Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 26, 1910, Image 8

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    I ii By All Means - ? .- - - $ $' , I I
H " " .i i
1 ' t.. v "' " V ' :: I
I Take a Trip to the Woods 1 r I
' ;;
(Con tinned from Pace 1.)
under him as officers of the court
1 graced by his judicial bearing. ,
I In token of the confidence reposed
j ill una uiiu in umucuiuuuu ui uia
, JonJr and faithful s!vice to his state,
I; tlie judc a bcnutuully engraved
1 gold watch, the presentation speech
l 1ubic s?n1iAivkf3 Kvf 4t TTn Willi nm
j. Colviff, speakinc; for and in be
half of all of the lawyers of Jack
son and Josephine counties.
In a short address, filled with
I -amotion, and deeply revealing the true
manliness of the speaker, Judge
Hanna thanked his court officers and
attorneys for their services to him,
and accepted the gift, which will al
ways remain as a true treasure to
him and an heirloom to his family.
Judge H. K. Hnnna was elected
as district attorney for the first ju
dicial district of the state of Oregon,
comprising the counties of Jackson,
Josephine, Lake and Klamath, on
June 6, 1870, and served as such of
ficer from July 1, 1870, until June
), 1872; he was again elected to the
same office on Juno 1, 1874; re
elected on June 5, 187G, and served
intil the 1st day of July, 1878.
Upon October 26. 1878. he was.
by the governor of this state, ap-
Dinted as circuit judge of .the dis-
rict, and on November 4, 1878, took
the oath of office before Silas J.
)ay, then county judge of Jackson
bounty, Oregon. On June 7, 1880, he
vas elected to succeed himself, and
srved as circuit judge under this
ippointment and election from No
vember 4, 1878, until the date of his
oluntary retirement by resignation
m December 31, 1883.
At the general elections held on
une 6, 1892, June 0, 1898, and Juno
, 1904, he wag each time re-elected
s circuit judge of the first district,
lie distnet at the time of each elec-
ion comprising the said four coun
ies. He served continually as such
fficer from July 4, 1892, until and
minding the 31st day of January,
IttlO, on which, lust-named date his
ra of office terminated with his
?luutury retirement.
In thu resolutions prepared at that
Imo is found the follewing:
"Of him it can truthfully be said
he never at any time sought the
fioe to which he was elected; that
candidacy eaeh time was brought
lout and supported by the taxpay-
of his district, irrespective of
irty politics; there never was a
3e during his long tenure of office
it was not a personal financial
torifice for him to fill it. With his
n, recognized ability as a prnc-
pioner ho could ensily, in the prac-
30 of the profession which he has
rer honored, received much greater
lancial remuneration than thu snl-
of public office, but the honor
fidelity to his trust has earned
will repay him more for his years
i remitting toil than anything else
Ithin the Dower of man to bestow.
I "Thus, as was well sTSid by Gover
r Frank W. Benson, in accepting
resignation of this honored jurist,
people of the first district, time
time again, and irrespective of
Irty politics or civil faction, huvo
iced upon his work the stamp of
jr approval.
HTJavav tiafirA. within fha Irtinwt.
W.W MVW, !- .MW ...-
edgo of your committee, has any
judge been faced with more perplox
ing questions, involving life, liberty
and property, than have been in this
long career presented to this judge
for decision; and each time the duty,
however painful, has been performed
with fairness, wisdom and honest
purpose. . . .
Justice Moore of tho supreme court
wrote the committee as follows :
"Having learned that you are
chairman of a committeo appointed
to prepare suitable resolutions, ex
pressive of the esteem cherished for,
the confidence reposed in and the
good will entertained toward Hon. IF.
K. Hanna by the members of the
Southern Oregon bar, I trust you will
not consider it out of place for me
to call your attention to the regard
which the members of this court have
always had for the distinguished
judge, whose valuable services for
tho state have terminated with his
"For more than 17 years I have
had frequent occasion carefully to
scrutinize bills of exceptions in ac
tions at law, and transcripts of evi
dence in suits in equity which have
been tried by Judge Hanna. An in
vestigation of such records necessar
ily leads to tho conclusion that in the
trial of causes he has been fair, fear
less, honest and able, and has made
for himself a record which, if he
leaves to his children no other leg
acy, they may well be proud of the
enduring fame which he has achieved,
"I regret to see him leave the
bench which has so long been honored
by his dignified appearance, his cour
teous bearing and his friendship for
officers, jurors, witnesses, clients
and attorneys who have appeared in
his court.
