Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 17, 1910, SECOND SECTION, Page 14, Image 14

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An ordlnnnco providing for tho con
Btrnctlon of a G-Inch lateral sower
alone Dakota nvouuo from Peach
Btrcet to Nowtown fitreot, nnd for tho
. a-.- - !.. tin
V,VWM ". i .,.
SSOSSmcni 01 Uiu coal, iiiuivui yu .i
proporty directly
rty directly benontca tiiorooy
and adjacent thereto, and provwinR
a mooting ot tuo council 10 conaiuor
------- . - ,
nsRcaainont uLd tho sorvlng of
owners of such proporty with notice
Tho city of Mcdford doth ordain as
Section 1. It is tho Intention of
tho council to causo a lateral sewer
to ho constructed alone Dakotn nvo-
.n fcnrn tinAiOi clrnnf in Knwtown I
street, and to assess tho cost there-
of upon tho property directly benefit-
ed thereby and adjacent thereto.
Section 2. Tho council will hearsowora ln saj city.
and consider any protests ngtunst Tii0 fact that prior to tho lnstltu
sald construction nnd tho nsso-slng of J ton 0f proceedings for tho making
said property for tho cost thereof, at of anJ. a8S03smont In accordance horo
a meeting of tho council to be held wth, tho ownor of or occupant of nny
on tho 22d day of July, 1910, ntproperty assessable horounder shall
7:30 o'clock p. m.. In tho council have boon glvon permission to uso
chambers ln said city, and all prop- jj trunk water main or trunk sow
crty owners of property adjacent to,or ns a lateral shell not bo hold or
said sower and benoflted thoroby aro takon t0 prohibit tho levying of an
hereby called upon to appear before aSsessment against said parcel of
Bald council at said tlmo and placo, , pr0p0rty. but ovory such permit
and show cause, If any they have, ,whethcr heretofore or horor.ftor given,
why said construction should not bo si,all bo held and taken to bo n tem
jnado and tho cost thereof so assess- norary aT,j rcvokablo permit and li
ed, iconso only, until tho assessment
Section 3. Tho city recorder is aDovo provided for shall havo boon
liereby directed to servo notice there- iovicd ngalnst such parcel of prop
of upon tho property owners afore-1 erty.
Bald, by causing thrco copies of this following is tho form ln which
dlnnnco to bo published in' forcgomB bmoasuro wlu appear
lie places ln eald city, nnd said or-, upon tho ballot,
dinanco to be published threo times in 1 Submitted by thov Council,
a dnllv newsnaner published and ofi ,T.m?.r .r.-T-.-.tEv"n
general circulation in the cU at j
least ten days before the date ot said
Tho foregoing ordlnnnco was pass
ed by tho city council of tho city of
Medford, Oregon, on tho Sth day of
juiy, isivi uy uio iuiu.iub '-"
Welch absent, Morrick nye Emer-
Ick aye, Wortman aye, Elfert aye and
Demmor aye.
Approved July 9th, 1910.
W. H. CANON, Mayor.
City Recorder,
Notice is hereby given that tho fol
lowing Is a true and correct copy of
tho titles and texts of thoso certain
amondmonU t- tho charer cf tho
city of Melford submitted to tho peo
ple of said city for their aoEroval or
roioctlon by resolution of tho city
council of citJ
It, nt . t,..j,Ii1 n1nn
tlon to bo hold on August 2d, 1910, thereof in cases where tho original
together with the numberj and forms , assessments levied for tho cost there
in which .o ballot titlo thereof -will of are for any reason void or dofec-
be printed xpon tie offu-i:.! ballot,
Recorder" of the City of Medford.
