MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, JULY 2l, 19.10. ATTEMPT MADE TO ASSASSINATE FORMER PREMIER MAURA OF SPAIN SEVEN PERISH IN THE DESERT I ARTISTIC FURNITURE Republicans Frantic With Joy Over Shooting of Man Responsible for Barcelona Massacre Last Year Is Most Hated Man In Spain. BLIND MAN ADMITS Shakcup in Imminration Officials Due to Suspected Smugnllnn of Forbidden Drtiq Complaints Filed by Employes Against Associates. , Many Loso Life on Blistering Sands of Mojnvc Most of tho Victims HE IS TRAIN Aro Prospectors Many of Them Unidentified Coroner Busy. 2 OPIUM CASES N INVESTIGATION Assailant Is Leader of Laborites Three Shots Fired, One of Which Strikes Ex-Premier in LegAt tempt at Rescue Fails. MADRID, July 23. Republicans of Spain arc frenzied with joy today over the attempted assassination of former Premier Maura, who was shot last night' at the Francia depot in Barcelona. Republican membors of the cortes, embodying the spirit of the people hastily met at midnight, following rumors of Maura's death. Later, when it was learned that he was only slightly wounded and would recover they resolved upon a measure which they intend shall throw open to in vestigation the charges that Maura was responsible for the Barcelona mssacre last year. Maura Much Hated Without doubt Maura is the most bated man in Spain, and since his retirement from the ministry he has been guarded by government agents from those who have sworn to have Ms life in payment for the wrongs ho is alleged to have inflicted upon tho people. Maura was in the Francia station ast night preparatory to leaving for ilma. in the Bnleric islands, for the rammer. His assailant, Rocca Aro- wt, a driver, and leader of the labor- tes, fired three shots, one of which truck the former in the leg. As Maura fell to the ground, friends and police sprang upon Boca. A woman, a cousin of Maura, was the first person to reach the would be assassin. She seized his arm, but was unable to prevent his firing the second shot, which went wild, and the third, which wounded Senor Oli- f ara. a friend of Maura. Rescue Attempted. Roca was pounced upon by Maura's guards. Fighting desperate ly, ho was home away to prison, while Maura was taken to his boat, bonnd for Majorca. Boca's father and brother, with a throng of adherents, attempted to rescue the prisoner, but after a live ly fight the police succeeded in dis persing the mob and arresting the father and brother. Members of the Spanish cabinet and leading loyalists in the cortes foresee grave trouble from the at tack on Maura. Roca was a close friend of Francisco Ferrnr, who was executed by tho government under the administration of Maura for al leged instigation of riots a year ago. The government anticipated the ittack on Maura by having the ex jremier guarded and Roca shadowed, loca eluded his followers and prob bly would have killed Muura but for ihe interference of the woinun. The loyalists fear that the attack is but tho beginning of a series of disor ders directed at the overthruwal of the monarchy. Crown In Fear. The significance of the attack is shown when it is recalled that Senor Iglesias, leader of the Republicans in ihe cortes, recently declared from the floor that Maura should be shot. The government at that time dared sot accept Iglesias' defiant chal lenge to arrest him, fearing that a subsequent inquiry might involve the erown. The snine fear is again bronght to the surfuce by the attack on Maura. MATATORIUM WINS PUBLIC FAVOR IDAHO CITY, Idaho, July 24. "Bud" Rogers, almost blind, was tak en to Dolse today by Sheriff II. C. Hamilton, aa ono of the men who held up tho Oregon Short Lino train near Ogdou on Juno 27. Rogers camo to town yesterday neoempanied by a Chinaman. Ho Inquired his way to tho sheriff and asked a long lino of ques tlons about the train robbery. He ended by saying that ho was ono of them and that thore waB four robbers Instead of three as they had supposed He explained that tho division of the "vag" was not equitable and that ho got only $25 and threo watch es as his share. Tho others silenced his complaints for the time being with threats of killing him, Rogers was totally blind at one tituo but has practically recovered sight. His sto ry is being Investigated ao the police wish to ascertain whether he Is tell ing the truth. ALASKA VOLCANO SHOWS DIMINISHING ERUPTIONS JUNEAU. Alaska, July 23. Tne eruption ol Mount bmsuaim, on Uninink island, is rapidly lessening, according to Captain William Greg ory of the