Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 20, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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of the
Air Lanes
Herbert Quick
Copyright. 1909. by the Bobbi
Merrill Company
CHAPTER I Theodore Carson,
inventor of an airship, rescues from
n fuRitivo flyiuR machine called a
.lielicopttT, a beautiful youuR jjirl.
Captain nurroa tea mc way easterly
alongshore to a spot where the shrub
gnvr well down toward the beaten
each. They walked bnck between
damps of dark green rosemary, over a
low place In the dunes, down to the
dry, hard bottom of a former pooL
They emerged upon a little Irregu
lar hillock nnd looked forth upon a
strange tarn of inky water, Its black
wares, crested with foam, like white
plumes on funeral crape. The shores
ef this sinister lake were densely
wooded by sullen ranks of pines nnd
cypresses. Virginia gasped at sight of
the somber mere. It seemed such an
eery spot In which to be cast away
"with these strange men who lived be
Wnd closed doors and walked the
Bands as to leave no footprints!
"Hani out the launch, captain."
"Why was the trim, speedy looking
launch so completely hidden In tho tall
cane? The pnldooa puddling In the
reeds made sounds like prowling ac
complices. Miss Suarez swept haughtily to her
place In the boat. Carson, with his
eye steadfastly flxed on his engine.
quickly shoved off.
"Evenln' to yeb." said the captain.
Btlll with one foot In the wnter. like a
"Good evening." responded the young
Jpcone, anil Carson folftbe puU'ofR
ns they stepped ashore.
"Can 1 do anything mo' for your'
ho asked.
"No, no; you must go nowl But
thank you a thousand times," said
"Psycho," said he fervently, "I shall
never escape from the tolls you have
lured mo into. Never!"
lie carried her hands to his lips,
kissed them passionately and leaped
Into the boat. Virginia watched him
atuazedly as ho darted away llko a
f rlghtened tarpon, not toward bis cab
in In tho dunes, but out through the
cntranco of tho bayou and oft across
tho bay toward Tolnt Clear. Ono
more mystery to ponder over.
caksox's i-tsmxa.
T hns always been a point of
genealogical dispute ns to whether
or not Theodore Carson's fnther
was of kin to tho founder of the
old Carson place up Fish river.
General Carson In his lean years
Used to sell turpentine to his name
sake at the dingy ship chandlery on
tho wharf near the Bslara street oys
ter dock. On these commercial occa
sions the general, when mellowed by
juleps, with his foot on the brass rail
and bis elbows on the liar, used to call
the ship chandler "cousin." At other
times, however, ho made no bones of
his opinion that the Mobil Carsonses
were daslfcd common people nnd
branded as Impudent any fool claim
of kinship between the humble trades
man and the Carsonse3 of Marengo
county. Theodore was a little bitter
sometimes as be recalled the phan
toms, the pursuit of which had ruined
two successive owners of the estate
the general's breeding maggot nnd his
father's curious pride in a mere name
whereupon he gave chase to a phan
tom of his own. with what success we
shall see, and followed what his
friends called n rainbow with such
true Carson enthusiasm that when he
left Virginia Suarez on the dock at
Strong's bayou, on that sandy, doll
clously dreamy, southern shore of Mo
bile bay. he steered through the night
for a house very nearly dismantled, on
an estate growing up to persimmon
thickets, dewberry beds and palmetto
slashes, the very title to which was
about to pass to his creditors. His
ignis fnruus was In the cabin among
the gulf beach dunes, but neither that
nor the precarious state of his for
tunes could account for his alternate
Joy and gloom as he fared north In
the night. The sky maiden was the
thing that really mattered.
He wondered whether her people
knew of the chance by which he and
Captain Harrod had rescued the fair
castaway. Probably they believed her
lost The helicopter had scarcely
paused when she struck the dune, but
bad shot out over the gulf like a flying
gnIL They must mourn the girl as
lost, and be bad the girl's name to
Tho Roc came coasting back in the
same tardy dnwn that lamped that
Silberbcrg lighted and smoked count
less cigarettes. Mr. Shayno nervously
walked the deck and debated the ques
tion of letting Mrs. Sbayne know of
her niece's tragic death at once or of
waiting for a personal interview. For
the Roc had had no word of either the
helicopter " the girl, and they saw
no gleam of hope for her. She was n
dependent and something of a prob
lem for Mrs. Sbayne. Any ordinary
circumstance that would have sep
arated the aunt and niece would not
havo been mourned lnconsolably by
either of them. In fact, Mrs. Sbayne
hnd expressed to her husband some
wonder as to what Sllberberg saw In
the girl. But to lose her like this, with
all the unpleasant publicity of the ter
rible affair!
