Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 22, 1910, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Full Leaded Wlro Report.
Tonight and tomorrow Fair
nnil wnnn
The only paper la the world
published in a city tba iIm af
Medford having a loftied wlr
No. 106.
Hoyi for State Treasurer, Benson for
Secretary of State, Alderman for
Superintendent of Schools, Clark
for State Printer, Hart of Baker
City for Attorney-General.
I'OHTIjAVI), Or., July 22. Willi
candidates for state offices properly
recommended, mill a slate platfonn
of tliu stand-put, "point with priilo"
variety duly endorsed, dclugntoH to
the Htatu itopublicun assembly which
met hem yesterday arc slipping out
of Portland today.
After a session which continued
Into into tho afturnoon. Acting Gov
ernor Jny Bowenuun of Condon re
ceived the endorsement for governor;
Governor Frank IieiiHou ttf Iloscburg
was rccouiiueiidcd for hecrutary or
Mule and Italpl T. Iloyt for Htate
treasurer. Representative . I.
Hawley of Saloin was endorsed for
reelection from the first Oregon dis
trirt and Representative W. It. Kllis
of tha Hccoud congressional dint net
likewise received the haelcinir of thu
Others rceoiiimended were: L. 0.
Aldcnnan of Eugene, for suoriiitcu
dent of public instruction; William
J. Clark of Gorvnis, for state iirintor
and J. X. Hart, linker City, for at-toruoy-guiiurul.
The platform eudorned by the 1200
representatives of a "united, hannoii
Joiih party" hacked up the Tuft nd
miniHtration without cavil and
pointed with pride to tho fulfillment
by tho national Hepuhlicau party of
pledges contained in its In h t pint
fonn." The platfonn likewise iccommoud
cd the creation of tho office of lieu
tenant gotcmor and went on iccord
uh favoring tho pensioning of Indian
war cteraiiH of the northwest.
In regard to conservation, tho plat
fonn had thin to say:
"We favor only hiicIi conservation
of roHourcoK as will best develop and
Hettlo tho country."
ChiefMntorost centered over tho so
lection of tho gubernatorial candi
date. Tho fight wan botween Bow
ennau and Dr. Andrew Smith of
Portland, ',with Hoveral othor candi
dates with small following' trailing
in tho rear.
After two hours of debate a vote
was taken and Howonnau won over
his opponents with u majority of III
6E1 1T0 RIDE
Manager Malboeuf of Commercial
Club Is Engaged In Getting Ma
chines Promised to Meet Physi
cians in Ashland.
Manager M&lboouf of tho Moilford
Commercial club Iu ongngod this aft
ernoon In getting enough i.utomoblloa
to visit Auhlnnd this afternoon to
bring tho 100 phyBlclino on train
No, 10 who aro returning from a
convontlou In Pasndena to thlH city
through tho orchards of tho valley.
In nil probability ho will bo success
ful and tho medical men will got tho
It wau plannod nt first to havo
n committee of 25 moot tho physl
clans In Ashland and accompany thorn
to Moilford on tho train, llowovor,
when an auto trip wob proposed by
wlro, tho physicians Immediately
wired their accoptnnco,
Make your storo important to
roudors of this pnpor and you'll
prospor. Fail in tho one, fail in the
Part of Josephine Delegation Wanted
Hale Buchanan for Joint Repre
sentative Hawley for Congress
But 1 1 Delegates from Jackson Are
Present, But They Cast 41 Votes.
PORTLAND, Or., July 22. Jny
Howermnn was nominated for govern
or by tho republican assembly nt
Portland Wednesday nftornoon on tho
first ballot, the voto standing, How
erinun C4G, Dr. Jam oh Wltbycombo
210. r. Andrew C. Smith 1C 1-2;
Superintendent of Schools J. II. Ack
orman 108 1-2, C. IJ. Mooros 81.
Eastern Oregon wan practically solid
for Howermnn, who also secured a
majority of tho Willamette valley anil
southern Oregon delegations,
Multnomah county cast 192 out of
Its 3C0 votes for Howermnn. Joseph
ine county cast Its solid voto for Bow
ermnn. Jackson county cast 14 for Bow
vrman. 12 for Smith and IS for With
ycombo. Only 11 delegates out of
tho 41 named woro prevent, but tho
proxies woro cast In proportion to tho
representation present. Those there
wero Messrs. Colvlg, Ko?no, Von dor
Ilollon, Pomeroy, Cameron, Ham
mersloy, Wagner, Cartor, nowers,
Cochran, and Drlggn.