lighthouse tender Anne riu, which has just arrived hero from Unimak. Recently the mountain was report ed to be shooting great sheets of pure flame high into the skies. Now, Gregory says, the crater is merely smoking and the sides of the peak are covered with snow to tho edge of the pit. Gregory said that the lighthouse keepers on Unimak island, which i but a short distance from the moun tain, are not afraid to remain there. MONOPOLISTSOU T WITH HAMMER Fishing Combine at Mouth of Rogue Files Argument Against Closing of River to Commercial Fishing, as Was Expected. WASHINGTON, D. C. July 23. Otftlals of tho department of com merce ami labor today admitted that certain Immigration officials on the Pacltfc coast have filed charges against other otfclals lu the service and that an Investigation Is under way. Although the officials denied that a shakoup Is Imminent, It was admitted that Secretary Nagel posi tively would take summary action when ho visits the const next month. "Tho troublo is of long standing," said an official of the department this afternoon. "We do not think any thing Is likely to dovolop ut the pres ent tlmo ns a cursory lew of tho charges does not Indicate that Uioy ara well founded. Dut So 'rotary Na gel certainly will Investigate the sorv Ico when he Islts the Pacific coast." The details of tho charges aro with held, but It Is bollevod they Involve the smuggling of opium from China by Chinese. Tho frequent seizures of tho drug In tho principal ports of tho Pacific coast has led the authori ties to suspect that quintltles havo been successfully brought Into tho country and that It may have boon done with tho connnlvance of inspec toro in the Immigration service, al though tho customs service prima rily is In charfc.o of the work of pro venting smug-ling. The dissatisfaction of tho Chinese with the work of Immigration In spector Hart H. North of San Fran cisco Is belloved to have reached tho department through high Chinese of ficials here. North also had mado enemies among tho laboring men In San Francisco In connection with tho admittance of Hindus to tho country, and It Is roported that they also are after the commissioner's scalp. SAN llKUNAHDlNO, Cullr July 21 Seven inon 1 r.vo Hocmnbed to tho toniflo heat of tho Mojnvn desert during tho last three days, accord lug to reports receiver at tho coroner office hero. A despatch from Kelso statud that the blistered body of a prospector was picked up last evening In tho dosort near hero. The body of nnothor man wns found near Needles. Two men perished la tho sand near Roso Mine, 40 miles from this city. Tholr bodies were found be ueath n clump of sagebrush, under which they had sought aholtor from tho sun. Within a few mllos of Vlc torvllle, unidentified prospectors fell dead last evening A message from Indo brought news of two othor deaths In Death Valley. The men evidently hnd been com panions. According to Coroner Van Wlo, no Inquest will be held over tho dead bodies. FOREST FIRE SITUATION IN CANADA IMPROVING Tho Nntatorium is steadily in creasing in popularity, this being es pecially noticoublo among the ladies, and the attendance of -so runny of the fair sex is particularly grati fying to the management, as it shows that tho efforts made to provide a clean place of amusement are ap preciated. For tho coming week there will be two ladies' days Tuesday and Thursday, from 1 to 5 p. in. Thurs ay will be exclusively for ladies, no entlemcn being allowed in (he Iuugo. But Tuesday afternoon the ool will be given over to ladies nnd aeir escorts, not more than ono jcentleman being allowed with each lady, and ho must bo n bonafide es cort This fenturo is very popular a( Venice, Long Beach and other Cal ifornia resorts, and will no doubt moot with equal favor here. On Wednesday and Saturduy eve nings there will bo the usual dances, 'beginning at 9 o'clock. HiisklBB for health. SALEM, Or., July 23. That a strong fight will be put up by both sides on the question of prohibiting fishing in the Roguo river Is Indicat ed by a negative argument filed with tho secretary of state aaginst the proposed statuto to stop fishing which Is also aimed at the old fishing right of the R. D. Hume estate on that riv er. Signers of the negative argument are E. A. Bailey, John R. Miller and Herbert Hume. They contend that the Rogue river Is not exceled In tho staite as a placo for salmon fishing, with the exception of the Columbia; that private capital in erecting canneries and clearing the river at the mouth of tho stream had expended $250,000 and they contend that commercial fishing at tho mouth does net Inter fore with sport on tho upper river. They maintain that two private hatch eries owned by the estate pi R. D. Hume and a cvernment hatchery on Elk creek supply many times the number of fish taken out. HAWLEY FILES HIS INTENTION Says If Elected He Will Continue to Work for Oregon's Interests Says He Has No One to Serve But the People. 