MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDITOItD, OKEaON, THTJK8DAY, JULY 21, 1910. . - - "w ' ' ' " -' " ' .' '.-n- - ' ,i ' i ,i. ' -- If You Want to Find an In-a-hurry Buyer-Want Advertise! i FARMERS ARE TO FIGHTBIG TRUST Oreuon Wheat Growers Subscribe $400,000 to Brook Grip of Flour Men In Umntllla Country To erect Two Mills. PENDLETON, Or., July 21. To break tlio Krll of tho "milling truntn't ovor 1100,000 linn linon nubHurlbod by wealthy fnrmoro "f Umntllla county mul tlio Wnllh Wnllu valliiy toward tho conntriictlou of two flour iiiIIIh, according to II. II. McLitnn, proHldont of tho local Farmers' Union, McLonu itayu tho now "farmor combluo" will llkowliio can no to bo conntructod a Iiowor plant to Miipply oloctrlclty to oporato tlio mills. Tlio movomont wnn ntnrtod by tho fanuorn to break tho power of tho HO'callod mlllltii; trunt In tlio north wont, Mcl.onn declared that tho farmora will not blunch tbolr flour. Y. M. G. A. ASSURED FOR CENTRAL POINT CHNTIIAIj POINT, July 21. An ontliiiHiiiHtiu mooting of tho Y. M. O. A. wnH hulil in tho oporn Iiouho this nftoniooii when H. II. Tuttlo of Mod l'onl, nml formerly n Y. M. C. A. ticcrutnry nt Grnnil Forks, N. I)., ml ilniHHcd tint mooting. .Similar moot imrK liiivii boon nrniiiKLMl for oaoli Sunday ufturuoon, wliuii oxccllont flponkorx from othor places will de liver nddri'HHOH in lino with thu rog iilur Y. M. C. A. work. A nicotine of tlio board of iliroolnrx was hold Tuouilay evening, which wan devoted in most part to threshing out dotuilrt of (ho coming campaimi. Tlio Molicitim; committee reported that 1(10 mumborri liavo now boon tjouured and us soon iih tho 200 mark him boon readied attrttion will at once bo given to tho matter of erecting n buililintr. The project now hociiih to have gone fur euoiiuh that ils roiiHiiininn tiou in aHHiirod and tho men who are behind it scorn to ho of tlio typo who do not know how to quit. EXCLUSIVE RESIDENCE SECTION TO BE INVADED NEW YORK, July 21. The ex clusive residential Hoction of the city in which iH located tho homo of J. P. Mbrgmi today is facing iuviiHion bv HiiffraceUcs, if present plum go through, y Tho HiiffrnuiHlH, headed by Mr. Clarenco Miiokny, aro now negotiat ing for the purchiiHu of the mauuioii of tho Into T. Iloury Miihoii at Mad iflon uvciiiio mid Thirty-sixth strool. They .propoHo to uiiiko of this Htruo ture thu first suffragist homo in Am erica. Morgan's residence is nilunl- ...1 .1! II ..... .1. ..... i u iiuuuiiy iiinoHM nit) bircut. Arrest for Fraud. NAPLES, Italy, July 21. Alexan der Hollander in uiidor arrest hero today on tho charge of having de frauded tho Uuitod Stales govern meut of half a million dollars in cus toms. Hollnudor denied his guilt mid finid he would wnivo extradition to tlio United States. Cultivato n personal pride in your -ability to writo want nils that no complish things. OONTltAOTOltS. Am roady to contract lnimodlatoly for building u pauklng bouso, Phono A. O. Allon, 7001 Farmora, NOTICE OPBAIjH OV $50,000.00 ROIIOOTi 1IONDR, DIOTRICT NO. 10, JAOKHON COUNTV, OHKOON. Bids will bo rocolvod up to August let., nt tho hour of ono o'clock p. in., of snld day. by Jan. M.Cronomlllor, Tronauror tf Jncltson County, Oro gon, for tho purchnso of 850,000.00 Fifty thousand dollars) , cupon bonds of $1000.00 douotntlon, to bo IsbiioiI by tho School Dlatrlot No. 40, of Jackson County, Orogon, pnyablo In ton yonrs, ton yoarB optional bcvrlng Intorost at tlio rato of G por cont por annum, Interest pnyablo eoml-annu-nlly. Bids to bo accompnnlod by chock, 5 por cont of tho amount of tho bid, Tho Bonrd of Dlroctors of Bald School Dlst,, No, 40, rosorvo tho right to rojoot, any and nil bldo. JAS M, ORONEMILLER Troftsuror of Jackson County, Oro, Dntod this 10th., day of July, 1010. 