MEDFORD atAIL TRIBUNE, 3SIEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1910. Virginia of the Air Lanes A ROMANCE OF FLYING . . . By . . . Herbert Quick Copyright 1909. by the Bobbi Merrill Company SYNOPSIS. CHAPTER I Theodore Carson, inventor of nn airship, rescues from n fugitive. flyiuR mnchino called a helicopter, a beautiful younp; pirl. CHAPTER II. HOiriTAIlLE BANDIT. THEODORE CARSON stared for a moment In amazement at the prostrate girl, then took her tenderly la his arms, carrying lier toward the hidden cabin. At the tcepost spot Captain Harrod overtook blm. But the young man paid no keed to offers of aid, wading steadily o to the door, which the captain un locked and opened, standing aside for Carson and his interesting burden. Theodore took her Into the largo sin gle room and laid her softly on a clean looking bed. "She la dead!" said Theodore In a kushed Tolce. "Is her heart beatln'J" tho captain inquired. "I don't know!" cried Carson. Carson laid his car lightly to tho white blouse. Some fluttering ho acemed to feel, but he could not be certain. Harrod brought water In a watering pot, which be seemed to hare planned to use as upon a Illy or rose. -Do It beat?" he asked. "I can't teH." said Carson, "nor whether It's my pulse or hers that beats. Oh. I wish what do they gen rally do. captain?" "They's some paht o' they frock that always has to be unrore. ain't they?" Inquired the captain auslously. "Captain," said Carson, the perspira tion standing on bis brow. "I'm going nt on the gallery for air. You do what has to be done, captain or she any die!" "Put some watah on huh face, sun," Bald the captain. In judicious avoid ance of extreme measures. "Ah don't reckon this hyah's a case fo' vl'lent o' oconse'TatiTe remedies. I'll oncork that ha'tsho'n bottle!". Carson pressed a wet towel to the girl's face. The captain held a bottle labeled "ammonia" to her nostrils. She gasped, drew a quivering sigh and opened her eyes. The older man was looking at her In a fatherly way, and the young one was sponging her fore head, his face near hers. She sat up suddenly. "Ton haTe had a fall, madam," said Carson, "and are shaken up a little. But you are safe and among friends." "Ob, thank you," she said, in a tone sf the most correct formality. "It's ever so kind of you, sir. I I I Oh. I thought I was lost! I thought I Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! O-o-o-h!" Suddenly, from the polite common places of speech, she broke into hys terical screaming. Captain Harrod poured a stiff glass of red liquid from a bottle, diluted It and took it to the shuddering girl, who looked pathetical ly up into bis face for a moment, swal lowed It obediently and coughed as if atrangled by It. "And now," said Mr. Carson, "we will lenvo you. If you will excuse us. Please feel at ease. You are quite safe, and the cabin Is yours. We arc tn all ways at yo' service. The cap tain here Is my friend, and we belong to a race that sees a sister In every helpless lady. I think you will desire to sleep, and I hope you may awake Tefreshed, after which we shall place euroelves mo' definitely under your command." She looked at blm questlonlngly. The softness of bis voice, bis little Inconsistent lapses into dialect as he uttered the old fashioned cblvalrlc sen timents, won her trust. "Ah'd He down, ma'am," suggested the captain, "ontll that medicine gits a chance to wuk. Goodby, ma'am." Virginia lay back and closed her eyes, but tho potion brought no drow Blness. Her face grew hot. and she knew her eyes would shine If she opened them with a brilliancy quite fascinating to the young man with the littl black mustache. The fact that ahe thought of this startled her. Was abo growing flighty with fever? Why this abnormal hilarity of spirits, in the exaltation of which all anxiety depart ed? She rose and walked out unsteadily upon the veranda and saw Mr. Carson and tho captain sitting Idly Just be yond earshot of the cabin. They came to her respectfully. "I camo out to thank you, sir," said Virginia fllgbtlly, "for your heroic be haviorheroic, romantic, mediaeval Behavior!" "I beg of you not to mention It, aaadam," urged Mr, Carson, with In finite solicitude. "But may 1 not In sist upon your