Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 21, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Learn to my Kl Hityo.
Mt-H. CuitlH Miller of (Jolil Hill,
who Iiiih huun veiling Mi-m. 0. II.
IlnnkliiH, returned lionui Thurmhiy
John II. Cnrkin, nttornoy-ut-lnw,
ovor Jnoknou Countyl Bank.
Mr. mid Mih. 1). W. Monro are
temporarily ntHldiiig nt AhIiIiuiiI,
ponding tho finding of " hiiUiiIjIo
lioiiHii in Medford. Mr. mill Mm.
Monro woro hero Tliurndny, imeom
pnnlutl by John Klinl, Mr. Mooru'ri
W. L. Hodonborgor will dolivor nil
kiudn of borrioH. Phono Fnrmora
710-1. AddroiiH 1'hoontx. 105
Mm. 0. II. IliiHkinn lonveH TIiiim
lny nvouiiig Tor Newport to join hor
daughter, Minn Kunnio, who Iiiih been
nt tho HiutHhoro for it week or inoro.
If you ro looking for a firnt-ulttHri
3'i Shutter wnKoti with wood innk
cull nt WoodH Ltiiiibur Co. tf
Mr. mid Mm. Loon H. IIiihIuiih and
child u ro sojourning ut Butte Fulls,; tho cool broor.cM mid puru
ozonu of that hhoIIou.
M'ihh Corn Linn of JiiukHonvillu
wiih n Medford visitor Tlinrmliiy. t
Mm. David Linn mid daughter of
Ktigeuo, who huvo been vimling rela
tives and 1'riondn in JtiolcKonvillo, loft
for their homo Thurmliiy morning.
L. W. Winiborly of AhIiIiuiiI wiw in
Central l'oint yoitturduy looking for
invuHtinuntM in iiurongo property.
Loo Ulriuh, tlii! Knglu l'oint ruitl
oatuto agent, watt in Mudford on Iiiih
iiichh Tliurndny.
V. Carnahan of lliu Blue Lodge
initio Ih in Medford looking after bus
inuHH inattom.
C. A. KdinoiidHon of Htitto FiiIIh
wiih iii Mudford Thursday on bind
nuri. C. 0. Hollo of Hutto FallH spent
Wcdiit'Mday in thin city.
W. It. Iiarpur of Clrantu Pans, a
prominent minor of that town, win in
Medford Wednesday.
A. N. SoHhh, n prominent attorney
of Ontario, Or., stopped off Saturday
for a nliort visit with bin parcntH,
Mr. and Mm. I). It. Solinn, and
brother, J. K., and nistor, Mrs. J. II.
Clark. Mr. KoIihh wan on bin way to
N'ortliorn California to iiHtpect a body
of land he and othur purlieu are in
turi'Htcd in there. Mr. SoHhh ih in
torehted in it frnnehino for a Htroot
railway in Ontario and iutorurhuii
linoK thoru in that vnltuv. Hu wan at
one time a rcidduiit of thin valley.
I. V. ThomitH f West Main street
has bad bin barn rotundi'led and
painted, a now woodHhed built mid
otbenv'iKo improved bin property, ft
h Hiioh things iiH that help to
innko Medford the "city beautiful."
Tho beautiful residence of Mm. M.
Mullerou North Ornngo street is fast
Hearing completion.
II. F. Meeder Iiiih purchased one
of the new Model No. ID Huioks from
tho Mudford Htiick Co. llu saw the
ail in tho Mail Tribune.
J. It. Harvey of Oalicu, Or., was
hero on mining business Wednesday.
It. A. Fraser and L. F. Kennedy
of Knglo l'oint spent Wednesday
night in Medford.
C. L. Sparrottsou of Klamath
Falls is in Medford on a busiuuss
L. 0, Hill of Cottngo Qrovu is .u
Medford on a visit to friends.
Mrs. T. J. 1'arton of KiirIo Point
was in Medford Thursday on a shop
pine; expedition.
Mrs. M. Pondlington and daughter
of Sealtlo, WuhIi., nro registered at
t hu Mo ore,
B. T. Roberts and family of
Amos, la., is here looking ovor the
vnlloy with a view to locating bore.
Mrs. A, li. Halstoad of Honors,
Nob., ih looking for an investment
in Roguo Hlvor valley.