24 MANY FIND Followed by a largo concourse of Mends and relatives, tho remains of Mrs, Newberry, pioneer of Oregon, wero laid to rest in the picturesque cemetery at Jacksonville, where re poso tho hones of many of tho old pioneers of the western coast. Tho ceremonies wero simple, as befitted tho unostentatious llfo of tho deceasod, and wero Impressive by their very simplicity. ALASKA'S GOVERNOR TO TOUR INTERIOR DAWSON, Y. T July 23. Gov ernor Waller E. Clark of Alaska and Mrs. Clark arrived horo early today from White Ilorso on the steamer Dawson. They will sail tomorrow on tho puckot Susie for lower Yukon points and a tour of the interior. Frank Oliver, Canadinn minister of the interior, left Dawson lust night for Skagway on tho last lap of his 8000-mio tour of the north. Ho will sail from Skagway for Vancouver nnd return to Ottawa by rail. A merchant who advertises only when "in the mood" is attempting to regulate commerce by Us moods and it can't be done. SA9LEM, Or., July 23. Willis C. Hawley has filed with the secretary of state his declaration of intention to become candidate for re-election as representative In congress from the First district. He states that If elected he will continue his work, hitherto success ful, of securing appropriations for rivers, harbors and public buildings; extending postal facilities and rural free delivery, with better pay to em ployes; rollef for veterans of the wars; further interesting tho depart ment of agriculture In developing ag grlculture; opening up of the natural resources of the state; aiding settlers on the public domain and Increasing the area open to settlement to Include all lands proporly agricultural. He asks that tho following state ment be placed opposite bis name on tho official ballet: "No Interests to servo but tho public Interests." VICTORIA, 11. C. July 23. Tho forest fire situation is reassuring today. The latest official advices from the threatened districts con tain no suggestion of fre.-li disasters. From Nelson comes tho welcome news that light rain foil there yes terday, materially assisting the va rious forces engaged in fighting the fires. The forest situation in the .south eastern portion of the province is distinctly better this morning. The sky is overcast nnd all indications point to much cooler weather and lo cal showers. PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY Also Floor Coverings, Draperies, Shades, Stoves, Ranges, Etc. We are busy There's a why! It will pay you to soo ub before making purchases Guj6&i&) "Outside tho flro limit, but ln-sldo on price" Tolephono Main lint Wtwt Mala 8c. Cor. of Lnurol Next lo Wellington Hchool THE TItUE TEST. CHIC0 DIVIDED OVER SCHOOL RUMPUS CHICO, Col., July 23. With tho cecoud duy of the hearing of tho charges of improper conduct uguinst Dr. C. C. Van Liew, principal of the htate normul bchool here, C'hico be came practically a divided ciunp to day. When the heuring wu- resum ed today one side of the courtroom wii packed with friends of the ac cused teacher, while the other was filled with tho supporters of Miss Ada Clark, the 17-year-old school girl, who brought sensational charger, against Van Liew. It wut noticed that women predominated in tho Van Liew faction. Van Liow appeared a trifle paler than yesterday. The "prosecution" proceeded along tho same lines an yesterday, when Elinor Bnnkor tes tified regarding Dr. Vuu Liew'n al leged partiality for the "flowing bowl." Other witnesses woie sum moned today to testify regarding Van Liew's conduct while ut the nor mal school. American Released. WASHINGTON, D. C, July 'J:i. Tho state department was notified todav that D. W. McKay, arrested ut Tiu Junnu, Mexico, has been released by the court at Euseuadu, Tried In Mcdfonl, It Has Stood tho Tost. Tho hardest test Is tho test of tlmo, and Doan's Kldner Pills havo ctood it well In Medford. Kidney sufferors can hardly ak for strongor proof than tho follewing: Mrs. J. II. Baussum, Central ave nue, Medford, Or., says: "I was so bad off with kidney troublo that I could not do my housework. My back