70 MEN EIGHT SANTIAM EIRE Three Lose Lives In Surging Forest Fire Much Timber Is Destroyod on Government Preserves Mills Are Threatened. AhMANY, Or., July 21. Seventy ineif aro fighting a forest fire along the North iSauliam river, at the term inns of the CorvnlliH & Eastern rail way, that liau taken ti toll of three liven tilruttily. Tho fire is reported lo hu beyond control, mid rain is thu only hope of the firo-fijjhtors. Undertakers loft Albany today for tho scene of tho firo to brine; back tho bodied of three men who wore hiirucd lo dentil Tuesday. Tho dead men are: 1'IIIMI' RICHMOND of Suluin, Or. JAY M. BROOKS of Cruwford vlllo, Or. FRANK M'GOKY of Cicnrfiold, I'a. All woro cmployea of tho Hoover Lumber company. Tho timber which was dust toyed was on the uovornment forest reserve nml on propeny owned by tho Hoover compnny. When tho firo threatened tho mill Tuesday night three victims climbed a hill to sci'iiro koiiio toolw that they had left exposed. At thu time the wind wns blowing tho firo nway from tho hillBido. Thoy had hardly start ed on their way, however, before the wind shifted and tho flames started to eat throuu'h tho timber and bnush ut racehorse speed. .The men were overtnkeu beforo they could reach the summit of tho hill. Their bodies were rocovorcd late yostordny nftenioon. Until then it was believed they had escaped. Karlv today the firo had burned over an area of more than two miles. There in a iiuantity of valuable tim ber directly in its path. Another firo is reported to be do ing much daninue in the CiiHendo mountains north of Mount Jcffc i-mxi, Owinu to the inaccessibility of tho district, but little is known regarding tho extent of tho blaze. SOLID WEEK WATER SPORTS From Augus. l&tli to 22d, Inclu sive, Coos Bny will bo tho econo of continuous nierrlmont. During tlir.t wcok thoro will bo mo tor boat races of tho class of "Qonornl II," "Sonttlo Spirit," "Wolf II," mid othor fast boati. of 30 miles nn hour or better. A largo prizo will bo hung up for this ovont, also n valuablo lov ing cup, by tho Coob Bay Motor Boat club, which nssoclr.llon will hnvo chargo of tho wntor sports. Tho club has a largo program of small racos dally. A magnificent wntor pnrado dally, both In tho nftornoon and ovontng, n pagoant of floats worth going uillos to soo. Thoro wHl bo clnm bakos, barbe cues, beach rldon, sea bathing, hunt ing und fishing parties, automoblllng, carnival attractions, recoptlons, con ventions, mul a general good tlmo for all. Tho auto road from Roooburg Is In flno shnpo, tho' trip bolng mado dully In Eoven hours. Auto partlos may go thoro In perfect confldonco of reaching tho place without mishap, as thoro Iirbo cmfwypcmwypjpupu ns thoro has boon many thousands of dollars spont on tho road, putting It In flno shapo. At this Hoason of tho year, whllo tho pooplo of tho WllUmotto vnlloy nro swoltorlng with tho heat, Coob Ray Is at hor boat, enjoying a cool mul rofroahlng son broozo, which to bollovo fully ono must oxporlenco poi-Bonally. A movol b on foot and tho commit too has nssurnncoB of obtaining two or throo linttloahlpB or crulBors, to appear In tho offing during tho woolc. This will afford an opportunity to go on board our groat gunboatB, a prlvllogo rarol'y oxtondod tho avor nva civilian. Information rogardlng tho carni val and rogatta may bo had by ad droflslng tho socrotary of tho Coob Bay Doop Wator Carnival and Ro gatta association, Hauklna for health, If You Havn't "Found Your .Work" If you nro selling your Borvices in the wrong mnrket -for half-price, to grudging buyers nothing oIbo Bhould matter until you've ROUND YOUR WORK. Bolittlu nil othor worrioB put tho "mute" on all othor aspirations until, through a campaign of IN TELLIGENT WANT ADVERTISING you havo "found your work." A few days of TRYING miht ho all that'll needed. Want Ads One Cent, a Word MINTOSH OFFERS JACK $15,000 FOR 3 FIGHTS NEW YORK, July 21. Hugh Mc Intoch, the Ountrollan tight promotor, Is confldont that Jack Johnson will finally accept hla guaranteed offer of $7G,000 to moot throo rnon within tho next fow months, Though tho colored champion Hays ho thinks ho should havo moro, McIntonh declares that ho will stick to his original of fer. Mcintosh wantB to stago tho fights In England In tho coming win tor. Tho first match Is to bo with Tommy Burns. "Johnson la willing tl fight," said Mcintosh. "When lio has tlmo to tMnk again I an suro bo will soo that my offer can't easily bo beaten on this flldo of tho wator." NOTICE TO HKUKAITEU ALL THE TnAT 1'OHTIO.V OF TIIE CITV LYING WEST OF HEAR CTtEEK AND HOUTII OF MAIN STREETS WILL IURIGATE LAWNS AND GARDENS nirrwEEN a a. m. and 7 a. m. AND IJCTWEEN 7:0 P. M. AND t)::it) P. M., AND AT NO OTHER TIME. ALL THAT PORTION OF TIIE CITV LYING EAST OF BE Alt CREEK AND NORTH OF MAIN STREET WILL IRRIGATE LAWNS AND GARDENS HETWEEN TIIE HOURS OF 7 A. SI. AND O A. M. AND HETWEEN 5:30 P. M. AND 7:iJO P. M., AND AT NO OTHER TIME. ALL WATER USERS ARE EARN ESTLY REQUESTED TO CO-OPERATE WITH THE CITY AUTHORI TIES IN MEETING THE PRESENT SITUATION TO TIIE END TnAT ALL MAY SECURE THE WATER THEY NEED. 1IY ORDERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL. W. II. CANON Mayor. Medford. Orecon : ""This cortifics ihat wo havo Bold Hall's Toxns Won der for tho cure of nil kidnoy, blud dor mid rhoumntio troublos for ton yours, mid hnvo novor had n com plaint. It pivoa quick nnd pormnnent rcliof. Sixty days' trontmont in onch bottlo. M-dfonl Phnnuaoy. tf MEDFORD MARKETS. (Prices paid by Medford merohants.) Potatoos, now, $1.10 por owt.; cabbiiKO, '22y2o. BlaekborrioB, $11,2S. LoKiuiborrioB, $11.25 ornto. Qrcou onions, 40o dozen bunches-; rndislios, -10o dozon bunches; rhubarb 4 to fio lb.; lottuco, 40o dozon; pens, 4o lb.; turnips, lMio lb.; beets, 10o dozen bunehoB; carrots, 40o dozon bunches. Ponchos, 50 to 75o box. Apricots, fio lb. Cuouinbors, ICo to 20o doz. Squnsli, 3550o dozon. Corn, 10o dozen. llultor, Errs nnd Poultry. (Prices paid by Medford morohnnts.) Itnnok buttor, 25'J7o; fonoy orenmory, 30o. Frosh ranch orrs, 30o. Mixod itoultry. lOOl'le: sprinR ohiokons, 1820o; turkoys, 17o. WATER S S (Pnooa pmd prodncors.) Hay Timothy, $10; nlfnlfa, $15; Rrnss, $14; Rrain hay, $10. Grain Wheat, $1,15 bushol; outs, $32 ton; barloy, $30 ton. Roof Cowh, 441 o; steers, 5 oVSjo; pork, 0o; mutton, 55Vo; Inmbs, (lo; vohl, dressod, 8o. (SoIHur prieoB.) llollod bnrloy, $1.00 owt., $32 ton; bran, $1.70; middliiiRS, $1.85(5)1.90; shorts, $1.801.85. Local poaoheflj $1. Find It! FOR EXCHANGE. WILL exchange fruit ranch for Port land or Medford property. B, F. Benson, Mooro Hotel. 108 TO EXCHANGE Want to exchango Oklahoma land for good fruit land of equal vnluo near Mcdford; 1C0 acros of cholco all tillable land ad Joining town of 1000 inhabitants; thrco blocks of high school; soven room houso; threo acres Elborta peaches, flvo acres alfalfa; eighty In cultivation; balnnco pasture for town cows; abundanco of good wa ter; land sultwblo to plat for ad dition to town; cholco location In best section of Oklahoma. Address C. Qcorgo Apacbo, Okla. 118 FOR SALE. UuslttcM Propcrtj. FOR 8ALE Choice business prop erty at a bargain, on long time; easy terms. Address Condor Wa ter Power Co. FOR SALE Brand new bungalow, , ,., j i. v i. j i largo lot, six-rooms and bath, ehadoi treos, city water, near Oakdale avo- nuo; prlco reasonable. Inquire of R. A. Johnson, with Powers & Reeves, Fruitgrowers' Bank bldg. bldg. FOR SALE 7-room house, with 2 lots, barn. etc.. 3 1-2 blocks from n.w upn, ,v. AuurSB owucr. i. w. uu u.. FOR SALE Furnished rooming houso. lot and building, close In, nlno rooms), a great pickup; will pay $100 month easily Van Dyke Real ty Co., Phono 682. tf Acreage. vm, a f c . m T77 of Ashland, Oregon, on corner Boul - ovarii nnd Walker street; flno 4 year-old orchard, berries and vege tables; city water piped to grounds; good boII; nlcG 5-room plastered houso with bath, hot rnci eolrt wa- tor; bnra; honhouso; prlco $4500 for quick sale. Box Orogon. 236 Ashland, FOR SALE 160 acres of flno tlm bor land, tho tlmbor mostly fir and homiock; somothlng llko 6,000,000 feet; situated 39 miles from Port land nml Roven miles frnm Mt. An- gol, In Clackamas county, Orogon, FOR SALE Chandler & Price Gor bolng tho east half, southoast quar- dn Jobeor, 11x14 press; a bargain, tor nnd northwest quarter southeast Inquire Mall Trlbnno office. quarter and northeast quarter southwest quarter of soctlon 28, townslilp 7 south, range 3 east; , tonus, $5000 cash down. Further particulars, nddress L. N. Judd, Tal ont. Or. 107 ! FOR SALE 336-ncro ranch, good river bottou land, seven miles from Eugene, throe miles from S. P. sta- tlon, on R. F. D. routo, nonr school and churcV. Good buildings, fencos and wator. Horses and Implements and 20 head of fine Guernsey stock go with the place. Ono hundred pounds of outtor por week goes to mnrkot from tho place. Splendid ( fruit land. Will sell part nt $65 or wholo at $60 por acre with tonus on ono-half. Inquire of Rhoads & Sutton, Sprinfcfiold, Or. 114 j FOR SALE 60 ncros, finest build-' Ing site la the valley, lnjludlng 30 acres good fruit land; cheap and I terms right. II. O. Maltby, No. 7, ' Postofflco Bldg. , ' - i FOR SALE 5 and 10-aoro tracts juhv wimin iimi unjoining euy urn- j eK 0wnor will furnish free elec its, nt n bm-RRin, on 5 annual pay- tr,Q power for aharo ,n proceeds. See monts. Address Condor Water Sm,th( at condor Water & Power rower jo. Business Opportunities. f6r"SALE Old established ousl noss in tho fnrmors' fruit belt of tho Roguo Rlvor valley, at Phoonlx, Ore., on S. P. R. R. Stock at pres ent $10,000; nil cloan, well select ed nnd freo from oncumbrancoa, Two lots, store, building with all modem conveniences, warehouses, postofflco in store, and ovorythlag necossary for conducting tho bust noss. Last year's Bales $39,000, Inqulro of Hoaru, Fisher & Co., Phoenix, Oro., for terms. FOR SALE Lts. FOR SALE Sixty-foot east front lot on Riverside avo.; shade trees; price $500; a bargain. See Ed Van Djke. tf FOR SALE Lot 50x122, on Four teenth street, Just off Newtown; low prico and easy terms for quick sale. E. W. Bralnord, at HutchHoi & LumBden's store. 105 FOR SALE City lots, ?20; for a small, safe Investment soo tho city lots I offer at $300 and $250 per lot; $20 cash payment; balanco $19 por month; no Interest. H. O. Mnltby. No. 7 Pootorflce Bids. FOR SALE BuslnesR lots on Main street, Eaglo Point; price reasonable; first come, first choice. D. B. Deo ter & Co., Eagle Point. 126 MlseelUneoas. FOR SALE: 5 or 6 hundred outside sugar sacks, $3 per hundred. 147 South Central avenue. 106 0.T, TH1 v,. ; T, FOR SALE Legal Masks of 1I ., . . . . .. . ., aiuua unywa auu ubuci uutwug at Mall Tribune office. FOR SALE One first-class 3 1-4 Shuttlor rngon, with wood rack, Woods Lumber Co. tf ;F0R gALEMov,nc p,cture machine and completo outm wm B0ll ( cheap Qr trado t(jr EaBOjlno en. I glne and Unk ggg w B Whlt6. ' sido, Central Point, Ore. 105 F)R SALEYoung ataglo nor80 buggy and harness; will sell rea 6onabIo. Apply to W. E. White side, Central Point, Ore. 105 FOR SALE Halt price, pumping plant, consisting of pump house, 30 t h'Bh' 3000tfa1103 . PUP and pipe connections complete with 1 one-horse pewor motor and trans former. N. L. Townsend, 721 Ben' nott avenue. tf ' FOR SALE A full line of Old Harap- i shire and Oak Bonds, plain and cloth finish; letter heads and envelopes, Mall Tribune office. FOR SALE A tent and fly, 14x14, in excellent condition; will sell cheap, $2C; cottage orcan, nearly new, a bargain, $40. F. H. Wat son, 14 East Tenth street. 105 FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. rjry RENT Modern furnlshod rooms at 604 West 10th er 124 King street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for transients, No. 10 North Grapo street, next to Farmera' ani Frult- growers' bank. Housekeeping Rooms. 0I1 KENT-Sulto of four modern housekeeping rooms for ront August c- 323 Sosth Holly street, Houses. FOR RENT Furnlshod rooming house, consisting of 13 rooms and bath; ovory room filled; toims $65 per mouth. Inquire 445 South Front stroot. 106 Miscellaneous. FOR RENT 120 acres of first-class pasture, 2 1-2 miles northoaBt. C. W. Isaacs. tf FOR LEASE Fully oqulrped gold n,inft. tnn.slnmn mill nnd concon- tratort all ororated by eloctrlc pow- Co. WANTED. j Miscellaneous. WANTED Parties wishing outfits to mako trips to mountains soo II. C, Messongor, Agnto. 108 WANTEDJeFs6y cow, fresh7four gallons per day, J, M, Schmjdt, one mllo west of Medford, Jacksonville roMl. tf WANTED Room nnd board by cou plo with sovon-yonr-old boy; stato prlco and location, Address F, E., caro of this offtco. 105 WANTED. MIneoIlaBooBA. WANTED To borrow $300.00 on houso and lot for one yoar, good In terest. Answer Box 766, city. 107 Situations Wanted. WANTED Position as auto driver by easterner; 12 years' experience on road and shop work. Address G, Tribune. 105 HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Female. WANTED A lady cook at the Dla mond Hotel. tf WANTED Girl for general house work; threo In family. 520 South Holly. 106 Help Wanted Male. WANTED 6 expert orchnrdlsts of Agricultural college, experience re quires position to tako chargo of orchard. Address R. E. care of this office. 106. WANTED Experienced atone cotter and qnarrjr man. Call at Condor Water and Power Co's. office. WANTED Four yennj: men to rent a large, well ventilated, nicely fur nished room. Call 604 W. 10th St. tf WANTED Salesmen In every local ity of the northwest; money ad vanced weekly; many aake over $1000 Month? choice of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top penlsh. Wash. LOST. LOST Automobile crank for Ram blor car, on Main street. Leavo at this office and receive reward. LOST July 19, 1910, $5 reward for the return of the bicycle taken from 203 S. Front street. No questions naked. . 106 LOST Near Valley Auto or on Main street, on Central Point road, key rine;, holding about a dozen keys, including prestolite key. Suitable reward will be given on return of nme to Mail Tribune office, tf L.UST Turquoise matrix stud brooch Egyptian sotting; pin 1 1-2 Inches long. Address TR, Tribune office, and recelvo reward. 105 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Pablic Auditor. E. R. WHEELER, Public Account ant and Auditor. Books opened for corporations, firms end indi viduals. Auditing, investigating and Systematizing. Address 707 Oakdnlo Avo. S. Phone Main 242. Medford. Ore. At torse j-s. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers, Palm building. A- E. REAMS Lawyer, over Post- office. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attorneys-at-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig.'C. L. Rearaes. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank build ing, second floor. Architects. NORMAN WINDER, architectural draftsman and builder- See me about your now home. I can save you money by planning to your own ideas and figuring with you right. Write Box 37, P. O., Med ford. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and Builders. Office 7-8, 325 Main. Phono Main 3471. Rosidonoe phono 2471. Cement Sidewalks. CEMENT SIDEWALKS, briokmason, stono mason, plastering and nil kinds of stucco work. Expert work manship at reasonablo charges by tho day or contraot. Address Ma sons. 511 E. Main st Medford. Or. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phono 351. Night phonos, C. W. Conklin 3001, J. H. Butler 3571. Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Maokoy nnd dio with joy." Ovor Allen & Reogan's storo; entrnnco on Seventh street Stenographers. ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm Blook. Stonogrnphio work dono quickly and woll. M. FORTESCUE Stenographer, 18 N. Front St. Phono 231. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the host equippod job offico in South ern Oregon; Portland prices. 