fvHRPW'' A REMODELING VALUES ----- -. --"- ------- On Account of Apparent Inconvience Specirl Values Offered MEDflORP MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOUD, OREGON, SUNDAY, JULY 17, 3910. f V f H MS. wo arc remodeling not only our front, but (lie entire store is to undergo extensive improvements. WE ARE OPEN FOR BUSINESS, however, and, on account of the incon jnienco of trading near the dust and noise ("WHICH IS HARDLY NOTICEABLE) we are offering special values. IP YOU WANT TO SAVE ON A QREAT MANY LINES OF Yl venience o tra mir HARDWARE, DON'T FAIL TO OALL HERE AND EXAMINE OUR SPECIAL RE-M0DELLNO VALUES. Most Desirable Fishing Tackle When you go fishing, go well equipped. Tf you are an experienced fisherman you'll know what tackle to select and that this is the placo to get tho best assortments. If you don't fish much just cull, and we'll fit you out with the host tackle known to this section of Oregon or the world. The Corredt Hunting Supplies If you are thinking of a trip to the happy hunting grounds, this season, we want to show you our line of guns, ammunition and other hunters' supplies." We have the large assortments and the latest models. Look Here for Gasoline Stoves A gasoline stove is a comfort and a bless ing to the home and if it's a "insurance" you are absolutely sure that it will always work satisfactorily. An examination into the merits of this stove will mean a sale for us. Who Will Catch Prize Fish Many anglers are out for one of the THREE PRIZES. Are you trying for one? FIRST PRIZE A $50.00 Fly rod to tho person catching tho largest stcelhesd on one of our Special Rogue River Trout Files this season. SECOND PRIZE A $20.00 Hardy Reel to tho person catching tho sec ond largest fish during the season. THIRD PRIZE A $10.00 Fly Rod will bo given to the person, catch ing the third largest fish this season. " ' n - HARDWARE CO IT'S ON LEGS WHAT? COME AND SEE FOUR NEGROES VISIT TEODY ROOSEVELT ( OYSTER DAY, N. Y July 1G. A report publUhod In Now York pa pore tlmt Theodore Roonovolt ills ctiHBod tho proHpectH of a, third pros Itlontlnl term with David 13. Thomp son, formor ninbrmtmilor to llrnxll and later to Mexico, undor Itoosuvolt'a nd inlnlHtratlon, canned Colonol Hooho vlt to dictate a sharp editorial to dny for Outlook, to ho labeled "News paper Accuracy." Tho colonol wati pitching hay to day whon quoBtloned regarding tho report. Ho stopped, mopped IiIh brow and said: "I havo really nothing to say. Thompson and I oro old frlondH and ho did not broach tho subject yes terday." Among tho vlHltorH at Sajjamoro Hill today wore four nogro politi cians, wholnvltod Roosovolt to visit tho negro fair to bo hold at Richmond, Va In tho fall. Tho nogroos, returning from tholr Intorvlow with Roosovolt, said: "Wo founl tho colonol chopping down an elm troo. IIo stopped and grootod us. Ys, sir, ho ovon pro itontod us with chlpn nfl tokens of his efforts. Wo extracted half a prom ise that ho would attond our conven tion In Octobor." MOTHERA! CHILDREN FLEE IN FOREST FIRE ASHLAND MAN MAKES SETTLEMENT David ProHHloy lias miulu n fiutis fnotory Holllomont with Uio Southern Pacific railrond for dmniiKOH hhh tniuod at Oak Hlreot oroBslni? by bo iiiL' run down by tho local train. Ah a Ihihih of tho HKToomont ho vocoivos what ifl oMuivnhmt to thrco yours wnuH for injurioH miHtiiinod. Ho ifl to pay for hills inoumid on account d'f the unoidout, and hopoH wlion ev erything in Hottlcd on thiH Hcnra to havo n halnnno in bin favor of ii)) proxinintoly $2400. CALIFORNIA HERO GETS MEDAL FOR BRAVERY 110ISW, Idaho, Jnly 1G. Almost In a stnto of collapBO, following her flight with mroo small children through a burning forest, Mrs. Joseph MnBon Is resting at tho homo of n friend on tho north fork of tho Coour d'Alono rlvor today. YcHtordnr afternoon Mrs. Mason ob served thnt tho forest flro which had boon liurnlni' near tho Maoon homo. had swept down tho vnlloy and had practically cut off escape by sur rounding tho mountain rcsorvo. Without stopping to gnthor hor bo- longings, tho woman called hor three Hinall children, and with thorn cling ing to her, began hor fllRht from al most certain death. For thrco miles sho fought hor way through tho smoko