F. W. Qrabaiu, the western indus
trial and immigration ugont of the
flreat Norlhorn Itailway company, is
in Medford arranging for an exhibit
of local products in an exhibition car
of his company to bo sent east,
0. K, McCarthy of Portland ar
rived last uvoning in a huge Locomo
bile. IIo will loavo Friday for Cen
tral Oregon via Crater Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Palmer of Ne
vada are in Medford looking over the
country with a viow to locating,
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Adams of Mil
waukee, Wis., nro hero looking over
the vnlloy.
Colonel George P. Minis is in the
city from bis ranch on the lower
0. II. Hrowor of the Gluu Itnguo
Orchard company loft Thursday on
a business trip to Portland mid
uorthoru points.
Mrs. IT. U. Lumsdeu expects to
loavo this afternoon for a visit to
relatives and friends in Washington
and Northern Oregon.
K. A. Welch of the Medford Clio
eery company loaves Friday morning
for Portland on a business' visit.
Mrs. A. S. Rosonlmnm was' among
thoso who atUiudod tho Chautau(ua
nt Ashland Thursday.
Miss Fliznboth Putnam loft Thjirs
day afternoon for San Francisco and
other California points for n stay of
aovoral wooks.
ClurmlnuFrocki Olie My Wr
Dlnntr and Dancat.
CoNllluiwH need not bn a factor of tho
lehutiintc'N kovviim. lint IiinIciiiI fresli
nciw and perfect iioiitncNs nro fur morn
eNNeiitlnl, Hor wnrilrolw nliolild in
elude ut leant six evening gowim. 1
nlm Imppoim to bo very popular and
goes to llvo evening iMitortalumuutH a
wiM.k the six kowiih will not tako hei
very fur iiiiIonh continually froNlietied
mid mndo over, for (hu deliutiiutu even
ing gown miiNt not be mndo of heavy
material. The lighter mill dalutlni
mid morn perlxhnlile tt In (lie bettor,
chlrfouit, tullun and Inccn being tiHcd to
tho vxcIuhIoii almoRt of silk, until) oi
velvet. And If costly luces mid chif
fons ure employed tbo effect ougbt still
to bo simple. Two crush dnncei often
prnctlcnlly demolish n tulle gown.
Perhaps tbo tinniest time of nil for
tbo mother of a debutante is when, tho;
coming out party successfully uccom
pllsbcd, luvltntlons bcKlu to iHur In
for tbo dubutnute. At llrst thoso arc
easily mnuugcti, coming, ns tboy do,
mostly from closo friends, but ns ttio
dobutanto goes to one and another nf-i
fair, meeting miiiiy strniiKerN not,
known to her parents, the Invitations
T'i'tiJrM faW
JwfifW '
fry JsjK X'A
v Sx -!wB iatteIIIIIIIIIIB
ure not m onslly inaiiiiKtl mid. left to'betwen officials of the railroad and
herself, the girl would Inevitably mnko
decisions of which her mother would
not approve. There will bo a tempting
Invitation to n houso party, nil automo
bile pnrty, a theater party, and so on
from ouo and another person not on
her mother's cnlllug list, but whose
datiKhtcr may have intruded school
with her. This Is nil rle,ht and proper
enough for the sender of the Invltn1
tlon, und the debutante would 1ms cjulto
rlKht to accept provided her mother
likes to ndd the sender of the invltn
tlou to hor visiting list; otherwise tho
Invitation, no matter how ullurtng,
must bo regretted. Hut, to come buck
to tho (iicstlnn of tho debutante's oven
lng frocks, the Illustration shows a
charming model In pink mousscllno do
sole with gruy knot decorations as tho
1'rlnclpnl trimming. It Is simplo and
exquisitely dainty.
After a trying day nothing Is moro
restful to the bond than u cloth sat
urated In toilet water mid laid across
tho temples. A Kood toilet water can
bo mndo nt home with lavender water,
rosewuter and acetic ncld.
lUcnrbouuto of soda when taken bo- j
foro meals will reduce tlosh. Take a
Binull spoonful to u gluss of wuter.
