Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 25, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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Sermon by
Paitor Brooklyn
.MIimeiipoIlK, July 17. PiiNlor KuhnuII
of tho llrooklyn Tnhitrnndo today do
llvorwl two uiltlrcHMuH to tlio Interna
tloiml Illhlo Htuilouta AtiHoclutlon, in
tliu Auditorium. Ho luid flno nudlouccn
anil excellent attention. Wo report ouo
Of hla (IlKOoiirtieH from tho text fori'uo
Iiik. lie Riild In part:
AKIioiikIi tho wonla of our text wcro
lot uddrcMNcd liy St. l'aul to tho world
Vt I hoy would, novcrtliolcMH, ho oxccl
lent luhioit mid wry profitable to nil.
In it Ktuiornl wny nil civilized people
rocoKiiUo that "cleaiilliiuMn 1a next to
(odlliioHH," In a Kcnuriil way tho pure,
tho clfiiii, u ro recognize! nn tho beauti
ful. And Impurity and llltliltieHH nro
SoteKll even hy the Impure mid tho
Slthy. Outwardly at leant wo nro In u
tlmo when water In plentiful, when
oap Im cheap, and when (llthliu'iui of
tho iIchIi In nlinont InuxciMiihto iin re
apcctn tho outward man. Hut fllttil
ui'HH of tho wplrlt cnimot to touched,
cannot lio clenuNed, with ordinary noap
and water anil thin In undoubtedly tho
rcntton why tho Lord and tho npontJea
have not nddroxned thetio wordn to tho
"Having This PromUaa."
Our text tell tho difference between
tho well-intentioned worldly ponton
nnd tho thoroughly coiiHccrntetl Chrln
thin. Tho latter huu heard through tho
Word of tJnd certain "vzcvihIIiik k'reat
nnd prvcloui proiulHCM," which tho
well-ineanliiK worldly dan Iiiivu not
yet heard-henrd In tho truo nciiso of
hearlUK'. In tho mciiho of appreciating,
uuilcnttniiilliiK, Tho whole civilized
world, In ouo hciicc, hnH tho hiiiiiii III
blc, tho kiiiiiii Word of God, tho name
preclotiM prntuliu'M, but It linn not ap
preciated thee. It Iiiim not uuderittood
them. It huu not accepted thorn nnd
uindo them Itn own by u aurreuder to
tho I.ord. The Church, on tho contra
ry, In couimm-1 of those indlvldunlii
who have heard tho Iord'H promlBcH
lutelltKontly. nnd who hnvo ncceptel
tluwio proiulneN upon (lod'H condltloiiH.
Thyio promlHeH of Cod coutUltuto tho
jKiwer of Hod. which worka In tho
heart of each of tho Church, Unit to
will aright, and, Hecondly, to do, to tho
extent of ability, tho Lord'H good plena
II ro (I'lilllpplaim II. III).
Thin In tliu chitm mldn-HNed In our
text tho follower! of Johuh. 'fhcao
hnvo heard of tho grace of Uod-Uiut
It Im tlio Divine Intention to blc Adnm
and bin race through the great Media
tor tho MwtHlnh. the Clirlnt. They
hnvo heard that Jchuh left tho glory
with tho Father and humbled hlniHclf
to human nature, in order that ho
might redeem the human race. They
have heard (tint the application of tho
merit of bin wicrlllce. when applied In
duo time, will bo HtiilU'leut for tho tdtm
of tho whole world, and that then tho
Heavenly Father will turn over tho
world to tho Ilcdeoincr. They hnvo
learned that tho Itedeomer, backed by
Divine authority, will put all thlnga
Into Hiibjectlon under IiIh feet, will In
Btltuto n heavenly Kingdom or rule In
tho earth, and for a thousand year
rolgu an King of klngx nnd Lord of
lords. They have heard that when ho
ahnll thim reign, IiIh Kingdom hIiiiII bo
"under tho wholo henveiiH," although
tho King himself will bo tho King of
Glory on tho spirit plane, "fur above
nugulti, prliiclpalltlcri and power and
every namo that Im named" (KphcHlnnti
I. 21).
They hnvo heard that IiIh Kingdom
will provnll from en to Hen nnd unto
tho cndH of tho earth and that eventu
ally unto htm every knee shall bow
and every tongue confess allegiance and
obedience, and that nil rcfUHlng thtiH to
Biibmtt to that reign of rlghteouHiic.sH
will bo dcNtroycd from amongst tho
people lu tho Second Death (Acta ill.