and burning brush half dragging, half carrying tho HttlOj totes, until sho reached open country and satoty. At tho end of tho perilous Journey MrB. Mason foil exhausted. MADRIZ TO SEND HIS I United States or another method of supervised bj the United States. I bringinjr about penco in the turbulent j " republic, is imminent. It is rumored If tho right tenant is not inclined WASHINGTON1, 1). C, July 10. President Mndrir. of Nicaragua has sunt special envoys to Washington to discuss the Niearaguau situation with tho statu department, according to u report cut rent hero today. Tho envoys nro Modosto Damns, formerly Nicnraguun minister to Great Britain, and Sebastian Salinas. They are duo to arrivo hero July 2U. Thore it a growing belief hero thnt intervention in Nicaragua bv tho further that tho envoys sent by Mndrir. will suggest n special prcsi- to seek your property, make your property seek tho tenant through a dentin! election in Nicaragua to bo campaign of classified advertising. DEEDED HIS PROPERTY AWAY AND THEN DIED HONOLULU, July 1C Friends l and neighbors of Colonol Samuel Morris, a woalthy California plonoor, ' who dlod last night, nro inclined to bollovo ho had a promonltlon of his death. , Klftoon days ago Colonol Morris, who was known for his philanthropies deeded ovor 180,000 ncroo of land to hlB neighbors. Tho gift has caus od tho bollof thnt tho colonol real ized his days wore numbered. Books Did you ovor stop to think jf how much you nro missing tvlioti you fail to bocomo nc .ptuiutod with tho grcot auth ors T Books nro man's best friends. Wo help you chooso tho best by kcoping tho lntost nnd most popular fiction. y Si V The Merrivold Shop 134 West Main Street. Harness, Saddles, Etc, If you appreciate a large assortment of harness, saddles, and everything that is commonly handled in a store of this kind, you should call here. Everj' thing is the best that long experience and skilled makers can produce. MEDFORD HARNESS COMFY A TACKSTROM, Proprietor, Successor J. O. Smith. East Main Street Medford, Oregon ,'gLja1 ax a WASHINGTON, n. C July in. Tho treasury department today pre Houlod n gold medal to George Freolh of lli'dlnndB, Cnl in recognition of hiH lmivory in niHouing seven Jan. niioso fishermen from douth at Ocean Turk, flnl., December 10, 1008. J ---- J. K. KNYAUT, rrosidenl. J. A. PtiKKY, Vieo-Prosidont. JOHN S. OHTII, Cashier. W. U. JACKSON, Ass't Cashior. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $100,000.00 SURPLUS 20,000.00 UNDIVIDED PROFITS 15,000.00 :: SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUS!- : NESS TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. Sherman, Clay & Co. MEANS STEINWAY AND IT MEANS QUALITY SEE US FOR PIANOS AND PLAYER PIANOS For Diamonds, Jewelry Clocks & Tableware See DIAMOND'S 115 East Main St. Medford No. 97 $16,000 20 acr'es, 1M miles from Medford. This tyact consists of 1C acres of 7-year-old Newtowns just coming into bearing, and 4 acres of Bartlett peal's, 3 years old; fine black soil, with sandy clay subsoil. Cash, $6000; balanco 1, 2 and 3 years at 6 per cent. No. 96 $11,000 16 acres right close to city limits, Pine soil; located just right to divide into city lots. There s money in this deal for someone; why not you1? $6000 cash, time on balanco. Let us show you. No. 82 $4000 40 acres, V2 miles from town; 8 acres alfalfa; 6 acres grain; 3 acres young trees; 30 acres can be cultivated; running water tho year round. $1000 cash, balanco 1 and two years, 6 per cent. No. 86 $3500 6 acres, 3-4 mile from town; all set to pears last winter; fine crop of corn be tween the rows this year; nicely built 4-room house painted white, cost $900; largo barn: fine well of water and on ono of tho best roads in Jackson county; $1000 cash, bal ance $200 and interest each year until paid. This is ono of the best small deals we know of in tho vallov. No. 81 $1600 160 acres near Beagle; 1,500,000 feet yellow pine timber; 100 acres can bo culti vated; red freo soil; ono spring; close to good road; $1000 cash, balanco 1 year, 6 per cont. No. 1 2750 Modern six-room house and sleoping porch; cornor lot; fine location; $1500 cash, balanco easy. McArthur & Alexander PHONE 3681 POSTOFFICE BLOCK I J