An amendment to the ciarter
ot tho city cf Medford providing for
the assessment of property abutting
on trunk water mr.ins and trunk sow
ers heretofo.o or hereafter construct
ed by said clt?' for a portion of the
cost thereof, rot exceeding "tho cost
ot a suitable lateral water nraln or
sower for said property, and author
izing tho ure of said tiunk water
mains and trunk sewera by tho own
ers of said r butting property for Iat-
eral purposes I requisite nuuue or uy nasuu u. ouj
Tho people' of the city of Medford other defect in the proceedings lead
do ordain as follews: ing up to the making of such Mm-
m, . it- -. . i. u,. r nrnromonl- nr thf lBVVlnir of such aB-
Xuai lau cuuriui ui . -vj uii -
Medford be amended by adding there
to tho follewing:
Whenever heretofore or hereafter
tho council bus or may causo any
trunk sower or water main to bo laid
along any street of said city for tho
benefit of said city, or any portion
thereor, it after tho laying of said
trunk water main or trunk sewer the
..,n o,oii , nf tnn nrv-iirm that '
the same may bo used by tho property The council shall declare by reso
frontlng on the street wherein sald'lutlon Its intention to make such re
trunk water main or trunk sewer has I assessment, which resolution shall
been laid, ao a lateral water main or briefly describe tho improvement, and
,m ,. mntorioiiv in orfnt-in i ' shall dcclaro the intention of the
with tho uso thereof for tho purpose ,
for which it was originally laid, said 1
council may at any tlmo before said I
trunk sower or trunk wnter mala has
been paid for, assess against tho prop
erty fronting on the portion of said
Btreet wherein Bald trunk water main
or trunk sewor is laid, so much of
t,o. ofiet nnmnf no onimin tho nnoplr.1 !
benefit which will result to said prop- council, at which all protests against
erty from tho use of said trunk wa-fre-assesslng tho costs of said Improve
ter main or trunk sower as a lateral tment against adjacent property, or
,... mnin cmiiaf nf RHoh slzn ns nronorty benefited thereby, shall bo
would bo required tp supply tho prop- heard. Said resolution shall bo pub
ortv frontinc on said street or por- ished threo times In a newspaper pub-
tion thereof, In caso said trunk wa
ter main or sewer were not so used,
In tho following manner: Tho coun
cil shall declare by resolution Its In
tention to levy such assessment,
which resolution shall designate tho
Btroct, or portion thereof, along which
said trunk water mrln or trunk sew
er hns been laid, and which it pro
poses to permit tho owners of adja
cent proporty lo uso for lateral pur
poses, as afo.csald, and shall desig
nate tho amount por frout foot which
it proposes to tssess agalnEt said ad
jacent property on account thereof.
Said resolution shall fix tho tlmo and
placo at which tho council will hold
a mooting to hoar any protosts .gainst
audi assessment. Said resolution
Bhall bo served by publishing tho
samo threo times ln a newspaper pub
llshod nnd of general circulation in
said city, and by posting tho samo in
flvo public places ln snld city, at
least ton' days before tho dnto of said
At said mooting tho council Bhall
bear and consider all protests agalust
such assessment, and may either at
such meeting or at any subsequent
mooting, assess said property for such
portion of tho cost of said trunk wa
ter main or trunk sowor as thoy shall
dotermlno tho adjacent proporty is
beonfitod by having the right to uso
tho samo as a lateral sowor or wator
main, not excoodlng tho cost of a
8uitablo latoral wator main or eowor,
as aforesaid, and not exceeding tho
ismount designated ln said notice.
Said assessment ehall bo mndo In pro
portion to tho frontage of each parcol
of proporty, provided, however, that
'the council may assess any parcol a
loos amount than its proportion of
tho cost of a suitable latoral basod
on Us froTitngo, if it finds that tho
special benefit to such parcol Is less
than said proportional amount, hut
no other parcel shall on account of
any such reduction bo assessed any
creator amount than Its. proportion
of such cost based on Its frantngo,
( U U
assessment shall oxceed In
mn . ff font .. nll,nllnt
3-"- ;-."-,", -;,-
-"""" .'., ,, ,lft ,,,.inrmi
,,-",, ,, 0,,fornil ,,, Min ,,npV.
