?" r , MISPITORD MALL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 35, 19.10. -1i --- If You Want "Help"Financial, Office, Kitchen-Want-Advertise ! -- ---- --- -- - JfrTf Y 'v' 7 Jm PREG00LIN6 FRUIT GAEAT SUCCESS Thin gives tlio big plant n pro-cool-Iiik cupRully of .'12 cars ovory flvo liotirn. It li.tM only boon In operation nboiit two woolen, nntl on account of being no ii oar thu ond of tho citrus fruit Honiion thoro In an average nt only oIkIiI to ton cant per day bolng pro-cooled nt thu pronont tlmu, Slnco tho California Fruit Groworn' ex change, which controln ahout 70 por cent of tho cltrnn output of tho state, notified tho rnllror.tlii, April 13 not utiilor any consideration to pro-cool nny of Its fruli until tho dcclnlon of tho Intnmtnto coiuinorco commission wan hnndod down, which will probn hi y not bo until uoxt Octohnr, tho big pro-cooling plants of tho California rofilgorntor car Know liavo not had an opoprtunlty to ovon boijln to tnx tholr capacity, hut niivortholcfin, tho rnllrondn, for tho honoflt of tho In- duntry, havo npont yoarn of norvlco and n vast ninouut of uionoy to per fect tho trnnuj oration of California fruits and vogoutblos to eastern mar kots and to nf.vo a Inrgo amount of dnmngcH from tho loan of docayod fruit, which linn nlwayn boon a inonnn of dlflimtlnf.ictlon and onmlty be tween tho growers and tho railroad companion. When It wan dnmonstratod that tho Oay nyntnm wan a huccom an agree ment wan effected with tho 8antn Fa nnd a company known a., tho Gnto City Ico & Pro-Cooling company wan organized. Although tho plant la to ho operated by tho nGto City Ico & Pro-Cooling company, tho plant In tho property of tho Santa To railroad. A. V. McGIiiiiIh of Los Angeles In pronl dent of tho operating company nnd T. A. McOlnnln nnd II. O. Wnlllngford of tlio Santa Fo engineering depart ment nro In chnrgo of tho plant. California fruit and vegetable pro ductn nhlpped annually out of tho ntato nmouutlrg to over $7G,OOO,O0O go to make a gigantic In duntry of which tho rnllrondn havo played no nmnll part. While It In truo thoro linn nlwayn boon moro or loss con tention botwoon tho growors nnd tho rnllrondn In tho matter of rnton nnd sorvlco, yet tho rnllrondn could hard ly exlnt without tho support of thin Induntry, nor could tho Induntry ex lnt without tho nupport of tho rnll roadH. During tho novornl yoarr. of oxporlonco nnd tho erection nnd oper ation of thin big pro-cooling plant nt Ran Ilemnrdlno tho Hanta Ko railroad ban npont nenrly $1,000,000 nnd both tho rnllroad company nnd Mr. Ony, tho Inventor, nro to bo conKrntulntod through yearn of norvlco nnd sovoro tentn In securing ft oyBtom so perfect In dotal! and no fnr ronchlr.g In offoct to rnllrondu and groworn nllko. Tho lilntory of tho fruit Induntry In Cali fornia roadH like n fairy tnlo nnd In tho nhort spaco of a fow yoam ban at- lainod n world wldo reputation. Tho pro-coollng nyHtom addn tho lnnt link In tho chain of progression nnd now maken It pornlhlo for tho oaHtorn con- Burner to onjoy tho fresh luscious fla vor of California products, f GREEK MEETS GREEK" ON SUNDAY NEXT - Arrnngomonts havo boon inndo for a bnll gnmo noxt Sundny, which no doubt will bo tho morA Interesting Riimo plnyod on tho Medford grounds this soanon. Tho regular team has ngrocd to uso tho young battery, Bur gess and Hill, nnd lot Mnnngor Hall havo Coleman and Wilson, nnd Eddlo WIIkhiBon on first. Wilkinson will captain tho now tonm, nnd Mnnngor Hall Hnys ho Is going to tako iiomo of. 'tho concolt out of his old playors , nnd will glvo them tho hardost gamo ' of tho iionson, Tho loam will dlshnnd , aftor this gumo, but will probably be gin playing bnll ngaln Soptombor 1. Wlint (In VOIl tlilnlr (if Mm llnnim nt tho two toimis, and which Is your! cliolco to win: RogulnrB Yannlgnns Mllos SB Rador J. Wilkinson lb, , ,e, Wilkinson Strain 2b. . .nudy Sohultz 'Ilonsolninn 2b 0. Strain Isaacs , . . , ,of , , , ,' , , Andorson lllaoklngton rf Emits Hopkins If Wilson Hill o Wilson RurgoHs p Colomnn It may ro(iiiio a short "eaiu jmign" of wnnt ndvoiti&ing lo find tlio kind of work vou'ro looking for. Uut it would ronuiro a long cam paign of nny otlior sort of "look- WORKING UP EXHIBITS SPOKANE. WiihIi., July 15. Al- frod Atkinson, cliitirmiiu of tlio board of governors of the fifth dry-farming congrosH, nnnouncuH that n spccinl agricultural eomininHlouor acting un der the (liruotiou of tlio organization litwi boon placod in tho fiold by ThnmiiH Soopor, laud commissioner of tho Nortliom Pacific Railway company, to organize tlio farmurs in Washington, Oregon, Montana and North Dakota to muku a compro IioiihIvo exhibit of their products at tho international dry-fanning expo sition in Spoknuo tlio week of Octo ber 3. "Tho fllorioa of crop failures nro ovorywlioro discredited by oxports reporting to tho dry-funning con gress," ntutoH Mr. AtkiiiHou, "oxeopt in tho cr.HCH of farm era who havo comlmltod tlio theory of Ho-cnllod dry fanning nnd havo held that cli matic conditions have ho changed that tho incthodH advocated by the congress were unnecessary. Thou Hands of IhcHo solf-satisficd fnrmors have been burned out by drouth nnd oven tho boat f Minors those who hnvo followed systematic; dry fann ing hnvo felt tho effect of tho drouth, though not ko seriously us lias been reported. "A discuscion of tho conditions as thoy nro reiwrtvd between the mem bers of the executive committee of the dry-fanning congress indicate that oven in tho faco of tho drouth everywhere tho nractico of dry-fanning methods has itiorensed the acre age yield of wheat not less than five bushels this year. In some instances reports show that scientific dry farming hns given ns high ns 16 bushels to the ncro over tho careless fanning of immediate neighbors. "I nm satisfied that tho showing to be mudo nt tho Spokane oxposition by tho northwestern states will be a most positive proof of tho officienoy of dry fanning methods in overcom ing drouth." IIKUICAFTKIt ALL THE THAT POHTION OF THE CITV LYINO WEST OF HKAH CHEEK ANI) SOUTH OF .MAIN STHEKTS WILL lUUIOATE LAWNS ANI) GAIIDENS iietwi:en o a. m. and 7 a. m. ANI) 1IETWEEN 7:0 1. M. AND :! I. M.t ANI) AT NO OTIIEK Tl.ME. ALL THAT POUTION OF Tin.' raw i.vivn imbti rr ni.tir CREEK ANI) NORTH OF MAIN STREET WILL IRUH1ATE LAWNS AND GARDENS BETWEEN T1IK IIOHtH OF 7 A. M. ANI) O A. M. AND HETWEEN B:!JO V. M. ANI) 7:!l V. M ANI) AT NO OTHER Tl.ME. ALL WATER USERS AHB EARN ESTLY HEQUICSTE1) TO CO-OPE-HATE WITH THE CITY AUTHOR! TIES IN MEETING THE PRESENT SITUATION TO THE END THAT ALL MAY SECURE THE WATER THEY NEED. RY ORDERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL. W. II. CANON Mayor. Hy u "wnnt nd" enmpaign" ta mount porsistoifoy in ropoating your ud until you havo gotten your ro- Hulls I That doosn't always moan manv insertions or much delay. . , , , 'I , ., -! Granite City Hospital Most uiodornly equipped hospi tal botwoon Portland and Sao rnmoiilo. Shown ouch doctor .ho Biimo eourtoay nnd gives nil imliontii tho sumo euro, In ohargo of Ostrom & Nelson, graduate mirsoB. OSTROM & NELSON, Props of Granite City Hospital, Ashland, Oroflon. NOTICE TO WATER USERS Should Be How many really valuable things do you own that are useless to How many thingo nro simply in your way that other pcoplo would Tuko nn "account of Block" among your chattels and "things." Prvntclv. if von wish, sell tho SUPERFLUOUS things through n so keep it "thoro" for n while, and your buyers will materialize. Want Ads One Cent, MADRIZ eitNBOAT IS CAPTURED BY ESTRADA BLUEFJELDS, Nicnraguu, July 15. Tho Mudriz gunboat Venus has been captured by the Estrada forces, according to dispntelios re ceived hero today. Tho gunboat, which played n lead ing part in tho recent engagement about Hluofiolds, was tho only war vessel tho Mndriz forces hud on tho eastern coast of Nicaragua, nnd its capture will cripplo tho maneuvers about tho eastern ports. Tho capture of tho Venus follow ed ronowed activities of tho insurg ent forces on tho eastern const. A movement against tho small forco left by Mndriz in tho vicinity of Aco- yam is undor way, whilo a concen trated movomont against tho admin istration nt Managua is planned, nnd it is reported that Estrada will en deavor to tako tho capital. PASTOR CENSURED EOR T LA POItTE, Iud., July 15. Row J. J. Cole, pastor of tho First Chris tlon church of this city, announced today that ho will rcBlgn becauco his parishioners called him to task for playing checkers with bis wlfo. Ho further declared that ho was criti cised for visiting nt tho pollco and flro stations nnd gor going bathing on Sundny. Ho will band In his resigna tion, ho said, early next week. If it's "for sale," want advertise it! NOTICE. PlanB nnd cpocllfcatlons nro now on fllo nt tho mayor's offlco for tho orectlcn of a bandstand In tho city park. Scaled bids to bo received on or before July 20th, 1910. MRS. W. II. CANON, MRS. S. B. KENT, Handstand Commlttoo for Grontor Medford Club. tf Medford, Oregen: This certifies that wo have Bold llall's Texas Won dor for tho euro of nil kidnoy, blnd dcr and rhoumatia troubles for ten yours, and have novor had a com plaiut. It givos quick nnd porumnent roliof. Sixty days' trontmont in each bottlo. M-dford Phanunoy. tf MEDFORD MARKETS. (Prices paid by Medford merchants.) Potatoos, now, $1.40 por owt.; eabbago, 22Vo. niaokhorrioa, $1(0)1.25. Loganborrio8, $11.25 crnto. Chorries, 08o lb. Qrcen onions, 40o dozen buncuos-; radishes, 40o dozon bunches; rhubarb 4 to fio lb.; lottuoo, 40u dozon; peas, 4o lb.; turnips, Ityfco lb.; beets, 40o dozon bunches; onrrots, 40o dozen bunches. Ponohos, f)0 to 7fo box. Apricots, fio lb. Cuoumboi-s, lf to 20o loz. Butter, Eggs nd Poultry, (Prices paid by Medford raorohnutB.) Ranch buttor, 25(a'271jO fanoy oroumery, 30o. Fresh ranch oggs, 30o. Mixed poultry, 10(n)l4o; spring ohiokons, 1820o; turkeys, 17o. (Prioes paid producers.) liny Timothy, $10; alfalfa, $15; grass, $14; grain hay, $10, drain Whont, $1.15 bushel; oats, $32 ton ; barley, $30 ton. Roof Cows, dCaHVL' o; stoors, 5 5Vjo; pork, Oo; mutton, 5(5)50; Inmbs, Oo; von, drossod, 8o. Ranches, Rollod lmvloy, $1.00 owt., $32 ton; bran, $1,70; middlings, $1.851.00; shorts, $1.801.85. T.npnl nonolifq. 1 PIAYINGCHECKERSiQUI Useful Thing's Used By Someone ij FOB 8ALE. JlKAIi KHTATIi. FOR SALE 18 acres foothill land ono mllo from Eagle Point; price $7C0. Terms, $2C0 cash, long tlmo on balance. Address H. C. Stoddard, Medford. Or. 102 FOR SALE Two bomestoad rclln qulshincnts, odo Is 9 1-2 miles from M-j-lford, tho other Is 14 miles out; 80 acres of timber land; will locato; Will cut vou, uuu loot. Auurcss IU P. O. 213. 103 FOR BALIS Now Is your tlmo to buy a flno homo and flno orchard near Tnlent: half mllo from noatotflce, .... .-.-. CA kMn.l ....I 4nn ' apples, Spltzonbcrg, Nowtown, Doll flowor, Qravcnsteln, King, Bon Da Vis, Black Arkansas, Whlto Pear main, Maiden Blush, Fall Pippin and Wlnsap; also 100 small pear trees sot out this spring; a flno well; tho liouso has boven rooms and a family lives In It now; It Is an old houso, but you can llvo In It until you can build a now ono; county roadb on kinds trespass and other notices, two sides; only (3000) thrco thou-' at Mall Tribune office. " sand dollars, ono-half down, tho ro- FOR SALE A nearly new 3-lnch mnlndor on tlmo at 8 per cont. Jump wagon, complete, or gear only. Ad on tho curs and coma to Talent and' ,iru8s Box 724, Medford, Or. 103 let mo show you tho piaco. u. .n. ' Judd, Roberts building, near depot Ho quick about It. 100 Ranches. WlLlToxcFuigo fruit ranch for Port land or Medford property. B. F. Bonson, Mooro Hotel. 100 House. FOR SALE 7-room houso, with 2 lots, barn, otc, 3 1-2 blocks from now depot; $2400. Address owner, P. O. Box 57G. Business Property. FOR SALE Choice business prop erty nt n bargain, on long time; easy terms. Address Condor ter Power Co. Lets. FOR SALE Two lots 50x124 in Suthorlln Torraco addition; two room houso, woll nnd pump, Address E. J., caro Mall Trlbuno. 102 FOR SALE Lot 50x122, on Four teenth streot, just off Nowtown; low prlco nnd easy tortus for quick salo. E. W. Bralnord, nt Hutchisoi. & Lumsdon's storo. 10S FOR SALE Two lotiJ and small houso, ?S50; $455 down, balanco on monthly payments. Enqulro C14 N. Rlvorsldo. 101 FOR SALE City lots, $20; for nFOR RENT Modorn furnished small, sufo investment soo tho city I rooniB at 604 West 10th or 124 King lots I offor at ?S00 nnd $250 per', street. " lot; (20 cash payment; balance )10 i por month; Maltby, No. no Interest. II. 7 Postofflco Bldg. C.i Acrrnge. FOR SALE 33C-acro ranch, good rlvor bottou land, 60ven mllos from j EugoiiQ, throo miles from S. P. sta tion, on R. F. D. route, near school and churc.'. Good buildings, foncos and wator. Homos and lmplomontsl and 20 hoad of fine Quornsoy stock J FOR RENT 120 acres of first-class go with tho placo. Ono hundred pasture, 2 1-2 milos northeast. C. pounds of au tor por vcok goos to W. Isaacs. tf market from tho placo, Splendid ' FOR LEASE Fully equlrpod gold fruit land. Will sell part nt $65 or nilno; ton-stamp mill nnd concon wholo nt $60 por ncro with torms onj trator, all ororated by oloctrlo pow- ono-half. Inoulro of Rhoads & Sutton, Sprintflold, Or. 114 FOR SALE CO acres, finest build ing Blto it. tho valley, Including 30 acres good fruit land; choap and torms right. II. C. Malfby, No. 7, Postofflco Bldg. , FOR SALE 5 and 10-nore trnets jiiHt within nnd adjoining city lim its, at a burguin, on 5 annual pay ments. Address Condor Wnter Power Co. Business Opportunities, FOR SALE Old eBtabllshooTbusl noss In the fnrmors' fruit bolt of tho Roguo River valley, at Phoonlx, Oro., ;n S. P. R. R. Stock nt pros out $10,000; all clean, woll soloct otl and freo from enoumbrancos. Two lots, store, bulldlug with all modern couvonlouces, warohousos, postofflco lu store, and everything nocossary for conducting tho bust noss. Last yoar's salos $39,000. Inqulro of Hearn, Flshor & Co., Phoonlx, Oro., for torms. you 7 be williig to pay n fair price fort clcssifiod nd. Tho coBt is small a Word FOR SALE. .Mlwcellmnroiia. WANTED Jeisey cow, fresh, four gallons per day. J. M. Schmidt, ono mllo west of Medford, Jacksonville roud. tf FOK SALE Young slnglo horse, buggy and Harness; will sell rea sonable. Apply to W. E. Wblto- I Bldo Central Point, Pro. 10G 'FOK SALE Young horse, 900 lbs.; rldo or drive. Apply 1010 W. Fourth street. 101 FOR SALE First-class marc7wlll work any whoro, eight years old, weight about 1250, good puller, col or black. Enoa Conger, Central Point, Or. ' 104 FOR SALE One first-class 3 1-4 Shuttler agon, with wood rack. Woods Lumber Co. tf FOR SALE Good milk cow for sole, reasonable. Inquire 707 W. Clark street 100 FOR BALE Lrai blanXa of all FOR SAL"E Moving picture machine and complete outfit Will Bell cheap, or trade for gasoline en gine and tank. See W. E. White side, Central Point, Oro. 105 FOR SALE Halt price, pumping 1 plant, consisting of pump house, 30 feot high, 3000 gallon tank, pump and plpo connections complete with 1 ono-horso pewer motor nnd trans formor. N. L. Townsond, 721 Ben nett avenue. tf FOR SALE A full itne of Old Hamp shire and Oak Bonds, plain and cloth finish; letter heads and envelopes. Mall Tribune office. Wn-.FOR SALE 'Chandler 4: Price Gor don Jobber, 11x14 press; a bargain, Inquire Mall Tribune office. FOR RENT FOR RENT Newly furnished front room, Biiltablo for man and wife or two gentlemen, closo in. 405 South Oakdnlo avenue. 92 Funifclied Rooms. FOR RENT Modorn South Laurel ctreot. rooms. 120 103 FTJIl WEST TTurnK.o-l modorn rooms, gentlemen prof erred; 1 1-2 blocks from postofflco, 208 North Central Ave. tf FOR RENT Furnished rooms for transients, No. 10 North Grape streot, noxt to Farmers' and Fruit growers' bank. Hoiisclu'opiug Rooms. FOR RENT Sulto of four modorn housekeeping rooms for rent August 5. 222 South Holly stroot. Miscellaneous, oi. Ownor will furnish froo eloc trlo powor for shnro In proceeds. See Smith, nt Condor Wntor & Powor Co. WANTFn UmiKs. FOR RENT Modorn 7-room furnish, od liouso. Addross II, F. Whotstono, Control Point, R. F. D. No. 2. 104 Misrollniieous. WANTED Board, family consisting of throo grown-ups nnd two small ohlldron want four bodrooms nnd board with prlvato family in modorn houso; must bo In good location. Wrlto P. S., caro this paper, 102 WANTED Stock to pnsturo, good pasture, running wntor, $2 por hoad por month. 0. II, Brown, Eaglo Point rond. 09 Posit Ions. WANTED -An Al bookkoopor; would llko position; flno penman. Good roforonces, Addross A. B caro of this offlco. 101 HELP WANTED. WANTED Experienced stenographer wanted for a fow weeks and possibly permanent; Blato salary. Write to Wayne, caro this office. 102 Help Wanted Mala. WANTED Experienced etono.ctrttor and quarry man. Call at Condor Water and Power Co's. office. ' WANTED Thoroughly rollablo worn an for goncral housework on ranch. near Eagle Point; good wages. Ad dress Frederick Pelouze, Eaglo Point Or. 103 WANTED Capable, responsible man accustomed to having charge of of- flco and men, experienced bookeep- er, advertising man and sales man ager desires position In Medford; no objection to outside employment; references. Address D, caro Med ford Mall Tribune. 101 WANTED Salesmen In every local ity of the northwest; money ad vanced weekly; many make over $1000 month.'; choice of territory, Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top- penlsb, Wash. WANTED Four young men to rent a large, well ventilated, nicely fur nished room. Call 604 W. 10th St tf Help Wanted Female. WANTED Middle-aged lady for gen eral housework and cooking. Ad dress P. O. Box IS, Phoenix, Or. 100 LOST. LOST Or strayed from the Gore pas ture, near Medford, one mare, gray, 8 years old, no brand, gentle, walks crooked on hind feet Finder noti fy Wm. Jones, Beagle, Or. 102 LOST Or strayed, from McAndrews pasture, riding pony, light Borrel, white star on forehead, slightly stiff at knees. Reward paid. Hotel Nash.- BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Public Auditor. E. R. WHEELER, Public Account ant and Auditor. Books opened for corporations, firms and indi viduals. Auditing, investigating nnd Systematizing. Address 707 Onkdalo Ave. S. Phone Main 242. Medford, Ore. Attoraeys. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers, Palm building. A. E. REAMS Lawyer, over Post office. PORTER J. NEFP, WM. P. MEA LEY Attorneys-at-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank build ing. second floor. Architects. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects nnd Builders. Office 7-8, 325 Main. Phone Mnin 3471. Residence phone 2471. Cement Sidewalks. CEMENT SIDEWALKS, brickmason, stono mnson, plastering and all kinds of stucco work. Expert work manship at reasonable charges by tho day or contract. Addro3s Ma sons. 511 E. Main st.. Medford. .Or. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phoue 351. Night phones, C. W. Conklin 3001, J. H. Butler 3571. Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Mnckey nnd die with joy." Over Allen & Rongan's store; entrance on Seventh street. Stenographers. ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm Block. Stonogrnphio work done quickly and woll. M. FORTESCUE Stonogrnphor, 18 N. Front St. Phono 231. Printers nnd Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tho best equipped job offico in South ern Oregon; Portland prices. 37 South Contrnl avonuo. Dentists. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE Office in room 200, Phipps bldg. Gas ad ministered for oxtraction of teoth. Telephone Main 343. Night phono 4432. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC. Dentist Offico in rooms 203-204, Fanners' & Fruitgrowora' bank building, wost of tho trnoks. Messenger Service. MESSENGER SERVICE Meson- gors furnished nt all hours of day aud till 9 p. m. to any part of city, from lOo to 25o. Phono Main 1812. innTuFa pnHbi-s" S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs. Young & Hall building. A nico. cool placo to spend the hot after- BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Tin Shop. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and sheet iron ware on hand and mad to order. 128 North O Bt. Hospital. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South C st., Medford, Ore. E. W. Hisey, Matron. Official hospital P. & & B. B. Ral Batata. EARLE C. SABIN Orchard tract, city property. List your holding with me. Only desirable property handled. Room 202, Fruitgrowera' Bank bldg. SEE WM. E. STACEY CO. for some of tho choicest bargains ia real estate in this valley. Also British Columbia and Alberta, B. C, and other parts. Call on him at Bittner's office Phipps building, or at the Medford Auto company's garage, where we start oat oar agents for the Aladden Mantle Lamp nnd hidden window screen. We will treat you right. Corns and seo. BH1 Fosters. VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29, Jackson County Bank building, Medford, Ore. Cigars and Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse Dealers in tobacco, eigars and smokers' supplies. Exclusive agents of Lewis Single Binder, El Merita and El Palencia. 212 West Mam street Painters aad Paperft gtri. H. Q. DEAN, O. P. M'MULLEN Phono 3732. Dean & McMallea, contracting painters, painting, pa per hanging and tinting. Estimate on all kinds of painting work. Medford, Or. GERWOLF & WARD, contracting painters, paper hangers and deco rators; signs. Estimates given oa all kinds of day anyi job work. Park View Hotel. Phone Main 1801. Furnimre. H. P. WILSON & CO.. dealers in now and second-hand furniture and hardware. Agents for Mound City kitchen cabinet. 323 E. 7th St. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts., Med ford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFP" (STWOLFF Cook stoves and ranges. New and second-hand furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 W. . F st. South. Phone 91, Medford. Ore. Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are buddad, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We are not in the trust. H. B. Pntterson, office re moved to 110 Enst Main st. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., Inc. Growers of high grade nursery stock. Office 25 W. Main. Tel. 1201. I'byslclnns nnd Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night calls promptly answered. Office and residenco phono Main 3432. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY, Physi cians nnd Surgeons, Taylor and Phipps bldg., rooms 210, 211, 212. Offioe phono 501, residenco phone 012. Office hours 0 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia Physicians. Mission block. Phone 292. Medford. Life Scientist. MRS. LILLIAN A. ELDER, Lift Scientist Privato instruction in "Now Psychology" and "Now Thought" principles. CnlloTa ro coived Wednesdays, 127 South Grnpo streot. . Medicines. nOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will euro rheumatism, asthma, paralysis, sores and pri vato disoasos. Thoso romediea may bo proourod at tho Sing Lee laundry, 123 S. Itiversido avenue, Medford, Oro., whero thov will b Bold by tho proprietor. Dr. Chow Young hna treated sovornl sovoro oases with his rem edies since coming to Medford and has for roforonco somo of tho best known nnd most intelligent citizens in Southorn Oregon. Call on him. Ilrlck Companies. MEDFORD BRICK CO, Geo. W. Priddy, 0. D. Naglo, Geo. T, O'Brien Contractors and mans faoturors of brick; dealers ia pressed briok and, lime. Offioe ia Postoffjco block, room 5. Fsom