In the nsHombly for tho joint dis
trict of Douglas and Jackson, Rep
resentntlvo Buchanan of Roroburg
was ronomlnatod.
In tho assembly for tho First Judi
cial district, consisting of JnckBon
and JoHophlno counties, F. M. Calkins
was re-nominated as circuit Judge.
Tho nomination was not without pro
test, part of tho Josophlno county del
egation voting for ox-Judgo Hale.
Hnwley'ri re-nnmlnntlon for con
gress wbh mado unanimous, without
a dissenting vote. .
Tho failure of Dr. Andrew C. Smith
to mntorlallzo tho strength expected
was duo to his dolay In deciding to
go boforo tho nHsombly, as ho did not
got Into tho raco until a fow dnys bo
foro tho assembly mot, when most of
tho delegates hnd already been pledg
ed to othor candidates.
Tho convention was a harmonious
one, much enthusiasm being display
ed. Many speeches woro nado by old
wnr-horscs of tho pnrty, moBt of
which woro devoted to n Justification
of tho assombly movomont. No di
rect attack was mado upon Statement
Ono, either In speeches or In tho pint
form, though tho frequent rofcronco
to tho restoration of "reprcsentntlvo
government' as contrasted with pop
ular govornmont, contained volled at
tacks upon It, though tho fact that
no nttack waB Intondcd upon tho di
rect prlmnry law was frequently em
phasized, Tho platform read like an
Orogonlnn editorial, lacking only tho
attack on Stutomont One,
Many nominating and seconding
spoochoB woro mado, tho most elo
quent by fnr being that of Judgo But
lor of Condon, law partnor of Jny
Dowbrman, whom ho placed in nom
ination. Ex-Qovornor door placed C.
BAR HARBOR, Mo., July 22.
Tho exclusive Hummer colony Is prop
erly humblod today. Smarting under
tho society monopolizing of President
Tntt, tho liar Ilarborltos rebelled and
appealed to tho president to spnro
thorn a lttlo of ha time whtlo on tho
Ab a result tho president stood for
15 mlnutoB on tho vlllago groon nnd
dollvorod an address that dolfghtod
tho hearts of tho Inhabitants, All Bar
Harbor was thoro, Including oven
Bomo of tho wouli'.-bo oxclualveB. All
past heartburnings and Jealousies fad
ed In tho warmth of tho Tatt Binllo
and whon tho oratory was ended
good fooling was bo rampant that tho
Prices Advancing Dally, Outlook
Could Not Be Improved Advances
Announced by Portland Millers
Quality of Norttmest's Crop Bet
ter Than Usual Prospects Bright.
PORTLAND, Or., July 22. Dollar
wheat and $0 flour arc again in sight,
likewise smaller loaves of bread for
With wheat prices advancing daily
both hero and in Chicago, with Liv
erpool, Berlin, Paris, Antwerp and
Budapest each giving out an advanc
ed price for the cereal almost daily,
the outlook for dollar wheat could
scarcely he improved over the present
.Millers are today freely offering;
1)3 cents a bushel for bluostcm wheat,
based on tho track delivery at Port
land, and it is stnted that a cent or
two more than this could bo readily
obtained for quality above the aver
age. Tho Pacific northwest is yielding
its best quality wheat tho present
year and therefore it would take
something exceedingly Reed to range
nboc the nvcrngo.
In company with tho advance of .1
cents a bushel in tho price of whent
today, millers announce an advance
of 20 cents a barrel in tho price of
patent hard wheat flour for tomorrow
morning. An advance eft' 25 cents a
barrel will bo made at the same time
in straight grade and 10 cent'! iu
Willamette vnlley soft whent brands.
Tho latter aro still quoted at n price
higher than tho best flour.
CHICAGO. 111., July 22. Coroner
Hoffman announced this afternoon
that ho had received a confidential
letter stating that Ira G. Hnwn,
president of the Mounu, whose mys
terious death has boon vnriously at
tributed to tho work of n burglar, as
sassination mul suicide, was mur
dered by a negro. The motive, the
letter says, was not robbery.
