MEDFORD AEAIL TRIBUNE, atEDFORD, OR1500N. SUNDAY. JULY 21, 1010. c 14 !' 1 CHILDREN ARE ENTHUSIASTIC READERS NotwItliBtnndlnR tho heat of tho pant two weeks, ttio circulation of looks among tho juvonllo pntrona demonstrated unusual Interest, espec ially among tho boys. Lot tho r ess I mist ot our grownup generation who grumbles at tho friv olous or vicious literary tastes ot tho coming generation tnko an afternoon off and visit the library. Ho will bo forced to reconstruct bucu disagree able theories when ho notes the nvld ity with which the Juvonllo books on electricity, machinery, handicraft nro seized upon. Of the 45 new Juvenile books add ed ton days ago to tho library, 40 ot tho booko bave been taken, and of theso books 20 were sclenco books. Huch enthusiasm is shown on noro planos, inventions, etc. Boys, If you iavon't read "Boys' Book of Invent ion!," or "Tho Boy With tho U. S. Surroy," you nro missing much. A word should bo added In regard to xaturo books for llttlo folks. Miss Morloy'a books on "Beo People," -Insect Folks" and "Seed Babies" ro most charming and Instructive. E. P. J. New Bookst for Library. A largo ohipment of books has Just dce: received by the library. For va cation reading of light or serious Tcln, this Utest addition is admirably adapted. Many of the new books will le placed on tho seven-Jay book shelves, as tho demand for fiction Is bo great at present Tho adult fic tion, comprising tho best of recent publications, is as follews: "Simon, tho Jester" (Locke); Mary Cary (Boshef; History of Mr. Polly (Wolls); Just Between Them selves (Warner) ; Danbury Rodd, Vv iator) Palmer; Silent Call (Roylo); Tho Crossway8 (Martin); Anno of Avonlco (Montgomery); Life for a Xlfe (Hcrrlck); Little Aliens (Kel ly); Wild Olive (King); Girl From Marshcroft (Ls.gerlof); Just Horses (Ford); Cavanaugh, Forest Ranger; Tho Right Stuff (Hay). Of books on art, Bryant's "What Pictures to Ste in Europe In One Summer" is excellent, and Brander Mntthowa' "Study ot Drama" pre sonts a now and comprehensive vlow ot tho subject. Of travel and ndventlure, tho most fascinating book is that of "A Vag abond's Journey Around tho World" by Harry Franck, a young university man who mado tho Journey around tho world absolutolyl without money except what llttlo ho earned on tho way. Also Laudor's explorations "In Thibet" is recommended for tho thrilling and unusual adventures of tho author in that land forbidden to strangers. Of biography, Llfo ot Mary Lyon, by Gilchrist, nnd Ltfo of Edison, or 60 Years of an Inventor's Life, provo Inspiring. Jano Addams' "Spont of Youth" and Ben LIndsey's "Tho Beast" speak for themselves. Thoso books tell in a powerful and stirring way tho stories of thoir great work for tho uplift of oppressed humanity. Many requests have been received by tho book committee for books of psychological trend. "Tho Aftor Days,' by Howells, Phelps, James, and other famous men nnd women, is a book on subjects of life after death. Minsterberg, professor at Harvard university, In his "American Prob lems," gives a brilliant discussion of wide variety of American subjects. "Tho Prolongation of Llfo" by Ello Metchinkotf, gives attention espec ially to the subject of old ago and the means ot prolonging llfo nnd health through an attitude of seren ity and optimism. Eliot's "Religion of tho Futuro" Is a masterpiece, and Oragl's "Nelts scho in Aphousin" will present in a nutshell tho thought of that genius. The last juvenile books nro "Wil derness Pets" (Breck) and "Kings in Exilo" (Roberts), both fascinat ing annual stories; "Heidi" by Spyni, is a delightful Alpine story for girls. Also Harper's Handy Book for girls cannot fail to interest, since such a variety of subjects aro treated. Payne's "Head Coach" will dellgh our football boys. E. F. J. DANKER SAYS AMERICANS ARE AUTOMOBILE CRAZY WIlITKlMiAlNS. X. V.. July 'J3. "Automoliile crar" ! tho opinion members of tho Westehoitor Hnnkor association have of most Americans. At a session of the association t a local hotel, it was decided to in- vcstiiwte carefully nil applications for money on notes. If thu appli cant wishes to purchase nn auto mobile, the loan will bo rigidly scru tinized beforo the