15 ryr" t...it. Tim i ni.i hi ....i (..: I,-,.I..l. i'..M i !- i ' ' i-- .- . . . a , - - - ,r .1, m ii u ti- i 1 ii-t - " - Is Your Property For Sale? MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY. .JULY 24, 1910. DO YOU WANT TO (JET THE TOP PRIOR FOR IT? IE SO, HAVE YOU BRIGHTENED IT UP BY PAINTING? 31? YOU TTA.VEN'T, THERE IS NO TIM EOF THE YEA II WHEN IT CAN BE DONE AS WELL AS DURING TUTS WEATHER, AND YOU WILL NO T BE ABLE TO GET IT DONE ANY CHEAPER. WE CAN GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE ON THE C OST AND THE NAMES OF MANY RELIABLE ' ) PAINTERS WHO WILL CONTRACT THE WORK. WE HAVE THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE PAINT STORE IN MEDFORD AND THE MOST COMPLETE ASSOR TMENT OF HIGH-GRADE STAINS, PREPARED PAINTS, ENAMELS AND PAINTERS' SUPPLIES IN SOUTHERN OREGON. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS AND WILL GIVE YOU SERVICE AND VALUES THAT WILL MAKE IT WORTH YOUR WHILE TO CALL AT OUR STORE. isr . fa f t ' ilk CHINESE REBELS FORTIFT SEAPORT MACAO, July 'IX Tho I'oriu Kiii'Hc jtovornor of .Miiciio today 1 1 patched lHvo KiiiilioatH, two torpodo ImiiiIh and oiirht iitmliurien to Colo wan in u concerted effort to drixo out tlio Chint'Ko reliolrt who have for tified and aro heldini: tlio town of WimikIcoiu. near Hongkong. Thu government him Hilled upon tlio ChinoHO government for aid, and tln Poking iiutlioritieM Iihvo directed two gunlioaln to proceed to thu dirt tiirlmd torn lory. Tim government Iiiih demanded that thu nilicls h'ur ruudor on protection of liomlmrd- llll'tlt. Thu robolrt havo liocoino defiant and throatcit to raid nonport Iowiih adjacent to Houkgong and attack thu 1'oreignern for tho purjxwo of oiuhar rnHHinc thu Poking government, if tliov am moloHlcd in Colowan. hkhom'tion okdkuino i.m imiovkmunt. Ho It resolved by tho city council of thu city of Modferd: WhoroiiH, tho council lian duly do clarod Hh Intention by resolution to Improve tho following ntroot tewlt: West flucond ntroot from Holly Htroot to wcRt city lltnltu by placing concroto curlm and gutters on both Htdon thereof anil paving tho muno with nuphnlt pnvnmont consist ing of a five-Inch rnncroto bnso, u ono-lnch nsplmltlc binder and a two- Inch wearing Hiirrnco; and, WhoroiiH, notice thoroof vjih duly given nil roqulrod by tho charter ot said city; and, WhcrenH, no protoHtB woro rnrolvnd iiKuIiiHt tho hiuuo, tho council ordern tho Improvomont to bo inado, nn dos crlbod In Hnld resolution, and tho amount of tho cohI thereof aHHOHHod upon tho proporty oHpoclally bonoflt d thoroby. Tho foregoing roHolutlon wns pann ed by tho city council of tho city of Medford, thin 2Sd day of July, 1010, by tho following vote: Wolch absent, Morrlck nlmont, Em oriole nyo, Wortinan nyo, 13lfort nyo and Demmer nyo. Approved July 2 2d, 1910. W. II. OANON, Mnyor. AttOHtS ROUT. W. TKIiKKK. City Recorder. ukhom;tio.v omucm.vo i.m imiovksiknt. Ho It resolved by tho city council of tho city ot Mudferd: WhoronH, tho council Iiiih duly de clared I tu Intention by rotioltitlon to Improve thu following ntroot tewlt: South Hlvumldo avenue from ICnnt Mnlu titreet to Twelfth ntroot by placltiK concroto curlm nii.l outturn on both nldoH thereof and paving tho name with anphall pavotuont consist ing or'n flvvlncli concroto baso, n ono-lnch anphaltlc binder and a two- inch wearing Hiirrnco; and, Whoroan, notice thoroof won duly glvon an roqulrod by tho chartor of nald city; and, Whoronn, no protest woro rocolvoil ngnliiHl tho Hiuuo, thu council orders tho liuprovouiunt to ho made, iih den crlboil In nald ronolutlon, and tho amount of tho cent thoroof nHHOsnod upon tho proporty enpoclally benoflt od thureby. Tho