(To Be Continued.)
As announced a week oro, says the
Tidings, tho mayor and l'ivo council
man, through Attorney A. K. Konmos,
have caused restraining order to
bo issued nnd served on tho city re
corder, in which 150 referendum peti
tioners are niudo defendants, from
taking any notion in regard to tho
referendum petition. This restrain
ing order, being in the nature of an
injunction, was issued by County
Judge Neil, in tho absence of Judgo
Calkins at Grants Pass, tho signers
of the referendum petition having
been given ten days in which to re
ply. To further fortify their potition,
tho mayor nnd council always ex
cepting Councilman Cunningham,
who is not a party to tho proceed
ings have caused summons to be
served on each individual singer of
tho referendum potition. This serv
ice was begun last week by Deputy
Sheriff Thornton and is being finish
ed up todny. The result of this gen
eral restraining order nnd spocifio
summons service is that the status
of the remonstrants is somewhat
changed, they being defendants when
tho mntter is brought up for argu
ment before the circuit court later on.
The summons cites ench individual
to answer within ten days and the
result of tho citation will probably
be that the petitioners will employ
counsel to argue tho ense in their bo
half when the question comes up for
decision before the circuit court,
which tribunal has jurisdiction.
Attorney R. O. Smith of Grants
Pass was in town last week confer
ring with signers of tho referendum,
nnd the conclusion is reached that he
will appear in their behalf, in which
event a local battle rovnl is looked i
for over the issues of the question !
SACRAMENTO, Cnl., duly 'JO.- -While
washing his face at tho kitchen
sink preparatory to going to work
early this morning and within a few
soconds after lie hud passed a
friendly good morning to his pro
fessed friend, .Manuel Francis, Joe
Dunrto was phot by (ho former and
almost instantly killed,
Francis gave himself up to tho po
lice and confessed the shooting, the
polico say. ,
Francis' motive, according to his
confession, wan jealousy.
"Dunrto has been knocking mo to
my friends," said tho prisoner, and
has been trving to break my home.
That's why 1 Mutt him."
If it's a job for a want ad don't
leave it to a placard!
Toc1lnit,trrtin S
J luMntftnilly Hchol fortllrUnititor
f r of t)letno( PI. John lUi-lMIKflxoiliN
1Hii, Mnnlr, Art, I. locution, CIiiiiuimIiiiii. I
tUiMint vul'Ui inuat loirr It ) ot e nH
wl rcomiHm!li Ih minitar U llmlti! lol
lift,. Arbitration honM txi m.i miIjt Atdlma I
Virginia said nothing. Carson, steal
tec look at her. saw the flush dying
at upon her face and a smile taking
-ftta place a dimpling, spasmodic smile,
-accompanied by little quick dilations
ef the nostrils, as If Miss Suarez was
desirous of indulging In a laugh, but
mw no citable reason for so doing.
She waved her handkerchief at the
"Do you see," said Carson, pointing
to the receding shore, ''that the little
"Mil at the landing Is Just a mass of
"Whv. so It is. I believe ." nhn or.
ekdmed. "How came so many there?" I yunK somnambulist to his home.
'It's a prehistoric kitchen midden."
aid this most extraordinary young
pirate. "So many people lived there
that they literally made a hill of the
shells of the mollusks they ate."
"Indeedl" ejaculated Virginia, and
after a long pause she added, "How
Mentally her speech was, "How odd
that this young outcast should know
-about archaeology, or is It paleontol
ogy?" It was easy to study him because
.be looked so religiously away from
ier. He was rather Interesting.
He throw over the tiller to round
.into a llttlo reedy core, but instead of
running ashore be entered a narrow
creek, which be followed through
Hcb amazing tortuosities that tho sun,
low In the west, was now on the right,
sow on tbc left, sometimes astern and
again dead ahead.
Their talk was verging upon the per
sonal and therefore to be discouraged.
How keenly observing he must be to
detect In her cosmopolitan English the
Id home accent! She bad supposed
"herself to be quite rid of It. She was
cjslte recovered from her alarm and
looked bewitching as they emerged
from tho narrows and shot out Into
the lagoon, the blue waves of which
sad subsided Into round rolling short
"Goodby," cried Virginia, looking
Iwclc Into the enchanted marsh. "Good
ly! This Is the world again!"
