Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 15, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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Worst Ones Are Reported In Mon
tanaEvery Northwest State Is
Suffering Heavy Rain Is Only
Hope to Save Timber.
PORTLAND, Or., July 15. Unless
forest fires burning In Oregon, 'Wash
ington, Montana, Idnho r.nd British
Columbia today are extinguished
cither by the men battling against
them or by a Lcavy rain, timber es
timated to be worth hundreds of thou
sands of dollars will have been des
troyed. The worst fires are reported In Ida
ho and Montana.
According to Forest Supervisor
Welgle, of the Coeur d'Alene nation
al forest, seven big tires are play
ing havoc with some of the finest
pine In the state.
Worse in Idaho.
Big Rock In Idaho Is the scene of
the worst fire. Another almost as
extensive Is burning at Kelson's Sid
ing on the Coeur d'Alene river. Dud
ley and Pine Creek districts likewise
are fighting thes. North of Harri
son on Carlin bay a valuable tract ot
timber was destroyed. This fire Is
one of the few under control.
At Spirit Lake, Idaho, four square
miles of brush and timber are re
ported to have been burned. An
other destructive blaze is giving
trouble at Loon Lake and In the Col
villo valley.
Three in Montana.
In Montana three distinct fires are
playing havoc with timber on .Flat
kead Indian reservation. The gov
ernment has empowered the agent to
spend a sufficient sum of coney to
prevent the spread of the fire.
From Kallspell, Mont, comes a re
port of a great fire lnhe Flathead
Talley, which is beyond control of the
scores of fire fighters. A number
of Great Northern tie camps have
been destroyed alrer.dy and no hope
Is entertained of extinguishing the
fire until rain falls.
Fires are also doing much dam
age near Libby, Cyro, St. Regis and
Whlteflsh. The blaze at St. Regis al
ready has cleared a path a mile and
quarter wide. The timber in that
district Is dry on account of the ex
tended drouth and Is proving ex
cellent tinder to keep the glaze go
ing furiously.
Four cw Fires.
According to a report reaching
hero today, four new f'res have
sprung up in the Western Park In
Montana during the night.
Three hundred men a-e attempt
ing to hold the forest fire In the
Kootenai national reserve In check.
The flames continue to spread, how
ever, and a call for additional help
has been made.
Although forestry, assist
ed by losEors. settlers and private
employes of rallrords, mills and tim
ber companies, aie maklnj a valiant
fight, it Is admitted that the only
real hope of getting the fires under
control is a copious rainfall.
There is little indicatl u that any
rain will fall in the fire-swept regions
today or tomorrow.
Weather experts declare that rain
may not fall for a week or more.
WANTED To rent, about a 7 or S
rcom house; must Lave good plum i
ing. Address Walter Frazer Brown,
Hotel Nash. 105
FOR SALE New soven-room modern
house In West Medford, water and
sewer connections. See Ed Van
Dyke. tf
FOR SALE Sixty-foot east front lot
on Riverside ave.; shade trees; price
1500; n bargain. Seo Ed Van
Dyke. tf
COST Turquoise matrix stud pin,
Egyptian setting; pin 1 1-2 inches
long. Address TR, Tribune office,
and receive reward. 105
FOR SALE Or will exchango for city
property, Ford runabout in excellent
condition; 4 cylinders; was thor
oughly overhauled at factory last
fall; may be seen at Valley Auto
Co.'s garage until 5 p. m. Saturday,
July lGth. 100
WANTED Cheap horso, buggy, shot
gun, fishing outfit. Address Frank,
care of this office.
WANTEDBy young man, opportu
nity to accompany camper; share ex
pense. Address F. O., caro of this
" With a" small "discount" for tne
honest enthurii'sm of statoment some
times inevitable In wrltlnj an ear
sest advertiser ent, you can depend
I Too Late to Classify
absolutely upon the canaor aa
sty ot advertisers In this aewsB
fPnn5rmpl from PftCO 1.)
"Taken nU'lrTall, the umierfaklnK
crading outfit In the field, the company
a contour map ot the valley showing the elovntlon of every tract. It Ib
proving the greatest individual enterprise in southern Oregon and ono
that will mean much to tho valley.
Fish Lake Company Organized in 1900.
It was In 1900 that tho Fish Lake Water company was organUed by
Holllstor, Cat., peoplo, Induced so to do by tho report ot V. T. McCray, who
had, as engineer, filed upon tho waters ot Fish Lake at tho southern base
of Mt. McLoughlln. Tho original members ot tho company were O. D.
Vincent. William Palmtag, J. II. Belser. C. B. Williams (since deceased),
Leon and Fred Williams, of Holllster, Cal., I. L. Hamilton and V. T. McCray,
M. Purdln and tho late Rutus Cox ot Medford.
Primary Object of the Company. j
The primary object of tho company, which is now being carried out bj j
the new owners, was to bring a canal around tno rooinuis so inai u -Uon
of tho valloy north of Talent might bo Irrigated. Thoy began work on
their canal In 1901 and In 1903 had completed 16 miles of ditch to the
j....,. ., fvr. irhiM, ninr. tho next vcar. they offered to dollver frco
to farmers beneath the ditch all the
met, residents claiming mat aiw "- w.-, --.
orchardlsts have become more or less educated, and over 60 miles of lat
erals have been constructed.
Realizing In 1907 that tho demand for water would bo much greater
In the next few years, ilr. McCray conceived tho Idea ot bringing the wa
ters of Four-Mile lake, lying on the east side ot the Cascade divide. By
bulldlag a dam of propably 40 feet high across a narrow gorge It was esti
mated that the water could be carried over a low place In the divide between
the two lakes and utilized to Increase the water supply for tho Rogue River
valley. The proper represenatlons wero made and the right to tho waters
of Four-Mile were assigned by tne government w m ru i ., ,.
which assures their successors of water In plenty for all time.
In tho passing of the Fish Lake company, a corporation which has
done much to develop the valley merges Into ono which may do even nioro
still It was necessary for the pioneer
Statement to Water Users.,
For tho benefit of the water users In tho valley. Mr. Cummlngs, manager
of tho new company, has issued the following statement, which gives In a
concise form the purposes of tho new company, together with Its proposition
to the public:
"To the water users of the Rogue River vauey.
"The Rogue River Valley Canal company, a corporation duly Incorpo
rated under the laws of tho state ot Oregon, has completed survoys and
plans for the enlargement and extension of the Fish Lake Water company's
canals, which it has acquired.
"The project when completed will serve all that part of tho valley
Ivlng between the roothllls on both sides of Bear creek, from Talent on tho
south to Rogue river on the north a total area of approximately 55,000
..t i , ntnnnnv'e intpntlon to
struction already commenced, and to
made for Irrigation service at as early a date as possioie.
"Lands lying under the Hopkins canal can be supplied with water for
the season of 1911, and the company is now prepared to execute contracts
for perpetual water rights on any part of this area.
"That construction may not be delayed on canal lines yet to be built,
the company desires an expression from the land owners of tho valloy as to
their needs for water, and to this end will appreciate applications being made
so that requirements for construction may be anticipated.
"The cost of a perpetual water right will be $50 per acre, payable
one-fifth (1-5) In cash, the balance in four (4) annual Installments, bearing
six per cent interest.
"The annual maintenance charge for water delivery will be i- per
acre, per annum, payable at the company's office on or before January 1st
of tbe year In which service is required.
"Payments on both water rights and maintenance become due and
payable only after actual delivery of water to the land.
"Resnectfully. FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager."
(Continued from Page 1.)
had gone to Los Angeles, Cal., was
written shortly after Crippen and
his companion had dissected the
bod j.
The polico admitted that they
"shadowed Crippen for several weeks
prior to the discovers' of the body,
but excuso their failure to keep him
under surveillance by saying they
had no authority to arrest him."
An inquest will bo held tomorrow.
It is believed that tho police have
sufficient evidenco to establish tho
identity of tho body or they would
not be willing to have an inquest at
this time.
