs $63.90 Minneapolis direct $60.00 Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs $63.90 Duluth, direct $66.90 Duluth, via Council Bluffs $67.50 St. Louis $67.50 Tickets will bo on sale May 2d and 9th; Juno 2d, 17th and 24th; July 5th and 22d; August 3d; September 8th. Tho above rates apply from Portland only. Prom point3 south of Portland, add ONE WAY local rate to Port land, to mako through rate via Portland. Ono way through California, add $15.00 to above rates. Except that fares to St. Paul and Minneapolis one way via Cal ifornia will be $2175 higher, and fare to Duluth $24.75 higher than fares via direct routes. Ten days provided for tho going trip. Stop-overs within limits in either direc tion. Final return limit three months from date of sale, but not later thnn Oc tober 31st. Inquire of any S. P. Agent for complete information, or WM, McMURRAY General Passonger Agent, Portland, Oregon GOOD CHANCE FOR GIRLS TO WED IN ALASKA HBATTLK, Wash., July 27. -A hitler has boon received hern from n feminine correspondent at Nolan creek, in tho Yukon gold fields, in which she relnlcB some of the nowB of tho mining camp in thm fashion. "All the single women, nino iu number, got married Just year. This is a good place for others who want to try their luck. Lots of nico fol lows uro here who need looking af ter by good wives." The correspondent goes on to state that only single girls who nrc even tempered, good cooks and physically nblo to "miinh" through the snow in search of their own firewood need npply at Nolan. She concluded her letter by de claring that "n girl has not much chance to escnpo matrimony in No Inn." ADVKItTISKMKNT FOR FKHICRAL nUILDlNO SITES. Treasury Department, Office of the Secretary, Wachlngton, D. C, Juno 20, 1910. Proposals aro hereby solicited to bo opened In tho office of the super vising' architect, treasury department, Washington, D. C, at 10 o'clock a. in. on August 2, 1010, for tho sale or donation to the United 8tatcs of cornor lot, approximately 140x140 foot, centrally and conveniently locat ed and sultablo for a federal building slto at Medford, Oregon. Upon application to tho post castor, will supply prospective bidders with a circular giving particulars as to requirements and Instructions for preparation of bids and data to ac company same. FRANKLIN MACVEAGH, Sec. XJorUnd. Orrcca js IlralA-titindDirUrhool f or Oltl. trader J T bUUnof bt.JohnllcU.ttKt.l.copiri CblirffUtr. Acwulemle ana EJrmrnlarr I-tt. Mul Art, Klocnllnn. GjmtMrturo. tUolilrat iaplUiuiutl'afrrllifnot mviuxI woll recotnmtndfel. Th Bomber l limit.! to flttr. Application hoold t nlrrlr. Aiittm mSlit.rS.E.firf.Ollif 23. StHtlwi Hiil.PertUid.0r. Granite City Hospital Most modornly equipped hospi tal botween Portland nnd Sac ramento. Shows each doctor .ho same courtesy and gives all patients the snmo care. In charge of Ostrom & Nelson, graduate nurses. OSTROM & NELSON, Props of Granite City Hospital, t Ashland, Oregon. FROM ALL POINTS ON THE f DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVEO TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. -- 4 GET YOUR WINTER WOOD While it is chenp. Phono 1341. E. R. TEDRICK, Corner 11th and Lnurcl streets. Yard nt 417 South Onkdnlc Avenue. A.L. VROMAN PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR No job too small, none too large. Twenty-five years' practical experience. Office 113 South Front Street. Phone 2751. Robert F Maguire Late special agent U. S. General Land Office, announces that he has opened law offices in the Medford National Bank Building, for gen eral practice before state and federal courts and the Department of t xn e .interior. Packers Wanted! To register with the association for this season's pack. Packing schools for pears and apples in Au gust and September. Pack changed on apples. Everybody must learn it. R. R. FRUIT & PRODUCE ASS'N. - f AUTOMOBILES (O. W. Murphy. O. Jf. Murphy. MURPHY BROS. AUTO LIVERY. 1010 Chalmers Delroits. Phone 1801, Vnlloy Anto Compnny, Medford, Or. Quick Service. Easy Riding. Prices Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PnONE MAIN 3141. Agency for tho Parry Cars. Rogue Rivor Anto Co., Frank H. Dull, Prop., Medford, Or. Crater Lake Route 1910 LOCOMOBILES The cars of the Crater Lake Company will leave Hotel Nash on Mondays, Wednesdays and Iftridays at 8 a. m. Round Trip $25.00 Children under 12 years, half fare. Secure your tickets at the hotel. CRATER LAKE TRANSPORTATION CO. J. C. NEFF, Manager. Medford Address: Nash Hotel. Che finest Sample Rooms in the city. Hotel Moore Fire Proof Rau-Mohr Company Proprietors. European Plan Big machinery is now excavating the ground, northwest corner Main and Ivy streets, for the new HOTEL MEDFORD "Watch the dirt fly and hurrah for Medford. A COOL CUSTOMER will buy more goods than a warm one will in hot weather. A cool customer will buy with less palaver. He or she will be better natured, less cranky and easier to sell to; and you know it. Moreover, you yourself, and your employes, will be in a better selling mood if your store is cool and pleasant than if it is sticky and suffocating and savors of a boiler room in its stiflingness. The Electric Fan is a blessing and a cheer which you can ill afford to ignore. Life in the dog days is a question of degrees. Make your place of business habitable and inviting to the people, and the trend of trade will be in your direction. It stands to reason it's logical it's apparent. Why not invest a little mony in trade-winning cool ness? Electrie Fans will create a tempting and delightful breeze, and in every breeze there'll be dollars for you. May our representative call and take it up with you? Don't wait until it's 90 in the shade. Phono us today. Rogue River Electric Comp'y P. S. How about that Electric Sign you've been think ins about? NOTICE. Notlcol b horoby glvon that tho un dersigned will npply at tho next rog lar mooting ot tho city council to b hold August 2, 1010, for a license t sell malt, vinous and aplrltous liquor In quantities less than ono gallon s hln place ot business In lot 20, bloc 11, in tho city of Medford. W. M. KENNEDY. Dated July 20. 1910. Hasklns for health. - -Mft t DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. 1910 Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath