f MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. THURSDAY, ,TULY 2.1, 30.10. Virginia of the Air Lanes A ROMANCE OF FLYING By Herbert Quick Ceprtttfht. 1909. by ths Bobbt Merrill Company SYNOPSIS. CHAPTER I Theodore Carson, inventor of an airship, rescues from n fncritivo flvinEr machino called a helioopter, a beautiful younp; girl. "HKrfirwlll neTer get over It," said Bhayne. "Wbnt the devil nils that fellow oftr The fellow aft was TTUner, inventor f the lost helicopter, discoursing to the crew in pure assorted maledictions, :whlcb be heaped on all concerned In the loes of his machine. The light found them far down to ward the lagoon, flying high for safety I ABOUT BCDEK TBX BOAT T HO tn the darkness. The long, straight teach lay white, cold looking and soli tary In the pare light, which touched the great gas holder to silver while the earth and sea were still in gloom. way south In the offing were two learners, and from the wireless over head could be beard the discharges by which the operator was making a last despairing effort to obtain news of the lost girl. The buzzer from the engine room was sprung with a sharp rattle. Mr. Bhayne went to the speaking tube. "We all think, sir." said the en gineer, "that we've about reached the place where the young lady went out to sea." "Mr. Sllberberg thinks so, too." re plied Shayne. "But I think it was west of here." "There's a man on the beach, sir," Mid the engineer. "Shall we speak Mmr "Do," replied Shayne. "He may know something." The Hoc circled about like an alight ing swan, all the time descending. The man sealed himself on a log to await her libra t ion. Mr. Shayne spoke. Had he seen anything of a flying ma chine which went out to sea yester day? "It was right close byah, sub." re plied Captain Harrod. -"Did you see the young lady?" asked Shayne; Tea, auh." "Was she still clinging to the heli copter when you last saw her?" "No, sub. She wasn't cllngln' to aothing with the han' to'ds me when Ah lost sight on bub. sub." "Let down tbe lift," commanded Mr. Shayne. "I'm going down." The three men. Shayne, Sllberberg and Wizner, gathered about tbe flab rman on the beach. "Do you think." queried Sllberberg "that there is the slightest chance for her to to be saved, my good man?" "Ah'm slow spoke, an' it would take a half houab to tell all Ah knows, gea'ly speakin. But if it's jlst about the young lady, she tumbled out on the sand in fair shape, an' If she's Bade good weathah she's about bo'din' the boat f'r Mobile. We was ragbt proud to bev bub as ou' guest" There!" shouted Wizner triumphant ly. "Didn't I tell you that machine would stand grief? Struck the ground" "Keep out of this" commanded Mr. Shayne, "Was she burt seriously?" "But, I say, Mr, Sbuyne," protested Wiener, "don't you see that with iny machine you'vo got tbe business coop ered? Put your money ou tbe bell copters and you'll" "Ah you Mr. Shayne?" inquired tbe captain. "Yes, yes." replied Shayne. "What have you done with her?" "A gentleman Ab'in employed by." replied the captain, "has done curried hah e' to the inn, Axin' yo' pahdon, ah yew the Mr. Bbayne that's called the prince o' tbe powers of tbe alah?" "I reckon I am." replied Mr. Shayne of this donr girl. Tell usl" U1II0 Sllberberg and Sbayuo lis tened Wizner began scouting up and down the bench. At once they sig naled tho Palmetto Ucach wireless sta tion, and In n moment the news cniuo In tbnt Miss Sunrcz bnd sent mes sages to Mrs. Shnync thnt morning and had taken an early boat for Mo bile. Mr. Shayne grasped the haud of Mr. Sllberberg, who sat ou a log, bury ing his face In his handkerchief. "I know bow you feel, old fellow," said Shayne. "And 1 want to say to you, my good man, 1 can't repay you. you know, but so far as money enn go I hopo you will ask. or, rather, ac cept" "Ah couldn't accept anything, sun," said the captain. "Tbauk'ee kindly. But magbt Ah ask whar you all's go In now?" "Straight to Mobile." replied Shayne. "Ah unde'stand." went on tho cap tain, "that you ah int'rested In all sohts of flyln' craft." "Well." answered Mr. Shayne. laugh ing, "got a machine that solves tho problem? Most every one has," "No, suh, but a friend o mine raght on yo' way Ah'd pow'ful well like to hev yon stop by an see. He's got something. It's Mr. Theodo', my em- ployah." "The gentleman who took my niece to the