A.lliUnnnl information trained
by the detectives purports to show
that after Mrs. Crippcn's death
Crippen and Mile. Lcneve were fre
quently seen in London by friends of
Crippen's wile and that ur. enp-
.i nnmnnninn WH5 wearinC tllC
clothing, furs nnd jewelry of Mrs.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., July 15.
J. Noble Jones, president of tho
Madeline Land & Irrigation com
pany, and John Niemoyer, advertis
ing manager for a mail-order house,
arrested on charges of having
stolen $1000 in gold dust and nug
gets from the Southern Cross mine,
uear Oroville, today promise trou
ble for those responsible for their
Both men were employed by I. L.
Rosenthal, principal owner of tho
mine. Rosenthal caused their ar
rest. After being in tho local jail
Jones obtained bail and Niemeyer
went to Oroville with Sheriff Chub
buck of Butte county, where he says
he will have no difficulty n estab
lishing innocence.
"I am a victim of malicious pros
ecution." said Jones. "I have been
in business in San Francibco for u
lone time nnd no one ever accused
mo of shady dealings. I shall con
sult my lawyer as to what action I
F. N.
Is a gigantic one.
f3oforo putting a
expended nearly $30,000 In maktng
water needed. At first opposition was
to come ana "snow moso wno cuui
diligently prosecute the work of con
bo In a position to meet all demands
Change of Management.
The Medford Bnkery, at i'-' South
Central avenue, has changed hands,
and under the new management will
be a first-class bakery and l'i
catessen, sanitary in every respeH.
The new proprietors will be pleased
to have tho regular enstomers as
well as new ones call and give them
a trial. Telephone Main 2152.
100 Proprietors.
"Put money in thy p-rso" by sell
ing through a "for snle" nd some
of the too-many things you own.
Men Wanted
100 men to cut wood; want
ed at once; good wages; new
camp. Apply Edgar Hafer,
Medford, Or.
1 1
! Fine Printing
We make a specialty of fine
X printing, carry tho necessary
I .flock to cnablo us to fill .Ml
orders promptly, nnd guaran
tee satisfaction.
Best equipped job office in
Oregon south of Portland;
host expert printers.
Boforo sending your orders
; out of town, call nnd figuro
with us if wo can Bcrve you
', for tho snmo price ns an out-
of-town concern you will wish
to patronize homo industry.
Rcnulars Are Not Certain That They
Can Solve Coleman's Delivery,' or
Shoot a Hot Ono Throunh Short
or Second.
The baseball gatno next Sunday
between tho Regulars and Ynnignns
is causing considerable controversy
nmoiiR tho fans. Curious as it may
seem, tho majority of tho funs think
tho Ynnignns will win.
Tho regulars will lmvo tho best
batters, ami the advantage of team
work, but tho Ynnignns will havo tho
more experienced battery. At first
tho rogulnrs made- light that there
was a possible chanco of their being
bentcn. Hut conditions nro now
changed and thoy realize that thoy
havo a game on their hands. .Man
ager Hall says ho has u cinch and
has tho regulars already on tho run.
It will bo worth tho prico of admis
sion to sco Schultz niul Rnder play
second and short. Thcso two hoys
nro only 15 and 16 yonrs old, re
spectively, and are tho two fastest
ball plnyers for their ngo on th"
This game will bo tho last that the
regular, team will play until Sep
tember 1. The game will be called
at 3 p. in.
LONDON, July 15. Daniel Kinet,
well-known Belgian aviator, is dead
from injuries sustained in an acci
dent to his biplane while flying Sun
day, according to a dispatch from
Ghent received by Renter's Agency
Kinet was flying nt a great height
when tho rudder of his machine
broke. Tho biplnno fell, burying the
aviator beneath tho wreckage.
Hotel Arrivals.