allowing me to escort you back to your room?" The girl assented, and sbo was soon asleep. Tueodoro mado broth of one quail, peeped la to see If his guest were awake, served-the broth to the captain and made more. The sun wore to the west, the last quail was cookod, the captain waa providently gorged with alternate courses of bird and broth, yjjiB , VlrglBla, -vary BUtW Lltrv reserved, openca tno aoor find walked out upon the gallery. Cnrson shrank bnck Into tho kitchen and shoved tho cnptnln Into tho broach. "How do you do, tua'ntu?" he In quired solicitously. "Ah sho' hope yo' betto' aftnh yo sloop." "Much bettor, thnuk you." sho re plied. "We have some pahttldgo broth, nin'nm," ho went on, "with rlco, nntl a baked yam, and a planked green trout from the hike bnck hynh, and some coffee. Sit down, ma'am, and Ah'll suhvo It." Tho little table was spread on tho gallery, Its top made of tho head of n derelict cask, Its logs of barnacled sections of a boom. Virginia's head ached in dreadful similitude to tho traditional feeling of the morning after, but tho coffee fragrance wns pleasant "You arc too good." said she. accept ing tho chair. "I shnll bo glad to cnt a little. Where la your your frlcud?" "He's som'eres about," replied tho captain. "Ah really don't know, ma'am. Won't you pleaso tako yo' cotteo?" The coffee was black aud strong. The broth was a temptatlou. and she Blpped with Increasing appetite. But tered yam and planked trout brought the meal to a triumphant end. Yet where was she. and how should sho depart? Where was the Roc? Who were these men? Tho guns, tho brass Instruments that looked as If they per tained to navigation, tho big window lass shed, all suggested things nautical, bold and nefarious. Tho. kindness and courtesy of the rough looking fellows reassured her as to her personal safe ty. Yet If they were smugglers or freebooters how could they safely re turn her to the civilization of coast guards and constables? It was dell clously romantic but how creepy! She turned to Captain Harrod with an expression 'so agitated that he was somewhat startled. "I wish you would say to tho lieu tenant," said she, "that I must see him at once If possible." The fisherman analyzed this speech for perhaps a minute In absolute si lence, then he said, "Yes, ma'am," and Instantly produced Carson, who, so far as Virginia could judge, bad been within the captain's sight when she bad been assured that his whereabouts were unknown. "You are," said the young man. avoiding any reference to her recovery, "doubtless wondering where your companions may be and thinking It strange that they have not returned?" "It Is strange," said she. "Some thing must have happened to the en gines." "No," said Theodore, "not that They all but blew out to sea. They simply had to fight their way off to ward Pensacola. where they must have made harbor. It was almost half a gale." "And so they went and left me?" "They really couldn't help it" urged the young man. "It shows the sort of man SUberberg is," she cried hotly. "And now per haps you will be so good as to help me to some conveyance to Mobile?" "I have a boat on the lake." said Carson, "half a mile Inland. There la a channel to Palmetto Beach. The boat and crew are at your service." "I should prefer to walk. If yon please." said she. "Unless you have a day or two to WENT AM MM NO FISH CARRIER Ralph Woodford Returns From Grants Pass mid States Sentiment There Is In Favor of Closing Roguo River to Commercial Fishing. Ralph Woodford has returned from a brief visit to the Ainout dam aud Grants Pass and reports tho fish way over tho structure fulfilling its purpose in ovory way. "For several hours I watchd tho flshway," states Mr. Woodford, "and I saw a number of largo fish mnko their way ove- easily. Thoro arc practically no fish lying beneath tho dam. "I was greatly surprised at tho son tlment I oncouotored in Grants Pass regarding tho proposed law to Btop all commercial fishing in tho Roguo. Tho residents there, for tho most part, favor the move, as the? Btato tho business brings little rovenuo to tholr city. They also realize that tho Roguo river as a trout stream v-ould attract many tourists annually." EASY TO CURE. Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat and Catarrh. ' " Breathe Hyoinei. It will cure ca tarrh or any nose or throat trouble if you follow directions. Don't lay it aside when the snuffling, 'juwkinc and spitting have ceased. Stick to it daily uutil you are sure thnt tho ca tarrh germ is dead, and that your air passages are free from their poi sonous influence. Hyomei (pro uouueed High-o-me) is tho only treatment for nose, throat and lung troubles that has ever been sold with the understanding that if it did not euro it wns to cost absolutely noth ing. Hyomei can be obtained at drug gists everywhere and at Charles Strang's, who guarantees it to cure catarrh, croup, soro throat, coughs and colds. A complete outfit, $1, which is mighty chenp for a remedy that has cured more cases of ca tarrh than all the catarrh specialists on earth. An outfit consists of an inhaler, a bottle of Hyomei, n supply of .anti Beptio gauze, a medicine dropper and full instructions for use. Tho in haler is made pocket size, of hard rubber, and will last a lifetime. And bear in mind that oxtra bottles of Hyomei, if needed, cost only 50 cents. SHE IiOSB AttD WALKED OCT UNSTEADILY OI'ON THE VEKAHDA. pond In the journey I should not rec ommend the attempt" "I know some people," said she, "a the Yupon Hedge Inn at Palmetto Beach. Can you" "If we go nt onci'." he replied, "you luny hi then for dinner." 'I n ni reiidy." xtiltl lic, rNIn . . '.'im., Iniim f'l i'-iv ' (To Be Continued.) l. County Convention Notice. Tho Socialist party of tho county of Jackson is called to meet in county convention at Smith's hall, Medford, Or., on the 31st day of July and tho first day of August, 1910. for the purpose of nominating a county ticket and electing delegates to tho stato convention to be held in Port land, Or., on tho 7th and 8th day of August, 1910. C. W. SHERMAN, County Committeeman. The most meager, undersized ad vertisement you over print will im press some people, will remain in some minds, as the measure of your store as representing your store. ! Chickens Wanted To buy, full - Diooaea wnite ijegnorn and Barred Rock laying hens, 10 to 12 months old, in small or large lots R. H. Wilson CENTEAL POINT, OREGON. i Care W. G. Gofie. Men Wanted 100 men to cut wood; want ed at once; good wages; new camp. Apply Edgar Hafer, Medford, Or. Fine Printing We make a specialty of fine printing, carry tho necessary stock to cnablo us to fill all orders promptly, and guaran tee satisfaction. Best equipped job offico in jOregon south of "Portland; host expert printers. Boforo sending your orders out of town, call and figure with us if we can servo you for tho same price as an out-of-town concern you will wish to patronize homo industry. Medford j PrintingCo. i RFFI PLUMBING SUAM AND HOT WATEK HEATING All Work Gimrnntood PriooH liuusomiblo COFFEEN (Q. PRICE 11 North ) St., Medford, Oro. Phono 303 - - For Sale - - 428 ACRES Rogue River bottom land, suitable for fruit aud general forming purposes. 300 ACRES -Alfalfa land, covered with irrigation ditch and perpetual watqr right. Has coal outcrop ping. At a bargain on long time, easy payments. Gold Ray Realty Comp'y. 209 WEST MAIN ST. Crater Lake Route 1910 LOCOMOBILES 1910 The cars of tho Orator Lake Company will knvo Hotel Nash on Mondays, Wednesdays aud Fridays at 8 a. m. Round Trip $25.00 Children under 12 years, half faro. Secure your tickets at the hotel. R. M. CITHBERT MANAGER J. E. ENYART, President J. A. PERRY, Vicc-PreBidont. JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't CuBhior. The Medford National Bank Capital, $50,000 Surplus, $10,000 SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. Medford Iron WorRs E. G. Trowbridgde, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. $12,500 Thirty-two acreB, two miles from Talent, Ander son croek bottom land; fivo-room box house, good barn and other outbuildings; there aro on this pluco 12 acres in Newtown and SpiUcnbcrg apples, G and 7 years old, which kavo a fair crop this year; between tho apples are peach fillers, which aro heavily loadod. In nddition thoro are throe acres of pears 2 years old and three acres plantod to poars last winter; also four acres of alfalfa and about fivo acres of fino timber; thero urc two good