Mauy physicians recommend soda, but
tho treatment must bo persevered with
and not taken for nwbllo and then
Many women hnvo a wrong under
standing of tho bung, belluvlug it is
only for children und young girls. In
this they ure mistaken, ns tho bang
softens features that aro hard, con
ceals tho little wrinkles about tho tem
ples nnd nets ns a sort of veil to tho
heavy lines across the forehead. All
women of mature appearance should
wear tho bang, but it must bo treated
Hluce the days of Cleopatra rain
water has been considered tho best of
cosmetics for the complexion, mid a
wo)k. in thu rain Is of more aid to tho
face thuu a ipmutlty of modtclues. Not
only the contact with tho fresh water,
but also tho dampness of tho atmos
phere, thoroughly clonuses tho tissues,
effacing from tho skin nil tho wrinkles
formed by bent or worry. naps
und wnlks ure also boneilclul.
Sufferers from Insomnia should avoid
sweet desserts ut night us well us tea,
coffeo and greasy foods. Whether It
Is better to retire with mi empty stom
ach cun bo determined only by experi
ment In 'onch Individual case. One of
tho best ways, says tho smiio author
ity, to draw tho blood from tho brain
boforo retiring Is to tako a modorato
uwlft walk. If there is still dllllculty
In getting to sleep, n tepid bath nnd a
gentle rub will bring tbo blood from
the brain to tho surfuco of tho body.
If the cause of sleeplessness s ouscop
tlbillty to sound, stulllng tho enrs with
medicated cotton will bo useful.
Notlcoi s boroby glvon that tho un
dorslgnod will apply ut tho noxt rogu
lnr mooting of tlio city council to bo
hold AugiiHt 2, 1910, for a llconso to
soil mult, vinous nnd splrltous liquors
In quantities less than ono gallon at
his pluco of buainosa In lot 20, block
11, la tho city of Medford,
Dated July 20, 1910.
SHANNON In Medford, July 21,
to tho wlfo of Harry Shannon, n, bou.
VANCOUVKU, II. C, July 21 Tho
proportlos of thrt Woittorn Kuol com
p.iny of Hun Francisco, embracing
'If,, 000 ncroH of coal bearing Intidn
near S'tuiulmo, hnvo, according to
goiiornlly credited ronortn, puimod In
to tho huudH of n Hrltl.i'i oyndlcato,
tho dent hr.vlnt; been put through by
John L. Howard, tho president of tho
company, during n recent vlnlt to
Loudon, Tho purclmso prlco of tho
property Is put ut $3,500,000.
Tho Western Fuel company wuh
Incorporated on Decembor 12, 1002,
with n capitalization of 11,500,000,
and hut), during tho Intervening years,
curried on ui extensive buBlnoHti In
California, Acquiring tho reputation
of controlling tho mnrkot In that
sLuto. It Ih said Hint tho prlco paid
by them for tho property Involved In
tbo proHont denl wan npproxlinatoly
$050,000, thuu Rhowlng n magnifi
cent profit apart from what wan mudo
by operation,
NI2WAKIC, 0 July 21. Licking
county today hr.s un opportunity to
ninko remutierntlvo mnends for tho
lynching of Curl Kthorlagton tho An-tl-Haloon
Icnguo detective bunged by
n mob In Nownrk nftcr 1 o bud shot
und killed :t enfo ownor during a
raid on nllogod "blind tigers."
George Holm, administrator of Kth
orlngton'seiitnte, hns medo formal
demand on tho county for $5000 dam-
NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., July 21.
The Northern Pacific will under
take to provide a five-dii' schedule
for fruit traiiiH out of the Yakima
vnlloy to St. Paul through the rtiib
of the peach season, provided grow
er!) ship thirty cars per day for
Fargo and boyond. This decision was
readied yostcrdny at a conference
hippcrs of this vnlloy.
- Itching Skin Quickly Cooled.
Itching skin troubles homo people
ns soon as tho hot weather cotues.
There scorns to be no preventive, but
when the trouble does brenk out it
is n very simple matter to stop that
itch, and to stop it instantly.
Just a fow drops of ueutlo winter-
green lotion mixed with thymol and
wuhhod ovor the eruption will soothe
and smooth tbo skin instantly, giv
ing that cooled, refreshing sensation.
Try a 2fi-cent bottle of this lotion,
D. I). I). Proscription. It will stop
the itch, not in half an hour, not in
ten minutes, but in five seconds. If
you will call at our store, we will toll
you more of this I). D. I), compound.
Medford Pharmacy, near Postofficc.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., July 21. Mrs.