Tho Nnsh-II. II. Pcnn, Engl-J
Point; C. E. Armstrong Jr., Lafay
ette, Or.; R. J. Burwnrd, K. W. Day,
San Francisco; W. Michaels, J. B
Levi, Chicago; A. Sinskerann, Port
land; W. X. Ilnrnion, Eagle Point;
E. J. Downey, Tuscon, Anz.; W. Q.
Freeman, Dallas; W. J. CnrrutherK,
San Jose; P. A. Fleniming, Sncra
inento; E. F. Snylor, Eugene; R. V.
Wilson, Portland; Frank Wood,
Shasta Springs; Harry Ilolden, St.
Johns; F. McNevin, Oakland; F. .
Cnrrington, Portland; Mr. and Mrs
Johnson, Seattle; J. II. Thompson,
Portland; C. S. Holbrook, Portland;
O. R. Slocum, St. Paul: E. L. Mar
vin, Portlund.
The Moore Mr. and Mrs. W. P.
Hughes, Butte Falls; R. V. Ed
wards, I'rbnnn; S. B. Bend nnd wife,
Tncoma; R. II. Benedict and wife,
Boise; corge J. Yocum, Portland; 1),
D. Force, Jacksonville; n. S. Hol
ler, Etna; W. H. Kennedy, Fnras
villo; W. C. McLaren, Ottawa; W,
A. Woodward, Portlnud; C. E.
Shultz, New York; J. L. Shultz and
wife, Denver, Colo.; Archdeacon
Chambers, Portland; D. II. Parker,
Yreka; M. Griffin, San Francisco;
T. C. Xorrw, Gold Hill; E. J. Krnus,
nrv and r lnisnes ror
livery Home Use
This a the time to freshen up the home by doine
the odd Jobs of painting you
the buguy, the furniture, for
fer axrf paint purpou, we have the right Finkh.
.are each and1 every one scientifically prepared for specific uses.
.Rcmembei if it's a surface
.stained, varnished or finished in any way, there's
Acme Quality Kind to
tell you what to use,
.the cost. Aik ut.
LONDON, July 15. Although
thoy anticipated some outcry over
tho alleged lack of respect for the
memory of tho Into King Edward, tho
Liberals nro preparing to force
Premier Asuuith into definite notion
respecting tho abolishment of tho
house of lords.
Tho progressive Liberals wore
waiting for a brief respite out of
respect of tho late king's memory,
but thoy cannot see tho necessity of
a continued truce.
The progressives lmvo tho support
of tho Irish nnd Labor league. Tho
fight for reforms in the house of
lords, therefore, will bo resumed at
tho autumn session of parliament,
and by January, it is predicted, an
other general election will ho called,
on the definite issuo of tho lords'
Wllllntn P-Umtag of Holllstor, Cat.,
who has been 1 ere (or sovornl days In
coauectlon with passing of tho tltlo
ot tho Fish Lake company to tho
Rogue Rlvor Canal compniy, took a
trip over tho valley Thursday nnd
was Immencoly surprised nt what ho
"When I camo up from Holllstor,"
said Mr. Palming, "after an nbsonco
of sovornl years, I wns surprised at
tho great crowth of Medford, nnd
declared that tho town was growing
too fast for tho country surrounding.
Tho othor day I took an nutomobllo
rtdo through tho country and was
compelled to rovcrso my opinion.
When n German makes up his mind,
It usually stays made, but this tlmo
the arguments on tho othor nldo wore
too strong to bo resisted, nnd I nm
Inclined to think now thnt tho town
must hustlo to kcop up with tho coun
try surrounding. Never 1 r.vo I scon
such beautiful orchnrdo and farms,
nor greater possibilities than you
havo horo."
Notice nf First Meeting of Creditors.!
In tho District Court of tho Unit-!
cd States, for tho District of Ore
gon. In bankruptcy. In tho matter'
of Gcorgo A. Rutt, bankrupt.
To tho creditors of George A.
Butt of Medford, in tho county of
Jackson and district nforcsnid, n
Notico is horcby given that on tho
7th day of July, 1010, the said
Gcorgo A. Rutt was duly adjudicated
bankrupt, and that tho first meeting
of his creditors will bo held nt the
offico of the roforco in Medford, Or.,
on tho 21st dny of July, 1010, nt 3
o'clock in tho afternoon, nt which
timo tho said creditors may attend,
prove their claims, appoint a trus
tee, examine tho bnnkruut, consider
nnd order tho salo of tho property
of tho bankrupt, and trnnsnet such
other business as may oroperly come
beforo said mooting.
