Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 17, 1910, SECOND SECTION, Image 9

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Full Leased Wire Report.
The oalr saver In the worlA
published In a cliy the ilia of
Medford having a loaned ln
No. 101.
Medford Mail Tribune
The Grand Forks Kvening TitnuH
!outiilfiH tlio following necount of tliu
wedding of John II, Ciirkin oi! tlitH
Ah tliu olookn struck tlio hour of
high noon today u bountiful wedding
took plncu lit tlio liomu of Mr. mid
Mra. N. K. Tumor in RoynoldH. At
that hour uud jiiHt iih tlio sweet
notoH of tho wedding iimrcli died
nwiiy, Mr. Turner gnvo in mnrriiigo
to John Hurhurt Curkiu of Medford,
Or., IiIh youngest daughter, Vldn
May, the Rev. Roy J. lliokH of that
oity performing tlio ceremony uud
using the impressive ring service of
tho Methodist church.
The wedding wiih a most perfectly
ami hiindrioinoly appointed home af
fair and the invited guests, number
incr about forty, included only the
family relativeH and a few of the
hride'H most intimate girl frioudH.
With an abundance of pink and
oroam roHOA and pink poonieH offoot
ively arranged in large IiowIh and
tall vanoK tlio home wiih converted
into a veritable piiradiHo of Hummer
fragrance and beauty and for the
iiHHoinbliiig place of tlio bridal party
n large arch of Oregon feniH and
plucH wiih arranged in the living
JiiHt bofore tho ceremony Mrs. J.
C. Hotaling of MiuuoapoliH, sister of
tho bride, bang "When Song In
Sweet" and at ilH close M!hk Mabel
Hoary at the piano Hounded the
Kwcet notoH of the Lohengrin bridal
choniH, which told of tho approach
of the brido and her attcndantH. The
bridesmaid, MIkh F.dith Andrews, of
Hood River, Or., followed by the
bride on her fnthor'a arm, descend
cd the Htairn and entered tho living
room, whore they were met before
the bridal arch by tho groom and Ii'ih
IichL man, George Uladcn of thin city.
Following tlio ceremony, Mondols-
hoIiii'h woddiug march was played
and Mr. and Mm. Carkiu received tho
congratulations of the Iioiiho guests.
The hride'H wedding robo wiih a
gown of bo ft crenm Htitiu mado en
train and trimmed with ovcrlaco and
ponrlH, and hIiu carried a graceful
arm of cream roses. Tho
bridesmaid woro a dainty gown of
pink and carried pink roses-
A delicioiiH and prettily appointed
thrco-cniirso wedding luncheon wiih
then Horvcd with n bovy of charming
high Holiool girlH.
Ah hor goiug-away gown, Mm.
Carkiu will wear a tailored unit of
gray with nocossorioH l match, and
this evening they will leave for a
trip through tho south, Htopping nl
Omaha, Salt Lnko City, Los Angeles,
and other coast cu'ties. After AugiiHt
1 they will bo at home at Medford,
Or., whore Mr. Carkiu in a HtioccHHfiil
practicing nttornoy.
Shouts Ho Is Prepared to Send All
Sinners to Hell nnd Proceeds to
Shoot Every Ono In Sight Offi
cer, While Dying, Kills Maniac.
t TAMPA, Fla., July 10. Four por
hoiih arc dead, one soriously injured
and Policeman Hnymmt is dying to
day as a result of an attaok of re
ligious insanity which wreoked tho
brain of Will Ellison, a negro, last
Ellison shot and killod his mnthor-in-law,
Cecil Bryant; Hov. Josso W.
Avory of tho First African Metho
dist church; Henry Clark, (ho negro
organist, and soriously wounded his
wife, all of whom woro in tlio negro
church at prayer. After compluting
his deadly work tho domonted negro
staggorod out of tho house of wor
ship, shouting that ho was proputod
to soud nil sinnors to lioll,
llo found a horso tiod iieiuhy,
Mounting it, Ellison started riding
out of town at breakneck spood. llo
eneountorod Offioor Haynmn, whom,
ho proocodod to shoot. Tho first
bullet found lodging in tho polico-
Last Saturday eveu'ing a progres
sive dinner wiih given by Mm. Kd
gar Hafor and MrH. CharleH Drown.
TIioho ladieK are memberH of a cird
club, and iih (ho loHorn were to enter
tain the winners, they chose this way
of carrying it out. The first two
courses wero served at the home of
Mrs. Drown, the decorations being
lavender sweet peas. Tho party then
motored to the homo of Airs. Kdgnr
1 Infer, whore the remainder of the
dinner wiih served. Mrs. I Infer" s
decorations wore La Franco roses.
