MEDFORD ACAIL TRIBUNE, flfEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, JULY 17, 1910. NEW COMPANY FREE IRELAND FORMED TOFIGHT STANDARD OIL Financiers Closely Watch for First Movo In What Is Thought Will Be Great Financial Battle English Members Put Up $5,000,000 Cash LONDON, July 10. Financiers of Europe, as -vroll as of America, are today awaiting the first move in an xpectcd contest between tho Stand ard Oil cbmpany and n powerful syndicate of American and English apitalists, backed by $20,000,000. It is said tho syndicate will bo represented in America by Samuel "Untermoycr. Tho EiiRlish members, k is said, already have put up $5, 00,000 in cash with which to bepin pc rations. Plans of the syndicate arc yet on ly tentative, but it is announced that the $5,000,000 is now on its way to the United States to secure options n every oil-producing tract in Ok lahoma. Tho Standard will be at tacked in other territory, it is said, and no expense spared to break its grip on the oil trade of the world. FROM BRITAIN Hibernians Declare Aim and Object of Organization Is to Overthrow King George's Rule In the Emerald Isle. Kansas City Firm Fails. KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 16. The Jones Bros. Mercantile com pany went into the hands of a re eeivcr today. Tho concern was one of tho largest in Kansas City. FIERCE FOREST FIRES RAGING AT CHEHALIS HOQUIAM, Wash., July 1G. One ef the worst forest fires in Chehalis eonnty so far this year is burning northeast of Hoquiam today. It threatened destruction of several logging camps, including the Coates Logging company and the A. J. West Logging company. Tho fire which started yesterday kas burned over a largo area of fegged-off lands. Tho camps are di rectly in tho path of tho oncoming flames. Six hundred men battled with the iii&zc last night and attemptted to stop its progress by backfiring. Should tho flames reach tho log ging camps a loss of a quarter of a million dollars would be sustained. PORTLAND, Or., July 16. Declar ing that tho object of tho Hibernians is to unite all Irish societies into ono great unit with tho ultimato purposo ot freeing Ireland from English rule, President Matthow Cumm!ng3 ot tho Ancient Order of Hibernians began the work today of completing ar rangements for tho national conven tion which convenes in Portland on Tuesday. In outlining tho work of tho Hi bernians, Cummings criticlsod Roose velt, saying that ho "advised English to adopt a policy of cruelty," in his famous Guild Hall in London speech. Cummings asserted that tho Irish do not recognize George V as their king. "World wide Hlbernianism is the object of this year's convention. Wo seek an affiliation between Irish American organizations, namoly Clan-Na-Gael, United Irish leaguo and An cient Order ot Hibernians, so that by the power of united influence we may more effectively awaken Irish spirit, and enlist nil of Irish blood in the world wido campaign to freo Ireland from English fetters. "We do not recognize George V as king of Ireland. Nor will tho Irish ever recognize him as such. Eng lish rule is the ruin, tho bano ot Ire land. It has delayed national devel opment and scattered tho Irish peo ple. Home rule in Ireland means realizing freedom's Ideal. "Roosevelt in his Guild Hall speech advised England to adopt a policy of cruelty. England's policy has always been cruel, and for Roosevelt to so advise them was unwise, unpopular and unpatriotic. "As American citizens of Irish blood we repudiate and condemn such sentiments. It is imperialism ot the most brutal kind. Ireland has suffer ed for eight centuries from the very policies that Roosevelt now recommends." A merchant who advertises only when "in the mood" is attempting to regulate commerce by his moods and it can't be done. STEVENSON THREATENED Washington Town Endangered by Furious Forest Firo Which Is Causing Destruction in National Forest. PORTLAND, Or., July 10. The town of Stevenson, Wash., is threat ened by a furious forest firo which is causing destruction through the Columbia national forest, according to information received in Portland todny. ' Tho firo is said to bo beyond the, control of tho forest ranger, who have been fighting it for four days. The blaze originated near oamp 4 of tho Wind Kiver Lumbar company. ; Thursday it was believed tho firo was under control. A south wind, i however, caused tho flames to break out afresh. Fanned by tho breeze,, the Tiro soou was beyond control and was racing through the timber. Poo-' pic camping in the mountnins nroi Iwiint u'nniiiil li minimtv it lnnvn tin, ! forest, owing to tho danger. According to dispatches received here, there is a strong likelihood that snvprnl lnrfiru eiinm-; nf tlin Wiml I Kiver Lumber company will be con sumed. Forest Supervisor II. O. Stabler, aided by 75 loggers and a number of other volunteers, is combating the advance of the fire. JACJ JOHNSON NOT WANTED IN GERMANY BERLIN, July 1C Jack Johnson, heavyweight champion of tho world, is not wanted in Berlin, nor any where in Germany, for that matter, so far as a mujority of its citizens is concerned. If tho citizens have their way the colored champion will not appear in kaiscrland as an attraction. Decrying what tho committee terms the deplorablo actions of the few negroes in Berlin since the fight, tho members of the committee are preparing to appeal to the authorities to prevent Johnson from giving ex hibitions here. Iu its appeal John son is called tho "braggart Ethiop ian," whose appearance, it is charg ed, "might result in sensntionalism in Germany." STOVES and RANGES To iSuit Everybody and Everybody's Purse AT ---- .- - .. --- -t- fc-J' VJ if -sSL&C -w' f " " Realizing tho necessity in this market for a high-grade steel and cast rango, wo have carefully looked ovor tho entire field and decided thcro was only ono lino that wo could place alongside of our Monarch Malleable that would correctly fulfill the requirements of our trade. That is the well known line of the Belleville Stove & Range Company, Belleville, 111., comprising The Art, Tho Reliance, The Comfort and numerous other models, all fully equipped with polislicd tops, broiler attachments, sectional lids, thermometers, etc. These stoves aro not made merely to sell, but to suit tho needs of the housowifo. No point of convenience is overlooked, no point of construction. One of the Best Bakers on the Market BEFORE PURCHASING, WE INVITE COatPARISON IN QUAIITY, APPEARANCE AND COST. WE ALSO SAVE YOU MONEY ft, f'l JvL WlKl W If ON ALL LINES OF- Furniture, Rugs (Q. House Furnisnings "Outaide tho firo Ilmlto, but Insldo oa prices" Telephone Main Ulit Wttt Mala St. Cor. of Laurel Kcxt to Washington Hchool t A Big Bargain M u & Go Quickly 1 i 1 - . -i . It ' ,'. 120 Acre Improved Ranch; ? .' y-f U, ' f ,. Good 6-Room House - other Buildings; 6 Miles from Good Station on S. P. Road; A Firsft Class Buy at $7000 and Terms; Call at My Office and Let Me Show You You Will Miss It If You Don't Hurry. V ' i-' y H. C. MALTBY Room 7 Post Office Block Phone Main 3132 a