foregoing ronolutlon wad pann od by tho city council of tho city of Medford. thin 22d day of July, 1010, by tho following vote. Wolch abHont, Morrlck abHont, Km orlclc nyo, Wortinan nyo, Klfort nyo and Dumuior nyo. Approved July 22d. 1010. W. II. CANON', Mayor. Attest: ROUT. W. TKLFEIt. City Hocordor. KKSOMJTIO.V OKDKIUNG MIOVKM ISN'T. I.M- HKSOM'TION OUDICHlNn I.M IMIOVICMKNT. Ho It ronolvotl by tho dty council of tho city of Modferd: WhoronH, tho council Iiiih duly do clarod Hh Intontlon by ronolutlon to Improve tho following street tewlt: South Central avonuo from Eighth Htroot to Houth city llmltB by placing concroto curhH and cuttorn on both hIiIoh thereof and paving tho hiuuo with anphalt pavement connlnt lug of a Nvo-lncli concroto huso, n ono-lnch nflphnltlo blndor ami a two lnoh wearing nurfneoj and, WhoronH, notice thoroof wan duly glvon an roqulrod by tho chartor ot nald olty; and, WhoroiiH, no protoHtn woro rocolvoil agnlnnt tho name, tho council ordoia tho Improvement to bo inado, uh iIoh crlbud In nald ronolutlon, and tho Amount of tho cont thereof iihhohhoiI upon tho proporty onpeclnlly benoflt od thoroby. Tho foregoing ronolutlon wan panH od by tho city council of tho city of Medford, UiIh B2d dny of July, 1010, by tho following vote: Wolch nlmont, Morrlck nlmont, 10m orlclc nyo, Wortnmn nyo, HI fori nyo nnd Dommor ayo, Approved July 22d, 1010. W. II. OANON, Mayor. Attent: HOI1T. W. TKLPKU. City Hocordor, HlvSOM'TION OHDKUINa I.M- ritovi:.Mi:xT. Ho It ronolvotl by tho city council of tho city of Mudferd: WhoronH, tuo council has duly de clared Uh Intontlon by resolution t) Improve tho following Htroot tewlt: North Hlvornldo avonuo from Kant Main ntroot to Jncknon ntroot by placing concroto curlm nnd gutters on both nldoH thereof and paving tho name with anphalt pavement connlnt lug of a five-Inch concroto bnno, a ono-lnch nnpbnltlc blndor nnd n two Inch wearing Hiirfaco; nnd, Whoroan, notice thoroof was uuiy given an roijulrod by tho chartor of nald city; and, WhoronH, no protontB woro rocolvod agatiiHf tho naino, tho council ordorn tho linprovement to bo mndo, an don crlbed In nald ronolutlon, and tho amount of tho cont thereof nnnosnoil upon tho proporty enpoclally benefit ed thereby. Tho foregoing ronolutlon wim pass ed by tho city council of tho city of Medford, this 22d day ot July, 1010, by tho following vote: Welch ubnent, Morrlck abHont, 12m orlck nyo, Wortnuui ayo, Elfort nyo and Donunor nyo. Approved July 22d. 1010. W. II. CANON, Mnyor. Attent: HOHT. W. TBLPER. City Hocordor. Ho It ronolvod by tho city council of tho city of Modferd: WhoronH, tho council tins duly de clared Ita Intontlon by resolution to Improve tho following ntroot tewlt: Worn Eighth Btreot from Fir ntroot to Onkdalo avonuo, by placing concroto curbs nnd gutters on both nldoH thoroof nnd tinvlnf llin name with nnphnlt pavement consist ing of n five-Inch concroto baso, n one-Inch nnphaltlc blndor and a two Inch wonrlnir surface: nnd. Whorons, notlco thereof was duly glvon an rogulrod by tho charter of nald city; and, Whorons, no protests wero rocolvod ngnlnst tho Hnmo, tho council orders tho Improvomont to ho inado, ns des cribed in said ronolutlon, nnd tho amount of tho cont thereof anscBsod upon tho proporty enpoclally bonoflt ed thoroby. Tho forogolng ronolutlon was pann ed by tho city council of tho city of Medford. thin 22d day of July, 1010, by tho following vote: Wolch nbHont, Morrlck absent, Em orlck nyo, Wortmnn nyo, Elfort nyo and Donunor nyo. Approved July 22d. 1010. W. II. CANON, Mnyor. Attent: ROHT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. ItKSOM'TIO.V ORDERING JM I'ROVEMKXT. Do It ronolvod by tho city council