After dinner the evening wiih spent
in music and dancing. The guests
were: Dr. and Mrs. Stokes, Mr. and
Mrs. Ihiulop, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Drown, Mr. and .Mrs. Kdgar II n for,
Mr. Howard Dudley.
Tho Medford Lodge of I. 0. 0. P.,
No. 8:), hold its installation of offi
cers Monday night. The new offi
cers are: M. L. Meadows, N. 0.; i
0. Sncdicor, V. 0.; W. T. Miller, re
cording secretary ; F. S. Day, war
den; Qcorgo Howard, conductor; I).
C. Gaddis, treasurer; Low Howard,
chaplain; Fred Wholploy, It. S. S.;
J. W. Keyes, L. S. S.; Diehard Sher
wood, It. S. N. G.; 0. 0. Hull, L. S.
N. G.; D. L. Day, It. S. V. 0.; 1.
If. Fridcgar, L. S. V. G.; Hufus
Geer, inside guard; Charles Higgiu
botham, outside guard. At tho close
of tho ceremonies an elaborate bun
iiiet vwih served.
Tho second meet of the Southern
Oregon Tennis association wiih hold
at Talent, July 12 and 13, and tho
clubs of Medford, Grants Push and
Jacksonville woro well represented.
In tho finals Medford won in tho
mixed doubles, Grants Push in men's
doubles, Jacksonville in Indies' sin
gles and doubles and Talent in men's
Hlngles. Tho officors for tho com
ing year woro elected, Professor
Ayer of Talent boing chosen presi
dent, succeeding J. D. Decsou, and
J. Percy Wells of Jacksonville sec
retary uud treasurer, to succeed
Miss Christian McLean of Grants
Tho wedding of Mr. Carl W. Hcil
bronnor of the Hutchinson & Lums
don company to Miss Dlaiicho Toft
was solemnized nt the homo of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Toft, on North Holly street, Monday
evening. Tho ceremony was per
formed by Hov. W. F. Shields and
was a quiet homo wedding. Tho
happy cntiplo are nt home to their
friends at thoir now homo on Orange
street. ,
I ho D. G. club gave a theater
party Saturday evening to sco the
ithon Slock company,
man's breast nnd ho fell, mortally
woundod, not, howovor, until ho had
returned the blaok man's firo.
A posso was quickly formed and
the negro found lying in a clump of
bushes on tho outskirts of the city.
Ho was unconscious. Ho was rush
ed to the city jail to oscnpo tho mob.
Tho negro died a few minutes uftor-
wiird. Ho had drunk a hottlo of mn.
in which he had mixed a nuantitv of
lOVKItS-KANODi: Mr. ISdwnnl C.
Wvoib a id Miss Ollvo M. Kanodo woro
married at tho Baptist jlu rch In this
city Sunday ovonJng by Rov. M. M.
Wotfsoo. Both tho contracting pnr
tlos nro BtrnneorB lu this city. Mr.
Mvoi-m la omployed ns machinist op-
orator on tlio Ohronlclo, whero ho
has boon for tho piiBt throo rooks,
whllo Mlsa Krnodo only nrrlvod horo
Saturday ovrnlnf, Thoy bot'i como
from San FnuuJsco. Klamath Falls
July G, 1010, Robort 13. Ilormnn and
Mlos III tu A. Mowors, MIus Mowors
wiih formorly a resident of Grants
Pass and was woll known, having
boon In tho omnloy of tho Rowoll
niuslo hoiiBO. Tho nowly innrrlod cou
plo will mulco thoir homo Jn Port
land. ALLEN-REYNOLDS In Grnnta
Pnsa, July 11, 1010, Frod Allon and
Mini) Miiudo Roy nnlds, Judgo Stonh
on Jo woll officiating. Mr. Allon la
n woll known young man of that vloln
lty and tho brido 1b tho daughter of
Mr, and Mrs, Nino Roynohls, who
nro woll known throughout tho on
tlro county,
New York Society Women May Make
Tour of the Country With a Pushball
i ff Nf jHkkakTwS "SByB r .akkV "rtiZl VkkkkkkkkkKkkVrkkkkkkF
m m4 JlkHkkkk' ikkkkakr. pkHkVa am,jl. -j1" fe7i j..(JiPikkkkakkkkkkmA.kk
., - VEfriK fjtTk 1KrK ifr jmWH -Yi .--l'''"' ir - --T kHkWkrkkkkr
1 IMiot.t liy American Vnm AooclnlUin lKwLjLi, t '' V--tJttB"
New York uud .ewiori Huclety, staying up lute at Jillit trying to Und some new pustlme, has decided that
"piiNlilmll" Ik the real sensation for those who can tido and don't worry over complexions. A number of pushball
games have been held In and around New York recently hi which many of the younger society leaders mounted
hontebiick und went through tho strenuous gumo of pushing u big ball up and down the field. The game has met
with so much success that a plan Is under way to make a tour of the country, playing the game In behalf of vari
ous children' homes. The expenses of tho trip are to be borne by encli member of the party and the en tiro funds
to uo to chnrltr.
