MEDFORD aiAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, JULY 17, 1910. 10 S O L I D FACTS -- - - ----- ---- -- L If iff is good lumber you want, we have it. If it's quick deliveries, we make them From tree to consumer means a saving to you ------ "--- ----- 4 -- -- WOODS LUMBER COMPANY - --- y P. S. Investigate Our Roofing Pelts, Paints, Oils and Painters Supplies, Building Paper, Dia blo Cement, Plaster, Windows, Doors, Etc. j& & CENTRAL POINT NEWS ITEMS ,J l t.'M'V A. M. Rhoads of Tenlno, Wash., has discarded tho idea of starting the "Gold Pan" at Tolo, a paper the publication of -which ho announced a few days ago. Mr. Rhoads left today for Tonopah, Nev., where he has purchased an Interest In a Job printing office. He promises to send vs news of interest from Tonopah concerning men and things. "Cyrus Noble" Is a familiar name to a great many of we degenerate sons, but as familiar as it may seem, nevertheless, Cyrus Noble of Coal Creek, Tenn., Etepped Into our sanc tum today :.nd Informs us that he expects to locate In the valley and somewhere in the vicinity of Central Point as Medford. air. Noble has relatives who are noted vlnyardlsts at Fresno, Cal. W. P. HIHb, once a member of the Dodson-Hills pickling and catsup works of St. Louis, Mo., unloaded at Central Point today and will visit all points In tho valley looking up tho fitness of the climate and soil for tomato and cucumber growing. Mr. Hills ia believed to bo here In the Interest of the Dodson-Braun Catsup and Pickling company of St. Loul3, one of tho largest in the United States, but not as yet represented on the Pacific coast. Some lucky town in southern Oregon is going to land a big pickling works. Two well known Portland archi tects, Harry P. Chapman and Amos Roeber, wero in Central Poln today taking measurements and looking over certain business property owned by one of our loading merchants. It begins to look to a man ensconed amid the alpine boughs of a yellow pine as though another business block is coming our way, although the strictest of silence is maintained. All the old buildings are now re moved and work has commenced in earnest on the Cowley block. Mr. Cowley has decided that no basement will be excavated, tho building simply to be 85x82 1-2, three stories of ce ment blocks and brick. The Pacific States Telephone and Telegraph company have commenced tho work of wiring and Installing electric lights In W. A. Cowley's fine Pine street residence. "Walter Meeks, who Is working In the mines near Woodville, was In Central Point on business today. The weather Friday was exemplary tho thermometer registering 87 and the day was breezy and delightfully cool. James Grieve has practically recov ered from his case of sun stroke, be ing reported as greatly Improved to day. Clyde Harrison of the Forks was visiting friends in this vicinity Fri day evening. will supply prospective blddors with a circular giving particulars as to requirements and Instructions for preparation of bids and data to ac company samo. FRANKLIN MACVEAGH, Soc. COT INTO FIGHT OVER THE CDAMICU I AURIIARP SPOKANE, Wash., July 16. Herman Zicrenburg, formerly a sub ject of Kaiser Wilholm, and Donald Maclean, born in tho highlands of Scotland, becaino involved in an ar gument about tho Spanish language while drinking Irish and Canadian whiskies in an Italian saloon in Spokano, and a fight, with more or less regard for tho rules of the Am erican prize ring, followed. They wero arrested by a uegro police man, and Judge S. A. Mann in the municipal court fixed tho fines as follows on charges of disorderly cenduct: Zieronburg, $5 and costs; Maclean, $1 and costs. The keeper of a Chinese noodle cafe paid tho fines and tho men wero released. Ziercnburg said afterward that Maclean was tho aggressor. "I was telling sovcrnl of my French ac quaintances about my visit in South America," ho continued, "and this man 'butted in,' saying ho could apeak tho lingo of tho bull-fighters. I askod sovoral questions in puro Spanish and ho could not answer, instead ho called mo vilo names. Itathor than havo trouble I loft tho placo and ho followed me out und Jmixod it." j Maclean said ho could not remem ber how tho trouble started, but ho placed tho blnmo on Ziorenburg. Tho jtwo inon wero brought togothor by a sturdy Norsoman, an acquaintance M both, and thoy havo bocoino fast friends. tho flames are consuming hundreds of great trees. Tho worst of tho three fires is at Leonia. The blaze there has assum ed such proportions that Forest Su pervisor Door Skeels, with ten men, has gone to take personal charge of tho battlo to save tho timber. HAY GRANTS WARRANT FOR OREGON FUGITIVE MANY FOREST FIRES OLYMPIA, Wash., July 10. Governor Hav today honored a requisition for the return to Marion county, Oregon, of Herman Henke, to answer a charge of forgery. Ilenko is under arrest at Spokane under a Marion county indictment. He is charged with having filled out and signed a check making it payable to himself, for $35. ONE MILLION IN GOLD IN SECOND ENGAGEMENT BURNING IN MONTANA Tmnv. Mont.. Julv 10. Daugor- i.b fnrost fires nt Rinlov. Warland nil T.nmiin. nra liuniiiiL' todav. nud. J .M wv. , - i. -- V tcepite the efforts or iiro-iigwora, NEW YORK, July 10. The sec ond engagement of gold in London for importation to this country was announced today by Lazard Freres, who havo taken $1,000,000 in gold bars to bo shipped hero on Saturday. ADVERTISEMENT FOR FEDERAL HUILDING SITES. Treasury Department, OfIco of tho Secretary, Wachlngton, D. C, Juno 29, 1910. Proposals aro hereby solicited to bo opened In tho offlco of tho super vising architect, treasury department, Washington, D. 0., at 10 o'clock a. m. on August 2, 1910, for tho sale or donation to tho United States of a cornor lot, approximately 140x140 foot, centrally and conveniently locat ed aud sultablo for a fodoral building slto at Medford, Oregon, Upon application to tho postmaster, IX THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR JACKSON COUNTV. In tho matter of tho application of S. A. Nye to register tltlo to tho following described real property sit uated in Jackson county, Oregon, to wlt: All of lots numbered 7 and 10 of the Oak Grove tract In township 38 south of range 1 west of tho Willam ette meridian, as shown by tho offi cial plat thereof now of record; All of lot number 9 of said tract, except tho following described portion thereef: Commencing at tho north west cornor of lot number 8 of tho said tract and running thenco west erly along tho line of tho road 3C1.6 feet; thenco southerly at right angles 482 feet; thenco easterly 361.5 feet to tho southwest corner of said lot 8; thenco northerly 482 feet to the placo of beginning, containing 4 acres moro or less of said lot 9; All of lot number 11 of said tract, except tho following described portion thoreef: Commencing at a point on the section line between section 9 and 1C on too cast line of tho south west quarter of tho southwest quarter of section 9 In township 38 south of range 1 west, being in tho center of tho county road and 1324 feet from tho corner of sections 8, 9, 16 and 17, and being tho southeast cornor of the T. E. Fish .iroperty; thenco west 434.88 feet; thonce north 1202 feet; thence east 434.88 feet; th?nco south 1202 feet to tho place of beginning, containing 12 acres, more or less; also, excepting that portion of said lot 11 described as follews: Beginning at tho northwest corner of tho tract of land last abovo described, and running thenco west on the northorly lino of said lot 11, 434.88 feet; thonce south 1202 feet; thonco east 434.88 feet; thonco north 1202 feet to tho place of beginning, containing 12 acres, moro or less; also, excepting tho following described tract: Com mencing at tho southwest corner of tho tract of land last abovo describ ed on this pago and running thonco north 40 rods; thenco west 8 rods;; thenco south to tho northerly lino of tho county road; thenco easterly along said lino of tho county road to tho westerly lino of tho tract of land last referred to, containing 2 acres, moro or less. vs. John A. Anderson, Jano Arundoll, Patrick Donogan, P. J. Ryan, Patslo P. Herrln, Patslo S. Llsman, Mary A. Lard, Wm. T. Herrln, John S. Herrln, and all whom it may concern, de fendants. To John A. Anderson, Jano Arun doll, Patrick Donegan, P. J. Ryan, Patslo P. Herrln, Patslo S, Llsman, Mary A. Lard, Wm. T. Herrln, and all whom It may concern, defendants: In tho nnrao of tho stato of Oregen: You, and each of you, aro Loroby re quired to appoar and answer tho ap plication filed against you in the abovo entitled causo, which is a causo brought for tho purposo of register ing tltlo to tho abovo described prom ises, and you aro so required to ap pear and answer on or before tho 1st day of August, A. D. 1910, and if you fall to so appear and answer, for want thereof tho nppllrnnt herein will ap ply to tho court for tho rollof in said application and horoin domandod, which Is an application to register tltlo to tho abovo described premises, said application being now on fllo in tho otfico of the clerk of said crrt In Jacksonville, Jackson county, Oro con. Tho dnto of tho ordor for pub lication of this summons is tho 13th I day of Juno, i910, and it is published I by ordor of tho Honorable F. M. Cal kins, J ml go of tho 1st Judicial District of Oregon. Dato of first publication is Juno 19th, 1910, and of last publication Is July 23, 1910. W. R. COLEMAN, County Clerk of Jackson County. Oro- gon, nnd ox-OftlcIo Clork of Clr- sult Court. JOHN II CARKIN, ATTORNEY