July 9, 1910.
"Iftft T?kfftStft It Tin tl lrtltlt1tf
J.VH uuivw iii iNummi'ivi
Lot n wunt nd do a want ad's pait
in every task or ciuest you nndor-)
take, and you'll get into tho hnbit of
success! '
have been planning. For
the floors and woodwork,
to be painted, enameled,.
fit the purpose. Wc can.,
how much to use andj
j nm af I
PORTLAND, Or., July 15.-Pilotage
for freight steamers entering tho
Columbia river has boon out in half.
Tho new rata boenmo offootivo to
il ny.
Tho decision to slash ratos was
reached latu yesterday at tho regu
lar meeting of tho port commission.
It is estimated that tho deep-sou
freighters will save on an average
.f 150 for pilotago in and out of tho
river. Tho usual chaigo heretofore
was $300.
Tho Port of Portland oouunis-
siouers havo secured tho services of
gives ono n certain pleasure you are
suro to commend tho good taste and
careful study back of tho display.
in this storo gives ono that cxtromo
sense of satisfaction and you admit tho
advanced ideas as expressed in style
the careful inspection at tho factory
which insures perfect finish, and you
arrive at the conclusion that to buy a
pair is a wise investment.
(fodmeacled $J1
Crater Lake Route
The cars of the Crater Lake Company will leave
Hotel Nash on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
at 8 a. m.
Round Trip $25.00
Children undor .12 years, half faro.
Secure your tickets at tho hotel.
Double Your Business
Let In The Sunlight
Supposo you know n man who kept his shndes drnwn tight
all day and burned koroBono instead of lotting in tho sunlight.
SupjKiso you know a man toiling along n duuty road who would
not nccopt a lift whon thoro wns plenty of room in tho wagon;
Suppose you know n millor with his mill built benitlo a Hwift
nmning Btream who insisted on turning tho machinery by hand.
All foolish, you snyt And yot look nround you how fow ro
tailors tako advantngo of tho grcnt ndvortising campaigns- run
by food, toxtilo, cloth and ovory other mnnufaoturing lino thnt you
can numo.
Think a moment I What was tho lent ndvortiBomont you rond
nnd wondered just which storo in town would bo progressive
enough to havo tho goods in sioclc so you could soo them nnd pur
Jia"7 More goods nro sold undor tho overling Inmp nt homo than you
dream of.
Prncticnlly ovory livo retailor ndvortises in his loonl pnpors.
Rut how.
Put up your lightning-rod I Lot your customers know that you
enn deliver to them tho goods which great ndvortising, paid for
by manufacturers, has intorestod thorn in.
Thoy will got tho habit and you will got tho businoss.
Prncticnlly ovory manufneturor stnuda roady to help yon help
yoursolf. Ask them for olootrotypos suitable to run in your own
ndvortising. Hook their tnulo mark to your storo.
Consumor domnnd for ndvortiscd goods is now dividod broad
cast among nil tho stores in town.
Uso your ndvortising in local papors to .focus this demand upon
your storo And don't forget to send for thoso helpful olootro
typos. Rend this ngain. for it moans luonoy to you.
four neon-son pilots to liimilln tho
pilotago wo lie
BEVERLY, Mass., July 15.-Tho
Hallingor-Pinohot controversy
into the councils at Hovorly today
when Sonator CharloH Diulc of Ohio
called on Piosidont Tuft to urgo tho
uppointmont or Dr. John Ilolinus ;ih
head of tho bureau of minoH. Mat
linger oppoHud tho uppointmont of
HoltucH, believing ho is friendly to
Pinehot and Former Secretary Oar
field. Diok and tho president wore don
otcil for Home lime, golK 0Vl,r '"
matter in dotoih
HnHklns for ITnnlth.
shall take."