Mrs. W. F. Ran entertained nt
cards Tuesday nftonioon in honor of
her mint, Mrs. Hess. Tho house was
artistically decorated with canm
tions, nnd delicious refreshments
were served. Tho guests were: Mos
damca Cnroy, Hanloy, Shan', Per
kins, Mohr, E. D. Davis, Keutuer,
Wakemnn, Noff, Daggett, Miller,
Dudgo, Townsend, Lux and Hess,
and Misses Hubbard and Bovco.
Quito n number of tho younger sot
spent the day at tho Hclmnu Baths
in Ashland Wednesday last. Chap
eroned by Mrs. Charles A. Caldwell,
thoso of tho pnrty wore: Misses Jean
Audorson, Caroliuo Audrows, Ituth
Woodford, Vera Olmstend Eugcnin
rownsond; Messrs. Gory Garrolt,
Morris Leonard, William Yawtor,
Itobort Kiuciiid and Lclund Eubank.
Mrs. Dert Anderson is attending
the ChautaiKiua nt Ashland.
Garrisons of All Larger Cities Aro
Being Doubled Ready for Revolts
Which Are Expected to Follow the
Conference of King Alfonso.
MADRID, July 10. Tho garrisons
of tho leading cities of Spain are
quietly being increased today in an
ticipation of revolts expected to oo
our following tho conference arrang
ed between King Alfonso and tho
cnbinot tomorrow.
Biircoloun is the principal scono of
unrest and tho most sorious appre
hension of u revolutionary uprising
there is felt by the Spanish authori
ties, Rebels havu boon active in
Bilbao and othor oilios, spreading
the iinti-clerical propaganda and
urging a iniitod front against tho
rule of tho hierarchy.
Gonoral Weylor, formorly oiiplain-
gonoral of Cuba, whero his rocon-
oontrndo mothods earned him the
titlo of "tho butcher," is in command
of tho loyalist forces. It is probable
that at tho first sign ot trouble ho
Tho Guild of St. Mark's church
held n special meeting Inst Wednes
day nftcrnoon nt tho residence nf
Mrs. Berry, nt which plans were
mndc to hold a lawn and porch pnrty
Wednesday ceniug, July 27, nt the
homes of Rev. William Lucas nnd
Mr. H. C. Kcntucr, on Tenth street.
Ico crenm and enko will bo served
nnd every one is invited to attend.
A picnic was given Sunday last by
Mr. W. F. Diddle nt tho old Jackson
place. Tho day wns spent on the
banks of tho Itoguo nnd the party
motored homo by way of Trail.
Thoso present were: Dr. mid Mrs.
Stokes, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Brown,
Miss Ida Leo Kentner, Miss Madge
Itiddell, Messrs. Lu Hoot nnd Biddlc,
Mrs. Hay, Mrs. Mundy nnd Miss
Mnblo liny motored to tho Worrell
ranch in Sam's Valley Tuesday and
had luncheon.
will declare martini law ond throw
lnrgo forces of troops into tho dis
ttubed cities.
Tho cortes still is considering the
bill introduced by Premier Cnnjehts
and signed by the king, refusiiig to
admit nny moro roligious ordors into
Spain under a concordat between
Spain nnd tho Vatican is agreed
Tho pooplo suspect Alfonso of in
sincority in signing tho bill nnd thoy
nro prepared to resent his action,
should ho endeavor to prevent its
There is strong suspicion that tho
purpose of tho eonforeuco tomorrow
is to doviso ways for frustrating tho
desires of tho people.
ARNOLD At McCoy, Or., July 7,
1010, to tho wife ot S. Alhort Arn
old, a duuahtor.
DAVIKS In Ashland, July 1, 1910,
to tho wlfo of S, S. Davlos, a son.
I horoby give notlco that my prop
erty In Olo -onlnlo addition Is now
off tho mnrkot.