for Plaintiffs anil Applicants heroin, roslding n. Medford. Oregon. kkVkVrM l"3 III Wf ll VM.1 YOU KEEP AN EXACT RECORD of expenditures nnd n receipt for each item if you have n checking ac count with us and mnko tho morost memorandum on your stub. Don't havo to think, don't havo to remem ber it's all Ihcro in black nnd white and tho inonoy bnlanco (which you can tell at n glanco) is horo in se curity. Interest on long-timo bal ances by special arrangement. FARMERS & FRUITGROWERS' BANK. OTUnuimiui H I The Onlj Woman' Collrsc on th I'aclfle Coast ,KicIulTtly for Young Women Located among the beautiful liilla near Oakland, California, to" dote to San Francisco and the , great Universities of the West. Full collegiate course leading lo degree, lintrance and graduation requirements equivalent to those o Stanford and University of California, Training fits students for teaching regular lines of academic work, and offers special advantages for music, art, library study and home economics. Well equipped laboratories for science. Special attention to health of students. Modern gymnasium thoroughly equipped. Out door life and amusements in the ideal California cli mate. Alumna in every city on the Pacific Coast. Fon Catalooui ADoneso PRESIDENT LUEIXA CLAY CARSON, LL. D, Double Your Business Let In The Sunlight Supposo you know a man who kept his shaded drnwn tight all day and burned koroseno instead of lotting in tho (sunlight. Suppose you know a man toiling nlong a dusty road who would not accept a lift when thero was plenty of room in tho wagon; Suppose you know a millor with his mill built benido a swift running stream who insisted on turning tho mnchinory by hnnd. All foolish, you say? And yet look nround you how fow re tailors take advantage of tho groat advertising campaigns run by food, textile, cloth and overy other manufacturing lino that you can name. Think a moment! What was tho hint ndvortisomont you road nnd wo.idered just which storo in town would bo progressive enough to havo tho goods 'in stock so you could sco them nnd pur chase? More goods are sold under tho ovening lamp nt homo than you dream of. Practically every livo retailor advertises in his local papers. But how. Put up your lightning-rod ! Lot your customers know thnt you can deliver to them tho goods which groat advertising, paid for I by manufacturers, has interested them in. Thoy will got tho hubit and you will get tho business. Practically overy manufacturer stands rondy to help you holp yourself. Ask them for electrotypes suitnblo to run in your own advertising. Hook their trndo mark to your storo, Consumor domand for advertised goods is now divided broad cast among nil tho stores in town. Use your advertising in local pnpors to focus this demand upon your Btoro And don't forgot to send for those holpful oloctro types. Read this again, for it moans money to you. Iw.bIi to announce that I havo purchased tho Union Livery Stables and will conduct a general food and boarding establishment, ilorsos boarded by the day, wo ok or month. I guarauteo u square deal to all. R. GUANYAW . UNION LIVERY BAIiN. RIVERSIDE AVENUE. Crater Lake Route 1910 LOCOMOBILES 1910 The cars of tho Crater Lake Company will leave ITotel Nash on Mondays, "Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a, in. Round Trip $25.00 Children under 12 years, half fare. Secure your tickets at tho hotel. R. M. CITHBERT MANAGER EXAMINING A NEAT saatMasnssaaaawaaasMSMiaMMSiavMmaasssMsiHSsaaMMsnsaaMiaiiiaaaiaaaaaaaaiSM WINDOW DISPLAY MSH MBSamaavwsst gives one a certain pleasure you aro sure to commend tho good tasto and careful study back of tho display. EXAMINING A LINE OP CLASSY OXFORDS in this store gives one that cxtromo sense of satisfaction and you admit tho advanced ideas as expressed in style tho careful inspection at tho factory which insures perfect finish, and you arrive at tho conclusion that to buy a pair is a wise investment. (txdmeaded $j4 A Wonderful Discovery for Medford. "Clounlinoss is noxt to Godliness." Mr, Allen'H Portable Iluth Ap paratus is a tnurvol. It cotnbiuos in ono simplo, iuexpensivo appa ratus nil tho advantages known to modern bathing. Heats sufficient wntor within six minutes ut tho cost of only 1 cont. A bath can bo taken in any room without tho possibility of soiling carpets or rugs. Only ono can uudorstund tho reul merits of this bnllilug apparatus by having it doinonstratod to you. Mr. II. Fox, who bus the extiltisivo igonoy for Jackson county, will visit tho homos of Medford and vi cinity and demonstrate it. When he coinos lo your home, invito him in, and ho will show you tho merits of this 20th century invention. It 1b on oxhlbltlon at Strang's drug storo, QO AND SHI3 IT, -----M-Mi' I v a K N- MILLS tOLLCGK f. U CALIFORNIA j -