Annie Sholes of Los Angeles and Jo
soph II. Lucas have boon arrested,
charged with the alleged theft o
j?r000 wortb of diamonds from the
homo of Mrs. J. C. Jones, wife of n
prominent St
Louis nttoruoy. Lucas
was arrested in St.
Sholes in Detroit.
Louis nnd Mrs.
Wedding Ring on Right Hand.
In Denmark u widow Is always
known by tbo bund on which she
wenrs hor wedding ring. Instead of
wearing both engagement nnd wed
dlug rings on the sumo fluger, ns wo
do, Danish brides wear only ono plain
sold band on their left third finger,
which Is the wedding finger lu that
country. When the husband dies the
widow changes hor ring to her right
third linger, nnd thon everybody knows
that sho Is a widow.
Siskiyou Heights
Addition No. 1
Graded streets, sidewalks; wa
tor and building restrictions that
guarantee pretty homes. Streets
parked mid sot with. trees.
The price is low, considering lo
cation. Tho terms nro easy.
Tho timo to buy is now.1
Oregon Orchards Syndicate
116 East Main
MINNEAPOLIS, Mum., July 21.
Minneapolis today ih preparing to
tako a seat on tho exclusive bunch i i
literature. Lest the Instcs of aes
thetic citizens bo lowered, horeufter
tho Apollos und Vc-iiuhch that romp
through tbo pngos of the "best hcII
ors" will find no place in the Minne
apolis library.
Kobert W. Chambers and Kobort
llorrick aro included among tha au
thors on whoso books the bun is
The librarians propose to instill
"sorioiiH" knowledge into the minds
of renders.
John hud nourcstheniu
Cannot tell you why
Knew there wus no hope for him;
And ho went borne to die.
John announced his tragic fate,
And said unto his churns,
"1 might nH well enjoy mybclf
Until the summons cornes."
And then ho went n-fishing
Every morning for a week,
Took n swim each nftornoon
And then, in manner meek,
Hcgan to tako an interest
In work heard nnture's call;
Hut, instead of mooning around,
He whitewashed tbo house, the
Hnni, tho garage, the chicken
houso and the com crib; hauled
x Gravel from n gravel pit in
Tho woods and uiudc paths
Where paths wero necessary;
Chopped .wood, curried water;
Did more fishing, moro swimming;
More driving; nte large
Quantities of plain food;
Drank large
Quuntitios of w'atcr nnd
Huttcrniilk; '
And didn't dio nt nil I
Blood For Bread.
Hunger! To what lengths will tt
drive men! Ilcrc is a passage from
"Force," a tale of Napoleon's days de
scribing how ten veteran hussars un
der a young officer, after two days
without food, fought like flends for a
loaf of bread stolen from a woedman:
"ne trembled with covetousness, but
hp did not move. He was starving,
but ho was an oftlcor.
"Tho foremost rider speared the loaf
up with his saber, clutched It and be
gan to eat. The others quickly closed
In on him. He wns gripped from be- j
mnu mm nan sirangieu. me oreau
fell into the mud. 1'be men then be
gan to light in bitter earnest, nnd
their sabers Unshed dimly in tho fall
lng ruin. One of them reeled under a
saber stroke nnd fell back on ulft
"IIo (tho oillcor) flung himself in the
mcleo and wns thrown from his horse.
As ho era vt led ulong the mud out of
tho wny of the trampling hoofs he put
his hand on the bread. Ills fears nt
once vanished. He bent over bis prize,
hiding it from view of the struggling
soldiers, and lowered bis head and got
tho loaf under his teeth aud ut It."
One oftlib places advertised for
rent would m ko your kind of a home
SONS: Finest viow.
Only ton minutes'
walk to tbo city.
Lots all largo, 05x70
foot by .150.
Ono-half down, bnl
iiui'o as you like it.
Cups 6 Saucers
Want a Bargain
Tomorrow we offer you your choice of any 65c, 75c,
$1.00 or $1.25 fancy decorated Cup and Saucer in the
store at, your choice,
The above offer is for Friday only.
Ilere's a bargain; a 44- Ion jug and 6 bell shape
piece Dinner Set in a full lead blown glasses; best
standard ware, of a well quality; per set of jug and
known maker; tomorrow, 6 glasses, tomorrow,
And odd pieces in fancy China; $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50
values; big table; over 100 pieces to select from; tomor-
75c each.
$100 reward if anyone proves this act a fake.
HOLM Comedy.
