'anotfCTCT ir 'CTNrnfroTi, ttyw arrojrarTW . ..' ' ... . " Medford Mail Tribune Otnplole Bcriea: Thirty-ninth Year; Daily, Fifth Ycnr. ax nrDBPUNDiiJcr newsfabb WaZJSKSS DAIIiT BXOBPT SA.TUB BAT BY 1KB KBDrOBS PBPrxnro oo. A consolidation of the Medford Mali. UbllshPd 188; tho Southern Orc- Mian, eaubllined "O:..1"?"0.?1 f&ica. otnbllhcd 1878! tho Aahland fcrtbune. tstabllahcd 1896. and tho Mod- Tribune, CMaoiiBneu nut. WBOnQB PUTNAM, Editor and Manage Kntorcd as second-class matter No nnbr 1, 1908, at th poat-offlco at JtSford. Oregon, under tho not or Eroh , 187. (Xflclftl Paper ot tho City ot Medford UBBCBIPTIOH RATES. Oh year by mall.. 5-92 ta month by mall pr month, doltv 'reti hv carrier, in Phoenix. Central Point, W 2;?.,sn,..v"""vwi.nT;. r.vrr .so UOIU lull mi . w. ..-.--.-- mn fcmday only, my mall, per year. . . . 3.oo WeeKiy, per year. - JfoU X.eaid "Wire United Pre Sin- patohts. The Mall Tribune la on sale at tho rrry News Stand. San Francisco. prUand Hotel Nows Stand. Portland, fewntan Now Co., Portland. Ore, etel 8pokane New Stand. Spokane MEDFORD'S DESTINY. Poster Xatos. I to lS-pago paper Jo 19 to S4-paE8 paper M to 86-page paper 3C SWOBOr CrRCTOATXOH'. Average Dally for etemoer, jsu ember, isu Duary, 1910 nary, iviv ch. 1910 ................... rtl. 1910 ae, 1910 jvas cxmcrtmAxxoH. S.S00 2.500 2,500 2,550 2,500 2,500 2,525 2,525 2.525 2,575 2,525 2.625 IS 2,525 Total for month 85,700 Lees deductions 650 1... ....... B. ......... ?:::::::::: 19 li. u. 16. 17. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 26 27. Se 30 . 1.700 . 1,842 , 1.925 ,.2,122 , 2.203 , 3,301 , 2,450 , 2.625 , 2.525 , 2,675 , 2,525 . 3,525 . 2.525 , 2,525 , 2,625 , 2,675 , 2,525 , 2,525 , 3.52t , 2.525 65,050 Avrrint net dnilv. 2.02. TATE OP OREGON, County of Jack son, sa: On this let day of July, 1910, per eaally appeared before me, Q. Put aajs. manager of the Medford Mall Trl Iraae. who. upon oath, acknowledged that Mm above figures are true and correct (Seal) H. N. YOCKEY, Notary Public for Oregon. xebtors, oRsaoir. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Mertbern California and fastest-grow-lew city In Oregon. Population. 1910, 9.000. Bank deposits, $2,750,000. Banner fruit city of Oregon Rogue BMrer apples won sweepstakes prlxe and title of "Apple Xt&gv of the World" mt National Apple Show, Spokane, 1909. jtegue River pears brought highest rices In all markets of tho world dur lew the past five years. write Commercial Club, enclosing 6 eats for postage on finest community pamphlet ever written. Don't knock your own city if you Bust use tho hammer, use it building aomething useful. It is easy to criticise public offi eials it is one of the penalties for being progressive. It is to be hoped that Ashland ob structionists will be unsuccessful in their efforts to prevent pa vine;. Toft's nrt in withdrawing over 35,000,000 acres of government laud shows that the conservation agita tion has borne good fruit. Taft ho3 barred from the royal presence a New York World re porter because ho quoted him liter ally. This is lese xnajesto with a vengeance. NO CITY of its size in tho country presents as prosper ous appearance as Medford does today. Crowds lino the sidewalks, automobiles fill tho streets, new buildings, business houses and residences arc going up on every hand. Streets are torn up for water, sower and gas mains, gangs of men are busy laying ten miles of street paving, old stores are being improved with modern fronts, every brand of business is enlarging and expanding. Yet, rapid as is the growth and progress of the city, it hardly keeps pace with that of the Rogue River valloy. The valley alone will support a far larger city than Med ford, in the 0011130 of a few years, when the thousand cars of fruit shipped become many thousands. But Medford, to realize her destiny, must look to all southern Oregon and northern California. She must be come the supply point, the jobbing, manufacturing and distributing center of this inland empire, as well as tho premier fruit center of the northwest. Hitherto Medford's efforts have been confined to the development of her immediate territory. The time is at hand when she must play a leading role in the develop ment of the entire tributary region from the coast to cen tral Oregon, from the Umpquas beyond the Shastas. Medford must do this to become, what nature has made possible and man must make certainty, the inland metropo lis and large city of the future between Sacramento and Portland. Medford, alone, among southern Oregon cities, has made the right kind of a beginning. She has started aright, and must continue along right lines, widening and branching out, and expanding as necesshVy demands. There must be no factional disturbances, no discord, but a united people all working for a common object the building of a real city. IS IT THE MASTER'S VOICE? THE Portland