of city lions and collected In the
manner provided by this charter In
tho causo of assessment for streot im
provements. Thereafter tho owners of all prop
erty adjacent to tho streot wherein
said trunk water main or trunk sowor
has been laid shall havo tho rlcht to
uso tho snmo ns a lntoral water main
or sewer, as tho caso may ho. in
same- manner nnd subject to tho s
l..A..lttnHM tn n .. ftli1jt X Mtift
If o&V l.toVwnt Vnta. or
An aincadment to tho chartcr ot
tho city of Medford providing for tho
assessment of property abutting on
trunk water mains and trunk sowers
heretofore or hereafter conctructed
by said city for a portion of tho cost
tYimAAf nAf nrAArl lni tllft lrtOf nf fl
thereof not oxccedlnc tho
thereof, not cnB p
,. nronortv. and a,
or sewer
for said property, and authorizing
tho uso of said trunk water mains
and trunk sewers by tho owners of
said abutting property for lateral pur
poses. Voto yes or no.
An amendment tq tho chartor
of the city of Medford authorizing tho
re-assessment of proporty specially
benefited by street improvements.
fA,T-Ar , wntar mnlnu fnv tttA nct
The people of the city of Medford
do ordain as follews:
That tho charter of tho city of Med
ford bo amended by adding thereto
tho follewing:
Whenever heretofore or hereafter
tho council has caused, or may causo,
any street or alloy to bo Improved,
or water
main to bo laid and has, or may hero-
after assess or attempt to assess upon
Hno A,iieai fin coTrar
tho nronertv adjacent thereto or ben
efited thereby the cost of such Im
provement, and said assessment by
reason of any failure to givo any
sessment shall bo declared to bo void
- ' . . -. . . .7 . .j
by any court, or If the council shall
bo ot the opinion that said assessment
is illegal or doubtful by reason of
any such omission or defect, said
council may cause the cost of said
improvement to bo re-assessed against
the property adjacent to said im
provement or benefited thereby, in
the following manner:
council to asses3 the cost thereof
upon tho property adjacent to said
Improvement, or benoflted tnereby,
describing in said resolution each par
eel of property which it intends so to
re-assess and the amount it proposes
to assess against each such parcel.
Said resolution shall fix tho tlmo and
nlaco for holding a meeting of tho
llshed and of general circulation in
said city and shall bo posted In flvo
public places ln said city, at least ton
days before tho date of said meeting.
At said meeting tho council shall
consider all protests agalust tho levy
ing of such assessment, and If after
considering tho matter tho council
shall determine that tho property ad
jacent to said Improvement, or any
other property, has boon specially
benoflted thereby, It may causo tho
cost of said improvement to bo as
sessed against Bald adjacent proporty,
or other proporty especially boneflted
bv said imnrovomont, to tho extent
of tho special benefit so recolved by
said property therefrom; provided,
however, that no parcol of proporty
shall bo so assessed unless the samo
has been described ln tho notlco ot
Intention to make such re-assessment
abovo provided for, and no parcel of
proporty Bhall bo assessed for a great
er amount than tho amount designat
ed thorofor in said notice. In deter
mining tho property to bo assessed
and tho amount to bo assessed against
each parcel of proporty, tho provi
sions of tho chartor for making an
original assessment shall bo followed
by tho council ln making such reas
Tho council shall havo tho right to
assess any parcol of proporty for Bald
improvoraont notwithstanding tho
samo may not havo beon assessed In
tho original assessment preceding, ln
caso tho council finds said proporty
specially benefited by said improve
ment and tho provisions of tho char
tor relating thereto othorwiso gives
tho council powor to bo assess said
property, Iu making said ro-assoss-mont
tho council shall dlstrlbuto tho
cost of said Improvomont botwoon tho
various pnrcols adjacent tliorotp or
bonofited thoroby in proportion to
tho benefits received, or tho frontngo
of tho proporty on said hnprovoment,
ns tho caso may be, assessing no par
cel any greater nmount than tho ac
tual benefit received uy It from sain
Imnrovomont. but tho council shall
enter no assessment against any par -
eel of proporty which has been pro-
vlouslv assessed nnd which assess
ment hns been paid, or application to
pay which In Installments has boon
mndo by tho ownor thereof nnd bonds
Issued on account ot tho snmo, pur
suant to tho charter ot said city or
the general laws ot tho state. In all
existing assessments against each
parcel so assessed shall bo marked
"cancelled by re-nssessmont" on tho
docket ot city lion.