Agent at Medford.
The Joiu'nal will be delivered to any
address in town ::::::
Prompt and efficient service guaran
teed :::::::::
Daily and Sunday Journal 65c month
Daily Journal : : : : 45c month
Sunday Journal : : : 25c month
The Twentieth Century Paper. : :
Get the habit : : : : Order now
Phone Main 120 : Journal Agent
We are now showing
Some beautiful creations in the
Jewlers Art
in Cloisonne Enamel
20 water sets, consisting
of 1 crystal glass half-gal-
Cash Stoffe
Grape Juice. ".
Welch's, pt. bottlo, ench, ,....-. .2jo
Welch's, qut. bottlo, onch S0o
Cab Zinfnndcls, pt. bottlo, each, 25o
Cnl. jHtiscat, pt. bottle, ench: .,, .25a
Olive Oil.
Imptd. Italian Oil, 1 qt. cans.... 00c
Impt. Italian Oil, Vi-Riil. cans. $1.75
Imptd. Itulinn Oil, 1-prnl. cans.. $3.25
Cal. Oil, Tillman's, -pt. bottlo. 25o
Cnl. Oil, Tillman's, 1-pt. bottlo. .COo
Cal. Oil, Tillman's, 1-qt. bottlo.. OOo
McLaren Cbceso, jars, small.... 20o
McLaren Cheese, jars, med(um..35o
McLaren Cheese, jars, largo .... .Too
Heinz' Beans, Heinz' Pickles,
Beach Nut Bacon, Beach Nut Peanut
Butter, Bell Brand California Ripo
Olives and many other good, things
you find in this store.
Water Jurs, 3-pt.size .,. ..50o
Water Jujjs, 2-qt. size. ....... ,C0o
Water Jurs, 3-qt. sizo .'. .$1.00
For $1 wo sell you ono Colonial
Water Jut with 0 glasses to match;
'this set sells regular for $1.50.
Water Bottles, each 35o
Sweet Pea Vases, each 50a
Finger Bowls, set ...$1.50
Eur Cups, Colonial, dozen, .f... $1.20
Sherry Glasses, 2-oz., sot.... .. $1.00
Cocktail Glasses, 2V&-oz., set. .$1.00
Ico Jutr, 3-qt. sizo, each .$1.00
Souvenirs of Medford, 300 pieces
to select from, at 15c and 20c each.
Cash Store
223 W. MAIN.
PHONE 2351.
FT Tl Pnttorsnn. ihn Ona.
ker Nursery man, has moved
his office to 116 East -'Main
-- --- I
8 sawmill hands, $2.50.
20 prune nickers, 5o box.
9 loggers, $2.50 up.
9 men for dryers, $2.50 day.
4-room houso, modern.
Log drivers, $3.50 day.
25 cordwood men, $150 to $1.75.
Ranch hands.
17-acro tract, full bearing commorn
cial fruit; income $2500 inoludoc
if taken this week.
Auto, cheat) for cash, 5-passenger.
Will sell n lot, 75 fqot frontage!
depth 220, and will build to suit
buyer, easy terms.
160 acres, close tq R. R,; snap.
Lots $10 down, easy payments.
9 acres in boaring, close to city limJ
its, $8000.
Alfalfa tracts, under ditch, $100 pd
8,000,000 foot timber, $1 per 100C
40 acres timber and wood, 7 miled
Medford, very cheap.
40 acres and improvements, fuu
fruit land, $800.
300 aorcs, Eaglo Point, subdivide
finely, $125 per aero.
Closo-in fruit land, undor ditch, $2C
per nore.
SO Acres, 12 acres fruit, teams an4
farming tools, $0,500.
1 Aoro near South Onkdale on nei
street, $2,000.
For Trade.
3-room houso, lot 50x150, for norel
1 aoro, 4-room house, trade for toat
2,000,000 feet timber for Medford ol
Portland property.
Income proporty, Spokane, for acre
tfgo. '
2 lots for 2 or 3 ncros,
East Side bungalow.
20 Aores, 12 in fruit, oloso in, fo
city lots.
100 aores with bearing orchard
1G0 aoros, GO aores good fruit lanl
20 aores, orcok bottom, 12 acri
planted, 4-room houso, $800.
40 aoros fine rod foothill soil, $351
Room 207 Tavlor & Pklftpt BU
Fhone 414VMaln.