Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 18, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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    ljMWlfaMi-a -.
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Says Ho Will Play Any Annihilation
in Jackson, Josephine or Klamath
County for $1000 Side Bet and
Gate Receipts.
It hag boon rumored that the Mod
lord team was afraid to play the
Klamath Falls team or a pick-up team
hero -with Cooper In the box. The
Medford team has not refused to play
any team that would be a drawing
card. The luanagoment has letters
from other teams, but tho expense
Js so great that the team hero could
not break even.
Now for thoso who think tho Med
ford team is afraid, I make this chal
lenge: That the Medford team, composed
or tho following players: Wilson, Hill,
Burgess, Coleman, E. Wilkinson, J.
"Wilkinson, Strain, Miles, Hensclman,
Hopkins, Isaac, Antel, Rnder and
Ulackington. will play any team or
flayers now residing in Jackson, Jo
sephine or Klamath counties for n one
thousand dollar side bet and gate re
e!jts. Said game to bo played on
the Medford grounds at 3 p. m. Sun
day, July 24. This challenge is open
Tijtll 6 o'clock Wednesday evening.
Gold Hill Scene of Heroic Rescue uf
Greek Section Hand by E. Badger,
One of Ministers of tho Church of
(time before ho shorted signs of re
I turning consciousness. Qnlto a qunn-
tityof water was expelled by this
method, and the man boson to groan,
i Ho was removed to his room at tho
section hquse, whoro Dr. Kelsoy work
ed over him for nn hour botoro ho
was fully restored to consciousness.
Ho Is now noue the worse for his nar
row escape.
Plunging into Rogue river with all
his clothes and even his shoes and
(Continued from Page I.)
(Continued from Page 1.1
blaze nil night without success.
At midnight over threo sniutro
miles of timber has been burned mid
How, some of you fellows who have struggling in the water ho went in
"been doing bo much talking, please after h,m Tke water was about eight
hat on, swimming to a placo whoro n, fjrc wns raciK neross the moun
ho had Just seen a man sink for tho tuitions country. Tho building of the
third time, catching tho mnn by tho palilalia Mining company burned
hair and swimming back with him tol-ves,crdny-. Y1,en ,h" In , or!rt
shore, saving his lifo, wns tho heroic
exploit of E. Badger, ono of tho min
isters of the Church of Christ who
have been conducting services In a
tent on the school grounds tho past
week, says tho Gold Hill Nows.
Tho rescued man was Qeorgo Kas
tinas, a Greek section hand, who had
gone in bathing shortly before 9
o'clock Sunday morning. Ho could
swim, but it Is presumed that ho was
seized with cramp, for ho yelled his
distress and attracted tho attention
of Mr. Badger, who was out for a
walk and had just come down to tho
river to get a' drink. A companion of
the drowning man ran up and down
on the bank In terror, helpless to
aid his friend, r.s he could not swim.
As soon as tho minister saw tho man
"put up or shut up."
Yours truly,
Too Late to Classify I
"WIKTED Wo wlh to list severe
320-ecro unimproved tracts. We
laT a colony of 12 families who
"wish to lccateiiiot mo- e than 15
stiles from Medford. Phone, write
or tfell at our office. McArthur &
Alexande-, P. O. Block. Phone 3C81.
OR RENT Ebt-room bouse, part
3y Tarnished. Apply at 210 Court
street. 104
feet deep where the man Bank at a
placo about 20 feet from the bank,
and when he went down tho third
time, which he did Just as Mr. Badger
left the bank, his body remained per
pendicular, his feet resting on the
bottom and his head within two or
threo feet of tho surfaco. Mr. Bad
ger could see him in this position
through th clear water, and was able
to reach his hair without diving. Kas-
tinas was unconscious, and Mr. Bad
ger swam to shore towing tho man
by the hair under water, so that thoso
'wero received men wore fighting to
snve tho structures of the Nabob,
Highland Chief and Little Pittsburg
mints. A call has been issued for
available men to assist in nn effort
to check the flames. A largo num
ber responded from Wallace and
Kellogg nnd more had planned to
leave hero today. It is recognized
that unless the fire is prevented from
spreading there is u possibility of
this part of the Coeur d'Aleno min
ing district being denuded of its for
ests. Settlers who lost their homes hnvo
congregated nt Kellogg with such be
longings ns they were nblo to carry
when compelled to flee.
It was reported that seven fire
fighters were hemmed in by the
flames. No confirmation of the re
port has been received here.
The fire started yejstcrdny morn
ing, presumably from a camp fire
carelessly left bunting.
This is the second fire which swept
through Pine Creek district this year.
To Amalgamate Christians.
NEW YORK. July 18. Details of
the plan uf 24 American Episcopal
ians for nn orpnnic union of all
Christians are being awaited with
l much interest by churchmen. It is
expected thnt incorporation papers
will lin filpcl nt Allinnv tnilnv. An..
who witnessed tho deed thought that I cordinr to one of the incorporators.
he was returning alone. When Kas-. Protestants nnd Cntholies alike will
tUas was hauled up on tho urged to join the movement, which
he was, to all appearances, dead. HoiWili be cnled the Christian Unity
was placed with his head downhill Foundation, nnttnrneil to some nxtent
and was rolled on the sand for somenf(er the Snee foundation.
failed absolutely to establish
identity of the corpse.
"A prolonged and searching exam
ination," said Dr. Mnrahall, "has
failed to furnish any tangible evi
dence that the body is that of Mrs.
Crippon. There is no legal evidence
even that tho body is that of u fe
male. ' "There is no pruof that murder haw
boon committed. Decomposition has
mndo it impossible for au autopsy to
show thnt poison, knifo or bullet
ended the lifo of the being wluido
identity apparently is lost to tho
"Tho larger bones of the skeleton
wero removed by the person or per
sons who buried the body beneath
tho cement floor of the collar at ill)
llilldrop Crescent. Tho inferenco is
that this wns done by tho murderer
to hasten decomposition. Yet the
dead person may hnvo died a na
tural death and for reasons nt pres
ent inexplicable thoso who buried it
may have become panic-stricken
nnd endeavored to conceal the
For tho first time in the history
of Scotland Yard tho detectives have
begttu n systematic, hunt for u wo
man they believe dead, but whom
they must prove dead before they
can proceed against the man they
hnvo charged with the murder, and
against the woman they have accus
ed as his accessory.
Every available clow that would
lead to the finding of Mrs. Crippen
is being followed. Friends of tho
missing woman ngnin nro undergo
ing close questioning nnd every
agency of the police is being exerted
to find her.
The circumstantial evidenco
ngninst Crippen hits proved suffi
cient to warrant a murder charge.
Fictitious letters nnd conflicting
statements attributed to Crippen, his
disappearance and that of Mile. Le
nevc, who, according to neighbors,
wns not friendly with Mrs. Crippen;
the disappearance of Mrs. Crippen
for months nnd the finding of the
body in the deserted houso nil point (
to cnuso nnn cttect. lint no single l
circumstance, according to lawyers,'
will stand the ncid test of British
law until it can be proved thnt Mrs.
Crippcn's body lies in tho North'
London mortrue.
(Continued from Page 1.)
of the four groat Irish organizations,
Tho Solnn Folnn and tho United Irish
league both work for tho freedom of
Ireland, but tho Solnn Felnn believed
that members of tho parliament lit
Irelnnd, after being elected, uhould
remain nt homo, tnklng no nctlvo part
In tho government, and In thin way
compelling the British to glvo Ireland
homo rule. On tho other hand, tho
United Irish lencuo bollovo homo rulo
can bettor bo secured on tho floor of
"Wo hope also to nfflllato with tho
Guello league, nn organization for tho
promotion of the Irish language. Al
though tho four Societies will bo
leagued togothor, tlioy will still work
along individual lines ns they do now,
"A resolution nlso probably will bo
Introduced to oueottrago tho Irish of
Amorlca to loavo the cities nnd do
voto tnoro attention to tilling tho soil.
lllHhop of McGoldrlck of Dulutli l
doing good work nlong this lino,
Twenty-flvo years from now tho
wealthy people of thin country will
bo the land owners, as whey nro In
Kttglnnd nnd Irolnnd."