"I sincerely wish him the rest from
labor which his long and valuable
services merit. If you can, without
too much trouble, in a single sen
tence, place in your report what I
have so feebly expressed, you will
confer a great favor upon me. Yours
very truly,
(Signed.) FRANK A. MOORE.
The committee then concluded its
resolutions as follews:
"In these few words, our eminent
chief justice has said it all. These
words of praise could come from no
nigher authority, and the kind senti
ments expressed in his letter are
voiced by the entire roll of attorneys
in the four counties which Judge
Hanna has so well served, as well as
by tho taxpayers, the jurors and the
witnesses, comprising as they do the
citizenship of Southern Oregon.
"Judge Hanna at all times upheld
the true dignity of his high station,
and had at all times the highest re
gard for the ethics of our honored
"His court proceedings were not
threaded with nor made of the little
technicalities, but he ever maintained
that tho true aim of the lawyer and
court should be to promote substan
tial justice between roan and man.
"To now follow the advice of our
chief justice and writo it all in u
fainglo sentence, the people of the
state of Oregon sny to Judge nanua :
"'Well done, good and faithful
sorvant.' "
Judge Hanna leaves a wife, herself
an invalid, who arrived from Oak
land, Cal., four hours after the death
of her husbnnd; three sons, William
World Should Not Be Startled If
Government Announces Soon That
New Gun, More Powerful Than Any
Other, Has Been Made.
NEW YORK, July 26. Within the
next few months the world should
not be startled it the United States
government gives out official word
that a cannon has been perfected that
shoots so powerfully and so far that
the heavy armament of other coun
tries will look like mere popguns.
General Fred D. Grant, who has
just arrived In New York to assume
command of the department of the
east, says such a gun has been per
fected and Is now undergoing final
trials at Governor's Island.
The United States, General Grant
says, has had an explosive under cov
er for a number of years which, It
fired from a gun strong enough to
withstand tho tremendous pressure,
would do the damage now done by a
dozen ordinary 12-lnchers. This gun,
he says, bus at last been perfected.
"Beyond doubt it is tho most won
derful gun In the world and the ex
plosive Is the most powerful," said
General Grant.
No sort of service Is surer, quick
er, cheaper or more widely adapta
ble than want ad service.
A. of Seattle. Herbert K. of Jackson
ville and Loon of Jacksonville.
We mako any kind and style of Windows.
We carry Glass of any size on hand.
MEDFOBD SASH & DOOE CO., Medford, Oregon.
For Sale-Land Near Central Point
G5-acre ranch adjoining city, 52 acres in alfalfa, balance in pears 1 and
2 years old; good house, large barn, 2 wells; price $20,000, half cash;
a snap,
43-acre alfalfa ranch, 1 mile out, new 8-room house, largo burn, thrco
good wells; price .$21,500, half cash; will pay 8 per cent on investment.
20 acres nlfulfa land,, fine lund, no buildings; prica $7500, $2000 cush.
30 acres, 1 mile out, 0 acres in 2-year-old nppleb, balance in pears 1
year old; new 5-rooin house and Inrtre bnru, good well and outbuildings;
price $12,600, half rash; a good buy.
31 acres, 1 mile out, 27 acres set to apples and pears 1 year old; 7-rooni
house, bnrn and outbuildings, 2 good wells; fine building, site; price
$15,000, hulf cash.
20 ucres, 1 mile out, 10 acres in trees 1 year old; no buildings; good
well; price $7000, $2500 cash.
14 acres, 1 mile out, 10 acres in tiecs, balance in alfalfa; price $4200,
$2500 cash.
0 acres, 1 mile out, not to trees, fine building nte, good irrigation well;
price $2400, $1000 cash.
20 acres, half mile out, set to pears 1 and 2 yenrs old; price $10,000, half
2 acres in town, fainall hoiihu, good well, a' fine garden tract ; price $1300.
W. J. Harvey
(Continued from Page 1.)