37 South Central avonuo. Dentists. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE Offico in room 200, Phipps bldg. Gns ad ministered for extraction of teeth. Tolophono Main 343. Night phoue. 4432. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOe, Dentist Offico in rooms 203-204, Farmers' & Fruitgrowers' bank building, wost of the traoks. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Messenger Service. MESSENGER SERVICE Meson gers fnrnishod at all hours f day and till 0 p. m. to any part ef city, from 10e to 25c. Phone Mafc 1812. Itllllard Parlors. S. T. BROWN & CO. BilMr4i, Ci gars nnd Soft Drinks. Up flairs, Young & Hall building. A nice, cool place to spend the hot after noons. Tin Sheya. J. A. SMITH Tin Bhop. Ta an sheet iron ware on hand an made to order. 128 North Q St TIocpHala. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South C st., Medford, Ore. E. W. Hisey, Matron. Official kotpital P. & E. R. R. HOW JHMwi EARLE C. SABIN Orohari tracta, city property. List yonr holdiag with me. Only desirable property handled. Room 202, Frnitgrewer' Bank bldg. BIU rosters. VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster ana Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29, Jackson Coanty Bank building, Madford, Ore. Cigars and Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse Dealers in tobacco, oigara aai smokers' supplies. Exclusive aetata of Lewis Single Binder, El Merito and El Palencia. 212 Weat Maia street. Painters H. G. DEAN, O. P. MMULLEN Phone 3732 Dean & McMallee, contracting painters, p&iatkg, pa per hanging and tinting. Satfaaatas on all kinds of painting work. Medford, Or. GERWOLF & WARD, contract painters, paper hangers ana. deco rators; signs. Estimates rive oa all kinds of day aifl job work. Park View Hotel. Phone 180L Forvttare. H. F. WILSON & CO., dealara ia new and second-hand furniture and hardware. Agents for Mound City kitchen cabinet. 323 E: 7th St MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts., Med ford. Mission Fnmitoro made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook stove and ranges. New and second-hand furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 W. F st. South. Phone 01, Medford, Ore. Norse ties. QUAKER NURSERIES Onr tree are budded, not graftod. Our stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We are not in the trust. H. B. Patterson, office re moved to 116 East Main st ROGUE RrVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., Inc. Growers of high grade nursery stock. Office 2$ W. Main. Tel. 1201. Fhrsiclana and Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. OpposiU Jackson County bonk. Night ealla promptly answered. Office and residence phone Main 3432. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY, Physi cians nnd Surgeons, Taylor aad Phipps bldg., rooms 210, 211, 213. Office phone 501, rosidonoe phoaa 012. Offico hours 9 n. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW i Osteopathia Physicians. Mission block. Phone 292. Medford. Life Scientist. MRS. LILLIAN A. ELDER, Lifa Scientist Private instruction in "New Psychology" nnd "New Thought" principles. Callers re ceived Wednesdays, 127 South Grnpe stroot. . Medicines. HOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will euro rheumatism, asthma, paralysis, sores and pri vute disensos. Theso remedies may be procurod at tho Sing Lea lnundrj', 123 S. Riverside avenue, Medford, Ore, whero thev will be sold by tho proprietor. Dr. Chow Young has treated several sevore oasos with his rem edies since coming to Medford aad has for reference some of the beet known nnd most intelligent oitUeas in Southern Oregon. Call on him. llrlck CeiBBanlea, MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Priddy, O. . Natfe, Geo. T, CBrion Contractors and maaa faoturera of brick; dealers kt pressed brick and lime, Offiee k Postofflce block, room 5. FImm No. 318L