Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 26, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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of the
Air Lanes
B jf
Herbert Quick
Ceftntght 1909. by tk Bobbt
Merrill Company
CHAPTER I Theodore Carson,
inyentor of an airship, rescues from
fugitive flying machine called a
helicopter, a beautiful young girl.
II and III Carson is infatuated
by her and takes her whero she can
communicate "with her friends.
IV Carson visits tho Roc, a Riant
irship owned by Shayno, uncle of
Virginia Suarez, tho girl ho rescued,
nad, being coldly received, leaps
from tho Roc, at a great height, in a
TBX rAXJ. THAT roxxoYD rniDK.
UDDEXLY Theodore burst from
the floor of the cloud like a
meteorite and saw a long pro
cession of white and violet
Mgbts speeding past and away into the
ttslancc. the arc lights of a town set
Into apparent flight by the speed of bis
keadlong career before the wind. Par
ff In the glare of a locomotive fire
box he could sco a devilish black flre
saan. weirdly stoking.
The town fled away. The roar of the
"Wind rose- about him. He was whip
ped stlngingly by tbe branches of a
tall tree; then a lower one bowed him
through Its dense top. He laid bold
C a slim birch, and. as it bent like a
Inning rod under bis weight, he let go
the sheets of his parachute, the wind
pilled from tho silken leach, and he
tumbled heavily into a mattresa-llke
fcridnl wreath bush, over an asphalted
"Walk. and. eased down by the shrub
Wry, be rose unhurt, so far as bo
ceald feel, to find himself by a rustic
eat near a dry fountain. On bis left
he could make out a long building
three or four stories high.
A high wall running back from each
ad of this structure seemed to him to
bound the garden, for a garden be
aessed It to be. Back in seme crepus
ccUr jungle he heard tbe throaty bel
low of a great dog.
Following tbe wall, he fonnd It In
tegral with that of the house. It was
Mank and high and Insurmountable.
He reconnoltered tbe rear wall to a
brick barn Into which it was built.
He returned to tbe long bouse and
stole across to one side, where he
found a door through tbe wall, tight
hut and Impregnable.
Calling up bis scattered courage, be
went with some steadiness up to a
leng veranda. A shrill whistle sound
ing from the top of tbe porch Instantly
commanded his attention. Theodore
Haw n man bn the roof just In tbe act
ef swinging himself down over the
"Get under here, old sport." said tbe
Telce. "and give a liberty loving class
mate a leg down."
Theodore reached up and steadied a
somewhat bony leg and was about to
Jet bis burden down when tbe liberty
loving one collapsed In all his mem
bers and came down by tbe run.
Carson started forward to raise tbe
demoralized fugitive to his feet. But
be wus already up and seemed to be
bowing and kissing his hand to an
imaginary audience.
My celebrated Avernus act," said
be. "Special gravitation expert to the
crowned beads! But, hist! Let me
greet thee! An ye be noble, salute
my check; an ye be slob, receive my
contemptuous thanks! Hey, old sport?"
Carson stood mute, aloue with a pos
sible lunatic and a very probable dog
la a walled garden Into which he had
dropped from the night sky.
"From your caput cometh a rattle
like a muted Castanet," went on the
Strange personage, "and anon like a
"battery of telegraph sounders. Stay!
,1a it possible that it emanates from
'the clattering of your teeth? Caitiff,
you are scalrt or In an ague that
would reduce a foundry rattler to
matchwood! Art cold, fair youth?'
"A little," replied Carson. "1 am
lightly dressed."
Then come, come away, tra-la-la,
with me, to a realm of balmy air and
breezes of Ceylon. To heel, and If
thy heavy hoof but scrape tho grave)
to betray our flight thou dlest, and all
thy wad Is gobbled by the privy coffer
of the emporium. To heel!"
With a swift darting movement the
stranger turned and. followed obedi
ently by Carson, went across to a
building which Tbeoddre guessed to lie
a greenhouse. His guldo opened the
door and stood back with elaborate
courtesy that Carson might precede
him. Entering, Theodore found him
self among beds of flowers which
tiled the houso.