Oregoniau has again commanded the assembly to declare in favor of abolishing State ment One, and stick the "knife to the hilt" in all repub licans who will not obe' its commands. The Oregoniau is opposed to the direct primary law, to the initiative and referendum, to the recall. Its command to the assembly on Statement One is an entering wedge for the destruction of all direct legislation and a return to machine politics. It will be interesting to watch the assembly and see whether or not it obeys the Oregoniau 's mandate wheth er the Oregoniau is really the assembl'. If it is, assembly candidate's can prepare for hard times. There would have been no objection to the assembly throughout the state, had it not been for the Oregonian 's war upon direct legislation. Its constant commands and assertions have caused the assembly to be viewed with suspicion, and created the antagonism manifested toward it by republicans. The Oregonian wants a return to the days of deadlock legislation, of corruption and bribery, and of $25,000 "jackpots. But the people of Oregon have no such de sires. The assembly must choose between the Oregonian and Oregonians. CENTRAL POINT ECONOMY.' NOBLE AVIATOR FALLS I FROM HIS AEROPLANE SKATTLH, Wash., July 10. A. M. Osborne, a traveling socialist orator, scheduled to speak nt Victoria, D. O., tonight vrna stopped by u Canadian ImmlKratlou inspector when ho board oil tho steamer Princess Victoria to day mid told that ho would bo barred from Urltlsh Columbia on tho ground that ho wns a political disturber. Osborno wired protosts to trlouds ot his In Victoria, mombors ot tho British Columbia parltamont. IIo 1ms already engaged n local lawyor to fight tho ruling. Headache? My Eyeglasses will euro 00 per cent of headaches. ARE YOU Constipated, billions, nervous or sleoplossi Tho eyes under on orror of refraction mny consume tho nerve energy which ought to go to tho stomach, liver, kidneys, etc.,, to cnnhlo them to per form their functions, thus they become r robber of tho norvo system, taking more onorgy thnn tlioy nro tutitlcd to and causing many functional nerv ous diseases. Don't go on taking poisonous drugs, but removo tho cnuso by having glasses properly and scientifically fitted by Dr. Rickert iitltMlttl ' - it KQDM VjJ Preserved Pleasure You can enjoy all winter tho pleas ures of a hummer trip $1.00 TO $65.00 Medford Book Store Special Two Days Sale Monday & Tuesday "Wo invito you hero Monday and Tuesday with tho absolute assurance that you will bo well pleased with tho many good specials offered for sale, only a few of which wo mention below Summer Dresses and Suits Reduced 50 per cent AGENT FOR LAUNED AUTO ROBES AND RUB DRY TOWELS. 25c SUITINGS 15c. 2oc Jacquard Suiting, on sale for two days only, at the low price of yd 15c 15c OUTINGS 10c. 12Vo and 15c Outings; think of tho handsome savings you get by pur chasing at, yard 10c MEN'S GOLF SHIRTS $1.00. Regular $1.25 and $1.50 Golf Shirts to go for two days only for $1.00 CHAMSOIETTE GLOVES 50c. 5c Chamoisotto Gloves, a good lino to chooso from, to go now for....50c Home of Mc Call Patterns W.H.Meeker&Co. 28 South Central Medford, Ore, GRAYS HARBOR CITIES WANT BILLY SUNDAY AUERDEBN, Wash., July 10. At u meeting of tho ministers of Grnyti Harbor, both Aberdcon and IIo(uinm being represented, plans for an evnugolistio campaign wore discuss ed. Tho opinion Bocmcd to be that if possible Billy Sunday tJioulil he secured, flio only drawback sueins to bo that ho could be here Hitch it short timo. SACRAMENTO SHIPS 75 CARS OF FRESH FRUITS SACRAMENTO, Cal., July 10. Tito largest day's shipment of fruit over sent from tho Sacramento vnllov was dispatched ycHtorduy vhoit7u curs of pount ami plums loft for points in Canada and the eastern part of tho United States. Thoro was nearly '2,000,000 pounds of fruit in tho cars, which wore Bent on their way with -50 tons of ico. , Hotel Arrivals. Tho Nnih H. Thomas, Juntos O. Lord, Washington; P. Woodward, II. N. Starr. K. I). Marion, It. V. Wilson, Portland; T. Johnson and wifo, M. Meeker and wife, city; T. Dimgoy, J. W. Morris, Gold Hill; W. II. Lilly, Portland; ('. II. Ovcnington, Suit Francisco; C. 1). Arthur, Lukoviow; It. n. Wiggins, Chicago; M. E. Hrowu, Tito Dnllim; P. A. Wood, A. Zhiudeii. Seattle: IIiiiih Pin, Allmu : L. Morelnud and wifo, San Fran cisco; J. I. Clnspull, Englo Point; A. ICuugmitn, J. W. Goldstein, San Francisco; J. I), llico, Seattle; It. P. Parnoy, Salt Lake; II. P. Price and wifo, McCloud; L. O. Smith, Hook ford; A. H. Coohrau and wife, San Francisco. Tho Mooro Mm, II. I. Hoithttm, Milton; Miss M. Evans, Seattlu; C. I. Lewis, Corvallis; L. A. West, Port land; C. II. Eismann, J. A. Robin, Grants Pass; Miss Roberts, Rich mond; P. II. Cooper, city; I). II. Snooks and family. Davenpert: C. II. McLcod, city; II. .1. Schorel, Minuo- npoiiHj w. llupplor, llornorook; W. E. Chndworth. Portlnnd; R. L. Wil