103 P. D. SCOTT.
IlKBnE In Grants Pass, at tho
South Pacific hospital, July 11, 1010,
Mra, Ruth lloeuo, agod 21 yoars, 0
months and 1 day, of blood poison,
Tho Interment was mado lu tho
Grants Pass comotory July 12, 1010.
Mnko your storo important to
roudors of this pnpor nnd you'll
prospor. Fail in tho ono, fijil in tho
other I
Mrs. Cnrey entertained nt cards
Wednesday nftcrnoon. Dninty re
freshments wero served during the
afternoon, nnd Mrs. Mundy carried
off the prizo. The guests were:
Mesdnmcs Kentner, Luke, Mundy nnd
Mrs. Clark of Chicago is the guest
of Mrs. F. II. Cowles at Westaway
orchard. Mrs. Clnrk will spend the
summer here with her son, Mr. Don
Clark, nnd they will occupy their
new ranch home as soon ns it is
Dr. and Mrs, Andrew- have re
turned to Medford nnd will mnke this
their home. They are the guests of
nnd Mrs. Ed Andrews.
Tho Y. P. S. C. E. of the Prcby
terinn church gavo n supper Satur
day evening, which wns well attend-
ed and nil had n most eniovnblo timo
Revolutionary Leaders in Nicaragua
and Honduras May Comblno
Forces in Order to Succeed In
Overthrowing Present Reglme-
NKW ORLEANS, July 16. That
a double revolution will bo soon un
der way In Centra! America with tho
rovolutlonnry forces of tvo countries
Is tho belief In tho South American
colony horo following tho recolpt to
day of piivato dispatches from Nicar
agua and Honduras,
Former President Manuel Uonllla
of Honduras, who Is ready to at
tompt n revolutionary movomont in
hia own couutry, nnd Junn J. Estra
da, provisional presldont ot Nicara
gua, aro roportod to havo formod a
pact for tho overthrow of Acting
Presldont Joso Mndrlz ot Nicaragua
and Presldont Davllla of Honduras.
Madrlz and Davllla nro frlondly and
It Is oxpectod by Central Americans
hero who nro In closo touch with tho
Bltuntlon that thoy will combine their
forces In caso ot a joint attack.
Mr. Beckwith entertained at sup
per nt tho Nash grill Wednesday
night, after the theater. The invited
guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Iinmil, Mr. and Mrs. A. Conro Fiero,
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Olwell, Mrs. Al
bert Fiero, Miss Emily Fiero, Mra.
George Harvey and the Misses Dor
othy and Marjorie Harvey.
The Louvre enfe had n special op
ening Saturday evening. Ilnzelrigg's
orchestra played through the eve
ning and an unusually good table
dc'hotc dinner wns served. The cafe
has been enlarged and refitted and
is most attractive and up-to-date.
Mr. Lee F. Root entertained at
supper after the theater Wednesday
night nt the Nash grill. His guests
were: Dr. and Mrs. Stokes, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Charles Brown, Miss Ida Lee
Kentner, Miss Mndge Riddell nnd Mr.
W, P. Biddlc.
The ladies of the Methodist church
will hold a lawn social Tuesday, July
19, at the residence of Mr. nnd Mrs.
W. II. Meeker, on North Bnrtlett
street. An invitation is extended to
nil members ond their friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hamil enter
tained for Mr. nnd Mrs. F. H. Cowles
Saturday. Those present were: Mr.
nnd Mrs. Cowles, Mrs. Harvey, the
Misses Harvey, Mr. Bradford Sher
man, Mnster Roger Cortes nnd Mas
ter John Hamil.
Mrs. Calvin Hafer nnd Miss Hafer
will arrive in Medford some timo this
month nnd will bo the guests of Mr.
nnd Mrrf. Edgar Hnfer for two
.sirs, uuuiop cniertnineu with n
bridge innchcon Thursdny'nf temoon
The guests were Mesdnmcs Charles
Brown, Edgnr Hafer and Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Wnlter Kentner left
Inst week for Newport, where Mrs.
Kentner will spend the summer. Mr.
Keutuer will return to Medford after
a trip to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgnr Hafer and Mr.
Howard Dudley motored to Butto
Falls Saturday and will camp there
in tho timber for several dnys.
Miss Dorothy Daggott has returned
from school nnd will spend the sum
mer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Daggett.
Miss Foster, who has been the
gue.t of her brother, Mr. Harry Fos
ter, lias returned to her homo in
Baker City.