of tho city of Modferd: WhoronH, tho council has duly de clared Its Intention by resolution to linprovo tho following street tewlt: North Onkdalo avonuo from West Fourth stroot to Palm streot by nlarlnir concroto curlm nnd mitto on both sides thoroof nnd paving tho snmo with nnphnlt pnvotnont consist ing of a five-Inch concroto baso, a one-men nspiinltlo blndor and n two Inch wearing surfneo; and, Whoroan, notlco thoroof was duly glvon nn required by tho charter of mild city; nnd, WhoronH, no protests woro received ngnlnst tho nnmo, tho council orders tho Improvomont to bo mndo, ns des cribed In snld resolution, nnd tho amount of tho cost thoroof assessed upon tho proporty ospeclnlly bonoflt od thoroby. Tho forogolng resolution was pass ed by tho city council of tho city of Medford, this 22d day of July, 1010, by tho following vote: Wolch nlmont, Morrlck nlmont, Em orlclc nyo. Wortinan nyo, Elfort ayo and Dommor nyo. Approvod July 22d, 1010. W. H. CANON, Mnyor. Attest: ROUT. - TELFER, City Recorder. RESOLUTION ORDERING IM I'HOVEMKNT. Ho It ronolvod by tho cl.y council of tho city of Modferd: WhoroiiH, tho council ban duly de clared Ita Intention by ronolutlon to Improve tho following stroot tewlt: South Ornpo street from Eighth Htroot to Houth city limits by placing concroto curlm and gutters on both Hides thereof and paving tho hiuuo with unphalt pavomout consist ing of n flvo-lnch concroto baso, a one-Inch nnphnltlo binder and a two inch wearing Htirfnco; and, WhoronH, notlco thoroof wns duly glvon ii8 required by tho chartor of said city; nnd, WhoroiiH, no protests woro rocolvod ugatnst the Hnmo, tho council ordorn tho Improvement to bo mndo, an ijos orlbod In Bald ronolutlon, nnd tho amount of tho cont thoroof nnsossod upon tho proporty onpoolnlly honotlt ed thereby. Tho foregoing ronolutlon wiih pann ed by tho city council of tho city of Medford. thin 23d day of July, 1010, by tho following vote: Wolch ubnont, Moriiclc nlmont, 13m orlck nyo, Wortinan nyo, Elfort nyo nnd Donunor ayo. Approvod July 2 2d, 1010. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attent: ROHT. V. TELFER. City Rocordor. RESOLUTION ORDERING I.H lROVEMENT. Ho It resolved by tho city council of tho city of Modferd: WhoroaB. tho council hnH duly de clared Its Intontlon by resolution to linprovo tho following stroot tewlt: Ivy stroot from West Main Htroot to "West Sixth ntroot by placing concrbto curlm nnd gutters on both sides thoroof nnd pnvlng tho haiiio with nsphnlt pnvomont consist ing of n flvo-lnch concroto bnso, a one-Inch nnplialtlo blndor nnd a two Inch woarlng nurfneo; nnd, Whorons, notlco thoroof wns duly glvon as roqulrod by tho chartor of snld city; and, Whorons, no protests woro rocolvod ngnlnst tho hiuuo, tho council orders tho Improvomont to bo mndo, ns des cribed In Hnld ronolutlon, and tho amount of tho cont thoroof nnsossod upon tho proporty ospoclally bonoflt od thoroby. Tho forogolng resolution was pnss od by tho city council of tho city of Medford. this 22d day of July, 1010, by tho following vote: Wolch nlmont, Morrlck nlmont, Em orlck nyo, Wortmnn nyo, Elfort nyo and Donunor nyo, Approvod 'July d2rt. 1910. W. II. OANON, Mayor. Attest: ROnT. W. TELFER, City Rocorrtor. Crater Lake Route 1910 LOCOMOBILES 1910 The cars of the Crater Lake Company will 2eave Hotel Nash on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a. m. Round Trip $25.00 Children under 12 years, half fare. Secure your tickets at the hotel. CRATER LAKE TRANSPORTATION CO. J. C. NEFF, Manager. Medford Address: Nash Hotel. TRIBUNE ADS. BRING RESULTS $12,500 Thirty-two acres, two miles frcm Talent, Ander son crook bottom land; five-room box house, Reed