was weak and painful and In tho morning whon I got up I was lamo and sore. Tho kidney secretions passed Irregularly and my health steadily ran down until I was hardly about to got about. Whllo la that condition I read nbout Doan's KIdnoy Pills and got a box at Raskins' drug store. I felt bettor from tho' tlmo I commenced their uso nnd It was not long before I was cured. I am In a position to recommond Doan's Kid ney Pills hlhly to nnyono afltlcted with kldnoy complaint." (Statement given September K, 1907.) Permanent Curo Justifies Itc-En-dorsement. When in. Ilaussum was Intervlow od on October 2G, 1909, sho said: "My former endorsement of Donn's Kldnoy Pills still holds good. Slnco this remedy cured mo I havo had no furthor attacks of kidney complaint and I have enjoyed good health. I do not hesitate to say that Doan's Kldnoy Pills are a specific for all difficulties caused by weak kidneys." For sale by all dealers. Prlco 50 cents. Foator-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for tho United States. Itomombor the nnmo Doan's and take no othor. DOCTORS GIVEN WARM WELCOME Automobile Ride Is Provided for Vlsitinn Physicians All Left With Most Pleaslnrj Memories of Med ford and Rooue River aVIIcy. ed In pursuit. The holdup nnd mur-1 way to pny off tho inon at tho Her der occurred w Ho Drown was on IiIh I uoldnvlllo initios. GRAND TRUNK STRIKE OVER ON THE WABASH DETROIT. .Mich., July 23. Tho Grand Trunk strike, so far as it af fected the Wabash railroad, is over, according to Superintendent Sims of the Detroit division of the Inttor road. Sims snid today that tho men on the Canadian division of tho 'u IiiihIi had relumed lo work. Medford gave the trniiilond of homeopathic physicians which reach ed this city Friday evening a royal welcome which included mi automo bile rido through the valley, and the visitors left with nothing but praise for Medford and the Koguit ltiver valley. A committee consisting of Charles A. Malboeuf. Dr.- E. II. I'iekol, Dr. Eborhnrt. Dr. Frederick C. 1'ngo, Porter J. Noff, J. A. Wctftorliiud, A. S. Itoscubamn and Don Colvig, met thu physicians, who were returning home from a recent convention in Pasadena in Ashland and accompan ied them to this city. Hero their train was held while they took a ride through the orchard district. The affair was a great success and tho physicians will doubtless long re member this vnlloy. Beef Trut Inquiry. CHICAGO, III., July !!3. Four of ficials of tho Chicago Junction rail road have been summoned to appear before tho spooial grand jury inves tigating tho hcof trust horo. It is expected tho jury will impure into the operation of tho railroad in conjunction with tho hceg trust. Hasklns for hoalth. KILLS BODYGUARD, BUT ROBBERY IS FOILED KITTANING, Pa., July 23. After shooting nnd killing Horton Crnlg, n body guard, a masked robhor today hold up F. M, Drown, paymaster of tho Wldnoon Coal comp-uiy, who was carrying $2 800. Tho suporlntondont of tho compnny arrived to provont a robbory. Tho bandit fled and a posso start- Waltham Watches Harness, Saddles, Etc. If you appreciate a large assortment of harness, saddles, and everything that is commonly handled in a store of this kind, you should call here. Every thing is the best that long experience and skilled makers can produce. MEDFORD HARNESS COMFY A TACKSTROM, Proprietor, Successor J. O. Smith. East Main Street Medford, Oregon GUARANTEED OR NOT GUARANTEED Tho Waltham "Watch Company will guar- an tec in the broadest possible way any Wal thom Watch bought from a reputatblo jewel er, but it will not guarantee a watch pur- chased of any mail order house. When you' get a watch from a jeweler, he sees that it is going right at first, because ho knows how to touch it up; but even so, if your watch fails later in any way, wo will make it good, provided only that it has been bought from a reputable dealer. "We cannot guarantee any of our watches that may havo been bought from mail order houses. Wo do not sell to them. Any mail order house adver tising Waltham Watches in their catalogues know when they do it that they can only got them by underground methods. WALTHAM WATCH COMPANY, Waltham, Mass. N. 13. When buying a watch always ask your jeweler for a AValtham adjusted to temperature and position. T carry all makes of standard Watches HOWARD, HAMILTON, WALTHAM, ELGIN, ILLINOIS, SOUTHBEND, ROCKFORD, HAMPDEN and SWISS, Watches. I also absolutely guaranteo every watch I sell. MARTIN J. REDDY, Tho Jeweler, Near Postoffico Medfor,d, Oregon V A