22, 1). 'J'liey luive heard that this
great Kingdoms-ill not only lift up,
rnlHo up, reHurrect humanity from Kb
fallen condition, from hIii and death,
but that It will alo bring tho wholo
earth to tho condition foroHhown In
'tho Garden of Kdcn, making God'H
footatool glorlotiH and every way lit to
bo tho eternal habltntlon of audi of the
human raco on will bo saved by that
glorloiiH Kingdom for which we prny,
"Thy Kingdom come; thy will bo dono
on earth iih It Im done In heaven."
Hut them' have heard Homcthltig
more-Homothlng that belongs to tho
present time. They have heard that It
Ih tho Dlvlno purposo to select from
nmongst mankind n "Itoynl Priest
hood," to bo associated with tho great
Itodoomor In his Mediatorial Kingdom.
They have heard that n call went forth
to thlH effect eighteen centuries ugo, In
viting, llrst of nil, tho .lews who were
rendy nnd willing to nccept this very
highest fnvor of God-Jolnt-helrnhlp
with IiIh Hon lu the spiritual Kingdom
which Is to IiIohh mankind In general
by and by. They have heard that to
attain membership lu this Itoynl Priest
hood moans tho attainment of tho
chnraetor-llkeness of Jesus, to become
coploH of God's dear Son (Itomnns vlll,
!i0). This Implies, iih lt cost, tho sncrl
llco of earthly Interest!!. They hnvo
heard tho message of the Lord, not
only Inviting to tho glories of tho King
dom, but also Informing them that tho
way to Unit crown of glory Is n nnrrow
nnd dllllcult one. They havo heard tho
volco of tho MnHtor, saying, "Hit down
"Put Away All
Texts -"Hnvintj therefore thews
promiiei, dearly hclovcJ, let us clcanio
ourtclvct from nil filllmicw of (lie flctli
and ipirit, perfecting liolincu in llio
fenr of God" (II Corinthian vii, I).
O OCJ -"-"--. -.- "-
first nnd count tho cost," before you
undertake such n consecration of your
life, audi u snrrlllco of your earthly In
((renin, "No man having put his hand
to the plow and looking back would be
lit for the Kingdom" lit for n place on
tho Throne us a Jolnt-hclr with Christ
(I.ulco lx, (12). They heard the further
expression of Ht. Paul to nil who would
become Joint-helm with Christ In his
Kingdom assuring them that If they
anffcr with Christ they shall reign
with him.
"Dalovad, Ltt Ua CUanco Ourtolvei."
Wo doubt not that iih the Heavenly
Knt her and our Lord Jesus so loved
tho world ns to provide the great sac
rlllce for sin, ho Ht. Paul loved the
uorld-anil all others of God's people
must hnvo a sympathetic lovo for tho
world. Hut when wo think of those
who are dearly beloved by the Father
and by the Bon nnd by tho apostles
and by ench other, wo think of the
special cIiish of consecrnted snlnta who
Kcrlpturally nro described iim of no
earthly sect or pnriy, but nil "The
Church of the Firstborns whose
nnincH nre wtlttcu In henven."
These nre "dourly beloved" because
they hnvo tho mind of Christ, which
Is also the mind of the Father. Ac
cording to tho flesh they are not all
lovely or beautiful. Ht. Paul else
where admonishes' us that amongst
these "dearly beloved" nro not mnny
great, not many wise, not many noble,
not many rich, but chlelly the Ignoble
and the poor of this world. Their
riches and their nobility tire not of the
tlesh, but of the spirit, of the heart, of
tho new will, to which they have boon
begotten of God by the Holy Spirit
This Is surely the Aostle's thought,
for. In the preceding verse, he speaks
of fhcM) "dourly beloved" ones as
"sou) mid daughters" of the I.ord, chil
dren of the Almighty hence, begotten
again of the Holy Spirit "new crea
tures lu Christ Jesus" (II Corinthians
v, 17). Ah, how wonderful It seems
that there should be such a class as
this lu the world yet not separated
from the world, except by their new
Spirit. These are in the world, but
not of the world, an the Master de
clared. Those have died to worldly
alms and objects and have become
alive toward God through the Holy
Spirit and through the quickening lu
.Iticncc of God's exceeding great nnd
precious promises given unto them.