Thot belief that tho two revolu
tionists will combine Is strengthened
by tho statement of Consul Sussman,
representing Estrada, that tho steam-
bllo yesterday and which was ro-
rwiitu iu mm? u cargo ui arms nna
supplies for Bonllla, Is really carry
ing supplies to Estrada. It Is said
horo that the munitions, whllo osten
sibly Intended for Bonllla, nro boing
sont to a Nlcaraguan port, probably
niuoflolds, whero Bonllln's army will
bo catrod, and that tho two revolu
tionists will mnko a Joint attack on
Mnnngua. Ilonllla has offorod to
lend aid to Estrada, nnd It Is gen
erally bolloved that an agreement has
beon reached betweon tho two.
.It Is pointed out that Estrada has
delayod following up his recent vic
tory at Blueflelds and that It Is high
ly probablo thnt ho has boon waiting
for relnforcomonts from Bonillo.
In tho Nlcarnguan revolution nolth
or side has had sufficient forco for
a successful, nggressivo campaign and i
ench army having crossod tho country
to carry tho fight Into tho territory
of tho othor, hns beon dofentod. If
E3trada and Bonllla becomo allies
and hnvo sufficient forco to make an
aggressive campaign, it Is thought
horo that Madrlz would bo over
thrown. Tho only hopo of defeating
tho Joint army, it Is said, would bo
help sent from Davllla to Madrlz.
It Is not bolloved tho help could ho
sent quickly enough to chock tho
With a victory in Nicaragua, It Is
bolloved tho combined revolutionary
forces could Invado Honduras, secur
ing tho co-oporatlon of most of the1
Madrlz troops, j
Tho B. G. club was entertained
Thursday afternoon by Miss lone
Flynn. Contests woro played, at
which Miss Langdon of South Da
kota won tho pnzo. Light refresh
ments were served during the after
noon. Miss Ivy Boeck will entertain
the club this week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. D. Heard. Mr. nml
Mrs. John M. Root, and Mla .Tr-
sepuino Jtoot returned Tuesday from
a motor trin to f!mlnr TViav
are most onthusiastio over tho trip
una have the Inchest nrnicn fnr lh
nccommodations furnished nt the
Catnn. TIlOV went nn tha nnur alam
line nnd had a very cnjoynblo trip.
3Ir. Lvmnn Orion retnrnnrl Sntur-
day from San Francisco, whero ho
has been quite ill. Mr. Orton's
mother will arrive in Medford soon
to make an extended visit.
Colonel Mundy nnd family wore
tho dinner guests of Mr. nnd M.
A. A. Davis at tho Louvre Friday
Rev. and Mrs. Lucas uro attending
tno inautauqua and dunner Mm nh-
senco of tho rector aro occupying the
parsonngo in Ashland.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. T. York nnd fam
ily are spending tho summer nt Now-
Mrs. Lancdon .and dnne-htpr. AHa
Hnzcl, of South Dakota aro visiting
Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Gudehcns.
Colonel Frank Ray, Mrs. Ray and
her mother, Mrs. Gage, left last eve
ning for Scasido for a month's visit.
Mr. B. J. Sheldon returned last
week from California. He will leave
very' soon for a trip to Minneapolis.
Miss Emily Jnnnev and Miss
Louise Spink will attend tho Chau
tauqua in Ashland this woek.
Mrs. Hess, who has been tho cimst
of her niece, Mrs. W. F. Ran. loft
Wednesday for California.
Mrs. W. F. Rati and fumilv lcav
today for Colcstin. whore thov will
spend the summer.
Mrs. n. E. Morrison nnd Mrs.
Hnrgrave aro visiting frionds in
Oakland, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Piorson, Jr.,
aro tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Will
Mr. uud Mrs. J. D. Olwell returned
lust week from a trip to San Fran
Within 48 Hours It Is Believed That
Nearly All of the Roads in Penn
sylvania Will Be Tied Up by Gen
eral Strike of Trainmen.
With officials of tho trainmen de
claring thoy will not bo surprised if
a strike on tho Pennsylvania system
is called within 48 hours, and with
officials of tho road firm today in
their determination not to yiold to
tho demands that havo boon made,
while tho only hopo of pcaco, ns both
bidos forecast the situation, is the
rosult of a conforenoo botweeu Gen
eral Manngor Peck, of tho lines wost
of Pittsburg, and tho men there,
there becms little outlook for a set
tlement of tho dispute
Tho action of the diteelora of the
road yosterday iu supporting tho n't
tiou of tho oxoeutivo officers in ie
garded by tho trainiuon as virtually
tho issuunco of an ultimatum. The
railroad officials aro preparing for
nn ctnorgeney and a final break may
occur nt nny timo.