Said ro-nesossmont shall bo declar -
ed by ordinance and ontorod In '
city Hen docket and collected In tho
,.... ....,,... no M.n nrlrlnn1 nanonn.
Tho following Is tho form In which
tho foregolLg measuro will appear
upon tho ballet:
Submitted by tho Council.
An amendment to tho chnrtor of tho
city of Mcdrord autnorwing ino re -
assessment ot proporty especially bon -
. " ... .... A.
efltcd by stroot Improvoments, sow
ers or water mains, for tho cost tnoro-
of. In cases where tho original as
sessments levied for tho cost thoroof
aro for any reason void or defective.
Voto yes or no.
"ios" 'yes
"466 "no
An amendment to the cbnrtcr
of tho citv of Medford providing for
tho assessment on property speci
ally benefited of tho coat of opening
or widening streets in tho citv of
Medford. nnd providing tho mnnnor
of opening or widening streets and
tho lowing of such assessments.
Tho people of the citv of Medford
do ordain ns follews:
That tho chartcr of tho citv of
Medford bo amended bv adding
thereto tho follewing:
Whenever tho citv council shall
desire to open or widen nnv street
or alley within tho citv it shall first
acauirc. bv purchnso or condemna
tion, the necessnrv land for said
purpose. Anv propertv-ownor may
voluntarily executo a deed to the
citv for anv portion of bis property
rcauired for said purpose, and such
convevnnco shall be takon into con
sideration in assessing the cost of
opening or widening said street or
alley, as hereinafter provided.
Tho citv council shall thereupon
dcclaro said street or alloy to bo
opened or widened, describing tho
streot so oocned or widened., and
thereafter it would bo one of the
streets of said city.
Thereafter tho council mav ap
point three viewers, one of whom
shall bo designated ns chairman.
Each of said viewers shall bo a rcsi
dent nnd freeholder of said citv. and
' no person owning nnv interest in
nny property especially benefited bv
tho opening or widening of said
street or alley, shall be eligible to
serve as a viewer. Each of the per
sons so appointed shall within five
davs after his appointment file in
tho offico of tho recorder a written
ncccotanco nnd an oath to the ef
fect that ho will fnirlv and impnr-
ItJallv discharge his duties as such
viewer to the best of his nbilitv
Should nnv person so appointed fail
to aualifv within said time or fail
to perform his duties as such viewer.
ftho council mav appoint another to
act in bis stead.
Tho viewers shall meet at a time
and placo within said citv to bo des
ignated bv tho chairman, of which
three davs' notice sbnll bo given bv.
or under tho direction of. tho chair
man, but tho nnpearance of anv
viewer at said meeting 6hnll render
notico unnecessary.
Said viewors shall proceed to in
spect said street or nllov and sbnll
'determine what property is speci
ally benefited bv the opening or wid
ening thereof nnd tho amount of the
specinl benefit to each parcel of
property thereof, not exceeding its
proportion of tho cost thereof. In
caso anv portion of anv such parcel
shall havo been voluntarily convoved
to tho citv by tho ownor thereof for
said purpose, tho viewers shall, in
fixing tho benefit to said parcel, de
termine tho difference between the
value of said parcel, including snid
part so convoved. nnd tho samo as
so reduced, but ns benefited bv said
street or alloy or tho widening
Within thirty davs after their ap
pointment, or such further timo as
tho council may nllow. tho viewers
shall file a report in tho offico of
tho recordor. giving a description of
each piece or parcol of land which
thov shnll find to bo specially bene
fited bv tho opening or widening of
anv such stroot or nllov. with tho
nnmo of tho ownor. or reputed own
er, thereof, togethor with tho nmount
of tho specinl benofit so received bv
ench parcol therefrom. Said
amounts shall not exceed tho pro
portional benofit of said respective
pnrcols. and tho nggrcgnto thereof
shall not exceed tho cost of acouir-
ing tho necessnrv land for said pur-,
Thorcaftor tho council mav, bv
resolution, announco that said re
port has boon filed, naming tho said
viewers and fixing a timo and placo
nt which thov will moot to consider
tho samo and nnv protests thoroto,
and to nssoss tho proporty bene
fited bv tho opening or widening of
nnv such streot.