Carson' was looking the other way
with less persistence now. There was
something mysterious In tho charm of
this girl's manner. Her goodby to the
.narrows seemed a subtle rapproche
aaent to him. Tbey were in the world,
aad therefore, figuratively, she let him
come closer.
The lights of the hotels and villas
alone tho north shoro swept by them
1b a panorama of fairy illuminations.
"Wo have been very impersonal,"
aid be. "May I Introduce myself?
My name Is"
"Ob, please don'tl" sho exclaimed.
rForgivo me, but I'd rather not
"It Is mo' interesting," said be, with
slow smile, "not to know, I shall
always think of you as"
"As the girl from Mars," sho sug
CMted. "I caino tumbling down to
you In a heap out of the sky."
"Isn't there an asteroid named
Psyche?" he inquired. "I'm going to
assume that there Is and name you
after that"
"A purely telescopic star"
"Because of Its distance only,
The boat quietly passed out across
the woven threads of light that web
bed the water from a thousand points
about Strong's bayou and gently came
to at the dock of tho Jupon Hedge
Sen. The promenades were crowded
wtta people In evening clothes sad
waiters with tnyaItMULgV
FLORENCE, N. J., July 20. Al
though he was overcome by the In
tense heat, a young man known as
Palo, was frozen to death whilo the
thermometer recistered 90 degrees,
according to tho statement of a phy
sician who examined his body.
When Palo wbb overcomo by tho
beat and a doctor wns called tho
doctor ordered ico hold acclnet his
Palo's friends were too enthusias
tic and packed hugo pieces of Ice
about bis bond and limbs. They fi
nally becamo alarmed at his condition
and again called tho doctor, who de
clared tho man actually had been
frozen to death. A certificate of
death from accident was signed.
CHICAGO, 111., July 20. Tho po
lice today gave out a statement say
ing that ilrs. Emma Deufcx, a widow,
who was shot Friday by Charles Rig
don, a well-to-do broker, who then
committed suicide, has ndmtited that
she is Mrs. Coretta Young of Evan
ston. Tho woman, who is in a crit
ical condition, tho police say, de
clares the shooting resulted from
Rigdon's jealousy.
Mrs. Young, according to tho po
lice, says she believes Rigdon also
intended to kill John Feber, tho at
torney in whose office tho shooting
occurred, but for somo reason wus
not able to carry out his plnn.
Wanted To buy, full
blooded White Leghorn
and Barred Hock laving
I hens, 10 to 12 months
old, in small or large lots
R. H. Wilson
Care W. Gr. Gofi'e.
County Convention Notice.
Tho Socialist party of tho county
of Jackson is called to meet in county
convention at Smith's hall, Medford,
Or., on the 31st day of July and tho
first day of August, 1010. for tho
purpose of nominating a county
ticket and elocting delegates to the
state convention to bo held in Port
land, Or., on tho 7th and 8th day of
August, 1910.
County Committeeman.
Tho most meager, undersized ad
vertisement you ever print will im
press some people, will remain in
some minds, as the measure of your
store as representing your store.
Men Wanted
100 men to cut wood; want
ed at once; good wages; new
camp. Apply Edgar Hafer,
Medford, Or.
Fine Printing ;;
Wo make a specialty of fine
printing, carry tho neccssnry
Jtock to cnablo us to fill oil
orders promptly, and guaran
tee satisfaction.
Best cquippod job office in
Oregon south of Portland;
host expert printers.
Bcforo sending your orders
out of town, call and figure
with ub if wo can servo you
for the samo price as an out-of-town
concorn you will wish
to patronize homo industry.
PrintitigCo. j
All Work Guaranteed Prices RoaBonablo
11 North D St.. Medford, Ore.
Phone 308
- - For Sale - -
428 ACRES Rogue River bottom land, suitable
for fruit and goneral farming purposes.
300 ACRES Alfalfa land, covered with irrigation
ditch and perpetual water right. Has coal outcrop
ping. At a bargain on long time, easy payments.
Gold Ray Realty Comp'y.