son, R. II. Wilson, Chicago; It. A. Horner, Loiiitnillo; V. C. McLaren, Ottawa: F. C. Clark, ctlv. Teddy is still cutting trees for ex ercise and presenting tho chips as souvenirs. All of which shows a disgusting mock heroism with a hero very anxious to pose. It speaks well for the future of tho country when hard-headed Spo kane capitalists have faith enough in the so-called "desert" to spend two millions in reclamation work. A vein rich in gold has been dis covered in digging a well on the "desert." With gold underneath and water on top, who says tho "desert" is not coming into its own? Medford is getting a good pave ment none better in tho country. Talk that contractors should cover tho concrete foundation to protect it is rot. Whoever tulks it has never before seen pavement laid. THE last issue of the Central Point Herald contains an amusing account of a spasm of economy indulged in by the city administration of that thriving town. Jji order to cut down the city's expenses, competitive bids were call ed for $7.50 worth of job printing, and $1.50 thereby saved the taxpayers by patronizing a cut rate shop. The next order of printing was given the cut rate shop without calling for bids. Then $848 worth of fire appara tus was purchased without asking for competitive bids. Then an iron firehouse was ordered built without asking for bids. Then $40 worth of hardware was also ordered without bids, and so on. The economy grandstand play of competitive bids was only necessary in the case of a little printing, which had been furnished at regular county rates by the newspaper, which is responsible, more than all other sources combined, for the recent growth and development of Central Point and its present era of iwogress. Yet communities, which are heavily indebted to the local paper which boosts and advertises the town all the time, often jump at the chance to play ingrate, instead of displaying appreciation. ' The country editor works harder and gets less than any business man in the community. The community owes him more and frequently does less for him than anyone in it, and all too frequently he has his labor for his pains. What difference does it make whether T. R. endorses Poindoxter or not! Why should what he says cut any ice in Washington? What bus iness of his is it, who runs for sena tor? Tho Now York World says tho frreat issuo boforo tho American peo ple in personal govornmont against representative government. In Or gou tho personal government is represented by tho Oregonian, which assumes to dictate to tho assembly. Mayor Brand Whitlock of Toledo styleB tho agitation against moving fight pictures as a "spasmodic ao eession of righteousness over some thing of littlo or no consoquonco in contrast to a gonornlly supine ntU tudo toward industrial abuses in real need of correction." Which is about the size of it. AMPLE WATER FOR FIRES. PUBLICATIONS dependent upon the good will and wel fare of the community for their existence, no matter how excuseless that existence may be, have their nerve in publishing bareface and malicious lies, calculated to in jure and damage the community they live off. Under such head may be classed the canard that Medford would be helpless in case of fire, due to water shortage, when in vestigation would have disclosed 2,000,000 gallons in the heights reservoir for jusfrsuch emergency purposes, giving a 100-pound pressure. As a matter of fact, at no time in the city's history has as much water been supplied as is being supplied at pres ent, and never before was thoro such ample fire protection as at present. When the city completes its pipeline there will bo ample for irrigation at all hours, but the waste will be something terrific unless the oxamplo of other cities is followed, and irrigation hours jH'Ovided. Siskiyou Heights Addition No. 2 This beautiful RESIDENCE PARK is rapidly filling up with the homes of those Wlinm vnn will wJali fn liv nom' nnl iiourwintn wifli ' There is a Reason :: H H H H B H H B :: aside from the beautiful and healthful locatien: Medford is growing rapidly, and as the new (and miscellaneous) population occupy tho nooks and corners of tho old town there has begun a natural movement of the hotter class into a district where somo control may bo had over the moral and social atmosphere as well as environment. If you fcol this tendency and appreciate its importance to your family, wo invito you to make your selection of a homesite "NOW, before tho sightlior locations have been occupied. If you are planning to build in tho near future, wo may allow you a liberal discount from list prices for such improvement. Active selling of Siskiyou property begins this week and will bo in charge of Oeorgo O. Qornitius, Sales Manager, at Oregon Orcnard Syndicate 116Easft Main St. Phone Main 2381 -- - -- - -- - ---- ---- --- - H f A ! j k ,.$--