pnpers are execut ed. Hasklns tor health. -f f ! DURING THE WARM WEATHER LET RARD0N SUPPLY YOUR PIES, BREAD, CAKES, ETC. THEY ARE SATISFACTION ITSELF. QOODFRIEND HOTEL SAN FRANCISCO L GOODFRIEMD. Muupr Formly note! Stanfonl ntxl St. Rcrj 1. Inll Ptrrrt, near Grary, ailtoinSns Hotel Manx. Tnko Hotel )Uiut U'i or Market Strvct Cfcrs, tran.fcr to Pot1I. Jilcal hotuo and location (or ladle visiting tho city aloue. SATES, $1.00 fEK DAT AND UP ONLY ONE LIVE ONE IN PAST TWO WEEKS "I mado my boastful statement bout the fines tho police court was gathering In the wrong company I -gueea," said Mayor Canon Saturday, -as ho gazed woefully at tho police court blotter, "because ever since the publication In the Mall Tribune of tho amount tho police court had col lected wo haven't had but one 'live one and ho only contributed ?5. Moat of the fellows that havo come op beforo mo have been 'clean' of -money If not in person, and if I had to depend on the fines collected for njr livelihood my visible means of support would bo very onerous." E. J. McKeon, who said he had job but that it was too bard work, "was given until noon to get to work or to leave town. It took two po licemen to lake him to Jail Friday "afternoon. "If bo would use half tho energy in working that he did in "fighting us," oaid Chief Shearer, "he -would bo a mighty good man on any Job." James Carey was drunk and some what noisy. Ho was given the usual fine and Instructions. "Go to work or leave town." James thought he "would leave. John Collins was the "live one" captured Friday morning. John thought tho policeman was joking until ho got behind tho bars, then he lost hi sense of humor. He had '17.95 on him. Judgo Canon ap propriated $u of that and allowed Collins to depart with the balance. EUGENE MAN HAS PRAISE FOR MEDFORD MINERS MAY BOYCOTT HEARST'S NEWSPAPERS DENVER, Colo., July 23. Dele Kates to the convention of tho West ern Federation of Miners are holding their sessions here under adverse conditions. The driving of rivets in n now building adjoining the hall in which tho conventoin meets make such a noise that sessions may be hold in tho day time only with closed windows. This, in view of tho hot weather, is a grcnt discomfort. Most of today's session wns given over to tho work of registering, and there wub an adjournment at three o'clook. Tho sensation of tho day wus the plucing on the clerk's dosk a resolu tion asking the Western Fedorntion of Miners to declare a boycott itguinst all tho papers owned by William It. Hearst. NOTICE. I hereby give notico to all real os Uto agents that I havo sold my farm and the eamo is now out of their sands. M. DBMMER, 10 Medford, Or. R. M. Pratt, who was hero Satur day morning to secure Leslie Gordon, alleged "bllnd-pigger," has nothing but praiso for Medford. "It is the only town In Oregon any where near approaching Eugene in progress," he cald, "and at that I can't say that we are ahead. You people here seem to be moving as nearly tho speed limit as you possi bly can, and we are moving the same way. I have traveled through this valley several times and have always wanted to stop off at Medford. This time I took the opportunity to come after this man so that I might see something of your city, and I'm glad I came." NOTICE. Plans and specilfcationB aro now on file at tho mayor's office for the erectlcn of a bandstand In the city park. Sealed bids to be received on or before July 20tb, 1910. MRS. W. H. CANON, MRS. S. B. KENT, Bandstand Committee for Greater Medford Club. tf RESOLUTION. Be It resolved by the city council of the city of Medferd: That it is tho Intention of the council to cause North Bartlett street from Sixth street to Jackson street In said city to bo Improved by plac ing on both sides of said a street a concrete curb and gutter nnd by pav ing the same for a width of 40 feet from Sixth to Fifth and 36 feet feet from Fifth to Jackson street with asphalt pavement con sisting of a 5-inch concrete base, a 1-Inch aspbaltlc binder and a 2-inch scaring surface, all in accordance with the genoral specifi cations prepared by tho city engineer of said city, mil with additional spec ifications submitted by tvo Clark & Henery Construction