Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 26, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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    ' 4 '
fjoiini to nay 101 Itnyo. J 10
II, W. Miillhy of Kuguuu h visiting
i'liuntlH in Modl'oid.
John II, Ctirkiiijittoiuoy-ut-luw,
our Jnoloiou County! Hunk.
,1. W. WIIhoii oL' IIiIh city 1h visiting
ft hinds in Han KiiiiioIhuu.
If yon ro looking for n finU-duHrt
3'i Hhuttor Wilson with wood tank
call at WoodH Lumber Co. tf
Hurry Wlllluniri loft Tuesday for u
visit of two weeks with lulativuH In
Fifteen salesladies wanted at Uakor-
Hutohumm Co. at onoo, to arrango
and mark Htoolc. Apply today. 110
llunry Hnmohurg Hpunl Tuesday in
Henry C. Stodinan of thin oily loft
TnoHday for u vIhU at Newport.
Fiftuon salesladies wanted at Ila-kor-IlutohiiHon
Co. at onuo to arrange
mid mark Htook. Apply today. J 10'
C. H. Tulctidor of OrantH 1'uhh is
spending a fow days with friuudH in
A croat dobuto at tho tabernacle,
Wednesday, July 27, at 8 p. in. "Bhall
Oregon Ho Made Dry, Tho Saloon vs.
Temperance." Affirmative', Cluroiicu
Truo WIIhoii of Portland, Or.; nogu
tlvo, Colonel K. llofur of Salem, Or.
A hot debuto between tho wutH and
lrys. Kvurybody eomo.
Joff Hrophy, former chief of tho
night police foreo in this olty, but
now a rancher on Roguo river, is
spending tho day in Modfonl with
, A great dehalo at tho tahoniuclo,
Wednesday, July 127, at 8 p. in. "Shall
Orecoii Ho Mado Dry, The Saloon vs.
Ti'iiiponiiico." Affirmative, Clnronco
Trim WIIhoii of Portland, Or.; negn
tive, Colonel B. Hofor of Salem, Or.
A hot dohato between liu wots and
drys. Kvoryhody come.
Ooorgu Hruwn of Hrownnboro wiih
n Modfonl vlflltor Monday.
Mm. J. F. Itoildy motored down
fmm AHhland with a young lady who
has been in hor employ hh a nurse, l.i
order to place the young lady in u
local hoNpitnl. It Ik believed the
young lady is suffering from an at
tack of typhoid.
floorgo Von der Mellon of Eagle
Point npent Monday night in Medford
on business.
It. A. Fruur of Kaclo Point wan in
Modfonl on business Tueaday.
Mrs. Fred Hurko and MIhk Hnb.v
nro sojourning at ColoHtiu.
W. P. Smith and F. W. Hcid of
"-' .- ..- . . ' '" ' ' "OBBIBPB
I t" n n i i i '"" """"" tM"""t' iiiimiiiim , t , , t'm i
jH ' ' '' '
BUIGKS Automobiling in
1 K S
j))))B 4
OrantH I'uhh wore Medford visitors
Monday. ,
A gimil debuto ill Iho Inboinudo,
Wednesday, .luly 27, nt 8 p. m. "Shall
Oiegun Ho Made Dry, Tim Saloon vh.
Temperance." Af'liimalivc, Claience
True WIIhoii of Portland, Or.; iiogu
II vo, Colonel B, Hofor of Salem, Or.
A hot debate between the woIh and
ilr.VH. Kvor.hody cotim.
II. L. Tithworlh of Weed, Cal., wan
heio on business 'I'luifHilay.
Mrs. Hurt Anderson 1h spending a
few weeks at Los Angolos and other
Southern California poIntH.
J, II, Devine, UHHiHtaut engineer of
tho Southern Paeifio company, is
spending a few days in Medford.
O. B. Howlaud of Grants Pans was
in Medford Tuomlay looking aftor
biiHineHH'iuteroHlH in this vicinity.
.1. D. Cook of Hie Throo Pine
Lumber eompauy, in Josephine conn
ty, wan in Medford Tuoflday.
MrH, Ornuo Skeetora and dnugh
tor, Mm. Griffiths, 1 oft TuoHdny
morning on a vIhU to roluivos and
friends in Northern Oregon.