- -- - - - -- -- --
Is is Theatre
The Home of Vaudeville
--- . --
--- --- -
...A troat to tlioatorgoors of Moclford Ono of tho blg
gost attractions in vaudovillo--THE NELLARS in
their concentration magic mind roadlng Madamo
Nollar's mind reading is a positivo rovolation A
laugh until your sido achoa.
and Allen
in tho latest songs and dancing spooialty somothing
. Unusual,
THEE E R E E iTs T hTeF4
Illustrated song, "Roses Bring Droams of You.V
This is a special attraction. Prices are 15c, 3!3c.
Monoy back if not satisfied.
WASHINGTON. D. C, July 18.
Consternation has been enticed hero
In humane socloty circles ovor tho
suggestion of Captain Cnspor II. Con
rad, United States army, to mnrk 14,000 cubic motore gas enpacity and
horses with a brand on tho Inside of a currying power of nliout five (nun.
overy horso'a upper lip. T'.o brnnd Is 'A peculiarly built shaft will be pine-
to bo made with a punch contnlnlng ed in the center of tho oraft, from
purpoHo of coiiHtniuting air cruis
ers and carrying explosive, Euro
peaitH nro today more confident than
ovor that tho day of tterinl warfare
is not far off.
The. company will build dirigibles
about -100 feet long, with more than
a number of flno Ink needles. It docs
not differ greatly from tho practice
of tr.ttoolng. According to Dr. A. D.
Melvln, chief of tho bureau of ani
mal Industry, tho operation would
not bo very painful to tho nnlmnls.
Tho old Bystom of brnndlng thorn on
tho hoof is objoctlonablo becr.uso the
brand wears oft In about four months
Secretary John R. Head of the liu
innuo society has takon up tho mat
tor with tho executive council.
whioh projectiles can he fired.
A merchant who advertises only
when "in tho mood" is attempting to
regulnto commorco by 1i!h moods
nud it can't bo done.
(Continued from Pngo 1.)
only question In tho minds of depart
mental officials la how it shall be
do no.
ORGANIZE COMPANY TO I Complaint nro bolng mado not only
BUILD AIR CRUISERS '"' American cltlsons In Nicaragua,
I but foreigners ns woll, ns fearing that
OHAKFKATH. Prussia. Julv 18. !t,lolr ,V08 hnvo boon threatened and
With the aiinounrcment of tho or- Umt l,10,r P'oporty Is nt stake From
ttnitv. eattitalirod
imuiiuurumeiu in iiiu iir-i --
of tho Lower Hhine com-itho M"tUel conditions during tho
tnlirod nt Sf.OO.OOO. for the dictatorship ot Zolnyn, tl'o ontlro
country has been plunged Into a ntnto
of terrorism nud fnmlno. Forced
lonttn hnvo Impoverished tho people,
liiinlncHii la otugnntod, Jails and pris
on h nro overcrowded with political
President Itoonovclt In It In annual
meitMigo to congress In 1904 said:
"If a nation hIiowh it knows how to
act with reasonable efficiency nnd de
cency In social nud political mutter,
If It keeps order nnd pays Its obllgn
lions, It need fear no Interference
from tho Un'tod Stntos.
"Chronlo wrongdoing or nn Impo
tence which results In a general loon
enlug of tho ties of civilised socloty.
may, In America as olsowhoro, ulti
mately require Intervention by nomn
civilized nation, nnd in tho western
hemisphere tho ndheronco ot tho
United Btntes to tho Monroe doctrine
may force tho United States, however
reluctantly, in flagrant cases of
wrongdoing or Imnotonco. to tho ex-
orcl-o of nn International pollen power."
This utterance was mndo npropon
of tho crlHls In Cuban affnlru, but It
Is taken to apply with equal effect to
tho preHont situation In Nicaragua.
' w i
All Sizes of Buicks Now In Stock
We have sold and delivered in Medford forty Buick Automo biles
this season. The demand has been so heavy that we could not keep
the various models on hand for demonstration. For the first time this
year, we now have all models in stock, including No. lo Surrey and No.
10 Baby Tonneau, No. 16 and 17 and the long wanted new model No. 19
Two carloads received this week. We can supply any model in
demand. No waiting for factory delivery.
Buicks speak for themselves Demonstrated the best and most sat
isfactory car for the Rogue Rivey Valley for the money. They stand
the wear and tear, are durable, reliable, dependable land powerful.
There may be cars "just as good", but they cost $1000 more.
TOU VELLE, Manager
Garage on Riverside, Near Main