Company, both of which general and additional spec ifications aro on file in the office of tho city recorder of said city, and assess tho cost thoreof on tho prop erty adjacent to said improvement. The council will meet at tho coun cil chamber in the city hall in said city on the 2d day of August, 1910, at 7:30 p. m at which tlmo all pro tests against tho making of said Im provements and tho assessing tho coBt thoreof as aforesaid, will bo heard. The city recorder Is hereby ordered to publish this resolution onco In tho Dally Mall Tribuno, a newupaper pub lished and of general circulation In said city, nnd to post tho samo as required by tho charter, at least ton days before tho date of said mooting. Tho foregoing resolution was pass od by tho city council ot tho city of Medford, Oregon on tho 22nd day of July, 1910, by the following vete: Wolch absent, Merrick absent, Bra erlck ayo, Wortman ayo, Elfcrt uye, and Demmer ayo. Approved July 22d, 1910. W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. Men Wanted 100 men to cut wood; want ed at once; good wages; new camp. Apply Edgar Hafer, Medford, Or. AUVKltTlSKMKXT KOU VEDKHAIi UUIMHXti HITIW. Treasury Department, Offlco of tho Soorotnry, Wnchlngton, D. C Juno 29, 1910, Proposals nro horoby solicited to bo opened in tlm offtco of tho stuuir- j vising nrchltect, treasury department, Washington, D. (!., nt 10 o'clock a. in. on AugttBt 2, 1910, for tho salo or uonnuon to tno uniiou amies or corner lot, approximately '140x140 feet, contrnlly and conveniently locat ed and suttnblo tor a federal building slto at Medford, Oregon, Upon application to tho postmastor, will supply prospective blddora with n circular giving particulars as to requirements and Instructions tor preparation ot bids and data to ac company oaiuo. FRANKLIN MACVEAQH, 8oc. Notice. Notico is horcby given that a spe cial oloctiou will bo held in tho city of Medford, On, on August 2, 1010, for tho purposo of adopting or re jecting tho proposed chnrtor nmond mouts sot forth in tho foregoing reso lution. Said election will bo hold at tho timo and plnco dosignnted in said resolution. ROBT. W. TELFER. Recorder of City of Medford. Tbt Unix Wcmu'i Collff on Um ritlflc Com! KiclatWtl for Youni Wunm Locitttl amaof th bwutiful hillt war OaUanJ, California, dot to San Fraaciaco nj tkf (rt Uaivtrsitic of tit Writ. Full collrtfiitr court IcaJi'nl to drfrt. Entrance in J graduation rrquirtmtnta taulvalcnt to tnoaa of Stanford in J Unlvartity of California. TrainUf fill atuilcnta (or trachinil rrfular lint ol acaJtmic wora. and offtra arxcial dvantafti or mnuc. art, library atuJy and noma cconomica. Wall quippJ laboratorira for aeirnc. Special attention to hraltn of (tudrnt. Modern gymnasium tnoroufnly rquiprwJ. Out door lift and amuaemtota in th idtal California cli mate. AJumaaa in evcrycityontn Pacific Coaat. Fob CATALeaua: Aoomua A PRBSIOIKT LUKLLA CLAY CARSON. U D. Mlixa Couroi P. O.. California PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Roneonablo COFFEEN & PRICE 11 NorJ-h D St.. Medford, Ore. Phone 303 FOR SALE One of the best locations in Medford for Family Hotel OR Apartment House 250 by 100 feet, east front. Comprising five lots or original townsite. It will take $2,000 cash to handle this property. Easy terms on balance. Write or inquire at 240 South Grape Street or Phono No. 4172. A Wonderful Discovery for Medford. "Cleanliness is next to Godliness." Mr. Alloa's Portable Bath Ap paratus is a marvel. It combines in one simple, inexpensive appa ratus all tho advantages known to modern bathing. Heats sufficient water within six ninutes at the cost of only 1 cent. A bath can bo taken in any room without tho possibility of soiling carpets or rugs. Only one can understand the real merits of this bathing apparatus by having it demonstrated to you, Mr. II. Fox, who has tho oxolusive igonoy for Jackson county, will visit the homes of Medford and vi cinity and demonstrate it. When ho comes to your home, invito him in, and ho will show you tke merits of this 20th century invention. It Is om exhibition at Strang's drug store 00 AND SIJE IT. Iwieh to announce that I have purchased the Union Livery Stables and will conduct a general