wells and a complete pumping plant for irrigation; $0500 will handle this placo and tho balance can bo pnid at the rato of $1000 a year. $15,000 Soventy-fivo acres, saino neighborhood; good new five-room house, largo barn and other outbuildings; spring water piped to tho buildings. There nro on this place 11 acres of 3-yoar-oId Nowtowns and Spitzenbergn with peach fillers, about an aero of bearing family orch ard, 10 acros of alfalfa, about an aero of boaring grapes about 45 acres all told undor cultivation, balance in timber which could be cheaply cleared. At $200 nn acre this placo is a snap. It would tako half cash to handle, balance easy. $300 an aero Fines fruit and garden land in the valley, half way botweea Phoenix and Talent; level, black free soil; divided into 10-acro tracts; one-fourth ensh, balance in four annual payments with 0 por cent interest. $12,000 Sixteen and a half acres, midway between Jack sonville and Central Point, facing the hill road; finest building oito in the valloy. There aro eight aoros of pears in bearing, trees from 5 to 8 years old, and about an acre and a half of grapes in beuring, balance in timber, whioh is all good fruit land, Ilalf cash will handle. $28,000 Less tkan $425 an acre for 47 acres, one mile from Central Point, all good land, good buildings, about 40 acres planted to standard varietios of apples and pears from 1 to 4 years of age, balance in alfalfa. This plaoe will subdivide nicely. It is easily worth $100 nn acre more than is asked. W. T. YORK & CO. If you aro interested in Medford property, talk with our eity man, Mr W. V. Moore. A Wonderful Discovery for Medford. "ClonnlincHS is noxt to OodliuesH." Mr. Alien' Portable Hnth Ap paratus is n marvel. It combines in one simple, inexpensive appa ratus all the advuntugcs known to modern bathing. IIvatH sufficient water within nix miiuituH at tho oohI of only 1 cent. A bath can bo tnkon in any room without tho possibility of noiliug ourpots or,mgH. Only one can understand the real merits of this bathing apparatus by having it demonstrated to you. Mr. II, Fox, who bun tho oxoIiihIvo igouoy for Jackson county, will visit the homos of Medford mid vi cinity and domonstrnto it. When ho coiiivh to your home, invito him in, and ho will show you the merits of this 20th century invention. It la on exhibition at BtBong'B drug fitorc. OO AND BKH IT. SPEND THE SUMMER -AT Newport, Yaquina Bay The Only Beach in the Pacific No rthwest Whuro tho pretty Wator Antta, Mom Agatoa, Moonatonoa Cornollana and Hock Oyafcura can bo found. Outdoors port of all Kinds Including Hunting, Flahln , digging Rock Oyutora, Doatlng, Surf Uuthlng, Hiding, Autolng, Cnnoolns and Dancing. Puro mountain wator and tho beat oj food at low prlcca, Froah Craba, Clania, Oyatora, Flahand Vegetables of alt kinds dal ly. IDEAL CAMPINO QROUNDS, with ntrict annltary reg ulations, at nominal coat. itf.?J&,H..M', f. .,-,. W'' Low Round-Trip Season Tickets from all points In Oregon, Waahlngton and Idaho on nolo dally. Throe Day Saturday to Monday Rate from 8. P. points, Port.nnd to Cottage Grove Inclualvo, Includ ing branch Ilnca; nlao from nil C. ft H. atatlona Albany and went. Good going on Saturday , or Sundny, and for roturn Sun day or Monday, A Sunday Excursion Rate of $ .50 from Albauy, Corvallla and Philomath, with corresponding low rntos from points weBt, In offect all aumtnor. Call on any B. P. or O, ft 13. Agont for full particulars aa to rates, train schedules, etc.; alio for copy of our boautlful Illustrated booklet, "Outings In Oregon," or wrlto to VM, McMUItltAY, flctiuntl I'nn.Hongur Agent, Portland, Oregon. . . ;; J. E. ENYAHT, Prriiidrnt. J. A. I'EIMY, Vica-Prosidont. ; ; JOHN S. ORTH, Ciibhior. W. II. JACKSON, Ass't Canhior. i THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK , , . CAPITAL $100,000.00 SURPLUS 20,000.00 UNDIVIDED PROFITS 15,000.00 o SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSI- : . . . i i: NESS TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE.: . . . . u rp rrw r- if TTV-rn GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Office: 209 West Main St., Medford, Ore. Operating Quarry at Gold Ray,j?Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRIPED GRANITE A J