Said resolution shall bo published
threo times in u nowspnpor publish
ed and of general circulation in aid
citv. and threo copies thereof shall
bo postod in threo public places in
said city, at least ten days before
tho dntooC said nicotine.
At said mcottuir tho council shall mul consider said rcporta
nnd nnv orotosM thereto. If it
shall ho mndo to nmonr to tho
j council bv nnv protest mndo ut 8iieh
mooting that nnv of tho uid viuwere
noka tho nunlifiontions nbovo sno-
oilied. or that nnv of (hum havo
failed to fila tho prescribed aooonl
anou or onth. said rouort shall bo
roicclod mul now viewers annotated.
If no protests aro rocoivod to nnv
such umttors, all of tho snmo shall
bo hold to bo forovor waived.
After considering said report and
nnv protosts thereto, the eouiici
!mnv nmmmi .. ,,.,.,;., ......1.
(parcel of laud special! v benefited bv
,. ..; ,. ,..:Iin:,1 p D1.;,i
u, OPOUlUe or KlOlllllC 01 8IVUI
streot or nllov. its proportion of tho
cost thereof, not exceeding in nnv
caso thu actual benefit received
thereby. Tho council shall not as
sess anv parcol of land not describ
ed in tho report of tho viewers, nor
shall it assess nnv such parcel a
I i .. ..
jgrenicr amount than mat. Itxcd in
1 said roiwrt therefor, but tho council
shnll not otherwise be bound bv said
In caso tho snid viewers fnil to
report within the timo nbovo limited,
or in case tho council dooms the re
port unfair or incouiploto. it mav re
ject tho 'same, if mndo, nnd appoint
othor viewers, and in such caso tho
snmo proceedings shall bo bnd ns
nbovo set forth.
No mistnko or failuro to designate
tho ownor of nnv parcol of land bv
tho viowors in thair report, or tho
council in declaring tho assessment,
shall effect tho validity of tho as
sessment. Snid assessments whon mado shall
bo declared bv ordinnnco and enter
ed in tho citv lien docket and col
lected in tho snmo mnnnor ns as
sessments for streot improvements,
oxcept that no such assessment
shall bo in installment...
Tho citv council mav in its discre
tion pormit nnv interested property
ownor to ndvanco tho cost of opon-
in' or widening nnv street or nllov.
nnd after tho same has been oihmioiI
or widened, ns nbovo provided, mav
proceed to assess tho cost thereof on
the property thereby benefited in tho
snmo mnnnor heroin provided, nnd ns
such nsscssmonts nro collected mav
repay tho amounts so advanced to
the persons so advancing the snmo.
but in such caso no greater nmount
shall bo assessed ngainst tho prop
erty benofitcd thereby, then tho rcn-
soiinmc vmuo or tho property nc
ouircd for said purpose, irrespective
of the nmounts actually paid there
for bv tho property owners so ad
vancing such cost, nnd snid citv
shall in such case be liable to tho
owners for such nmounts onlv ns
mav bo collected on such nsscss
ments nnd such liability shall bo
considered as no pnrt of tho liabil
ity of tho indebtedness of tho citv
ns limited bv tho cbnrtcr. All tho
foregoing provisions ns to assess
ments shall noolv to anv street de
clared opened or widened within sis
months previous to tho adoption
hereof, nnd the property thereby
benefited mav in nnv such caso bo
assessed for the cost of such open
ing or widening, ns nbovo provided.
Tho following is tho form in which
tho foregoing measure will nppcnr
upon tho ballet:
Submitted bv the Council.