11. Moorcs In nomination, Wallace.
McCammnnt and Dr. Coo placed An
drew C. Smith, Waltor L. Toozo plac
ed Dr. Wlthycombo and sovoral others
lees known to fatno placod Professor
Ackormnn. All woro seconded by
orators from various parts of tho
At today's session the assembly
completed its work of choosing its
candidates, who aro to bo voted on
at tho primaries iu September.
P. A. Moore and George II. Bur
uett. both of Salem, wero recommend
ed as justices of tho suptcmo court
for tho six-year terms. Por tho four
cnr terms, Thomas A. McBride of
Oregon City nnd Wallace MoCani
mant of Portland received the as
sembly's endorsement. Others en
dorsed were:
Por railroad commissioner, Prim1;
J. Miller of Albany; state engineer,
John II. Lewis of Salem; labor com
niissionor. O. P. Hoff of Salem.
nntlves oven woro willing not to
chnrgo tho oxcluslvos moro than tho
standard prices for tho nocossartcs of
Although tho prosldont rotired
nftor midnight, ho was up oarly to
day nnd out on tho golf links. After
luncheon with Mrs, Mark Hanna ho
wont on a ton-mllo coaching trip this
thto nftornoon.
This ovonlng tho prosldont will
dlno with Clint lomngno Towor. To
morrow Taft goo8 to Hangor, whoro
ho Is Bchodulod to Bpoak, Ho thon
will roturn to tho homo of Senator
Halo at Ellsworth for tho night.
Taft's spoech was In tho main a
plea for long vacations,
Glenn H. Curtiss Enters New York-Chicago
Aeroplane Race After Daring Flights Over Ocean.
MIHHliiiiiii ''
uAccused Dentist Fled to Andorra
Republic, According to Reports of
London Police No Rules of Ex
tradition Observed There
LONDON, July 22 Dr. Hawley
Cilppen, tho American Ooxtlst whom
tho pollco charge with having mur
dered his wito nt their Islington home
is today hidlnc In Andorra republic,
In tho Prronnes, according to dis
patches received hero.
If thoso reports aro true, tho po
llco say, their cbauccs of finding and
arresting Crlppon aro greatly reduc
ed. Tho Andorro lepubllc observes
practically no rules of oxtradltlon,
and criminals who havo fled to Its
fastnesses seldom havo been captur
ed, so long as they remained within
tho confines of the republic. The
wholo republic covors an area of only
17C miles, buo prnctlcally every foot
of tho territory Is suited for hiding.
Tho republic has been Independent
slnco tho regime of .Charlemagne.
Communication with tho outaldo
world has been limited and tho In
habitants always havo shown an un
willingness to surrondor foroign
. .
MONTREAL, Que., July
22. Tho Grand Trunk train-
men accepted arbitration at II ""
o'clock thi afternoon.
Tho railroad also agreed to ""
"r" iiiki.ii! iitlittriitioil. "
"" Tho announcement for tho
" men was made through Vice-
Prosldont Murdoek of tho
" trainmen. The offer was ""
"" mado by tho minister of labor. "
"" Tho Kovomment will ap- ""
"" noint nn arbitration commit- ""
"" tee to sottlo tho, dispute ""
Twenty Cars of Rails for Pacific &
Eastern Railroad Havev Arrived
and Progress With Track-Laying
Will Be Rapid.
A Gng of 200 men commenced the
work of laying SO carloads of steel
on the Pacific & Eastern ro..d today,
and wll ruah tho work. It Is thought
that tho steel will all bo down by
September 15 and trains in 111 bo run
ning Into Dutto Falls.
Over 20 cars of steol havo arrived
and 60 more aro south of Portland.
Bridge tlmbors have all been cut nnd
progress will be rapid.
Tho Baltimore Women's Suffrage
club Is trying to stop flirtation. There
is no Impossible thing thnt somo wo
men will not undortako.
LONDON, July 22, Tho royal
piu-so strings were given a tighter
pull whon George Bin no, laborito,
speaking in the houso of commons
this evening, nttneked what ho called
the "extravagances of the royal fam
ily." Barnes opposed the pioposed
increase in tho civil list unles tho
kiiiw and the Prince of Wales should
sunender to tho houso of common
tiensury tho rovonuos fiom tho
duchies of Lancaster nnd Cornwall.