beach?" "Yes. suh." "We are in a hurry," urged Mr. Shayne. "We are about starting for Chicago. Won't any other time do?" "It's raght on yo' way, suh." per sisted the captain, "an it's all the fa to' Ah'U ask of you all. Ah leave It to you. suh, of co'se. but" "Will you go and pilot us to the placer "Ah caln't ve'y well leavo hyaa, suh." replied the captain, "but If yo' pilot knows these piny woods as well as he orto do. suh" "Come and tell him the place," said Shayne Incisively. "We'll go. But 1 tell you, my friend, your man might have spent a lot of car fare reaching Flnley Shayne!" "Ah reckon that's so. sub." replied the captain, stepping into the lift. "He's been a-srud'ln' ve'y heavy about the mattah. sub. fo' a long tabm." The discovery of the methanose mix ture, with ten times tbe explosive force of gasoline, had made ascension al and depressive screws an efficient adjunct of the aeronaut with its barely buoyant gas bag and, with the Improv ed propellers which followed, made the old fashioned "dirigible" a fairly dependable croft in ordinary weather. It was along this line rather than by way of the heavier than air aeronefs that development bad marched, to tbe enormous enrichment of Flnley Shayne. who controlled tbe Eeewatln methanose marshes. Theodore Carson often thought of Shayne. Carson's barren estate lay under tbe lane between Pensacola and Mobile, and above this ran the sparser drift from Atlantic and Appalachian forest points to tbe Mississippi sound, resorts. He knew the type of every airship. Most of these huge objects Cropping like swifts into the chimney of the aerial harbor at Mobile were Shayne's Condors, of which tbe Roe was tbe type, modeled after the early creations of Count Zeppelin. Tbe smaller, quicker, low flying ones with out the gus holders were tbe still un successful aeronefs of tbe Wright and Furman types. Tbe scene was varied by an occasional ortbopter with fla plng wings or by helicopters. The problem of life was In these various vessels, and be studied them wistfully, so wistfully that the Roc's wild bonk sounded thrice before be beard it. Be stepped out upon tbe Bermuda grass, saw a retractile telephone spinning down from tbe great silver fish bal anced In the calm sky, caught it and pot it to his ear. "Oh, Aunt Cbloc!" cried be, running in for bis bat and coat "Here's some one above tbe bouse asking for me. and who do you suppose It Is?" "Mout be the angel Gab'el," replied Cbloe, "fm whah he is an do wa.v he blow tlat bo'n. but Ab reckon it's jes' some trlflln sky hooter. Who is dey?" "The greatest luck you ever heard of," cried Theodore. "Where's thai new parachute? Never mind. I've found it." Mr. Theodore ran out, stepped Into the lift and was whisked up to the Roc's polished deck with his new pur acbute over bis shoulder. (To Be Continued.) COUNCIL HOLDS SPECIAL SESSION At n special meeting of tho city council held Wednesday afternoon, Councilman EiiVrt, Wortnuui, Dem mer, Emeriek and Merrick wore pres ent. In tho matter of the extension bo inj built by tho Horho River Valley Fruit & Produce association to their warehouse, n permit was grunted, provided tho addition bo built of steel lath and plaster, subject to thu ap proval of the fire chief. Howard Bros, were emitted per mission to commence nn excavation for n fireproof buildiui on the corner of Sixth street nud Central avenue. Whereupon the council adjourned. SCORNS POLICE ORDER FOR ONE FROM ABOVE WASHINGTON. D. C July 21. Addi Coddimr. the whito irirl whom tho polico say is insane from rolin- ions fever nnd who is a champion of Rev. Sturdovnnt, n negro preacher huld in jail nt Baltimore for bigamy, refused today to obey tho polico or der to leavo for Boston. "Tho Lord told me in a dream 1 must stay in Wilmington until Bro. Sturdovnnt is released from the Philistines," she said defiantly, "When tho Almighty hursts his bonds I will leave and not before. It is easy for mo to chooso between an order from on Inch and a polico order." SPOKANE MEN OBTAIN PATENTS ON AIRSHIPS SPOKANE, Wash.. July 21. United States patents have been granted to W. B. S. Coyno and Goo. Foster, pioneer residents of Spokano on an airship, designed to carry 86 passengers. Tho inventors claim tho machine, which has a lifting power of 35,000 pounds, will raise directly from the ground nnd travel at a speed of 75 miles an hour. Describ ing tho craft Dr. Coyne said it Is purely a hollcopter typo of airship. It has two vertlcan hollow masts, tho outer 2S feet and tho inner 35 feet In length. The Inner mast carries two cross-ars 35 feet In length. To tho part raising above tho outer ono are attached plane surfaces eight feet in length and five feet in width, set at an angle of one foot In five. The outer msots carry similar planes set in opposite directions. BoyoI cog ed gears will give a forward thrust equal to 38,000 feet per minute. The body of the car resombles two big saucers placed ftce to faco. The craft carries five motors, each of 100 horso power, run Independent ly and has horlzonal and vertical rud ders the same as used on other mod ern airships. KING EDWARD'S FUNERAL BILL CUT TO $202,500 LONDON, July 21. Tho elabo rate funeral given King Edward cost the nation $202,500, as is shown in the finlancl.il statement today. Immediately after the funeral hills were sent in aggregating $1,500,000, as was cabled exclusively to tho Now York World, King George was so amazed at tho stupendous total that ho took the extraordinary course of having tho bills rigidly scrutinized, evidently to some purpose. Hasklna for health. Chickens j Wanted To buy, full blooded Wbite Leghorn and Barred Rock laying bens, 10 to 12 months old, in small or large lota R.H. Wilson CENTRAL POINT, OREGON. Care W. Cr. Gofl'e. Notice. Notice is hereby given that a spe cial election will be held in tho city of Sledford, Or., on August 2, 1910, for the purpose of adopting or re jecting the proposed charter amend ments set forth in the foregoing reso lution. Said election will be held at tho time and place designated in said resolution. ROBT. W. TELFER, Recorder of City of. Medford. NOTICE. I expect to leavo Friday for a five weeks vacation. Any persons wish ing to see me pleaso call or phone tomorrow. 105 R. W. STEARNS, M. D. - PARTY WISHES TO TRADE A DESIRABLE LOT WORTH $700 FOR A BUN GALOW CLOSE TO WEST MAIN STREET: WILL PAY $500 CASH BESIDES LOT. SEE E. F. A. BITTNER, 207 PHIPPS & TAYLOR BLDG., AT ONCE, OR PHONE MAIN 4141. f Men Wanted 100 men to cut wood; want ed at 'once; good wages; new camp. Apply Edgar Hafer, Medford, Or. Fine Printing We make a specialty of fine printing, carry the necessary itock to cnablo us to fill sll orders promptly, and guaran tee sutififadtiou. Best oquippod job offico in Oregon south of Portland; Host expert printers. Boforo sending your orders out of town, call nnd figure with us if wo can serve you for tho same price as an out-of-town concern you will wish to patronize home industry. Medford PrintingCo. j LUCKY IN LOTTERY; WILL SHE BE LUCKY IN WEDLOCK? SPOKANE, Wash., July 21. Miss Ella Malouoy of Spokano, tho first woman to settle on a claim in tho Coeur d'Alono reservation in Idaho, whoro sho won 100 acrea of fnrin land In Uncle Snm'a big lottery InHt August, and Frank Curtis, a timber cruiser and locator living at Unrrl noi, Idaho, alii to bo married In a short tlmo, thus lrliii;liu; to i protty culmination a ruiimtu'u that began 1 1 months ago. Muss Mnlunuy received a bushel of letters from various pnrtu of tho Unit od State and Canada when tt wub announced thnt alio hnd tho first cholco of tho big reservation, and most of tho missives contained pro-) PohiiIh of marriage Ono after thoothor sho declined, until Ciiator, who locnted thu claim and showed her over tho property remained nlono In tho field. Custer 'war ardent nnd persistent In his woo ing, and since tho hlghmlng of May, when Miss Maloney took possession of tho claim, ho has been a regular visitor at tho homestead, which la threo miles from tho town of Hnrri- 80U. Tho most monger, uudormsod ad vertisement you over print will im press porno people, will remain in soma minds, as tho measure of your storo aa representing your store. - - For Sale - - 428 ACRES Rogue River, bottom land, suitable for fruit and general farming purposes. 300 ACRES Alfalfa land, covered with irrigation ditch and perpetual water right. Ilns coal outcrop ping. At a bargain on long time, easy payments. Gold Ray Realty Comp'y. 209 WEST MAIN ST. Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridgde, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers nnd Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & GO. $12,500 Thirty-two acres, two miles from Talent, Ander son crock bottorc land; fivo-room box house, good bars and other outbuildings; there are on this place 12 ncres in Newtown and Bpitzenberg apples, 0 and 7 years old, which havo a fair crop this year; between the apples are peach fillers, wkioh are heavily loaded. In addition there are throe aorea of pears 2 years old and three acres1 planted to poors lost winter; also four acrea of alfalfa and about fivo aorea of fine timber; thore aro two good wells and a complete pumping plant for irrigation; $0500 will handle this placo and the balance can be paid at the rate of $1000 a year. $15,000 Seventy-five acres, samo neighborhood; good new five-room house, largo barn and other outbuildings; spring water piped to the buildings. There aro on this place 11 aores of 3-year-old Nowtowns and Spitzenbcrgs with peach fillers, about an acre of bearing family orch ard, 10 acros of alfalfa, about an aero of boaring grapes about 45 aores all told under cultivation, balance in timber which could bo cheaply cleared. At $200 an acre this placo a snap. It would toko half cash to handle, balance easy. $300 an aero Fine fruit nnd garden land in the vnlley, half way bctweon Phoenix and Talent; lovel, black free soil; divided into 10-acro tracts; one-fourth cash, balance in four annual payments with 6 per coat InUrttrL $12,000 Sixteen and a half acres, midway betweon Jack sonville and Central Point, facing the hill road; finest building oito in tho valley. There aro eight acroa of pears in loaring, trees from 5 to 8 years old, nnd about nn acre and a half of grapes in bearing, balanoe in timber, which 'is all good fruit land. Half cash will handle $20,000 Less than $425 nn ncro for 47J4 acres, one mile from Central Point, all good land, good buildings, about 40 acres planted to standard varieties of apples and pears from 1 to 4 years of age, balance in alfalfa. This place will snbJivido nicely, It is oasily worth $100 nn nere moro than is asked. W. T. YORK & CO. If you aro interested in Medford property, talk with onr tity man, Mr W. Y, Moore. I PLUMBING S1EAM AND 1101 WATER HEATING All Work Qunrnntuud Prioou llontionnblo COFFEEN a PRICE 11 Noith D St..Modford, Oro. Phono HOli Crater Lake Route 1910 LOCOMOBILES 1910 Tho cars of tho Orator Lake Company will leavo Hotel Nash on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a. in. Round Trip $25.00 Childron undor 12 years, half faro. Secure your tickots at tho hotol. CRATER LAKE TRANSPORTATION CO. J. 0. NEFF, Managor. Medford Address: Nash Hotel. SPEND THE SUMMER -AT Newport, Yaquina Bay The Only Beach in the Pacific Northwes t Whoro the pretty Water Agates, Mom Aretes, Moonstones Cornelians and Hock Oysters can bo found. ' nfyty ' vc ,fin,f Outdoors Sport of all Kinds Inoludlng Hunting, Flihln , digging Hock Oysters. Boating. Surf Bathing, Riding, Autolng, Cnnoolns and Dancing. Pura mountala water and the best of food nt low prices. Kroah Crabti, Clams, Oyster, FUhand Vexotabloo of all kinds dal ly. IDEAL CAMPING QROUND8, with strict sanitary reg ulations, at nominal cost. u2Ji.A.g.iW- .i4 Low Round-Trip Season Tickets from all points In Oregon, Washington and Idaho on sale dally. Three Day Saturday to Monday Rate from 8. P. points, Port.uad to Cottage Ororo Incluslro, Includ lag branch linos; also from all C. ft B. stations Albany and west. Good going on Saturday or Sunday, and for return Sun day or Monday. A Sunday Excursion Rate of jjj; .59 from Albauy. Conrallls and Phltemnth, with corresponding low ratoa frcna points west. In effect all summer. Call on nny B. P. or O. & B. Agent for full particulars aa to rates, train schedules, etc.; also for copy of our beautiful Illustrate booklet, "Outings In Oregon," or write to WM. McMUIUtAY, Genera) l'aaaengor Agent, Portland, Oregon, J. E. ENYAItT, Preaidont. J. A. PERRY, Vico-PreRident. JOHN S. ORTII, Cashier. W. IJ. JACKSQN, AhhH Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $100,000.00 8URPLU8 20,000.00 UNDIVIDED PROFITS 15,000.00 SAFETY ROXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSI NESS TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. " ' ' - , BMMI I III GOLD RAY GRANITE CO Office: 209 WeBt MainJSt., Medford, Ore. it Operating Quarry at Gold Ray,f0regon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND iRBfSHED GRANITE S i A M- trrltabjy. r ."gu til us of tbe rescue ff-f-f-f-fi