An nmondment to tho charter of
tho citv of Medford providing for
tho assessment on property especi
ally benefited, of tho cost of open
ing or widening streets in tho citv
of Medford. and providing tho man
ner of opening or widening streets
nnd the lowing of such assessments
votes, ves or no.
An nmendmont to tho charter
of tho citv of Medford. amonding
section 100 thereof, providing for
tho issuance of bonds othorwiso au
thorized bv the chartcr of said citv
for a ooriod not oxcecding thirtv
Tho people of tho citv of Medford
do ordain ns follews:
That section 100 of tho charter
of tho citv of Medford be and the
snmo hereby is amended so as to
rend as follews:
Section 100. No contract shall
bo entered into bv tho citv or nnv
frnnchiso granted bv it for a longer
poriod than ten years, except fran
chises for street railways and for
tho purnoso of supplying gas to tho
citv or its inhabitants, which mav
bo granted for such periods ns tho
council or local voters mav seo fit.
No franchise shall grant anv oxclu
siyo right or rights, provided that
this section shall not bo construud
to prevent tho issunnco of tho bonds
of tho citv. elsewhere in this char
tor authorized for a longer poriod
than ton years, if in tho opinion of
tho council such longer term will be
for tho best interests of tho citv. but
no bonds of tho citv shall bo issued
for a longer period than thirtv voars.
Tho following is tho form in which
tho lorcgoing measuro will appour
upon the ballet:
Submitted bv tho Council.
An nmondment to tho charter of
tho citv of Medford umonding sec
tion 100 hereof, providing for tho
issuanco of bonds othorwiso author
ized bv th charter of said citv for
a poriod not exceeding thirty voars.
Voto yofl or no.
. . ,
An uimMiihuimt to tho ohiutor of
tho citv of Medford providing for
nn umiuiil tax low for tho ninliito
iiniico of n five public library iu tho
uitv of Medford.
Tim people of tho citv of Medford
do ordain ns I'oIIewk:
That section (If) of Chapter VII or
tho ohiirlov ot tho oitv of Modfonl
be, nnd thu nniu horuhv is, amonded
so as to road as follews:
Seolion (55. Hv ordinnnco of tho
council thoro shall bo anuunllv Iov
icd on all tho proportv in tho oitv
taxnblo for county and stale pur
poses a citv tax, not to oxcocd ton
mills on thu dollar, for citv pur pur
eoses: and also such furthor amount
as tho commit mav doom uoccssarv
for tho pavmont of interest and
principal of anv debt now or horo
aftor existing against thu oitv. and
which debt fund shall not bo di
verted or oxpondod for anv other
purpese: mid also such furthor
amount as mav bo uoccssarv to pay
any iudgmont existing ngniiiBt tho
eitv: but nuv license. exacted ami
eollcuted bv tho citv upon nnv place,
person, pursuit, occupation or call
ing nnd tho property commoted with
tho place, person, pursuit, occupa
tion or calling so licensed shall not
bo considered contrary to or iu con
flict with the provisions of this sec sec
teon: and in addition t to tho taxes
nnd levies iu this section uuthorized
tho oitv council shall, iu tho event
that a l'roo public library building
bo constructed in snid citv bv pri
vate donation or otherwise, iiuuual
lv lew on all tho taxable property iu
snid citv liable for citv and countv
us will rcnlizo a sum equal to ton
as will ronlizo n su mcnunl to ten
por cent of the cost of snid build
ing, which shall ho expended in the
mninteunuco of such frco publio li
bra r v. subiect to tho regulations pro
vided bv tho library commission of
tho stnto of Oregon.
Tho following is tho form in which
tho lorcgoing measure will appear
upon tho ballet:
Submittted by tho Council.
An amendment to tho chartor of
tho citv of Medford. proiding for
tho lovvini' of a tax aniiunlh for
tho maintenance of a frco publio li
brary building in tho event of tho
construction of such n building in
said citv bv private donution or
Voto ves or no.
In tho district court of tho United
States for tho District of Orogon.
In tho mattor of Dakor-IIutchason
Compnny, nn Oregon corporation, and
tho Ilutchason Company, a partner
ship composed of J, F. Ilutchnaon, O.