God's purpose respecting them Is that
they may be transferred from human
nature to spirit nature from partici
pation with the world In tho bless
ings coming to It to receive Instead
the Divine nature, with tho glory,
honor and Immortality attaching
thereto, as "now creatures," sons of
the Highest (II Peter I. -1).
Chrlttlan "Filthlneta of th Flash."
Mining located definitely the .class
addressed by the Apostle, "the saints'
(II Corinthians I, 1), let us note how
and why It Is necessary that saints
should receive such an exhortation.
Why should the Apostle write to saints
respecting tho cleansing of their llesh
from lllthluess? Could ouo be a saint
and yet havo lllthluess of tho llesh?
Wo reply that these saints, begotten
of the Holy Spirit, will not tie perfect
ed as New Creatures until they experi
ence the "change" of tho "First I.csur
rectlon." Meantime they have the
treasure of the Divine nature, the Holy
Spirit, tho llrst fruits of their Inherit
ance lu Imperfect human bodies. It In
not the llesh that is begotten again by
the Holy Spirit, but n new mind, u new
will. The will of tho llesh they sncrl
lice. They give up all earthly rights
and ambitions and accept Instead tho
will of God, the will of Christ, the
Holy Spirit, that they may walk In
newness of life. However, from tho
very beginning of their Christian ex
perience nil of these members of the
Itoynl Priesthood, In the present life,
pnss through difficulties which nrlse
from three different seurces:
(1) The Adversary Is In opposition to
them and will do them all the harm
tho Lord will permit. Their protection
Is tho Divine promise that they will
not bo permitted to bo tempted above
that they will be able to bear that tho
Lord will supervise their Interest so
that with every temptation there will
bo provided n way of escape.
(2) They are In n world that is dark
with sin nud selfishness, superstition
and Ignorance of God and out of har
mony with his righteousness. The
world nud Its spirit surgo about them
every day, from morning until night.
Its tides and currents seek to sweep
them a way from their resolutions of
self-sncrltk'o and loyalty to God and
righteousness. In various wnys It holds
out to them enchanting prospects,
pleasures and riches, ease and influ
ence. These have their weight, oven
though It be known that comparatively
few who follow the world's beckoning
nud allurements ever receive the ful
fillment of tho promises hold out lo
(It) Tho grout light of tho Now Crea
ture, his closest nnd most persistent
adversary, H IiIh own llesh. The long
ings of his depraved unturo cry out
against restraints and Insist that he
Is taking an unreasonable, course In
that he undertakes to follow the Lord
Jchuh, nnd thus to go In nn opposite
direction from (ho course of tho world
and at tho cost or the cruclllxlon, the
mortification, of his own llesh mid
his natural preferences,
Thus viewed every Hplrlt-begotfen
Christian, Is an object of sympathy
from tho Dlvlno standpoint, and this
should be their standpoint toward
each other, lint the world has no
Myuipnthy. Tho world sees not, neither
does It understand nor appreciate the
exceeding great and precious prom
ises which Ho behind tho consecration
nf tho "saints," "tho Church of the
firstborns," Ho much tho more, each
of these brethren, "dearly beloved."
should have sympathy for each other,
nnd should encourage one another,
strengthen one another, build one mi
other up lu tho most holy faith, and,
by nil menus, do nothing to stumble
each other lu tho narrow way.
The "saints" cannot fight Satan.
They can merely by their ,wlll re
iltl him and rely upon tho promises
of grace to help and to protect. Tho
"salntn" cannot conquer tho world and
convert It to God that Is too Hercu
lean a task. God, nn wo hnvo seen,
has provided the thousand yearn of
Messiah's reign for that puriKise to
conquer the world, to overthrow sin
and to uplift tho willing nnd obedient
of humanity. Hut tho "saints" must
all overcomo the world lu tho nenno
of resisting Its spirit nnd keeping their
hearts loyal to God, loyal to their
Covenant of consecration which they
havo made to him. The heavenly
promises with tho still greater re
wards of glories far nbovo anything
that tho world has to offer, are tho
greatest aids In this resistance of tho
worldly spirit.