Haunn, and ho signed my application
.(or admission to the bar," stated
Clarence L. Re.iines. "I havo always
entertained the most kind feelings
toward him and regarded him highly
as a friend and a jurist."
"I cannot express my dcop regret
at the death of Judgo Hanna," states
A. E. Reames. "Ho was ovor faith
ful to his trust and I bellovo his mis
takes wero honost ones. Ho had
been nn Intimate friend for years and
I feel that I havo suffered a great
personal loss."
"For 20 years," states Gus New
bury, "Judgo Hanna has bcn a close
friend. 1 v,as clerk undor him and
I ever found htm considerate and
kind. Ho was a njsn. of strong con
victions and neverpandored to public
opinion. I can cite Instances whero,
on the ovo of election, ho made deci
sions which he felt would bring .
about his dofeat, yet ho never fal
tered. I havo lost a closo personal i
friend, and I cannot express my feel
"I havo practiced for several
years before Judge Hanna," states
Holbrook Wlthlngton, "and I bellovo
In his death the bar of southern Ore
gon has suffer i a great loss." !
W. R. Coleman, county clerk, who
for several years past has served as
clerk of the circuit court, paid Judgo j
Hanna a high tribute He statea that
he over found the judgo a strong!
friend and a man who, whon ho onco
saw his duty, novor hesitated In fol
lowing It out.
Real estate ads aro all worth read
ing and some of thorn aro worth
changing your plana for the day in
order to Investigate.
Too Late to Classify
WANTED To buy lot 50x100 foot;
must hnvo water and bo off pavoil
street; not ovor $350; will mako
small payment down and balanco
monthly payments without Interest.
Address Earl, caro of this offico.110
FOR KENT 5-rooin houso, largo
barn and chlckon houses, ono mllo
cast, $10 por month; would make
uxcollcnt cblchon ranch. Address
Box 172.
FOR SALE Tent 12x14, 6. East
mnn, P. & E. Junction. 109
nankins for health.
1 i -
8 sawmill hands, $2.50.
Girl for general hotiaj work.
Ilicyclo for rifle.
25 cordwood men, $1 50 to $1.75.
Ranch bnnds.-
7-room house, modem, fine furniture,
snap price.
Tent and cooking utensils very cheap.
7 horses, harness and hack.
17-acro tract, full bearing commer
cial fruit; incomo $2500, included
if taken this weok.
Auto, chcan for cash, 5-passongor.
100 acres, closo to R. IL; snap.
Lots $10 down, easy payments.
0 acres in bonring, close to city lim
its, $8000.
Alfalfa tracts, undor ditch, $100 per
8,000,000 feet timber, $1 por 1000.
40 acres limbor and wood, 7 miles
Medford, very chenp.
40 acres and improvements, fine
fruit land, $800.
300 acres, Englo Point, subdivide
finely, $125 por acre.
Close-in fruit land, under ditch, $200
per ncro. ,
3 room modern house, $250 down,
80 acrcj, incomo $2500, tools and
teams, $0500.
Ono aero for sub-division nenr So.,
Oakdale, $2000.
90 acres creek bottom, $125 per aero
Rooming houco, snap price.
For Tradi.
Span mules and heavy work team.
Lots for spnn horses, weigh 2500.
3-room house, lot 50x150, for acre
age. 1 ncro, 4-room houso, trade for team
2,000,000 feet timber for Medford or
Portland proporty.
2 lots for 2 or 3 acres.
20 Acres, 12 in fruit, closo in, for
city lots.
100 acres with bearing orchard
100 tiorcs deep red soil, GO acres of
fruit Innd, 200,000 feet of timber
4 miles from Jacksonville, $200,
100 ncrcn, 40 acres rod fruit sod,
750,000 foot of timber, 3 miles from
Jacksonville. $100.
Room 207 Tavlor & Phlppi Bldg.
Phone 4141 Main.
We havo n fine assortment, including all
the late styles of Oxfords for men, women
and children. Wo arc hound to disposo of
them at once, and will mako
Think of the long time you have in which
to wear them. Think of tho saving.
Bo sure to look here before you buy.
RIETIES. Drop in any time and talk it ovor with
H. B. Patterson
116 E. MAIN.
For Diamonds, Jewelry
Clocks & Tableware See
115 ast Main St.
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