"It Is too dark," said his guide, re
joining him, "to mako tho exchange
of curds more than an empty and
Invisible formality. Yet I would fain
know more of you than the bright and
nappy technique of your tooth chat
tering." "1 don't understand." answered Car
on, "I came hero by accident."
"Quito sp." Interposed his lntorlocu
tor. ''Let's alt down by tho American
Beauty bed there. If wo might strike
In a state, to coin a word, of orey eyed
wooilness. 1 mny say that I enmo my
self by accident and without tuennlnn
to do so or otherwise. I must havo a
smoke!" Then came tho scratch ot
tho match, and Theodora scrutinized
the face by the tlnre of tho match as
with nervous, unsteady movements tho
stranger lighted the weed.
no was n medium sized person, with
deep set eyes flickering from their env
cms with a blurred sharpness. His
faco wns sallow and colorless, with
hollows In the checks. Ills nose wns
Irregularly notched In profile, Uko tho
stub of something else broken off hln
"My name Is Carson." said Theo
dore, "and 1 nm from tho south, from
Alabama. P-
"Cralghcad Is mine." rejoined the
other. "I nm from here and elsewhere.
There are twenty places where I might
vote were there any question under the
un worth voting on. I think 1 may
Tenturo to give you, sir. ns my perma
nent residence, until further notice
only, tbe Hat Mort. Paris."
"I" began Carson.
"Tho Rat Mort." Interposed Craig
head. "One deep midnight in the dear,
dread past beyond recall I was ejected
from the Rat Mort because my conduct
was not up to the thcrctoforo undls-
I c? jflTnnwsW9Einnnwsnnnn1
V i 1 nmwlnB9tnHrl
ln ' -WmPfK
dosed standards of the place from
the Rat Mort actually trun out, to
coin an expression! Doth It not open
glimpses of a depravity hitherto fabu
lous? And when I have been graduated
from this emporium I shall return,
pride In my port meaning nothing
vinous defiance in mine eyes, and I
ball sit down In the Rat Mort and be
have myself for long, long periods of
time, for ages.
Carson grew somnolent- Mr. Craig
head sat upright, making occasional
elocutionary gestures with bis cigar
Morning came. Two or three men
came past the greenhouse, went round
it and walked away again, as if mak
ing some sort of search. They came
back after a time and entered. One
was a tall, athletic, ruddy complexion
ed. youngish man, who seemed to be
the leader of the trio. They gazed at
tbe sleeping Carson and Craighead as
If taking stock dispassionately of re
turned es trays In the form of dogs or
(To Be Continued.)
Dandruff Easily Cured.
In fact Charles Strang, the drug
gist, has a certain hair restorer call
ed Parisian Sage, which costs only
50 cents a large bottle, that is guar
anteed to cure dandruff in two
weeks or money back.
Parisian Sage is the discovery of
an eminent student, scientist and
specialist, and is made in this coun
try only by tho Giroux Mfg. Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Parisian Sage is a most pleasant,
daintily perfumed hair dressing, and
besides curing dandruff, your drug
gist will return your money if it
fails to stop falling hair or itching
of tho scalp.
It will make hair grow, and women
who deBiro soft, beautiful and lux
uriant hair can have it in two weeks
by using this famous, quick-acting
preparation. It is not sticky or
A Book or
Theso are tho things that
soothe our time-tired, tread
mill lives and cause us to for
get the many small troubles.
Drop in any timo and see tho
latest in Books, Magazines, oto.
Book Store
Tho Golden Statu excursion, travel
ing by spec'ml train, and consisting
of about fifty people, will arrivo at
Medford at 3:30 o'clock Wednesday
afternoon and leave at 4:30 for tho
north. Tho itinerary of tho trip is
a very interesting one, mid will cover
n total of about 5C00 miles. Starting
at Los Angeles today, they travel by
way of San Francisco over tho Shas
ta routo to Portland, through Fugct
Sound, Victoria and Vnucover, thence
over tho Caundiau Pacific to Spo
kane through tho Arrow Ilead lakes
and tho Kootcnay district. This tnks
in some of tho finest scenery on tho
continent. Tho party will travel in
dividually boyoung Seattle, having
tho privilege of returning to their
California homes within three months
from today. They will be entertained
by the Medford Commercial club dur
ing their stay hero next Wednesday,
and each member of the party will
receive invitations to visit tho noguo
River valley again on their way back
when the pear and apple picking sen
son will bo in full blast.