Tho great work for the Church Is
the good light of faith manifested In
tho putting away of the filth of their
own flesh mid spirit. Home by na
ture hnvo moro filth of the flesli nnd
spirit, more meanness, tnoro selfish
neiw, more natural depravity, etc..
than have others. Nevertheless, the
nice Is nut to tho swift, nor tho bat
tle to tho streng: for the lord's ar
rangement with each member of the
Itoynl Priesthood In that ho shall be
Judged according to the spirit or in
tention, mid not nccordlng lo the
flesh. From the time of the Chris
tluu's consecration to tho Lord he Is
reckoned dead an a humnu being nnd
alive as a spirit being. Ills test
or trial U not with a view to seeing
whether or not he enn do the Im
K)sslblo thing of living nn absolutely
perfect llfo In an Imperfect body. His
trial or test, on tho contrary, In to sec
to whnt extent his mind, his will,
tights u good tight against his natural
weaknesses and frailties. "There Is
none righteous, no, not one." AH the
trying In tho world could not prove
this Divine statement an Incorrect
one. Itlglitcousncss of tho will, holi
ness of beart, purity of heart, aro tho
possibilities; for theso God seeks nnd
these ho will rewnrd In tho "First
Iti-surrectlon" by granting perfect spir
it bodies, in full hnrmony with .their
pure hearts, their loynl Intentions nnd
How to Put Away Filth of tho Flash.
If It Is Impossible for the New Crea
ture to perfect tho flesh, what does
tho Apostle mean by urging tho saints
to cleanse themselves from the tilth
of the flesh? He means that we should
not, as New Creatures, bo discouraged
and say thnt, because wo cannot hope
to attain perfection In the tlesh, there
fore wo will mnko no endeavors In
that direction. He wishes us to un
derstand thnt It Is the Lord's will that
we light against tho weaknesses of the
flesh with a two-fold purpese:
(1) That wo may gradually cleanse
ourselves-gradually become more nnd
more whnt the Lord would hnvo us be
nnd whnt we should like to bo our
selves. (2) Additionally, this light against sin
In tho flesh will make us stronger and
stronger as New Creatures, in tho spir
it of our minds. It Is this firmness,
this determination, this posltlvcncss of
the New Crenturo against tin nud or
righteousness thnt God desires. Those
who develop It nro cnlled "ovcrcom-
ors," nnd nil of their experiences In
theso trials nnd bnttllngs against tho
world, tho flesh nud tho Adversary,
aro designed to make them "strong In
tho Lord and In the power of his
might." Their experiences nro bo or
dered nud directed as to lend them to
more and moro of faith lu God and
obedience to him. In order to be ac
ceptable, they must reach tho placo
where they love righteousness and
lmto iniquity Jn-cqulty.
Christian Filthiness of Spirit.
Tho word spirit lu tho lllblo nnd In
ordinary language Is used In n variety
of senses. In our text It does not sig
nify thnt tho saints, as spirit beings,
aro II I thy and need cleansing, Quite
to the contrary, tho New Creature, be
gotten of the spirit. Is holy, pure. Hut
as tho New Creature must uso tho
body of llesh until It receives tho New
Hody, bo It must use tho brain or mind
of the llesh wherewith to do Its think
ing nud reasoning, until thnt which In
perfect shall bo attnlued lu tho "First
Resurrection." Tho Apostlo's mean
ing, therefore, Is that tho saints should
not only put away filthiness of worda
mid actions, nnd all sympathy with
Impurity of ovory kind, but that their
minds (their thoughts) also should he
pure, should bo demised of everything
not fully In sympathy and nee,ord with
tho mind of Christ. Nor aro we to
suppose that this work Is purely God's
work In us. It Is his to forgive the
bIiih of tho past. It Is his to cleans"
us from nil condemnation of the past.
It is his to cover through Christ all of
our unintentional blemishes, it Is his
to encourage by his promises. Hut It
Is ours to Hhow our loynlty to tho prin
ciples of his Word and character by
putting nwny, to the extont of our
ability, all filthiness of tho flesh nnd
.--- ----- 4- -.--
Robert F Maguirc
Late Hpocinl agont U. S.