feed and boarding establishment. Horses boarded by the day, week or nontb. I guarantee a square deal to all. R. GUANYAW UNION LIVERY BARN. RIVERSIDE AVENUE, ' Where Are You Going? This Direct Question is Addressed to All FARMERS who havo sold thoir ranches, and also applies particularly to thoso who expect to sell this fall. Don you intend to engage in the business of alfalfa growing, dairy ing, cattle, hog or chickon raising? Or do you prefer tho orchard industry, where you can plant any varioty of fruit you can think of Figs, Oranges, Lomons, Olives, Poachos, Apricots, Prunos, Poars, Ohorrios, Applos, Walnuts, Al monds, Grapos, otc, otc, whoro Borrios and all kinds of Gardon Truck and Corn grow to perfection, whoro two crops of Potatoes can bo harvested each year, if you will take tho troublo to plant them'? If You arc Interested in These Matters, Read Qui AT THE UPPER END OF THE GREAT SACRA MENTO VALLEY, CALIFORNIA, there is a tract of tho finest land in the world, all of which can bo irrigated, and carries with it title to a perpetual wator right. THE SOILS aro from 15 to DO feet in depth, arc of a dark sedimentary loam, nature studded all over with gigantic oaks, park-like in effect, and drained by several rapid streams that flow into tho Sacramento river. THE WATER SUPPLY is from tho Los Molinos riv er, which rises at Mt. Lassen, .1 0,400 feet high, and is per petually clad with snow. THIS RIVER carries tho most water during the sum mer months when the snow is melting, and at tho timo when the water is most needed. Remember, this state ment about tho water supply. Transporation now by rail road, main line Southern Pacific, station on our lands; by river steamors, from three landing places, and noxt vear the ELECTRIC LINE will be completed and running through our lands, .Red Bluff to Ohico to Sacramonto, now operating between Ohico and Sacramento, which puts you in touch with cash markets for all and anything you wish to produce and at highest prices. WHY ARE CALIFORNIA FRUITS AND VEGETA BLES SHIPPED TO PORTLAND, SEATTLE AND THE NORTH? Because we enjoy a ten months' growing season and can ship early and late. You can plow and plant every month in the vear, thus doubling your profits. AND ALFALFA THIS IS ITS NATURAL HOME. Six cuttings per season, producing 10 to 12 tons per acre, which sells for an average price of nine dollars per ton in the stack. To a practical farmer the abovo conditions mean suc cess and independence. In seeking a new location you owe it to you reel f and to your family to investigate this proposition. These lands, including a perpetual water right, sell at $150.00 per acre, one-fifth down and balance in four equay annual payments. T make several trips each month to show these lands. Come in and make arrangements to join our next par ty. The expense is small, and we will be gone only a few days. Tf, after investigation, you find that a single mis representation has been made, I" will willingly refund your expenses. ' $ FRANK G. ANDREWS RESIDENT AGENT, NO. 6 SO. FHi ST., MEDFORD, OREGON. Los Molinos land to. Los Molinos, California f nn nriBi rs nD-rimi PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. 4 .. !; Take a ;; Waterman i :: Take a Waterman :: Pen with you on that ; : vacation always ready t ,, uu wine :: Medford Book Store "Put money in thy p:ro" by Hell ing through a "for salo" ad soino ' tho too-many thingH you own Fine Printing Wo mako a specialty of fine printing, carry tho noaeHHnry 4ock to onublo uh to fill .Ml f ordent promptly, and guaran tee satisfaction. Host oquippod job offico in Oregon south of Portland; nost oxport printers. Iloforo nouding your ordoru out of town, call and figure with us if wo oan sorvo you for tho samo prico as nn out- of-town oouoorn you will wish t iu pairomzu name inuutury. Medford PrintingCo. j You onn mako your Htoro grow up to mntch your plana for it if you advnrtlftn it Hufficlontlv. Granite City Hospital Moot modoruly equipped hospi tal botwoou Portland nnd Bno rmnonto. Shown each dootnr .ho Hiuno courtouy and gives nil pationti) tho Hnmo oaro. In chnrgo of Ontrotn. & NoIhoii, grndunto mirees), 08TR0M & NEL80N, Props of Granlto City Hospital, Ashland, Orenon.