A week ago Sundny morning P. L.
Camps, with his five-passenger Ford,
25-horsepower touring car, left Ash
land for the Klamath region, says tho
Tidings, having as passengers J. 0.
Iloyt, president, and two other offi
cials of the Wnrren Construction
company. They went by way of
Green Spring mountain, over tho
roughest road, so Camps says, that
he ever laid his eyes on, yet never
theless they arrived iu Klamath Falls
in seven hours. Thoy afterwards
visited Fort Klamath and Crater
Lake, going clonr to the rim of tho
lake with the motor, taking tho trip
more leisurely. They left the lake at
10 a. m. last Thursday, stopping two
hours in Sams Valley to inspect n
ranch of 270 acres which the Wnrren
Construction company owns in that
vicinity, and reached Ashland the
same day at 8:30 p. m., without de
lay or hitch of any kind, returning by
way of Medford. Considering that
it was a hard road to travel, the ex
cursionists think that they mado a
pretty good record, the speedometer
recording 350 miles.
Haskins for health.
We Want
oure, we do. That is our 4
principal reason for spending
good money advertising. We
are busy as bees have a
dandy business treat every
patron with all tho courtesy
possible and hand out the very
best staple and fancy groceries
that money and good judgment
can procure. But we will
gladly tako care of more busi
ness. Can't too many patrons
come here we'll servo' em all
and do it the very best possible
; Our Bakery
is serving more patrons every
day and wo are doing our best
to improvo our products and
service. Wo want your busi
ness and believo that you ap
preciate our efforts to save
you money. If you want full
value for your money come to
Allen 6
All Work Giummteod PrieoB RonBOimblo
11 North D St..Modford, Oro.
Phono 303
Medford Iron Works
E. G. Trowbridgdo, Prop.
All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps,
Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Orogon for
J J " l?mt
Tha boat resolution for jon
to mako is to ooma to us tor
your next Buit, If you want
soraothing out of the ordinary.
We do tho boat work ana chart
the lowest prices,
- - --- --.--- - - -- - -- -
;; J. B. KNYAUT, 1'romMunt. J, A. PERKY, VIco-rioNldont.
;: .101IN S. OUTII, CiiHlilor. W. II. JACKSON, AhVI CiiHlilnr.
CAPITAL $100,000.00
SURPLUS ...., 20,000.00
M.4a,.nji.-jli.,.i.fct.M .. - ! -.T,, pTT" " " " Ti '-"-'r- -- -"- ---.-.- ' "
Offioe: 200 WoBt Main St., Mudford, Oro.
Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon
- - For Sale - -
428 ACRES Rogue River bottom land, suitable
for fruit and goneral farming purposes.
300 ACRES Alfalfa land, covered with irrigation
ditch and perpetual water right. Has coal outcrop
ping. At a bargain on long time, easy payments.
Gold Ray Realty Comp'y.
$12,541 Thirty-two acres, two miles from Talent, Ander
son crock bottom land; five-room box house, gned barn
and other outbuilding; there are on this pluce 12 acres
in NewUwn and Bpitzoabarg applos, 6 and 7 years old,
which havo a fair crop this year; between tho apples uro
peach fillors, whioh are heavily loaded. In addition thoro
are throe acres of pears 2 years old and three acres
planted to pears last winter; also four acres of alfalfa
and about fivo aorea of fine timber; thero aro two good
wells and a comploto pumping plant for irrigation; $0500
will handle this placo and the balance can bo paid at the
rate of $1009 a year.
$15,000 Seventy-five acres, same neighborhood; good now
five-rm house, largo barn and othor outbuildings;
spriBR water piped to the bufldingH. There aro on this
plaee U aeres f 3-year-old Nowtowns and Spitzeabergfl
with poach fillers, about an acre of bearing family orch
nrd, It aoros f alfalfa, about an aero of boaring frrupes
nUut 45 aorta all told under cnltivation, balance in
timber which could be cheaply cleared. At $2 an acre
this placo ia a snap. It would take half cash to handle,
balance easy.