W. Zorn and Kuglor, bankrupts.
Tho undersigned trustco of tho
nbovo entitled estnto In bankruptcy
will rccolvo scaled bids at his offico,
No. 7 First streot, room 8, Portland,
Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Sat
urday, July 23d, 1910, for tho fol
lowing described proporty belonging
to snid estato, nnmely: A stock of
morchandlso, consisting principally of
ladles' furnishing goods nnd shoos of
tho Inventory valuo of J23.838.2C, to
gothor with a lot of storo fittings and
fixtures of tho inventory valuo of
$2031. 7C, all located In storo build
ing nt Nos. 11-18 North Contrnl avo
nuo in Medford, Orogon. Cosh or a
cortlfled chock for ton por cont of
tho amount offorod tnuBt accompany
each bid and tho salo Is made subjoct
o confirmation by tho court, tho right
bolng reserved to rojoct nny and all
blxlB. An Inventory Is on file at tho
offico ot tho undersigned and tho
proporty mny bo inspected upon np
pllcatloa ut tho storo in Medford.
Dated ot Portland, Oregon, July
7th, 1910.
It. L. SADIN, TruBteo.
To tho creditors of tho nbovo-namod
Notlco Is horoby glvon that a moot.
Ing of tho croditors of aald bankrupts
will bo hold in tho offico of tho un
dersigned roforeo at Medford, Jack
son county, Oregon, on tho 20th dny
of July, 1910, at 2 o'clock In tho ntt
ornoon to consider tho salo of the
porsonal proporty montlonod In the
foregoing notlco and to transact such
othor business as may proporly come
boforo Bald mooting,
Dated July 7th, 1910.
Itoforoo In Bankruptcy.
930,000.00 GENEItAI. FUND
Tho City Council of tho City of
Medford, Orogon, will rocolvo scaled
proposals for 130,000,00 D por cont
twonty-ycar Gonernl Fund Bonds of
tho said city; bids to bo filed with
tho City Uocordor of tho City of
Medford, Oregon, not lator than
4:30 o'clock p. m July 29th, 1910,
Bids to bo accompanied by a cor
tlfiod check on noino National or
Btnto Bank within tho Stnto of Oro
gon equal to flvo por cont of tho
nmount bid for; chock to be mado
pnyablo to tho City Trpasuror,
Tho Council rosorves the right to
rojoct any and all bids,
City Ilocordor.
Datod at Medford, Oregon, thin
11th day of July, 1010.
HaakiiiB l'ov IToaltb.
-- -- - .
Wo limlco any kind nnd stylo of Windows.
j Wo curry Glass of any olzo on hand.
MEDFORD SASH & DOOR GO,, Medford, Orogon.
.- -- --
--- ------
y f Or il kS
All Work Guaruntuud Pricon Koii&oimblo
11 North D St..Modford,Oro.
- - For
428 ACRES Rogtio Rivor bottom land, suitablo
for fruit and gonoral farming purposes.
300 ACRES Alfalfa land, covered with irrigation
ditch and perpotual wator right. lias coal outcrop
ping. At a bargain on long time, easy payments.
Gold Ray Realty Comp'y.
J. E. ENYART, Presidont
JOHN S. OHTIJ, Cnahlcr.
The Medford National Bank
Capital, $50,000
Surplus, $10,000
Medford Iron Works
E. O. Trowbridgde, Prop.
All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps,
Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for
Ono of tho best locations in Medford for
Family Hotel
Apartment House
250 by .100 J!eot, cast front.
Comprising fivo lots or original townsito.
It will take $2,000 cash to handlo this property.
JiJasy torms on balance
Write or inquire at 240
Phone No. 4172.
Thu bout resolution for 7011
to ninko is to tiomo to 11a for
your noxt unit. If you want
Komothing out of the ordinary.
Wo do tho best work nnd charge
lho IontohI prices.
Phone HOH
Sale - -
- --- -------
J. A. PEKllY, Vico-Prosidcnt.
W. n. JACKSON, Ass't Cushion
South Grape Street or