rw a w- igri"vr' ? " MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY. JULY .19, 19.10. POSTMASTER IS GIVEN INCREASE OE $200 A YEAR Jdedford Postal Receipts Increase So Rapidly as to Gain for Postmaster Biggest Salary for Like Job in This Section of State. Tho local postottlco having mado an Incrcaao ol ?5S93.04, or 38 por cent, over a year ago, Postmaster Woodford has been granted an in crease in salary by Uunclo Sam of S00 a year. Mr. Woodford now receives a salary of $2600 annually from tho covcrnment. A number of postmasters in tho Btato were recently granted Increases, which vrere based upon the growth in tho receipts of their respective of fices. Grants Pass mado an increase ... . . .. 0itntv fannst of niucieni xo B"1U o.i - $100, placing her equal with Ash land, where no increase was made. Postmaster Woodford now has tho best paying job of its kind in south ern Oregon. PIONEER VISITS HIS OLD HOME William Robinson, Who Was Promi nently Identified With Early Events in Southern Oregon, Says Changes Here Are Almost Beyond Belief. GEORGE MERRIMAN RECEIVES BAD NEWS Geortre P. Merrimnn received a tel CKram from his sister, ilrs. Lucinda Prather, at Bit: Timber, Mont., Tues day moraine, announcinp the death of her son, Thomas, by a pas tank explosion. No particulars were Riven. Mr. Prather was about au years of oro and leaves a wife and family. OFFICERS OF DEFUNCT BANK OUT ON BONDS TONOPAH, Nov., July 19. Frank Golden and J. J. McQuillan, presi dent and vice-president, respectively. of the defunct Nye and Ormsby County bank today arc out under bonds following their indictment of Nye by the grand jury on charges of embezzlement. Golden was held un der $10,000 bonds and McQuillen un der $5200. Hasklns for health. William Koblnson, who was among tho first arrivals in southern Oregon, and who was prominently identified with tho early events in southern Oregon, such as digging gold, fight ing Indians, and other Hko stunts which tho pioneer did, not because ho wanted to, but because it was neces sary tnat ho should, Is visiting In Mcdford. "Uncle Billy," as ho is known to many of tho residents of southern Oregon, suffered a stroke af paralysis two years ago, but oven with this handicap is still cheerful and Inter ested in tho progress of tho valley. "It is almost beyond belief," ho said to a Mall Trlbuno reporter, "that this valley should bocomo what it now is during tho fow years that It has been on tho upward grade. When I first saw it the floor of tho val ley was a waving field of grass, in some places so tall that it stood high er than tho back of a horse. Occa sionally a cabin and a piece of cleared ground could bo seen, and tho groves of oaks and pines mado as beautiful a sight as ono wished to look upon. It didn't seem possible to us in those days, the early 60s, that thoro woro enough people in tho world who could cross the plains or over the seas and make this valloy anything except a frontier settlen nt. For a long tlmo the country remained in a pastoral state. One man grew torses, another cattle, and still another grain. Tho old fashioned grist mill was estab lished and tho farmer hauled bis wheat to mill and came back with the flour, bran and shorts, ground from his own wheat. There was plenty of gold being taken from the placers all around, and the man who had extra produce, grain, fle3h, fowl or vegetables, found a good market.! Those were the halycon days of tho pioneers and w i certainly enjoyed ev erything to tho full." BIG SHIPMENT RAILS COMIMG Sixty Carloads Pass Vancouver for Pacific & Eastern Thirty More Cars Arc to Be Shipped Soon- Advance Guard of Ralls Here. We Lead Orogo-datcd A special dispatch to tho nlau from Vanocuvor, Wash, July 17, says: Sixty cars of big stool rails for tho Pacific & Eastoru Railroad com pany wero handled hero yesterday by tho Spokane, Portland & Seattle rail road. Tho consignment was billed to Mcdford, Or. Thirty cars more of rails for tho same company will pass through horo this week. Already nearly a dozen cars have beon received. CURRY NOT INJURED IN AUTO SMASHUP 1v , Others Follow ,.y & (uiljSelj . f SACRAMENTO, Cal., July IS. At the home of tho secretary of state, Charles F. Curry, horo today, it was stated by members of the family that he was not soilously hurt whou his automobile was wrecked in Humboldt county Friday. His Injuries consist mainly of being badly mnkon up. Accounts of the accldont wero ex aggerated, according to tho family. SAVE YOU ON ONE Y it HOUSE FURNISHINGS It Will Pay Yotx to See Us Before You Buy "Outside Uio flro UniltM, but inside on prices" Telephone Main lift I U Wtt Main flt. Cor. of Lnurvl Next (o WnnhhiKtoii Hrliool What Do