W. It. Hurlbtirt of Albany, u mem
ber of tho firm which lias purchased
tho Haker-HutehuKon Htock, in here
looking over the goods.
J. H. Hollingcr wan a Jacksonville
isItor TueHday.
MrH. Jimeph Murphy and Mrs. OtiH
ICrauno wore visitors at JackHonvillo
B. K. Hondriokson of Medford is
tho lirst man to roino in with home
grown watormoloiiH, hnving brought
in a load Tucmluv morning.
Tyriou Hcnll and family of Central
Point have returned from a trip to
tho upper Nogue, where they enjoyed
ttomo good fishing and a plciiHunt
on tine
Itobert Slowinir, who fonnerly con
ducted a tailor shop in Medford, is
here and is arranging for the con
struction of a building on his lot on
Main street, jiiHt wost of tho White
ThomaH buildini:. Mr. Slewing ban
shown bin abiding faith in tho future
of Medford by holding bin proporty
in tho fnco of flnttering offers and
finally deciding to build.
George McClellan and II. M. Moiii-h
of Gold Hill were in Medford Tues
day on business matters.
Miss Bnid Hamilton had a narrow
escape from being drowned Monday
night at the Natatorium, but was
rcKCiicd by a voutig man who plunged
into tint water, clothes and all. What
the paid life-savers (?) woro doing
while Miss Hamilton wiih in distress
huHti't boon explained yet.
John C. JohuHou of Prospect in in
Medford aftor a load of supplies.
Hugh S. Griffon of Los Angeles isi
visitim with his rwirents. who ro
All Models, Including the New No. 1 9 in Stock
There May be Cars Just as Good, But they Cost $1000 More.
VELLE, Manager -
For Party With $3,000
Absolutely Safe andFinelncome Assured
eeutly purchased a place near Gold
W. H. HickB of IioHchurg in visit
ing J'ricudB in tho valley.
Vance Colvig Iiuh forsaken car
tooning fur a while and wilt take u
portion with the Southern Pacific in
the local depot.
John O'Ncil of Trail creek ih in
Medford. Ho la Hhowiug two very fine
bear HkitiH. Ho reports doer plenti
ful in bin Hoction.
W. H. Stcol of Gold Hill was a re
cent visitor in Medford.
Henry Wellmati of Ashland paHaed
through Medford Tuesday on his way
to Jacksonville, whero ho will visit
a fow days with his paientH.
Tho roHidenco on the comer of C
and Sixth, occupied by Mrs. Fay iih
a private boarding Iiouhc, is to be
removed to a location on North Cen
tral to mako room for tho now Med
ford Furniture company-Nicholson
Hardware company building.
John Orth of the Medford National
bank has returned from a trip to the
Applegatd section on a visit to rela
tives and friends. John killed a bear
and came near killing a cougar
that is. he shot at him and is prid
ing himself now as the originnl Nim
rod. Henry Harncburjr of Ashland was
in Medford on business Tuesday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Stewart have
returned from a trip to tho ranch on
tho tipper Itogue.
Many city visitors are camped
throiiL'h the woods near Hutte Falls,
and all arc enjoying themselves. Leon
Haskius, Duff Karnes and family,
Mr. Hiimphrcv and family arc among
Asn Hubbard, Wnllaco Woods and
their families wcro in Hutte Falls on
Sunday, having "toured" from Med
ford to that point in their car. They
report a splendid rido and fine time.
Tho ladies of the Kpiscopal church
will give nn ieo cream and enko so
cial at tho residence of Hey. Lucas
nt tho ronior of Tenth nnd Laurel
streets, Wednesdny evening. Bvery
nni) is invited to attend.
Returns From Convention, Well Sat
isfied With Ticket Named Says
Every Real Republican Should
Support It Praises Bowerman.
Thoroughly pleased uith the suc
cess of tho Republican assembly at
Portland, Dr. J. M. Keene, who is
the member of the state central com
mittee from Jackson county and who
was one of the delegates to the as
sembly, has returned from Portland.
"On a whole, a very good ticket
has been named," said Dr. Keene,
"and one that every' real Republican
will support. Of course, there were
somo nominations that will bo found
fault with, but on the whole the
ticket is a strong one.