Medford Iron WorRs
E. G. Trowbridgde, Prop.
All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps,
Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for
$12,500 Thirty-two acres, two miles from Talent, Ander
son creek bottom land; five-room box house, good bnrn
and othor outbuildings', there are on this placo 12 ncrcs
in Newtown and Spitzenberg apples, 0 and 7 yonrs old,
which havo a fair crop this year; betwoon the apples are
poach fillers, which aro heavily loaded. In addition there
are throe acres of pears 2 years old and three ncrcs
planted to pears last winter; also four acres of alfalfa
and about fivo acres of fine timber; there aro two good
wells and a complete pumping plant for irrigation; 30500
will handle this placo and the balance can be pnid at the
rato of $1000 a year.
$15,009 Sevonty-fivo acres, same neighborhood; goo'd now
five-room honse, largo barn and othor outbuildings;
spring water piped to the buildings. There aro on this
place 11 acres of 3-year-old Nowtowns and Spitzenberg
with peach fillors, about an aero of bearing family orch
ard, 10 acres of alfalfa, about an aero of boating grapes
about 45 acres all told undor cultivation, balance in
timber which could bo cheaply cleared. At $200 an ncro
this placo is a snap. It would tako half cash to handle,
balanco easy.
$300 an aoro Fines fruit and gardon land in the valley,
hulf way botwoen Phoenix and Talent; lovol, black freo
Eoil; dividod into 10-acro tracts; one-fourth cash, bulanco
in four annual payments with 0 per cent intorest.
$12,000 Sixteon nnd a half acros, midway botweon Jack
sonville and Central Point, facing the hill road; finest
building oito in the valloy. Thoro aro eight acros of pears
in boaring, trees from 6 to 8 years old, and about nn
ncre and a half of grapos in bearing, bnlanco in timber,
which is nil good fruit land. Half cash will handle,
$20,000 Loss than $425 nn aero for 47 acres, ono mile
from Central Point, all good land, good buildings, about
40 acres planted to standard variotios of applos nnd
pears from 1 to 4 years of ago, balance in alfalfa, This
place will subdivide nicely. It is easily worth $100 nn
acre moro than is asked.
W. T. YORK & CO.
If you aro interested in Medford property, talk with our
city man, Mr W. V. Mooro.
Loose or Mounted
When looking for DIAMONDS of
uunllty, don't tr.ll to ooo my Block.
Martin J. Reddy
The Jeweler,Near P.O,
Crater Lake Route
The cars of tho Orator Lake Company will leave
Hotol Nash on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
at 8 a. in.
Round Trip $25.00
Children undor 32 years, half faro.
Secure your tickets at tho hotel.
J. 0. NE1W, Manager.
Medford Address: Nash Hotel.
Newport, Yaquina Bay
The Only Beach in the Pacific Northwest
Whero tbo pretty Wntor Agates, Mow Agate, Moonntonoa
Cornelians aud Rock Oyster can bo found.
Outdoors tSport of all Kinds
Including Hunting, Plibln . illxKlng Hock Oystors, Iloatlng,
Surf Dathlng, Riding, Autolog, Canoolns and Dancing. I'uro
mouutclu water and tho beat of food at low priced, Fresh
Crabe, Clams, Oystora, Flab and Vcgotabloa of all kind dal
ly. IDEAL CAMPING GROUNDS, with otrlct sanitary rog
ulatlona, at nominal cont. tiJg&Utti'SlBt&iS'l'?
Low Round-Trip Season
from all points In Oregon,
Waihtngton and Idaho on salo
Throe DaySaturday to
Monday Rato
from S. P. points, I'ort.i.ud to
Cottago Groro Incliulvo, Includ
ing branch lines; also from all
C. & B. stations Albany and
west. Good going on Saturdny
or Sunday, and for roturn Sun
day or Monday. ,
A Sunday Excursion Rate of $ m$Q
from Albany, Corvallls and Philomath, with correapondlag low ratos
from points west, In effect all summer. Call 01 any S. P. or O. & E.
Agont for full particular ao to ratos, train schedules, etc; alio for
copy of our bonutlful Illustrated booklet, "Outings la Oregon, " or
wrlto 10 WM. McMUUItAY,
flcnrrtil I'nmcntcr Agont,
I'ortUnd, Oregon.
J. 13. ENVAItT, President. J. A. PEItltY, Vice-President.
JOHN S. OHTII, Cashier. W. H. JACKSON, Abh'I Caflhior.
CAPITAL $100,000.00
SURPLUS 20,000.00
,..- . .-r-r-,r,..,.- p -f
Office: 209 Weat Main St., Medford, Ore.
Operating Quarry at Gold Ray,0regon