or Husklns for health. Parisian Sago Will Money Back. Stop falling hair in two weeks. Cure dandruff in two weeks. NStop splitting hair. Stop it chine; scalp immediately. Grow moro hair. Make harsh hair soft, silky and luxuriant. Brightens up the hair and eye brows. As a hair dressing it is without a peer it contains nothing that can possibly harm the hair, it is not sticky, oily or greasy it is used by thousands to keep the hair healthy it prevents as well as cures scalp disease. For women and children Parisian Sage is the mpst delightful hair dressing and should be in every homo. Charles Strang sells it for 50 cents a large bottle. Ask for Paris inn Sace. If your store is twico as interest ing a place as one thnt is twico ns effectively advertised make your ads twico ns interesting as tho ads of tho other store. Notice nf First Meeting of Creditors. In the District Court of tho Unit ed States, for the District of Ore gon. In bankruptcy. In tho matter of Qcorge A. Butt, bankrupt. To the creditors of Gcorgo A. Butt of Mcdford, m tho county of Jackson and district aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on tho 7th day of July, 1910, tho said Qeorgo A. Butt was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his creditors will bo held nt the office of the referee in Mcdford, Or., on the 21st day of July, 1910, nt 3 o'clock in the afternoon, nt which timn the nniri creditors mav attend. prove their claims, appoint u trim tec, examine tho bankrupt, consider and order the sale of tho property of the bankrupt, and transact tuiuh other business as may oroperly come before said meeting. July I). 1010. HOLHKOOK WITHINGTON. 10," Iteferco in Bankruptcy HOOK KPUINGH COAL. 444-4 4-4-4-44- .... 4- PARTY WISHES TO TRADE A DESIRABLE LOT WORTH $700 FOR A BUN- GALOW CLOSE TO WEST MAIN STREET; WILL PAY $500 CASH BESIDES LOT. SEE E. F. A. BITTNER, 207 PHIPPS & TAYLOR BLDG., AT ONCE, OR PHONE MAIN 4141. Tho first car sold like hot enkos and right from tho car, and by bo buying tho purchasers cavo monoy. Tho second car arrived this morning and unloading coinmoucoa tomorrow. Pooplo nro buying Ico now Inntond of coal, but romombor wyou will want no mo of thlB coal tills winter, and now In tho tlmo to got It. It will bo hlghor In price nnd harder to get nozt month. Seo IJurbrldgo, tho drayman, now, and plnco your order. 103 IlnskltiH for health. 4444444444444 4 -f F MAIM 5TPPPT ntro 4 " STRANG'S DRUG STORE. 4 DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET. OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. A. L. VROMAN PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR No job too small, none too largo. Twcnty-fivo years ' practical experience. Office 113 South Front Street. Phono 2751. v444--4444-44-4-4"4-4444 4 DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. 3: 4- 4-4-4- .1.4. 4.4. 4 4 4 4 4444 REMODELING -----.. On Account of Apparent Inconvience Special Values Offered YES, we are remodeling not only our front, but the entire store is to undergo extensive improvements. WE ARE OPEN FOR BUSINESS, however and on account of tho inenn venience of trading near the dust and noise (WILTCH IS HARDLY NOTICEABLE) we are offering special values. IF YOU WANT TO SAVE ON A OTCTCAT "MATsTV ttnttcs mt 3, DON'T FALL TO CALL HERE AND EXAMINE OUR SPECIAL RE-MODELING VALUES. HARDWARE, Most Desirable Fishing Tackle When you go fishing, go well equipped. If you are an experienced "fisherman you'll know what tackle to select and that this is the place to get the best assortments. If you don't fish much just call and we'll fit you out with the best tackle known to this section of Oregon or the world. The Corredl Hunting Supplies If you are thinking of a trip to the happy hunting grounds, this season, we want to show you our line of guns, ammunition and other hunters' supplies. We have the large assortments and the latest -models. Look Here for Gasoline Stoves A gasoline stove is a comfort and a bless ing to the home and if its an "Imurance" you are absolutely sure that it will always work satisfactorily. An examination into the merits of this stove will mean a sale for us. Who Will Catch Prize Fish? Ml Many anglers arc out for one of tho PUREE PRfZES. Aro vou trvintr for one? FIRST PRIZE A C0. 00 Fly rod to tho iorBpn cntchlnjj tho InrRcmt Rtoolhotul on ouo of our Bnoclnl Koriio Itlvor Trout Flloa this fionson. SECOND PRIZE A J20.00 Ilnrdy Hool to tho jioraon catching tho eoc nnd Inrgost fish during tho uonson. THIRD PRTZE A $10.00 py Hod will ho Rlvon to tho norson catch liiK tho third largoB fluh tills MOftHon. IT'S ON LEGS WHAT? COME AND SEE ------ Z221221222- --- - -. t. ----- -- - 4 1, -. ---- -- -- 7TT --