baru nnd other outbuildings; there are on this place 12 acres in Nowtown and Spitxcnberp: apples, 0 and 7 years old, which havo a fair crop this year; betweon tho apples are peaoh fillers, which are heavily loaded. In addition there aro thrco acres of pears 2 years old and three acres plantod to pears last winter; also four acros of alfalfa and about fivo acres of fine timber; there aro two good wells and a complete pumping plant for irrigation; $0500 will handle this placo and tho balance can be paid at the rato of $1000 a year. $15,000 Soveaty-fivo acres, saino neighborhood; good new five-room houso, largo barn and other outbuildings; spring water piped to tho buildings. There aro on this plnce 11 aorea of 3-year-old Nowtowns and Spitzenbergs with peach fillore, about an aero of boaring family orch ard, 10 acres of alfalfa, about -an aero of boaring grapes about 45 acros all told under cultivation, bnlance in timber which could bo cheaply cloarod. At $200 an acre this plnce is a snnp. It would tako half cash to handle, balnuco easy. $300 nn acre Finos friit and gnrdon land in tho valley, half way between Phoenix nnd Talent; level, black free soil; divided into 10-acro tracts; one-fourth oash, balance in four annual payments with 6 per cont interest. $12,000 Sixtoon nnd a half acres, midway between Jack sonville nnd Central Point, facing tho hill road; finest building oito in the Tnlloy. Thero are oight acros of poars in boaringi troos from 5 to 8 years old, nnd about an noro and a half of grnpos iu boaring, balance iu timber, which is all good fruit land. Half oash will handle. $20,000 Less than $425 an noro for 47V& acres, one mile from Contral Point, all good land, good buildings, about 40 a ore b planted to standard varietios of applos nnd ponrs from 1 to 4 years of ago, bnlanco in alfalfa. This place will subdivido nicely. It is easily worth $100 nn aero more than is nukod. W. T. YORK & CO. If you nro interested in Medford proporty, talk with our rity man, Mr W. V, Moore, u E. ENYART, President. J. A. PERRY, Vice-Presidemt. JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $100,000.00 SURPLUS 20,000.09 UNDIVIDED PROFITS , 15,000.00 SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSI NESS TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO Office: 209 West MainSt., Medford, Ore. jOperating Quarry at Gold I&yOregon i. DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND MUSHED GRANITE SPEND THE SUMMER -AT Newport, Yaquina Bay The Only Beach in the Pacific Northwest Whero the pretty Water Agates, Mosa Agates, Moonstones Cornelians and Rock Oysters can be found. Outdoors tfport of allKinas Including Hunting, Flahln , dlsglng Rock OystorB, Boating, Surf Bathing, Riding, Autoing, Canoeing and Dancing. Puro mountain water and the best o food at low prices. Fresh Crabs, Clams, Oysters, Fish and Vegetables of all kinds dal ly. IDEAL CAMPING GROUNDS, with strict sanitary reg ulations, at nominal cost. , , , ,. Low Round-Trip Season Tickets rT from all points in Oregon, Washington and Idaho on sale dally. Three Day Saturday to Monday Bate from S. P. points, Fortlund to Cottago Grove Inclusive, Includ ing branch linos; also from all C. & EI. stations Albany and west. Good going on Saturday or Sunday, and for return Bun day or Monday, A Sunday Excursion Rate of $ X .50 from Albauy, Corrallls and Philomath, with corresponding low rates from points wost, In effect all summor. Call on any 8. P, or O. & B. Agont for full particulars as to rates, train schedules, otcj also for copy of our beautiful Illustrated booklet, "Outings In Oregon," or write io WM. IcMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Orcgoa. I