$390 on aero Fines fruit and garden land in the vulloy,
half way bctwocn Phoenix and Talent; level, black free
soU ; diridod kU 16-acro tracts; one-fourth cash, balance
in four annual payments with 6 per cant interest.
$12,890 Sixteoa and a half acres, midway bctweon Jack
sonville and Central Point, facing the hill road; finest
building aite in the valley. There are eight aoros of pours
iu bearing, trees from 6 to 8 years old, and about an
acre and a half of grapos in bearing, balanoe in timber,
whioh is all god fruit land. Half cash will handle
$20,900 Less than $425 an aoro for 47 acres, one mile
from Central Point, all good land, good buildings, about
40 acros planted to standard varieties of apples and
pears from 1 to 4 years of age, balance in alfalfa. This
place will snbdivide nicely. It is easily worth $100 an
acre inure than is aaked.
W. T. YORK & CO.
If you aro interested in Medford property, talk with our
eity mun, Mr W. V. Moere.
Newport, Yaquina Bay
The Only Beach in the Pacific North west
Whero tho pretty Water Agatce, Mom Agaton, Moonitonen
Cornelians and Rock Oyitora can bo found.
Outdoors &port of all Kinds
Including Hunting, FUhln , discing nock Oyatora, Boating,
Surf Dathlng, Riding, Autolng, Canoelns and Dancing. Pure
mountain water nnd tbe beat of food at low prlcee. Freeh
Craba, Clame, Oysters, Fish and Vcsotnblon of all kinds dal
ly. IDBAC CAMPINO OROUNDS, with strict sanitary reg
ulations, at nominal cost.
Low Round-Trip Season
from all points In Oregon,
Washington and Idaho on salo
Three Day -Saturday to
Monday Rate
from S. P. points, Portlund to
Cottago Qroro Inclualvo, Includ
ing branch lines; alse from all
O. & E. stations Albany and
west. Good going on Saturday
or Sunday, and for rorurn Bun
day or Monday.
A Sunday Excursion Rate of j 1 .50
from Albauy, Oorvallls and Philomath, with corresponding low rates
from points west, In effect all summer. Call on any 8. P. or O. & R.
Agent for full particulars as to rates, train nehedulos, otc; alto for
copy of our beautiful Illustrated booklot, "Outings In Oregon," or
write ;o WM. McMURRAY,
floncral Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
Double Your Business
Let In The Sunlight
Supposo you know a man who kept his shades drawn tight
ull day and burned korosono instond of lotting in tho sunlight.
SuppoBo you know a man toiling along a dusty road who would
not accept a lift whon thoro wnn plenty of room in tho wagon;
SuppoBo you know a miller with his mill built bcuido u swift
running stream who insistod on turning tho mnohinory by hand,
All foolish, you say? And yet look around you how fow re
tailors tako advantngo of tho groat advertising campaigns run
by food, toxtilo, eloth and ovory other manufacturing lino that you
can nnmo.
Think a moment I What was tho hint ndvortisomont you road
mid wondored just which store in town would bo progressiva
enough to havo tho poods in Biock no you could hoo thorn and pur
'li "7
More goods nro sold undor the evening lamp at homo than you
dronm of,
Prncticnlly overy livo retailor ndvortises in his loonl pnpors,
But how.
Put up your lightning-rod! Lot your customers know that you
ean doliver to them tho goods which gront ndvortising, pnid for
by manufacturers, has interested thorn in.
Thoy will got tho habit and you will got tho buHinoss.
Prnotically ovory manufacturer stands ready to holp you holp
yourself. Ask thorn for oleotrotypos suitable to run in your own
ndvortising. Hook thoir trado mark to your store.
Consumer demand for ndvortiscd goods is now dividod broad
cast among all tho stores in town.
Uso your ndvortising in loonl pnpors to foous this demand upon
your store And don't forgot lo send for those holpful olootro
typoB. Itond this again, for it moans inonoy to you. '
La watch, now I estimate that half