General Land Office,
announces that ho has
opened law offices in
the Med ford National
Bank Building, for gen
eral practice before
state and federal courts
and the Department of
the Interior.
Excursion Ratesto the East
Southern Pacific
Chicago $72.50
Council Bluffs $60.00
Omaha .......,.-......... .........$60.00
Kansas City $60.00
St. Joseph $60.00
St. Paul $60.00
St. Paul via Council Bluffs $63.90
Minneapolis direct $60.00
Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs $63.90
Duluth, direct $66.90
Duluth, via Council Bluffs $67.50
St. Louis $67.50
Ticket's will be on sale May 2d and 9th; June 2d, 17th
and 24th; July 5th and 22d; August 3d; September 8th.
The abovo rates apply from Portland only. From points
south of Portland, add ONE WAY local rate to Port
land, to make through rate via Portland. One way
through California, add $15.00 to above rates. Except
that fares to St. Paul and Minneapolis one way via Cal
ifornia will be $2175 higher, and fare to Duluth $24.75
higher than fares via direct routes.
Ten days provided for the going trip.
Stop-overs within limits in either direc
tion. Pinal return limit three months
from date of sale, but not later than Oc
tober 31st.
Inquire of any S. P. Agent for complete information, or
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon
A merchant who advertises only
when "in tho mood" is attempting to
rcpula'o commerce by his moods
nnd it enn't bo done.
- 4---
f-f 4'4 -f
While it is chenp. Phono 1341.
Cornor 11th nnd Laurel streets. Yard
nt 417 South Onkdale Avenue.
No job too small, none too
large. Twenty-five years'
practical experience.
Office 113 South Front Struct.
Phono 2751.
You onn't afford to do without
this splondid, refreshing drink.
Call up and order a ease sent to
the house. The purest, most
hoalthful drink known is
P. C. BIGHAM, Agent.
To register with tho association
for tht aeuHon'H pack. Packing
kcIiooIh for pears nnd npplcB in Au
giiHt nnd Soptcrnbor. Pack changed
on npplon. Everybody muut learn it.
fO. W. Murphy.
O. M. Murphy.
1010 Chalmers Dotroite.
Phono 1861, Vnlloy Auto Compnny,
Mwlforc, Or.
Quick Service. EnBy Riding.
Prices Right.
Agency for the, Parry Cars. Rogue
River Auto Co., Prank IT. Unll, Prop.,
Mcdford, Or.
Crater Lake Route
The cars of the Crater Lake Company will leave
Hotel Nash on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
at 8 a. m.
Round Trip $25.00
Children under 12 years, half fare.
Secure your tickets at the hotel.
J. C. NEET, Manager.
Medford Address: Nash Hotel.
rhe finest
Sample Rooms
in the city.
Hotel Moore
Fire Proof
Rau-Mohr Company
Proprietors. European Plan
Big machinery is now excavating the ground,
northwest corner Main and Ivy streets, for the new
"Watch the dirt fly and hurrah for Medford.
will buy more goods than a warm one will in hot weather.
A cool customer will buy with less palaver.
He or she will be better natured, less cranky and
easier to sell to; and you know it.
Moreover, you yourself, and your employes, will be
in a better selling mood if your store is cool and pleasant
than if it is sticky and suffocating and savors of a boiler
room in its stiflingness.
The Electric Pan is a blessing and a cheer which you
can ill afford to ignore.
Life in the dog days is a question of degrees.
Make your place of business habitable and inviting to
the people, and the trend of trade will be in your direction1.
It stands to reason it's logical it's apparent.
Why not invest a little mon in trade-winning cool
ness? Electric Fans will create a tempting and delightful
breeze, and in every breeze there 11 be dollars for you.
May our representative call and take it up with you?
Don't wait until it's 0Q in the shade. Phone us today.
Rogue River
Electric Comp'y
P. S. How about that Electric Sign you've been think
ing about?
Notice! a horoby glvon that the cue
dorslgnod will apply at tho noxt rsg.
lar mooting of tho city council to b
held August 2, 1010, for a license fe
sell malt, vinous nnd nplrltoun liquor
In qunntltloa loss than ono gallon c
his placo of buslnosa In lot 20, bloc
11, In tho city of Medford.
Dated July 20. 1910.
nankins for honlth.
Single rooms or en suite
also rooms with bath