".Mr. Howerman, who heads thff
ticket, will make a good governor. Ho
is able, energetic and a good cam
paigner. Ho is a fine executive and
although young, has repeatedly dem
onstrated his ability.
"Able men were nominated for the
supremo bench. Wnllaee McCam
mant is one of the best lnwvcrs in
Chnrles Roberts and an unknow
sailor mixed on Front street this af
ternoon. The unknown showed "some
class" and hnd Charlie in the gutter
when tho cops hove in sight in the
offinir. Thereupon the sailor was
pulled off his opponent and the latter
made n run for port. He was over
hauled bv Chief Shearer, however.
Roberts was allowed to so on his own
recocnizanee. while the belligerent
seaman was locked jip until such time
at ho, should recoej1rom the effects,
of his inebriation.
II. C. Mnury was in Medford Tues-
dnv from his fnmi west of the pit v.
Fill All
JCJIY 26, 1910.
Oregon and will mako an oxccllcnt
judge. Judge Humctt's long record
speaks for itself, and the fact that
he has been elected time and again
as circuit jud'jo aqainst the opposi
tion of tho lawyers, shows how he
stnnds with tho pooplo.
"J. N. Hart, who was nominated
for attorney-general, is a very bright
and capable young lawyer from Ba
ker City. Frank J. Miller of Al
bany, who hns been named for rail
road commissioner, will make nn ex
cellent official. He has no corpora
tion connections and can be depend
ed upon to fill tho place so well filled
in the past by Oswald West. Both
of these candidates were staunch ad
vocates in the senate of the Crater
Lakoroad bill. !
"On tho whole, the Republicans of'
Jackson county should bo satisfied!
with tfic ticket named, and it should
carry the county by a large major
ity." M. W. A., Attentlonl
Our next business meeting will bo
held nt Smith's hall Tuesday, July
visiting neighbors welcome. In
(Continued from Page L)
forcing tho waters Inland for a great
distance, carrying tho ships far ashore
and leaving them wrecked and brok
en. Later dispatches indicate that tho
mountain Is collapsing on all sides.
Hundreds of fissures opened in the
sldowalls of tho volcano and tho rug
ged steeps of t!i3 mountain began
crumbling. The belief Is expressed
that tho mountain will bo leveled by
tho eruption and the recurrent earth
shocks. It is estimated that since the dis
turbance began Yezo has sustained
184 shocks. Occasional earth tremors
aro still felt and it is feared that'
somo of tho larger cities may have I
been destroyed.
t r-
Requirements for
River Valley
Garage on Riverside Near Main
Two Days Sale
Wednesday and Thursday
An immense shipment of fine Ginghams fine as
sortment of patterns all fast colors our best 12c
and 15c sellers, to go during this sale at, choice,
28 South Central Avenue
JThe funeral of tho late Judge H.
K. Hanna will bo held Wednesday
afternoon at 5 o'clock at Jackson
ville. At tho time of adjournment of ths
circuit court Tuesday morning Judge
Calkins requested tho attorneys pres
ent to attend the funeral and also to
notify other members of the bar. of
the time of the funeral.
The court dismissed the grand jury
and tho jury in tho Phipps-PaciCc &
Eastern case until Thursdny morn
inc at 0 o'clock.
All Redmcn are requested to bo
In attendance at the funeral services
of Judge H. K. Hanna at Jacksonville
Wednesday evoning at 5 o'clock. Tho
services will be under the direction
of Oregonlan-Pocahonta8 tribe. No. 1.
TTunlnnB for Health
SAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. July 26.
Fight fans arc downcast todav,
fpllowing the calling off of the pro
posed bout between Ad Wolgast and
Owen Moran, scheduled for the latter
part of August.
Jimmy Coffroth, who had the pro
moting of tho fight in hand, is out of
town, and a definite reason for call
ing off has not been given.
Instead of tho Wolgast-Moran
fight, it is reported that Coffroth has
arranged for a go between Abe Attell
and Tomhay Murphy.
Cavalier! Operated Upen.
PARIS, July 26. Mrs Robert Can
ler (Madame Lina Cavalieri) opora
singer and wifo of the New York
millionaire, was operated upon today
for acute appendicitis. Tho sqrge
ons pronounced tho operation suc
cessful and Mrs. Chanler rallied and
ts improving.