"Tho xoval income is oxeossivo,"
taid Barnes. "Tho expenses of tho
royal household aro enoimous, the
management is honoycombed with
abuses and the system conceals a
rest of parasites fattening upon tho
lPJitabyfAtiHrlcttn.irj AwtfBtft)ij1j '
Citizens Along Oakdale Avenue Are
Indignant at Council for Permit
ting House to Be Moved Along
Street on Pavement.
Tho ire of a largo number of cltl
zenst has been aroused over tho re
cent action of tho city council In
granting A. Coleman permission to
move his former residence out Oak
dale avenue. A protest to tho coun
cil is now being circulated. This pro
test, tho citizens say, is too late to
do anything with tho present case,
as tho houso Is nearly moved, but
they bellevo that It will head off
future permits of a Hko nature.
Tho citizens complain that tho
houso as It is moved over tho streets
is working great damago to tho pave
ment. Thoy do not like It; honco tho
nation under tho shndow of the
Tho ciil list asked for total
prices 100,000 pounds. Tho reven
ue of Lancaster and Cornwall, in
11)08 amounted to 1100,000 pounds,
and last year probably leached n
million pound.
In loply, Ponnor Prcmior Balfour
said that tho loot of Barnes' objoct
tion seemed to bo that loyalty was,
''It is not ovor-o.pensivoT it i
ovor-immoiul," cried a lahoiito from
tho floor.
Sir Charlos Dilko said that the
clown lauds of Cornwall and Lan
caster needed moro rigid management
by tho government.
Last Length in Gravity Water Sys
tem Laid Soon as Concrete in In
take Hardens Water Will Be
Turned In and Medford Will Havt
Finest Water in the Country.
The Inst length of pipo in Mcd
ford's $350,000 gravity wntcr system
was put in place today and as soon
as the concrete, of which the head
works aro constructed, hardons Med
ford will receive water from Little
Butte creek above the Hanlcy ranch.
In other words, the system will bs
complete and fulfilling its purpose.
When the news reached (lie city
this morning thnt tho last of ths
pipe had been laid, Shorty Hamilton,
who held the contract for the con
struction of the system, heaved a
sigh of relief and proceeded to let
ten years slip from his shoulders.
Shorty has been through a world
of trouble since tho big work was
started, and is heartily glad to see It
The. water will not bo' turned inta
the system before Saturday evening,
as every chance is to be given tke
concrete to "set." robably on Sun
day Medford residents will note a
greatly increased pressure on their
hydrants. Then will follow a sories
of "accidents," consisting of blown-out-garden
hose nnd the like. Tho
pressure will be grenter than at any
timo yet. and will afford a splendid
fire protection.
Scenes of Wildest Confusion Enacted
in Ancient Order's Convention at
Portland Eastern States Cast
Deciding Vote.
PORTLAND, Or., July 22. James
J. Regan, vice-president of tho An
cient Order of Hibernians, was elect
ed president of the organization this
afternoon by a majority of 12 votes
over his principal opponent, Presi
dent Mntthow Cununings, who was up
for re-election. Regan lives at St.
Paul. Ho received 169 votes. Cum
mings is from Boston.
Scenes of tho wildest confusion
marked tho election of president of
tho Ancient Order of Hibernians at
tho national convention hero today.
Two candidates woro declared.
They wero President Matthew Cum
mings of Boston and Vico-Prcsidout
James J. Hogau of St. Paul.
NEW YOltK, July 22. At th
opening of tho stock market today tho
list showed somo Irrogularlty, though
tho gonoral tondoncy was upward.
First sales of American Smelting and
National Lead wero at 1 and 1 1-2
points advanco. Reading, Amalgam
ated Copper, Utah Copper, American
Locomotlvo and Consolidated gained
largo fractions, Tho tono bocamo un
settled, but tho domand ovorcamo tha
depression. Utah Copper rose 1 3-4,
Anaconda 1 1-1 and Heading, Mlo
B'jttrl Paqlflo nnd Republic Steol 1.
Toward noon tho markot plumped
partly on account of tho cut In tha
National Lead dividend. Canudlaa
Pacific dropped 2 3-4, Minneapolis,
St. Puul and Snulto Sto. Marie 3,
Southern Pacific 2, Union Pacific,
American Car and Amalgamated Cop
per 1 1t4, and Chesapeake & Ohla
and United States Steol 1.